The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1894, Image 1

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f , The , County.Teachers. .
A very plea. . t and profitable day was
sPEnt at BartleY + on ; rurdaY , November
iiotb , by the teachers of Ih : Willow and
I adjoining counties , at the Tear. rzzs' As.
, ( l aciation , Seventy-five teachers and
members of various school boards' were
present. In their usual happy manner
the people of Bartley opened their homes
to the visitors. Good music was furnished
bythe Bartley quartet.
In the morning two well written pars -
rs were read , discussions following. A
paper on "The Cultivation of the Sepsi-
iilities" was read by Miss Jennie Ho- !
, ) and , SuPerinteudhrt BaYston presenting
some good ideas on the subject. This
was followed by a paper on "How to Ask
Questions , " by J. E. Boyd. This subject
, ' was discussed in an interesting manner
by the teachers. Principal S. 1' . Parsons
then delivered an address ofeecome in
an appropriate manner , assigning places
to the teachers. The Association then
1 adjourned until I:3o p , m.
After music , the afternoon session was
entered upon , the subjects , "School
: Room Decoration" and "Primary Writ-
! ing" were discussed. A discussion on
"The Duties of the School Board" was
led by F. G. Stilgebouer and W. L. Mu-
. lcr. Supt. Bayston then gave a talk to
the teachers on the "Nobility of Their
Work. " An adjournment was then taken
until 7:30 p , m.
There was a general complaint that
the teachers were not as active as they
should be , and did not take sufficient
interest in the discussions ; but owing to
the hospitality of the people of Bartley
'very much exertion should not have been
- expected , .
. In the evening Prof. Valentine gave
an interesting and instructive lecture on
"What I Am , What I Was , What I Will
-Be. " Many teachers did not remain on
account of the lateness of the hour , but
the town people showed by their presence -
ence that they are interested in all things
that are elevating.
I The next meeting will be held at Mc-
'Cook in February ,
Shooting Tourn ament.
The McCook Gun Club has arranged
for a grand shooting tournament , on
. Thanksgiving day , November 29th , and
. for the occasion announces the following
No. 1.10 Single Targets. . . . . . . . . . $ .5o
No. 2. Io Single Targets , . . . . . . . . .50
; No. 3.15 Single . . . . . . . . . . .
, No. 4. to Single and 5 Pair Targets 1.25
No. 5. To Single Targets , Unknown
Angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
No. 6 , to Birds , Unknown Traps. . 2 50
J1 No. 7.10 Single Targets. . . . . . . . . 1.oo
n No. 8. 15 Single Targets. . . . . . . . . . 1.oo
No. 9. 10 Single Targets. . . . . . . . . 75
' ' No. 10. 10 Single Targets. . . . . . . . . . 1.oo
I' Targets deducted from purses at 2C
each ; live birds I2 3.C each. All monies
divided 50 , 30 and 20 per cent. Any
4 shooter can draw his share of any purse
' without a shoot-off. All target events
will be shot from three traps , rapid fire ,
1 t Latest revised A. S. A. Rules to govern
all events. Shooting will commence at
t 9:30 a. m. , sharp. Grease up your Zulu
and loin us in a good old-fashioned
Thanksgiving shoot.
Information Wanted.
P.3. Bard , treasurerofthe young men's
1 ; liberal-conservative association of Winnipeg -
nipeg , Manitoba , writes Postmaster C.H.
r Meeker for information as follows :
Dear sir-I have been advised by Mr.
Warrington , postmaster at Mason City ,
to write some official in your district for
information concerning the whereabouts
of James McEndeffer. He was a resident
' of Mason City six years ago , and is now
believed to reside in Red Willow county ,
+ Nebraska , If you do not know of him
would you hand this to some one who
likely would. I am very anxious to locate
him , as I believe he can give me information -
ation about iiiY father , James Smythe
f Burd , whom we have not heard from for
a good numberof years. F.J.BURD.
See Mrs , 11I. E. Barger , the milliner ,
C rear of DeGroff & Co. , before making
your purchases in that line. She has a
nice stock of goods and her prices are
very reasonable. Remember her new
location , east Dennison street , rear of
DeGroff & Co.
- Fine and complete line of calling cards
at THE TRIBUNE , Also order taken for
- - engraved cards.
Perfumes and toilet powders at i. W.
McConnell & Co's.
o Boiling meat 3r. . per poundsat the B ,
S M , meat market.
Toilet soap , tooth brushes and sponges
at McConnell's.
' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
- World's Fair Iliigkest Award.
Let no honest , needy settler of Red
Willow county suffer for the necessities
of life , this winter. But use due caution
and careful judgment in the application
of charity.
The president has designated Nov. 29
as a day of national thanksgiving. WG
haven't much to be thankful for out in
western Nebraska-unless it be that we
were on top of the late slide.
The remains of Mr. and Mrs. Carey T.
Beggs' infant son , Robert H. , were tenderly -
derly laid away in Longview cemetery ,
Saturday afternoon last. Brief but touching -
ing services were conducted at the home
by Rev. Preston.
Your attention is directed to the advertisement -
vertisement of the White Line Transfer
in this issue. The proprietor , Milton
Osborn , is prepared to do all kinds of
draying promptly , and solicits your pat-
ronage. He has rented the barn opposite
the Central hotel.
This is the time to provide shelter for
your stock against the chilly blasts of
coming winter. This fine weather will
not last always. So prepare for the comfort -
fort of your stock , yourself and family ,
and be in readiness for the inevitable
storm. It will come.
The "melancholy days , the saddest of
the year , " are here , and so are the days
of the flabby but much beloved buckwheat -
wheat cake , and its indigestible companion -
ion , the sausage , encased in its questionable -
able garment-both ready to slay digestion -
tion and swell the doctor's bank account.
The order of the Star of Jupiter will
hold a regular meeting in Temple hall
on nest Tuesday evening , at which time
ten or ffiteen new members will be initiated -
ated , and a supper will be spread. All
members are urged to , come with their
baskets. We are informed that on account -
count of the hard times , oie half of the
dues of the past year have been remitted
by lodge i.
The parishioners and friends of Elder
D. L. McBride are preparing to give him
a package donation party in Temple
hall , Saturday evening of next week ,
November 24th. An entertaining pro-
gramme will be given and suitable refreshments -
freshments served. No admittance fee
will be charged and the public is very
cordially invited- Fuller particulars
will be given in next week's paper.
By the census of 1890 , showing the irrigated -
rigated acres in the United States , California -
fornia comes first with 1,004,233 acres
and 13,732 irrigators ; then Colorado with
89o,735 and 9,65o respectively ; while
Montana shows 350,582 and 5,705 , and
Utah 263,473 acres with no fewer 9,725
irrigators. Adding the other western
commonwealths and the increase since
189o make a total of about 4,000,000 irrigated -
gated acres in the United States , Of
foreign lands India has at least 35,000,000
acres , Egypt 6oooooo , Italy nearly 4-
000,000 , France and Spain 500,000 each ,
and eastern Asia and South America
large areas , so there must be on this
globe about 50,000,000 highly prolific
acres.that but for irrigation would be
almost totally barren , says the Kansas
The city council now has under consideration -
eration an ordinance that has for its end
and purpose the securing to the city of
an adequate and regular fire pressure ,
and providing a suitable penalty for failure -
ure on the part of the company to provide
the pressure and service for which they
are well paid. The experience of the
past season plainly indicates the importance -
ance and necessity even-of such an ordi-
nance-as the fire pressure during a considerable -
siderable portion of the lawn sprinkling
season was too low for effective service.
We did not hear the discussion , but we
understand that some difference of opinion -
ion was expressed as to what should be
the minimum amount of water that
should be required keptin the standpipe.
Naturally the company will want the
limit as low as possible. However , the
interests of the city and the people demand -
mand that a substantial and adequate
pressure be always maintained in the
standpipe-perhaps the lowest limit
should not be less than eighty feet. And
then , too , the interests of the city require
the imposition of a penalty in cases of
failure that will make the ordinance of
some effect. This ordinance is of great
importance to our people as touching
the lawn sprinkling question. If the
required limit is placed at a proper figure -
ure it will not be possible for the company -
pany to charge for sprinkling privileges
on the basis ofa hundred feetof water in
the standpipe and then deliver the water
on the actual basis of perhaps half that
amount of water in the standpipe. This
little inequality can be adjusted at the
same time.
This is a little more like winter , my
. : -
.yy y..s.
The South McCook Public school was
closed , Monday , on account of sickness.
Te orchestra gave a concert in assembly -
bly room , last evening , for the school
children , under the directorship of Dr.
E. T. Waters , and the same was thoroughly -
oughly enjoyed and appreciated.
The school children report having had
a delightful time at Indianola , last
Tliey were nicely entertained by
the pupils and people of Indianola , who
also gave an interesting entertainment
in honor of the occasion , which was one
of pleasure and profit to both schools.
Two deaths occurring among the youth
of South McCook , one at least certainly
from diphtheria and the second one
strongly suspected , have caused the
board of education to close the public
school in South McCook for the present.
One of the victims was the child of a
Russian named Crow , and the other one
was of that nationality. Although these
children were not in school , members
of the school were exposed , and it was
thought advisable ati Monday to close
the school until danger from exposure
is past.
The high school boys ought to be
comparatively happy now. They have
organized a foot ball club. For this
purpose a meeting was held in the East
ward building , Monday , November 12th ,
and an organization perfected to be
known as the McCook high school foot
ball team , with the following officers :
Manager , Arthur Douglass ; Captain , J.
H. Fowler ; Coacher , Jerry Mullen ; Secretary -
retary and Treasurer , Charles Northrup.
The team as now constituted consists of
twenty-two members. There are exciting -
ing times in store for the boys from this
wildly popular sport.
Thanksgiving Proclamation.
State of Nebraska , Executive Depart-
ment-To the People of the State of Nebraska -
braska , Greeting : In conformity with
the proclamation of the president of the
United States , I do hereby appoint
Thursday , November 29th , 1894 , a day
of thanksgiving and prayer throughout
the state. Owing to the extraordinary
drouth which has prevailed in some portions -
tions within our borders during the year
now drawing to aclose we cannot rejoice
in the bountiful crop with which we have
usually been blessed. I would , therefore ,
especially urge upon those who have an
abundance to contribute generously to
the less fortunate , and by bounteous
charity lift the clouds of want and distress -
tress wherever found , thus making glad
every heart , so that the day may be in
truth , as well as in form , a day of thanks-
giving. In testimony whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and caused to be
affixed the great seal of the state. Done
at Lincoln this 12th day of November ,
A , D. 1394. By the Governor ,
J. C. ALLEN , Secretary of State.
Must Pay Up.
All bills must be paid between the
first and fifteenth of each month , otherwise -
wise no credit will be given.
Sunny Side Dairy.
James , the 19-year-old son of John
Broomfield , who lives about : six miles
south of Indianola , was killed on Tuesday -
day afternoon by accidental discharge
of iris gun. He was hunting , riding in a
one-horse cart. The gun slipped from
his hand and was discharged , the con-
; ents entering his side and killing him
The members of the gun club want to
keep their weather eye peeled for a dark
horse at the shooting tournament , on
Thanksgiving day , C. T. Brewer has
invested in a double-action blunderbus
and expects to be on the grounds that
day. He expects to be in practice , too ,
so look out for him.
Quite a number of Shriners of our city
will respond to the invitation recently
sent out by Sesostris Shrine , Ancient
Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine , to participate in the convocation
to be held in Lincoln , next week , the
23d instant.
You will find all the fruits , berries
and vegetables , in season , at Nthle's.
And they will be the freshest and best
the market affords.
Cooks , use McCook Electric Soap and
save gumming your dishes and pans.
Buy your tablets , inks and box papers
of L. W. McConnell & Co ,
Use McCook Electric Soap and save
boiling the clothes.
Toilet soap , tooth brushes and sponges
at McConnell's.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair , sal Francisco.
. . . = 4 . - ,
DR , J. A. GUNK had business in Omaha -
ha , this week.
MRS , THos. DUNCAN of Indianola was
a city visitor , yesterday.
REV. BARTLETT of Stockville filled
the Congregational pulpit , Sunday morning -
ing last.
FATHER HICKEY of St. Patrick's fs
absent from the city , this week , on
MRS. C , S. QUICK of Indianola , was a
city visitor , yesterday , on a shopping-
social tour.
B , F. TROxEL and'family will shortly
leave for the Arkansas Hot Springs to
spend the winter.
A. P. E-ix has returned from Arapahoe
and resumed his position in the Times-
Democrat office.
J. R. MCFAUL and family were down
from Trenton , Wednesday , on a visit to
McCook relatives.
down from Stockville , Saturday , to the
funeral of baby Beggs.
S. E HALER , wife and family were up
from Indianola , yesterday , guests of W ,
M , Anderson and family ,
I. A. SHFRIDAN of Indianola , was an
Omaha visitor , Wednesday , on business
of political moment doubtless.
J. W. HUPP was over at Danbury , Lebanon -
anon , Wilsonville and other points in
that neighborhood , this week.
E. EWELLER , came up from Syracuse ,
last Friday night , and has been the guest
of his partner , C , L. DeGroff.
FRANK BoYD and wife are here from
Omaha and guests of H , P. Sutton. He
is employed in the Omaha National.
FRANK CARRUTH was called to Kings-
bury , Indiana , this morning , by a telegram -
gram announcing the serious illness of
his father.
CALEB CLOTHIER was down from his
ranch in Hayes county , close of last and
first of this week , guest of H. H. Troth
and family ,
JNo. J. LAMBORN , our representative-
elect , was a city visitor , Monday , while
oil his way to Lincoln on business more
or less political.
S. W. CUNNINGHAM , who has been
teaching overin the Prospect Park neighborhood -
borhood on the Driftwood , departed this
week , for Iowa.
MRS JAMES MCADAMS , who has been
seriously ill , the effect of a spider bite ,
we are pleased to learn , this morning , is
better and improving ,
J. E. KELLEY , A. J. Rittenhouse and
others had business at Indianola , Tuesday -
day , during the session of the board of
county commissioners ,
Cloud opened a school of instruction in
Masonry in our city , last night , which
will be continued during the remainder
of the week.
DR. W. V. GAGE was summoned to
Indianola , Tuesday evening , by the sickness -
ness of Mrs. E. J. Mitchell. Her brother ,
C. W. Barnes of theTimes-Democrat , accompanied -
companied the doctor.
Regular preaching services , Sunday J
school and Epworth league in the M. E.
church , next Sunday.
Baptist services in Temple hail , Sunday -
day morning and -evening. Sunday
school at ten and Union Endeavor at
usual evening hour.
Remember the Epworth league social ,
next Tuesday evening , November 20th ,
in the Methodistchurch. Refreshments
will be served. You are all invited. A
general admission fee of ten cents will
be charged.
Congregational services morning and
evening , next Sunday , Rev. Francis
Lawson of Franklin will occupy the
pulpit in the morning. The subject for
the evening discourse will be "Christ's
Call" Endeavor society meets at 6:45
p. m. Topic , "Eyes Open to the Light. "
Miss Ethel Oyster , leader ,
At a regular meeting of King Cyrus
Chapter No. 35 , R. A , M. , last night , the
following officeas were elected : Hugh
1V. Cole , High Priest ; Joe D. Robb , King ;
Dr. Z , L. Kay , Scribe ; Thos. G. Rees ,
Treasurer ; E. E. Lowman , Secretary.
A little snow , this morning , and considerably -
siderably colder.
The chrysanthemum festival season is
at hand. . .
Consult Holmes Bros , the carpenters.
It's never too late to repent or too dull
to advertise.
Good writing paper ten cents a quire
at this office.
Perfumes and toilet powders at L. W ,
McConnell & Co's.
Miss Minnie Pade is a member of the
postoffice force now ,
C. L. Miller has re-opened a restaurant
in the Horner building.
Buy your tablets , inks and box papers
of L. W. McConnell & Co.
The Danbury News just gut in under
the canvas in the nick of time.
The Lady Maccabees is one of the
flourishing lodges of the city.
The Star of Jupiter threatens to take
on quite a new life and activity.
If you want to rent a model farm for
five years see A. W. Campbell of Box
Elder , Nebraska.
We are selling meats cheaper than
any one in the city. And we do as we
advertise , F , S. WiLcox.
Abstracts of title will be furnished
promptly and accurate by
C. T , BEGGs.
Mr , and Mrs , Ed , Allen had a very
disagreeeble and expensive experience
with a coal oil stove , a few evenings
The dime social given in the Congregational -
gational church , Tuesday evening by the
ladies of the Dorcas society , was well
attended and patronized.
The annual meeting of the McCook
club will be held in the club room on
Saturday evening next at 8 o'clock , and
a full attendance of the members is urgently -
ently requested.
Rev. Francis Lawson and daughter
arrived from Franklin , Monday evening ,
and are the guests of W. F. Lawson of
the First National. They are on their
way to California to spend the winter.
Any persons who now are or have been
Presbyterians should correspond with C.
W , Higgins , Sunday School Missionary ,
Oxford , Nebraska , in regard to donations -
tions of clothing , if they are in need of
any for themselves or their family.
The county commissioners have been
in session , this week. Besides the con-
temnlation of the usual large number o f
after-election bills , the commissioners
havebeen , confronted with an unusual
demand for aid. In fact this problem of
aid threatens to become a rather serious
one before another crop is raised in this
Mr. and Mrs. Carey T. Beggs feel that
they have every reason to be deeply
grateful to their kind neighbors and
friends for assistance and comfort generously -
ously rendered them in their recent bereavement -
reavement , and desire to express their
profound thankfulness for the same in
this manner.
The souvenier half dollar , issued in
honor of the world's fair , is now a current -
rent half dollar , a demand having recently -
ently sprung up for them. Secretary
Carlisle has issued an order to the sub-
treasurers directing them to pay out on
demand the souvenir coins at the same
ratio as the legalized half dollar of the
United States , namely , at par with gold.
There will be $1,795,980 worth of these
pieces afloat.
It is a very painful sight indeed to see
the dissolute course being taken by some
of the younger young men of our city.
You are making an unprofitable experiment -
ment , lads. Besides you may suffer the
humiliation of spending a night in the
municipal jug one of these fine nights
when you are out decorating the town.
Come , boys , you will not grow into manhood -
hood any more rapidly or satisfactorily
by such a course ,
Fifteen (15) cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , containing -
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 cnveI-
Buy your tablets , inks and box papers
of L. W. McConnell & Co ,
A nice variety of ink and pencil tablets -
lets at this office ,
Fifty dozen more of that cheap
Underwear. If you don't knotz what
It is , come and ask for it.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
world's Fair Hlghat Modal ad Diglvma.
Run Over and Killed.
. Mary , the comely daughter of Widow
Macho , a Bohemian washer-woman of
South McCook , was run over by a Northwestern -
western passenger train about three
miles east of Inland , Tuesday night , and
both legs were cut off above the knees.
She died early on the following morning -
ing , before her mother who left for Hastings -
ings on No. 2 arrived at her bedside.
The girl was on her way to Omaha
and had made a brief visit in Hastings
en route.
There are many rumors and theories
as to the circumstances of the sad aflair.
One is that she got on an Elkhorn Valley -
ley train by mistake at Hastings , and
that the mistake was not noticed until
the train arrived at Harvard , where she
was let ofE That she started to walk
back from Harvard to Hastings and was
run down by the Northwestern passenger -
ger as stated above. There are other
theories involving foul play , temporary
insanity , etc. , but the probabilities are
that the matter will ever remain more or
less a mystery. The injured girl was
removed to the Commercial hotel at
Hastings , where she died early Wednesday -
day morning. The remains were brought
to McCook on the late passenger , the
following evening , for burial , and the
funeral took place Friday morning.
It is stated that the distracted mother
desired to end her own life in Iastings.
No wonder , poor woman. This makes
the third or fourth violent death , and
the fifth or sixth in all , within the past
seven or eight years ; and her cup of sur-
row is running over. Purses were raised
for the poor , distracted woman both
here and at Hastings , and much sympathy -
thy is expressed in her behalf on all
hands. Her terrible experience of the
past few years would have utterly destroyed -
stroyed a more sensitive soul.
Father Brinker of Wray , Colorado ,
conducted the services.
Regular Session.
The city council wasin regularsession ,
Monday evening , with a full board present -
ent for the transaction of business.
Following bills were allowed :
A. G. Bump , salary.-
Howe Smitli , salary- . . . . . . . . So.uo
C. G. Coglizer , salary etc , . . . 50.95
McCook Electric Light Co , . . 100.00
Barnett LumberCo. . , . . . . . . 20.62
S. M. Cochran & Co. . . . . . . . 1.15
Hall & Beinhart. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
H. H. Berry , commission. . . . 4 .80
J. S. LeHew , salary. . . . . . . . . 37.50
C. B. Gray , salary. . . . . . . . . . , 37.50
J. B. Kelley , salary. . . . . . . . . . 37.00
J. Wilcox , salary. . . . . . . . . 75.00
Report of cemetery superintendent was
read and referred to the cemetery committee -
mittee for consideration and action.
An ordinance was read first time to
"establish water pressure for fire purposes
poses , and to regulate the same , and to
provide a penalty for violation of said
rules. "
Another ordinance also passed its first
reading amending section tliree of ordiu-
arice 53 , "establishing the McCook fire
department , providing for and regulating -
ing the same , passed and approved Jan.
1oth,1894 , and to repeal said section , "
For Sale or Rent.
Seven-room house , corner of Madison
and Monroe streets , with bath room and
water closet. Steel range will be left
in the house. Good cellar and large
barn. Fruit trees and lawn. As desirable -
ble a place as there is in the city. Inquire -
quire of FRANK CARRUTH. ,
George G. Chinn , recently head cook
at the Commercial , is now in charge of
the'Carpenter restaurant.
The governor has issued his Thanksgiving -
giving proclamation = Tt is terse , but to
the point , as usual.
1 : M2 t
17 lbs. Granulated Sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
2 packages Jav anesecoffeethe best
package coffee onThe market ) . , . 45
I lb , bestUucolo red Japan Tea. . . . .45
11b. of the 45c grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3s
albs. sun-dried Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
2 lbs. evaporated Apples. . . .25
Igood 'broom-a bargain , , . . . . . . . . .r5
Crawford's Genuine Apple Cider
Vinegar , per gallon , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1 gal. pure. Ohio Maple Syrup . . . . . L25
1 gal , fancy new Sorghum. . . . . . . . . . 50
6 bars White Russian soap , . . , . . . . . .25
3 cans Blue Valley Sugar Corn , . . . . .25
6 fat family mackerel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Salt Salmon , per pound , , , , , , . , , , . .10
New England Mince Meat , . , , , . . , . , to
. J. W , McKENNA ,
- Proprietor.
. "