The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 15, 1895, Image 2

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A Story of the Inner Vision of the.
Hi hlandcrs , Commonly Called
the Second Sight.
CITAP'TER XIV.-Continued. )
"Ifas she ever raved ? '
"Not often since the first week or
two. NOW and then occasionally , for
an hour or so , she would be wild , wanting -
ing to get out But she gave that over
altogctJler ; and she has had her liher-
ty now for a long while. But heaven
bless her ! at the worst she was always
a lady. "
"And I am to go away without even
seeing her ? "
"I am very sorryjor you , Mr. Camp-
bell. "
"Does she sleep at night ? " I asked.
"Like a bairn. But she sleeps a great
deal ; and the doctor says that's what
keeps her so quiet. She 'would go laving -
ing again , he says , if the sleep did not
soothe her poor brain. "
"Could you not let me see her when
51W 'is asleep to-night ? '
"I Will , sir ; but I trust to you never
to mentlon It"
"Of course I will not"
"Come at 10 o'clock , then. You will
find the outer door on this side open.
-Go straight to my room. "
With renewed thanks I left her , and
betaking myself to the woods , wandered -
dered about till night , notwithstanding
signs 01 : an approaching storm. I thus
kept within the boundaries of the de-
mesne. and ha(1 no occasion to request
Teadmittance at any of the gates.
As 10 struck on the tower clock , I
entered Mrs. B1ahesley's room. She
was not there. I sat down. In a few
minutes she cause.
"She is fast asleep , " she said.
"Conic' this way. "
I followed lmcr trenibling , She led
nhe to the same room Lady Alice used
to occupy. The door was a little open.
She pushed it gently and I followed
her in. The curtains toward the door
were drawn. Mrs. Blakesley took me
round to the other side. There lay the
lovely head. so phantom-like for years ,
coining only iii my ( lrcains ; tilling
now with a real presence the eyes
that had longed for it , as if in them
dwelt an apostle of appetite of sight 1
calmed my heart at once , which had
been almost choking me with the vie
lance of its palpitation. "That is not
the face of insanity , " I said to my-
self. "It is clear as the morning light"
As I stood gazing , I made no comparisons -
sons between the past and the present ,
although I was awtu'e of some differ-
ence-of some measure of the unknown -
known fronting inc. I was filled with
the delight of beholding the face I
lowed-full , as it seemed to me , of
mind and womanhood ; sleeping
nothing more. I murmured a fervent
"Thank God ! " and was turning away
with a feeling of great satisfaction for
all the future , and a strange great hope
beginning to throb in my heart , when ,
after a little restless motion of her
.lead on time pillow , her patient lips be-
gahi to tremble. My soul rushed into
my ear's.
"fir. Campbell , " she murmured , "I
cannot spell ; what am I to do to
learn ? "
The unexpected voice , naming my
name. sounded in my ears like a voice
fromu the far-off regions where sighing
is over. Then a smile gleamed up from
the depths unseen , and broiq and
incited away all over her face. But
iici horse had 'heard her speak , and
anew approached in alarm. She laid
9101(1 of my arm , and drew me toward
the door. I yielded at once , but heard
a. moan from the bed as I went. I
IOOke(1 back-time curtains hid her from
my view. Outside the door , Mrs.
Blakesley stood listening for a moment
and then led the way clown stairs.
' You made her restless. You see ,
sir , she never was like other people ,
poor ( lear' "
"Itch' face is not like one insane , " I
rei ) ine(1.
"I often think she looks more like
hers lf when she's asleep , " answered
she. " ' 1nd then I have often seen her
smile. She newer smiles when she's
awake. But , gracious me , Mr. Camp-
.b211 ! what shall I do ? "
this exclamation was caused by my
su3 denly falling back in my chair and
closing my eyes. I had almost faint-
. I lhad eaten nothing since breakfast -
fast ; and shad been wandering about
in a state of excitement all day. I
grzcdily swallowed the glass of wine
she brought me , and then became
; tlvare that the storm , which I had
seen gathering while I was in time
r0ads , had now broken loose. "What
a night in the old Hall ! " thought I.
The wind was dashing itself like a
thousand eagles against the house , and
the rain was trampling the roofs and
the court like troops of galloping
stetls. I rose to go.
Bat Mrs. Blakesley interfered.
"You don't leave this house tonight ,
Mr. Campbell , " she said. "I won't
have your death laid at my door. "
"Dear Mrs. Blakesley , " I said , seeing
! hcr determined.
"I won't hear a word , " she interrppt-
ed. "I wouldn't let a horse out in such
.a tempest. No , no ; you shall just sleep
in your old quarters , across the pass-
.age there. "
I did not care for any storm , It
.hardly even interested me. That beautiful -
tiful face filled my whole being , But
I yielded to Mrs. Blakesley. and not
Once more I was left alone in that
room of dark oak , looking out on the
little ivy-mantled court , of which I
was now reminded by the howling of
the storm within its high walls. Mrs.
Blakesley had extemporized a bed for
1ne 0n the old sofa ; and the fire was al-
xeaGy blazing away splendidly. I sat
down beside it , and the sombre-hued
Znh ; rolled upon me.
After I had floated as it were upon
the waves of memory for some time , I
-suddenly ; lanced behind me and
arolmd time old room , and a new and '
strange experience dawned upon me.
Time became to my consciousness
what some metaphysicians 'say it is it-
self-only a form of human thought.
i or time past had returned and become
the present.
Perhaps T slept-I do not know ; but
but as I became once more aware of
myself , I awoke , as It were , in the
midst of an old long-burled night. I
was sitting in my own room , waiting
for Lady Alice. And , as I sat waiting ,
and wishing she would come , by slow
degrees my wishes intensified themselves -
selves , till I found myself , with all my
gathered might , wishing that she
would come. The minutes passed , but
the will remained.
How shall I tell what followed ? The
door of time closet opened-slowly , gen-
tly-and in walked Lady Alice , pale as
death , her eyes closed , her whole person -
son asleep , frith gliding motion as in
a dream , where time volition that produces
duces motion is unfelt , she seemed to
me to dream herself across the floor to
my couch , on which she laid herself
down as gracefully , as simply , as In
the old beautiful time. Her appearance -
ance did not startle me , for my whole
condition was in harmony with the
phenomenon. I rose noiselessly , covered -
ered her lightly from head to foot , and
sat down as of old to watch. How
beautiful she was ! I thought she had
grown taller ; but , perhaps , it was only
that she had gained in form without
losing anything in grace. Her face
was , as it always had been , colorless ;
but neither it nor her figure showed
any signs of suffering. The holy sleep
had fed her physical as well as
shielded her mental nature.
She was waking. My love with the
unknown face was at hand. The reviving -
viving flush came , grew , deepened.
She opened her eyes. God be praised.
They wue lovelier than ever. And the
smile that broke over her face was the
very sunlight of the soul.
"Conic again , you see ! " she said ,
gently , as she stretched her beautiful
arms toward me.
I could not speak. I could only sub-
alit to her embrace , and hold myself
with all my might , lest I should burst
into helpless weeping. But a sob or
two broke their prison , and she felt
the emotion she had not seen. Relax-
lug her hold , she pushed me gently
from her , and looked at me with concern -
cern that grew as she looked.
"You are dreadfully changed , my
Duncan ! What is the matter Has
Lord Hilton been rude to you ? You
look so much older , somehow. What
can it be ? "
I understood at once show it was. The
whole of those dreary twelve years
was gone. 'The thread of her consciousness -
sciousness had been cut , those years
dropped out , and the ends united. She
thought this was one of the old visits
to nfi , when , as now , she had walked
in her sleep. I answered :
"I will tell you all another time. I
don't want t0 waste the moments with
you , my Alice , in speaking about it
Lord Hilton has behaved very badly
to me ; but never mind. "
She half rose in anger , and her eyes
looked insane for the first time.
"How dares he ? " she said , and then
checked herself with a sigh at her own
"But it will all come right , Alice , " I
went on in terror lest I should disturb
her present conception of her circum-
stances. I felt as if the very face I
wore with the changes of those twelve
forgotten years , which had passed
over her like time breath of a spring
wind , . were a mask of which I had to
be ashamed before her. Her consciousness -
sciousness was my involuntary standard -
dard of fact. Hope of my life as she
was there was thus mingled with my
delight in her presence a restless fear
that made me wish fervently that she
would go. I wanted time to quiet my
thoughts and resolve snow 1 should behave -
have to her.
"Alice , " I said , "it is nearly morn-
ing. You were late to-night. Don't
you think you had better go-for fear
you know ? "
"Alm ! " she said , with a smile , in
which there was no doubt or fear , you
are tiled of me already ! But I will go
at once-to dream about you. "
She rose.
"O , my darling , " I said , "and mind
you get some right sleep. Shall I go
with you ? "
Much to my relief , she answered :
"No , no ; please not. I can go alone
as usual. When a ghost meets me , I
just walk through him , and then he's
nowhere ; and I laugh. "
One kiss , one backward lingering
look , and the door closed behind her.
I heard the echo of the great hall. I
was alone. But what a loneliness-a !
loneliness crowded with presence ! I
paced up and down the room , threw
myself on the couch she had left , started -
ed up , and paced again. It was long
before I could thin ] . But the conviction -
tion grew upon me that she would be
mine yet Mine yet ? Mine she was ,
beyond all the power of madness or
demons ; and mine I trusted she
would be beyond the dispute of the
world. But what should I do ? The
only chance of her recovery lay in seeing -
ing me ; but I could resolve on nothing
till I knew whether Mrs. Blakesley
] mad discovered her absence from her
room ; because , if I drew her , and she
were watched and prevented from
coming , it would kill' her , or worse. I
must take to-morrow to think.
Yet , at the moment , by a sudden impulse -
pulse , I opened talc window gently ,
stepped into the little grassy court ,
where the last of the storm was still
moaning , and withdrew the bolts of a
door which led into an alley of trees
running along one side of the kitchen-
garden. I felt like a house-breaker ;
but I said : "It is for hei right" I
pushed the bolts forward again , so as
just to touch the sockets and look as if
they went in , and then l etreated into
my 'own room , where I paced about
till the household was astir ,
It was with considerable anxiety
that I repaired to Mrs. Blakesley's
room. There I found the old lady at
the breakfast table , so thoroughly composed -
posed , that I was at once.reassured as
to her ignorance of what had occurred
while she slept But she seemed uneasy -
easy till I should take my departure ,
which I attributed to the fear that I
might happen to meet Lady Alice.
Arrived at my inn , I kept my room ,
my dim-seen plans rendering it desirable -
sirable that I should attract as little
attention in the neighborhood as
might be. I had now to concentrate
tmeso plans and make them definite to
myself. It was clear that there was
no chance of spending another night
at Hilton Hall by invitation , would it
be honorable to go there without one ,
as I , knowing all the outs and inns of
the place , could , if I pleased ?
My conhtations conchuded'in there-
solve to use the means in my hands
for the rescue of Lady Alice. Midnight
found me in the alley of the kitchen-
garden. The door of the little court
opened easily. Nor had I withdrawn
Its bolts without knowing that I could
manage to open the window of my old
room from the outside. I stood In the
dark , a stranger and house-breaker ,
where so often I had sat waiting the
visits of my angel. I secured time door
of the room , struck a light , lighted a
remnant of a taper which I found on
the table , threw myself on the couch ,
and said to my Alice : "Come. "
And she came. I rose. She laid herself -
self down. I pulled off my coat-it
was all I could find-and laid it over
her. The night was chilly. She re
vived with the same sweet smile , but ,
giving a little shiver , said :
"Why have you no fire , Duncan ? I
must give orders about it That's
some trick of old Clankshoe. "
"Dear Alice , do not breathe a word
about me to any one. I have quarreled -
reled with Lord Hilton , Ho has
turned me away , and I have no buaf
ness to be In 'the house. "
"Oh ! " she replied , with a kind of
faint recollecting hesitation , "That
must be why you never come to the
haunted chamber now. I go there etc
cry night , as soon as the sun Is down. "
"Yes , that is it , Alice. "
"Ah ! That must be what makes the
day so strange to me , too. "
She looked very bewildered for a
moment , and then resumed :
"Do you know , Duncan , I feel very
strange all clay-as if I was walking
about in a dull dream that would never
come to an end ? But it is very different -
ent at night-is it not dear ? "
She had not yet discovered any distinction -
tinction between my presence to her
dreams and my presence to her waking -
ing sight. I hardly knew what reply
to make ; but site went on :
"They won'tlet ; me come to you now ,
I suppose. I shall forget my Euclid
and everything. I feel as if I had forgotten -
gotten it all already. But you won't
be vexed with your poor Alice , will
you ? She's only a beggar girl , you
know. "
I could answer only by a caress.
"I had a strange dream the other
night. I thought I was sitting out on
a stone in the dark. And I heard your
voce calling me , and it went all
around about me , and canine nearer ,
and went further off , but I could not
move to go to you , I tried to answer
you , but I could only make a queer
sound , not like my own voice at all. "
"I dreamed it too , Alice. "
"The same dream ? "
"Yes , the very same. "
"I am so glad. But I didn't like the.
dream. Duncan , my head feels sc
strange sometimes. And I am so sleepy.
Duncan , dearest am I dreaming now ?
Oh , tell me that I am awake , I shall
fancy that I have lost you. They've
spoiled my poor brain , somehow. I ant
all right , I know , but I cannot get at it.
The red is withered , somehow.
"You are wide awake , my Alice. I
know all about it. I will help you to
understand it all , only you must do
exactly as I tell you. "
"Yes , yes. '
"Then go to bed now , and sleep a5
much as you can ; else I will not let
you come to me to-night. "
"That would be too cruel , when it is
all I have. "
"Then go , dearest , and sleep. "
Next morning I called main upon
Mrs. Blakesley , to inquire after Lady
Alice , anxious to know how yesterday
had passed.
"Just the same , " answered the old
lady. "You need not look for any
change. Yesterday I did see her smile
once , thougim. "
"Have you heard of young Lord Hil-
ton's marriage ? " asked Mrs. Blakesley.
"I have only heard some rumors of
it , " I answered. "Who is the new countess -
ess ? "
"The daughter of a rich merchant
somewhere. They say she isn't the
best of tempers. They're coming here
.in about a month. I am just terrified
to think how it will fare with my Iamb
now. They Won't let her go wandering
about wherever she pleases , I doubt.
And if they shut her up she will die. "
I vowed inwardly that she should be
free , if I carried her off , madness and
Machine for Air Traveling May Eventually -
ly be Used By Sportsmen.
Lord Rayleigh , in speaking of my experiments -
periments at the Oxford meeting of the
British association , said he considered
that of the five great problems to be
solved before flight could be accomplished -
plished I had already solved three ,
says Hiram S. Maxim in the National
Review. I presume he referred to the
motive power , the propelling power
and the lifting power. What remains
to be done is to learn to steer and to
maneuver the machine and , when
once free flight is accomplished , to
practice landing until the navigator is
able to bring the machine slowly to the
earth and land without injury or
shock. Of course , it would be necessary -
sary to approach the earth slowly in
a vertical direction while running at a
very high speed , and to shut off steam
the instant the machine touches the
earth : The machine will then run forward -
ward over the earth and be brought tea
a state of rest in about 100 feet.
Now that it has been shown that a
machine may be made which will
actually lift itself and travel through
the air at a very high velocity , I believe -
lieve that some of the military powers -
ers who have so long been experimenting -
ing in this d'ir'ection will take advantage -
age of what I have accomplished , that
they may obtain sufficient appropria-
ton , and that an actual flying machine -
chine for military purposes will soon
be evolved , whether I continue my experiments -
periments or not. As for the commercial -
cial value of flying machines , I do not
think it is likely that they will be employed -
ployed for freight or passengers. Perhaps -
haps they might be used for sporting
purposes , and it is not altogether unlikely -
likely that in the daily journals of
twenty years hence we shall find illustrations -
trations of some popular prince of the
realm on a flying machine pursuing a
flock of wild geese through the air and
firing on them with a Maxim gun.
Too Expensive for Both.
Mrs. Wfgglestein-Do you know ,
Jack , I think I should like 'to learn to
play poker. It must be a fascinating
Mr. Wigglestein-Great heavens ,
Ethel ; don't think of It for a moment
We can't both afford to play.
Dli It ever occur to you that no man can
"raise the devil" without lowering himseiL
- - -
L'lanttant John Burns Tluds llls Inao
enco Waning-where Is the Dollar
Wheat-Secretary Herbert ilolps the
Trite Taaaln { : of Iinrns.
One reason why that eminent blatherskite -
erskite , John Burns , received courteous -
ous treatment in this country , even
after he began to spout about his
socialistic doctrine , was that he came
over here with something of a reputation -
tation as a political leader who had
marshaled new forces and inaugurated
a movement in England which gave
promise of accomplishing something
for the masses. It was on account of
his leadership that he inspired respect -
spect , notwithstanding his views wore
known to have a radical and dangerous -
ous tendency.
It seem3 , however , that the work
begun by Mr. Burns toward building
up a new political party in England
has had but a temporary effect , and
that the so-called New Unionist organization -
ganization is already dissolving on
account of the "advanced" views
which he was so brash in promulgating -
ing during his American tour. The
socialistic program that Mr. Burns
and his followers carried through the
trades union conR _ ress at Norwich last
fall has led to dissension and
division in the labor organizations.
From London it is announced
that several of the most important
unions have decided to withdraw from
future congresses. Among these dissident -
dent bodies are the boiler-makers and
the iron and , steel ship-builders and
the engineers , three of the greatest
unions in England , and it also appears
that the Miners' federation of Great
Britain is breaking away from the New
TJnionists. It looks as if the big organization -
ganization which Mc Burns was
chiefly instrumental in forming would
fall to pieces.
This develonment shows that with
all his magnetism as a leaner and
power as an organizer , Mr. Burns can
not infuse the trades unions of England -
land with his socialistic ideas , says
the Cincinnati Times-Star. His victory -
tory in the trades union congress
comes to naught when the unions
that indorsed his platforms hastily
have had time for deliberation. From
the reaction now taking place the
conclusion seems warranted that Mr.
Burns will be the target of keener
arrows of criticism among working
people of his own country than those
that punctured his thick skin when
he was the bloviating guest of his
American cousins.
tl'horo Is the Dollar Wheat ?
How long will it take the American
farmer to forget the campaign cry by
which his vote for a change , in gor-
erninent was solicited ? It was in the
program of promised blessings that
dollar wheat would be one of time results -
sults of a Republican defeat.
The farmer himself knows how far
he has come short of a realization of
the glittering promise. He has the
facts brought to his mind every time
he goes to manket , every time he has
an installment of interest to pay , and
every time his wife wants a new dresser
or his children a pair of shoes.
The secretary of agriculture has
had figures made which will present
the matter to everybody who can
read so that he can understand it as
well as the farmer , and with the man
who plows the ground and sows the
seed everybody is compelled to participate -
pate in the distress that comes from
the result.
In the report on farm crops
for last year it is shown that in
1890-92 the average price at the farm
for each bushel of wheat was 76.7
cents. This was during the years of
protection of American industries i
under the McKinley law.
The first year after the change that
was brought about by false promises I
and deceptions of all sorts , the farm
value of the product fell off 22.9
cents a bushel , and last year the average -
age price was 27.6 cents less than the
average . for the three years first
From 83.9 cents a bushel in 1891.
the price for which the farmer must
sell his grain has now fallen to an
average price of 19.1 cents , and who
can tell how much farther down it will
go ?
The farmer has had a lesson he will
not soon forget. Under the most favorable -
orable conditions it must be years before -
fore the wreck under which the coun-
try's prosperity lies buried can be
wholly cleared away. The first move
has been made to begin the work , but
every deluded voter whose eyes have
been opened will have to lend a hand.
-Kansas .City Journal.
An Alaskstn Delegate.
The present congress ought to comply -
ply with Alaska's request that it be
given a regular delegate just as other
territories are. There is no reason
why the request should not be granted i
and its refusal would be an act of in-
justice. The fact that American people -
ple have to stand around and beg for
privileges of this kind is a very serious -
ous reflection upon our system of gov-
ernment. It amounts to a denial of a .
right which should be accorded to all 1
Americans wherever practicable. N o j
one would say that Alaska is prepared' '
for statehood , and yet anything short
of statehood is a condition which
should be tolerated only as long as it
cannot be avoided.
Roasoa Enough.
The recQat uprising in Hawaii wil 1
not have a tendency to boom Eng-
land's project to grab one of the ,
islands for the purpose of "landing a
cable. " If John Bull is permitted to
attach a cable to Necker island his
nest ambition will be to rope in the I
whole group. The fact that Mr.
Cleveland favors this project is reason
enoagh why congress should sit down
on it.'O might change the subject
by asking Mir. Bull iviy his consul-
general encouraged the revolutionists
and an English steamer transported
their arms and ammunition.-New
York Advertiser.
Yelping the Wavy.
Secretary Herbert is determined
that our navy shall not suffer by comparison
parison with that of any other country ,
't'here is an English song which says :
"Our ships are British oak and hearts
of oak our men , " an(1 Mr. Herbert is
strong in the belief cxpressea as to
the value of good sailors , as well as
of ships. And so his heart warmed
when he was notified some time ago
that a naval reserve hind been formed
in Baltimore and in his enthusiasm he
vowed that ho would do something to
stimulate those brave tars , if ho had
to exhaust all the available resources
of the naval department. How well ho
has kept his word it will be the purpose -
pose of this nah'rative to show.
The young men who compose the
reserve have not , it must be confessed ,
had much maritime experience , says
the Philadelphia Inquirer , but they
wanted to have it. 't'hey knew that
near them was the ocean , and they
longed to be out on the blue waters ,
and swing in hammocks and man
guns , and reef the top sails and splice
the main brace and do other timings
strictly nautical.
So last summer they asked that a government -
ernment vessel should be sent to them
for that purpose and the secretary
promised that it would. But time
passed and their exlerienco was like
thatm of Enoch Arden. "No
sail from day to day. " Then
there came lmints that one
of the smaller war ves 'els would
be furnished , but that idea was aban-I
aoned and it was announced that the
old monitor ' yyandottc had been so- '
The hearts of time reserve beat high ,
but once more there was a fly in the
amber. The department with that
solicitude for the welfare of our citizens -
zens which the present administration -
tion has always showIm , decided that
the amateur tars mast stick close to
their desks and never go to sea. The
Wyandotte would be fastened to a
wharf in the harbor so securety that
she could not break from her moorings -
ings and drift out into the river , and
the young men would , therefore , be
as safe on board as the members of an'
amateur opera company on the good
ship Pinafore.
But even this idea was abandoned
and the old wooden craft Dale was
ordered to Baltimore. She had long
lain on the mud flats of the Potomac
at Washington , and it needed considerable -
erable hauling to get her off. But a
start was made , and after a stormy
voyage she reached Baltimore , leaking
badly. The harbor was entered and
she was moored to the wharf. The
reserve were waiting , their sisters
and sweethearts being present to bid' '
them farewell. Everything was ready
for the embarkation. Stores were
taken on board and all was bustle and
confusion. Suddenly there was a
strange movement on the part of the
noble craft. A shudder passed
through her frame , she gave a list to
port , sank down and settled in twelve
feet of water , looking for all the world
like a Noah's ark.
Time course of training through
which the reserves were to be put
has been postponed , but Secretary
Herbert's naval genius has not exhausted -
hausted itself , and he . will see to it
that Baltimore patriotism shall yet
have a free field for its exercise , as
long as there is an old hulk in the
All There Is of It.
The president's letter to three meal
coming as commissioners from the deposed -
posed queen of IIawaii was almost
equivalent to saying that congress had
defeated his efforts to get the wench
back on the throne , and that he wasn't
going to have anything more to do
with the matter.-Cincinnati En
quirer , Dem.
Cleveland and Casimir.
President Cleveland is not innitat-
ing the example set by Ni Casimnir-
I'erier. Yet he has made about as
bad a mess of things as the ex-presi-
dent of the French republic But Mr.
Cleveland is a Democrat and has all
the instincts of his party to hold onto
a fairly good thing.
Republican Financiers.
While we as a nation were issuing
bonds almost as fast as they could be
printed , Massachusetts last year wiped
out nearly $13,000,000 of its public
debt. Republican administrations pay
in more ways than one , as those ,
who have tried them know.-St. Louis
Democracy Then and Now.
It was the patron saint of DeInO3-
racy , General Jackson , who said :
"By the Eternal the union and the
constitution shall be preserved , " and
it is the Democrats of his own state ,
Tennessee , who celebrated St. Jackson's
day by trampling theconstitution out
of sight.
The states heretofore under Demo
elatic orPopulist control have during
the last month passed into the hands
of the Republicans , and coincidentally
a revival of business industries is ra
poh'ted all along the line.
1l hero wenid'we lie At ?
It is profitable to consider what
would be the status now if there had
been a British cable station in Hawaii
when the insurrection occurred.
Lecturers Not I ectnr'in : .
Bill Cook and Debs both in jail and
"the lecture season" at its best. But
Waite and Breckinridge are loose.--
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
PureBlood , ,
Is the foundation of good health. Without -
out it the body cannot be healthy ; +
with it there can be no constitu- f' '
tional disease. Pure Blood carries
health to every organ and prevents '
the lodgment and growth of disease - ' '
ease germs in an y part of the sys'l 'l
tem. The best way to keep the . a
blood pure is to take r
' {
lv hick , by its peculiar combination , ( t . , ,
proportion and process , acts directly
upon the blood. This is the secret
of its great success in the cure of
such diseases as scrofula , rheumatism - t
tism , and all other ailments that
have their on in in the blood. i
Hood's Sarsapari la
Makes Pure Blood 4
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Hood' s Pius utssheadac cure ne ,
f j 1 !
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yourself , and see how good it
is. It's ( "
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They give the hest value for the money.
They equal custom shoes in style and fit.
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