The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 01, 1895, Image 1

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Dr. Z. L. Kay's Fine Residence Falls
a Victim to the Relentless -
less Flames.
At an early hour Wednesday morning
the elegant residence of Dr. Z. L. Kay
was destroyed by fire , together with almost -
most all the valuable contents of the
same , the doctor and family barely escaping -
caping from the burning house in scant
attire. Elmer Kay was awakened about
five o'clock by something falling. He
found the house full of smoke and the
flames having gained dangerous headway -
way in the eastern and southeastern
portions of the building. Waking the
other members of the family , the alarm
was given and an effort made to remove
articles in that portion of the residence
not yet in possession of the flames. In
this they and those who quickly came
to their assistance were successful only
in a very limited degree.
On account of the mud and the hour ,
the fire department was necessarily slow
in responding to the repeated alarms
riven , and not knowing the location of
' the hydrants prolonged the delay , so
that by the tinie they were ready to
throw water on the building the fire ,
which had large headway when discovered -
ered was beyond control The second
hose cart was sent for and soon another
't -stream of waterwas playing on the house ,
'and the spread of the fire was easily re-
tarded. The more so as there was little
or no wind stirring during the fire. The
. residence of J. V. O'Connell needed considerable -
siderable attention during the fire , while
others in the neighborhood were guarded
-against sparks.
The loss on building and contents will
exceed5j6ooo , upon which there is
,4,5oO insurance-$3,000 on the building
and $ t,500 on the contents. Most of the
highly-prized portion of the household
f f goods , embracing much that cannot be
, replaced by money , was destroyed , so
little time was left after the discovery of
Y the fire-in fact the flames were within
a few feet of the doctor's bed when he
I was awakened. Little clothing even
was saved above the scant amount' the
fleeing family carried on their persons.
. The origin of the fire is not definitely
known , but the trouble is thought to
have had its beginning from the small
stove used in thetbath room. The stove
had been in use that afternoon or evening.
Though pretty well insured , the loss
will be quite heavy , especially in the
invaluable things that accumulate in a
household established for a number of
years. The doctor and family have the
profound sympathy of the community in
the loss of their home , which was one of
the handsomest in our city.
The fire pressure was quite satisfactory ,
water being easily thrown clear over the
f roof notwithstanding the fact that the
connection at the corner of Dakota and
Marshall streets leaked badly.
A Fine Farm House.
William Doyle of Box Elder precinct ,
is making arragements to build one of
the largest and most substantial dwellings -
ings in Red Willow county. Teams have
been hauling out the lumber from the
Barnett Lumber Co.'s yard for a number
of days past. They say it is one of the
Largest lumber bills they have filled in
dears. Work will begin at once , and as
the same will be built by days labor , ten
or fifteen mechanics will find employment -
ment on the building for the next month
or more. Mr. Doyle is one of Red Willow -
low county's oldest settlers and most
substantial farmers and stockmen. This
action indicates his unshaken confidence
in the countyand its future development.
The City Council.
An adjourned session of the city council -
cil was held , Tuesday evening , all present -
ent but Councilman Steinmetz. Bills as
follows were allowed :
Gerrard & Gray. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.oo
McCook Electric Light Co. . . . . . . 1oo.oo
W. A. Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00
A. G. Bump , street . work. . . . . . . . 238.90
C. G. Coglizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.50
Howe Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5o.oo
A. G. Bump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00
Resolution passed transferring money
from donation to occupation fund.
, W. S. Morlan was on resolution employed -
ployed to prosecute cases of city now in
; lie district court. Adjourned.
ioviw-Knipple , one door north.
A nice variety of ink and pencil tablets -
lets at this office.
Brewer has a large supply of pigs'
feet in market. Nothing finer.
A girl t2 t0 t4 years of age that proves
k congenial can find a good home with
Mrs. Fred Carruth , two miles south of
Remember that on next Monday Knip-
P le will be fothud at his new stand on the
corner , one door north of his present
McConnell's Sarsaparilla.
McConneIl's Balsam for coughs.
MovED-Knipple , one door north.
Knipple has moved one door north on
the corner.
Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsaparilla -
rilla for a spring medicine.
( First-class pork tenderloins at
Brewer's meat market. Try them.
Alfalfa seed for sale by the McCook
Commission Co. at $4.oo per bushel.
y 'Sausage of all kinds , fresh and
properly seasoned , at Brewer's market.
Full line of agricultural implements
for sale by S. M. Cochran & Co. Inspect
before buying.
Knipple will be found in his new location -
tion , just one door north of his present
quarters , Monday.
Now is the proper time to begin taking
a spring medicine. McConnell's Sarsaparilla -
parilla is the best thing to use.
Some handsome new hex writing paper -
per just received at our stationery de-
partment. Prices very reasonable.
There seems to be a general impression
prevailing in our city that Mayor Kelley
has subsidized the Weekly Blackguard
for the municipal campaign.
Anderson , The First Quality Grocer ,
calls the attention of readers of TILE
TRIBUNE to his unequalled stock of
groceries , queensware and confectionery ,
this week.
Grand Master Johnson of Superior and
Grand Warden Norris of Beaver City ,
of the I. 0.0. F. , were in the city , last
.Friday evening , and attended the session -
sion of the local lodge of Odd Fellows ,
that evening.
The King's Daughters are now located
in the Cole building just vacated by
Knipple , where they are dispensing ,
among other things , the generous aid
secured by William Divine in his recent
trip to Illinois.
The pot house politician now flourish-
eth , and the ward heeler getteth in his
work. The organizer layeth his plans
and the striker rustleth. The man with
a pull looketh confident , and the schemer
layeth his ropes. Verily the city election -
tion approaches apace , when the voter
will take fiendish delight in paralyzing
the whole works.
It is an encouraging and significant
evidence of progress , and of a better
moral sentiment prevailing in this community -
munity , when people in such , numbers
refuse to countenance and encourage
and be a party to blackmailing and
blackguardism , by declining to accept
even gratuitous copies of a sheet now
following that course of desperate brigandage -
gandage in our city. If this good work
continues the postmaster will have to
build an addition to the postoflice.
Only three times in a quarter of n
century has the average corn crop in
this state fallen below twenty bushels
per acre. The average yield per acre
between 1867 and 1S94 , according to
government reports , has been 32.45
bushels. During the same period the
average in Iowa has been 31.98 bushels ,
in Missouri 28.36 , and in Illinois 28.22
bushels. A ' bumper crop" is due in
1895 to keep up the average , and that is
just the kind of crop the farmers of Nebraska -
braska are preparing to raise. Journal.
Usual services in the Methodist church ,
next Sunday morning and evening.
The Dorcas society will on Tuesday of
week after next give a social in the Congregational -
gregational church. Refreshments and
good programme.
Episcopal services in McConnell hall
at it o'clock in the morning and at 8
o'clock in the evening. Sunday school
at to o'clock in the morning.
REV. R. L. KNOX , Rector.
"The Cross of Christ" will be the
morning subject at the Congregational
church , next Sunday. "Viewing the Bible -
ble from Different Standpoints" in the
evening. Endeavor topic , "Life and
Death ; " ' led by A. McMillen.
English Lutheran services will be held
in the city hall , two doors west of the
First National bank , Sunday morning ,
March 3d , at 10:30 : o'clock. Rev. H.
Prange , the English Lutheran pastor of
Arapahoe , will be present to conduct the
services. A cordial invitation is extended
to all.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
The Workmen Temple Thronged
With Masqueraders and
From the social and financial points
of view the masquerade ball given in the
A. 0. U. W. temple hall , last Friday
evening , by the Knights of the Macca-
bees , was a splendid and most gratifying
success. The masqueraders and spectators -
tors filled the temple to its capacity , and
a general good feeling prevailed throughout -
out the evening.
Following the grand march was an
interesting and catchy feature introduced
by the Lady Maccabees unbeknown to
the Knights-a sheet and pillow case
The masqueraders embraced almost
every imaginable personification : jock-
cys , Sancbos , Diuas , policemen , sailors ,
Highlanders , clowns , Irishmen , princes
and princesses , and a host of nonde-
scripts and others. It was indeed a
scene of jollity and colors.
The music by Messrs. Spalding and
Fisher's orchestra was good and the
( lancing evidently enjoyable , as it was
entered into with enthusiasm and pur-
sue(1 with vigor and remarkable per-
Prizes were given for the most original
costumes. That for the lady was secured
by Mrs. J. W. Holliday , who represented
day and night. Scott Doan was awarded
the gentleman's prize.
The Maccabees can congratulate themselves -
selves on having had one of the most
successful balls of the season.
Refreshments were served at Odell's
She Was Big Sick.
Some arousing things happen in connection -
nection with this aid business , in addition -
tion to the constant play of pathos. A
few days since a German appeared at
one of the aid rooms of the county seeking -
ing assistance. Seeing some jelly among
the supplies the Teuton wanted some of
the delicacy , which with similar articles
are kept for the sick. He was told that
such articles were held for the sick , and
upon his insisting that his frail was sick ,
was finally given a small package of the
coveted jelly.
But , deeply disappointed with the size
of the donation , the German sought by
outstretching his arms to the utmost and
other characteristic gesticulations to
impress the obdurate committeeman
with the fact that his frau was "great
big sick , " and that the sample offered
would be but an aggravation to her Capacious -
pacious maw.
A Fine Rain.
The rain that prevailed in this section
of Nebraska , Monday and Monday night ,
was one of the finest this country has
experienced during the past two years.
The moisture came slowly and every
drop stayed in the soil-where it would
do the most good , soaking down to a
depth of about six inches in plowed
The Burlington gauge at this station
indicated that about one inch of rain
fell. At any rate it has had a wonderfully -
fully encouraging and stimulating effect
upon all. The soil has been put in good
shape for the commencement of spring
farming operations.
An Aged Veteran Gone.
Samuel Stevens , a former resident of
our city , but for a number of years past
in the soldiers' home at Grand Island ,
died there a few weeks since , in his 77th
year. The deceased was a member of
company A , Illinois infantry. One of
his children , Miss Barbara Stevens , is
now living in Los Angeles , California.
A Successful Social.
A pleasant' and successful social was
held , last Friday evening , in the Vidette
school house , northeast of the city. A
good time is reported and the receipt of
money enough to buy a dictionary'and a
map of the United States for that district -
trict ; which speaks well for Olive Ritten-
house , who is the teacher.
160 Acres For Sale.
70 acres old ground. 90 acres under
the irrigation ditch. Two miles from
McCook. Terms easy. F. S. WILCOX.
Comes Very High.
Sympathy bought by "pieing" one's
own type comes too high to be valuable ,
and is of doubtless utility.
The celebrated Charter Oak cooking
stove with gauze oven door is sold by S.
M. Cochran & Co. It is the best in the
Buy your Alfalfa seed from the Mc-
Cook Commission Co. $4.oo per bushel.
Alfalfa seed-.oo per bushel-at the
McCook Commission Co.'s.
McConnell's Balsam for coughs.
PRESIDENT HOCKNELL departed , Sunday -
day night , for California.
from Indianola , Monday.
MISS ROONEY has been visiting Mrs.
Sheridan Clyde at Stratton.
B. F. TROxEL arrived home , Tuesday
night , from his sojourn at Beatrice.
friends at her old home in Orleans.
FRANS EvERIsT was over from Danbury -
bury , Saturday , on some stock business.
JOHN BECK was up from Indianola ,
yesterday , having some dental work
J. A. CORDEAL had business in Aurora ,
York and Lincoln , latter part of last
MR. AND MRS. 0. D. MOSHER were up
from Indianola , the early portion of the
was the guest of Miss Mary Walters over
MRS. C. S. SQUIRES of Coleman precinct -
cinct , is visiting relatives in Reynolds ,
MRS. FRED BROYCE , ( nee Miss Francis -
cis Bean ) of Hastings is the guest of Mrs.
J. E. Kelley.
FRANK CARRUTII arrived home , yesterday -
terday morning on 2 , from visiting his
wife ill Denver.
MRS. A. S. CAMPBELL went down to
Hastings , close of last week , on a visit
to her parents.
J. D. GRIFFITHS and E. D. Owens of
Verdon , Nebraska , visited friends here ,
closing days of last week.
BERTHA BOYLE is expected home
from Denver , where she has been taking
music lessons , tomorrow evening.
JOHN M. STONE , one of Frontier coun-
ty's stalwart farmers , was down , first o f
the week , on a visit to his parents.
A. C. EBERT and bride arrived home ,
Monday night. They will be at home
to their many friends after March 7th.
Miss CORINE RossoM left on Saturday -
day morning for Broken Bow , Nebraska.
She has been making Mrs. C. E. Pope a
long visit.
turned to Indianola , Monday morning ,
after spending two or three days here on
business and pleasure.
M. STERN of Chicago and H. Stern o .
Holdrege were in the city , last Friday
and Saturday , looking after their interests
ests here , and visiting relatives.
MRS. A. BARNETT drew the oil painting -
ing of a retriever's head executed by
Mrs. George Conner. The raffle came
off Saturday evening , and No. 14 drew
the picture.
C. L. DEGR0i F went down to Syracuse -
cuse , Nebraska , on Monday morning.
He will go on to Chicago to purchase a
stock of spring goods , and will be home
the first of next week.
W. J. RELPH of Gerver precinct , lef t
on Tuesday night for the Wabash valley ,
Indiana , to secure feed and seed for th e
farmers of that precinct , expecting t o
give security for the grain obtained.
WILLIAM DIVINE of Coleman precinct -
cinct , who has been seeking seed an d
feed for the farmers of his precinct , i n
Cowles county , Illinois , arrived home
first of the week , having been very successful
in his efforts , securing two ca r
loads of corn , about Iioo bushels.
GEORGE E. JOHNSTON and family ex
pect to depart , about next Thursday , fo r
Salt Lake City , Utah , where he is mak
ing arrangements to go into the hotel
business again. The Johnstons are old
and highly esteemed settlers of McCook
and their contemplated removal is viewed -
ed with sincere regret. However , thei r
wide circle of friends here earnestly wis h
them large success in their new home.
Wednesday evening , February 27th '
Rev. A. G. Forman of the Methodis t
church , at the home of the bride's par -
ents on the Wilcox ranch southeast o f
the city , united the destinies of Joh n
McManigal and Lettie Lawrence. Th e
bride is a daughter of Lyman Lawrenc e
and was a member of the graduatin g
class of the McCook high school. Th e
groom is a son of Vance McManigal , on e
of our early and well-to-do settlers. W e
wish them success and happiness.
Here's Your Pork.
C. T. Brewer has his packing house i n
operation now and his meat market pre -
sents an unequalled opportunity for th e
purchase of pork tenderloins , spare ribs '
hogs' heads , lean backs , pigs' feet an d
sausage at very low prices.
- . . . . , . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
McConnell's Sar nparilla.
Knipple has moved one dour north.
Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters.
Farmers are in the fields plowing for
small grain.
Try McMillen's Daniask Rose Lotion
for face anti hands.
Malt Droll of Coleman precinct is
drilling in some oats.
Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsaparilla -
rilla for a spring medicine.
'Life isn't worth living without a
taste of those spare ribs at Brewer's.
The McCook Couiinission Co. is selling
fine Alfalfa seed at $ } .oo per bushel.
On next Monday Knipple will be found
on the corner , just one door north of his
present store.
If you see it in the McCook Blackguard - I
guard , it is a blackenailing scheme or a
lie. Or possibly both.
Plans and specifications for receiving
seed and feed- will not be taken on subscription -
scription at this office , this year.
Abstracts of title will be furnished
promptly and accurate by
Cochran & Co. have in stock press
drills , discs , eadgate seeders , walking ,
sulky and gang plows , and in fact everything -
thing usually kept in a first-class iinple-
merit house.
This world may owe you a living but
if you are too lazy to collect the debt
you may go hungry and wear patches on
the bosom of your pants.
The Baptist brethren have discontinued -
ued holding services for the. present on
account of the closeness of the times , we
understand and regret.
The east is responding nobly in the
way of feed and seed for our needy farm-
ers. May this generous and worthy benevolence -
nevolence be as bread cast upon the
The Brigade band enlivened the occasion -
sion of Washington's birthday , last Friday -
day afternoon , by an open air concert ,
which , though unnounced , soon attracted
and held a large and delighted hearing.
There are some people who would
rather climb the stairway of a thirty-
house than ride up on the elevator.
Such people are like merchants who attempt -
tempt to do business without advertising.
It's slow work.
During the recent visit here of Moses
Stern cf Chicago , Samuel Strasser and
he made a division of the property held
jointly by them. Mr. Strasser took the
Postoflice and saloon buildings , Mr.
Stern the Fair store building and a difference
ference in cash.
Some imported evangelists have raised
a holy rumpus among the church pea
pie down in Beaver City , and two editors
have added fuel to the fire by publicly
scrapping and disfiguring each the oth-
er's facial lines of beauty. 311 this impels -
pels Deacon Merwin of the Tribune testate
state that the devil has called in all his
traveling men and keeps the whole force
hustling to fill mail orders.
The following is clipped from the Saturday -
urday Blade and is supposed to refer to a
former citizen of McCook who left Trenton -
ton for Oklahoma a couple of years ago :
- "Perry , Ok. , Feb. 15 John Dunbar was
the leader of the thieves who have been
a great annoyance to the people of Kay
- county. Petty thieving is prevalent ,
and at times horses and cattle have laeeu
stolen by the band. The other night
three of the thieves went to John Sheet's
home , a few miles east of Newkirk , on a
chicken stealing tour. The noise awoke
Sheets , who ran to the door and shot at
the fleeing objects. Next morning Dun-
bar was found with a bullet in his brain
as a result of Sheet's shot. "
Let your child always go to sleep with
a glad thought in its heart and a smile
on its face. The next morning as it
springs from its bed the glad thought
will burst out in songs and the smiles in
shouts of laughter. If a wrong has to
be reproved let the child be assured of
forgiveness and let the mother be assured
that forgiveness is accepted before the
eyes shalt close. Let the child fall asleep
loving all. and assured of the love of all.
Then after the little prayer has been
said , the child at peace with all on earth ,
and with the smile of heaven's love on
its face , will drop away into peaceful
slumber with its soul all unruffled sand
unsoiled , as white and smooth as a
.freshly washed and ironed piece of snow
white linen.-Ex.
Dr. Pricers Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold Medal Wdwiate' Fair , San Frandscv.
Aessnrbly room was crowded , last Friday -
day evening , by patrons , pupils and
others , to hear the special exercises
rendered in honor and commemoration
of the birthday of the father of our
country , the immortal George Washing-
ton. The programme rendered is as
follows :
National Airs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orchestrr.
Mt. Vernon Belts ( picture ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Choir.
Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nnna Nolle.
Piano Duet. . . . . . . . Grtce Strasser and lda McCarl.
Washington's' . . . . . . . . . . . . .Srukie Newkirk
geading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kittie Sttngrhu1.
Piano So ! ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bdnt Dixon.
The Matt Without a Country. . . . . Supt. Valentin , :
American Airs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orclestrn.
Rattle Hymn of the liepuhlic . . . . . . . . . . . Choir.
March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orchestra.
The exercises were of an appropriate ,
patriotic character , were interesting and
well rendered withal. The reading by
Supt. Valentine from Edward Everett
Male's "Mau 1Vithout a Country" was a
most absorbing ; end impressive number ,
delighting all. The story itself is a most
fascinating one , and Supt. Valentine' : :
reading is very clever and excellent.
Sling shots are forbidden in the schools
or on the grounds.
Miss Lettie Lawrence , a member of
the class of ' 95 was married ot : the 27th.
The prohibition of sling shots is being
enforced. It should be as a matter of
At Tecumseh the town authorities will
not permit children of school age to loiter -
ter upon the streets during school hours.
This is a pointer for the nnmicipal government -
ernment of our city.
Had Three Wives.
It locks as if John Walters , the mate
who committed suicide recently at the
Windsor hotel in this city , was possessed
of numerous wives.
Coroner Maul is in receipt of a letter
from Roy A. Walters of Harrisburg.
Pennsylvania , son of John A. Walters ,
making inquiries relative to the death of
his father. The letter states that the ,
writer is financially unable to have the S ,
body returned to Harrisburg for interment -
ment , because lie is the only support of
his mother and a sister. .
In connection with the death of John
A. Walters the Harrisburg Telegraph ,
has this to say about the motive which
prompted Walters to end his life :
"J. A. Walters , a former resident of
this city and a veteran soldiercommitted ,
suicide at Omaha yesterday. He was iu
Iarrisburg a few days ago and left here
for Nebraska. One of his three wives
resides on Calder street , near Third , it
is stated that another wife lives in York
and still another in Nebraska. A York
constable was here after him with a tvar-
rant for his arrest on a charge of bigamy.
Constable Diehl of the Sixth ward says
Mrs. Walters of this city told him that
Walters declared in her presence that lie
would not be taken alive and displayed
a knife and a revolver to back up his
assertion. "
Mrs. Walters , the Nebraska wife , attended -
tended the funeral here. A contest will
probably arise over a claim for Walters'
pension , amounting to $12 per month , "
among the trio of wives.-Omaha cor.
We Have Them.
We have contracted this week the John
Helm creamery butter. It you appreciate -
ciate quality try it. Only 20 cents per
We are offering a bargain iii Bread
Knives and Toilet Soap with , Baking
\Ve still continue to give away those
elegant dinner pails with each to pounds
oflard purchased.
Received this week a fine line of men's
shoes suitable for heavy railroad work.
Try a pair.
Farmers plant the new fodder plant
this spring. Superior to alfalfa. Call
and examine the seed.
Another Veteran Gone.
Tobias Brown , an old soldier about 55
years of age , died in Frontier county ,
near Fandon post office , Monday morn-
ing. He had beets a resident of that
section for about seven years and was
highly esteemed. The remains were
buried at Box Elder , Wednesday afternoon
noon , services being held at one o'clock.
Remember the meeting of the board
of directors of the county agricultural
society , tomorrow at Indianola.
The Chicago Board of Trade is planning -
ing to help the farmers with seed.
Good writing paper ten cents a quire
at this office.
Movnn-Kmpple , one door north.
McConnell's Balsam for coughs.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
1 ,