The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 02, 1894, Image 4

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For Governor ,
1' . J. MAJORs. of Nemaha.
For Lieutenant Governor
R. E. MOORE , 01 Lancaster
For Secretary of State ,
J. A. PIPER , of Harlan. ;
For Auditor of Public Accounts ,
EUGENE MOORS , of Madison.
For Treasurer , .
1. S. BARTLEY , of f IOIt.
Fr Commissioner ,
H. C. RUSSELL , of Colfax.
For Attorney General ,
A. S. CITURCmLL , of Douglas.
For Superintendent of Public Instruction ,
H. R. CORBETr , of York.
For Congressman-Fifth District ,
1Y. E. ANDREWS , of Adams County.
For Senator , 24th District ,
F. M. RA1 H BUN of Frontier county.
For Representative ,
, JOHN J. LAMnoRN , of Indianola.
For Treasurer ,
HENRY H. BERRY , of McCook.
For Attorney ,
HARLOW V. KEYES , of Indianola.
For Coroner ,
DR. A. N. HOYT , of Bartley.
For Surveyor ,
EDGAR S. HILL , of Indianola.
, THE interior department was
closed , part of last week , on account -
count of a case of small pox breaking -
ing out among the employes.
THE safety deposit vault of the
Omaha National Bank has been
robbed of a cool thousand or two ,
and they are anxiously seeking to
apprehend the culprit.
LET Nebraska have a free and
untrammeled expression of the
popular will , and the result will
as usual be all right. Republicanism -
canism and.liber tY have long gone
hand in hand the party stands as
a synonym for liberty.
r WITHOUT wishing to appear
boastful , we are constrained to ,
- t express the opinion in view of the
i brightening prospect , that An-
Brews will carry Red Willow
xl county , nett Tuesday. Man'
indicate of Mc-
; ; things a waning -
' strength , while Andrews
is making distinct gains which if
- . duplicated in the other counties
of the district , will elect him by a
safe majority.
WE sincerely regret to learn that
'R. McKeighan has lost his temper as
9 the campaign advances and his
chances of re-election dwindle
away , and he is now spending considerable -
siderable time "roasting"Andrews.
But "roasting" will avail nothing.
The fifth district has concluded to
I turn down the wily William , and
lie may , as well die gracefully , as
to become red in the face and say
- ; ugly things and untrue about his
opponent. We are truly sorry for
you William , but we can't reach
THE farmers of Red Willow
county need not be alarmed about
the alleged opposition of John J.
Lamborn to the Stay Law. That
opposition only exists in the imagination -
agination of his opponent , and is
but a sample brick of the campaign
fancies now being peddled rover
the county. The interests of Red
Willow county will all , without
1 regard to class , be fairly and justly
considered by John J. Lamborn , if
he is elected to the legislature.
And you may rely on it that the
Stay Law is in no peril at his
FAIR treatment , honest methods ,
open work , good principles and a
good candidate are the features of
this campaign in this congressional
district on the republican side.
The party has nominated a candidate -
date who is honest and capable ,
a man of the people , and he
° and his friends have pushed the
campaign with vigor and upon
honorable lines. ' The result is
'the opposition is on the run and
the republican candidate is gaining -
ing ground everyday. . On . . . . ; . : neat
Tuesday the people will decide
that W. E. Andrews is ; just the
marl they want to send to-congress.
-Hastings Tribune.
1i 1 :1V : ' ' .
V :
VOTE the ballot of enlightened
conviction , next Tuesday.
A VOTE for Andrews is a vote
for a clean and able advocate of
your best interests.
Or all standards nothing will
fire the true patriot's soul with
boundless zeal like the standard
dollar ,
HARLOW W. KEYES will make
the county an unexceptionable
prosecuting ' attorney. Vote for
him. He is thoroughly worthy of
your confidence.
You will never have a better
opportunity to stand up for your
native land than will be presented
you on next Tuesday. Don't neglect -
lect the chance. You can't afford
to do it.
THERE will be considerable republican -
publican gains in the legislative
districts of the state , next Tuesday ,
and this county must be in the
procession. Our nest representative -
tive should be a man who can
stand up and cast his vote for a
republican United States senator.
If you want to see that desirable
result brought to pass , vote for
John J. Lamborn.
MCKEIGHAN is claiming that
he has procurred all of the pensions -
sions in the district these days.
He does not give the poor pension
agent any credit for the hard work
he does in securing the evidence.
In fact if it was not for the evidence -
dence pensions could not he secured -
cured , and Mr. McKeighan knows
it , but he hopes by making such
statements to allure republicans
into voting for him. It will network
work , however.-Red Cloud Chief.
IRRIGATION will be one of the
subjects of legislation , this coming
winter , and consequently it is to
be expected that the opposition
would raise the cry that John J.
Lamborn will he under corporate
influence in voting upon such proposed - .
posed measures. This cry is of a
piece with the Stay Law bugaboo ,
and has about as much foundation
in fact. No thoughtful voter should
be deterred from voting for John
J. Lamborn by such folderol.
These are only a few of the roor-
backs. Keep your eyes peeled for
new ones.
THE movement for improved
social and industrial conditions is
one of the most distinct and active
phases of modern political life.
This vital principle is permeating
all classes and countries , finding
expression under various banners
in the several localities. It is one
of the overshadowing questions ,
too , even in America , where the
tariff and silver questions are absorbing -
sorbing so much time and thought.
The Christian socialist is a late
addition to the p Jitical arena , and
while he is rather theoretical than
eminently practical , yet his entrance -
trance is in itself significant. Even
so conservative a churchman as
Bishop Potter of New York is in
a minor degree a self-confessed
socialist. In a recent address he
used the following language : "Let
it be clearly stated there are such
things as unjust combinations of
emploYersavery tyranny of capital
profound in indifference to the
hardships of the man ofscanty
wage and scantier privileges. The
social fabric seems to us to involve
certain intolerable hardships. "
Labor casts a controlling vote in
the German reichstag and holds a
powerful position in the English
parliament. But iu America the
voice of labor and agriculture is
practically unheard in congress.
The time is ripe for the leader
who has wisdom and nerve enough
to blast a smooth way over the
rocky pathway to social reform
and industrial improvement.
( a , . . V
Highest Honors-World's Fair ,
DR ,
V elite
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant ,
This is rather late in the season
for making hay.
Jack rabbits ought to be more
pleltiful after election.
Fred Carter is still holding his
' 93 crop of broom corn.
James Brady has been laying in
a good supply of alfalfa hay.
A little rain and a great deal of
wind , fore part of the week.
Vanie Modrell is now in Illinois
and has found employment near
It will be no trick to have all the
corn gathered by Thanksgiving ,
this year.
The North Divide school is
prospering .nicely , with about 30
pupils in attendance.
Roadoverseer Robinson is having -
ing the proper kind of work done
on the roads in this district.
John Johnson has his good
right eye on a winter's job and
may not be with us much longer.
Will Rider has been searching
long and earnestly for a more or
less valuable dog belonging to him.
A. J. Hanlein , of whom mention
some time ago , is slowly recovering -
ing from his long siege of sickness.
We understand that Mr. Woeh-
ner of Box Elder , who left his
family some time ago , ' is in Kansas
Quite a number of horses have
been taken from this vicinity to
be wintered in different localities
west of here.
In a letter from George Moehler
he says he has rented a farm near
Hebron , his former home , and will
farm there the coming year.
Unless signs fail , people in this
state will have no reason to corn-
plain another Year ; it is a long a
time to wait , but then we've nothing -
ing else to do.
Miss Emma Hanleinwho , is now
in Los Angeles , California , is delighted -
lighted with the country there , as
her health is far better than it has
been for several years.
Walter Hickling , who has been
in southeastern Missouri , says the
people down there are not altogether -
gether satisfied and that laud owners -
ers are looking for a trade.
Wallie Clover , who is employed
at the B. & M. headquarters in
Omaha , is expected home on a
visit , and will make his usual
rounds among-Divide friends.
In Morgan county , Colorado ,
where the writer has a number of
horses , feed is plentiful and cheap ,
but horses and cattle there are not
in good condition , which is perhaps -
haps due to the large amount of
alkali found in the water.
OF course you want to be on the
band wagon. , Get up quick time
is limited. The republican musical -
ical vehical we mean.
WE cannot help feeling touched
by Colonel Mitchell's keen remorse
over the Gibbs-Welty affair. It's
too pathetic to contemplate with'
out being prostrated' by the 'flow
of one's fountain of sympathy.
- . .
- S JLQ ! M : Y
v . ,
THE TRIBUNE seriously. questions -
tions the wisdom of arraying the
business men of Nebraska , through
a so-called business men's association -
ation , against the agrr ulturists
and wage-workers of the state , in
any campaign. Such methods
may have temporaiy effectiveness ,
but any plan that arrays the classes
against the masses , or has such a
tendency , must sooner or later
revert back upon the patriots promoting -
meting the same. In the past
the republican party has inveighed
against the tendency to antagonize
the agricultural and business in-
terests. That policy was sound
and correct and safe. It was right.
Consequently we sincerely regret
that this uncanny element should
obtrude itself in this campaign.
The marshalling of the business
men will most naturally force many
farmers and laborers into an attitude -
tude of belligerent resentment.
This is to be deprecated : And
again we are not convinced that
the business men's association is
an absolutely infallible judge of
what constitutes the best interests
of the masses. We , therefore , corn.
mend the republican ticket to the
voters of this county , not on any
selfish or class basis , but on the
ground that the ticket is made up
of men in whose hands the affairs
of the state will be conducted honestly -
estly and justly and safely , giving
clue and proper consideration to all
interests. The republican party
of Nebraska must win on the basis
of having honest and capable and.
conservative nominees for the various -
rious state offices. We hill win ,
too , on that line , if this business
men's crusade isn't overworked.
The Tariff , Financial , Hawaiian
and other questions of the day do
not interest the people hereabout
as much as the question where can
I get the most and best groceries
for the money. C. M. Noble can
answer the question to the satis
faction of all.
The McCook Commission Co.
is making very low prices on flour ,
feed and hay ; and these prices will
be good for the next thirty ( lays.
Go to them when you need any-
thilla in their line.
the best Canon City coal in the
market at 57.50 per ton. We are
selling a Colorado soft coal at 5
per ton. Send us your orders.
The 1 I cCook Commission Co.
has 50 tons of alfalfa-splendid
fattening feed-for only d5 cents
a bale. Also 150 tons of fine hay
at 50 cents a bale.
If you need a road cart or any
kind of It wagon , see Cochran & I
Co. They can fill the bill and at
prices to correspond with the hard
' Eastern hard coal is cheaper
than ever before. We have a large
Stock on hand.
Remember you can get the highest -
est market price for stock hogs of
from 50 pounds weight up at the
B. & M. meat market.
Knipple always leads , in fruits
and vegetables. He carries the
freshest and largest assortment
the market affords.
SEND your coal orders to THE
a large stock of both eastern and
western hard coal.
The McCook Commission Co.
keeps a large stock of all kinds of
chop feed , corn and oats , at lowest
market prices.
Buy your writing paper at
THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in
stock and prices very reasonable
Cochran & Co. carry a full line
of shelf and heavy hardware. They
always make you the right price.
We are just in receipts of a new
supply of tablets and box papers ,
memorandums , etc. ,
Anything you want in the hardware -
ware line at Cochran & Cc.'s.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , over
Ganschow's shoe store.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castaria.
V : V ;
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See Our. .
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- And Suits. ' .
C V aeosae. . . , ,
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Prices are Lower than same qualities - V
have ever been before. t
McCook , Nebraska. JONAS ENEL , f ,
0 11 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 h 0 0 0 0
1I I 1
Blur TIir tablets
iiil , ens. ) encils alId
S tationer T of all kinds
at The Tribiine office
next (100x' to the ost-
iIcMilleiii Brothers
are headquarters for
yjtej' goods of all
hindS. See them !
Our clothing has arrived. Now
is the time to obtain a good winter
suit at a bargain. Do not wait
until the best bargains are gore.
Come at once , so as to have a good
variety to select from.
If you want a new dress , do not
fail to look at our stock , for the
stock is all new in the dress goods
line , and has been purchased at
greatly reduced prices.
jTe have just laid in a large
stock of canned goods of all kinds ,
and by reason of buying them in
large quantities , we are able to
sell you the best of goods , either
by the single can or by r the case ,
at very reasonable prices. Liberal
discounts made to parties purchasing -
ing one or more cases.
Gentlemen , if you need a new
flat , this fall , it will pay you to
IllSpeCt our Stock.
The Cllenery drug stock must
be closed out regardless of cost.
Now is the time to lay in your
holiday presents at a slight cost.
Remember , this is no fake sale ,
the goods must be converted into
cash at once. H. H. BERRY.
P. S.-Fixtures also for sale.
Knipple has just received a car
load of Loomis Flour , than which
there is no superior on this market -
ket , that he is selling at the very
lowest figure for such a high grade
and popular article.
Frank Nichols guarantees the
wells he sinks. Leave orders at
Cochrau & Co's. Prompt attention
will be given the same.
We have seed wheat , seed rye ,
and corn for sale at the elevator.
You can buy 100 pounds of
good flour for $1.40 , in 1,000
pound lots , from the McCook
Commission Co. They have a fine
high patent flour for sale at $2.00
per 100 pounds , in 1,000 pound
lots as well.
Tablets , inks and pencils at this
) ffice.
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo.
DlcCook , - - Nebraska.
When Pa' n , i ! 1 , n o ravtl her Ca : oria . 1
1CLe i ssu acs a Chid , she cried for Ctstoris. ,
\Cia s : e bccarne ilia , she clung to Castoria. ,
whca she had Children , she gavothem Castorla.
_ 5 CORDOVAN , .
$4 x350 FINE CALF&KAN6A1 .
- r _ $3. DPOLICE aSotis.
, . ; oS2.WOR KINGNS '
r. , LA IES
5052 , 1,75
TDD 1 a t
You can save money by purchasing W. L.
iouglas shoe. ,
Because , ire are the largest manufacturers of
advertised shoes in the world , and guarantee ,
the value by stamping the name and price on
the bottom , which protects you against high
middleman's . Ourshoes-
prices and the profits. -
equal custom work in style , easy fitting and'
wearing qualities. We have them sold everywhere -
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Tale no substitute. If your
dealer cannot Sunni , you , we can. Sold by
DEALER whose name will shortly appear -
pear here. Agents wanted.
Apply at once.
, S 1
QuRti les :
JjtV ° '
o * ' t
It is an aireeab'e Laxative ftr the Bowels ;
can bo made into a Tra for use in one minute.
Price 2c. . tOe. and al cO per package.
for theTeeth and Breath-25e
r H
0 W ( RING )
I' I , n/ Steal or ring watches from the
i 1 et I he thief gets the watch in our
h tI the chain in the other and rice. a
h t 11IC't ' Jrrl-the ring slips -ti :
s , , t h tt'r , and awaV gee , the watch , leaving -
. , ' 011V the chain
ing tr. It' un , t
.h , $ idea r tuppeu
that lilie game ;
The bow has a groove
on each cad w collar
run ; down inside the I
pendant ( stem ) and
nts into the grooves ,
firmly locking the
bow tote pendant ,
so that it cannot be 12 ' ,
pulled or twisted off. 11 ,
Sold by all watch dealers , without t
cost , on Jas. Boss Filled and other t
cases containing this trade mark-
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet.
Keystone Watch Case'Co. ?
. . . . _
+ - - - - - - - - If