The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 04, 1895, Image 7

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The Gentleman
t Uoing-Mercilessly Pressed
I. )
oxoty Inquisitor
Determined to
Revealed Fin(1 Out
vealed But the Big Policeman Is Wily
and Falls to Commit Himself When
Closely Cornered.
The Lexotv Inquiry.
NEW Yo c , Dec. 29.-Notwithstand-
ing the general impression that this
Would be the last day of the session
-of the Lexotv
committee for some
clays at any rate , and the fact that
several prominent police officials
were yet to be examined , the attendance -
- ance of auditors to-day was much
smaller than usual. Counsel Goff ar-
riveti just forty minutes late. Senator -
tor Lexow first said that lie had received -
ceived a letter from Anthony Comstock -
stock , but that the senators did not
think it right to have Mr. Colnstoclc
.come to court , , as the matter was outside -
; side the scope of the committee.
Dir. Goff then said : "Through the
I kindness of the Associated Press - I
have been supplied with a copy of an
iutercicw with Mr. Comstoclc last
night , and I tvi1L now say that I de-
dine to say anything or have any
cominnnication with Mr. Comstock
fiutil he puts into writing all he
knows and all he is prepared to say
in reference to a certain case in which
he stys ; I was prosecutor while holding -
ing the position of assistant district
attorney. The chair is still open for
tiny person who wishes vindication ,
and as this committee will have to adJourn -
Journ very soon I feel sure that there
, ' will be a number of claimants for viii-
i dicatian after the session has ended. "
inspector Williams was then re-
calletl to the stand and Mr. Goff
asked him if he ever had any United
States bOfIS. The witness said that
he never had. Several questions as
to the witness' property followed and
also a few questions about his yacht
t "Elenenor. "
Then Mr. Goff began asking how
i much money Williams got as gratni-
' ties while in command of the Tenderloin -
: loin rccinct.
! Not a penny , " was the reply.
'i I "Did von get any money ? "
"Yes , but not in the Tenderoin , as
3-on call it. I got money down town
from the firm of Fliess S ; by , 47
Ilroadway. "
"flow nIucb did you yet ? "
1 'About $3,000 or $0,000. Mr. Fliess
said he was dealing in stocks. I gave
him no money , but he said lie was
i Willing to take the risk. I did not
knot- anything about the business. "
' -'Phis Mr. Fliess is connected with
the iiollywood Whisky company , in
which you were accused of having an
iimterat ? "
"Yes I believe but he had
, so ; no
Ii position in the company at that time.
i I lie bid me his brother was connected
t with the company. "
"Did you ever send for an envelope
a cont.t r xi valuable property and
have it taken from Wardman Dunlap's
room when he was dying ? "
f fl \osir.
Th ? witness then said lie had an ac-
coon in the Bowery Savings bank of
less than $3,000 ; one of. the Seamen's
of less than $1,000 and one in the Dry
Dock of less than $ ? ,000. lie did not
F have any other accounts , but his wife
. might have. He knew that his wife
got 43,000 from Peterhead , Scotland.
Asked if his wife did not wear a
f diamond crosstalcen fromn a notorious
' 1 woman , Williams shouted passionate-
ly'I deny it and brand it as an in-
, , Iallltlll5 Ile. I serer lsuety the French
J maIame. She was not French-she
J Was a Germfn. ' '
'Ild yon ever get a presentation in
Lyric ) : all ? "
I t "Yes , sir , an album. "
"What was it worth ? "
I ' -Two thousand five hundred dollars.
' ; I " t It was presented to me by Jerome i i
j tt t : Buck. Several persons subseribed to
the fund to buy the album , among
whOm were several judges of criminal
courts here , after j was exonerated
, on a trial. "
1 1)id ) you not cat pigeons at Del-
monieo's ' asked Mr. Goff.
"aim , you re romancing , " exclaimed
Io you know what a pigeon is ? "
' 'Yes , a bird. "
' ' .1 bird that flies from Delmonico's
) with au envelope containing a $3 bill
I J to the station ] mouse , eh ? " ,
I ' i know nothing about it ? "
'iid con not collect $3 from Charlie
Defironico every night , and did not a
. polic 'man ay that was outside your I
perluislte ? ' '
"I nc-er heard nothing about it. "
, , ' 'I'd I us about tle album which
1 Was pr esentetl you by Jerome Buck ,
worth 52,500. 11'as it not a present' '
fl Oiii the gamblers of the 't'enderloin ,
gotten up by Nueber er ? "
j "It was got up by a man named
1 ] hadv. "
' ) fil not Commissioner Voorhis giro
as his reason for promoting you that
it ryas necessary to get you out of
the ' 1'euderloin , your conduct was so
bad ? "
"I don't know. "
Wi'iiims declared that the presentment -
ment lie the grand jury against him
for allowing gambling houses near
the station house was false. He
sworethat he raided all such places
as he could find.
The'n Mr. Goff : called up a young
man and asked the inspector whether
he reco rrnized him.
. "I may have seen him before , but I
can't locate him , " was the reply.
' % \'ell. lie is a respectable young
man named Rosenfeld , and he went
to rare office to make a complaint ,
, a : tinst one of your subordinates.
idn't ask him if lie had any
' - , ] ) you
Inoney to settle the mattei , and say
t o him , when he stated that he had
none to give up if he had , "Go to hell ,
b I al n tired ofyon Christ-
you Christ and
killers. You persecuted
wanted here ?
, , you "I brand that as a lie , " was the
Nr. Goff then read a list of brothel
in certain streets of the Ten-
. keepers
, f , in-
derlofn : vhicii were reported by -
, , l ' sector Williams as existing in the
' - , Precinct and asked whether lie closed
them. Williams said that lie . ; ad
closed Otne of them. He was always
closiugdisordcrly houses while in the
1 how much you.
' 'Now , tell us money
while acting captain
of caclm month
iI i I
. . t
. . . . ' .ray '
- -
of the Ttnderioin ? " figan ask ca file
"I never collected anything. "
"Well , your wardman did ? "
"No , he did not. "
"You have got rich on the proceeds
of police corruption ? "
"If I were a rich man I would not
be here now answering your ques-
tions. "
"Did you say to a policeman that
you were not such a chump as to invest -
vest your money in brown stone
houses , where it was bound to come
out some time , but that you had your
money invested in good American
bonds ? '
"The person who says that is a liar ,
and you arc a Jiar ifyou say so , too. "
exclaimed Mr. 'Williams angrily.
Mr. Goff objected to this language ,
and Chairman Lexow tried to cairn
the witness.
Williams was next questioned as to
the dimensions of his yacht , and then
as to his wealth. He said lie was
worth about $35,000 or $40,000. He
had an account in the Amsterdam
bank. lie owned no bonds or securities -
ties , but had mining stock to the value
of $100. His Tenth street house was
not included in this estimate. Asked
about the charges made by J , Df.
Stern , editor of time Temperance Advocate -
vocate , that he neglected to close certain -
tain gambling houses , Williams said
that he had closed one joint on East
Fourteenth street
Then Mr. Goff turned to Captain
Schmittberger's evidence and asked :
"Schmittberger was your confidential
man ? "
"He was not ; I had no confidential
man. "
Williams denounced Schmittberger s
testimony against him as false and
said Schmittberger was a liar.
After a few more questions were
answered Williams was excused , and
Moritz Rosenfeld took the stand and
told of appealing to Williams for protection -
tection against mistreatment by po-
"But Williams says lie does not
know you , " interposed Mr. Goff.
"lie is a liar , " replied Rosenfeld.
"He threatened to throw me out of
the station and said , 'You damned
sheeny , killed Christ for thirty pieces
of silver , and I shall have nothing to
do with von. '
Two Bundred Leaders of the Party
1'lanning for 1590.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Dec. 29.-The conference -
ference of tine , national committee of
the People's party , with its invited
friends , began to-day at the Lindell
hotel in this city with an attendance
of something over 200 , including Mrs.
Mary E. Lease and many other noted
Kansas Populists.
The meeting was called to order by
National Chairman Taubeneck and
immediately proceeded to discuss the
advisability of holding sessions in se-
cret. The debate developed something -
thing of a tangle , out of which the
gathering pulled itself , after nearly
two hours' discussion , by resolving
itself into an informal convention ,
with Mr. Taubcneck in the chair , the
national committee proper being de-
dared adjourned until 2 p. m. Secretary -
tary Turner of the national. committee -
tee was made secretary of the confer-
Chairman Taubeneck then stated
the purpose of the conference , and ,
upon motion of General Weaver , the
chair was directed , after some aimless
debate , to appoint a committee of five
upon credentials and another ten
members upon address , the latter to
prepare a summary of the advice of
the conference.
The conference will consider finan-
land , transportation and other questions -
tions of the day and will arrange teat
at once begin the national campaign
of 1896. Coxcy of "Commonweal"
fame and his non-interest bearing
bond scheme were much in evidence :
General J. B. Weaver of Iowa was also
conspicuous. He proposes to present
resolutions for the free coinage of
gold and silver and the issuance of
paper money by the national government -
ment alone. He believes that the
next national platform of the party
should be devoted to that issue alone.
Those present in the conference
represent every section of the country -
try , from Tampa bay to Puget sound' ,
and from Boston to Galveston. Among
the number were General J. 13.
Weaver of Iowa , Henry R. Legate ,
Boston ; 11' . M. Howard , Fort Payne ,
Ala. , the Populist congressman from
that district ; S. II. Snider , Topeka ,
Ilan. ; S. W. Burnett , Big Springs ,
Texas ; E. Geary Brown , Brockton ,
Mass , ; A. Rozelle , Tarlcio , Mo. , cnair-
man of the state committee ; Solon C.
Thacer , Canton , Ohio ; W. B. Wright-
mire of Topeka , Ran. ; Ignatius Don-
nelly of Minneapolis ; W. S. Reece of
Alabama , who is contesting Mor-
gans seat in the senate ; H. E. Taube-
neck , chairman of the national executive -
tive committee , Marshall , ill. , and
Senator Stewart of Nevada.
Austro ifungary Likely to Follow the
Example of Germany.
WAsIIINGTON , The. 29.-The state
department is not yet at an end of
its troubles growing out of the repeal
of the reciprocity agreements made
under the terms of the McKinley
act , and more retaliation is looked for.
Spain has already imposed upon its
the maximum discriminating tariff ,
and Germany has prohibited our beef
and other great staples entry into the
empire. France is by no means disposed -
posed to accept the tsituation her
sugar trade is placed in by the sugar
duty , and how there arc strong
intimations that the new Austrian
minister , who has not yet even presented -
sented his credentials to the president -
dent , is charged to begin an attack
upon this same sugar duty almost fni
mediately , and , if coi cessions cannot
be secured , it is expected that Austro-
Ilungary probably will follow the example -
ample of Germany in retaliating upon
the United States.
'rue Sioux Indhtn Murderer of Four
Cowboys Dies on the Scatfoicl.
. DEADWOOD , S. D. , Dec. 29.-Two
Sticks , the Sioux Indian , sentenced
for a leading part in the murder of
four cowboys February 2 , 1893 , was
hanged at 10 o'clock this morning by
United States Marshall Peemimer , in
the presence of fifty people. He died
easily and quickly.
.i ( . , - 1-- ,
Text of Senator Manderson's Bill to Give
Government Land to the State.
W.ts11INGToti , Dec. 26.-Mention was
made of the bill introduced by Senator
Iilanderson providing for the transfer
from the general government to the
state of Nebraska of all public domain
within the state , the same to be used
in aiding irrigation. The full text of
the bill is :
A bill granting to the state of Nebraska -
braska , for the irrigation and reclamation -
tion of semi-arid lands , and for other
purposes , the public lands in said state.
Be it enacted by the senate and house
of representatives of the United States
of America in congress assembled , that
all public lands belonging to the
United States situate in the state of
Nebraska be , and the same are hereby ,
granted to the said state of Nebraska ,
for the purpose of aiding in the irrigation -
tion and reclamation thereof and of
other semi-arid lands of .said state ,
upon the following conditions , namely :
First , That such state shall proceed ,
without unnecessary delay , to divide
its aria into irrigation districts and to
provide for the distribution of surface
and underground waters to said districts -
tricts , and , further , to engage in the
actual work of reclaiming said lands
by conducting water thereon , by the
construction of requisite wells , canals ,
reservoirs and other necessary irrigation -
tion works , so as to accomplish actual
and suclessful ! cultivation of agricultural -
tural products , so far as such lands may
be capable of reclamation by a proper
water supply ; andtsaid state shall continuously -
tinuously engage in good faith , according -
ing to its ability , in the work of such
irrigation and reclamation until the
whole area capable thereof shall have
been reclaimed for the purpose afore-
Second , that if , at any time after , the
expiration of ten years from the date
of this act , in the judgment of the
president of the United States , said
state is not proceeding or continuing in
good faith with the work of irrigation
or reclamation as herein provided , it
shall be lawful for him by public proclamation -
lamation to so declare , and congress
may thereupon declare that the United
States resumes the title of all such
lands unreclaiined or not disposed of by
said state , for the purpose only of continuing -
tinuing the work of such irrigation and
reclaimation , and for no other purpose
whatever , the same to be proceeded
with in such manner as congress may
thereafter provide and determine , ac-
corcling to the intents and purposes of
this act.
Third , That said state may lease or
sell the lands hereby granted , or such
portions of them as may be necessary ,
for the purpose of raising the requisite
funds to accomplish irrigation or recla-
mation. Provided , That the said state
may enact laws providing for time sale
of the necessary lands for town sites
and for right of way purposes.
Fourth , That when such lands or any
portion thereof , shall have been reclaimed -
claimed and thereby made subject to
agricultural use , the same shall be sold
to actual settlers only , in tracts not exceeding -
ceeding 100 acres of irrigable land , in
addifon to whichm each settler shall'be
entitled to acquire by purchase nonir-
rigable lands to such an amountas will
increase his holdings to a total acreage
of not more than 640 acres , all such entries -
tries of irrigable or other lands to be
made conformably to legal subdivisions -
ions , such lands to be sold to each settler -
tler at the prices and under such regulations -
lations as to entry and perfecting of title -
tle as shall be fixed and provided by
state legislature ; all irrigable lands to
be sold to such settlers at prices not to
exceed the cost of reclaiming , and on
such terms of payment as may be prescribed -
scribed by law , and non irrigable lands
taken by settlers to be rated at a price
not exceeding o $ " .50 Per acre.
Fifth , That all lands not subject to
irrigation or reclamation and useful
only for pastoral purposes and not
taken under the foregoing provisions
of this act , may be-sold or leased by
said state under such regulations and
provisions as the legislature thereof
may prescribe.
Sec. 2.-That full , accurate and detailed -
tailed reports of the operations of said
state shall be made on or before the
first day of July in each and every
year , to the president of time United
states , through the governor thereof ,
who shall certify to the accuracy thereof -
of , and the president may from time to
time demand such other and further
reports thereon as in his judgment may
be necessary and proper. and failure to
make the reports herein provided , or
or any of them , for six months after
written demand thereof , shall be suflf-
d entcause for the proclamation by the
president as provided in section one of
this act.
Sec. 3.-That all funds derived from
the sale or lease of lands susceptible of
irrhration , and any unexpended residue
shall be added to and become a part of
time permanent school fund of the said
state ; and such funds shall not be expended -
pended or disposed of in any manner.
Sec. 4.-That upon the acceptance by
the legislature of said state of Nebras-
ha. of the terms , conditions and provisions -
sions of this act the same shall become
operative in said state , and thereupon ,
and from the date of such acceptance ,
all laws and parts of laws inconsistent
with the terms of this act shall become
inoperative in said state. Provided ,
That any and all claims heretofore initiated -
itiated under the land laws of the
United States shall be perfected there-
under by compliance with the terms
thereof ; all lands , however , the claims
to which shall be defeated because of
noncompliance with law. shall revert
to and vest in the said state under the
provisions of this act.
Sec. 5-That upon the acceptance of
the provisions of this act by the said
state of Nebraska , and from time to
time thereafter as occasion may require -
quire , it shall be the duty of time secretary -
tary of the interior , at the expense of
the United States , to cause to be delivered -
ered to the proper authorities of said
state all maps , records , books and papers -
pers , or certified copies thereof , in case
it may be necessary to retain the originals -
inals in the general land office , which
may be necessary to said state for the
proper control , administration and dis-
positio4 of such lands.
Sec.That upon the acceptance of
this act by the said state of Nebraska ,
in the manner prescribed by section
four hereof , this act and the act of acceptance -
ceptance thereof , shall become binding
upon the United States and said state ;
and this act and such acceptance thereof -
of , shall not be altered , amended or re-
pealed in any manner except upon the I i
mutual consent of the United States t
and of said state. expressed through
acts of the legislature thereof rind
through congress.
, '
,1 Grand Wood-Cutt1u Expedition-The
humming Bird-A Little Brown Stranger -
ger anti Its Travels-Ono of Slier-
Ian's IIdes.
How a Bishop Cut Wood.
1ave you ever heard of the great
Waiketin who built the cathedral at
Winchester , and how lie got the timber -
ber which is still in the roof of the
cathedral ? It is rather an odd story
and I will tell it to you as it was told
to me by the verger when I was at
Winchester-and told , indeed , while
the walked in the loft among the very
beams and rafters in question.
William the Conqueror was a king
who loved his trees , and would hardly -
ly part with any of his timber. When
the bishop was building the cathedral
lie came to the king and asked leave
to cut wood from the forest of Hemp- '
sane , to finish the noble work he had
carried on for many years.
"Wood from my forest of Hemp.
age ! Nay , that you cannot have , "
said Icing William.
"But , sire , how can I make a roof
for ' my cathedral without timber ?
Will your majesty grudge the trees
of the forest to the house of God ? '
said the bishop fearlessly.
The king did not want to yield , but
bishops in those day , were formidable -
able enemies , before whom many a
icing had trembled. ' 'lte bishop
urged his claims , and in ay have even
used threats , until at length Icing
'William said : "Go , the n , my lord
bishop , and take as many trees as
yott can fell in a day-but no more. "
The bishop went gladly , and coming
to his domain , which was like a little
kingdom , over which lie had absolute
power , he mustered his liegemen and
retainers for a grand wood-cutting j
expedition. At'-the bishop's palace
hundreds of men were daily fed , and
he could bring thousands in the field
in time of tear , for every one in
his see was subject to him-
"ill mint ] , body and estate. " IIe
must have summoned all his
subjects that day , for never
was such a wood-cutting known in
England. To the forest they went in
an army and chopped from the rising
of the sun till night descended , and
at time end of the day not a tree was
left standing in the wood. Not a
tree ? Yes , one'tvas kept sacred from
time marauding ax b eause under its
boughs St. Augustine had preached to
the Britons in days long gone by even
then. The Gospel Oak , as it was
called , still stands , protected by an
iron railing , the sole relic of the ancient -
cient forest which time bishop of Winchester -
chester laid low "for time house of
God , " 'r'rtily the bishop was a "mus-
cular Christian. " For all I know lie
laid aside his robes and miter and
wielded the ax that day himself. lie
was a firm liever in exercise , as another -
other tale will prove.
Time cathedral is not the only
monument to this great man. 'Pith
his enormnous revenues he founded
and built a college at Oxford , called
the "New College. " It was built
before America was discovered. IIe
also endowed the famous boys' school
at Winchester , and made many rules
whereby the safety and health of time
scholars were to be secured. One of
these was that the boys should walk
to the top of a high hill , some distance -
tance from the school , three times
every ( 'ay. There is a worthy pastry
cook living near the foot of this hill ,
wino until recently , when the rule
was abolished , used to go up the
steep path with trays of lies wares ,
andno doubt found a good market
among the tired little fellows. how
they put time walk in three times I
cannot imagine-think of it , girls and
boys , sometimes when you are disposed -
posed to grumble at errands around
the block.-Chicago in tet' Ocean.
A heu words on lfannor. ; .
Manner is a little hard to define. It
is somnethingto be felt , the expression
of a person's life and thought ; One
girl has a bright and vivacious manner -
ner , and another is calm and dignified.
One reminds you of the stars , another
of fireworks. Grandmamma's manner -
ner is gentle and tranquil , Cousin
Rob's is impulsive and hurried ; little
Miss Finch has a manner both fussy
and fidgety , and Laura Belle has the
manner of a queen. Time rude and
brusque young person makes her
companions uncomfortable. The tvcll-
bred person makes those about her
happy. No well-bred person has bad
manners , though such a person may
have a shy or awkward reserved maim-
net Tile latter may be one's misfortune -
fortune , time former is one' : fault. I
am glad that the girl's are returning
to the beautiful courtesy- bending
the knee and the body as well as the
) mead ; it is a much prettier and more
grace ful reverence than a mere
bow. Nothing about manner in a
young girl is so bewitching as defer.
ence , the paying attention to older
people , and showing kindness to
young ones , and setting everybody
at ease.
If you are in doubt how to behave
on any occasion , look at the peo7ie
about you , and see what most of
them do. The majority are generally
right There are one or two rules
always to be observed. You speak to
your hostess when you go to a recep
tion o' a patty , and you wish her
good-night when you leave. At the
table von wait until the la lr of the
house is seated before you .neat your-
self. You thank everyone who does
you a service. You are careful not to
interrupt conversation ; you tic not sit
older people right , even if you know ,
that they are mistaken ; you do not
try to get time best plade yourself , you
endeavor to give that to your friend.
In the street you do not attract observation -
vation by loud tallying or laughter. If
you are in a public conveyance , as a
car or a ferry-boat , for instance , yet'
yield your seat to the elderly lady or
the old gentleman , or the tired math-
er with a child in her arms.-Harper's
Young People.
Sheridan's Ride.
There is a tendency on the part of
young people , especially if they be of
a romantic temperament , to paint a
mental picture of their military
heroes in much the same colors as
those in which Scott painted the participants -
ticipants in the tournament in "Ivan-
hoe"-as tremendously stalwart ,
graceful , dashing and ornamental
As a matter of fact , generals are
much 111cc other men , and if they
happen to be elderlyare subjeetto the
ordinary infirmities of elderly men.
At a dinner party in an Eastern
city not long ago time host , who was a
close personal friend of General
Philip 11. Sheridan , told an amusing
story , which General Sheridan had
himself related to him.
The general was visiting a , friend
on the Massachusetts coast. Ills host
had some young daughters who had
never seen Sheridan , and whose idea
of Julia was gained chiefly from the
poem of "Slmeridau's Ride. "
't'hey pictured to themselves the
dashing cavalry general , who was of
course an accomplished horseman ;
and they took pains to provide for his
riding , while lie was 'their father's
guest , a pam'ticularly mettlesome
young horse. They were all curiosity
to meet the hero.
11'icn there arrived from the train
an elderly , gray-haired , red-faced ,
very short and decidedly thick-waisted
old gentleman , their disappointment
amounted almost to a shock. however -
ever the girls insisted that the geu-
eral should ride the horse ; and. he ,
being a gallant man , did not decline.
When he was mounted on the dashing
steed , they were in mortal terror lest
he should be thrown off.
lie stood time test , however , in some
fashion. Time next d .y the friend
who relates time story met him , and
found him limping painfully.
" 11'hat's the matter , general ? " Ime
"Oh , " said Sheridan , "I was over
at-syesterday , and those girls of
his asked me to ride with them.
There teas no getting out of it. , but
as I hadn't been on horseback for
more than a year , I'm sore all over ? "
It may have needed more actual
heroism on the generals part to accept -
cept the challenge of these equestrian -
trian young ladies than to ride into
the thick of the fight at Winchester.
-Youth's Companion.
A 1 raveler.
Far away in Holland a man was
digging in the rich , black soil. The
fields were broad and flat ; on one side
of them was a canal , and on time other
a great bank of earth to keep out the
The man dug up something brown
and hard and round. It was not a
lump of earth ; it was not a stone ; it
looked a little like an onion. lie
cleaned it carefully : rind tvrapned it in
paper. On the paper was printed its
name , but tlmis was a ] lard Dutch word
which you and I could not pronounce.
Then time little brown stranger began -
gan its travels. It was carried on
board a large ship : but through its
paper coat it could not see the neat
little villages along the way , with
their steep gables and tall wind mills ,
nor the queerly dressed boatmen at
the piers , nor a great many other
strange things.
All the way across the ocean time
little brown traveler was tossed and
thumped about inside a great mail
bag , but at last it landed safely. It
was taken to a store where seeds and
bulbs were sold ; here somebody
bought it and carried it ] lone , amid
put it in a tall blue glass full of
water. Then it was left in a dark
cellar for several weeks. Last of all
it ended its travels on the window
sill of grandmas cozy room , where it
could look in at the children playing
on the floor , or out at the snowflakes
dancing in the air.
"See , grandma' " cried time children ,
"it has a green cap. "
"See , grandma , " they said the next
day , "time green cap has turned into
two green leaves.
So every day grandma was called to
admire the little straneer.
"Oh , sec ! " they cried one day , "it
has opened its flowers' ! How blue
they are and how sweet' ! Did you
ewer see such a lovely hyacinth ?
"Why , 'grandma-Youth's : Com-
The linmmiug Bird.
Oh , dainty "living sunbeam , "
With gorgeous colors brL Lit ,
Show me your ruby necklace
And gauzy wlns so light.
Just pause one little moment
Before the open door ,
And whisper low the secret
You found within that flower.
Oh , lm ppy , loving children.
I'll tell you while I fly
Those cups are full of nectar.
You'll find it if you try.
The world's all light and sweetness ,
And gladness everywhere ;
: o i go Bumming , humming
My praises for God's care
-Child Garden.
'Ilse gasp lilt.
Little Ben hind been duly instructed
that he must not meddle with wasps
because they would bite him. Never-
timeless he came in one day with tearful -
ful eyes and swollen finger.
"Why didn't you let italone ? Didn't
I tell you it would bite ? " said his
"Yes , I know you said it would bite ,
but I held its mouth shut and just
pinched its tail , " sobbed the bitten
'rwo Brave Girl ; .
here is the record of two brave
girls : A 1 l-year-old girl at Beecber
Bay , L' . C „ killed with a Winchester I
time other clay a big panther , which 1
her dog had treed , and another girl ,
17 years old , of Bnton. Ore. , killed a
cougar which was making off with a
young pig.
-iins in the Back
" had been afflicted for several years with
What the doctors called Diabetes , and suffered -
fered terribly. The pain in my back was agonizing -
onizing hum the extreme. hood's Sarsaparilla
and hood's Pills
cured inc. Now
. I can go to church
and attend other
mcctings with
I N f\ l M
( Pleasure. I always - -
ways keep Hood's
ti Pills by me. In
' , r my whole life I
. V never met any.
, thin that did me
so much good as
Mr. John Branstot flood's Sarsapa-
rills. ' Experience teaches a dear school , but
fools will learn by no other. * I was once foolish -
ish enough to listen to a druggstwlio { clahacd
to have something superior to hood's , and
took another medicine. If I had thrown my
dollar fu the street I would have been d gain-
er. " JOBNBRANSTON , care of John Grectham ,
Wellington , Ohio. Get Hood's because
' Sara
Flood' asi1J
Hood 'S Pills cure Constipatiopbyrestorine
the peristultio action of the alimentary canal.
1S ream Balm R LY ;
cgr m BALh1
Cleanses time Nasal c9A cf1SCOlD
Passages , Allays Pain boy „ ht1D
and , Z
Restores time Senses of a
Taste and Smell.
Heals the Sores.
Apply Balm into such nostril , . (9 ( t
ELY BROS. , 56 Warren St.N.Y. , 1 ° R-
9. ,
r ' ( 433P ! FINE CaLFRKACAiQ ! . '
x „ , , " ; ' ' 35 0POLICE 3S0LES .
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5o52.WORKIIVG hl
k are + ' tl
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, , 0EsT pONGOIA
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Over One Million Peopla wear the
we L 0 Dong1as 3 & Shoes
All oursllaes are equallysatisfactory
They give the hest value for the .
1 'f Nc3 equal custom shoes in style and fit-
Their wearing qualities arc passed
The prices arc on sole.
From St t ? $3 saved over other makes.
If your dealer cannot supply you we can.
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nl . 1 BEST IN lt'EA Illa
'J , The cuteror tnp sole r-
' n tends the tvhule length
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nc3y ! t' fish YOUR DEALEit , ;
y ; , : . 'and doter FOR TI1EM be put oft
with inferior goods.
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, to y SSe , r we sban , t eti
q ' th"eae libertt trr :
ttncr 3at mt two ' - ,
t'- oao : srcrT
{ S. + J. Thb ma.Ltne i. . ! . tciibme ;
is anrx.
a = lri itato + lc } ;
Warranted IOYr.Or , . , 75.000 In UsE.
lXFOr . 00. .
rA " lXFOrttieFs7FFG.
it . . M.DF.P , , CHICAGO ILL.
Illustrated catalogue showing yiELL
SENT FnmE. ] lave been tested and f
all taarranted.
Sioux City Ermine F iron works , a
Successors to Peclt i118. Co. ,
Sioux City. leWt.
1717 Cnlon Ave. , Kansas City , Mu. '
Worms Hon'ss.
The only suretcurc for pin worms in horses
known is Steketce s Ho ; Cholera Cure. Never
fails to destroy worms in horses , hogs , stmeep.
dogs or cats ; an excellent remedy formcllovi
Send sixty cents in United Stamespo3tcgeand I
will send by maa. Cut this out , take it to drug-
gist. and pay him fifty cents. Tltre' pack : gcs
for I.i:0 express paid. G. G. ST'EKE [ 'EI ' .
Grand lapids , Mmeh.
Mention name of paper.
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Tf1nEN I111E9CIllY
e h19 the nr. to thous-
P.a. cured
USED ards slnee and will
Cure Fait. Send
LOCALLY for tree book , ard
t t9 m ' eym tam bhn4.
V p wall Ikge by mall ,
o CiLO0.
' Insuillctor.
-(1.I b all i rug. . is
Thomas P , Simp"on , lTashtngton ,
I3 T D.C.o attt'n f.- . ' cull ! Pah nr ore
! i - tamed. write furloveutor'Guue.
Cheaply. Quickly and Comfortably on the
Phflimps Roeit Island Tourist Exeur-.ions.
CHEAP , betaw a the rate in Slefping ( 'ar ' bt
but ,6am. QUICE , tf vatIs you trtlel on the
fastest trains that run. COMFOILT , becausa
you have a through Sleeper.
Fourteen years rccoru. Orer ICO.CO ) already
carried. and all like the service. . Car leases
Des Moines and Omaha every Friday via the
famous Scenic Route. A special mtuager
goes each trip to cite for the many wants of
patrons en rout's. 11'e can't tell you ] calf the
l cnetits in this ad. . but for your California trip
should post yourself.
Address. J..O. SEBASTIAN. G. I' . A. .
C' . . R. I. S P. R'y. Chir:1r0.
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OMAHA usiness Houses.
FREE to mothers and rl
a tees. Their n 'eds. .i ease ; ,
and hrt to ireat thud. . AIi-
dress YIA3.'I CO. . 310 Bee Bldg , Cm..ha.
Write at once for
Omaha Stove Repair Works,1209 Douglas St. Cmaha
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DR. tJ
M c .e R W
Is rum : ONLY
weakness and Secre :
Every cure guaranteed.
20 Tears' experience.
B years in Omaha.
Book Frey
14th & Farnam Sta. ,
01LtUA , NEI3.
, - , ' er