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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1894)
M’COOK TRIBUNE. F. M. K1HMKI.I;, PuliUfthor. McCOOK, NEBRASKA. OYER THE STATE. The fair this year did about as well financially as in 1893. Thebe are 1,270 children attending the schools of Kearney. The fish commissioner will Btoclc some fine ponds this fall. The Cedar county farmers have a mutual insurance company. Beatrice schools reopened with a surprisingly large attendance. A new camp of the Modern Woodmen has been organized at Emerson. Tuf. receipts of the Fillmore county fair, lasting four days, were 8800. At the recent term of court in Logan county 111 civil cases were disposed of. Wayne county this year has fared remarkably well in the matter of crop returns. Typhoid fever is prevalent in many localities as a result of the dry and hot weather. The two express offices in Fremont have combined their business in one building. Gov. McKinley will be in Lincoln and Omaha Oct. 4th, making speeches in both cities. Gandy: has opened the religious campaign in Nebraska with a series of revival meetings. Farmer Yehrs, living near North Bend, will have a corn yield of fifty bushels to the acre. Fire destroyed Peavy's elevator at Oakland. The conflagration is believed to be of incendiary origin. Albert Bay, of Dodge county, made an assault on Miss Ida Falke and will have to answer to the district court. Fred Kensaley of Albright is under bonds to appear in court and show cause for threatening the life of J. W. Alden. During the late camp meeting at Taylor a gang of hoodlums threw eggs at the preacher. The guilty parties ■were not apprehended. Randolph, like many Nebraska towns, is crowded for school room. The rising generation is coming rapidly forward in this state. Mrs. Victoria Munson of York has been declared insane, though her men tal abberation is so mild she may not be taken to the assylum. A Colfax county farmer reports two and a half tons of hay from about fif teen acres. The crop is very short throughout the county. John Houghnon, afarmer livingnear Cambridge, was killed by lightning while driving his cattle home in the evening. He was a native of Ger many. The payment of the premiums awarded at the state fair will be made from the office of the secretary in BroWnville, and all the premiums are to be paid in cash. The ladies of the First and Second wards of V'est Point are making two American flags, each being eighteen feet in length, to be donated to the Cuming county fair association. An appeal for help has been issued by some of the residents of Custer county in the neighborhood of Merna, as they say they cannot pull through the winter without aid from the out side. John Westphalen advertises in the Hooper Sentinel that his wife, Lena, has “left his bed and board without just provocation” and that he will not be responsible for any debts she may incur. Neal Nye of Wayne county is suffer ing from severe injuries caused by be ing buried under a mass of lumber that fell from a wagon he was driving when the wagon upset by the falling of a bridge. While a Mr. Gray of Thomas county was handing a gun from the top of a load of hay to a person on the ground it was discharged, the load taking ef fect in his hand and breast. It is fear ed he cannot live. “Shorty” Schoxxol, an employe of the Nebraska City packing house, was seriously stabbed by an unknown man from Iowa. The police have a good description of the assailant, and will probably capture him. Mrs. EoiTn Henderson of Liberty has begun suit in the district court against the C., B. ,fc Q. railroad for 85, 000. The plaintiff was injured by- a Burlington train while crossing the road near Liberty the 2Gth of April last. Hon. Anton Zimmerer of Nebraska City recently celebrated his sixty-sec ond birthday anniversary. Mr. Zim merer is an old resident of Otoe coun ty. was a member of the first legisla ture, and received many congratula tions from his friends. ihe Bohemian-I olish settlement about ten miles northwest of Ord is having considerable excitement over the sudden flight of Stanislaus lVaz niak, who was postmaster, township and school district treasurer, besides holding various other offices. The eldest daughter of C. Van Bus kirk, of Hazard, while in a bad state of mental aberration, left her lather's house bareheaded and barefooted. A diligent search all night failed to find her and it is feared she has drowned herself. She is about 20 years old. The 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Weed, of Fremont, while near the gasoline Steve its clothes caught fire. The child ran out doors followed by its mother. She tore the burning clothes from the boy, but not before his arms, face and head were badiy burned. Fatal results are not looked for. Mrs. Mary Kelley of Greeley died of erysipelas after a very brief illness. Her husband, who is a.traveling man, did not reach home in time to see her alive. Site leaves live little children. Hermann', Washington county, is talking up a beet sugar factory. A $50,000 bouus will bring the enterprise. W. J. Green, who had W. W. Grates in charge bringing him back from Sringfield, 111., to llebron for forgery, permitted his prisoner to escape at Slater, Mo., while taking a nap. When he awoke Grates and he had parted company. Fifty dollars reward Is offered by the eheriff of Thayer county for his arrest' Rev. A. D. Hoopixoarner has been conducting revival meetings at Plain view. Owing to the rush of candidates for conversion the meetings were moved from the Methodist church to the opera house and were continued longer than was originally intended. Tost Cromwele, a young farmer liv ing east of Elmwood, sold a nice bunch of shoats, the other day, receiving in payment $115. It was too late to take it to the bank, so he placed it under his pillow and went to sleep. In the morn ing he awoke to find his money gone. It is believed that tramps took the money. The Christian church at Humboldt, which has been undergoing repairs for the last three months, is completed and svas rededicated by Rev. Dungan of Cotner university. A new Sunday school room has been added, an entire ly new arrangement of the pulpit and seats has been made and handsome new seats added, all of which adds greatly to the appearance. The Lyford-Johnson company’s store at Humphrey was burglarized and $1100 worth of goods taken, consisting fifteen pairs of pants, watches, jewel ry, revolvers, and all the change there was in the drawer. Suspicion points to two strangers who were hanging , around the 6tore Friday and asked to look at some pants, but who left with out buying. The next morning they were gone, as were also the pants. Henry Cox asks the county court of Lancaster county to grant him $1,000 damages against Thomas Dille, who he states shot him in the back with a tar get rifle near Waverly on last decora tion day. Mr. Cox alleges that he was confined to his bed for three months and was unable to follow his trade of blaeksmithing during that time, and lie thinks he is not exhorbitant in his de mands when he asks for only a thou sand dollars. Frank Moore, the young man who was wanted in Beatrice on a charge of forgery, was taken by the sheriff to Beatrice from Shenandoah, la. Some weeks since Moore went to Beatrice as the representative of the Omaha Mer cantile company and organized a suit club. A couple of suits were made, and after that, with different excuses, he succeeded in getting the members of the club to make their weekly pay ments until quite a sum had been col lected, when he skipped the town. Bad blood was in the wind from one end of Boyd county to the other last Sunday. Beginning at Spencer, Bob Pearsall stabbed one Verely in the ab domen with a pocket knife, giving him a wound that may result in death. South of Butte, on the Niobrara, Jim Parshall had a row with a Mrs. Heck over stock, and in the wrangle he shot her dog and incidentally planted some of the shot in the body of Mrs. Heck. She was not seriously hurt, but will prosecute Parshall to the full extent of the law. David M. Welty, a prominent busi ness man of Fremont and president of the Nebraska Harness company, acci dentally shot himself. He was out hunting with his son Dick and F. A. Sears at Patrick’s lake, about six miles from Fremont. Sears and young Welty were together and when ready to coine home they went to the place where they' had left D. M. Welty and shouted for him. Getting no response they searched, finally finding him ly-ing on his face near a wire fence with his gun about six feet away. He was dead. The Holt county board of supervi sors met in special session to act upon the petition presented to it praying for a special election to vote $10,000 bonds to assist the Niobrara Irrigation and Power company to make the prelimin ary survey of the big irrigation ditch. After dinner the secretary of the irri gation company appeared before the board and withdrew the proposition. The secretary informed the board that the company had decided to wait and see what legislation the next legisla ture would enact in regard to irriga tion. The veterans' reunion committee are making very satisfactory- progress at Fremont and it is now certain that their reunion to be held in the city park on the 28th of this month will be a grand success. A large number of distinguished speakers have promised faithfully to be present. Among others, Hon. John M. Thnrston, Congressman George D. Meiklejohn, lion. A. S. Churchill, H. C. Russell, R. E. Moore and lion. E. K. Valentine, the four last named being comrades of the Grand Army and all have held high po sitions in the G. A. R. The large barn of Church Howe & Son at Walnut Grove stock farm was totally consumed by fire last week with all its contents except the horses, which were saved. Between sixty and seventy tons of hay, 500 bushels of corn, some twenty- carriages, buggies, sulkies and carts, twenty sets of harness, saddles and blankets, together with wagons and farm implements which were stor ed in the barn, were consumed. The fire extended to the large granary ad joining, which contained about 2,000 bushels of wheat which was destroyed. Origin of the fire is not known. The loss is about $14,000, with $8,000 insur ance. William Wiygext, a Valley county farmer, has fed a good deal of wheat to his horses and hogs, at one time and another, and has learned that it should be fed sparingly. It is a strong feed, and if given to the stock in generous quantities they will not chew it prop erly and loss of grain and injury to the stock are the consequences. Back in Michigan he had learned that hogs turned onto wheat stubbie did well and when he came to Nebraska and found corn high priced and wheat plenteous, he began feeding it and shoveled the grain out bountifully, just as he would corn. Hut his hogs did not do well. By and by the supply of wheat got low and he began to be more sparing, and his hogs picked up amazingly. A Beatrice correspondent of the Lin coln Journal relates how a Gage coun ty farmer demonstrated the benefits to be derived from irrigation. J. M. (.'. Jones is one who proposed last spring to resist a drouth aud is now reaping a harvest. His place is irrigated by pumping water from the river to a hill from where it is allowed to run back over the land. Some of the results are so large that many doubt them when told. He raised tomatoes for the can ning factory which have averaged twelve to sixteen ounces in weight, and on one vine were counted 310 tomatoes in various stages of development. He estimates his crop will yield an average | of two tons per acre. THE HEROES OF YALU ARE ANNAPOLIS GRADUATES. _ ADMIRAL ITO SECOND GRADUATE. Washing:ton Naval Experts Declare That the Japanese Cadets Outclass Two Thirds of the Cadets of This Country — Superior to A1A Others in Swordsmanship and Athletic Work. Washington, Sept. 25. — Admiral Ito, who commanded the Japanese fleet in the battle in the Yalu rivet last Monday when a far stronger Chinese fleet was disastrously de feated and nearly all of the other commanders of the Japanese war ships engaged, were edueat.-d at the United States naval academy at An napolis. The admiral was the second Japanese cadet to graduate from the school. Naval officers declare that the Japanese cadets outclassed two thirds of the Western cadets of this country and were superior to all oth ers in swordsmanship and athletic work. The Japanese at Annapolis number eleven. All of them took high rank for scholarship and sea manship and displayed rare skill in acquiring knowledge of naval tactics. Few of the ordnance officers of the navy accept the recent engagement betw-een the Japanese and Chinese fleets in the Yalu river as a demon stration of the superiority of fleet un armored cruisers over heavily pro tected but moderate speed battle ships. One of these officers declared yesterday that he believed that later reports would show that the Chinese war ships were not badly damaged. He made an elaborate argument in defense of the armored ships. CHINA VERY MEEK. Reparation to Be Immediately Made for the Assassination of Missionaries. San Francisco, Sept. 25. —The steamer llio Janeiro, which arrived to-day from Hong Kong and Yoko hama, brought advices to September 9. These report that the murder of two missionaries by Chinese soldiers has been followed by the assassina tion of a French customs officer on the frontier of Tonquin. These acts of violence are embarassing the Pekin authorities, and it is announced re paration will be offered in the case of the Rev. Mr. Wylie, by beheading his assailants, rebuilding the wrecked chapel, paying a sum of money to the family of the victim, and, the English newspapers Shanghai report, by expressing re gret in an imperial edict—a form of atonement which assuredly would never have been vouchsafed in less troubled times. As regards the out rages on Frenchmen, ships of war of that nation will demand reparation. The work at strenghtening the de fenses along the Chinese coast is con tinued,mainly by posting floating bat teries at points of supposed danger. The trophies captured at Kong-IIwan and Asan will soon be exhibited in Tokio. The collection is large and varied, consisting of over fifty battle flags, arms of all descriptions, an immense quality of clothing, personal adornments and musical instruments. RAILROAD LAND PATENTS. Claims for Many Thousand Acres Still Pending:—Prompt Action Favored. Washington, Sept. 25.—There is still pending in the interior depart ment claims for over .10,000 acres of land granted to railroads and wagon roads many years ago. There are various reasons why these have not been patented in the various com panies, the chief of which is that they have not all been surveyed. In the past four years about 10,000. 000 of acres have been passed by pa tent to the companies claiming them. At present there are in the course of examination in the general land of fice a great many lists of land, which will no doubt be patented in a short time. Commissioner Lamoreaux be lieves that all grants where there can be no question as to the right of the company to the land should be passed to patent as soon as possible and it is understood that Secretary Smith is also of the opinion that it would be well to have these un questioned selections of grants pat ented and dispoSed of.' The records show that during the fiseal year end ing June 30 not much more than 500,000 acres were patented in rail road grants. With the mineral land difficulty settled and the proposition for the survey of the railroad lands as fast as the companies desire, there is a possibility of large increases in the amounts passed to patent in the next few years. -_ No Hail for an Alleged Lyneher. Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 25.—This morning Judge L. P. Cooper of the criminal court refused to grant the application for bail by M. Striclc faden, charged with being implicated in the Kerrville lynching, holding that while the proof was hardly evi dent as developed the presumption of Strickfaden's entering into the con cp iracy was great. Burglars Blow Op?n a Safe. Macon, Mo., Sept. 2.">. — Burglars entered the Burlington railroad freight depot this morning and blew open the iron vault of the Adam's Ex press company but secured nothing valuable. Policeman Jackson ran to the depot and a stranger jumped out of the window and ran. Jackson fired two shots at him without effect. Smothered Coder Fine Salt. Wichita, Kan., Sept, 25.—This morning in the salt works at Lyons, Kan., by the giving way of some sup ports, George Hamlin, an employe, was buried beneath a great quantity of fine salt and smothered before he could lie rescued. OFFICERS AS INDIAN AGENTS. Many of the Detail* Anrlou* to Retire —Civilian* Ready for the Jobs. Washington, Sept. 25.—There are now pending in the interior depart ment quite a numb -r of cases where army officers who have been serving as Indian agents have applied to be relieved from their present positions. It is probable that upon the return of Secretary Smith quite a number of cases will be prepared and sent to the president, naming civilians as their successors. There are, however, many applications on file by army officers, and it is probable that some of these may be selected. “The Indian authorities are satis fied that tlie Indian service taken as a whole is neither improved or injured by the appointment of army officers as Indian agents. In some instances the \sork has been performed better by army officers and in others not as well, it depending upon the character of the man and not upon his military or civil life. “The Indians are no longer war like,” said an officer of the interior department, “and we can control them by civil as well as by military agents. To some officers the duty of Indian agent is extremely distasteful, while others are anxious to serve in that capacity. It is often found that the former class are efficient, while the latter are the kind of men we don’t want. Good business men who are clear headed and have discrimi nation will make good Indian agents. Plenty of such men can be found out side of the army.” An arm}- officer discussing the sub ject of officers as Indian agents, says there are many officers who are very much opposed to details as Indian agents because they do not have the opportunity to keep them selves in complete military training and ready for examinations or pro motions when ordered. There are others, he says, who have become dis appointed in the service and are eager to accept positions which separate them from the. active army life. __ CHICAGO CONSTABLES HOT An Organization Formed to Boycott Justices Employing Outsiders. Chicago, Sept. 25. — Eighty Cook county constables held a meeting last night and perfected an organization for the protection of their craft from so called invaders. The meeting was mainly brought about by the cutting into what the regular constables con sider their vested rights by outside constables who have figured largely in the writ of replevin business in connection with the gambling house raids. The session was a lively one. Officers were elected, but not without considerable electioneering. The fol lowing was passed: Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that we take away, if possible, the power of a justice of the peace who unlawfully authorizes per sons outside of regular constables to serve writs. The constables will decide at their next meeting, it is said, not to serve any writs for any justice who hires outsiders. They will boycott him. Shot Her Husband for a Thief. Ai.i.egan, Mich., Sept. 25. — Irt Hurd, a cooper, left home last evening stating that he was going to a neigh boring village to stay all night. In stead, he appeared to have watched his house. His wife says that while she was kneeling in prayer bv her bedside a man entered her room. She reached for her revolver and shot him, turned up the light and dis covered that it was her husband. The ball lodged in his brain and he lived two hours but did not regain con sciousness. Desperado AVilson Convicted. Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 25. —Early yesterday morning the jury in the case of Charles F. Wilson, on trial for the murder of Detective James Har vey in this city on July 31, 1803, re turned a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. Wilson is a brother of Dink Wilson, who was elec trocuted at Auburn on May 14. Roth men were desperate characters and were engaged in train robbery and burglary for many years in the West. Tammany Braves Off for Saratoga. New York, Sept. 2 5.—Over 1,000 Tammany braves assembled at the Grand Central depot this morning where several trains of drawing room cars were in readiness to convey them to Saratoga. Thej’ looked peaceful and happy. The delegates and al ternates numbered less than 200, but with their friends, who accompanied them, five times the number of tigers will represent Tammany at the Dem ocratic convention. Kentucky Tax lies.sters Firm. Morganfieed, Ky., Sept. 25.—Xc serious developments are as yet re ported from Caseyville and Lindle, where trouble was expected over the proposeu effort to collect the tax levied to pay the interest on the rail- j road bonds issued in aid of a road ! never built. The residents are all * well armed but assert that no war like demonstrations will be made un til all other means of settlement shall be exhausted. Their Daring Escape in Vain. Warkensrurg, Mo., Sept. 25. — Thomas Wilson and Jerry Loomis, the two white prisoners who. though i chained together, escaped from Dep- | uty Sheriff Purcell of Jasper county | Saturday night by jumping out of the car window while the train was run ning at a rate of forty miles an hour, were captured at Holden this morn ing and will be taken to the peniten tiary to-night. Tiie Grand ’ odge Sustained. Chattaxooga, Sept. 25.—Late Sat urday evening it was announced that the sovereign grand lodge of Odd Fellows had sustained the action cf i the Kansas grand lodge in regard to j the De P.oissiere Odd Fellows Or- j phan’s home. This means that the lodges which have refused to pay the j assessments will stand dissolved until ' they take action in accord with the grand lodge. A MOTHER'S STORY. HAPPINESS COMES AFTER YEARS OF SLFEERINO. The Terrible Experience of a Well Known Official's Wife—A Story That Ap peals to Every Mother in the l.tind. From the Chattanooga, Term., Press. No county official in East Tennessee is better known and more highly es teemed than Mr. J. C. Wilson, Circuit Court Clerk of Uhea County, at Dayton, the home of Mr. Wilson. He enjoys the confidence and respect of all class es, and in the business community his word is as good as his bond, .lust now Mr. Wilson is receiving heartiest con gratulations from his numerous friends because of the restoration to robust health of his estimable wife, who has for years been a helpless invalid. Mrs. Wilson’s high standing in society, and her many loveable traits of character have won her a host of friends, and tier wonderful recovery has attracted wide spread attention. As the Press was the medium of bringing to the invalid lady’s atten tion the remedy that has effected her remarkable cure, a reporter was sent to Dayton to interview Mrs. Wilson, in order that the general public might have the benefit of the sufferer's expe rience and be made aware of the treat ment that wrought such a marvelous change in her condition. The reporter was welcomed at the Wilson home, and the enthusiastic lady with becoming reluctance gave the history of her af fliction and the manner in which she was relieved: “Yes,” said Mrs. Wilson, “I was for 8 years an invalid with one of the most distressing afflictions woman can suffer. For 8 years 1 moped around, dragging myself with difficulty and pain out of bed. My little ones went untrained and were greatly neglected, while I looked listlessly and helplessly at the cheerless prospect before me and them. I suffered the most intense pains in the small of my back, and those seemed even greater in the region of the stomach, extending down to the groins. I suffered agony sleeping or awake. Despair is no word for the feeling caused by that dreadful sensation of weakness and helplessness i constantly experienced. “I was treated for my trouble by sev eral local physicians, but they were able to give me only temporary relief by the use of sedatives and narcotics. 1 had almost given up all hope of ever securing permanent relief when I saw an account in the Press of a cure which Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills had effected. I decided to try them, as 1 knew the lady who had been cured and had great confidence in her statement, i began to take the pills in October, 1893, and in two months I was doing light house work and attending to the children without any bad effects or weakness, such as 1 had formerly experienced. Hitherto, I had been unable to retain any food, but now my appetite grew stronger, and with it came back that old, healthy and hearty tone of the stomach. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cured me and I assure you the cure has brought a great change in our home. I can now rejoice in my husband's suc cess, for I feel that I have something to live for. Who has a better right to feel this than a mother? One thing more. I have recommended these pills to others, and many of the women of Dayton have taken them with good re sults, and it is my greatest pleasure to recommend to every suffering woman a remedy that has done so much for me.” An analysis proves that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People contain in a condensed form all the elements nec essary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous head ache, the after effects of la grippe, pal pitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, that tired feeling result ing from nervous prostration; all dis eases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula chronic ery sipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppression, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are now manufactured by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Schenec tady, X. Y., and are sold in boxes (nev er in loose form by the dozen or hun dred. and the public are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for §2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. A Costly Bit of Hope. A man who was arrested and jailed in New Orleans told a pitiful tale of in justice to a visitor who talked to him through the cell door. ‘-Why, this is an awful mean country,” said the pris oner. "Do you know I am in here for two years for picking up a piece of rope on the sidewalk?” The visitor began to take an interest in the case and to express sympathy. "I won't deceive you any further,” interrupted the pris oner. “The truth is there was a line pair of horses on the other end of that rope.”—New York World. The man who lives only to please himselt i has a hard master. It isn't the biggest tree that bears the best fruit. It is a great mistake to suppose that ; money can buy happiness. Billiard Table, second-hand. For sale | cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Akis, ill S. 1:1th St.. Omaha, Neb. — Artiste in Hair. A Frenchman, desperately in love, ob tained a tress of liis beloved’s Lair, and ! carried it to a famous artiste, in order to ! have it made into a ring. When he called for the ring the lady i at the counter hesitatingly informed him that the precious tress had been lost. Stupor of the monsieur. But the lady returned, smiliugly : “ But I have not forgotten the shade —it is one very easy to match.” John B. Gottgh has been temperance lecturing in Canada, but with no success, j His houses have been empty. THE POPE AND HIS POLICY. Bishop Kruno Discusses Various Matter* Observed by Him In Home. Bai.timore, Mel., Sept. 24.—Bishop J. ,1. Keene, rector of the Catholic university, Washington, who arrived here last evening ns the guest of Car dinal Gibbons, went to Rome July 30 for the purpose of personally seeing the pope and tolling him of the Cath olic university and the condition of nffaifs in that institution. He had two audiences with the pope, who ex pressed himself as delighted with the state of affairs at the university. in speaking of the relations of the quirinal to the Vatican, Bishop Keano said that the policy of the pope, in view of the recent overtures in Italy, was the union of the church with the great democratic powers of the future —that is America and France. This was his hope, and toward it all his re markable energies were bent. He, as a clear sighted statesman, was op posed to militarism and despotism and was consequently in sympathy with France rather than with the triple alliance,of which Italy formed a part. The pope thought that a universal suffrage, controlled by moral and re ligious influences, should decide the great social questions of the future. The social questiou the pope recog nized as the great one of the future. Bishop Keane considers the pope the greatest living man to-day. He is 84 years of age, always rises not later than 6 o’clock, does not go to bed before 1 or 2 o'clock in the morn ingand is the most abstemious person imaginable, “lie eats almost noth ing,” said tlie bishop, “and is the most ethereal human being I have ever seen, liis mental and spiritual nature are so developed and his will power and nerve force are so great that these sustain him, and he is as well as he was the last time 1 saw him.” Bishop Keano said the pope was in terested in American politics, and that lie was well informed on these subjects. He was profoundly grate ful for tlie reception of Mgr. Satolli in this country, and of course much interested in his career. bishop Keane, in speaking of Italy, says that it was bankrupt and was now sustained by Germany, and that the general impression in Europe was that tlie Italian monarchy could not last. In the reconstruction of Italian affairs the independence of tlie pope would be recognized. GROSSLY MISMANAGED. The Cook Greenland Excursion De. nounced by One of the Party. Cleveland, O., Sept, 24.—Ex-Mayor Gardiner, who was a member of the Cook Greenland excursion party, re turned yesterday. lie says the affair was misrepresented and mis managed in every particular by Dr. Cook. The Miranda had only arrived in New York harbor with a load of coffee from South America three days before she sailed for Greenland, and was entirely unfit to make the trip. The captain protested vigorously against taking the vessel north, but all to Continuing, Mr. Gardiner charged Dr. Cook with send ing out alluring circulars when get ting up the party which proved to be most deceiving, and that the ex cursion was run for pecuniary benefit to the promotor. The ex Mayor alleges that while the ex cursion started out with the intention of remaining north two months, enough provisions were only taken to last two-thirds of that time and the party was soon put on short rations, or two meals per day. Excessive Stocks of Sugar. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 24.—It is currently reported that the Sugar trust will shut down some of its re fineries next week for an indefinite period in order to work off the largo btock of refined sugar. Prices de clined again to-day, which makes a decline for the week of J£c and it is said that the shut down is regarded as necessary to reduce the stock and keep up prices. tl'E STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS Quotations from New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere. OMAHA Butter—Creamery print. 17 © 20 Butter—l'air to good country. 11 @ 15 Kggs Fresh . IS © 16 Honey—Jrer lb. 12 © 15 Poultry—Old hens, per lb. '•i'/i’O 0 Chickens—Spring, per lb. 7 © 714 Prairie t hickens, per doz. 2 75 @ 3 On Cheese—Neb. & la. fall cream, li © 1154 Lemons. 4 0) ", 6 50 Potatoes. 70 © 75 Sweet potatoes, pe-lb. 3 © 3^4 Beans—Navy, hand-picked bu 2 00 © 2 25 Hay-upland, per ton. 9 00 ©9 50 i ay Midland and lowland... 8 of* @8 50 Onions—Per bu . 75 © 85 Apples - Per bbl. 2 50 '",2 75 Hogs Mixed packing. 3 IB © 5 70 Hogs—Heavy weights. 5 7.) ©5 75 Beeves—Prime steers. 5 50 " 5 8) Beeves Stockers and feeders. 1 50 ©34) Bulls. 1 25 @ 1 60 Calves. 1 25 fc 2 60 Steers—Fair to good. 3 90 4 -go Cows. 1 (.0 ", 2 50 Heifers . 12, @ 2 50 Sheep—Lambs. 2 50 4 no Sheep—Fair to good natives... 2 50 @ 3 00 NEW YORK. Wheat, No. 2, red winter. rt'i© fi.V'4 Corn—No. 2 . 63 /> G5I4 Oats—Mixed western. 35 © »S‘4 Pork.13 50 10 03 Lard. 9 40 © 9 45 CHICAGO. Wheat—No. 2, spring. 53 @ 53 Corn—Per bu. 55 © fi53« cats— .erbu. 30 ", 30*4 loi-k.14o. -14 10 Lard.. 8 55 © h 924 Hog-'-Packers and mixed. 5 9) ,i 6 23 ' attle Com. steers toexira... 3 75 , 5 25 tkgg>—Lambs. 3 50 4 50 •ST. LOUIS. Wheat—No 2 red, cash. 50 "■ GO'f t orn—Per bu—. 55 © 554J Oats—Per bu . 31 @ 31© Hogs—Mixed packing. 5 On ", 5 50 Cattle—Native steers. 4 35 © 4 75 Sheep—Mixed natives. 2 41 @ 2 9J Kansas city. Wheat—No. 2 red, cash. 4i>!;@ 47 Corn—No. 2. *»•>'„,. =•» Oats—No. 2 . 3054 % 31 < attie—Stockers and feeders.. 1 7., " 3 75 Hogs—Mixed packers . 5 10 @ 5 75 cheep—Clio ce tvestern. 2 21 © 3 03 HUDSON CHANCES HIS MIND. I lie Congressman .May Reseek the Pop nlist Nomination. Topeka. Kan., Sept. 24.—A dispatch, from the Third district says that Con pressman T. ,7. Hudson! who with drew from the race after having- be gun a canvass for re-election, is in the field seeking the nomination again. The dispatch adds that Hud son «juit originally because he had been assessed 31,500 by the district committee. Chairman Breidenthal of the I'opul st state committee denies .lie story.