Ttie citizens Bank ol MtGoot INCORPORATED UNDER STATE RAWS. Paid Up Capital, - $50,000. Surplus,. 10,000. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Collections Made on all Accessible Points. Pratts Prawn on all Principal Cities of Knropc. Taxes Paid for Non-ltesidents. Tickets for Sale lo aijd froip Europe. OFFICERS. V. FRANKLIN, President. A. C. EBERT, Cashier. Correspondents:—The First National Bank, Lincoln, Nebraska. The Chemical National Bank, New York City. = tHe = FIsjst rIatIoNal „ bank „ Authorized Capital $300,009 Capital and Surplus 60,000 OFFICERS -A-ISTH) DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCKNELL, B. M. FREES, W. F. LAWSON, President. Vice President. Cashier. A. CAMPBELL, FRANK HARRIS. F. M. KIMMELL, McCCOK, NEB. Printer * -AND Stationer. PUBLISHER OF AND DEALER IN Legal Blanks Note Books, Receipt Books, Scale Books. DEALER IX Office Supplies -AND STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. TRINE OFFICE FIRST DOOR NORTH OF TH.i FOSTOFFICE, MCCOOK, - NEBRASKA. Chase Go. Land and Live Stock Co. ■ones branded on left hip or left moulded P. O. address, Imperial, Chase County, and Beat rice, Neb. Liange, Stlnfr Ing Water and French man creeks, Chase Con Nebraska. Brand as out ob side of some animals, on hip ao4 sides of some, or any1' where on the animal. SPEEDY and EASTING RESULTS. FATFEOFLE/Ok No inconvenience. Simple. gMn ,i,uU ihln #sare* AB30LUTSL7 P2SJR J inin. jg from any injurious substance, A? LA2G3 ABB0UEN3 BSDUC3D. We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your money. Price @3.00 per bottle. Send 4c. for treatise. TREMONT MEDICAL CO., Boston, Mass. JUSTIN J. RITTEN1IOUSE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, McCOOK, NEBRASKA. ^"‘Office over tho Famous Clothing Store gLMER ROWELL. NOTARY 1UBLIC, Reel Estate, Ocllectlons, AND INSURANCE. WfcCOOSC, - NEBRASKA. J. S. McBrayeii. Milton Osborn. McBRAYERS OSBORN, PROPRIETORS OF McCook Transfer LI ME, Bus Baggage and Express. ONLY FURNITURE VAN IN THE CITY. Leave orders for Bus Calls at the Com mercial Hotel or our office opposite depot. J. S. McISrayer also has a first-class house-moving outfit. CHARLES H. BOYLE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW McCOOK, -:- NEBRASKA. J. E. KELLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. McCOOK, - - NEBRASKA. Office In Rear of First National Bank. DISASTROUS TORNADO PARTS OF IOWA AND MINNE SOTA RAVAGED. Many Villases Laid Waste—Twenty Lives Lost at ICmmetsburg, Iowa—Great De struction of Property and Loss of Life at North Cerro Gordo—Business Por tions of Leroy, Minn., Burned—Heavy Losses. Disaster by a Tornado. St. Paul, Minn., Sept 2 4.—A torna do starting in North Central Iowa swept through Palo Alto, Hancock, Kossuth and Worth counties, that state, and through the southeastern portion of Minnesota and passed off into Wisconsin. According to the most reliable reports so far received from the stricken region, over forty persons were killed aud a score or more injured, while great damage was done to villages and farms. A message from Emmettsbnrg, Iowa, reports that twenty people were killed there. At Osage, Iowa, five or more per sons were killed and great damage done. Near North Cerro Gordo, the torna do destroyed eight farm houses and killed Ellery McKercher, John Pat terson, D. L. Haddow and Mrs. F. D. T. Iladdow. Miss Maggie Baker, Harold McKercher, Alice McKercher, Miss Edith Bentley and James O'Neil, Sr., were fatally injured. There was much des truction of life and property at Algona, Iowa, and east of there. At Lowther, Iowa, a town of 100 people, tlie storm destroyed the Chi cago Great Western depot and grain elevators, a store and several dwell ings. The Chicago express on the Chicago Great Western road was de layed. clearing the demolished build ings from the tracks. The villages of Kieeville and New Haven, Iowa, were badly damaged by the storm,many houses being wrecked and several persons injured. North of Mason City, Iowa, two persons were killed and Mr. and Mrs. Haddon and a little child were blown half a mile and fatally injured. The storm struck Spring Valley, Minn., at 10 o'clock last night. The Winona and Southwestern depot, windmill, water tank, oil tank and cold storage house of the Sehelihas Bre wing company of Winona were utterly destroyed, together with a dozen or more houses. Three persons were killed and twenty otliere in jured, some of whom will die. A temporary hospital has been opened for the injured, while others are taken care of by friends. The dead are: Air. and Airs. N. Dodge and a child of Frank Alashek, C. . , 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “The use of ‘Castoria 13 so universal and its merits eo well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.” Carlos I&artyn, I). D., New York City. Castorla cures Colic, ConstIpation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl* gestion. Without injurious medication. “For several years I have recommended your ‘Castoria,' and shall always continue' to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results.’* Edwin F. Pardeb, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. The Centaur Compart, 77 Murrat Street, New York Crrr. DO YOU KEEP 8T IN THE HOUSE? AIM-KILLER klfiSS Gyre Cramps, Colic, Cholera ilorfoys and ah Bowel Complaints. _PRICE, 25c„ 50o., aaadjSLOO A BOTTLE. _ W. C. BULLARD & CO., « -)o( '>nri!Dunu»r»^ «- -> '■»1 0 0 LIME, " ° . HARD H lUMper. „ “ __ BLINDS. ____. COAL _ 9 9 -)o(-• RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. U. J. WARREN, manager. 0. & M. MEAT MARKET, F. S. WILCOX, Prop. Fresh and Sal! leafs, BACON, BOLOGNA, CHICKENS, Tixrlsie'ys and EPisIi. F. D. BURGESS, Plumber and Steam Fitter. MAIN AVENUE, MeCOOK, NEB. Stock of Iron, Lead and Sewer Pipe, Brass Goods, Pumps and Boiler Trim mings. Agent for llalliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. E$ AN HOOD RESTORED! This wonderful remedy fuaranteed to cure ail nervous diseases,such as Weak Memory,Loss of Brain ower. Headache, Wakefulness, Lost Manhood,Nightly Emissions, Nervous ness,all drains and loss of power in Generative Organs of either sex caused bv over exertion, youthful errors, excessive use of tobacco, opium or stim ulants, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or Insnnltv. Can be carried la vest pocket. 81 per box, 6 for 85, by mail prepaid, with a 85 order we give a. written guarantee to cure er refund the money. Sold by all 'druggists. Ask for it, take no other. Write for free Medical Book sent sealed ujuuukaau Ar itit LSiMi. in plain wrapper. Address A lilt \ CO., Masonic Temple, C&TCAUO. For sale in Me Cook, Neb., br L. W. Me CONNELL & CO., Dru^jiists. R. A. COLE, LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR OF McCQOK, Has just received a new stock of CLOTHS and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fit ting suit made at the very lowest prices for good work, call on him. Shop first door west of Barnett’s Lumber Office, on Dennison street. J. A. GUNN, musician and Surgeon, McCOOK, NEBRASKA. 53T“ Off ice—Front rooms over Lowmaa & Son’s store. Residence—*02 McFarland St., I two blocks north of McEntee hotel. Prompt attention to all calls. W. V. CAGE, musician and Suroeon, McCOOK, NEBRASKA. cornet Hours—9 to 11 a. m„ 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Rooms over First National bank. Night calls answered at office. r^TTALF pound (gl M FULL WEIGHT j M I &$i HIGHEST GRADE G-ROWH.: i CHASE SANBORN p 4A_PAN._ jj P G. M. NOBLE, Leading Grocer, McCOOK, NEB., SOLE AGENT. A fine 14k gold plm Ud watch to #*erp reader of thia paper. Cat thia out aad «»nd it to aa with your full nano* and ad ireaa, aad wa will tend you on* of the*# elegant, richly jeweled,gold tiuiahed watch*# by cxprem for eramlnatlee^ and if yon think it iaequal in appearance U any fft.UO gold watch pn> owrumple'^iod It ia vowra We aend with the watch oue guarantee that yon can return it at any time withla one year if not aatbfactorv. and if you mil or ca urn the aale of ait wt will gira you Ooe free. Writ* at once, aa we ah all arod out sample* for 60 dava oulr. Addrem THE NATIONAL M’F’Q A IMPORTING CO., S3* Button SC, CUuic at