The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 23, 1894, Image 5

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    - - _ -
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S . Gov' t Report.
1 RoYAl ewer
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
lion. 1).T. Welty , judge of the district court
of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 5th
day of October. 1891 , in favor of George 1-lock-
' J , . nell as plaintiff , and against William II. tar-
mun et al. , as defendants , for the sum of one
hundred and fifty ( $150)dollars ) and thirty-
four (34) ( ) cents , and costs taxed at $30 , and
accruing costs , I have levied upon the
de endants to satisfy said judgment , to-wit :
the west half of the northeast quarter and the
east half of the northwest quarter of section
33 , township z north of range 29 , west of the
6th p.m. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
and will offer the same for sale to the highest
bidder , for cash in hand , bn the Ioth day of
December , A. D. 1894 , in front of the south
dour of the court house , in Indianola , Nebraska -
ka , that being the building wherein the last
I term of court was held , at the hour of one
o'clock p. in. of saidday , when and where due
attendance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated November 7th , ISa4. E. R. BANKS ,
g 1V. S. Mok.AN , Sheriff of said county.
r Attorney. Nav.9.5ts.
The state of Nebraska , Iced tit illow county ,
l ss : Notice is hereby given to all persons having -
ing claims or demands against the estate of
William E. Kilgore , deceased , that such persons -
sons are required to present their claims , with
voutters , to the county judge of said county ,
i' al his Office therein , on or before the 20th day
of April , 1895 , and all claims so filed will be
heard belore the said judge on the 22d day of
April , 1895 , at I o'clock p. m. And it is farther
ordered that a copy of this order be published
in'I'iii I'RIBLINEa , weekly newspaper published -
lished in said county , for there weeks , beginning -
. ning October 19th , tb94. Dated iliis 15th day
of Ueiober , 1594. CHARLES W. BECK ,
" County Judge.
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska. Sarah A. Staats vs. Dudley Stauts.
' 1'o D I ley Staats , nun-resident delndent :
; , You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of
Novembei,1894 , Sarah A. Staats filed a petition -
tion against you nr the district court of Red
1 Willow county , Nebraska , the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from
you on the round of your willful abandon-
l ment and desertion of her for more than two
years last past without any just cause. You
I , are required to answer said petition on or
before the 17th day of December , 1894.
By A. J. R ITTENIIOUSE , her attorney.
. Nov. 9.4t5.
P In the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska Viola Lily Petersen , plaintiff vs.
. Peter S. Petersen deendant. To Peter S.
Petersen , non-resident defendant : You are
hereby notified that on the first day of November -
vember , 1894 , Viohi Lily Petersen filed a petition -
tion against you in the district court of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , the „ bject and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from
you on the ground of extreme cruelty inwards
her without cause or provocation. You are
required to answer said petition on of before
the loth day of 1)eceutber,1894.
Pt By A. J. RiTTENIIOUSE , Her Attorney.
Having the necded merit to more than make
good all the advertising claimed for themthe ,
following four remedies have reached a the =
nominal afe. Dr. King's New Discovery ,
for consumption coughs and colds , each bottle -
tle guaranteed. Electric Bitters , the great
remedy for liver , stomach and kidneys. Buck-
f tin's Arnica Salve , the best in the world , and
; , Dr. King's New Life Pills , which are a per-
feet pill. All these remedies are guaranteed
i to do just what is claimed tor them and the
dealer whose name is attached herewith will
be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at
' { McMillen's drug store.
A fiend in need is a frierid indeed , and not
less than one million people have found just
hl such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery
. for consumption , colds and coughs. If you
have never used this great cough medicine ,
one trial will convince you that it has wonderful -
ful curative powers in all diseases of throat ,
chest and lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed
to do all that is claimed or money will be
refunded. Trial bottles free at McMillen's
l drug store. Large size Soc and $1.00.
' ,
The hest salve in the world for cuts , bruises ,
sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tester ,
chapped } rands , chilblains , corns and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles or no ay
required. It is guaranteed to ive' erect
satisfaction mane Price 25
or y refunded. cts.
Per box. Forsale : byy McJlillen.
I've a secret in my heart ,
Sweet Marie ,
L A tale I would impart ,
Sweet Marie.
If you'd even fairer be
' , You must always use Parks' Tea ,
The improvement you will see ,
Sweet Marie. Sold by McMillen.
The American beauty owes her prestige
more to a clear complexion than to any other
attribute. A cu of Parks' will enable any
one to possess this. It clears the skin and
removs pimples and that sallow , muddy
I look. Parks tea is use by Thousands f ladis
for the com lexion. Wthout being a cathartic -
tic it cures . Sold by cMillen.
Parks' sure cure is a sure sp cific in all diseases -
eases of the liver and kidneys. By removing
the uric acid in the blood it cures rheumatism.
# S. B. Bas.or of Carthage. S. D. , says. I believe -
) ' lieve Parks' sure cure excels all other medi-
tines for rheumatism and urinary troubles. "
Sold by McMillen
It is wonderful , the cures that have been
effected by Oregon Kidney Tea. Thousands
testify to its having restored them to health.
Lawyers and ministers recommend it , physi-
clans prescribe it , and a trial package can be
bought at any drug store for 25 cents.
> Parks cough syrup cures coughs , colds and
consumption. Mrs. Catherine Black of Le
5 Roy , N. Y. , says : "I took one bottle of Parks'
cough syrup. It acted like magic. Stopped
my cough and I am perfectly well now :
Sold by McMillen.
Captain Sweeney , U. S. A. , San DiertoCal. ,
says : "Shiloh 's Catarrh Remedy is &e first
medicine I ever found that would do me any
good. " Price Soc. Sold by McConnell.
Mrs. T. S. liawkins , Chattanooga , Tenn. ,
says , "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'Saved My Life. I
consider it the best remedy for a debilitated
system I ever used. " For dyspepsia , liver or
kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. Sold
rr by McConnell & Co.
I ' Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee. It
t I' cures incipient consumption. - It is the best
cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts ,
So cis , I.00. Sold'bY McConnell & Co.
Shiloh's Cure , the great cough and croup
cure , is in great demand. Pocket size contains
{ twenty-five doses , only 25 cts. Children love
it. Sold by McConnell.
s I
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , . on a judgment obtained before
Mon. D. 'I. . Welty , judge of the district court
of Red Willow county , Nebraska on the 18th
day of December,1893 , in favor off Georgie A.
Dewey as plaintiff , and against Elbert J.
Henderscn et al. , as defendants , for the sum
of six hundred ninety-two ( $692) ) dollars and
twenty-three (23) ( ) cents , and costs taxed at
535'33 , and Burton & Harvey on the same
clay on their cross petition obtained a decree
far the sum of $33.25 , and accruing costs. I
have levee l upnu the following real estate
taken as the property of saif defehdants to
satisfy said judgments , to-wit : The east half
of tli northwst quarer and the west half of
the northeast quarter of section twenty-nine
(2cl ( ) , township two (2) ( ) , north , range twenty-
nine (29) ( ) , west of tbe6th p.inin Red Willow
county , Nebraska. And will offer the same
for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in
hand , on the 17th dal of December , A. D.
1894 , in front of the south door of the court
house , m Indianola , Nebraska , that being the
buildiii wherein the last term of court was
held , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said
day , when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigneci. Dated November
15th , 1894. E. R BANKS ,
W. S. MORLAN , Sheriff of said county.
Attorney. Nov.I6.5ts.
Road No. 303.
1'o George 11. Simmerman , James Kelley
and to all whom it may concern :
The board of county commissionets have
ordered opened a public road commencing at
the southeast corner of section 9 in Coleman
precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running -
ning thence south on section line to thesouth.
east corner of section 16 , thence east on the
section line , terminating at the southwest corner -
ner of the southeast quarter of section 14 , in
township 4 , north of range 30 , west of the 6th
p. m. , and all objections thereto or claims fur
damages must be filed to time county clerk's
uffise on or before noon of the 3uth day of
January , A. D. 1895 , or said ro.d , will be established -
lished without reference thereto.
GEO. 11. ROPER ,
Nov.23-41. County Clr rk.
. Road No. 299.
To Susan A. I lorton , W. F. Bechtel , Millard
itorton , Charles S. Blair , E. Floyd-Jones ,
Alexander Swanson , Alice Shirey , Charles GG
llroman , Rebecca Offiil , John Gust human ,
Paul Eggar , and to all whom it may concern :
The board of county commissioners have
ordered opened a public road commencing at
the southwest corner of the southeast quarter
of section 23 in Tyrone precinct , Red Willow
county , Nebraska , iunnmg thence east.on the
section line , terminating at the sotyheast corner
ner of section 25 , all in township 2 , north of
range 26 , ; vest of the 6th p. m , and all objec-
Iions thereto or claims for damages must be
filed in the county clerk's office on or before
noon of the 30th day of January , A. 0.1895 , ur
said road will beestablf3hedwithout reference
Nov.23.4t5. County Clerk.
Road No. 298.
To Smith pros. Loan and 't'rust Co. , Thos.
L. Keigan , D. R. Smith , t'rederick H. Gen-
sicke , George 11. Simmcrman,11. II. Easter-
day , Oscar Bradford , Robert J.Traphagan ,
and to all whom it may concern :
1'he board of county commissioners have
established and ordered opened a public road
eumaieneing at the northeast corner ut section
3 in Coleman precinct , Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , running thence southun the section
line to the southeast corner of section 22 , terminating -
minating thereat all in township 4 , north of
range 3o , west of 6th p. m. , and all objections
thereto orclaims for damages must be filed in
the counts clerk's office on or before noon of
the 30th day of January , A. D. 1895 , or said will be established without reference
Nov.23-4ts. County Clerk.
Road No. 297.
To Oscar Bradford , Hiram Thraitiki11 , Robert -
ert J. Traphagan , George Elbert , Robert
Moore , Isaac W. Dwirl , and to all whom it
may concern :
1'he hoard of county commissioners have
established and ordered opened a public road
commencing at the southwest comer of the
1 southeast quarter of section 22 in Coleman pre-
cinct. Red Willow county , Nebraska , running
thence east on the section line , terminating at
the southeast corner of section 23 , all in township -
ship of range west 01 the 6th .m.
and all objections thereto or claims for damages
ges must be filed in thecounty clerk's office on
nr before noon of the 30th day of January , A.
D. 1895 , or said road will be established without -
out reference thereto.
Nov.23.4ts. County Clerk.
Road No. 296.
To IIugh A. Jennett , 1-I. H. Easterday , William -
liam 'ickias , and to all whom it may concern :
The board of county commissioners have
established and ordered opened a public road
commencing at the southeast cornerof sectu n
r6 in Coleman precinct , Red Willow county ,
Nebraskan running thence south on the section
line , terminating at the northwest corner of
section 27 , all in township 4 , north of range 30 ,
westof , the 6th p.m. . and all objections thereto
or claims for damages must be filed in the
county clerk's office on or before noon of the
30th day of January , A. D. 189c , or said road
will be established without reference thereto.
Nov.23.4ts. County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated on the Igth clay of
March , 1892 , and filed for record in Red Willow -
low county , Nebraska , executed by J. A.
Brewer to P. A. Wells , given to secure the
sum of 565.40 , and upon which there is now
due the sum of $79.14 and interest. Default
has been made in the payment'of the said
sum , therefore I will sell the following described -
scribed property , to-wit : One sorrel horse 4
Years old , one roan colt 3 ears old at public
auction , in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska -
braska , on the 24th ay of November , 1 894. at
I o'clock . m. of said day. Dated this first
day of November , 1 894
CHARLES F. BABCOCK , Deputy Sheriff.
Buy Toni' tabietS
iiik and
, pens , pencils
Stationery f all kinds
at The Tribune office
next door to the post- .
. y r v.
M/-v..w vy.w . .avWVw. . - . - - - '
(1(11 NO YA T-aJ i'ItAI.TIIP.-6h..Vi $ .
No. 2. throueh purn.ui.r. . . . . . i i5 A. i.
No. 4. local put ung.r. , , . . . . . . .ti UD P.1
No. 7if. Irt'igla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:45 A. JI
No. 64. frelgnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 : ; II A. 11
No. $11. lr.tehl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IUUU A M
No. 148. frelghl , mad. up herq 5:11 , A. N.
No. 3.lhruuuh pu8Nenu..r. . . . . . II :3i I' . 51.
No. 5. local plIt ssrnger. . . . . . . . . 9:16 P. M.
No. 03 freight. . . . . . . . . . . SIx , P M.
No , 77. freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:2 P. M.
NI 149 , freight. uitule up here . . . . 9Ixi : A. 11.
/MPKitiAI. LtNt-MouSTAlN Tall Y. .
No. 176. + eHVYl at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ : IwI A. , yl.
No. 176 , arrives , u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:4(1 P. M.
NIarNo.l3 earrl N paaerluwr $ for
Strut tOil. It.nkelua1. ) and HMigler.
All Irons run dully ex1'epllu g 148. 149 anti
178 , which run riaiI exrepl Sunday.
Nu. : i at ups at Ilenkl lllnnl and Wray.
No,2etopeal ludiwliin.l'ali.bridgn and Ar-
No. 80 tvlll Barry pal engOrg for Fodiauolu.
( 'aimhrrdge null Arapahc.
Nup.4.6.14t3.149nnd 176cnrry gnI 8eugera for
all RI 111101114
Yon can purehas * at I IIIN ufllee Ihkets : io all
priucipul 1,1.111114 fu tb. Uutred $ tate1 and t'nn-
ado amt I'H gag.- ti ek.uI IIirough Iu deal lnlt
Iin , without .xira ebarg' tit' transfer. For
in format lou regnrdnig rats. Pie. rail un ur
addreue C R MAINFH. : Agent.
Handsome New York Pattern Hats
from $4 to $12 each. . No shoddy
styles with us Finest Millinery to
the city. Lowest prices.
Auditor Foreman of Denver was here
yesterday checking up the boys.
The Alliance Times says that J.I.Hicks
has left the service of the company.
Mrs. F. Hillier accompanied Mrs. J. R.
Phelan on the latter's recent visit here
from Alliance.
The Western association is badly demoralized -
oralized , just now. Reorganization is
expected on next Monday.
The Rock Island has withdrawn from
the excess baggage rate agreement and
other lines will follow suit.
Mesdames E. Q. Robie and VinaWood
spent a couple closing days of last week
in the city of Lincoln , shopping.
. C. H. Weible of McCook has charge of
the local station ( luring the absence of
Agent Blakeley.-Wallace Star.
George Pearcewho went up to Denver
front Benkelman recently , is now braking -
ing on a freight train between Akron and
Denver.-Benkelman News.
George Connor and Ed Sharp , two of
the Buriington boys at McCook , were
visiting Morrissey and shooting quail ,
one day this ( last ) weelz.-Holbrook
Engineer H. L. Donavon and fireman
have gone back to McCook to remain
permanently . . . .S. F. Utter of the high
line is going to McCook for his family
and household goods.-Alliance Grip.
Mrs. Jack Cook is visiting with her parents -
rents at McCook , Neb. The has been
absent several weeks , and Jack hasn't
had his socks off since she left , says the
Republican City Democrat.
The Missouri river packers are strenuously -
ously objecting to the increase in freight
rates between Missouri and Mississippi
rivers points announced to take effect on
December I. It will mean between $3.50
and $ S.oo on a car of stock.
Charles Ball came up from McCook ,
last night , and will take his old job as
switchman in the yards here. . . .Samuel
Gilcrest met with a serious accident , last
Wednesday evening , while switching in
the yards here. He got his left hand
caught between the bumpers and the
first three fingere were so badly mashed
that they had to be amputated. Sam's
many Akron friends are plained to learn
of his misfol tune , but are glad to know
that itwasno worse.-Akron Republican.
During the recent strikes many railroads -
roads applied to the general government
for protection , and troops were packed
on trains and along the disturbed portions -
tions of their routes. Now the companies
who availed themselves , for the protection -
tion of their propertyare filing bills with
the war department for the transportation -
tion of soldiers , whose chief duty was to
keep their lines open and guard their
property. Nothing , it is asserted , was
said about charging for carrying troops
at the time they were asked for and it
was supposed that the roads would transport -
port them free of cost , as their services
were chiefly needed to support the interests -
ests of the roads. This , however , is not
the case and the railroad companies want
pay for carrying troops who protected
their property. The department opposes
the payment of the charges and it is
likely will contest the claims in court.
Patronize the McCook Commission
Co. for flour and feed. -
United States Land Office ,
McCook , Nebraska , Nov , Io,1894.
Public notice is hereby given that under -
der and by authority of instructions received -
ceived from the commissioner of the
general land office the northwest quarter
of the southwest quarter of section 24 ,
and the northeast quarter of the southeast -
east quarter of section 23 , township 5 ,
north of range 30 , west of the 6th P. M. ,
containing So acres , will be offered for
sale at this office on the 19th day of December -
ember , 1894 , at ten o'clock , a. m. , to the
highest bidder for cash and at not less
than $1.25 per acre , under section 2,455 ,
U. S. revised states , and the act of March
3 , 189L A. S. CAMPBELL , Register.
J.Tx. , gel137 , Attorney. _ Nov. 16-Sts.
- _ - - _ _
Highest Honors--World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
English Walkinq NatsSarin Crowns
and Silk Bands , only 75 cents each
Cheapest , Best and Most Stylish Milliner -
liner ) ' Stock in the city.
Catarrh of the stomach causes a
cotditiou , kuowu as dyspelsia or
indigestion. It usually results from
eatai rh ill the tlirout , hot suute-
times occurs in people svho have
never had catarrI elsewhere. The
symptolils of dyspepsia are : Liver
corn hlaint , Ibillul1S11t-SS , S0U1' Shlil-
itch , water brnsh , bloating after
eating , Coustiplttitii , piles , it ud , iii
mltuy. CftSeS lute S1)i1'jts , ( tizzy heath ,
Sy lupatlletic heart 1a pitatlotpaiu ,
iudigestiori , aul looleuess of the
hlWeIS. Pe-ru-Ica tintl illan-a-lift
) - - - - ,
taken accorthng to directions on
the bottle , wilt cure every one. l'he
following is a specimen of the 14-
ters received fruln pfttieutS :
0. S. I11cuillilu , Spring Hill ,
LtVfl , writes : "hour years ago list
fall my stotnacli , without any pre-
vjous ivaruing , refused to pt rform
its fiuictions. 1111(1 I soon lost
strength. During this time food
was forced through my stomach iy
using cathartics. 1Vitll flesh wasted -
ed away , strength exhausted so that
it tOok all my strength to even get
into a bath tub , hopes all gone , I
began to take Pe-ru-nit and Diana -
a tin , following freer advice which
Dr. Hartman gave me. Iii a short
time 1 could eat nourishing food ,
and the piles , kidney trouble and
constipation disappeared. . Flesh ,
strength , and a splendid appetite
returned , and I went to work. "
For treatise on catarrh , coughs ,
colds. Consumption , and all climatic -
atic diseases of whiter , send for
Family Physician No. 2. Address
The Pe-ru-ila Drug Manufacturing
Company , Columbus , Ohio.
Itnipple has just 'received a car
toad of Loomis Flour , than which
there is no superior on this market -
ket , that he is selling at the very
lowest figure for such a high grade
and popular article.
Frank Nichols guarantees the
wells he sinks. Leave orders at
Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention
will be given the same.
We are just in receipts of a new
supply of tablets ands box papers ,
memorandums , etc.
Anything you want in the hardware -
ware line at Cochran & Cc.'s.
Smethiug -McConnell's
Balsam for coughs and colds.
McMil twit Brothers
are headquarters for
Winter go Ods of all
kinds. See them !
Homeseekers' Excursions.
November 20th , December 4th , and
December I8th. On the above dates
the Burlington Route will sell round-trip
tickets to all points in Texas , Oklahoma
and Indian Territory ; to points in New
Mexico on the Pecos Valley railway ; to
Deming , New Mexico ; to points in Arkansas -
kansas ; to points on the St. Louis , Iron
Mountain & Southern , and the Kansas
CityIVatkins & Gulf railway in Louisiana -
ana ; to points on the Kansas City , Fort
Scott & Memphis railway in Missouri ,
south of Springfield. Limited to continuous -
tinuous passage in each direction. Final
limit twenty days from date of sale. For
one lowest standard first-class fare plus
two dollars. C. E. MAGNER ,
J. FRANCIS , G. P. & T. A. Agent.
New'Cloaks , Capes and Dress Goods
just received. Come and see them.
A cup of Parks' tea at night moves the
bowels in the morning without pain or dis-
comfort. It is a great health giver and blood
purifier. Sold by McMillen.
Children Cry for . Pitcher's Castoria ,
+ - #
f v
t i
0 0 0 0 0 0
_ _
. II t I I }
OO\ \ H -
r. , .
, I'
Is the Man . -
. Who bells Fresh
vvv t
And He Sells
Them lliglt Too.
When you want to buy anything in the Grocery line ,
Noble is the than you want to see. He keeps the
very best goods and sells them at remarkably low
prices. He also carries a maguificeut line of Lamps ,
. Queensware of all kinds and Crockery. His line of
Hanging and Stand Lamps is undoubtedly the finest
in Southwestern Nebraska. Remember the Holiday
season is approaching , and no more appropriano present -
ent can be imagined than a handsome Lamp or a set
of Dishes. You can get them at Noble's.
Uo anI See
Noble , He Will
: - a "
:100pAIR0F :
To go at 60 cents a pair.
Worth 75 cents to $1.00.
To go at 5 cents a piece.
. Worth 10 to 20 cents.
'Special reductions in our Dress Goods
department. A few sample cloaks left. Our
Clothing stock must be reduced. Call and
get prices. New Fascinators , Shawls , etc.
ATTHE. . .
I 'cts1t '
H 41urjain
ors s
C. L. DEGROFF & co.