1 . . t , . . 't .Z , X F . % i w I Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report. S 1oY&i Bkn L . I V d _ Powder UTELY PU C hildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria SIiERIFFIS SALE. By virtue of : ill , order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willow county , Nchra ka , on a judgment obtained before 11013.1)'I''elty , judge of the district court of fled Willow county , Nebraska , on the 18th day of December , 1893 , in favor of Lewis S. Dabney and Frederick Cunningham , trustees , as plaiutdfs , and against'I'liom.is Mize et al. as defendants , for the sum' of fuur hundred and thirty-three dollar ; and nine cents , and ' costs taxed at $29.SS , and accruing costs , and co-defendants Burton & Harvey having on the same date obtained a decree for the stun of x37.50,1 have levied upun tlte following real estate taken as the property of said defendants - fendants to satisfy said judgments towit : The west half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-eight , township two , nuttli of range twenty-six , west of the 6th P. M. , in Red \Vil- low county , Nebraska. And will offer the same forsale to the highest bidder fur cash in hand on the hush day of November , A. D. ; I894 , in front of the south door of the court house in Indianola. Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , p. in. , of said day , when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated October 1st , i894. E. K. BANKS , Sheriff of said county. W. S. MoRI.AN , Attorney. Oct.5-5ts. ALWAYS A REASON \ \ IIY. This has been a year of wonderful growth . for'I'he Lincoln State Journal. Its aggressive - ive methods have pushed it to the front. One thing that accounts for this is The Journal's principles. It is republican , true and blue , but first of all it is a great newspaper and considers news toe most essential part. It prints more state telegraph news than either of the Omaha papers. The business interest of the state recognize in The Journal the only state paper which is standing up for the wet- farf of Nebraska. You can see how The Jourral is growing in your own town. It is gaining in every other town in the state just as much. The reduced price is only 50 cents per month without Sunday , or 65 cents per :1 : month with Sunday. ' 1'his also axounts for ' the big growth. 't'he Semi-Weekly Journal has the largest circulation of any Nebraska paper. It has completely routed its old once- a-week rivals. It is being sent from now un i til January 1st , 1896 , for $ i.oo. 'fhis carries readers through the coming legislature and through the next presidential campaign. It ( rives readers two complete papers each week for the price of one. Gov. Furnas is farm editor and I. L. Lyntan poultrj editor. It is published at the State capital and is a paper for Nebraskans. g" ORDER TO CREDITORs. The state of Nebraska , Red 1illow county , Ii : .S ss : Notice is hereby given to all persons haying - ing claims or demands against the estate of } dr William E. Kilgore , deceased , that such pert - t ' sons are required to present their claims , with vouchers , to the county judge of said county , at his office therein , on or before the 20th day of April , 1895 , and all claims so filed will be ' heard before the said judge on the 22d day of { s -lpril,189 $ , at 1 o'clock p. m. And it is forther ordered that a copy of this order be puhlished in 'I'EIE 1'RIQUNE , 1 weekly newspaper published - , + lished in said county , for three weeks , begun- r' ping October 19th , 1894. Dated this 15th day of October , 1894. CnARLES W. BECK , County Judge. A QUAI.I'El { CENTURY PEST. For a quarterof a century Dr. King's New Discovery has been tested , and the millions ivho have received benefit from its use testify to its wonderful curative powers in all diseases - es of Throat , Chest and Lungs. A remedy that has stood the test so long , and that has given so universal satisfaction , is no experi- a went Each bottle is positively guaranteed to ; , rive relief , or the money will be refunded. It + ; is admitted to be the most reliable for Coughs t and Colds. Trial bottles free at McMillen's drug store. Large sizes Soc. and $1. Oct. 5 IT MAY Do As Moc11 For. You. 5' Fred. Miller of Irving , ill. , writes that he had a severe kidney trouble for many ears. with severe pains ihis back and lso that Lis bladder was affected. lie tried many so- called kidney cures but without any good re- suit. About a year ago he began the use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric - tric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all kidney and liver troubes and often gives a- ! most nstant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c. for large bottle. A2:11cDldlensdrugstore. October. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts , bruises , gores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles or no pay I required. It is guaranteed to give effect satisfaction or money refunded. Price i S cts. per box. For sale by . Ladies who are siffering from weakness of the back , nervousness , poor appetite , or irregularities - ularities peculiar to their sex , would display rood judgment by trying Oregon Kidney Tea. It hathe most effect , and an be truly appreciated b tose who use it. Trial size acka ° e can be had at any drug store for cents. It will do you more good than anj - thin1 : else you can take. I've a secret in my heart , Sweet Marie , , A tale 1 would impart , r r Sweet Marie. If you'd even fairer be You must always use Parks' Tea , The improvement you will see , Sweet Marie. Sold by McMillen. The American beauty'owes her prestige more to a clear complexion than to any other attribute. A cup of Parks' will enable any t one to possess this. It clears the skin and I removes pimples and that sallow , muddy ] ooh. Pars tea is use by Thousands ofladies I for the complexion. Without being a cathartic - tic it cures constipation. Sold by Mci iillen. Parks' sure cure is a sure specific in all diseases - eases of the liver and kidneys. B" removing . the uric acid in the blood it cures rheumatism. S. B. Basfor of Carthage. S. D. , says : "I believe - lieve l'arks' sure cure excels all other medicines cines for rheumatism and urinary troubles. " Sold by McMillen. A cu of Parks' tea at night moves the bowels in the morning without pain or dis- comfort. It is a great health givr and blood 1 P urifier. Sold by McMillen. Parks' tea clears the complexion. Mrs. N. feyee 6f LeRoy , N. Y. , says : I have used t Parks' tea and find it the best remedy 1 have ever tried. " Sold by McMillen. Mrs. T. S. Ifawkins , Chattanooga , ; Tenn. says , "Shiloh's Vitalizer Saved My Life. ' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used. For dyspepsia , liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts Sold by McConnell & Co. S Shiloh's Cure is sold. on a guarantee. It cures incipient cons4mpticn. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 ets. , So cts , St.0o. Sod by Mconnell & Co. Shiloh''s Cure , the greatcough and croup cure , is in great demand.'Yocket size contains twenty-five doses , only 25 cts. Children love it.- Sold by McConnell. I _ a..yw Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , nu a judgment obtained before : Ion. D. 1' . Welty , judge of the district court of Red IVillow county , Nebraska , on the 18th day of September , 1893 , in favor of J.Coolidge I tills as plaintiff , and against Alonzo Jay et al , as defendants for the sumn of six hundred and fifty-nine dollars and forty-six cents , and costs taxed at $37.33 , and accruing costs , and co-defendants liuuton & Harvey having on the same date obtained u decree for the sun of $22.80 , I have levied uprnl the following real estate taken as the property of said defendants - ants to satisfy said judgments towit : The cast half of time southeast quarter of section sixand the northwest quarterof the southwest quarter of section five , township four , north of range twenty-ei htwest of 6th P. M. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the fifth day of November , A. D. , 1894 , in front of the south door of the court house in Indianola , Nebraska..that being the building wherein the last tern of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. of said day , when and where due attendance will be given by the undeisigned. Dated October 1st , t8n4. E. R. BANKS , \V. S. MOELAN , Sheriff of said county. Attorney. Oct.5-5ts. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Wilow ! county ; Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before lion. D.1' . Welty , judge of the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 18th day of December , 7893 , in favor of The American - ican Investment 3 ompany as plaintiff , and against Gerhart Bongers et al. as defendants , for the spin of four hundred and eighty-three dollars and nineteen cents , and costs taxed at $32.48 , and accruing costs , and co-defendants The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. having on the same date obtained a decree for the suni of $27.23 , I have levied upon tue following real estate taken as the property of said defendants - fendants to satisfy said judgments towit : The southwest quarter of section ten , township one , north of range twenty-eight , west of the 6th P. 11I. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bid der for cash in hind on the fifth day of November - ember , A. D.,1894 , in front of the south door of the coot house in IndianolaNebraskathat being the building wherein the last terns of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , p. In. of said day , when and where due attendance - ance will be given by the undersigned. Dated October 1st , 1894. E. R. BANKS , Sheriff of said county. \V. S. MORLAN , Attorney. Oct.5-5ts. S1iERiFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willon county , Nebraska , on a , judgment obtained before 1-Ion. D.1' . Welty , judge of the district court of Red Willor county , Nebraska , cm the 18th day of September , 1893 , in favor of Hannah M. Johns as plaintiff , and against Jacob Leib- brandt et al. as defendants , for the sum of seven hundred and thirty dollars , and costs taxed at $22.43 , and accruing costs , and codefendants - defendants Burton & Harvey having on the same date obtained a decree for the sum of $27.10 , I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendants - ants to satisfy said judgments towit : The northeast gnarterof section thirty-one , township - ship two , north of range twenty-eight , west of the 6th 1' . M. , in Red Willow county , Nebras- ka. And will offer the same fur sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the filth day of November , A. D. , t8g $ , in front of the south doorof the court house in Indianola , Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. of said day , when and where due attendance will be given by the under- signed. Dated October 1st , 18Q4. E. R. BANKS , Sheriff of said county. W. S. MoRLAN , Attorney. Oct.5.5ts. NOTICE OF SUIT. Lewis Swing , Samuel Ball , Mary Ball , Julia E. Swing , W. J. Roden , George W. Boyer , C. W McCoy , Logan Beck , Phillip ficffelfinger , and L S. Beck , partners doing business under the firm name of George Boyer , McCoy &Co. , JF. Helm The Packer's National rank , a corporation incorporated under the aws of the United States , and 0. R. Burnham , defendants - fendants , will take notice that the American Investment Company , of Emmitsburg , Iowa , plaintiff herein , has filed its petition in the district court of Red Willow county , - ka , against said defendants , the object and prayer of which are to forclose interest in a certain mortgage date August 14th , 1886 . executed by Lewis Swing and Julia E. Swing to E. S. Ormsby , trustee for P. 0. Refsell , upon the east half of the southeast garter ofsection nineteen , and the.east half of the northeast uarterofectionthiit , town four , north of range number twenty ei ht west of the 6th P. to secure the payment of Qto sum of $ G5o , as evidenced by their cer- ta rn promissory flutes of even date therewith ; and also for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage - gage executed by Samuel Ball and Mary Ball to one W. J. Bowden , on said premises , dated October 20th , r8gi , to secure the payment of $97.50 , as evidenced by their certain promissory - sory notes of even date therewith ; that a portion - tion of the indebtedness for which the mortgage - gage first herein described. . was given to se cure , and the entire indetedness for which the mortgage last herein described was given to secure , has been assigned to the plaintiff in this action. That there is now dime plaintiff - iff on said notes and mortgages , including the amount paid for taxes on said premises , the sum of $276.55 , with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent. per annum from the first day of December , 1890 ; and plaintiff prays for a deer , a that said defendants may be required to the sum , or that said prem ises may be solpay satisfy he amount found due. ou are required to answer said elt- tion on or before the third day of December , r894 . Dated October 20thu , 14. 1'l1F. AMERICAN INVESTMENT COMPANY , Of Emmitshurg , Iowa , Plaintiff. ByV. . S. MORLAN , its Attorney. Oct 26.4t. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To Fowler S. Wilcox , D. H. Babbitt and Alvin E. Beatty , and to all whom it may concern - cern : The commissioners of Red Willow county , Nebraska , have located and ordered opened a public road commencing at the northeast corner of section four , township two , range twenty-nine , in Valley Grange precinct , Red Willow county , NeraskaL running thence south on section line to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of said section four , terminating thereat ; and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the t 22d day of December , A. D. 1863 , or sai4 road will be established without reference thereto , GEO. W. ROPER , Oct5-4ts. County Clerk. Parks cough syrup cures coughs , colds and consumption. MrCatherineBlack of Le Roy , N. Y. says : "I took one bottle of Parks' cooch syrup. ItI acted like magic. Stopped 'm cough I am ywell now. sold by McMillen. . , r rf 14a t . . . . . . JV V < 1N'V V V1M V V W.Mn. .tL. 'w TIME TB. 3ILE- OOiNO ) AST-Ut.NTIAt.TIME-LEAVES. No. " . thruuwh passenger. . . . . . . . 5:4U A. M. No. 4loual . 9:10 P. M. No. 7U. freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : A. 11. ' No. 64. . 4.30 A. M Nn. so , tri iwht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I0uo A. i. No. 148. frelwllt , tmtde up here. . . . . 5:110 A.111. GOING WEST-MOUNTAIN TIME-LEAVES. No. 3 , through passenwer..11:35 P. M. No. 5. local pitsesenger. . . . . . . . . . . 9:25 P. M. No. 63 . 5:110 P. M. No. 77. rreight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:2 P. M. No. 149 , freight , made op hero . . . . . 6U11 A. M. IMPERIAL LINE.-MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 175'eaves ' at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 8uo A. 5L N0.176 , arrives at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:40 P. M. F NOTE-Nn.63 earn 'S paasengora for Strnioh . Ik iikt ltnat , nod Ifaigler. All trams run daily excupting 148,149 and r16. which run dully except Sunday. No. 3 stntls'at itenkelutau'and Wray. No. 2 atops at lndlauola. Cambridge and Ar- apahoe. No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianota. Cunibrtdgo and Arapuhne. Nos. 4.5.148 , 149 and 176 carry passengers for all etannus. You can purchase at this office tickets toall principal poltils in the Unned States and Canada - ada am ) t awgage checked through to destiint- ttott without extra charge or transfer. For information regarding rates , otc. call on or aadresa C. E MAGNEK. Agent. Handsome New York Pattern Hats from $4 to $12 each. No shoddy styles with us. Finest Millinery in thecity. Lowest prices. L. LOW/JAN & SON. R. L , Tinker visited Red Cloud friends several days of last week. V. H. Solliday visited his brother-in- law , J. J. Slaby of Akron , last week. Mrs. C. W. Bronson arrived. home , on Tuesday night , from visiting her mother in Iowa. Dr. Braydon of Aurora , Illinois , is now in the Burlington Relief here with Dr. E. T. Waters. Mrs. V. H. Solliday went down to Red Cloud , Saturday morning , to visit with relatives and friends. Ellis Ford and family have returned from Holyoke , where he has been employed - ployed for the company. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Leming arrived home , Tuesday evening , front a visit to Red Cloud relatives and friends. On Wednesday morning , Miss Anna Frisch left for McCook where she expects - pects to spend a month or more with her sister , Mrs. Lizzre Baerg. - Glenville notes in Hastings Tribune. 1F. Reynolds is contemplating a trip to Los Angeles , California , for the win- ter. He is offered a passenger engine at $150 per month and the temptation is likely to prove a little more than the colonel can stand. John Walker of McCook , has gone to Alger , Wyoming , to work on the track. . .Tuesday , Engineer Wm. Francisco and Fireman Plummer brough in engine 68 from McCook and took it on through to Billings. . . . Engineer Viersen and his fireman , Charles Williams , have been transferred back to McCook. Their engine - gine , 179 , has been shopped at Havelock. -Alliance Grip. The earnings of the Burlington for August have been given out. Freight earnings increased $135,230 , and passenger - senger earnings decreased $322,526. The gross earnings show a decrease of $142- 252 , and operating expenses decreased $348,119. The net earning increased $288,747 For the twelve months ending August 31 , the decrease in gross earnings was $4,450,900 and the net earnings was $197,997 The Burlington officials at Omaha announced - nounced , Monday , that the new service on the Billings line would be inaugurated Sunday , and that ticket agents all over the country would be apprised of the the fact. This announcement was made as the result of the news that Judge San- born of the eighth United States district had indicated his intention of ratifying the traffic agreement between the Bur lington and Northern Pacific roads. He will do this in a day or two and the new service will be put into operation. It is to consist of vestibuled sleeping cars and reclining chair cars running through to Billings t without change. A parlor car will run from Edgemont to Deadwood. See Mrs. 111. E. Barger , the milliner , rear of DeGroff & Co. , before making your purchases in that line. She has a nice stock of goods and her prices are very reasonable. Remember her new location , east Dennison street , rear of DeGroff & Co. List any lands you may have to sell at a bargain with J. E. Kelley. Office in rear of First National Bank , McCook , Nebraska. i Book-keeping blank books for sale at this office. Day , cash , journal , ledger , each at loc. apiece. Beaf steak 7c. per pound. F. S. WILcox. The Sunny Side is the place to buy the best and the purest milk. Rooms for Rent. Three pleasant living rooms for rent reasonably. Inquire at McMillen's drug store. Perfumes and toilet powders at L. W. McConnell & Co's. English Walking HatsSatin Crowns and Silk Bands , only 75 cents each. Cheapest , Best and Most Stylish Millinery - linery Stock in the city. L. LOWMAN & SON. - , i . Communication. . . MONUMENT , CoLo. , Oct 22d , z894. We promised to let our friends in Nebraska - braska hear from us when we arrived at our destination. We are not there yet , but on account of the cold weather , etc. , we have decided to stay on this side of the mountains this winter. So we are camped ( in a house ) for the winter under the shadow of Pike's Peak. ( You know it casts a long shadow. ) Our trip was for the most part pleasant - ant , with very few disagreeable features , and many things we will look back to as among the bright spots of life. R. M. Williams and Clyde Allani brought two antelopes into camp one day , which furnished us with meat for several days. We arrived at Colorado Springs after three weeks travel , and the other families - lies decided to spend the winter in or near that place , but we came north to look up a location to winter our stock , and possibly find work. We have found a very desirable place , and feed and shelter for our stock , and plenty of wood for the hauling , within forty rods of the house. We found kind people all along our route. We did not expect , when we started , to find so many pleasant people along our route. There are three nien occupying a portion of the house we are living in who do not use tobacco , strong drink or profane language , and expect to vote the prohibition ticket straight. Within three fourths of a mile of us lives Mrs. Ella Beecher Gittings and family , whom the readers of the "Ad- vance" will remember. I suppose there are people of the other class in Colorado but I have not made their acquaintance as yet. In this locality they raised a big crop of potatoes and oats without irrigation , and that seems to he about all they do raise. The man oil whose place we are stopping had in about 85 acres of potatoes - toes , 35 of which he put in himself , the remainder being rented and of which he gets one-third. He thinks he has about 54E pounds in his cellars , for which he is receiving 70 cents per hundred. A great many other farmers have done fully as well. It is very high and cold here , the altitude - tude being about 7,000 feet , consequently no fruit is raised , and we think now we have started we will find a place where we can raise fruit and all kinds of vege- tables. There are many grand views in this country , as you well know , which we are enjoying ; and when we find something new and especially interesting we wish our old friends could be here to enjoy it with us. Respectfully , S. Ili. NETTLETON. Patronize the McCook Commission Co. for flour and feed. New Cloaks , Capes and Dress Goods just received. Come and see them. L. LOWMAN & SON. I ( Con. from page 5. ) WILLOW W'/a NE. . . 548 GROVE NW. : . . . . 4 C2 we NW.31. . . . . . 519 PRECINCT TOWN W'h SW.31.490 E'4 ' SW.31. . . . . . 6 a3 RANGE W4 SE.31. . . . . . 5.48 NE . . . . . .34. . . . . . 841 . IES SEC AMT NW . . . . . . . . . . . S'NW.35. . . . . . . 388 E1/s SE..1. . . . . . ,133 wh SE . .1. . . . 533 VALLEY NW . . . . . .2. . . . . lees GRANGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NE . . . . . . .3. . . . . . i0 61 PRECINCT TOWN i.ut 3..3. . . . . . 212 ) Lit 4."o. . . . . . 212 4 MANGE NE . . . . . .5. . . . 1358 . . [ NE . . . . . . .6. . . . . . 1633 IF.S 9F.C A3T - . . .8. . . 1742 NW .1. . . . . . : .6. . . . . 1743 Ny SW .1. . . . . . 305 wy.NE. . 8. . . . . . 510 S'h SW..1. . . . . . 305 N } - SW..86 79 NE . . . . . . .2. . . . . . 990 .wy SE..8. . . . . . 510 W4 NW2. . . . . . 403 S'/E SW-.8. . . . . 510 E'h NW..2. . . . . . 381 NE..9. . . . . . 1698 E' SW..2. . . . . . 3 81 NW . . . . . .9. . . . . . 169& SE . . . . . . 2. . . . . . 913 5W..9. . . . . 16 98 E'h NE..3. . . . . . 615 5 . . . . . .lo. . . . . . 1698 NWN\V..3. . . . 411 NW..ii. . . . . . 803 SW NW..3. . . . . . . 329 NE..12. . . . . 808 I.nt 3. . . . . . . . . . . . o 14 SE..13. 10 76 S',4 NW. . . . . . . . . 1350 NE . . . . .14. . . . . . 1076 Lot 4 . . . .u. . . . . . 735 SE . . . . . .14. . . . . . 1076 NE. . . .7. . . . . . 1962 NW . . . . .17. . . . . 1698 S } 's NE . .9. . . . . 821 5W..17. . . . 2716 S'NW..9. . . . . . . 821 SE . . . . . .18. . . . . . 2178 SW . . . . . .9. . . . . . 1232 911 that part of SE..9. . . . . . 1232 NE 193.29 not NESE..9. . . . . . 114 incru iu plat N4 SW..12. . . . . . 465 or Egan Park SE SW..12. . . . . . 232 Add to of SE..12. . . . . . 1249 btcCook city . . . . . 1633 S'6 NE..13. . . . . . 425 NE..21. . . . . . 2178 N4 ! SE..13. . . . . . 425 N\V. . . 21. . . . . . 3LfiG S'SW..14. . . . . . . 425 E'NE..22. . . . . . . 871 NV NE..17. . . . . . 34.1 Sy SW.22.361 N'4 NW.17. . . . . . 372 NW . . . .23. . . . . . 1076 S'A NE..17. . . . . . 229 sw . . . . .23. . . . . . 1076 N'h SE..17. . . . . . 229 NW SE..23. . . . . . 2 70 SE SE..17. . . . . . 152 tots 13.23. . . . . . 270 s NN NE..18. . . . . . 2 31 Lot 2..25. . . . . . 172 SW NE..I8. . . . . . 4 61 S'h NE..25. . . . . 414 . NW. . . .18. . . . . . 1198 NW NW.2 ; . . . . . . 207 E'4 SN..1S. . . . . . 4 61 . . . . . . 14 NW SE. 18. . . . . 231 Nh SW25. . . . . . 414 SW SE..1S. . . . . 138 Lot 4..25. . . . . . 207 E'NE..19. . . . . . . 277 Lot 1. . . . . . . . . 404 E'h SE .19. . . . . L 89 Lot 2..26. . . . . . 31r w } : NE.19. . . . . 277 Lot 3.6. . . . . 2 70 E' NW.19. . . . . . 277 Let 4..26. . . . . . 337 W'SW.19. . . . . . . 5 81 Lot 5..26. . . . . 34 5 NE NE..20. . . . . . 2 41 Lot 6..26. . . . . . 414 ' SW. . . . 21. . . . . . 1057 i.nt 7..26. . . . . . 404 SSW..22 425 wyNW.26. . . . . 538 SEl4 except 21)r w'4 SW.26. . . . . . 538 auras. .23. . . . . . 956 NE . . . . . 21. . . . . . 1742 E34 NW.21. . . . . . 425 Nu4 NW.27. . . . . . 1039 ESW.21. . . . . . 4 25 SE . . . . . .27. . . . . . ' 178 W % Nw.21. . . . . . 4 2i All that part of 1Vy SW.24. . . . . . 42 5 E'h SW 28 3.29 NW . . . . :25. . . . . . 8 49 north of SW .2a. . . . . . 8 4. lytnir . R 1 : it and w'h NW.27. 4 25 not incl'd in W4 SW 27 . - 4li willow W4 ! NE.27.3 71 Add to city Grove of E2 a v.27' " 451 . . . . . W } ! SW.2B. . . . . . 3 69 inCook. . .co. 109 Coin at W'h NE. . . . . . . . 89 E'/Y NW-29. . . . . 3s 6 Inn 4 McCookfi . . . . . . . ! vest M Cook SW SW 29. 2 41 ES4 sE..29 . . . . . 3 31i S to Ono of i [ . . . . bl right of NW SW 29. . . 2 89 E'NW.30. . . . . . 523 tvuy W to stk WY NW.3o. . . . . . 521 S of sW cor Lo [ 3.-30. . . . . . ' )9 block 6 west Lot 4..30. . . . . . 232 ' ° Cook N to SE Sw..30. . . . . . 291 SlV cor said E4 ! fE..30. . . . . . 423 hlk E to bee. ss3 NE SW..30. . . . . . 291 All or 1o1632-3 Eys SE..30. . . . . . 4 49 except 483 51h NE..31. . . . . . 6 01 acres 0 f ' V. EK NW .31 . . . . " 385 Franklin's der Lot . . .31. . . 192 scrihed below 431 Lot 2 . .31. . . . . 192 Eh NW NW ex- SE.31. . . . . . . 841 cept 3 acres 8 } , SW-.32. . . . . . 433. 33. . . . . . 4. 1 SE.:22. s - . . . . . . 1009 E3'Lt 1.33. . . . . . 4o'.1 Wy NE .33 . . . . . 361 LN 1 NW 33140 ENW.33. . . . . . 5t3 Ys WI4 SW.33. . . . . . 505 Lot 5..31. . . . . . 414 E4 NW.3t .r. . . 501 Lot 6..31. . . . . . 414 EV SW..aL. . . . . 4 78 Lot 7.d4. . . . . . 414 w % Nw.34. . . . . . 425 sw SW.34. . . . . . 345 WYE SW-34. . . . . . 4 25 SE SE..34. . . . . . 345 - NE . . . . . .35. . . . . . 9,56 14t8123. . . . . . . . 9 79 SW . . . . .35. . . . . . 9 29 ( END. ) Y-i i r .4 1 , 5 ' 4 . . . . ' ' r : t y . I A { IMPOSEL ) : l U P ® . . . ; . : , Z Don't be misled . b the statements of merclante rf : 4 t.k , . 5- . . . .clatmiug that they can. . . . , . SAVE YOU MONEY ! 11 ) I am selling first-class groceries right along as low as those who claim they can save you money it you , , will trade with them. Below we give a few items : ; b ) : Pickels , per bottle , - $ .10 Jell , per pail , .65 1 Onions , per bottle , - - .10 Mince Meat , per package , .10 Chow Chow , per bottle , .10 Clothes Pins , per dozen , .02 : Catsup , per bottle - 20 Peas , per can , .10 Raisins , per pound - .05 Corn , per can , - - .10 Best Tea in McCook , lb , .50 Alaska Salmon , per can , .12k Syrup , per pail , - .65 Everything else in proportion. J i Always the Lowest and Beat t Values Can b e round a t r : ± * N ? : = , y L 1t t : wE . ARE a LOADED With Goods. . Bought For Cash oii a Declining Market. . I We have some new things to show you in CLOAKS. Our Dress Goods department is full of choice bargaint. Come in and look at our Biankets , Shawls , Underwear , and everything - thing warm for winter wear. Largest stock in the county. AT TILE . . . ' _ r : . 1'icirjarn . S $ tOre. . . . . L. L. DEGROF ? & CO. 17dCdsi V1 + 1 N