r - . - I - - - - - Josh flIu1g , Phlloop1iy. Thare scems to bo two kinds of win. durn ; one a man gits from stnddyin only the bad side ov human natur , the other from studdying both the good and _ bad side , and then f3triking a heithy ' I average. - . Musik iz not only a plezant power , but it jz one ov the cheapest ones too ; enny person who haz genius emilY to turn a grindstone kim nnderatand a $ fiddle. Tharo iz a good deal in a nanm ; viii- egar sounds sour to me , eO duz honey sound sweet. Too mutch laming and too little wis- dum iz making the whole world mad ; the mistake iz az old as the farce en- ackfed in the garden ov Eden. Thare may be people who never maie enny blunders or mistakes ( or think r I they don't ) , the best we kan say for them iz painfully korrect. It seems rather tiff , and quite ridik- laB , that a man who haz honestly earned fame kan't git it untill after heiz ded , and then ha to take it in second-rate - poetry on hiz tunic atin. I Science ii ; a good thing nz far az it goes , but tharo iz no amount ov it kLn beat the spOt3 on the kards. The man who laffs and nods hiz lied , and sez , " Yes , je. so , " to everything yu say , iz one of the hardest men in the world to git onto the bak ov sixty-day paper. Yung man , satisfy yurself , and the world in due time are sure to giv yli all the praze 3711 deserve. A bizzy nan iz a harder man for the devil to kaptare than even a pious one. Opunyuns rule mitnkund , and yet two- thirds of all the opiuynns afloat are like foot-balls ; the man who kan. kik them the highest. iz the best fello. a Philosophy iz a self-sakraficung vir- tew ; most ov it iz spent on our nabors , but little on ourselfs. There iz a great deal more virtow and happiness in the world than we are aware ov ; menny ov us hay it in our 4 TOSSeSShUfl without knowing it. ! how to hell ) the Children ( r0w Erect and Stately. j , William Blaikie , the author of "How fx ; a Strong and How to Stay So , ' ; ? spoke before the Brooklyn Teachers Association recently on " Physical Eclu- * cation. " " I want , " said he , " to see if , % in an informal talk , we can't hit upon some way in which w can bring the r physical education of school children down to a practical basis. Our cliii- ) . dren , who are healthy and buxom when they begin school-work , come out paie , sickly and with round shoulders. If you require the children under you to sit far back on a chair and to hold their chins up , you 'vill cure them of being ; . round-shouldered , and the lungs and other vital organs 'vil1 have free and 1 healthy play. Anothersimple plan is to have tile Children bend over backward r uifi they can see the ceiling. his ex- ercise for a few minutes each day will I ' g wQr ] L woiiclethil fransforination. If a if ) wel1-quaifficd eac1ier could be emI - I , ployed to superintend the .p1iyca1 development - velopment of the children , the besl re- ' stt would be seen. Dr. sargent , now the Superintendent of the Harvard Gypi- nasmmwho , formerly had charge of i. gymna&ium in New York , has no equal as a teacher of simple , efficacious means by which the weak parts of one's body may be developed. I think it would be well for you to send some competent physician to him to take lessons , and then the exercises could be taught to your teachers. The first step should be simple and economical. Exercises of the simplest kind can be begun without any apparatus. " . TAN and FRECKLES 'warranted to be 4 S. removed by No. 277,840. Sent by nmFl with Instructions , on receipt of price , 50c , by SNOW , LUND & CO. , Omaha , Neb. iorce rules the world , not opinin ; but opinion makes use of force.iPascaL. _ _ wF OEAP FARMS IN VRGINIAI Good Fzrming Land on Railroads near good towns from $5.00 per acre Up. Sure crops ; no drought. Mild winters and Enn1mer' . Close to Eastern markets. Cheap Round Trip Rates to go and look at land. . For list ot lands and particu. lars address E. B. POPE , Western Pass'r 4gt. C. & 0. R. R. Ip . ST. LOUIS , MO. " " "AMONGIHEOZARKS" ; The Lnnd of BJ fled Apples , is an attractive and interesting book , handsomely illustrated with views of South Missouri , including the atnous Olden fruit farm of 3,000 acres , in Howell county. it Dertains to fruit raising in that Great Fruit ii"tt of America , the southern Elope of the Ozarks , and vil1 prove of great value not only to fruit growers , but to every farmer and homesceker looking for a fdrm and a home. Mailed free. Address , I. : . IOCKWOOD , Kansas City , T1o. A Business OMAII M Houses. Made ner. no matter what eon- oio AT2 dltion they are in. : 'EB. HAT _ ri i i ! SIFG. CO. , 207 Noith i7tn . . DON'T RUIN YOUR STOVES STOVE REPAIRS Write at once for Omaha Stove Repair Works , 1209 Douglas St. Omaha fo MEN and BOYS. If you CLOTHIG want 10 save from 2 to flO 00 on :5 a suit write for our new Fall ' Catalogue. containing samples of cloth. fEASKA CLOTHINt CO. , Cor. 14th and Dougla. Sia. , Omaha. p xi'os. Thv sufrr with RHEUMATIC i-then z atisin when one of our . . ' . rlug. price fl. 01'wiIi giv.i re-S . n.yrefunooi. Par.icuarsfreo. lief In : : o day. rrm ¶ rfte MetalJ Mf'g Co , 14 o. 16th St. . , cmatia , cb. I ) cO"PH0T0IT , " Gani erasvLI Watchslzeloadod for 36 vIews. Catalog free. iloyn Photo ippiy Co. . Exclusive Agents , 3215 Fartitfli St. . Omaha. Everything in Photo Supplies for l'rofessiOfla1s and Amateurs. flolis. Games , Books. NotIon , r Fancy Gocds. &c , Wholesale Toys and retail. We pay expenses toOmaha. Write about it. H. IIARUY & .0. , 1319 Farnarn St. , Omaha , Neb. ! EDUCATIONAL , I _ : - SHORT hAND AND TYPE-WRITING. Oldest and Best Bustrets College In the West. No racailon. TbonandS Cf graduates and old , tudents ccupyiOg paying positi. us. Wrltefor cats1oue. LJLLIIIUDSE 4 ? ; ROOSE. Omaha , Ni } . I . ' - - = . - - - - ; _ - : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UL- THE WATER LILY. In the slimy bed of s1ueIsh mere Its root had humble bIrth , And the slender stem that upward crew Was coarse of fiber , dull of hue. With naught of grace or worth. The goldflsh that floated near Saw alone the yular item. The clumsy turtle paddled by , The water snake with lidless eye- It was only a weed to them Butthe butterfly and honey bee , The sun nncl sky and air. They marked It heart of vlrin gold Inthe sutin leaves of spotle3 fold , And Its odor rich and rare. So the frazrant soul In ftc purity , To sordid lifo tied down. May bloom to heaven and no man know , Seeing tue coar3c , vile tem below , How God hathscen the crown -James Jeffrey Rocirn A Passive Crime. liv "TILE DUCHESS. " CI-IAPTEIt III-CorINuEa "Mrs. Nevi ] in , an unaccountable pang at he heart , pressed all her remaining biscuits into the baby's hands ; told the woman to call upon her next day ; heard next day the child was an orphan ; . and the end of it was. took her to her house and heart , to the intense disgust of flumerous nieces and nephews , who had looked on Mrs. Neville as their joint prey. There you have the whole history , I believe. " "It's a4verystrange story ; she must have seen a great many pretty cliii- dren besides this particular one. Why did she choose her ? " "Fancied sh saw in her some resemblance - semblance to a dead sister. that was very fondly and even extravagantly regretted-your aunt. Mrs Penrud- dock , i : supPose , as she hadn't another - other aister that I ever heard of. " "If she-the young lady above-is like :1llis. : Ncville's sister , Mrs. Nev- jib must be very.unlike her own peo- pie , " says the young man , slowly. "Yet , strange to say , that girl is most absurdly like a portraitof MrS. Peuruddock that hangs in the small drawing room in South Audley street , where Mrs. Nevihle lives. Not that there is anything so very remarkable - ble in that ; one sees chance resemblances - blances every day. But you being one of the family. should see this likeness yourself. "No ; I have no recollection 01 aunt. My father and she were always - ways on bad terms with each other during her lifetime , . and there is no picture of her at the castle. The 2P ° you mention was sent to Mrs. Neville at her death. I have been so much abroad tha1 I am quite a stranger to the WTynters and all their set. You know Mrs. Neville ? " "Intimately ; and Beauty , too. " with an amused smile. "And every Tuesday afternoon Beauty gives me cup of tea with her own fair little hiinc1. " "Iuded ; Oxclahned Penruddock. "Yes , indeed ; you did not think such bliss could be on this miserable - ble earth , did you ? Ant ] sometimes. Hot often , I take a nice boy , when I find one , and introduce him to Mrs. Neville. " "Am I a nice boy ? " asked Pcni'ud- dock , with a laugh. "Wilding , if .yOu will introduce me to Mrs. Nev- ifle. " "Am 1 a nice boy ? " asked Penrud- dock , with a laugh. "Wilding if you will introduce me to Mrs. Niville , I shall never forget it for you as long as I live ! " "And a great deal of good that will do me , " says Wilding , mildly. 'llowever , I consent , and on Tuesday - day you shall make your bow to Mrs. Neville , and vorship at Beauty's shrine. " "Oh , thank you , my dear fellow , thank you" _ _ _ _ CHAFTEIt IV. In the Row. All yesterday the rain fell heavily. Not in quiet showers , bu with a steady downpour that drenched the world , rendering the park a lonely wilderness , and the Ride deserted. To-day the sun. as though weary of yesterday's inaction , is out again , going his busy round. and casting his rich beams on rich and poor , simple and wise , alike. The Row is crowded-filled to overflowing with the gaily dressed throng that has come out to bask inthe glad warmth and sunshine. and revel in the sense of well-being engendered by the softness - ness and sweetness of the rushing breeze. - The occupants of the chair seem drowsily inclined , anti answer in soft monosyllables those with energy - gy sulhicient to question them. One old lady , unmindful of the carriages that pass and repass incessantly , has fallen into a sound anti refresh- lug slumber , made musical by nores low but deep. The very loungers or , the railing have grown silent. as though speech was irksome , and conversation - versation not to be borne , and content - tent themselves with gazing upon the beauty that is carried by them as the tide of fashion ebbs anl flows. A dark green victoria , exquisitely appointed and drawn by two bright. bay ponies , claims , and not at all un justly , the very largest share of at- tention. Not so much the victoria. perhaps , as Mrs. Neville. to whom it belongs , and who is now seated in it. , with her adopted daughter beside - side her. Miss Neville , as usual , is faultlessly attired in some pale lab- nc , untouched by color of any sort , and is looking more than ordinarily lovely. Her large dark eyes. blue as the ( icep czar violet , and tinged with melancholy , are in perfect harmony with the cream colored hat she wcaas. "There' is Dick Penruddock , " says Mt's. Neville , suddenly. "I want to speak to him. " Leaning forward. she says some- thingto her coachman , and presently the carriage is drawn up beside the railings , and , with a smile and a = - - nod , Mrs. Neville beckons the young man to her side. It is quite a month since that night at the opera , whore Penruddock first saw Maud Neville -a month full of growing hopas and disheartening fears. At first , Mrs. N villo had been adverse to the acquaintance - quaintance altogether. bearing a strange grudge to the very name of Penruddock , as she held it responsible - ble lot' all the ills that had befallen her beloved sister. She had scolied Wilding in her harmless fashion as severely as she could scold anyone for having brdught one ofthose people , " as she termed them , within her doors. more especially the boy who had succeeded to the property that should by right have belonged to the little Hilda , her dead sister's only child. But time and Dick L'enruddock's charm of manner had .conquered prejudice and vauc suspicion ; and Mrs. .Nevillo , after many days , ac- knowledgeci even to herself that she liked the young man-nay , almost loved him , in spite of his name and parentage. Just now he domes gladly - ly up to the side of the victoria and takes her hand , and beams upon her , and then glances past her to accept with iratitut1e the slow bOW and Very faint smile of recognition that Miss Neville is so condescending as to bestow UIOfl him. "Such a chance to see you in this confusion" says Mrs. NevilIe , kind- ly. "And can you cOnic and dine tonight - night ? It is shiprt notice , of course , for such a fashionabie bOy as you are ; but I really want you , and you must come. " "If you really wan t me. .1 shall of course come-yoar wishes are corn- mands not to be disputed. " says Pen ruddOek , after a second's hesitation. wherein ho has deciJed on telling a great fib to the othcr people with whom he is in duty bouud to pass his evening. 'But your dance- " ' 'Is later on-yes. But I have two 01 three old friencls.corning to dine , and they are very charming of course and I quite love them , you will Understand - derstand ; but old friends , as a rule. are just the least 'little bit tedious sometimes , don't you think ? And I \VLLflt you to help me with them. .1 may depend upon you ? " 'You may , indeed. " "A.li , so Maud said , " says Mrs. Neville , with : t faint sigh of relief. "Did Miss Neviile say that ? I did not dare to believe that she had so good an opinion of me. To be considered - sidered worthy of trust is a very great corn pliment jildeed , "says Dick , glarcin liSNL3. qyilIc to gage boiu4iat wistfully at tite owner - er of the eream-colcrcd hat. But she , beyond the first slight recognition and solnew. at haughty inclination of her small head , has itot the slio-btest notice of j Juiiii. - "Have you 50011 th iWi ess yet , Miss Neville ? " asks Penruddock at length , in despair , filled with a sudden - den determination to make her speak ; and to compel her large , thoughtful eyes to meet his own , if only for a single instant. Rather nice , her ponies , don't you think ? " "Not bred so highly as Mi's. Cabbe's. nor so perfect in any way , " returns Miss Neville , unsympathetically - ally , letting her eyes rest upon him for a very brief moment , and making him a present of a grave. pleasant , but cold little smile. Penruddock is piqued , almost an- gry. Already he has learned the value of position , moneythe world's adulation ; yet this girl alone treats him with Open coldness and some- r thing that borders on positive avoidance , though she is utterly without position , and only indebted to the popularity MrS. Neville enjoys - joys with both sexes for her admittance - tance into society. Two or three men coming UJ ) to the victoria at this moment stay to speak to its oc- cupantsancl to all Miss Neville gives the same cold greeting , the same frigid , but undeniably entrancing smile. A tall , dark man , pushing his way through the others. makes his bow to Mrs. Neville , and then raises his hat deferentially to tile beauty of the hour. Maud acknowledges his presence with a salutation that is certainly somewhat colder th an those accorded to the others to-day. "How lull the Row is this afternoon - noon ! ' says Mrs. Neville , genially , who has made the same remark to all the others straight through. "Is it" says Captain Saumarez. the new-corner. "Really , i dare say ; but once I had caught sight I of your unaproachablo ponies I could see nothing else. it sems too much luck to meet you this afternoon with the certainty of meeting you again this evening. Thanks so much for the card ! May I venture to hope for one dance tonight - night , Miss Neville-or do I , as usual , ask too late ? " "Quite too late. Every dance is promised. " "What , all ? I am indeed unfortu- nate-there is no denying that ! Is there nooody you could throw over to give me even otto jeer dance ? " " 1 ntvet throw over my partners , " Lays Miss Neville , distinctly ; "my conscience is opposed to that. and will notallow me to break my word -once given. " "Yet I think-short as is our ac- quaintanc-I remember one partnet' ignominiously consigned to the background - ground for no particularreason , " re. plies he , mea.ningly. "Do you ? " innocently. "My memory - ory is not my strong point , so I shall not discuss the subject. .But"-with I a. flash from the violet oyes-'I think I may take it upon myself to say that you are wrong when you say there was -particular reaso& for my so acting. " ' 4 ' "i'is folly to remembar , " quotes he from a son she herself is in the habit of singing. and with a. short , unmirthful laugh. "You are right. . , _ 3 _ _ _ - _ . ? , ± _ _ . . _ ; _ . _ _ _ _ _ . - - - I _ _ _ _ , a- _ - y . . - , . I To encourage forgetfulness should be one of our greatest aims. But to return to our firs.t discussion. 1 am indeed the unhappiest of men Is there no hope that you will change y..ir mind and let me live in the expectation - pectation of being favored witll one waltz ? " "I can oTr you no such hope. " returns she , with so much pointed decision in her voice and epressiou that Saumarez , turning sharply on his heel , takes off his hat with a frowning brow and somewhat viii- dirttive glance. and the net minute has disappeared among the crowd. There is a slight but perceptible pause alter he has gone. The other men have melted away before this. and only Penruddoek remains. About a weak ago , Miss Neviflo had almost promised him a waltz as to this particular dance , but doubtless - less she has by this time forgotten all about such a promise , and has given the waltz in question to some more favored individual. But at this moment Miss Neville sees lIt to join iii the conversation. She turns her head slowly , and lot- Ling her handsome eyes meet Pen- ruddoek's , chains him to the spot by the very pow r of their beauty. 'Then I suppose I am at liberty to give away that third waltz that. I promised you at Lady Ryccroft's ? " she asks , slowly , without removiri her gaze. 'You remember it ? I thought lerhaps you had forgotten , " says Penruddock , eagerly. "No , do not give it away. Dear Mrs. Neville , do not think inc unstable , or fickle , or anything that way. but the fact is. nothing on earth could keep me from your dance to-night. " I-Ic flushes a dark red , laughs a little , raises his hat , and. as though unable to longer endure the rather inischievo'us smile in Miss Neville's blue eyes. beats a hasty retreat. "Be is a dear boy-quite charming - ing , " says Mrs. Nevillewho is feeling puzzled , "but certainly a little vague. So very unlike his father , who was the most unpleasantly mat- ter-of-fact person I ever met. What were you saying to Captain Sauma- i.oz , Malihie ? I saw that you were talking tohuin , but you did not seem very genial , either of you. " "He is very distasteful to me. " says Maud , quickly. "I don't know what it is , auntie , but I feel a hori - i oia hatred of that man. 1-us man- nei' toward inc is insolent to a de- gree. It is as though he would corn- pci me , against my will. to be civil to him , and I never shall ! " concludes .Nevjjlo , botwect tier little , white , even teeth. - - - - - "I don't think r care much about him myself , " says Mrs. I Nevihle. "ITo always seems tq mo to be sometiing of an ttc1venturei ; and. besid , he is a friend of all the Penruddocks , and. except Dick , I never liked any of of them. Not that he is munch of a friend there either , as he never speaks of them. and even if drawn into conversation about Dick's father , as a rule. says something dis- paraging. But he has money. and is received everywhere ; and I really think , my dear child , he is very devoted - voted to you. " "oh , do not , pray , try to make him even more detestable in my sight than he is already , " says Maud with a shiver that may mean dis- gust. 'O1i , no ! Of course I meant tioth- ing. And he is the la3t man I should care to see you married to. But some time or other you must make a selection-you can but know that-and I am always thinking for you. indeed I am. Dick Penruddock is very much in love with you. I really believe , though you always deny it. " ' 1 deny it because I think he it imot. I hope with all my heart and soul that lie is not. " says Maud. with sudden and unlooked for nergy. All the color has lied from heir checks and her lips tremble slightly. [ To BE CONTIXUED. ] : 'ot ; ( jflitn i'erfoct. The boy had applied for a job in r wholesale house and was about to got it when a thought seemed to strike the einpIoyei "Can you whistle 'Daisy Bell ? ' h inquired. "Yes , sir , " responded the boy. "And 'After the Ball ? ' " "Yes , sir. " ' 'And 'Ta-va ? ' " "Yes. - sir. " "And'Two Little Girls ? ' " ' 'Yes , sit' . ' ' \Vell- " 'Hold on , " interrupted the boy. fearful of results ; "you don't expect a boy of my size not to have no bad habits at all. do you ? " He was given the place on proba- tion. A Chip of the Old Block. "I-low old are you. sonny ? " "Twelve years old , sit" "You are very small for your age. What is your name ? " ' "Johnny Smith. My fat1ie is a baket' on Manhattan avenue. " "Your father is a baker ? 1 might have guessed it by your size. You remind me of one of his loaves.- Texas Siftings. ilatlier Toplinavy. Boy-That t'y boat you sold me i no good. Dealer-What's wrong with it ? Boy-It won't stand up. Flops right over as quick as I put it in the water. Guess you think I wanted it for a man-of-war. The I'oetry of it. She-I'd rathr be a poet that anything in the world. Poet-You might be the next thing to. one. I She-Oh , tell me how. The Poct-By becoming Mrs. Poet. ( He gother. . ) I 1 - - - - - - . : - - - . .t. Highest of' all n Leavening Power.-.Latest U. S. Gov't Report Dv.i . Baking . 1 , Iw Powder . ABSOLUTELY PUIE - apoleon's Memoirs. The " Memoirs of Napoleon , " much prized by collectors of his works , and very scarce in the original edition , were dictated by Napoleon iimself at St. Helena to Counts Montholon and Gour- gaud. He employed the six years of his captivity in writing the account of the twenty years of his political -life. So constantly was he occupied in this undertaking that to describe the labor he bestowed upon it would be almost to write the history of his life at St. Helena. He seldom wrote himself- impatient of the pen which refused to follow the rapidity of his thoughts. When he wished to draw up the account - count of any event he caused the Generals - erals who surrounded him to unvcsti- gate the sabject ; and , when all the materials - terials were collected , he dictated to them extemporo. He revised the manuscript - uscript , correcting it with his own hand. , He often dictated it anew , and still more frequently recommenced a a whole page in the margin. These manuscripts , entirely covered with his writing , have been carefully preserved. Like "Sweet Bells Jangled Out of Tune. " Weak nerves respond harshly and inharmonl- ously to slight shocks , which would produce no effect upon strong ones. The shrill outcry of a child , the slamming of a door , the rattling of a vehicle over uneven pavement and other trifling disturbances effect weak nerves-sensitive nerves , sorely. Nervousness Is largely attributed - tributed to dyspepsia and non-assimilation of the food , a very usual concomitant of sleepless- ness. Digestion and assimilation renewed by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters , soon beget nerve quietude and sound repose. The great alterative - ative causes the liver and bowels to unite In cooperative - operative harmony with the stomach , whereby the general tone of the system Is raised to the true standard of health. In malarial complaints , rheumatism and kidney trouble , the BJtters uroduce excellent results. l'art or the l'enalty. At one time in the Michigan City penitentiary there was a renaissance in the moral discipline of the prison and all were compelled to attend chapel regularly. One of the prisoners - ers came to the warden one day and begged to be allowed to remain away from the chapel exercises , as he wanted Sundays to write letters to his friends. The warden looked t the bqcechipg convict in amaze- meat. "What , " he exclaimed , "al- low you to stay away fen relius exercises all the time ! Nd , sir ! why man , don't you know that's part. o the penalty , ? " and the convict continued - tinued to worship regularly , while the warden led in prayer.Argonaut. . Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury , as mercury wifi surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mu- cons surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable - table physicians , as the dr.image they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. 3. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , 0. , contains no mercury , and is taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally , and made in Toledo , Ohio , by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. . - Sold by Druggists , price 75e. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills , 25c. Artclc Explorers Undismayed. Philadelphia 'Ledger : The ill success of most of the exploring parties this year does not seem to have disheartened - ed either the leaders or their compan- ions. Mr. Weilman has already an- nouncQ4l his intention of trying the Spitzebergen route to the north pole again next year. The members of Lieutenant Peary's party , who returned - ed home recently , are talking of attdck- ing the same point next summer by the same highway , and Dr. Cook means to try Greenland once more next summer. Even Prof. Rite is not satisfied with the laurels he wcn in Labrador and has expressed his intention of starting on a longer and greater journey of research this winter. That Joyful Feeling With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleaa- liness , which follows the use of Syrup of Figs. is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and time cheap substitutes - tutes sometimes offered but never accepted - cepted by the well informed. Time is the odest as well as the most infallible - fallible o critics. " flangons MagIC Ciria Salve. " . Warranted to cure or money rufunded. Ask your druggist for It. Price 13 .Cnts. A man of integrity will never listen to any plea against conscience.-Horne. THE latest new book is entitled , "A Woman After All. " This should be sufficient to put a bachelor on his guard. A Carolina Court-Scene. It was really amusing to hear a Nash couhtj darky give an account of the way Judge Avery put things through at Nash Court. When the Judge read. out the sentence , " two years in the county jail , " a man in the corner gave an audible - ble runt. " Take that man to jail , Sherifi' " saul ins Honor , pointing to the grunter , " Good gracious ! " muttered another. " Sheriff , take that man to juul , " directing the officer to the man last mentioned. " Great God , " said a thirl. " Slieriff take that man to jail , " repeated the Jtidge. " I tell yer , stir , " said the excited dnrky , "Ihardlly bring my bref in dat court house after dat ; but , when I got out and crossed do bridge over Stony creek , den you bet I just busted my boots a-stamping , anda- stamping , anti a-laffin' . He ! he ! I he ! ! 1" -Gold8boro ( .iV C. ) Mail. Make , Your Own Bitters ! Steketeee Dry flItters. One package of Steketce's Dry Bitters will make one Gallon of the best bitters known ; will cure indigestion , pains in the stomach , fever and ague. Acts upon the Kidneys and Bladder ; time best tonic kmiown. Sold by druggists or sent by mail , postage 1rspatd. Price so cis. for single , or two pnckaes for so cts. U. S. stamps taken In payment. Addreu OEO. 0. STEKETEE. Grand imapids , Mich. air of Ezitail. Americans have a level way of loolumig itt ; thugs. In conversation with au American on the subject of entail , it was remarked , " But , after all , you have the same freedom of bequest anti inheritance - heritance as we ha-ce' and , if a man to- mQrrow chose in ye1r country to entail a great landed estate rigorously , what could you do ? " The American answered - swered , " Set aside the 'will on the ground of insanity 1" Ilegeman's Camphor Ice with Glycerine. The original and only genuine. Cures Chapped HatId3 and Face , Cold Sores , &c. C. 0. Clar. Co. , . .llaven.Cs. IT IS claimed that a man noverloses anything - thing by politeness , but this has proved to be a mistake. As an old Philadelphian lifted his hat to a young lady the wind carried away his wig. Karl's Clover Root Tea , Thn great Blood purltlerglves trestani-s' . inti clearness tJ the Complexion and cures Constipation. 25C..5UC.L. A DEALER in musical instruments , in one his advertisements , declares that his drums , among other articles that ho has for sale , "can't be beat ? ' Will he be kind enougl to tell us what they are good for , thex ? I ii the Baby Is Cutting Teoth. e sure and umo thct old and well-tried remedy , Mas. W5LOW'S Soornie STUtI' for Children Teethln. There is no enthusiasm which is not called - ed madness by some one. Billiard Table , second-hand. For sale cheap. Apply to or address H. C. Auax , 511 S. 12th St. . maha , Neb. The place which men occupy is best meas. urod by the void they leave behind them. kF TOPUTON needed flesh , no matter - ter how you've host it , take Dr. Pierce's . . IGolden Medical Dis- ' br = r5- , , - 'I ing the normal ac- 'I /tion of the deranged /1/ organs and functions , f ; 9 it builds the flesh up \ I ; f to a safe and healthy m.5 standard-promptly , - t ' pleasantly and nat- - . . urahly. The weak , - . - emaciated , thin , pale . and puny are made strong , plump , round and rosy. Noth- lug So effective as a strength restorer and flesh maker is known to medical science - ence ; this puts on JiealThyfteslt not the fat of cod liver oil and its filthy compounds. It rouses every organ of the body to activity - tivity , purifies , enriches and vitalmzes the blood so that the body feels refreshed and strengthened. If you are too thin , too weak , too nervous , it may be that the food assimilation is at fault. A certain amount of bile is necessary for the reception of the fat foods in the blood. Too often the liver holds back this element which would help digestion. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery stimulates , tones up and invigorates - orates the liver , nourishes the blood , and the muscles , stomach and nerses get the rich blood they require. Spent Hundreds of Dollars whth no Benefit. hr. J. COLEMAN of j' Sagen ! St. Roxbury , Mass. . writes : "After suffering from dyspepsia and constipation with no- told agony for at least iS months , I am more than mouthIwaSentirel3r \ thank God , what even a \ slight headache is. I paid . . adoctoronTrernont St s adviceonlythesuxn medicine. and derived no J COLEmA , ESQ benefit. I got more reliefin one hour from your medicines , as far as my stomach was concerned. than from all the other medicine I used. Ifany person who reads this is sufTenn from dysnepsia or constipation and will use your medicine as I have done , he will never regret 1L" Ifyou've neuralgaz , lake St. Jacobs Oil- rub U on - nil ; ion bard - keep rubbing it pm - ii has gel to stoj , the pain - that's wbat il'sfor. IJJ 9 ( ) ( \ Per PROFIT 4' u This Month Anyone can partic1ate In our enormous prosts by sending us Iron 1O to 'i.ooo. Highst rets. Write for aiticnIars to THE TRADERS SYNDICATE , Tradrm' Bldg . Chicago , IlL AGEzS WAxTED. 11 ! ! ! PTPiTE CLOTHING Sold direct to consumerzATLOwsT Punts . ever before offered. TIny direcV from importers - . . porters and maaufacterers. We ship , TT1I PUIViLtE op F.XAilNATIOf. We save you from 10 to SQ per cent. A tailor at suit , L5O. Fall or winter overcoats , e.so. Boys' combination Suit' $2.18. Ftuovtnvo.trs A SPrCIALTT. Send to-day for1REE mammoth cataiog Address OXFORD MFC.CO.Clothiernpt. 344WabashAve. . Chcao.III. . S I- Coniumptlves and peoe whohave weak lungsor Asth- ma. should use Fie s Cure for ConsumptIon. it has cured thousandi. It has not Injured - ed one. It Is not bad to take. it is the best cough syrup. Sold TerTe 2c. : ; E' ir JOUN WMORRIS , VunIi1iigtoz , , D.C. P Successfully Prosecutes Claims. LatePrincpal Examiner U.S. Pension aurea , , 3yrs in last war , l5aJjudkattngclaims , attysiucc v N U , OmnIza-I ISf-27 WLCU Answering AtlvertI.ewcnLs simttly iezstluu thi , L'.iper. I