The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 09, 1894, Image 4
r + r. . , . _ _ . . - - s..w-r- , . ' r' ,1 : 1I o Wuije. 'Y W ) . By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. - f 3 , ' rr- - - . N EBI1A13KA swept th8 congressional - ional platter clean. RATIIBUN has a safe majority. He will make us a good senator. THE republican majority in Illinois - nois will likely reach the 100,000 mark. IIERE's to Congressman W. E. Andrews. May he live long and prosper. _ i4UsioN when it bringeth forth its , , Perfect work > giveth , confusion worse confounded-or words to that effect. . To Colonel Wahiquist of the Hastings Democrat , greeting : Present - sent our congratulations to the little parson. I CARMICHAEL , populist , has 60 3 votes more than his republican op t poncnt Premer for commissioner of the second district. ) f THE republicans have elected solid congressional delegations in twenty-three states , a majority in thirty , and 250 in all. t a BRYAN Of course must be bitterly - ly disappointed. But then he is young , and healthy , and vigorous , and altogether lovely. He is all I right. THE governorship is the only I thing that escaped the victorious republicans of Nebraska , and the nomination of Crounse would have averted that loss. 1 - IT is not likely that the democratic - cratic party will regain its equilibrium - rium sufficiently by 1890 to be of much effect in the national campaign - paign of that year. IT is but fair to Edward Rosewater - water of the Omaha Bee , to state i . that certain politicians will hereafter - ! - after entertain a higher respect for his pen and paper , if not for his personality. ' ' MICHIGAN could have done better - ' ter , but we ought to be satisfied 1 with the state ticket by 80,000the entire congressional delegation and the legislature by a large majority I on joint ballot. IT fairly takes cne's breath when we contemplate how we of the big Fifth are to worry along thrugh the coming two years without Mc- Keighan at the head of affairs. It is appalling , but we will have it to do. So brace up , br43thren. g THE republicans have carried .New York Ftat ; b a majority of 10000. ; They again eight con- 'greesten , will 'have control of the ' legislature , and have iagnominousl Y routed the Tammany tiger and , carried New York city by a large r majority. t . .F. , 1 _ _ : - t- - - i IT IS A LANDSLIDE. Republicans Everywhere Victorious. PROTEGTIQN TRIUMPHANT And Its Champion is Grandly Sustained. THE TIDAL WAVE SWEEPS FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN. At Tuesday's election the republican - lican party scored one of the most decisive and indicative victories in its history ; a triumph that in its scope spanned the continent ; a tidal wave that swept from ocean to ocean. Almost every northern and vestern state fell before the onward march of the victorious republican hosts , some of the states giving unprecedented majorities. Large gains were made throughout - out the country in congressmen , and the ' legislatures of many of the & 3ates gained by the republicans - cans will insure + a significant increase - crease in the ranks of republican United States senators. Even in the south the democrats were distracted - tracted , discomfitted and in a few instances defeated. Everywhere the banner of republicanism , protection - tection and sound currency was carried aloft and its principles and champions grandly sustained. Truly there was glory enough for one day ; and this prompt and effectual reversal of the popular sentiment will doubtless have the effect of giving the republican protective policy a more stable and fixed place in the hearts of the American people for years to come. In Nebraska the state ticket fared badly , but the legislature will be solidly republican , and the congressional . delegation will be solidly republican , while Mr. Man- derson's successor will be a republican - lican , and his initials are John M , Thurston. In Wisconsin the republicans had to be satisfied with a majority of 50,000. Montana elected the republican state ticket as well as the con- gressman. . Republicans carry Delaware , but the democrats have secured the legislature. Wyoming republicans have to be satisfied with the state and legislature. Republicans walk away with the state ticket in Illinois , and also the legislature. In South Dakota both the legislature - islature and the two congressmen are republican. North Dakota swings into line with a safe majority for the republican - lican state ticket. Idaho gives the'republican state , congressional and legislative tich- ets a safe majority. The state of Washington could onl" produce a major' of 30,000 w fora ablic treket. ' , : _ Republicans will gain two , United ted States senators in Montana. Ohio i3 conceded to the repul- licans by ' 120,000 majority , with twenty-one congressmen. Republicans have made great inroads 1n Bourbondom arid will gain a number of congressmen. Slight gains in Tennessee , lut not enough tq defeat the democratic - cratic nominee for governor , Mr. Turney ; Colorado defeats Waite by 20- 000. Republicans carry the legislature - islature and gain one member of congress. The republicans make a clean sweep in New Hampshire , the state , all the congressmen and the legislature. California , goes republican by 20,000 , except governor. The legislature > is republican and sir congressmen. feAublicans capture seven out I of eight congressmen in New Jersey - sey , and the legislature by thirty- one on joint ballot , Iowa continues in the republican - can procession with 75,000 majority - ity , and ten congressmen with increased majorities. Massachusetts elects Greenhalge by 45,000 , and will have a solid republican congressional delegation - tion by safe majorities. Even Old Missouri feels the force of the tidal wave. The legislature - islature will be republicanand the indications point to the election of eight republicanu congressmen. It is thought that Bland and Dock- ery are among the defeated. Bleeding Kansas wheeled into the republicau column with a state ticket by 30,000 majority , and a clear majority in the legislature on joint ballot. All but two congressional - gressional districts go the same way. LEBANON. Senator Young spoke at this place , Monday. Carpenters are at work on the new store building. The effect of the Hallow E'en raiders is yet noticeable. A game of foot' ball was the excitement here , Saturday. Rich & King have dissolved partnership , Mr. King retiring from business. James Huntzinger has shipped hay from Colorado and is selling it to the farmers. Frank Springer shelled corn for Platte Denney and Bruce Cummings - mings , Wednesday. Isaac Cromwell , the section foreman - man , has rigged a sail on the hand car , thus saving considerable hard work. - I. A. Sheridan and J. B. Meserve were in this vicinity , Friday evening - ing , putting on the finishing touch to the campaign. Tuesday was the last day of the political contest for 1894. Some of the aspirants are happy while others wear a troubled look. - AUCTION SALE. Commencing tomorrow afternoon - noon I will sell the entire Cheliery stock of Drugs , Notions and Holiday - day Goods at auction. Sale will continue afternoons and evenings until the entire stock is sold. H. H. BERRY. , t. . PROSPECT PARK , The election passed off very quietly. Stellii on the sick list , this week. G. B , Boatman came home to vote , Tuesday. Mr. Barr came down from Duu- dy county to vote. Mr. and Mrs , T : M. Wade are feeling quite well now. Miss. J. B. Record is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. II. Wade. S. W. Cunningham visited with Lebanon friends , last week , Chas. Boatman expects to leave for Dunday county , shortly. A letter received from E. F. , Duffey states that he will remain in Kansas this winter. A letter from Mr. Anderson to his family states that lie has arrived - rived in Kansas City without any mishap. R. F. Allam states in a letter to his friends that they are highly pleased with the country in the vicinity of Colorado Springs : There was a pleasant social gathering - ering at the home of Mr. Boatman , Tuesday evening. Quite a number were present and an enjoyable time was had. The Tariff , Financial , Hawaiian and ether questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. M. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. . I You can buy 1 0O pounds of good flour for SL40 , in 1,000 pound lots , from the McCook Commission Co. They have a fine high patent flour for sale at X2.00 per 100 pounds , in 1,000 pound lots as well. The McCook Commission Co. is making very low prices on flour , feed and hay ; and these prices will be good for the next thirty days. Go to them when you need anything - thing in their line. a The McCook Commission Co. has 50 tons of alfalfa-splendid fattening feed-for only 45 cents a bale. Also 150 tons of fine hay at 50 cents a bale. If you need a road cart or any kind of a wagon , see Cochran & Co. They can fill the bill and at prices to correspond with the hard times. Remember you can get the highest - est market price for stock hogs of from 50 pounds weight up at the B. & M. meat market. Knipple always leads in fruits and vegetables. He carries the freshest and largest assortment the market affords. i The McCook Commission Co , keeps a large stock of all kinds of chop feed , corn and oats , at lowest market prices. Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable Cochran & Co. carry a fall line of shelf and heavy hardware. They always make you the right price. We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memoraudnms , etc. Anything you want in the hardware - ware line at Cochran & Cc.'s. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , over Ganschow's shoe store. I i'Ieili1.Ieu ' Brothers are headquarters for winter moods of all kinds. See them , . .w- - - - - - - - - - , - - - - -na-- -r - _ . _ _ - - _ _ . _ _ . - I _ ' . - - 1 OFFICiAL or RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKX , TUESDAY , NOVIaIIJEF Gth , 13q.t. ; ' tYIIIOw , w - G C. 't-Z" (3rnVe 3 r C.t\I)1DATGS. t FOI' GOV1 NOlt : Gerrard. I' . 2 2 5 1 3 1 4 4 2 8 3 3 1 1 2 8 ] 41 HOleotnh. D. & P. 1..59 47 46 19 19 3)2Ii45581311 98334f'4473 3837 2 47 3.5 , ' t , S76 ; 1lajrA , l { . . , . . . . . . , , - , .47133. . .rJoU71 12I 11 5758 f . * . ,1834 148214410i 91 9211001 . 12.i a-1 , . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . , . . . . . . 8 FOIL LIEUT. GOVERNOR : HIgelnw , P. D..2 6 2 4 ] . . 2 2 3 :1 : I I ] 2 35 Dunpby. B D..2 6 ] 3 , 3. . . . . 3 9 3 14 8 4. 62 G 8 ff n , D. & P. I. . . . , . . 55 43 45 19 17 37 26 45 ,121312 , 95 3u 44 44 333935 18 44 41 32 2t 845 ' Moore , [ t. . , , . . . , , , . , .2'747133325251972 132111 5661 721 19321586138 94 94 8 997 15' = . Full SEC'Y OF STATE : 2..4 . Ellick , D 3 .I. 4 3 ] 1 2 3. 7 6 3 ; 37 Hnmpes. Y. . . . . . 1 2 3. . . 2 3 2 . , . . ] . . . 1 McFadden P.1. . . . . . . . . 53474820 15 37 23 4 ! 52 14 12 94 30 45 4.30 35 37 18 43 3E 33 2 840 ' Pip'r , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 10 354'24 ' 21 69 11 20 l1 84 61 6 2 ! 20'3-i ' 15 3i 13. 90 88 85 9' ' n 130' Rolfe , S. D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 ] 1 ' 3 . . 3 . . . . . . . 2 4 3 1 1 3 1 . . 9 5 4' 1 47 FOIL TREASUnEa : I I I tnrtlcy. Ei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 34 25 25 2070 1220 1l 5. 2 r.,4 821 21a8 1433138 SA K3 8t , 970 144 Brldenthai , S. . . . . . . . . 2 l 7 . . I . . . . . . 3 5 2 8 . . 4 1 1 11 5 6' ' 66 LufkartD . . D..2 " - . 1 . Z . . . 2..3 . l ] 1 1 - . . . . 7 7 6 1 42 Pond , P. . . 1 . 3 1 3 , ; 1 . 7 4 2 7 :3 : ] 2 2 3 ' S'6 Pntrers , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S 4131917 3625 44 521411 . 134 414233381 19 38 34 31' 2 44 Felt AunIToIt : . . 1 Bauman. S. D. . . . . . . 2 5. ' 3. 4 . . 2..6 . 6 4 1. 5 1 1 19 7 6 , 75 A1nnro , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 14 . . t 4 a4 .4 22 ,4 12 . , 0 11 Sihl 7 - , I IJo . h r , .15 190 86 87 , S3 973 15& , SmiLIi. P..141 J 3. 1 . . 2 . 1 . 2 S 2 2 3 6 : t . 3 5 2 46 \Vilson.P.1 . . . . . . . . , . . . . .i14544IS188422 42 51 13 1 ] 9w2J414232353516 42 41 3 2 815 FOIZ ATTORNEY GENt : Ames , s. n. . 2 6 . 3 . 4 . . . . . . ' 8 4 2 . 3 . 16 'J 6 2 69 Cary. D. & P. I. . . . . . . . . 5 : ; 44 14 17 16 33 24 2..7' . 30 42 42 3238 88 18 41 38 31 28 817 " Churchill , U. . . . . , . . . . , " 849 14 36' 252(173 ( 12' . a . 11 bi 60 6'21 193" m : i513 : 87 s7 St , 9s1 181" Maek. P. 1 " 1 3 . 1 " ] ti 3 . ° i 6 :3 : 1 J 3 . 38 Fou Co i'R P. L. & B. : I hicler , S. D. , . . . . . , . . . 1 , 4 4 1 2 9 5 3 2 ) 3 ] 7 7 r N 75 11111.1'.I 4 15 128 J 3 3 1 5U KentD.&P.I,454G1717372J43511511 . 612744433.353719 ' 44 36 3O 2t I3I Russell , II . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s 50 14 341'1124 21 iJ 112011 85 57 6' ' I 19 a 13335128 88 s8 8' tY0 13t1 FOR SUPERINTENDENT : I I I . ( orhett , a .2951 123.9 2'425 2'U 72 J' 2011 S26 ! 5 21 1934 14 : 5 135 85 84 S J 909 128 , Doolittle. S. I ) . . . . . . . . 2 s 3 I 3. 2' ' ] 5 3 4 2 1 2 10 7 6 :1 : 58 .loses. D.&P1. . . . . . 54 45 45 19 173t124 445 ! 1810 9932'432185373819 42 37 3i 3 831 Kearney , P. . . 1 4 3 3. J ] 51 2' , . 7 2' 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 1 45 FoitCONURCSSMAN : . Andrrve , lt. . . . . . . . . . . . : u 51 1034 L 2r 19 71 1--0 12' 91f " 721 19 35 14 37 141 E6 81 57 997 1J2. Ashby. S. D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 2 . .I 4 11 1' ' . . . . . . 1 3 3 2 2 2. 1 8 5 4 40 Huhhell , P. . . ,3 1 2 4 . . 1 . . 1 1 4 ] 4 3 l 4 2 40 Mc1Ce3ghun. D. &P.1. . : j4644 1'J 17 35 26 45 5214 11 95 3143 44 uu :35 : 38 15 ti. 42 38 32 865 ti FOIL STATE SEN.1TOlt : r 11ew , S. D..2 . 2 5 4 1 1 1 3 3 4 2 3 2 1 22 13 ti 111 89 llathbun. I3. . . . . , . . . . . . 2I ; 52 14 33 25 24 217112 21 9 92 6U 5 24 18 37 18 37 114 F8 93 79 988 150 Young. P.1. . . . . . . . . . . ; t 49 45 2016 85 24 44 531213 9 IaG 40 42 31 i9 : i9 18 39 32 20 25 8:9 FOR RUPRESENTATIVE : Lam orn , . . . . . . . . . . . . x910 34 , . , , -3 .0 7. - 6 0&t0 18 . .18 3fi 15 31 136 884 ,4 953 ; 1.1 Lnngnecker. P. . . . . . . . 14) ) . 2 2 2 1 1. G :3 : 2 2 :3 : 3 I 4 2 5 1 51 Sh'ridan. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 45 4 , 16 l6 3S 24 4 ] 50 2214 SS 29 37 45 32 3G 3i IS 48 45 37 ii 859 FOIC U. S. SENATOR : . Bentley , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 8 1 6 9 211 4 6 1 34 19 3 5 2 10 8 5 27 15 IG ] 222 Bryan , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 81 : 15 9 23 3 5 1 54 2s 12 20 29 25 n ! 1 51 51 40 2 5 5 2& FOI' COUNTY ATTOINEY : . Iloyle.1'.1 . . . . . . . . . . . .45 41 43 22 17 38 23 41 46 2 ( 34 f'.i3294135 303818 88 50 54 4S 875 Keyes , lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I7 . G217 3i 24 2v 2' t4 IS 13 8 12J U4 24 r 16 46 2-.6 1U2 7J 72 65 1009 134 Felt r ) . TnEAsultNR : I I Berry , fit , . . . . . . 23 57 10 37 26 22 15 71 1017 12 67 41 5 l1 ! 19 :915 2".1102 79 77 - 859 bteservr , I' . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 51 18 17 41 8 47 54 18 II 114 55 48 48 :3142 : 38 3 91 56 53 4. 1041) 181 Quick. ! ' . . 1 2' 3 . . . . . 9 2 2 4 : f : 1 4U FIR COUNTY COuo. It : . I 124. . . Brown. L . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S 49 17 18 323 46 53 l..v 1. . 87 11 40 45. a4 34 :17 : 16 42 82 27 " . 5 , 827 lloyt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 11 311 24.3 19 72 10 22 II 95 6. 5 :1 17 37 Ili :3.i : 129 83 8 ! ) ' 968 141 Johnson.P. . . . . . . . . . . 1528. 1321 , . FOit Co. SII1tVEYOR' . I Barbee P.1. . . . . . . . . . . . 55 43 47 0 18 38 23 44 4913 I ( ) 90 38 44 44 32 31 ; 40 111 45 39 27 25' 830 11111 , lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 53 14 33 21 23 I9 76 15 21 11 88 60 6'2' 1 7 351 14137 1:13 : 81 90' ' 85 988 158 'raylnr , P. . . . . . . . . 74.5j6 :3 : 71 . fi6 Advertise 111 Tlie McCook Tribulie.F 0 0 ' 0 0 o 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 c o at 0 0 , . e 0 1 o c c o' See Our . . o C Overcoats . O : And. Suits. o o C 4.QSS. . O C O , ' Prices are Lower than same qualities o I have ever been before. C o 0 0 McCcok , Nebraska. JONAS ENGEL , C - 1.MANAGER.C d O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . LOOMIS FLOUR. Knipple has just received a car load of Loomis Flour , than which there is no superior on this market - ket , that he is selling at the very lowest figure for such a high grade and popular article. WELLS ! Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will he given the same. - HAS ARRIVED. Oar clothing has arrived. Now i is the time to obtain a good winter suit at a bargain. Do not wait 1 until the best bargains are gone. Come at once , so as to have a good ' variety to select from. 1 If you want a new dress , do not , fail to look at our stock , for the stock is all new in the dress goods line , and has been purchased at I greatly reduced prices. We have just laid in a large stock of canned goods of all kinds , and by reason of buying them in large quantities we are able to sell you the best of goods , either by the single can or by the case , at very reasonable prices. Liberal , discounts made to parties purchasing ing one or more cases. Gentlemen , if you need a new hat , this 'fall , it will pay you to , inspect our stock. MCCOoK MERCANTILE Co. ' Children. Cry. . for Pitcher' s Castona. F - jl s _ _ _ _