Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report ya1Bakirg z AZSOWTELY PURE I n t1 . By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. GROVER and Dave have kissed and made up. THE Hastings Nebraskan has suspended till better times. SENATOR RATHBUN has a bill in his incubator which asks the state for an appropriation to secure water - er for irrigating purposes from artesian wells. THE hardy settlers of Red Willow - low county have no thought of giving - ing up the ship , notwithstanding the hardships imposed upon them by two consecutive crop failures. THouGH needy , western Nebraska - ka is not in a starving conditionas pictured in the eastern press by highly imaginative quill-drivers. Needy and deserving , but hardy and hopeful. REPRESENTATIVE LAMBORN has introduced house bill No. 1 which provides that counties may issue ten-year bonds and buy seed and feed for needy settlers. It provides - ides severe penalties for fraud in applying for relief. REPRESENTATIVE LAMBORN is chairman of the committee on federal - eral relations , on is a member of the committees on railroads , manufactures - ufactures and commerce , claims , rules , insurance and irrigation. On the irrigation committee are also McBride , Bee and Cole of the Republican - publican valley delegation. So that there is no good excuse for the interests of the people to go s. - astray on that paramount question. THE California irrigation law , or the "Wright bill" as it is generally called , is in many respects unsuited - ed to our wants and needs in this : Q , state. We understand that the law proposed for enactment at the present - ent session of the legislature is practically the Wright law of Cali- fornia. Among other objections , it is too elaborate , cumbersome and expensive ; it does not sufficiently protect the water consumer. This matter of the irrigation law proposed - posed for passage by the present legislature demands closest scru- tiny. We should have the simplest , most equitable , least expensive law in its operation , that can be enact- ed. The case does not require a lot of high-priced officials justnow at all events. Give us a fair and square law sans trimmings. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. In the past week I have made X125 and attended t0 my household duties. I think I will do better next week. It seems the more Dish Washers I sell , the more demand I have for them. I think any lady or bgentlemEn , anywhere , can make money in this business. It is something - thing every family wautsand when they can be bought so cheap , they buy them , and the person who has enterprise enough to take an agency is sure to make money. I wish any of your readers that wish to make from $5 to $12 a day , would try this business and report their success. Any one can get fall particulars by addressing the Iron City Dish Washer Co. , E. E. Pittsburg , Pa. Such a chance is rare-at least I have never struck one. MARTHA F. B. - S. CORDEAL V . . . : Notary Public , Reliable , Insurance , Collection Agent. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROSPECT PARK. Fine winter weather. Herbert Shaw had business on the Driftwood , Sunday. Stock is doing well considering the amount of feed they get. Roy Barnes is taking care of R. S. Hileman's stock during his absence - sence in Iowa. Rev. J. E. Tirrill has been conducting - ducting a series of revival meetings - ings at the Prospect Park school house for some time. Andrew Anderson arrived home on Now Year morning , from his Texas trip. He says he will try Red Willow county another year. Messrs.C. E. Boatman and Clifford - ford Dunham and Misses Alice Holbrook and Mattie Shears spent Sunday with Mr. Hartmau and family over on Spring creek. TYRONE. Frank Moore went to Wilson- yule on Saturday. John Taylor joined the Epworth League , Thursday evening. David Cox , from near Bartley , attended church here , Sunday. G. W. Kimpton and E. A. Allen went to Indianola , Wednesday. BORN-To Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore on the 3rd inst. a daughter. Mail Carrier Wixon is trying for three trips a week on this route. Our local weather prophet predicts - dicts intense cold from the 15th to the 20th. Buy Pennsylvania Hard Coal of the Barnett Lumber Co. It is the best and cheapest. Send your orders to the Barnett Lumber Co. for all kinds of hard and soft coal. Inro Easily Obtained. The average civilized man would be hard put to it if ho were compelled to start a fire without matches , tinder boxer or burning glass. But Lieutenant von Hohnel describes an African chief as not only accomplishing this feat , but doing it with quickness and ease. The traveler had asked him to show his skill. It was really wonderful , in view of the moisture laden atmosphere , with what rapidity he did as I had requested. The materials employed were such as we saw wherever we went-two simple bits of wood , ono flat about six inches long and not quite an inch wi.e , with a row of grooves on one side , the other about 12 inches long and of the thickness - ness and shape of a lead pencil. The longer piece , fixed in one of the grooves of the shorter pinta , was held tightly between the palms of the hand and whirled rapidly round and round. In a few seconds the wood dust which was prodncedbythefriction , and which fell through the grooves , began to smoke. This dust was carefully nursed into a blaze , which was fed with fine grass and bits of cotton stuff. The whole thing is done so quickly that our men , even the lazy Wasnngu , always employed this method on short halts forlighting their pipes-Yonth's Companion. No Nerd Like the Doctors. Mr. Sydney Holland enlivened the guests at the annual festival of Poplar hospital by relating an incident which occurred within the walls of that insti- tution. A man was brought in who was thought to be dead. His wife was with him. One of the doctors said , "He is dead , " but the man raised his head and said , "No , I am not dead yet , " whereupon - upon his wife admonished him , saying , "Be quiet ; the doctor ou1it to know best.London Echo. i , AN OLD COLD Is CHRONIC OATARRIJ , THE WORsT DISEASE KNOWN. The first stage of catarrh is corn- monly called catching cold. It may begin in the head , nosethroat , or lungs. In the majority of cases no attention is paid to a coldthere- , fore nearly half the people have chronic catarrh in some form. To neglect a cold is to invite catarrh. The second stage of catarrh is sometimes called an old cold. If in the head , there is roaringcrack- ing in the ears , periodical headache - ache , and confusion of the senses. If in the nose , discharge , sneezing. noisy breathing , and bad breath. In the throat it produces enlarged tonsils , hawking , sore throathoarsE- , ness or weak voice. When the catarrh - tarrh reaches the bronchial tubes and lungs it produces cough , pain in the chest , expectoration , night sweats , loss of flesh and shortness of breath. A cold in the head , which a single - gle bottle of Pe-ru-na will cure , soon becomes a case of chronic Ca- tarrhwliich , will require many bottles - tles to entirely cure. A sore throat , which one bottle of Pe-ru-na will cure , soon becomes chronic phar- yngitis or enlarged tonsils , which will require many bottles. A slight cough , which , without a vestige of doubt , will soon disappearwith the use of Pe-ru-na , becomes chronic bronchitis , which requires a persistent - sistent use o Pe-ru-na for some time. There are a great many cases of consumption each year due directly to a neglect of coughs , colds , etc. , which , if Pe-ru-na had been kept in the house and used according to directionswould have been prevented. For a free treatise on catarrh , coughs , colds , consumption , and al ] diseases of winter , send to The Pe- ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co. , Columbus , Ohio. WELLS ! Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will be given the same. The Tariff Financial Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. M. Noble can answer the question to the satisfaction - faction of all. Noble is sole agent for Chase & Sanborn's celebrated coffees , the finest flavored in the market. If you want a superior quality you know just where to go for it. There is no better purchasable. If you need a road cart or any kind of a wagon , see Cochran & Co. They can fill the bill and at prices to correspond with the hard times. Cochran & Co. carry a full line of shelf and heavy hardware. They always make you the right price. 'Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memorandums , etc. Anything you want in the hardware - ware line at Cochran & Ce.'s. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , over Gansehow's shoe store. Try McMillen's Damask Rose Lotion for face and hands. White Pine Cough Syrup-by McMillen , druggist. Stove Wood Nice and Dry , at Ballard's McMillen Brothers are headquarters for winter goods of all binds. See them ! GOOD ADVICE. We advise you to use Oregon Kidney Tea because we knowit will cure you. It is the only bladder that will positively cure kidney and troubles any ind , and a tril will rove the most convincing argument of its merit. You can buy trial size packages at any drug store for 25 cnts. Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , DR 3iCEj BAKING POWDER OST PERFECT MADE. A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. STATEMENT OF TIlE CONDITION . . .OF TILE. . . McCook Co-Operative Building and Savings Association , OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA , On the 31st day of December , IS94. ASSETS. First Mortgage Loans. . . . . $45,415.5S Loans secured by Stock of this As- soclation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200.00 Real Estate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,667.79 Expenses , Insurance and Taxes I'aid 691.44 Cash with Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,730.14 ToTAF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.704.95 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock , paid up . . . . . . . . . . . . . $48,179.17 Premiums Unearned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,104.25 Prepaid Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go.oo Contingent Tunrl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331.53 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,704.95 STATE OF NEBRASKA , COUNTY OF RED WILLOW , Ss : I , F. A. Pennell , Secretary of the above named Association , do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of the condition of said Association is true anti correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. A. PENNELI , Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of January , 1895. J. E. KELLEY. Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 22 , 1898. Approved : FRANK HARRIS , 1. B.CAMPBELI , Directors. J. F. GANSCIIOW , r B M KIMMELL McCOOK , NEB. ftilltOr AND Stationor. PIIBLISIIEn OF AND DEALEIL IN Lod1 1dnks Note BOOKS , . Books , S6dIG Books. DEALER IN 1 Office AND STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. _ - TRIBUNE 9 FIRST DOOR NORTH 0 ? THh POSTOFFICZ r. . ± -THE . FAMOUS cLOTHING COMPANY . .4 . - - OUR REGULAR. . . . Semi-Annual Clearing IS NOW ON. A Great Opportunity to Buy Trustworthy as well . ; . as Very Reliable Goods at .e _ , Specially Low Prices. Call all(1 See us. Be convinced. i McCook , Nebraska. ; 1UNAS ENGEL , . --MANAGER. 11cCOOK COMMISSION CO. II. H. TROTIf , Manager. Headquarters for all Grades of Flour. Pillsburys Best. . . . X1.50 per sack Monogram , H. P . X1.20 per sack 84 High Patent. . . . 1.20 per sack Little Hatchet " . .85 per sack Wauneta , H. P . . . . 1.10 per sscl , 91 , High Patent . . 1.00 per sack Minnesota Cream. High Patent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J0 per sack Place PennsYlvallia Buckwheat. We are selling the best baker's grade flour in the city at $1.44 per hundred. Ground Feed of all kinds , Corn , Oats , Baled Hay and Alfalfa always on hand. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Take . Notices . DoYou Want The r Very Best ? . Having contracted a . e choice herd o 1 grade Hereford heifers o r. Evans , o e ale ranch. Also will receive monthly shipments of Fancy Alfalfa fed Cattle from Colorado. We are in a position to offer the finest meats ever offered in the city. . . . All Kinds of . . . MEAT , GAME , POULTRY OYSTERS , ETC. , ETC. ' Top Prices paid for . . . Beef .Hides Furs , Tallow Lard Etc. i ARKII 1 1 , r FLITCRAFT & HENNINGS. PROPRIETORS. pf S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 1 J ( I