The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 02, 1894, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
. z ewer
. By virtue of an on er of sale directed to me
from the district c nrt of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on , jddgmcnt obtained before
Hon. D. T.Veity , judge of the district court
of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the [ 8th
day of Deeenmher,1S93 , in favor of Lewis S.
Dabney and Frederick Cunningham , trustees ,
as plaintiff and against Thomas Mize et al.
as defendants , for the sum of four hundred
and thirty-three dollars and nine cents , and
costs taxed at $29.88 , and accruing costs , and
co-defendants Burton & Iiarvey having on
the same date obtained a decree for the sum
t of $39.50 , I have levied upon the following
real estate taken as the property of said defendants -
fendants to satisfy said judgments towit : The
west half of the northwest quarter of section
twenty-eight , township two , north of range
twenty-six , west of the 6th P. M. , in Red Willow -
low county , Nebraska. And will offer the same
for sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand
on the fifth day of November , A. D. , 1894 , in
front of the south door of the court house in
Indianola , Nebraska , that being the building
wherein the last term of court was held , at
the hour of one o'clock , p , in , , of said day ,
when and where due attendance will be given
t by the undersigned. Dated October 1st , iS94.
E. I { . BANKS , Sheriff of said county.
\V. S. MORLAN , Attorney. Oct.5.5ts.
This has been a year of wonderful growth
t , for The Lincoln State Journal. Its aggressive -
' ive methods have pushed it to the front. One
thing that accounts for this is The Journal's
principle. . It iS repullii ad , true and blue ,
but first of all it is a great newspaper and
considers news the most essential part. It
prints more state telegraph news than either
of the Omaha papers. The business interests
of the state recognize in The Journal time only
state paper which is standing up for time we- !
fare of Nebraska. You can see how The
. Journal is growing in your own town. It is
gaining in every other town in the State just
as much. The reduced price is only 50 cents
per month without Sunday , or 65 cents per
month with Sunday. 't'his also accounts for
. the big growth. The Semi-Weekly Journal
has the largest circulation of any. Nebraska
paper. It has completely routed its old once-
' ' a-week rivals. It is being sent from now until -
til January 1st , 1896 , for Si.oo. This carries
readers through the coming legislature and
through the next presidential campaign. It
gives readers two complete papers each week
tor the price of one. Gov. Furnas is farm
k' editor and I. L. Lyman poultry editor. It is
1 published at the State capital and is a paper
T 1 for Nebraskans.
t % ' The state of Nebraska , Red Willow county ,
\t ss : Notice is hereby given to all persons haying -
ing claims' or demands against the estate of
\Vilham E. Kilgore , deceased , that such persons -
, : sons are required to present their claims , with
vouchers , to the county judge of said county ,
at his office therein , on or before the 20th day
F ° - of April , 1895 , and all ch ims so filed will be
: ' hea before the said judge on the 22d day of
April , 1895 , at I o'clock p. In. And it is forther
j ordered that a copy of this order be published
in 1'HE TRIBUNE , a weekly newspaper published -
lished in said county , for three weeks , begin-
fling October 19th , 1894. Dated this I5th day
of October , 1894. CHARLES \V.BECK ,
County Judge.
Having the needed merit to more than make
good all the advertising claimed for themthe
following four remedies , have reached a Phe-
nominal sale. Dr : King's New Discovery ,
for consumption coughs and colds , each hot-
- tie guaranteed Electric.Bitters , the great
remedy for liver , stomach and kidneys. Buck-
, fin's Arnica Salve , the best in the world , and
Dr. King's New Life Pills , which are a perfect -
fect pill. All these , remedies are guaranteed
to do just what is claimed for them and the
dealer whose name is attached herewith will
be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at
McMillen's drug store.
A friend in need is a friend indeed , and not
less than one million people have found just
such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery
r for consumption , colds and coughs. If you
have never used this great cough medicine ,
one trial will convince you that it has wonderful -
ful curative powers in all diseases of throat ,
, chest and lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed
to do all that ms claimed or money will be
. refunded. Trial bottles free at McMillen's
drag store. Large size 5oc and $ t.oo.
The best salve in the world for cuts , bruises ,
sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin
_ . eruptions , and positively cures piles or no pay
required. It ms guaranteed to give effect
' w or money refunded. Price 25 cts.
per box. For sale by McMillen.
I've a secret in my heart ,
Sweet Marie , '
A tale I would impart ,
Sweet Marie ,
' If you'd even fairer be
You must always use Parks' Tea ,
The improvement you will see ,
Sweet Marie. Sold by McMillen.
' The American beauty owes her prestige
. more to a clear complexion than to an other
attribute. A cup of pI'arks' will enable an Y
one to possess this. It clears the skin and
removes pimples and that sallow , muddy
look. Paris tea is use by Thousands of ladies
: , for the complexion. Without being a catliar-
- -tic it cttres constipation. Sold by Mci illen.
Parks' sure cure is a sure specific in all diseases -
eases of the liver and kidneys. By removing
- the uric acid in the blood it cures rheumatism.
. S. B. Basfor of Cartilage. S. D. , says : "I believe -
lieve Parks' sure cure excels all other medicines -
cines for rheumatism a nd urinary troubles. "
Sold by McMillen.
- You might call it dyspepsia , liver trouble ,
or nervousness , E ut ive do not , as your trouble
undoubtedly anses'from the kidneys. Your
Salvation lies in Oregon Kidney Tea. It will
restore you to health , and a trial will convince
you of tis fact. trial size package can be
had at any drug store fore5 cnts.
A cup of Parks' tea at night iiioves the
bowels in the morning without pain or dis-
comfort. It is a-great health giver and blood ,
purifier. Sold by McMillen.
Parks' tea clears the complexion. Mrs. N.
Meyette of LeRoy , N. Y. , says : I have used
Parks' tea and fine it the best remedy I have
ever tried. " Sold Ly McMillen.
Captain Sweeney , U. S. A. , San Diego , Cal. ,
says : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first
medicine I ever found that woud do me any
good. " Price Soc. Sold by McConnell.
Karl's Clover Root , the great blood purifier -
fier , gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion -
plexion and cures constipation ; 25 cts. , 50
cts. , $ i.00. Sold by'McConnell.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood ,
clear your.oomplexion , regulate your bowels
and make your head clear as a bell. 25 cts ,
50'cts , $1,00. Sold by Dlconnell & Co.
Children - Cry for. Patcher's ' Castoria. I
. . . . . . . . . . . , .
- - - % - - - - - - - - r. .w
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red \Villow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
Hon. D. 1' . Welty , judge of the district court
of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the i8th
day of September,1893 , in favor of J.Coolidge
Hills as plaintiff , and against Alonzo Jay et
al. as defendants , for the sum of six hundred
and fifty-nine dollars and forty-six cents , and
costs taxed at 3733 , and accruing costs , and
co-defendants Murton & Harvey having on the
same date obtained a decree for the sum of
$22So , I have levied upon the following real
estate taken as the property of said defendants -
ants to satisfy said judgments towit : The east
half of the southeast quarter of section sixand
the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of section five , township four , north of range
twenty-ei htwest of 6th P. M. , in ked Willow
count Nebraska. And will offer the same
for sale to the highest bidder for cash nn ' hand
on the fifth day of November , A. D. , I594 , in
front of the south door of the court house in
Indianola , Nebraska , that being the building
wherein the last tern of court was held , at the
hour of one &clock , p , in. of said day , when
and where due attendance will be given by
the midersigned. Dated October 1st , 18q4.
\V. S. MORLAN , Sheriff of said county.
Attorney. Oct.5-5ts.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
Ilon. D. 1.Velty , pidgeof the district court
of Red \Villow county , Nebraska , on the I&h
day of December , 1893 , in favor of The American -
ican Investment Company as plaintiff , and
against Gerhart Bangers et al. as defendants ,
for the sum of four hundred and eighty-three
dollars and nineteen cents , and costs taxed at
Sj3z-48 , and accruing costs , and co-defendants
The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. having on
the same date obtained a decree for the sum
of Sty 23 , I have levied upon the following
real estate taken as the property of said defendants -
fendants to satisfy said judgments towit : The
southwest quarterof section ten , township one ,
north of range twenty-eight , west of the 6th
p. M. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. And
will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder -
der for cash in hand on the fifth day of November -
ember , A. D. , 1894 , m front of the south door
of the court house in Indianola , Nebraskathat
being the building wherein the last tern ) of
court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , p.
in. of said day , when and where due attendance -
ance will be given by the undersigned. 1
Dated October 1st , 1894.
E. R. BANKS , Sheriff of said county.
\Y. S. MORLAN , Attorney. Oct.5-5ts.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
IIan. D. T.1\'elty , judge of the district court
of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the iSth
day of September , 1893 , in favor of Hannah
M. Johns as plaintiff , and against Jacob Leib-
brandt et al. as defendants , for the sum of
seven hundred and thirty dollars , and costs
taxed at $22.43 , and accruing costs , and codefendants -
defendants Burton & Harvey having on the
same date obtained a decree for the sumo of
$27.10 , I have levied upon the following real
estate taken as the property of said defendants -
ants to satisfy said judgments towit : The
northeast quarter of section thirty-one , township -
ship two , north of range twenty-eight , west of
the 6th P. M. , in Red Willow county , Nebras- '
ha. And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the fifth
day of November , A. D. , IS94 , in front of the
south door of the court house in Indianola ,
Nebraska , that being the building wherein the
last term of court was held , at the hour of one
o'clock , p , m. of said day , when and where
due attendance will be given by the under-
signed. Dated October ist,1894.
E. R. BANKS , Sheriff of said county.
WS. . MORLAN , Attorney. Oct.5-5ts.
Lewis Swing , Samuel Ball , Mary Ball , Julia
ET Swing , W. J. Boden George W. Boyer , C.
\I . McCoy , Logan Beck , Phillip Heffelfinger ,
and 1. S. Beck , partners doing business under
the firm name of George Boyer , McCoy &Co. ,
j. F. Helm , The Packer's National Bank , a
corporation incorporated under the laws of
the United States , and 0. R. Burnham , defendants -
fendants , will take notice that the American
Investment Company , of Emmitsburg , Iowa ,
plaintiff herein , has filed its petition in the
district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska -
ka , against said defendants , the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose plaintiff's
interest in a certain mortgage Au , gust
t the iS86 executed by Lewis Swing and Julia
E Swing Ito E S. Ormsby , trustee for P. 0.
Refsell u on the east half of the southeast
quarter of section nineteen , and the east half
of the northeast quarter of section thirty , town.
four , north of range number twenty-eight ,
west of the 6th P. M. , to secure the payment
of the sum of $ 65o , as evidenced by teir cer-
tarn promissory notes of even date therewith ;
and also for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage -
gage executed by Samuel Ball and Mary Ball
to one W. J. Bowden , on said premises , dated
October loth , 189t , to secure the payment of
$97.50 , as evidenced by their certain pronis-
sory notes of even date therewith ; that a portion -
tion of the indebtedness for which the mortgage -
gage first herein described was given to se
cure , and the entire indebtedness for which
the mortgage last herein described was given
to secure , has been assigned to the plaintiff
in this action. That there is now dime plaintiff -
iff on said emotes and mortgages , including
the amount paid for taxes on said premises ,
the sum of $276.55 , with interest thereon at
the rate of ten per cent. per annum from the
first day of December , ISgo ; and plaintiff
prays for a decree that said defendants may
be required to a the sum , or that said premises -
ises may be sold o satisfy he amount found
due. ou are required to answer said petition -
tion on or before time third da of December
ISq . Dated October 20th 18 .
Of Emmitsburg , Iowa , Plaintiff.
By W. S. MORLAN , its Attorney. Oct 26-4t.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated on the 19th day of
March , 1892 , and filed for record in Red \Vil-
low county , Nebraska , executed by J. A.
Brewer to P. A. Wells , given to secure the
sum of $65.40 , and upon which , there is now
due the sum of $79.14 and inteest. Default
has been made in the payment of the said
sum , therefore I will sell the following descried -
scried oproperty , to-wit : One sorrel house
years d ne an colt ears old , at public
in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska -
braska , on the z4th of November , 1SY' at
I o'clok . m. of said aY. Dated hisg4first
day of November , i8 . i
CHARLES . BABCOCK Deputy Sheriff.
Parks.cough syrup cures coughs.colds and
consumption. Mrs. Catherine Black of Le
Roy , N. Y. , says : "I took one bottle of Parks'
cough syrup. It acted like magic , Stopped l '
cough and I am perfectly well now. "
Sold by McMillen . . .
.iFkYiCL"s .a. . .
- - , r - II - -
, t
. ,
- - - - -
_ _ _ % _ _ _ --r % _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ n , . _ . _ , ,
No. 2 , through passenger. . . . . . . . . 5:35 A. 1t.
No. 4 , local passenger---------- . 9:00 P. M.
No 76 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:45 A. M.
No. 1i4. freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 : A. 1i
No. 80 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 A. lit.
No. US , freight , made up here. . . . . . SOO A. s1.
No. 3 , througb passenger..11:3a P.M.
No. 5 , local passsenger. . . . . . . . , . . . 9:16 P. 1st.
No. 63. freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , P. itl.
No. 77 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:21. P. M.
No. 149. freight , made up here . . . . . 6:00 A. 31.
No. 175 , leaves at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 A , 14.
No. 170 , arrives at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:40 P. lit.
NOTE-No. E3 carres passengers for
Stratton , lmeokGituan aid Haigier.
AG trains run daily excepting 148,149 and
176. which run daily except Sunday.
No. 1 Stops at Iteukelman and Wray.
No. 2 steps at Indianola , Cambridge and A r-
No. SO will carry passengers for Indhuoia.
Cambridge and Anipahoe.
Nos. 4 , 5.148,149.aud 176 can y passengers for
all stations.
You can purchase at this office tickets to all
principal points in the United States and Canada -
ada and naggag , checked through to destination -
tion without extra charge of transfer. For
information regarding rates , etc. call on or
address C. E. MAGNEtt , Agent.
Handsome New York Pattern Hats
from $4 to $12 each. No shoddy
styles with us. Finest Millinery iri
the city. Lowest prices.
Mr , and Mrs. Ed. Beyrer arrived home ,
close of last week.
Mrs. Patrick Cashen has been on the
sick list , this week.
Walter Cox of Amboy , has gone to
braking for the Burlington out of this
Roadmaster McFarland was up from
Red Cloud , Tuesday , on a little company
Mrs. F. M. Campbell was down from
Alliance , last week , superintending the
removal of their household goods from
here to their new home.
Frank Martin , formerly yardmaster at
Red Cloud , has returned from Texas.
He has accepted a position with the
Burlington here , and the family will
shortly move here.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rowell became
the proud and happy parents of a fine
8-pound boy , Monday , and there was a
complete and delightful surprise in store
for Elmer when he came off the road ,
the following day in the evening.
Henry Cooper , B. & M. section foreman -
man at this place , will be out of aJyob
after this week , his services being dispensed -
pensed with on account of his being too
old to join the Burlington Relief. He
has had charge of the section at this
place for about a year , and has proven
himself to be an honest , energetic and
trustworthy employe , a hard worker and
always ready to go out at any time , day
or night , in sunshine or storm , when occasion -
casion demanded. The citizens of Danbury -
bury part with him with a feeling of
Western railway managers have begun
sending teachers along their lines examining -
ining trainmen as to their fitness for
their work. The examiners travel in a
caboose and hold school wherever they
find employes. The examiners of conductors -
ductors and engineers cover a great deal
of ground. Those of the firemen and
brakemen are not quite so extended ,
their responsibilities being lighter. A
general understanding of the rules of the
road is absolutely necessary to success ;
The men have been talking of the examination -
ination for weeks , and a good many of
them fear the ordeal. The brakemen
and firemen are asked general rule questions -
tions and are given the tests of sight ,
hearing and color. A blank form is
filled out at the end of each examination
and submitted to the railroad company.
If a man passes he is given a certificate ,
the stub end of which goes to his immediate -
diate superior. The form calls for a report -
port in hearing , acuteness of vision ,
range of vision , field of vision , color
sense , time table , train rules , train orders -
ders , lamp , hand , whistle and bell cord
signals , rules for flagging and rules for
air brakes.
Last Wednesday , at 3 o'clock p. m. , at
the residence of Thomas Kralick on
Miner's ranch , occurred the marriage of
Mr. Edward Boyer of McCook , and Miss
Elizabeth Slaby of this city. It was a
very pretty wedding , and.was solemnized
by the Rev. Geo. Hummel in the presence -
ence of a few immediate relatives and
friends. It was also an unostentatious
affair , but the dinner served was most
elaborate , and the newly married couple
were the recipients of many hadsome
and valuable presents. Mr. Byrer is
unknown here , but holds a lucretive and
responsible position with the B. & M , at
McCook. He is said to be a young man
of refined habits and sterling qualities ,
and highly esteemed by all who know
him. Miss Slaby is a sister of Mrs.
Tony Clark of this city , and Mrs. V. H.
Solliday , formerly of this place but now
of McCook. She is possessed with grace
and beauty , and has always sustained
the purest character , and enjoyed the
profound esteem of a large circle of
friends. The young people will make
their home in McCook. The Chief felic-
tates the newly wedded pair , and wishes
them a life of perennial happiness.-
R ed Cloud Chief.
New Cloaks , Capes and Dress Goods
'ust received. Come and see them.
A new time card will go into effect on
Sunday. You will find the changes contemplated -
templated indicated it : our time table at
the head of our railroad column.
JV. . Holliday arrived home from a
visit to eastern Nebraska , first of the
week. Mrs. Holliday , who has been
absent for several weeks , returned with
Austria owns and operates nearly 2oco
miles of raihvay , Baden 829 miles , Bavaria -
ria 2,896 miles , Belgium about 2,000 miles ,
Ceylon 18I miles , Chili 670 miles , China
owns and operates all her railroads , The
United States of Columbia 281 miles ,
Denmark iooo miles , prance 2,000 miles ,
The German Empire 21,840 , England
and Wales 14,034 miles , Scotland 3,113 ,
Ireland 2,781 , Hesse 226 miles , Japan 603
miles , Natal 305 miles , The Netherlands
1,000 miles and New South \Vales 2,132
Teachers' Association.
The following is the programme of the
Red Willow County Teachers' Association -
tion , to be held at Beartley , on Saturday ,
November loth , 1894 :
Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Devotional Exercises. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address of \Velcotne..S.T. Parsons
Schoolroom Improvement and Decoration -
tion . . . . . . : . . . . . . -.Laura Paine Snyder
"Cultivation of the Sensibilities" . . . . .
Jennie IIolland
"How to Ask Questions".J. E. Boyd
"The Teacher's Personality" . . . . L. W. Smith
"Primary Writing" . . .Lila IVelborn
Talk by County Superintendent J. H. Bayston
"Tlie School Officer" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F. G. Stilgebouer and \V. F. hiller.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. J. Cordeal
Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valentine
Those expecting to attend please notify
Seth T. Parsons , Bartley , Nebraska.
All teachers present will be expected
'to take part in the discussions.
The committee in charge is composed
of Seth T. Parsons , J. H. Bayston and
Addie Hanlein.
Fine Printing.
We make a specialty of fine job print-
ing. Oursamples offashionable and elegant -
gant stationery for invitations , programs
etc. , is not excelled in Nebraska.
160 Acres For Sale.
70 acres old ground. 9o acres under
time irrigation ditch. Two miles from
McCook. Terms easy. F. S. WILCOX.
See Mrs. i\1. E. Barger , the milliner ,
rear of DeGroff & Co. , before making
your purchases in that line. She has a
nice stock of goods and her prices are
very reasonable. Remember her new
location , east Dennison street , rear of
DeGroff & Co.
List any lands you may have to sell at
a bargain with J. E. Kelley. Office in
rear of First National Bank , McCook ,
Book-keeping blank books for sale at
this office. Day , cash , journal , ledger ,
each at loc. apiece.
Beaf steak 7c. per pound.
F. S. WILCos.
The Sunny Side is the place to buy
the best and the purest milk.
Rooms for Rent.
Three pleasant living rooms for rent
reasonably. Inquire at McMillen's drug
Patronize the McCook Commission
Co. for flour and feed.
Perfumes and toilet powders at L. W.
McConnell & Co's.
English Walking flatsSatin Crowns
and Silk Bands , only 75 cents each ,
Cheapest , Best and Most Stylish Millinery
linery Stock in the city.
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska. Viola Lily Petersen , plaintiff vs.
Peter S. Petersen , defendant. To Peter S.
Petersen , non-resient defendant : You are
hereby notified that on time first day of No-
ember , 1894 , Viola Lily Petersen filed a petition -
tion against you in the district court of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , the object and
ra er of which are to obtain a divorce from
pot on the round of extreme cruelty towards
her without ause or provocation. You are
required to answer said petition on of before
the moth day of December , 1844.
By A. J. RITTENHOUSE , Her Attorney.
" \Vater is the God of the Harvest :
TO THE . .
Farmer ,
Investor ,
Engineer ,
Contractor ,
Fruit Grower ,
i 4 ,
Home Builder.
Should be in every home.
The only magazine of its kind.
le ni a loll e Co. ,
511 Masonic Temple ,
. Sample copies , to cents.
. . . .
r. , 1- .t v r"
+ e
' ( 1 t
; m
S =
iMro' sEri i.C
Don't be misled by the statements of nierchsnts . , . , ;
. . . ,
. . . .claiming that they can. . . .
L am selling first-class groceries right : LIOIIg as low
- as those who claim the can save you money it you .
hill "trade with them. Below we give a few items. x
_ - , .
e .
Pickels , per bottle , - $ .10 Jell , per pail , - .65
Onions , per bottle , - - .10 Mince Meat , per package , .10
Chow Chow , per bottle.10 Clothes Pins , per dozen , .02
Catsup bottle .20 Peas .10
) per - , per can , - - -
Raisins , per pound , - .05 Corn , per can , - - - .10
Best Tea in McCook , Ii , .50 Alaska Salmon , per can , .12-
Syrup , per pail , - .65 Everything else in proportion.
Always the Lowest and Best
Values Can b e Found a t
r % % % ' . ® 11 i
a WE
a '
With Goods.
For Cash on a
. DecliningMarket. .
We have some new things to show you in CLOAKS.
Our Dress Goods department is full of choice ba1 .g alnt. Come
in and look at our Blankets , Shawls , Underwear , and everything -
thing warm for winter wear. Largest stock in the county. i ,
AT TILE . . .
- I
> I r v aijain ,
$ tOre
, , + . . .
, , i
iS % M.4q %