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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1894)
30 Days Net to Reliable Parties, No Favorites. — - - No Bad Debts. FTBB a Very Thorough Test of the — Credit System, I have concluded - It to change to CASH, or thirty days ; net to reliable parties. By this means I shall increase trade and give YOU ALL THE BENEFIT of what heretofore had to be charged for uncol 1 ectable accounts. This is no reflection on you, but a plain business state in ement. I can easily afford to sell at lower prices in this way. A Change . . Of Plan. CASH. Spot Cash Always Buys The Best. LOOMIS FLOUR. Knipple has just received a car load of Loomis Flour, than which there is no superior on this mar ket, that he is selling at the very lowest figure for such a high grade and popular article. Tablets, inks and pencils at this office. MeMillen Brothers are headquarters for Harness, Saddles, Fly Nets, Dusters, etc. Well Digging. If you want a well put down in doe shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran tees his work. Leave orders at ?. M. Coehrap & Uo.'s. Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in Union block, over J. F. Ganschow's. Mixed Paints 90c a gallon at McMillen’s drug* store. W.L. Douclas C O CUAr IS THE BEST. Ul# O riWC. NO SQUEAK IN G. *5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH* ENAMELLED CALF *4*3.%? FlNECALf&KMJSAM ! ^ 3.5P POLICE,3 Soles. *2A*SBONSSCHWLSHOES. ■ LADIES 1 hk, SEND FOR CATALOGUE * BTw'L'Douglas, BROCKTON, MASS. You can nave money by purchasing w. L. Douglas Shoes* Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If yout dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by DEALER whose name will shortly ap pear here. Agents wanted. Apply at once. srreeable Laxative and NSBYS TONIC, j- DmgirUtior aent by mail. OOperpaekaca. flr~lf~T free. • , VA Hie Favorite TOOTS FOWSU j XtUfortheTeethandPtaath.Sio. AGUE AND MALARIA As Described by a Medical W nter. The regular, old-fashioned fever and ague or chills and fever is, in deed, bad enough, but far worse to bear is that kindred disease known as chronic malaria. The old-time chills and fever would produce a distinct chill,followed by fever and sweating, when the victim would have a respite of one, two or three days in which to recuperate and regain his courage and strength. But not so with chronic malaria. Every day—morning, noon and night—chronic malaria will plague and tease its victim with misera ble, creeping rigors, nasty, cold sweats, bitter taste, coated tongue, sallow skm, loss of appetite, con fused mental faculties,heavy,stupid listlessness, and a host of similar symptons as infernal as they are persistent—not a day’s intermis sion nor an hour’s cessation. Work is a wearisome worry, study sick ening and senseless, and play a prosy impossibility. The ordinary treatment for malaria is not of the least possible use in such cases. It only seems to aggravate it. Unless a thorough course of Peruna is taken the patient will seek in vain for med ical relief. The effect of Peruna is pleasant,positive and permanent. Specific directions for the use of Peruna in these cases can be ob tained by sending for a free book on malaria, published by The Pe ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co. of Columbus, Ohio. You can buy 100 pounds of good flour for $1.40, in 1,000 pound lots, from the McCook Commission Co. They have a fine high patent flour for sale at $2.00 per 100 pounds, in 1,000 pound lots as well. Cochran & Co. have on display a large line of carriages, phaetons, buggies, road carts, spring wag ons, etc. Completest stock in Red Willow county. Inspect them if you want anything in that line. Knipple always leads in fruits and vegetables. He carries the freshest and largest assortment the market affords. A Private Ditch. Page Francis is surveying and platting a ditch projected by William Byfield. The head of the canal will be on Frank Stillman’s land at the high bluffs near the narrows and the ditch as now pro jected will be three miles long, emptying into the Willow. It is proposed to drift up the river from the head of the ditch and thus secure the underflow of the river. The ditch will he known as “The Byfield Irrigation and Water Power Canal ” When Bill»y wa» siclr, w gave her Cas oria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them. Castoria. The Bryan democrats put up the following ticket at Omaha, Wednesday night: Governor, Si las A. Holcomb; Lieutenant Gov ernor, James N. Gaffin; Secretary of State, F. B. Elliek; Auditor, J. 0. Dahlman ; Treasurer, James A. Luikliart; Attorney General. D. B. Carey; Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildiugs, S. J. Kent; Superintendent, W. A. Jones. The bolters put up this ticket: Gov ernor, P. D. Sturdevant; Lieuten ant Governor, B. E. Dunphy; Sec retary of State, D. T. Bohlf; Audi tor, Otto Bauman; Treasurer, L. Breidenthal; Attorney General, John H. Ames: Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, Jacob Bigler; Superintendent, Milton Doolittle. Opening of fall millinery at Mrs. A. Barnett’s bazaar, on Thursday. October 4th. J3F“Buy your writing paper at The Tribune office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable The McCook Commission Co. has 50 tons of alfalfa—splendid fattening feed—for only 45 cents a bale. Also 150 tons of fine hay at 50 cents a bale. The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. M. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. PROSPECT PARK. We had a good rain here—two years ago. Frank Cain contemplates going up into Colorado to work a month or so. Our school is progressing nicely under the scholarly instruction of Miss Marsh. Kate Dutfey visited with her parents over Sunday. She return ed. Monday, to her school in dist rict 78. Clifford Dunham,who is helping make hay on the Dismal, reports an enormous amount of grass in that region. Mr. Barr left, Friday last, with his cattle for the western part of Dundy county, where he intends to winter his stock. Uncle Jimmie Boatman is quite lonesome now. Mrs. Boatman is visiting in Iowa, and liis sons are at work away from home. James Cain,who has been occu pying the Allam house, has moved back to McCook. He stayed hard ly long enough to become acquain ted with his surroundings. The people around here are con-1 verting their farms into cattle j ranges. With another year like J this the cowboy will be the prinei-! pal inhabitants of this country. Len Stevens and wife accompa nied Mr. Barr up to Dundy county and wrill be in his employ through the winter. 'Dennis Dutclier and Roy Barnes accompanied him also to help take care of his stock. I There will be a Sunday school entertainment at the school house, next Sunday between 10 and 12, a. m. An enthusiastic crowd is the greatest encouragement the scholars could have. All are invi ted to attend. E. F. Duffey and family, except the daughters Bertha and Kate, departed on Wednesday for Bell ville Kansas, where they intend to visit with relatives a short time. They will go from there to Gales burg, Illinois, near where they will probably make their home. DANBURY. Our merchants are receiving their fail and winter goods Dr. W. A DeMay was a visitor to the county’s metropolis, yester day afternoon. A team composed of Indianola and Arapahoe players defeated our club on the home grounds, last Saturday. • Old lady Marshall is seriously ill and her recovery is a matter of doubt. Henry Randall is also on the sick list. There was a watermelon social at the home of Mrs. Annis, Thurs day evening, for the benefit of the M. E. church. Oman, McDonald and Sandon came up from Lebancii, Sunday, on their wheels. They made the run in 45 minutes. Leisure and Murphy returned home, last Tuesday, from their trip up iu the North Platte coun try. They report having had a splendid time. S. W. Stilgeboner and wife de parted for Illinois, last Tuesday, whither they were summoned by a telegram announcing the vary serious illness of Mr. Stilgebouer’s mother. The New York Morning Adver tiser has been charged with draw ing the long bow when it states that Grover Cleveland is the rich est man who ever occupied the White house, but insists upon the correctness of its original state ment. “We never had a president in the White house,” it says, “who greased his boots with government tallow for economical reasons until the gods gave us Grover Cleveland, and in the matter of bank accounts none of them can match him " There were about S2.000 up on the Holdrege-McCook ball game at Arapahoe, yesterday, and as a consequence some of our local sports have money to throw at the birds. Eepublicans, register your vote j in favor of a republican United j States senator. The McCook Commission Co is making very low prices on flour, feed and hay; and these prices will be good for the next thirty days Go to them when you need any thing in their line. The McCook Commission Co. keeps a large stock of all kinds of chop feed, corn and oats, at lowest market prices. Austin j. kittenhouse. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. McCOOK. NEBRASKA. Office over the Famous Clothing storo ^^MFLAMATiO?iFT^~9LADDEg>.flMo ! Whdl Can’t Pull Out? Why the Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, made by the Keystone Watch Case ConT pany, Philadelphia. It pro tects the Watch from the pick pocket, and prevents it from dropping. Can only be'had with cases stamped w with this trade mark. Sold, without extra charge for this bow (ring), through Watch dealers only. Ask your jeweler for pam phlet, or send to makers.