_ . _ . _ . + . . . . . , r } f , i 1arked Bowii ! SVe , , . , , , , . , a tlaa.cEI , ll itlvacL1 al , , an(1. IHL Ve MAIIECD DOWN llr EN i i i 1. STOCK d)1 i i t t , J . Boots and Shoes , II I I I II I I PROM 25 TO PER CET I I great inaIl y 1Illlhdllts I wall be sold at price. . . . II I II Goods , Embroideries , II I e LacesWhiteGoodsOutiiigsEtc 1 c 1 CALL AND LXAMiNt. 1 1I 1I I ATTHE . 1 4 I F I A I J ! 4 mrjaiu E 1E 1 E _ -I . I It t C. L. DEGRGFF & CO. I . I t E / [ - E JNOBLEd , F T : i I . , I . ° OpO ° , . Is the Man Who 'ells Jresh I d . i A w A i 'i ' I 1 GROCERIES. I _ _ _ _ -y y } Afd He Sells Them Right , Too. i 'SVhen you want to buy anything in the Grocery line , Noble is the man you \ , ant to see. He keeps the very best goods and sells them at remarkably low prices. He also carries a magnificent line of Lamps , ? Queensware of all kinds and Crockery. His line of Hanbgib and Stand Lamps is undoubtedly the finest in Southwestern Nebraska. remember the Holiday season is approaching , and no more appropriane present - ent can be imagined than a handsome Lamp or a set of Dishes. YOU can get them at Noble's. . c . I I Goa > nd See Noble , He Will " f 1 . : , It I - - - t-- . y- ---S . .nv. . . . . . . - r..r. vwwv , . . . . . . ' ' . AI.TIMK-6FAVI . I:4i M1 r.A.'I'-l 4.L 1I * Na. ; : ' . Ihi .nuh inl.rt nuor . . . . . . i:5.5 A. 2 No. 4. lueul p".t , IUrr. , , . . . . llI U P. Nu. iti , Irv izIii . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 1145 A. i u. S4.hvtgn $ . 4g1A. : tin. Itrntht 1tIJJ ( A. re Nr , . 113.r. . Iel11 , ttmdt all hero itIqJ A.1 GU.Nr µ c.1'-S1 , Ir TAN Tlur.-I.I.AVV..S. Nn : i. Ili..uth pa..r11u. r. . . . . . II : : P. Nu. : i , lurn rtn.t.t wg'r. . . . . . . . 11:15 P. . Nn. 13 fruiuht. . . , SIN , P. 1 V. ii Ir.ahl 4:1i P.1 \u 1411 , Ir. iht Inadl' up b , ma . . . . GIUI : , LM1'I Jtlal. LINE.-DIuUSTA/N TISII : . ' 4 , IiS , an. " nl . . . . , . . . . . K:141 : A. 1 Nn I tt arroyo ni . . . 5 : It ) P. 1 \.7 F-Nn. : f3 tIrrr ! + i isFengr rs ft -II. Itnn. It. nk , Inuu. mid Ilae11'r. tll Irut" , run I I l % I xr ( pttnu 148. 14:1 : nn 7ti tt'hu h run dad ) uxerp ( undai. Nu : i.ruit , It 1le.kelaau , turd ll'rat. Nn ' $ ; , ludauuthe.l'atibriaga : utrd A n.nhnt . tin ) l t III tv.t'r1 I' l $ ( Ifl . ' % $ I tlr ligi hrtol , , 'InbueiC , nnI.trnpnhur. I \.5 141.149 and It/enrr ; } pu.8e11g ( rl4fa , ti uotnot Y"ii eau Ilutrhit.t , a tillSnflit . ' ( tckt I , note I. : ' IaetVul puinl $ In Ih. Und , d Statt i aed 1'al Qn nail haeeurt rh , t kt a Ihr.neh rim dt'nia , u , it it huut xt , t tun gr ur trunSI' . t. Fn sal.utlntnon Ittirlrrl111g rtttt'P. r call (111 ii nndru. . : I' Ig. MdNFU ; , Agt'tI Ed. J1cKay's boy baby has been quit sick. StWteltliian Ball has been visiting hi parents in Akron , this week. It is rumored that passenger trains a:1d 6 will Ie pit on again-April 1st. lV. G. Reddin made a flying trip t Lincoln , Ott .Vednesdav of this week. S C Dtllev of Hastings has leased ant s flow in charge of the Red Cloud eat lug house Brakeman J. 1 . Custer was called ti Bh1r Springs on Monday by the death a his mother. Arthur \Vood goes into the freigh liour , and Rufus Carlton succeed , kiln as office boy. General Supt. Calvert of Lincoln an Chief of Motive Power I-Iatvksworth wer McCook visitors , yesterday. James McAlpine left for Denver , las Sunday , to take the foremanship of Ui freight house. Success to trim. 1\1r. Loonii ; , hrotht r of G.V. . c Ho , Irei.e's ofTiee , rvifl he anent at Dei vt r. He was formerly agent at Beatric ( Supt Camphef and Master Meebani Archibald went up to Denver , Tuesda night , on company business of in purtance. Mrs. George Goodwin of Omaha at rived in the city , Tuesday night , and the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mr. . Starbuck. Mr , and Mrs. Shepardson and Mis Dollje of Riverton have been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Becks , sine close of last week. D. Zimmerman , the irrigation enginee of Arapahoe , has accepted the positio of traveling passenger agent for the M K. & T. company. Fireman Utter , formerly a brakema out of McCook , now running out of A liance , was down first of the week , gel ting his goods ready for shipment. Conductor Chapin arrived from Asl tabula , Ohio , on Tuesday night. T1i children ( li(1 not accompany him for tli reason that Mrs. Chapin is very unwel Brakeman . C. Cox has quit Ui company's employ to go near Re Cloud to take care of his father who ' more or less helpless , we are informer No. 5 was a number of hours late , Sm day ui t , gilt the burning of a bridge b ( twecn Lincoln and Hasting causing tb delay. The passenger did not reac here until about one o'clock. We understand that the business imie of Cheyenne and along the line hay petitioned General Manager Holdreg for better service-the former promisin their e.clusive business in event compliance with the request. Warner Knowles , whose injury I Logansport , Indiana , was noted in la week's issue , is in a fair way to recove although the would-be assassin's bull went within an inch of his heart an through his left lung lodging against Ii collar bone. A new passenger association succeec the defunct trans co tinental. Its nan is the \Vestern Trunk Line Passengx company. T. D. Caldwell of the o association is chairman of the new. TI Union Pacific is the only road out of lines that refused to sign the agreemen J. M. Henderson of McCook is firir for Neeling while Al. Avery is absent Iowa , where he has been called by ti serious illness of his father . . .The reli department of the B. & . M. has paid Mrs. Thornton the suns of $50o in full life policy of her husband , Frank Thorr ton..Mesdames Cummins and Bat of Red Cloud , whose husbands were kill ( upon the \Vauneta branch by the e gine backing into a horse while going a high rate of speed and becoming d railed , have settled with the comPal by accepting the insurance money. Mu Cummins received $ rooo , and Mrs. Ba ter $50O..For economy the compai have taken off time day coach on the Francis line and have substituted caboose for the use of the train me This with the accommodation car co stitutes the public's accommodations this train. It is said the extra expen of hauling the long day coach was t equal of five tons of coal daily.-Reps lican City Democrat. b1 . ' - . ' ' - - Warning in the Nick of TlmL A fortunate cunibinatiOU ef i'ni : iii stances alone prevented a hurrilde a dent Sunday afternoon. Burl imgt train No. 2 frotn the went came trithi an a.e of dashing through a burur t pmt b rlge one an I a half uilts : wt st u ! ' 1)el ton , while ruunuig at a speed near e' enty-five evil-s an hour Jatnes Garrity , a Lihoring ! : tau tranll ing from town to town seeking wort was walking on the track west frui Denton an(1 found the bridge No. 55 , trestle a'out fifteen feet long , burniti and very nearly destroyed. 'Pile cas bound passer er train w.ts then eve due. Garrity rushed hack to Dent , and arrived at the station out of brew 1 but able to tell the operator ; vhat wa the matter. \Vordvv.t , s nt to the rin.oln heal quarters and quirk as could be Ilashu to Crete an order was given to $ top Na 2. The mrdn was already at Crete am um a few morn minutes would have beet headed full speed filr the place whir ( lisaster lra , certain. The trdiu Wa trying to rnnle ; up time. The track 0c fore reaching the bridge u'as down grail and Supt rent ! ) 'icnt Ilineil thin' ' ; , I Wuull have heen iii tkiug seventy-live miles an hoar on that piece of trat k i the tvarnint. ; bad nut held it. Word was received at Lincoln at 2u5 Every mrtn happened to he at his post and the immaterial tram anti workiiicr were speedily collectec and sent to th spot where their services were nee'le'I At 4:45 the train ' .vets allowed to pas over the ue.t'Iy built hri.de 'rbe hri'igt had heen entirely burned atvay. uuthini but the rails being ] eft. The fire is still posed to have been C.tue.l by an engine which p . se 1 about Iu:45. The hero of the train saving , Jaime Garrity , was uruught to Lineuhl. H said all he wanted was work , and thread road accofrnnrluted hint. He will go t work this tuorning fur the Burlinguli Lincoln Journal. There's Always a Reason. It is an easy tiling to account for th wonderful growth of the DAILV STAT JOURNAL recently. Its price has been rt ' : acted to 50 cents per month withou Sunday , or 65 cents with Sunday. TH. JOURNAL. has alwas heen reliable all honest , printing the hews without fea or favor. The people of Nebraska real ize that they neel a paper published a the capital , and wltef the price of 'Fii JOURNAL tt as reduced the suhscriptio list grew at a phenominal rate. 'I'ii JOURNAL Is a Nebraska paper throug and through. Cast Their Shadows Before. Charity concert , Menard's opera hal. Iiridav evening , February ISth. First annual ball. Starof Jupiter , Tue : day evening , February 12th , A. 0. U. V hall. Masquerade ball and supper , K. C T. M. , Friday e'reuing , February 22 ( A. 0. U. W , hall. Annual meeting of McCook Co-open tive Building and Savings Association city hall , Monday evening , February i i Harvest Excursion , February 1 Round trip tickets will be sold o above date , to all points in the states Arkansas , Colorado , Indian Terrltory Oklahoma , South Dakota , Texas an \Vyunming. And to numerous points i Louisiana , Missouri , New Mexico an Utah , at one lowest standard first-cla $ fare , plus $2.00 , except that the mm muni round trip rate shall be $7.a Tickets will be limited to continues passage in each direction , going limit t commence with date of sale , final r ( turn limit twenty days from dateofsah C. F. MAGNHR , Agent. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscrii Lion is delinquent and you have time woo bring us in a load or two. We have seen a number of watc chains ornamented with a pretty char : in the shape of a watch case opener wlmicli obviates the use of a knife or fu ger nail to open the watch. They ai sent free upon request by the Keyston Watch Case Company , of Philadelphia Pa. Your jeweler here may have one ft you ; if not , send to Philadelphia. The Keystone Watch Case Company the largest concern of its kind in tli world. Its capacity is 2500 watch cast per day. It manufactures every descrti tion of case , but its great specialty that most popular of all watch cases , H ; Jas. Boss gold filled. These are equa in beauty and wear to solid gold-whi' ' they cost only about one-half as mud ] Boss and other Keystone cases are tll only cases that have the famous Nol pull-out how or ring , which saves ti watch from theft or accident. The lie' stone Company does not retail , but of local jewelershandle the cases and sweet by the thief-proof qualities of the ring. Fifteen (15) cents will buy a box t nice writing paper at this office , co taming 24 sheets of paper and 24 envc opes. opes.i You can grow fat on those let hogs' backs at Brewer's meat market. Best Fancy Patent flour at $ i.oo p sack , $1.95 per hundred , at Knipple's. White Pine Cough Syrup , by Mclllille druggist. Everybody needsit-McConneli'sF ] grunt Lotion. - - - lr T Weddlitg Chimt a. i At the Ittmmt , of Slr. autl \ I rs , N. f . i.at line , fife mites west of Iioltlrege , u Wediiesdfy nuprning , Jan 16th , ' red one of time haIpPrest w eutit6 cent nouies in the annul. of tl'e prest r play The bride , tveli ktiutvu lu iii iii .1 readers here , w'ts Mjss J.izzie Curnll , si ter of Mrs Chclilm. The ; , : . .t' ( I Lauthertis a very successful rnechaei ' now stationed at the liurlnrtutr ; shops a Sheridan.Vtocltiii ; Rev. F.thvr Iljekey oficCnok per formed the cereruon'in that sweet , uu pressive utauner so charactettstmc of tit Catholic Church Mr atephen 1'1111 and Miss Clare duuuut of .ttcluok , octet as best man ati'1 lady. 'l'ime unite WW beautifuiy .trray'eI in creHrn silk and us trick ) itnues ; the m.ud worn cneaut crept with adorecileets of yefo v r . . hods while time groom and grunt rntti : were attired iu for u'aod con veuuuan ' .ark Never s.auwe a , u..t , , vccttr oti. u and never was maid launched on these of nmatriulony with a amore stately an. noble oaruru1. Only the relative , att.I a few irunediate friends of time parties were present at tilt nuptials , but they will never forget homy pleasantly rime t.uiims ile 1 . . . .l imo" boptiteously they were serve ( ] tt tilt wedding feast. May God's blessing follow theft wilier' ever they go is toe wish of their host 0 friends , not only 111 Huldregge , but also in McCuu..od S.meri.lau v rr : t : ey ar ; bout much loved actd esteerttcd McCook's logs isa.leri iam1's gain -Cunt uuwicated to the Orleans Proi.res E. I-Iatison accompanied his wife tc Illinois , first of time week , returnimi& pert on lVedtit , 1i v.\JrS"Ha11snu will reitlaim some tiucc fur her health. [ PJII.iSliEl ) fl ALJ'I'IIORITV.I Commissioners' Proceedings. INDIANOLA. Neb , Jan 9 , 1895 The board tiavnig given clime fotict that it would receive sealed btis foi furnishing books , blanks amid statlner for the use of couIty officers duruig tilt year 1895 , only two bids were received vex : Bid of State Journal Company : rut bid of Lincoln Priutiug Company. Or iilotioli further consideration of saint bids was laid over nutil next nlretitig. The board having given w'rrttt n notiet to each of the newspapers ptblished ii Red Willow county that it would receivt sealed bids for publishing commission ers' proceedings , legal notices and delin quent tax list for 1895 , the following hid. Were received , viz : lnlependent ! immterprtse of McCook. McCook 'Tribune of McCook. Times Democrat of McCook. Inlianola Courier of Indianola. Indianola Reporter of Indianola. Ou emotion further considerationi tea laid over until next utceteig. Boar(1 aljounrul to 11th , 189 . C. J. RYAN , Chairman. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution directed to m from the district court of Lancaster count ) Nebraska , mm a jcdgnrtnt obtained before th judge of the district c lurt of Lancaster coon ty , Nebraska , at the September term , 1894 , o said court , in favor of Samuel J. Tuttle a plaintiff , against Tulle May and David Ma' as defendants , for tlw urn of sevca thouwand eight hundred and eighty-eight doIar ] , am eighty five cents , ( $7,88855) ) and costs taxi ( at fifty-four dollars , and sixty-three ccit ; ( $54.63) an l accruing costs , I have levied up on the following real estate taken as the prop erty of said defendants , to satisfy said execu tion , to-wit : ' 1'he north % . f the north-eas ! .of section twenty-nine (29) ( ) , in township emI ( I ) , north of range thirty (30) ) , west of mil sixth ( b ) principal meridian in Red Wiliov county , Nebraska. And will offer th sam for sale to the highest bidder , for cash ii hand , on the 18th day of February , A. D , 1895 , in front of the court house in Indianola Nebraska , that beingthe building wherein ti xi term of the court was held , at the hour o one o'clock p. in. of said day , when and when due attendance will be given by the under signed Dated January 16th , 1895. Jan. t8-5ts B. R. BANKS , Sheriff. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. the county court of ReI count ) Nebraska. 'the State of Nebraska to th heirs of John Archibald , decease' ! , and ti any others interested in said matter : You are hereby notified that an instrnmeri purporting to bthe last will anti testt.men of John Archibald deceased , is on file in sai court , and also a petition prayingfor the prc bate of said instrument , an(1 for the appoint ment of Dora Archibald as executrix That on the 12th clay of February , 1S95 , at on o'clock p. m. , said petition and the proof ( the execution of said instrument will be hear ( and that if you do not then appear and cop test , said court may probate and record th same , and grant admmmstration of th. . ' estatet Dora Archibald as executrix of same. Thi notice shall be published for three week successively in'TIIE McCooK 'fRIRUNE pri ( to said hearing. Witness my hand and ofhcu seal this 24th day of January , 1895. CHARLES . BECK , [ sFAL.J Jan. 25-its. County Judge. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES. The following estimate of expenses for tim year iS95 was fixed as follows : County General Fund.$20coo.OO County Bridge Fund. . . . . . . 8,000,00 County Road Fund. . . . . 6,000.00 Indianola Precinct Fund. . . 200.00 North Valley Precinct Fund gdw.0O \v'illowGrove Precinct Fund I,5O000 Bartley Village Fund. . . . . . . 400.00 Soldiers' Relief Panel. . . . . . 500.00 TOTAi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,5OO.cO C. J. RYAN , Chairman. GEO. W. HoPn , County Clerk. J an.25.4t STOCKHOI.DERS' MEETING. Notices is hereby given that the annua meeting of the stockholders of The : ! cCoo Irrigation and Water I'owcr Company will t held at the secretary's office in Mcrook , o \Vednesday , February 6th , 1895 , for the pu pose of electing directors and transacting suc other business as may come before sai meeting. CitARLES A. IIANNA , CHARLES 11. MEEKER , Presiden Secretary. I-I I-4t Goon ADVICE. We advise you to use Oregon Kidney T ( because we know it will cure you. It is U only remedy that will positively cure kidn ( . and bladder troubles of any kind and a tri will prove the most convincing argument its merit. You can buy trial size packages any drug store for 25 cents. , I ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori . 'r 4 e t , SU'IM.NS 1tv Pulmt.ICATION. Luuisx J. Rittenhouse , Austin J. Ritten. hottst , "I 'he Dakota Loan and ' ( 'rust Corn. ' prny , a coroation { incorporated under the Iw , f the lerrit ( > ' of Dakota Aloe rt N. Mo r , Mr , . : \ b rt J' . Moore , his tvmfe , whose : imrt Iman finale is to plaintiff unknown. Let- shta M 4'e.va I , as adutni tratrix of the es- tat' , f ! . b' rt R. Stewart , deceased , Letshda " 'n'var JamesStewm rtMrs.JamcsStewart , . . 'vim r christrnrnauneistopiaintiff an- kautt , ' , Joser It Stewart , llrs , Josepit Stewart. h' it , a 11"sir I hristlau ummne is 'to plaintiff an .U..vvi , I ht State of Ncbrask.iCeorl cJ.Bur- Le.a .11(1 airs. George J. Burgess , Ilef Ldaiits , will take nonce that \larv f : . Page , plaintiff , h s llleI h rwtition { in the ( hstnct court of Red ' ' : now aunty , N , bra ka , tilt-object and pity t ot which arc to foreclose a certain ntorttatre d ed , executed by the defendants , L"uisa J. lattenlt. use and Austin J. Rrtten- htuse , to lime Dakota Loan and 't'rust Cum- pu1y : , and aftcrvvinks assigned to the plaintiff I crei' ' , upon th f flowing described read estate - tate smtuatrd iii Red \Vlllow county , Nebraska - ka , to-wit : Lots aunibered five and six , in Ilack ntnnbetct four , in time Second addition to tim City of McCook , to secure the payment of their Haven 0 rtaui promissory notes , one f u ; 7OO.0O. due June Ist , iS9I , auI ten tor the suet of ,54.5o e eeh , clue respectively Decent- I r t , 1 8n , .ntd Jut r , and ) er t' IS iS'I , 1S92 , 15)3 , surd June I , I89 , and all draw- : g n' ' 'est a' t n per cent. frtdn maturity. There is uuty ( iue on sn.l notes and mortgage. 11.cludi gthe aniutunof insurance pawl on said 1 . , rtgagcd property , the stun of S7tzoo , with inl' r. st „ n $7c0.Oo thereof , from June i , 1S94 , and on , ; t : Go thereof , from June 20 , i&9. { , and the plaiuuff m.r Iys for a deuee that the defendant - antbe I equire ( ! to p I } , the snore , or that said prrntis bi sobl tnatl fy said amount.'ou r are required to aiiS 'er said petihan on o b tore blonda } ' . the 4th day of Marc11,1895. Daed this 19th d t } of January , 159j blAkY 1 : . 1'u ( , Plaintiff. ByC , s. MIIELAN , her attorney. Jan. 5.4t. P1ra1.IC.1I'tox NoTIct : . Jain. s C Kane and \is. ! James C. Kane , his wife , whose christia11 name is to the plaintiff unknutvn , delenlaimts , will take notice - tice tic \Vinol' I ) . tiod.ianlplaintrff herein , has hie I her { , elision in the district court of \\'Illorr . .oatyebraska , against said defend ut- , the a jest and prayer of which are to forecdos ; a tertaltl uitttgage exeeiitcd ,1l.rch 1st , 1893 , by the de- fenIaIIt James C. Kane to one l'age ' 1' . Francis amid by hini assit ned to the above muted Pl Ijilt ill 111)011 the lollowing described real estate , t"-wiL time south half of the south- cast cl11aItcr of section number thin , in town- shI p aumber four , north , of range h uuutber tweet-ninevve-t of the 6tlt I' . ll. , Red \ \ ii- . hs' County , state \ebraska , to secure their seven promissory notes. one note for $300 , due /larch 1st , ISg6 , and six coujvin interest notes of i each , the first note of said series of six interest coupon , notes maturing September - ember Ist,1893 , and on.- . note niattu lag every six 11iIittis Ihereafter until tint maturity of the lust nt te of said series of ten notes umaturing \Iarclt 1st , m$96 ; and there is now due the plaintiff on sail lull CS anti oust g' the sum of S35 { , wirh juiciest thereon .a time r.de of ten pet cent pcr a''iiuili on MI5 thereof ft otn 5epember 1st , 1893 , oe $15 thereof from Alart h Ist,189aid { oil $ ,315 there. [ from Sept- cnibcr 1st 189 1' acid plaintiff prays for a ( le- cree that drfvmrants he required to nay the sauce or that said premises pray be sold to satisfy the amount found due an(1 costs of Suit. You are required to answer said pcti- tjon ou or before the ISth day of I ebruary , 1895. Dated this 7th day of January , 1895. \\'i\NIE I ) . STultuaRO , lay \V. S. r hR1.\N , 1laintiff. I-I i-4t lien Attorney. SPECIMEN CASES. 5.11. Clifford , New CasselCiscoesin , was troubled with neuralgia and iheumatisnc , his stomach was disordered , his liver was affected 8'I al trimming dt g.t-e , appcmite fell .rvvay , and he was terribly reduced iii flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric bitters cured him. Edwa d Shepht rd , I larrisbtirR' . Illinois had a running sate on iris J. g of S years' standing. Used three Lot les of Electric Bitters and seven boxts of L'ucklin's Arnica Salve. and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker. Catawba , Ohio , had five large fever shires OP his leg. Doctors said he was incurable. Onc bottle of Ehctmic Bitters and one hex of Bveklin's Arnica Salve cured lilec entirely. X 6 Sold at McMilien's drugstore. An adjourned annual heeling of the Mc- Cook Ekctnc Light Company will be held at time cumm'any office , February 411' , for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. FRaD W. CnauwTH , Secretary. A IIOUSEl1OLt ) 1'P.IASURE. I ) . 'VV. Fuller of Canaoharie , New York , says that lie always keeps Dr. Lung's New Discovery in the house , aped his family has always found the very best results follow its use ; that he would not be vr1tluut it if pr eur- able. G. A. llykeman , druggist , Catskill , New York says that Dr. King's ' ew Iiscav- er is undoubtedly the best cough remedy ; that lie has uscI t in his family for eight years. and t has never failed to do all that is claimed fur it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and trusted. Trial bottles free at Mc- Millen's drug store. Regular size 50c and $1. BUCKLEN"S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises , sores , ulcers , sal ; rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles or no rty Perect required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cts. per box. For sale by McMillen. I've a secret in my heart , Sweet Marie , A tale d would impart. Sweet Marie. If you'd even fairer be You must always use [ 'arks''rca , 1'he improvement you will sec , Sweet Marie. 5(11(1 b } McMillen. The American beauty owes her prestige more to a clear complexion than to any other attribute. A cup of I'arks' will music any one to possess this. It clears the skin and removes pimples and that sallow , muddy look. farts tea ms use by'l'housands of ladies for the complexion. Without being a cathar tic it cures constipation. Sold by Mc ttillen. Parks' sure cure is a sure spcific in all dis eases of the liver and kidneys. By rcm , vjnp the urc acid in tine hloud it cures rhrumma'isn : . 5. B. I acfor of Carthage. S. D. , says : "I believe - lieve Parks' sure cure excels all other nredi cines for rheumatism and urinary troubles. " Sold by McMillen. Parks' tea clears the complexion. M rs. N. Meyctte of LeRoy , N. Y. , say's : I have used Parks' tea and flint it the best remedy i have ever tried. " Sold : 'y McMillen. A Cup of l'arks' tea t night moves the bowels in the morning without pain or dis- comfort. It is a great health giver and blood purifier. Sold by McMiilen. Parks cough synip cures coughs , colds and consumption. Mrs. Catherine Ilack ; of l.e Roy , N. V. , says : "i took one bottle of Parks' cough syrup. It acted like magic. Stopped fly cough and I am perfectly well now. ' Sold by McMillen. Captain Sweeney , U. S. A. , San Diego , Cal. , " ' the first say's : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is medicine I ever found that would do me any ; ; cod : Price Soc. Sold by McConnell. Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cis. , 50 cts. , SI.oo. Sold by McConnell & Co. Shjloh's Cure , the great cough and croup cure , is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses , only 25 cts. Children love it. Sold by McConnell. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. v