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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1894)
What Isaac Saw. The Meeker ditch heads about two miles below Culbertson and is next in size to the Culbertson ditch. These ditches were all full of water, although there is not a drop of water in the Re publican river for miles above. At the head of the Meeker ditch men were at work excavating a reservoir from which it is expected water will be furnished for the ditch whenever there is not suf ficent water in the river for the purpose. This reservoir is a little more than two rods square and at the time of our visit was twelve or fourteen feet deep. A steam pump was pumping the water from the hole, and from all sides, river, bluffs, up stream and down stream the water was pouring into the hole nearly as fast as the steam pump could pump it out, thus demonstrating that beneath the surface is an endless and neverfailing flow of sheet water. This reservoir is upon the same plan and principal as the scheme that is offered Hastings to take water from the bottoms along the banks of the Platte river instead of depending, on that stream for a supply. All along these ditches where the land has been put under irrigation the crops are as fine as ever seen in any county under any conditions. Upon the irri gated lands there is no shortage nor is there any visible or appreciable signs of damage from the scorching hot winds of July. Corn, potatoes, sorghum, alfalfa millet and other crops look as fine and thrifty as in any county. There is no failure upon an irrigated acre or culti tivated land and not a sign of a crop upon non-irrigated land. It is simply irrigation or nothing.—Isaac LeDioyt in Hastings Tribune. Not in the Books. Squire Berry's office was the scene of a very stirring incident, last Friday after noon, during the trial of the suit of James Harris against the Caseys for for cible entry and detainer of the Harris dwelling in East McCook. After the empaneling of the jury, and while Lawyer Moore was stating the Caseys' side of the question, Mr. Harris objected forcibly to the language used by Lawyer Moore. In the melee that followed the lawyer’s countenance was considerably scratched up. Old man Casey attempted to bring his big hickory cane into action over Harris’ head, but Squire Berry interposed, be sides separating Harris and Moore. In the meantime Elvis Casey and Ed Harris had a little set-to in the hall, in which the young Missourian is said to have come out second best by a clear majority.. The injured dignity of the law was promptly repaired by a fine of $ to and costs imposed on Mr. Harris, after which the machinery of the law worked very smoothly and never slipped a cog during the continuance of the case. After a brief absence the jury brought in a verdict in favor of the Caseys, on the ground that Harris had not proven the charge of forcible entry. Registration Ordinance Repealed. The city fathers met, Monday evening, in regular session, but adjourned to Tuesday evening, on account of lacking a quorum. At the adjourned session the full board was present save Sutton. Bills as follows were allowed: C. G. Coglizer, salary etc.$50.50 A. G. Bump, salary. 65.00 Harry Frey, salary. 25.00 McBrayer & Osborn, draying. 2.00 Elmer Rowell, rent. 6.67 W. C. Bullard & Co., lumber. S.20 Barnett Lumber Co., lumber. 10.22 L. J. Spickelmier, vaccinating.... 31.00 J. E. Kelley, cash. Joe Smith, error. C. G. Holmes, salary.. Finance committee reported favorably on Treasurer Gray’s report. Ordinances 5S and 59 were passed un der surpensiou of rules—same appear elsewhere in full. Adjourned. The Stratton-McCook Games. The two games of ball played on the home grounds, Friday and Saturday last, between the Strattons and the Mc Cooks, resulted in a stand-off, each club winning a game. There was a fair at tendance upon both games. Friday’s game was in favor of the local aggregation in a score of 21 to 7. The Wauneta battery put up Stratton’s game. Our boys found Fisher quite readily, besides he was indifferently supported in the field. But Saturday's contest was different. Webster pitched for Stratton and the home team only succeeded in making three scores off of him, while the Strat tons had six scores to their credit. The home team had great difficulty in hitting Webster’s balls at all. Book-keeping blank books for sale at this office. Day, cash, journal, ledger, each at 10c. apiece._ Tycoon teas are winners. Try them. 55c and 45c per pound at the C. O. D. grocery store. Special Notice. Our store will be closed on Monday, October ist, and on Wednesday,October ioth, on account of Holidays. The Famous Clothing Co. It will not be necessary to register, this year. _ Toilet soap, tooth brushes and sponges at McConnell’s. W. E. West succeeds Howe Smith iu Troth’s bran joint. The wind didn’t blow very much, Sat urday afternoon—it just blew. When it’s the wolf you want to keep from the door, commend us to irrigation. A few of our populist friends have al ready found out that nothing grows in the middle of the road. Last Saturday afternoon afforded a rare and economical opportunity for the ex hibition of north side real estate. The laying on of hands as a sovereign specific for stomach ache has some advo cates in this community. Great is mas sage! The city fathers have repealed our ex pensive registration ordinance until the clouds roll by. A wise and economic move. List any lands you may have to sell at a bargain with J. E. Kelley. Office in rear of First National Bank, McCook, Nebraska. On Monday work was commenced on an extension of the big Frenchman ditch from Culbertson on east acfoss the Black wood to the Red Willow county line. A member of the local demi-moudaine was out for a lark, last Friday evening, dressed in a certain sport’s light suit of clothes. How raw is that, anyhow? The water works office has been moved into the north side of the post office room. This will be more convenient for the public and superintendent. Re member the change when you go to pay your water tax. The Lady Maccabees held their annual picnic in Fitch’s grove, Tuesday. The high w ind and dense dust limited the attendance, but the score or two that braved the elements had an enjoyable time. And Charlie Noble is willing to make affidavit that the spread was simply “out of sight”—at least a large part of it was. W. G. Dutton expects to irrigate on his own hook, next season. He will put a low stone dam across the Driftwood on his farm aud will pump water from the creek with a gas engine. He expacts to receive his engine this week. Mr.Dutton is a farmer of means, enterprise and en tergy, and we expect him to make a suc cess of his irrigation enterprise. The gas engine will doubtless cut quite a figure in the private irrigation schemes of the future. The Fourth car of Hebron flour just received by the McCook Mercantile Co. This is the best and cheapest flour in town; a trial will convince you of its merits. We also sell the best 25-cent tea in town. We carry an excellent line of fish and cured meats; also fruits, vege tables, etc. If you want bargains in woolen underwear, now is the time to get them; nothing in town to meet the prices on these. Call on the McCook Mercantile Co. if you want the best price for butter and eggs. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The school ball club expects to play iu Indianola, one day next week. Bessie McBride is attending school and and staying at the home of Engineer Chambers. The children of the public schools will be allowed to attend the county fair one day next week, without being considered as absent. Miss Stroud of the South McCook school is assisting Mrs. Cordeal in the east primary, the attendance in the South McCook building at present only requiring one teacher. AT THE CHURCHES. Owing to the absence of the pastor there will be no preaching services at the M. E. church, next Sunday morning or evening. Sunday school and Epworth League at usual hours, however. Rev. R. L. Knox of Episcopal church, Arapahoe, will on next Sunday morning at II o’clock, administer the Holy Com munion in McConnell hall. Evening service at 7:30 o’clock. Sunday school at ten o’clock in the morning. Sunday services at the Congregational church; morning io a. m., evening 7:30 p. m. Endeavor Society meets at 6:45; topic, “Temple Building.” Lydia Brin ton, leader. Morning subject, “Incen tives and Christian Life.” Evening subject, “Passover.” Democratic County Convention. The convention was called to order by Jacob Steinmetz, chairman. On motion J. H. Bennett was elected temporary chairman and F. H. Strout temporary secretary. On motion P. Walsh, L. H. Roonev and Charles Hine were appointed bv the chair as a committee on permanent organization. On motion A. J. Rittenhouse, C. J. Ryan, W. E. Stewart, Eli Popejoy and A. F. Moore were appointed by the chair as a committee on credentials. The committee on permanent organi zation reported in favor of making the temporary organization permanent. The report was duly adopted. The report of the committee on cre dentials was adopted. Moved and carried that the convention proceed with its business in the order named in the call. Moved and carried that the chair ap point a committee of seven members to report names of delegates to the several conventions. The following committee was appointed: A. J. Rittenhouse, L. H. Rooney, W. A. Stewart, Thomas Duncan, Harry Barbazett, A. F. Moore and Jas. McClung Jr. The committee on delegates reported as follows: , For the state convention—A. J. Ritten house, Patrick, Walsh, Joseph Harrison and B. V. Haley. Alternates—James McClung Jr., Wm. Fane, V. Sells and F. H. Strout. For the congressional ceuventiou—A. F. Moore, W. A. Stewart, Harry Barba zett, Dennis Fitzgerald, C. J. Ryan and J. A. Cordeal. Alternates—Matt Droll, James McAdams, J. H. Bennett, Robert L. Beckwith, L. Duckworth and J. Tines. The committee reported that it would not be advisable to send delegates to the senatorial convention. The report of the committee was adopted and the delegates reported were elected. The following resolution was intro duced by A. J. Ritteuhouse and adopted by the convention: Whereas, The democracy of Red Willow county believes in the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to i, without regard to the action of any other sovereign power, and to effect this result we believe that the elevation of W. J. Bryan to a seat in the United States senate is demanded by the best element of the democratic party of the state. And Whereas, Under existing political circumstances the placing in nomination of a county ticket would be in the inter est of the republican nominees in the county, and result in the election to the legislature of a man unfriendly to the cause of silver, and an enemy to the great champion of the silver cause in the senate. Therefore, be it Resolved by this convention, That the best interests of the silver cause de mand that no county ticket be placed in nomination in and for this county, but that the democrats be requested to work and so vote at the next election as to promote and advance this great cause. The following gentlemen were elected officers of the county central committee: Patrick \yalsh, chairman; A. J. Ritten house, secretary. Precinct committeemen—Alliance, J. Tines: Coleman, Matt Droll; Driftwood, James Harris; East Valley, H. A. Barn hart; Indianola, F. H. Strout; North Valley, George Arbogast; Perry, Marion Plummer; Valley Grange, A. G. Culbert son; Willow Grove, L. H. Rooney. Moved and carried that in precincts not represented, the chairman and sec retary of the county central committee be instructed to fill such vacancies. Moved and carried that the proceed ings of the convention be published in some newspaper in the county. F. H. STROUT, Secretary. The Union Y. P. S. C. E. The Union Endeavor met at the resi dence of J. S. LeHew, Sunday evening, and reorganized with the following offi cers, committees, etc.: Officers—C. T. Watson, president; Minnie Whittaker, vice president; Clara LeHew. recording secretary and treasur er; Olive Ritteuhouse, corresponding secretary. Committee Chairmen—C. T.'Watson, prayer; Lora LeHew, social; Olive Rit tenhouse, look-out; Martha Battershall, flower; Clara LeHew, music. The society has an orchestra of six pieces and a choir of eighteen voices. The meeting on next Sunday evening at 6:30 o’clock will be held in McConnell hall. _ There wers quite a number of McCook people on the San Luis valley excursion, Tuesday night. Buy your tablets, inks and box papers of L. W. McConnell & Co. Patronize the McCook Commission Co. for flour and feed. Perfumes and toilet powders at L. W. McConnell & Co’s. Refrigerators very cheap at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. I). E. Bomgardnek was in Denver, fore end of the week. Bank Examiner Cline was in the city, last night on business. Mrs. 1jatton arrived home, Monday evening, from a visit to Denver. E. F. Duffey of Driftwood precinct will spend the winter in Kansas. Bev. Father Hickey arrrived home from the east, early in the week. Eli Popejoy did not get started for the San Luis valley until this week. A. J. Armstrong was up from near Orleans, Wednesday, on some business. C. L. DeGroff and family arrived home, Wednesday night, from their trip east. Frank Carruth is just home from spending a couple weeks with his wife in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lawson arrived home, Saturday niglit, from their River ton visit. Miss Ono Simons and Master Dare Kenyon arrived home, Saturday night, from Iowa. Rev. A. W. Coffman left, Tuesday morning, for Orleans to attend annual conference. Miss Maggie Gibbon went down to Orleans, yesterday morning, to visit old time friends. Mas. A. S. Campbell went down to Hastings, Saturday, on a visit to relatives and friends. Judge LeHew accompanied the San Luis valley excursion party to Colorado, Tuesday night. Supt. Bayston was up from Indian ola, yesterday, on business educational and otherwise. Mrs. A. C. Marsh arrived home, Wednesday night, from visiting her three sisters in Kenton. Ohio. Mrs. L. R. Hileman will attend the grand lodge meeting, Degree of Honor, at Fremont, first of next week. Judge Beck and Lawyer Starr had business in the metropolis, Wednesday. They drove up from Indianola. Mrs. W. S. Morlan is entertaining her sister Miss Margaret Evans, who ar rived in the city, first of the week. Commissioner Young will likely winter his stock somewhere in Colorado. His son-in-law will be in charge of them in that event. C. W. Knights, C. F. Babcock and J.W. Babcock of Cambridge were among the excursionists to the San Luis valley, Tuesday evening. Loyal B. Howey, Lincoln, National bank examiner, inspected the First Na tional Bank, Monday, with the usual satisfactory result. Mrs. C. W. Knights and Harry, who have been visiting relatives in Oelwein, Iowa, for a number of weeks, arrh’ed home Saturday night. Mrs. Ami Todd of Plattsmouth and Mrs. Carrie Stanton of Chicago are the guests of Traveling Engineer and Mrs. C. A. Dixon, this week. Miss Mary Watson resumed her du ties with the Nebraska Loan and Bank ing Co., Monday, after an enforced idle ness of a week on account of poison ivy. J. W. Babcock of Cambridge and his daughter Mrs. Will Duncan of Beatrice came up from Cambridge, Monday even ing, to briefly visit McCook relatives and friends. Register Campbell took in the greatest state convention the democrats have ever held in Nebraska, at Omaha, Wednesday. He wasn’t a Bryan man, it is safe to state. Mrs. H. H. Troth, Lillian and Harry arrived home, Saturday night, from New Jersey. They were accompanied by Mr. Troth’s mother who will make a visit of some length here with her son and family. Mr. Hocknell was delayed in Den ver until Tuesday by the severe illness of their baby with an attack of pneu nia, from which she is now gradually recovering. The family is expected home in the near future. Mrs. W. C. LaTourette arrived home, Monday night, from her visit to Hot Springs, South Dakota, where her brother is taking treatment. She reports him some better, and that he will likely remain at the Springs during October. A. J. Rittenhouse went down to In dianola, Monday, to appeal from the decision of Judge Beck in the case of Casey vs. Harris, in which the judge, last week, rendered a judgment for some thing over six hundred dollars in favor of Casey. A change of venue is contem plated by Harris. Consult Holmes Bros., the carpenters. Buy your tablets, inks and box papers of L. VV. McConnell & Co. The oyster season is full upon us now in all its succulent glory. It will take a good crop to revive bus iness here. So prepare to hang on until it comes. Hayes county’s October term of court has been canceled, and there will be no court in that county until next spring. J. A. Everist threshed 135 bushels of alfalfa seed from 12 acres of ground. Mitchell Young 42 bushel9 from 4 acres. —Danbury News. Court Reporter A. D. Gibbs has been admitted to practice before the state supreme court. A. D. steps higher and wider than ever. The two Eds—Laycock and Wilcox— rode down to Arapahoe, yesterday morn ing, on their bicycles, to see the game between McCook and Holdrege. Up in Hayes county it is proposed to examine the breath of each applicant for aid before rendering the assistance asked. Not a bad idea, either. While wrinkled science sajs the earth weighs four quadrillions of tons, bright eyed youth proclaims all the world to him weighs about 125 pounds. We understand that S. P. Hart and wife will spend the winter at Longmont, Colorado, where he will winter a large number of cattle for H. T. Church. . Prairie schooners sailing out of the country between two days with mort gaged property have not inaptly been likened to ‘ ‘Ships that pass in the night. ’ ’ All fourth-class postmasters are now possessed of the power to administer any and all oaths required to be made by pensioners and their witnesses in the execution of their vouchers. J. H. Warfield, who lives & miles east of McCook on the Perry Jones’ farm, on Ash Creek, took second premium on both one and two-year old Chester White boars at the State fair, this year. A number of our exchanges have com menced their semi-annual campaign for the burning of fire guards. And the matter is hereby submitted to our read ers for their consideration and action. Profit by your sore and numerous expe riences and plow your guards now A level-headed exchange says that the man who gets the fewest letters com plains most of the postoffice; the man who pays least to the preacher complains the most about his sermons; the man who complains and attends to his neigh boi’s business is the meanest of the com munity, and the man who has the most conceit has the least sense. They have been having a little trouble with washouts on the late extension of the Meeker ditch, but Captain Evans ex pected to have water on the Hatfield ranch, some time this week. Wolf, prai rie dog and gopher holes always give some trouble when the water is first let into the ditches, especially where the ditches skirt along the heads of canyons or where the bluffs are quite broken H. I. Peterson of Grant precinct is cir culating a petition praying the county commissioners to grant a bounty for each coyote or wolf killed in Red Wil low county. The petition has secured a good many signatures in this city. Coy otes and wolves have become very de structive pests in some portions of the county. We know of one farmer who has lost 40 little pigs this summer While there is a deep pathos in thi3 emigration business, occasionally a bit of humor crops out that is vastly amus ing. For instance a covered wagon passed through here, the other day, from Wray, Colorado, bound for the east. On the side of the prairie schooner was the following startling language: “Colorado —Irrigation; Nebraska—Starvation; Cleveland's administration: We are go ing to hell and damnation.’’ W. S. Fitch informs the writer that he expects to have a private irrigation plant of some kind ready for use by another season. He don’t know what power he will use, but he is leaning quite strongly at present toward the gas engine. He will dig wells to secure water, it being only twenty feet to water at the highest point on his land. He says he has too much at stake to run any further risks of failure, and proposes as far as possible to insure against their recurrence. Perfumes and toilet powders at u W. McConnell 8c Co's. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. The County Fair. At Indianola, Nebraska, October 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, 1894. There will be a large exhibit of windmills and pumps for irrigation, at this fair; among which will be The Dempster Mill Manufactur ing Co., of Beatrice, with a large pump and mill that they claim will throw suf ficient water to irrigate sixty acres; The Aermoter Co. with a pump and mill that will raise enough water to irrigate 80 acres; The National Pump Co. of Kansas City, with their No. 4 “Wonder” pump which is to throw water enough to irri gate from 40 to 60 acres; The Menge pump, of New Orleans, is here already, and the company claim that it will throw 100,(xx) gallons per hour. Others will be here but we have not received a full de scription of their exhibit. All the departments of the fair will be filled. Plenty of good races; also base ball games. The best foot races ever seen in southwestern Nebraska. One and one-third rates on railroads. Thursday will be children’s day and on that day all children under 12 years of age will be admitted free. Friday will be old soldier’s day, and they will be admitted free. J. If. BERGE, Secretary. The Value of Irrigation. As to the value of irrigation there is this to say. Neither upon the Meeker ditch, where the farmers have had the benefit of water for the whole crop sea son, nor along the little ditch where they have only had water since about the first of June, is there a crop that has been properly irrigated that will not this year pay the cost of the land, water, seed and cultivation. A few individual cases will illustrate that fact. Upon the Meeker ditch a man by the name ol Baldwin purchased an eighty acre tract last fall and put it under irrigation, pay ing $4 per acre for the water. He pur chased the land on time at £20 per acre. A few days before we were there the man of whom he purchased the land offered to cancel the purchase obligation, pay the water rent and deed Mr. Baldwin ten acres more land for this year’s crop upon the eighty acres sold.—Isaac ke Dioyt in Hastings Tribune. Fourth. Quarter Water Tax. Office of Water Works, McCook, Neb raska, Septemder 29th, 1894. Water tax for the Fourth quarter o( 1894 becomes due Monday, October 1st, 1894. Ten per cent will be added to all taxes not paid before four o’clock, p. m , Monday, October 15th, 1&94. This quar ter’s tax will be collected on the north side of postoffice room. Office hours— q to 12 a. m , and 2 to 5 p. m., central time C. H. Meeker, Supt Millinery Opening. Mrs. A. Barnett desires to announce the formal opening to the public of her stock of fall millinery. She has bought a nice and fashionable line of stylish and useful millinery in the eastern market, which will be sold at very reasonable prices. Turn out next Thursday, Octo her 4th, and inspect the display. k. bowman & Son report a very grati fying success of their fall millinery open ing, Wednesday afternoon and evening. The evening attendance crowded their store. The opening sales were surpris ingly satisfactory, both in millinery and dress goods. Their display of milliner} , dress goods and notions was extensive, stylish, and elegant, as usual. Buy your tablets, inks and box papers of k. W. McConnell fli Co. Patronize the Sunny Side Dairy of Carson & West. WE WANT CASK A.T THE C. 0. I). STORE. 2 packages Javanese Coffee,(tlie heat package coffee on the market .. .$ .45 6 bars White Russian soap.25 x good broom—a bargain.15 1 package ( 12 boxes) parlor matches .15 6 lbs. rolled oats. .25 4 lbs. XXX Soda or oyster crackers .25 Oil sardines, per can. .05 Mustard sardines, per can. .to 3 cans Blue Valley Sugar Corn.25 Hastings High Patent Flour. .... 1.00 The best uncolored Japan tea, that cannot be equaled in McCook at any price, per pound.45 Another grade, the same as you pay 50c for at other stores, only.35 2 lbs. evaporated apricots.25 2 lbs. evaporated peaches.25 f. W. McKENNA, Proprietor.