The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 09, 1894, Image 5
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 s , Rc&i R11 ABSOWTELY PURE = T t ALWATs A REASON WIIv. This has been a year of wonderful growth for The Lincoln State Journal. Its aggressive - ive methods have pushed it to the front. One thing that accounts for this is The Journal's prnciple . It is republican'true and blue , but first of all it is a great newspaper and considers news tue most essedtial part. It pnnts more state telegraph news than either of the Omaha papers. The business interests of the state recognize in The Journal the only 1 state paper which is standing up for the welfare - fare of Nebraska. You rani see how The Journal is grpwmg in your-own town. It is gamin fw every , other town in the state just as mucu. The reduced prices only 5o cents per month ivithout Sunday , or 65 cents per month with Sunday. This also accounts for the big growth. 1'6e 5emi-\V eel.lyTJairnal has the largest r circulation , of any Nebraska paper. It has completely routed its old once- a-week rivals. It is being sent from now un- iii January 1st , 1S96for , Si.oo. This carries I readers through the coming legislature and through the next presidential campaign. It * gives readers two complete papers each week for the price of one. Got. 1 ulnas is farm } editor and I. L. Lyman poultry editor. It is published at the State capital and is a paper for Nebraskans. ORImR TO C11En17'URS. The state of Nebraska , Red Willow county , ss : Notice is hereby given to all persons haying - " ing claims or demands against the estate of William E. Kilgore , deceased , that such persons - sons arc required to present their claims , with vouchers , to the county judge of said county , at his office therein , on or before the 20th day of April , 1895 , and all claims so filed will be ' heard before the said judge on the 22d day of . April , 1895 , at I o'clock p. m. And it is forther .i ordered that a copy of this order be published in 'I'Itn TRIBUNE , a weekly newspaper pub- lisheil in : aid county , for three weeks , beginning - ning October 19th. 1S94. Dated this 15th day of Uctobe : , 1894. C11ARIES 1V. BECK , County Judge. , N otf ce. In the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska. Sarah A. Staats vs. Dudley Staats. i To Peter S. Peterson , non-resident defendent : You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of November , 1894 , Sarah A. Staats filed a petition - tion against you in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground of your willful abandon- S \ went and desertion of her for more than two years last past without any just cause. You n are required to answer said petition on or before the r7th day of December , 1894. SARAH A. STAATS. By A. J. RITTENuovsE , her attorney. . . 9-4ts. ' NOTICE. In the district court of Red \Villow county , Nebraska. Viola Lily Petersen , plaintiff vs. Peter S. Petersen defendant. To Peter S. ietersen , non-resident defendant : You are hereby notified that on the first day of No- ' vember,1894 , Viola Lily Petersen filed a petition - tion against you in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the object and layer of which are to obtain a divorce from I you on the ground of extreme cruelty towards her without cause or provocation. You are required to answer said petition on of before the Toth day of December , 1894. VIOLA LILY PETERSEN. By A. J. RITTENitousE , her Attorney. t Four. Bic SUCCESSES. 1 Having the needed merit to more than make nod all the advertising daimed for themthe following four remedies have reached 'a he- nominal ale. Dr. King's New Discover M for consumption coughs and colds each bet - ( tie guaranteed. Electric Bitters the great remedy for liver , stomach and kidneys. Buck- t tin's Aica Sale the best in the world , and Dr. King's New Life Pills , which are aper- ' feet pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just what is claimed for them and the ' dealer whose name is attached herewith will I ' be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at t. M c Mill e n' s d rug store. iF' iF'A MILLION FRIENDS. , Y 4 A friend in need is a friend indeed , and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery t for consumption , colds and coughs. If . Yu 1 , have never used this great cough medicine , one trial will convince you that it has wonderful - ful curative powers in all diseases of throat , , chest and lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at McMillen's drug store. Large size 5oc and $1.00. ' , . t BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE \ The best salve in the world for cuts , bruises , l sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin r eruptions , aYid.positively cures piles erne ay required. It is guaranteed to give erect satisfaction or money refunded. Pric cts. . Y perbox. Forsale by l IcMr'ller. . I've a secretin my heart , Sweet Mane , A tale I would impart , Sweet Marie. If you'd even fairer be You must always use Parks' Tea , $ The improvement you will see , ' Sweet Marie. Sold by McMillen. The American beauty owes her prestige more to a clear complexion than to any other attribute. A cup of Parks' will enable an r ( , one to possess ths. It clears the skin and removes pimples and that sallow , muddy look. Parxs'tea is use b } Thousands of ladies M for the complexion.Vithout being a cathartic - tic it cures constipation. Sold by McMillen. To be satisfied you must try for.yourself , and after trying you will say that Oregon I" Kidney Tea is the most wonderful remedy for kidney or urinary troubles that you have ever seen. A trial size package costs only 25 cents , so there is no excuse for having a lame back and feeling'poorly , when this remedy - t + edy is within your reach. ' . Parks' sure cure is a sure specific in all diseases - eases of the liver and kidneys. By. the uric acid in the blood it cures reumatism t 'S. B. Basfor of Carthage. S. D. , says : "t be- 1l'eve Parks' sure cure excels all other .medi- w ' cines for rheumatism and urinary troubles. " ' Sold by McMillen. Parks cough syrup cures .coughs , colds and consumption. Mrs. Catherine Black of Le Roy , N. . V. , says : "I took one bottle of Parks' cough syrup. It acted like magic. Stopped my cough and I am perfectly well now : " Sold by McMillen. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins , Chattanooga , Tenn. says , "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'Saved 'My Life : I " ' consider it the best remedy for a debilitated r" system I ewer used. " For dyspepsia , liver or kidney trouble it excels price 75 cts. Sold j by 1cConnell & Co. Shilohs Cure is-sold on a guarantee. It c + cures incipient consumption. it. Is the best : cough'cure. Only one , cent a dose. z5 cts. , sects , I.OO. - Soid bYMconnell &t.o. - % Shilohs'Cnre , the great ongand , croup cure , is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-fvedQses.oetlY25 etS. Children love it. Sold by McConnell. S . , 1 " t 44.1 . NOTICE OF SUIT. ] .eats Swing , Samuel Ball , Mary Ball , Julia E. Swing , W. J. Roden George W. Boyer , C. \N , McCoy , Logan Beck' Phillip Ileffeler , and 1. S. Beck , partners usiness under the firm name oGeorge BoYeelMcCoY &C0. J. F. Helm , The Packer's National Bank , a corporation incorporated under the laws of the United States , and 0. R. Burnhaun , de. fondants , will take notice that the American investment Company , of Emmitsburg , Iowa , plaintiff herein , has filed its petition in the district court of Red \Villow county , Nebras ha , against said defendants , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose plaintiff's interest in a certain port a e dateAugust 14th , x886 , executed bYLe v s Swing and , Julia E. Swing to E. S. Ormsby , trustee for P. 0. Refsell , upon the ; cast half of the southeast quarter of section nineteen and the east half of the northeast quarter of section thirty , town. four , north of range number twenty-eight , west of the 6th P.M. , to scenic the payment of the sum of $650 , as evidenced by their certain - tain promissory notes of even date therewith ; and also for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage - gage executed by Samuel Ball and Mary Ball to one W. J. Bowden , on said premises , dated October 20th , 1891 , to secure the payment of 597.50 , as evidenced by their certain promissory - sory notes of even date therewith ; that a portion - tion of the indebtedness for which the mortgage - gage last herein described was given to se cure , and the entire indebtedness for which the mortgage last herein described was given to secure , has been assigned to the plaintilf in this action. 't'hat there is now ( Inc plaintiff - iff on said notes and mortgages , including the amount paid for taxes on said premises , the sum of $ 276.5awith interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent. per annum from the first clay of December , i890 ; and plaintiff prays for a decree that said defendants may be required to pay the sum , or that said rrem ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said reti- tion an or before tale third day of December I8 q. Dated October 20th , 14. H tERICAN INVESTMENT COMi'ANV , Of Emmitsburg , Iowa , Plaintiff. By V. . S. MORLAN , its Attorney. Oct 26.4t. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before 1-Ion. D. T. Welty , judge of the district court of Red \Villow county , Nebraska , on th'e 5th day of October , 1891 , in favorof George IIock- nell as plaintiff. and against William 11.1-Iar- mon et al. , as dependants' for the sum of one hundred nd fifty ( $150) ) dollars and thirty- four (3. ( ; ) cents , and costs taxed at 530 , and accruing costs , I have levied upon the following - ing real estate taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said judgment , to-wit : the west half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter of section 33 , township 2 , north of range 29 , west of the C 6thi p , m. , iii Red Willow county , Nebraska , and will offer the same for sale to the highest. bidder , for cash in hand , on the'loth day of DecemberA. D. 1894 , in front of the south door of the court house , in Indianola , Nebraska - ka , that being the building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day , when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. i Dated November 7th , 1894. E. R. BANKS , \V. S.1\IORLAN , Sheriff of said county. Attorney. Nov.9.5ts. - - - - CIiATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 19th clay of March , i892 , and filed for record in Red \Vil- low comity , Nebraska , executed by J. A. Brewer to P. A.Vells , given to secure the sum of 565.40 , and upon which there is now due the sum of $79.14 and interest. Default has been made in the payment of the said sum , therefore 1 will sell the following described - scribed property , to-wit : One sorrel horse 4 years old , one roan colt 3 years old , at public 1 auction , in McCook , Red \Villow county , on the 24th of November , 1894 , at I o'clock . m. of said aY. Dated hisrst lay of November. 1'4. CHARLES F. BABCOCK , Deputy Sheriff. I F'hen 13a13. ; a..k i : , we gave her Can oria , 1 : When she was a Child , sbe cried for Castoria. When she became Miss , she clung to t'astoria , When sao had Children , she gavothem Castoria. f A cup of Parks' tea at night moves the bowels in the morning "withiiut pain or dis comfort. It is a great health.giver and blood purifier. Sold by McMiJlen. . Parks' tea clears the complexion. Mrs. N. Meyctte'of LeRoy , N. Y , says : I"have used Parks tea and.find it the best remedy I have ever tried. Sold by McMillen. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , t \V , W. Brown came out from Chicago to vote to vote. He was down from Cul- bertson , Tuesday evening. He is in the employ of the company's freight department - partment in the city on the lake ; j List any lands you may have to sell at i a bargain with J. E. Kelley. Office in rear of First National Bank , McCook , Nebraska. . Book-keeping blank books for sale at i this office. Day , cash , journal , ledger , each at loc. apiece. Beaf steak 7C. per pound. F. S.'WlLcox , The Sunny Side is the place to buy' the best and the purest milk. \ Rooms for Rent. i Three pleasant living rooms for rent reasonably. Inquire at McMillen's drug store. The shop men and section men practically - tically enjoyed a holiday , Tuesday. Patronize the McCook . Commission 1 Co. for flour and feed. i Perfumes and toilet powders at L W , J McConnell & Co's. \ Pay day tomorrow. 1 English Walking Hats Satin Crowns rind Silk Bands , only 75 cents each. Clteapesf , Best and Most Stylish Millinery - ' linery Stock in'the city. 1 - - , L. LO.Wi7AN & SON. . = . I : . a t . . . . . . . ia TS.M r ± F3I. I nrmiM } CAST-cewrnAI.TIMI-i.FAVFt No. 2 , throuett pusseuger. . . . . , . . . n:35 A. M. No. 4 , meat puasruger. . . . . . . . . . . 9:001' . 't. Nu , To , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:45 A. M. No. G4 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:3U A. M. No. SO. IIeptht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : JUU ( ) A. St. No. IfS , lrelgbt , lnude up here. . . . . . 5UU : A. M. GOiNC WEST-MOUNTAIN TIJiE I.EAVRS. No. 3 , throuzb passenger..IIa,1' . M. No. : p , loeul pusasenger. . . . . . . . . 9i5 Y. M. No , 63 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOt , I' . M , No. Ti , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:2 I' . M. No. 14p , freight , made up here , , . . . 0:00 A. M. IMt'EIUAr. LtNiS.-MOUSTAIN TIi1E. No. 175 , leaves at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8W A. is ! . No. 17U. arrives at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:40 P. M. r1-NoTu-No. G3 earri's passengers for Stratton. Reukehuun and Huigler. All trains rurr daily excepthlg 148,149 and 1G , which run dully except Sunday. No. :1 stops at Renkelman and Wray. No.2stops at Indianola. Cambridge and Ar- apahoe. No. SO will carry passengers for Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahne , Nos. 4 , 5.148,149 and 1TG carry passengers for all stations. You can purchase at this office tickets to all prlnclial pobna In the United States and Can ada and baggage checked through to destination - tion without rxtra charge of transfer. For infnrlnation regarding rules , etc. call of or address C. E MAGNEIL Agent. ' Handsome New York Pattern Hats from $4 to $12 each. No shoddy styles with us. Finest Millinery in the city. Lowest prices. L. COWMAN & SON. In future Chief Dispatclier Forbes will look upon express packages Irom Ben- kelntan with excusable suspicion. C , W > Lindsay has retired from the ' land office and expects to go into the service as brakeman , soon. It is reported that down at Cambridge the other day a B. & . M , station agent was fired for taking too bold a stand for populism-Benkeluian Bee. i The Burlington is burning out wide fire-guards along its line'in order to protect the immense quantity of hay stacked near the right-of-way. Agent George J. Gilchrist at Corona , Colorado , was summoned to the bedside of his daughter at Hot Springs , South a Dakota , last week. Typhoid fever. Mrs. Aufdenbrink , accompanied by 111rs. Hegenberger of McCook , came in t front Hoidrege , yesterday , to visit the parents of Mrs. Aufdenbrink.-Curtis Enterprise. Miss Dora Herold of Plattsmouth , is visiting heraunt , Mrs. Theodore Bodein , t this city. Miss Herold has been out to McCook , guest of Mrs. S , L. Moench , and is now on her way home.-Orleans Progress. 5 Art. Snyder and Gene Wolfe came down from \Voming mine , Sunday might , to vote. Wolfe brought his whiskers - kers with him and has been the cause of 1 much mc'rrinient among his friends to loin he was for the most part unrecognizable ognizable on account of hirsute devel- opment. George C. Barker , formerly station agent for the Burlington in this city , has been appointed to succeed J. L. Bentley as traveling freight agent , who was promoted - a meted to commercial agent of.the Bur- ington at Deadwood. The many friends of Mr. Barker will be pleased to learn of t his return to this city and of Iris deserved t promotion.-Beatrice Express. Master Mechanic James Ritchie came east down from Sheridan , Wyoming , close of ast week , to prepare for the removal of is family and household effects to his c new home , for which they departed on Thursday morning. Txr ; TRIBUNE expresses - presses the visli of a host of friends here or their contentment and prosperity. The Ritchies are of the salt of the earth , Engineer W. D , Trout came down from Sheridan , Wyoming , Sunday night , c He expects to leave for Sheridan , tomorrow - t morrow , and Mrs. Trout will accompany a him and make her home in Wyoming. a Dell is doing well on the Wyoming line , and is highly pleased with the work , t le pulled 'the company's first freight rain into Billings. He reports all the t enginemen there from this point as doing nicely. , C The B. & M. company has let out john G. Stevens. Jacob Borts takes his s ob and A. Winchester is the new man n the round house. We are sorry to see Mr. Stevens let out at this time as he is a steady , substantial citizen.- , Word recently received from Red Cloud s to the effect that our former citizen , Robert Ryan , has been promoted to the position of engineer by the B. & M , i company..Mr. LeFever , B. & M. line repairer , has been transferred to Lincoln. -Akron Republican. The close of last week ; Laura W. \Vickes brought suit in the circuit court t n Chicago for an absolute divorce from 1 her husband , Thomas H. Wickes , second vice president of the Pullman Palace Car Company. The ground on which the decree is asked for is extreme cruelty. Specifically , Mrs.Vickes charges her iusband with beating , striking , kick- ug and otherwise cruelly abusing her. The suit will probably be tried before udage Tuthill about December r Mr. \Vicks won almost national notoriety during thelcelebrated Pullman strike , he leing the head and front of Pullman's forces in the great contest. New Cloaks , Capes and Dress Goods 'usf received. Come and see them. L. LOWMAN & SOH. f : _ - 1 Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , DR. CREAM BAItING PODLR- MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 4o YEARS THE STANDARD. .y C s ' J't 11 M itax ' t t The Burlington's New Line. The Burlington Route is a notable exception - ception to the general run of western railroads. During a period when railroad btiild- ng in this country has been almost at a standstill , it has been steadily pushing forward its northwest extension and now takes much pleasure in announcing its completicn to Billings , Montana , 893 miles from Omaha , At Billings connection is made with the Northern Pacific railroad , mud , under traffic agreement with that company , business of all classes is exchanged there or , m o r e properly speaking , routed hrough that point to and from every station on or reached via the Northern Pacific and. Burlington systems. This new short line , for that is exactly That it is , reduces the distance between Omaha , Kansas City , St. Louis , and the erritory south and southeast of these cities , on the one hand , and Montana , northern Idaho , and all Puget Sound points , on the other , all the way from o to 473 miles. It thus becomes an important - portant factor in bringing the vast scope of country served by the Northern Pacific - cific into closer relationship with the liissouri and Mississippi valleys. Just to illustrate things , the new short mile saves : 294 miles between Omaha and Helena. 224 miles between Omaha and Butte. 371 miles between Omaha and Spokane. 54 miles between Omaha and Takonia. 49 miles between Omaha and Seattle. The new line has been constructed in most substantial manner. Excellently ballasted , lard with the heaviest steel upon more than the usual number of ies , it equals the best and oldest por- ions of the Burlington system. People whose opinion is worth having pronounce it superior to any new track ver built in the western states. The train service will consist of Pullman - man Palace sleeping cars , reclining hair cars and standard Burlington Route day coaches , Omaha and Lincoln to Billings daily. As a scenic route the new line takes high rank. The rich farms of eastern and central Nebraska ; the more sparsely settled ountry that lies between Ravenna and he boundary line separating Nebraska nil South Dakota ; the canons , peaks nil swelling meadow lands of the Black Hills , the wonderful "Devil's Tower , " he irrigated districts of northern Wyoming - ming , CusterButterfield , the picturesque windings of the Little Big Horn , the glorious valleys of the great Crow Indian Reservation-all these are seen from the ar window. Full information relative to the train ervice , rates , or other features of the new short line will be gladly furnished upon application to J. Francis. General Passenger Agent , Burlington Route , at Omaha , Nebraska. Fine Printing. \Ve make a specialty of fine job print- ng. Oursamples of fashionable and elegant - gant stationery for invitations , programs etc. , is not excelled in Nebraska. 160 Acres For Sale. 70 acres old ground. 9o acres under he irrigation ditch. Two miles from McCook. Terms easy. F. S. WILCox. iq r y n 1'4 ' I t : : - - - , : . I 1 , r I I u I IMPOSED F ! . Don't be misled by the statements of merchants , . ii i . . . .claiming that they can. . . . i SAVE YOU MONEY ! I am selling first-class groceries right along as low ' as thos3 who claim they can save yOU money it you will trade with them. Below we give a few items. Pickels , per bottle , - $ .10 Jell , per pail , - .65 Onions , per bottle , - - .10 Mince Meat , per package , .10 Chow Chow , per bottle , .10 Clothes Pins , per dozen , A. .7 I Catsup , per bottle , - .20 Peas , per can , - - - .10 I Raisins , per pound , - .05 Corn , per can , - - - .10 Best Tea in McCook , lb , .50 Alaska Salmon , per can , .12- Syrup , per pail' ' - .65 Everything else in proportion. Always the Lowest andRest Values Can b e Found a t Ce M NOBLE'S 4 SPECIAL I CLOAK SALE. . Fifty Cloaks have been sent to us with instruc- 1 , tions TO SELL. Call early and secure First be n e 1 AT THE . . . P ; I . r r mirjarn ; 0 C. L. DEGROJFF & CO. . - - . i. p r .