The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 15, 1895, Image 5

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    ' '
- .
' I hnusr IAUISt J. Rttte1111utt Se' Austin J. Itiltn
t , The Dal(1 ) ta Loan and 'trust Company -
pany , a
incorporated under the
iaws'.f '
' it ° 'Territory of Iakuta , Albert F.
, 'Mrc. J II'rt F' . Amore hi
' 1 + s
' Christian came is to llannl , ff unkno , tiv , Let-
M. tewa't , is ad mini-
- { n - ratrix of the es
t'ate of Ro b rt R. Stewart , ICCetlSed Let hia
1vLStCwartJantesStc r Ira 8fts JantesStcwart
, . ,
Sts , , r. '
'christi.nname ; , istnplamuff un
i known tt la Stewart , qtrs. r Joseph atewarr.
his wife , whose ' Christian name is to plaintiff
inknuwn1 he StateofNebrask
) } Bess and Mrs. George J. Burgess , def ndants ,
- wdl takL notice that Mary E. Pa e ) laintiff
-has filed her petition in the dist ct court uiz
Rea ounty , Nebraska , the object and
prayer ut which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage deed , executed by the defendants ,
Louisa J. Rittenhouse and Austin J. Ritten-
house , ti 'l'he Dakota Loan and " 1'rust Cum
' ' pattya" + 1
afterwardsnESigne(1 to t1e plaintiff
licrent ' to the tolloaving descnhed real estate -
tate situated in Red Willow county , Nebraska -
r ka , to-wit' Lots numbered five amid six , in
block numbered four , in tlse Second addition
to the C't of McCook , to secure the payment
of their eleven certain
promissory notes , one
for S7oo.o0. due June 1st , 1894 , and ten for the
sum of S2q.5o each , due respectively Deceit-
ber I , 1889 , and June I , and December i , 1890 ,
189t,1892,1893 , and Juue 1,1894 , and all draw-
mg Interest at ten per cent. franc minnturity.
7 here Is now due on said notes and morigatzt ,
wcludiag the amount of insurance paid on said
mnrigaged property , the sum of $71200 , with
interest on Sio'o oo thereof , [ torn June t , tSgq ,
and on $12.00 thcrcnf , from June 20 , 1894 , amid
the plait , . f praysloradcciecthatthedefend-
ants he'equlred to pay the same , or that said
premises be sold to satisfy said amount. You
arc required to answer said peutatn on
or before Monday , the 4th dav'uf Mich , 18 a
Dated this 19th day of January , Iv,9S.
j MARY E. PAGE , I'lamtiff.
ByV..5. . MokI.AN , her attorney. Jan. 25.4L
Sp.RIPr s Sv.r .
By virtue of an execution directed to me
from the district court of Lnncastt r county ,
Nebraska , on a judgmt nt ohtainrd before the
judge of the disc in court of Lancaster coun-
tyNebras6a , at the So ptentber term , 1894 , of
sat'1 cnr Ilvor of Samuel J. ' 1'ultle as
paiutit ! , at tint I ill e 111 Fy and Iavid May
as Ilrfcndants , for the um of seven thou and ,
eight hundred and ( ihlyeight dollarai l
t eighr - ' ( $7,8685) ) and costs taxed
at } or r tailors , ' and sxtthree eentts.
( $54.63) ) and accruing cosis , I have levied tip-
on the foilowiugrealslate lake n as the prop
erty of said ( Icfcndanis , to satisfy -a d exit u-
tion , to-wit : The non Ii .r of the north-east
; of section twenty-nine (29) ( ) , in township one
( t ) , north of range - thirty ( ; 0) ) , west of the
t sixth (6) ( ) ! tr'ncipal meridian , In Red Willow
counly.daska. And will offer the same
I for sale to the highest Iiddc r , for cash in
i hand , on llte tbth day of February , A. D. .
I89jtn fr'v t of the court house in Indianola ,
Ncbra I _ that being the buildiig wherein the
last term of the c.ntrt was held , at the Lour of
I one o'cIULL p. In. of said day , whin and where
due attendance will be given by the under-
, ' signed. Dated January 16th , 1895.
t Jan. IS-5ts E. R. I3ANi s , Sheriff.
I _
ES'I'lAtA'l'E 0 I Lkl , C1SS. )
l The followin estimate of expenses for the
Year 1S95 was ( fixed as follows :
Comity General Fund-----$2o,000.O0
I County ! fridge FundB.ooooo
County Road Fund. . . . . . . . 6,000.00
Indianola Precinct Fund. . . 200.00.
North Valley Precinct Fund go0.oo
14'ilhnv ; rove Precinct Fund 1,500.00
Baitley Village Fund. . . . . . . 40000
Soldiers- ' Relief Fund. . . . . . 500.00
TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,500.00
C. J. 1tYAN , Chairman.
, GEO. W. ROPER , County Clerk. Jan25-4ts.
S. 11.'Clifford , New Cassel , Wisconsin , was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism , his
stomach was disordered , his liver was affected
to an alarmint ; degreeappctite fell away , and
he was terribly reduced in flrsh and strength.
Three btnties of Electric bitters cured him.
Edwad Shepherd , linrrisbur ! , Illinois had a
running sore on ; is leg of S years' standing.
Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and
seven boxes of Bucklin's Arnica Salve , and
his leg is sound and well. John Speaker.
Catawba , Ohio , had fibe large fever sores or'
his leg. Doctors said he was incurable. One
bottle of Electric Bitters and one box of
Bvcklin's Arnica Salve cured him entireiy.
Sold at McMilien's drugstore.
Parks cough syrup cures coughs , colds and
consumption. 1frs. Catherine Black of l.e
i Roy , N. V. , says : "I took one bottle of Parks'
cough syrup. It acted like magic. Stopped
my cough and I am perfectly well now. "
Sold byMcMillen.
Parks'tea clears the complexion. Mrs. N.
Meyctte of LeRoy , N. Y. , says : I have used
Parks' tea and find it the best remedy I have
ever tried. " Sold.y 1cMillen.
F A cup of Parks' tea at night moves the
bowels in the morning without pain or dis-
comfort. It is a great health giver and blood
purifier. Sold by McMillen.
r Children CrY for Pitcher's Castoria.
Parks' sure cure is a sure specific in all dis
eases of the liver and kidneys. By removing
the uric acid in the l loot d it cures rheumatism.
S. B. Basfor of Carthage. S. D. , says : "I be-
t lieve Parks sure cure e xcels all other mcdi-
eines for rheumatism and urinary troubles. "
Sold by McMillen.
l ,
f Children CrY for Pitchers Castoria
MA'1-1'KR ( IF HII : JS'rA'cn OF GI ANV1I.l.1
'I he State of Nebraska , Red 1Vifow county ,
ss. Un re. + dirr , , and filial , the petition of liar ,
gaiettt E. ( ) } ster , filed in this office on the9tb
( lay of Fehirnary,189 : , praying that letters of
admnnstration b gr.nttrd to pettnoiler , upon
the goods and chattels , rights an ( ! credits of
Granville R. Oyster , deceased , who died intes-
tate on orabout the 31st day of July,1894.
And it appearing to the court that the said
Glanville R. Oyster was an inhabitant of Red
1Villow county , Nebraska , and that an admin
istrator should be appointed ,
It is ordered thatMonday , March 4th , 1895 ,
at one o'clock , p. nt. , be assigned fora hearing
rn said matter , when all persons interested in
said matter , may appear and show cause , if
such exist , why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be granted. And that notice of
the pendency of said petition and the hearing
theicol be given by publishing a copy of this
order in fllE 11cCuolc ' 1'RIIIUNE , a weekly
newspaper published in said county , for three
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Dated February 11,1895.
1 eb.i5-3t. CIIARLES W. BECK ,
County Judge.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the District Court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
lion. I1' . Welty , Judge of the District Court
of Red Willow coumity , Nebraska , on the 17th
day of December,1894 , m favor of James G.
Johnson'I'rusteeasplaintiff , and against F.
L. Story et al , as defendants , for the sum of
eleven uundred and taventy ( $1,120) ) dollars ,
amid filty (50) ( ) cents , and costs taxed at $22.33
and aceluig , costs , I have levied upon the
fc4lowing real estate taken as the property of
said defendants tosatisfy saidjudgmenttoavit :
The southeast quarter of section twent-five in
township four , north of range twenty-six , west
of the 6th p. m. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska -
raska , tlml will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the 181It
day of March , A. D. , 189 , , in front of the south
door of the court house In Lidiauola , Nebraska -
ka , that being the building wherein the last
tt-tin of couit was held'at the hour of one
o'clock , p. min. , of said day , when and where
( Inc attendance will be given by the under-
signed. Dated February 12th,1895.
v. S.141oRLAN , E. h. BANKS ,
2.15.5. Attorney. Sheriff of said county
By virtue of au order of sale directed to me
front the District Court of Red Willow county ,
ebaska , ou , a judgment obtained before
Ilou. 1) . ' 1' . 1Veiiy , judge of the district
court of Red 'Willow county , Nebraska ,
on the 17th day of December , 1894 ,
in favor of 1Valdo J. Driggs , as plaintiff , and
against L. E. Faulk et al. , as defendants , for
the suns of four hundred and seventy-four
( .5474) ) (1o11ats and twenty-two (22) ( ) cents , and
costs taxed at $23.43 and accruing costs , l have
levied upon the following real estate taken as
the pioperty of said defendants to satisfy said
judgment towit : ' 1'Iie west half of the southeast -
east quarter and the east half of the southwest
quarier of section thirty-five in township three ,
north of range twenty-seven , west of the 6th
p. ilL , in Red 1Villowcounty , Nebraska. And
will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder -
der , for ca > li in hand , on tine (8th day of ! larch ,
A. D. , 1895 , in front of the south door of the
court house to lridianola , Nebraska , that being
the building wherein the last tern of court
was held , at the hour of one o'clock.p. m. , of
said day , when and where ( iue attendance will
he given by the undersigned. Dated February
12h , 1895. 2-15.5. E. R. BANKS ,
1v. S. MoRLAN , Sheriff of said county.
1) . W. Fuller of Canajoharie , New York ,
says that he always keeps Dr. King's New
Discovery in the house , and his family has
always found the very best results follow its
use ; that he would not be without it if procur-
able. G. A. Iykeman , druggist , Catskill ,
New York says that Dr. Kin = 's " ew Discov-
cry is undoubtedly the best cough remedy ;
that he has used tt in his family for etght
years , and it has never failed to do all that is
claimed for it. Why not try a remedyso long
tried and trusted. Trial bottles free at Mc-
Millen's drub store. Regular size 5oc and $1 :
The best salve in the world forcuts , bruises ,
sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cts.
per box. For sale byMcllillen.
We advise you to use Oregon Kidney Tea
because we know it will cure qou. ? , t is tttc
enl remed that will ositivel cure kidne
and bladder troubles of an kind and a trial
will rove the most convincin ar ument of
its merit. You can bu trial size Packabes at
any drug store for 25 cents.
I've a secret in my heart ,
Sweet ,11 arse ,
A tale I would impart ,
Sweet Marie.
If you'd even fairer be
You must always use Parks"Tea ,
The improvement you will see ,
Sweet Marie. Sold by McMillen.
The American beauty owes her prestige
more to a clear complexion than to any other
attribute. A cu of Parks' will enable an
one to ossess thiis. It clears the skin and
removes im les and that sallow mudd
look. Parpis to is use iiThousands of ladie
' for the com lexion. Witthout bein a cathar
tic it cures constiPation. Sold bY McMillen.
' ® t3
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IIuio t.1ST-ghNrILtL : TIMK-LEAI'E : .
Ng. 2.IhrnuitIi uuytcr. . . . . . . . 5:5.5A.71.
No. 4 , Ine ti .mo eager. , . . . . . . . 9uU P. d1.
No. 7Ii t'reilda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1:45 ( A. 'I.
No. tk'freight. . 4:1t1 : : A. M.
Nu. $11 , ireighl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 A. 5i.
No. 148 , freight , miuldo up here. . . . . . 5tU A. DI.
No. J , tbrorruln . . . . . . . . : . i' . M.
Nn. ri , local p'1i ssenger. . . . . . . . . . 13:15 P. N.
Nn. lI , freigint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:14 , P. N.
No. 74 , trelght . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:24 P. M.
him 149 , freight. made up here . . . . . 11:00 A. M.
No.175 , leave. nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8IU ( A. N.
No. 170 , arr Ives at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:41) P. M.
f l Noru : No.61 earn 's. ui senger ; for
Stratton , Itenkelmnn timid Hitigler.
All trains run dully excepting 148 , 141) and
1SU , which run dully exCOpt Sunday.
No.3 stupA Nt Henkelman and wrar.
No.2 Nupe ut lndlanoht , Cambridge and Ar
No. iU tvlil oiu ry pnsNen rs for IndianolR.
Cuitibrtdire unit Arapahoe.
Nos. 4.5.148,149 ( tad 179 carry passengers for
all sllUlnnB :
You can purehnse at this atFice ticketH to mil.
princlpNl poltus in the UmirtNd Stntl s and Can.
ada anti ba gagl checked through to destination -
tion avithnut rxn n eharga of transfer. For
infornatb it regurding rues , ( l0. cull on or
address C. E.MAGNEItAgnetl
Saturday was pay day.
Tout Berge got the bicycle in LaTour-
cUe's raflle , Tuesday.
Mrs. Thrailkill an(1 Miss Editll Coleman -
man departed , Tuesday night , for Los
Angeles , California.
Mrs. C. H , O'Bear , wife of the com-
pany's agent at Imperial , was a city visitor -
itor , Monday evening.
Mrs. E. T. Waters anc the baby have
been visiting down in Missouri for the
past two or three weeks.
Mrs. J. E. Sanborn arrived , Saturday
night , front Chicago , where she has been
for a number of weeks , Mr. Sauboru
meeting her at Indianola.
W. G. Gillespie and wife of Omaha
were guests at the Searles-Starbuck wedding -
ding , Wednesday evening. Mr. Gilles-
pie is in the railway mail service.
Paul Anton had the misfortune to lose
two five dollar bills out of his overcoat
pocket , last Friday noon , near the post-
offace. He has not recovered his Williams -
liams , either.
Roadmaster and firs. Web Josselyn of
Orleans , were at headquarters , Monday
morning , lie on company business , she
for dental work. They went home on So
of that ntoruing.
Burlington train No. 3 , Tuesday night ,
carried two tourist sleepers bound for
the coast..The P.V. . & B , special
car went west on the Burlington ; Thursday -
day night , with Joseph Crawford of the
Pennsylvania line aboard.-Lincoln
John Lathrop , general auditor of the
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , died at
his home in Chicago , January 8th , in his
seventy-sixth year. He had been with
the Burlington road seventeen years ,
and in 1SSo succeeded Mr. Tyson as gecc-
eral auditor.
The fire department was called up to
J , W. Holliday's residence , Saturday
noon , in hot haste. But it was not necessary -
essary to connect the hose with a fire
hydrant. A ( lerelict leg caused the cooking -
ing stove to fall over , but the matter was
corrected without any damage.
Mrs. Sarah Houchin of McCook was
visiting with Mrs. Charles Milligan of
this city , first of the iveek..E. P. Bol-
ton and family are to take charge of the
B. & M. eating house in Akron , Colorado -
do , and will probably start for'their new
home about the 15th. In this event
their son Ernest and daughter Dell will
return to this city soon and go on with
their parents to Akron.-Red Cloud
The engineer on No. 76 , Wednesday
morning , tried to buck what he thought
was a snow bank , near Atlanta , but it
was sand and it bucked off several cars.
No. 5 was delayed about four hours by
the accident..Last Monday morning ,
while No. 148 , the east bound local , was
doing some switching , one of the cars
jumped the track and ran into the depot
platform making kindling wood out o f
it. The rails were covered with ice at
the tank , which caused the car to leave
the track. It was a close call for the
depot. Conductor Solliday was in charge
of the train.-Cambridge Kaleidoscope.
An old railroad engineerwho had been
converted worded his first prayer in this
wise : " 0h , Lord , now that 1 have flagged -
ed thee , lift my feet off of the rough road
of life and Plant them safely on deck o f
the train of salvation. Let me use the
safety light known as prudence , sake
all couplings in the train of life with the
strong link of thy love , and let my hand
lamp be the Bible. And , Heavenly Father -
ther , keep all switches closed that lead
offon the sidings , especially those with
a blind end. Oh , Lord , if it be thy
'pleasure ' , have every semaphore block
along the line show the white light o {
hope , that I niay make the run of life
without stopping. And , Lord , give us
the ten commandmentsasa scheduleand
when I have finished the run and have ,
on'schedule time , pulled Into the great ,
dark station of death , , may Thou , th e
Superintendent of the Universe , say wit h
a smile , well done , comenp and sign th e
, pay roll and .receive . your ' check fo r
eternal happiness.-Exchange.
i. +
. . . .
- - . - - - - -
, -
Mrs , S. L. Miller lias been quite sick
with neuralgia of the stomach.
There were several interesting religious
meetings held at the Red Willow school
houes , the past week.
Jacob Randel was called to Indtttuola
to the sick bed of his ntotlterwhum it is
feared is dangerously ill.
Last Wednesday , 1V llie Myers was
busily euinloed in keLpud Jacob Rua-
del's hobs from being buried with snow.
A. C. Black has been appointed justice
of the peace of Red Willow precinet at
tlte-present session of the county conc-
Jacob Lougnecker went with Editor
Mitcliell up into Frontier county to investigate -
vestigate the death of Juhn Smith , who
recently died from exposureund starvation -
tion , it is said.
Messrs. S. L. Miller and A. C. Black
were circulating a remonstrance to the
petition for an election to vote bonds for
seed and feed. The bill does nut seem
to please every one as it now stands.
Last Thursday was the occasion of a
very pleasant little dinner party at Benj
Baker's home , it being the birthday of
both 11 r. Baker and Jantes Woodworth ,
who with his family joined in the festiv-
' ities. Mr. and Dtrs. S. G. Goheen from
south of McCook were among the guests ,
also IL L. Rohifof McCook. Mr. and
Mrs. Baker underitned the art of enter-
tallling , and every one there decided
that Mrs. Baker and Miss Lizzie were
quite f ntiliar with the mystery of cooking -
ing , for the dialler wusashining success. .
Just a shade of sadness passed over the
company when it was rettiembered that
one who made up the ] IaPpy comPany' ,
one year previous , had departed this life
-our old neighbor , Mrs. Bunnell. Miss
Lizzie and Mr. Rohlf favored us with
some niusie , after which w' ( ( ) cparted to
our homes hoping that our friends may
have many happy returns of the day- .
Talk about your four o'clock teas , and
society balls , and events in high life ,
they are tame to the enjoymeit of an
01(1-fashioned dinner party on the farm ,
a party where the babies areare welcome
and the ladies may knit if they please ,
where the patterns of our gowns have but
small consideration compared with the
pleasure of a visit with our neighbors.
Three cheers for farce life we say !
What a Woman Can Do.
I want my lady friends to know of the
new field now open to them. In the
past six months we have made a prof t
of $907.02 after paying all expenses. All
our sales have been made at home , not
having canvassed any. My official
duties calling me away most of the time ,
I left the Dish Washer business in my
wife's control with the above results.
The business is rapidly increasing , and
will continue to grow until every family
has a Climax Disll Washer. Not a day
P asses but what we sell one or two , and
sonic days fifteen of twenty Dish Wash-
ers. It's easy selling what everybody
wants to buy. You can wash and dry
the dishes perfectly in two minutes.
For full particulars address the Climax
Mfg.Co. , Columbus , Ohio. Getasampie
washer and you can't help making mon-
ey. They only cost $5. You may just
as well be making $5 a day as to be doing -
ing nothing.
The Railroad Men's Investment Co. is
a new candidate for business among thte
railroad boys.
Mrs , L. Bracke will leave for Arapahoe ,
Sunday , on an extended visit , and while
there she will make her home with Rev.
R. L. Knox and family.
Mrs. Albert Williams leas just returned
from a visit to Edgemont , S. D. Mr.
and Mrs. Williams intend to make
Edgemont their future home in the
Conductor C. E. Pope has been suffering -
ing with a very sore face. It was frozen
( luring last week's blizzard while he was
sleeping in the Hotel Bostwick at Hastings -
ings , and erysipelas set In.
Cast Their Shadows Before.
Masquerade ball and supper , K. 0.
T. M. , Friday evening , February 22d ,
A. 0. U. W. hall.
We Burn Wood
When we can get it. If your subscrip
tion Is delinquent and you have the wood
bring us in a load or two.
The contract for carrying the mail
from McCook to Banksville is being advertised -
vertised to be sub-let , running from July
1st , 1895 , to June 3oth , 1898.
Fifteen (15) ) cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , containing -
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel-
t"You can grow fat on those lean
hogs' hacks at Brewer's meat market.
Best Fancy Patent flour at $ i.oo per
sack , $1.95 per hundred , at Knipple's.
White Pine Cough Syrup , by McMillen ,
Everybody -
grant Lotion.
Children CrY for Pitcher's Castoria.
- _ -
a. .
. . . , k , , . Y. ' -.34 tf. JI ° . . , tt , . _ . I - . r . . .
. ' '
T ' i t. ,
, e1 :
I \ e ai e tiii ougli invoicing
'mill IfltLV ( : I\'F:1RKED ' DOWN
C1otiu , Dry Goods , L - . '
. Boots aild Slioes , H
A. . great iii it r reiiiiiailts
v iii Ue SOll at _ 1 i. ice. . .
Wii t a ,
s + , ,
Laoo ? White oads Oufiogs Etc
AT THE. . .
. cusi. :
, .
, s I
t / ! rJcI1l
C. L. . DEG RUFF & Co.
. .
G 1 Icy
Is the Maii
Who Sells Fresh .
Aend Ile Sells
Theni Righta Too.
When yon want to buy anything in the Grocery line , '
Noble is the man you ' , ant to see. He keeps the
very best goods and sells them at remarkably low fiJ
pr1'cas. He also carries a nagn ficent line o f Ir'1 m 1 I s ,
LtilueensHare of all kinds and Croc 1 > , e1'y , His line of I
Hanging and Stand Lamps is undoubtedly the finest y
in Southwestern Nebraska. Remember the Holiday
season is approaching , and no more appropriatte present -
ent can be imagined than a handsome Lamp or a set
of Dishes. You can get them at Noble's. f
. i
t 1
G o and See
Noble HeVill