Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report . OA1 Baking 1\I4 . Powder .ABSOW'fE1.Y PURE ifp 'l ' % ' o By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. PARSON PARKHURST struck the keynote of a great fact when he - recently stated that he would "Rather fight twenty Boss Crock- ers than one Boss Platt. " The most dangerous rogue to battle with is the one that has a straight streak running through him. It is easier to fight the devil in open than in ambush. IT seems to be generally expected - ed and admitted that irrigation will be an important matter of legislation in the coining session of the Nebraska legislature. The representatives of the western portion - tion of the state in particular must see to it that just , equitable and wise legislation is enacted in this respect. There must be no "hog- ging" of the little water now available - able for irrigation purposes 'in western Nebraska. A reasonable maximum annual water rental per acre should be established , as is the case in Colorado and other western states. Equitable and reasonable regulations should be provided. Either give us fair and righteous laws ou this matter or give us u ne. No jobs will go. PROSPECT PARK , Quite a snow storm , Tuesday of last week. Jake Crocker visited friends at Indianola , Monday. Charlie Burton spent Xmas with friends in this neighborhood. Mr. Hartman and family spent Xmas with Joseph Boatman and family. Charlie Boatman came down from Haigler , Saturday , on a visit to his parents. Quite a number of our young .people attended the Xmas tree entertainment - tertainment at Fairview , Monday evening , and report a very pleasant t' _ time. The Xmas tree at the Prospect Park school house was a pleasant affair , and notwithstanding the inclemency - clemency of the weather , a large crowd was present. The following programme was rendered : Prayer , Rev. J. E. Tirrill ; song , Sunday school ; declamation Essie Dun- ham ; declamation , Cora Barnes ; song , by the children ; declamation , Gertie Anderson ; declamation , by i I Clyde Hartman ; song , young peo- ple's class ; declamation , Mabel Hartman' declamation , Herman Anderson ; song , by the children ; declamation , Edna Dunham ; declamation lamation Ernest Anderson ; song , by the children ; declamation , by Blanche Duffey ; song , by the Sunday - day . school ; declamation , by Guy Hartman ; song , by the children ; declamation , Frances Duffey ; declamation - lamation , Newman Barnes ; song , the young people's class ; declamation - mation , Warner Anderson ; short talk by the pastor ; distribution of presents ; song , by the young peo- ple's class ; remarks , by Sunday school superintendtnt ; song , by the children ; dismissed by Rev. Tirrill. The committee on arrangements - rangements deserve much credit for their management of the affair , the entire programme being rendered - dered in a very creditable manner. LEBANON. A regular Xmas snow storm , but rather Poor sleighing for Santa Claus. Xmas eve a masquerade ball was given upstairs in the Bradbury - bury store building. 'Ye scribe , wife and chidren and several neigh bors ate Xmas turkey at Neighbor Hammer's. The Xmas entertainment at the Lebanon church took the form of an old Dutch windmill. The literary - erary Part was good and well rendered - dered by the little folks , at the conclusion of which the presents were distributed. 9 RED WILLOW. Stock is doing fairly well on the range , at present. Walter Sly and the Ball boys have returned from the Dismal. Mr. Boyd , the teacher in district No. 1 , is spending the holiday Vacation - cation at home. The Mulford family and a num- her of other friends were guests at Wm. Crockford's Xmas. Miss Broman of the county's metropolis , visited friends in this vicinity , during the holidays. Claudio Hatcher , Lulu Mulford and Eli Crockford are spending vacation at their several homes. Howard Taylor has purchased an interest in the Sunny Side Dairy at McCook. We wish him success. Owen Lougnecker received a severe bruise on his forehead by colliding with his brother Holton , while skating. The young people of the neighborhood - borhood enjoyed a very pleasant evening at the home of E. A. Sex- son , Christmas. E. A. Season and wife and several - eral other comrades and their wives eat Christmas dinner at the home of Willis Gossard. Ye glad Christmas time. Charlie Byfield is home' from Franklin to speiid the holidays. Benjamin Baker and family went up to Hayes county to eat Xmas turkey with Mrs. Locker. Mrs. Taylor and son Frank spent Christmas with her daughter , Mrs. Carson , southwest of McCook. John Helm shipped a number of his mulch cows to Omaha , and thereby decreased the product of his dairy. A. C. Black is very busy distributing - uting the aid he procured in the east. This aid goes to the precincts - cincts that raised money to send him east. Mr. Walker and family and Geo. Snyder's family spent a night with friends on the Willow , last week. They were from the northwest corner of the county , and on their way to Cambridge to spend Xmas with friends. They report extensive - sive preparation for irrigation in that vicinity. DANBURY. Christmas has come and gone. T. B. McDonald went to Lincoln , last Tuesday. The school children are having b a holiday vacation. S. W. Stilgebouer was on the sick list , last week. Miss Hill is visiting with her parents at Indianola. Sandon is. bathing alone , this week , Dow being absent. Prof. Dow is spending the holidays - days with his brother at Orleans. A light snow on Xmas day and plenty of cold weather the ensuing week. Mrs. George B. Morgan is visiting - iting relatives and friends in Red .Oak , Iowa. A dance was given in ball , last Tuesday evening , the , same being well attended and highly enjoyed. Large crowds attended the two Xmas tree entertainments , one in the church and the other in the school house. The programmes were both well rendered. The Tariff , Financial , Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. 3 ! . Noble can answer the question to the satisfaction - faction of all. I THE RENOWNED CHEMIST. W. H. MoRSE , M. D. , F. B. S. Sc. , ALSO EDITOR OF THE WEST- FIELD LEADER , N. J. Prof. Morse , who is also author of a medical work entitled "New Therapeutical Agents , " writes as follows : Pe-ru-na , manufactured the Pc-ru-na Manufacturing by - - Drug - turing Company , Columbus , Ohio , has commended itself to medical men and their patients as a specific - cific for la grippe and its sequels. It fully approves itself for this purpose , and is remedial for all bronchial trouble. Its action is both local and constitutional , and it is enterely harmless. The distinction - tinction accorded to it belongs tone no other remedy of which we know. PROF. W. H. MORSE. No matter at what part of the mucuous membrane the irritation of acute catarrh is located , Pc-ru- na is the only remedy that will , under all circumstances , effect a cure. In acute catarrh the dose of Pc-ru-na is a teaspoonful every two hours during the day , which will invariably effect a cure in from seven to ten days. In chronic catarrh Pc-ru-na should be taken a teaspoonful before each meal and at bedtime. This dose should be gradually increased to two tablespoonfuls - blespoonfuls at each dose. If not cured by the end of one month , write Dr. Hartman. Answer free. Everyone should have a free copy of the latest bookon catarrh. Sent free to any address by the Pe-ru- na Drug Manufacturing Company , Columbus , Ohio. BOX ELDER. We all had a big time skating , Xmas. ' Mattie Elmer was the guest of Miss Kinghorn , last week. R. H. Hanson is the happy father of a bouncing girl baby. We wonder where John Johnson and Elsie Ward were , last Friday night. Ask Charlie Monday where he went , last Friday night , and hear what he says. The aid that came to Rev.Vivian is of the very best , and is being judiciously distributed. A few of the young folks gathered - ered at the home of Will Season , last Friday evening , and had. an enjoyable time. The entertainment at the church on last Tuesday evening , was a distinct success. Ten dollars were netted from the supper. WELLS ! Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will be given the same. Noble is sole agent for Chase & Sanborn's celebrated coffees , the finest flavored in the market. If you want a superior quality you know ] just where to go for it. There is no better purchasable. If you need a road cart or any kind of a wagon , see Cochran & Co. They can fill the bill and at prices to correspond with the hard times. Cochran & Co. carry a full line of shelf and heavy hardware. They always make you the right price. ; 'Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memorandums , etc. Anything you want in the hardware - ware line at Cochran & ( Jc.'s. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , over Ganschow's shoe store. Try McMillen's Damask Rose Lotion for face and hands. White Pine Cough Syrup-by McMillen , druggist. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Stove Wood , Nice and Dr at Bollard's Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , McMillen Brothers are headquarters for winter goods of all kinds. See them ! S. CORDEAL T V ' : Notary Public , Reliable , Insurance , Collection Agent Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. P ! M1 KIMMELL , N9c000K , NED ftillt6r . . AND . Statioa6r. PUBLISnEn OF ANI ) DEALER IN Legal BIallKs BOOKs , DOORS , . S6d16 BOOKS. DEALER L\ Office' Supplies AND STATIONERY oh ALL RINDS. _ . - . TRIBUNE OFFICE , FIRST DOOR NORTH OY THE POSTOFFICF , ) A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller of Canajoharie , New York , says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house , and his family has always found the very best results follow its use ; that he would not be without it if procur- able. G. A. D keman , druggist , Catskill , New York , says that Dr. King's \ ew Discov- e is undoubtedly the best cough remedy ; that lie has used t in his familfor et years. and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and trusted. Trial bottles free at Mc- Millen's drug store. Regular size 5oc and $1. GooD ADVICE. We advise you to use Oregon Kidney. Tea because we know it will cure you. It is the only remedy that will positively cure kidney and bladdetroubles f any knd d a tril will rove the most convincing argument its merit. You can buy trial size packages at any drug store for 25 cnts. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the McCook Investment - ment Company for the election of officers and the transaction of any business that may come before it will be held in the office of Dr. Kay on Tuesday evening , January )5th , 1597 , at S o'clock , p. m. , central time. GYM. M. ANDERSON , . , . . . . Jan. 4th 1895. I-4-2t5. Secretary. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your strbscrip- tion is delinquent and you have the wood bring us in a load or two. The article in this issue on an "Early Christmas in Red Willow County' ' will be found interesting , as are all communications - nications from that talented source. Pifteen (15) ) cents will buy a bos of nice writing paper at this office , con- taiuing 24 sheets of paper and s4 envel- opes. Best Fancy Patent flour at $1.oo per sack , $1.95 per hundred , at Knipple's. i --z ' ' ] 7SE ' F1AMOUS LO1No COMPANY OUR REGULAR . . . Semi-Annual Clearing Sale . IS NOW ON. r 1 i A Great Opportnnity to Buy Trustworthy as well . ; . as Very Reliable Goods at . : . , ! Specially Low Prices. Call and see us. Be convinced. a McCook , Mebraska. JONA $ liNGEL , lS i.MANNGER. 1.I _ _ - - - - - - CC00 COI I ISSIOuCO. ' H. I3. TROTH , Manager. Headquaaters for all Grades of Flour. r Pillebmys Best. . . . $1.50 per sack Monogram , II. P.$1.20 per suck 84 Highi Patent. . . . 1.20 per sack Little Hatchet " . .SJ pCL' BIICL Vauneta , H. P . . . . 1.10 per sack 91 , High Patent. . 1.00 per sack i Minnesota Cream. High Putent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 per sack Pure Pennsylvania Buckwheat. We are selling the best baker's grade flour in the city at $1.40 per hundred. Ground reed of all kinds , Corn , Oats , Baled Hay and Alfalfa always on hand. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Take Notice. DoYou Want The Very hest ? Having contracted all the choice herd of high grade Hereford heifers of Mr. Evans , of the Hatfield ranch. Also will receive monthly shipments of Fancy Alfalfa fed Cattle from Colorado. We are in a position to offer the finest meads ever offered in the city. . . . an acoas oe . . . MEAT , GAME , POULTRY OYSTERS , ETC. , ETC. Top Prices paid for . . . Beef Hides , Fur-s , Tallow , Lard , Etc. THE B. & M , MEAT MARKET , S : I3ENi INGS , PROPRIETORS. 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 i r