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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1894)
THIRTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK, RED WILLOW COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING. SEPT. 21, 1894. NUMBER 18. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Monday morning “Old Glory” was unfurled on the east ward school build ing, and at nine o’clock the wheels of that institution, which is our proudest boast, were set in motion without jar or friction, and the fall term of McCook’s public schools were duly opened under most favorable auspices. The opening exercises in the assembly room, east ward, were attended by a brief program, commencing with a se lection from the orchestra. Supt. Val entine then spoke briefly, appropriately, and introduced Rev. Hart L. Preston. His remarks were intended to inspire the children to their best efforts that they might achieve a goodly measure of knowledge and success during the ensu ing school year. Supt. Valentine then gracefully turned to account the fact that the board of education had prescribed a general dose of vaccination to the pupils, stating that he hoped to vaccinate some pupils at least against certain diseases which he would mention in due time. After another selection by the orchestra, the pupils repaired to their respective rooms and entered upon the regular work of the term, which there is every reason to expect will be one of profit, advancement and success. The tenth grade is very large this term. The school motto is: “Mind your own business.” Sadie Gibbon and Eunice Goheen are new members of the 12th grade. The ball game, Saturday afternoon, resulted in favor of the school boys in a score of 17 to 11. Miss Lillian Troth of the class of ’94 will likely take a special course of music in the Nebraska University, this winter. Prof. Joseph Reizenstein will have the school orchestra under his directorship this year. Continued and marked im provement and progress is assured. Of the twelve teachers on the present corps, six are graduates of our high school. So it will be seen that McCook does not discredit her own graduates. For his services in helping prepare an index to the Magazines, John Cordeal has been made an honorary member of the school and granted all privileges of the library, which will be open on next Monday. A new and popular department has been added this term—the athletic fea ture. Willie McManigal has been placed at the head of this department by the superintendent. The base ball team has already acquired a modicum of glory in defeating the railroad boys, last Saturday afternoon. The following appointments were an nounced, on Thursday morning: Edna Dixon, slide keeper; Ethel Oyster, as sistant; Roy Zint, curtain; Tom O’Con nell, light man; Myrtle Meyers, assembly room assistant; Maud Doan, assembly room assistant; Scott Odell, brass bell ringer; Kittie Stangeland, electric bell ringer; Ernest Cordeal; photographer. The following appointments were an nounced by Superintendent Valentine, at Monday morning’s assembly: Elmer Kay, registrar; Arthur Douglass, assem bly room manager; Oliver Thorgimson, librarian; Norma Noble, assistant libra rian; Bert Beyrer, time keeper; Ray McCarl, lantern manager; Charlie Mc Manigal, chorister; Grace Bomgardner, assembly secretary; Pearl Brewer, pi anist; Fred Lepper, assembly treasurer. The teacher corps of our city schools is at present made up as follows: East Ward—Wm. Valentine, superin tendent; Miss Rache Berry, high school principal; Miss Helen Allison, assistant; Miss Augusta Hunt, 7th and 8th grades; Miss Edna Meserve, 6th grade; Miss Hat tie Yarger, 2d and 3d grades; Mrs. Syl vester Cordeal, 1st grade. West Ward—Clarance Whittaker, prin cipal and 5th grade; Mrs. Frank Brown, 4th grade: Miss May Stubv, 2d and 3d grades; Mrs. Mary Duffey, 1st grade. South McCook—James Fowler, 2d and 3d grades; Miss Nora Stroud, 1st grade. AT THE CHURCHES. Episcopal Sunday school in McConnell hall, next Sunday morning at io o’clock. Sunday services at the Congregational church; morning io a. m., evening 7:30 p. m. Endeavor Society meets at 6:45; topic, “First.” Baptist services in the brick church at 11 o’clock, next Sunday morning. Sub ject, “The Divine Method of Subjuga tion.” Sunday school at ten o’clock. D. L. McBride, pastor. Regular services at the M. E. church, Sunday morning and evening. At the the morning service new members will be received. Sunday school at the usual hour, 10 o’clock a. m. The building association elected Fred Pennell secretary of the association at their regular session, last evening, and sold $2,500 at a fair premium. That general business boom is overdue. The wind and the dust have we always with us. Toilet soap, tooth brushes and sponges at McConnell’s. Overalls is the fad with the male youths of the city. Now is the time to secure a cheap farm in Red Willow county. W. J. Palmer and family left, Thursday morning, for Peoria, Illinois. J. H. Patterson is the new janitor at the South McCook school house. Fowler Wilcox took into Omaha, Sun day morning, five car loads of cattle. There were a number of land seekers in this vicinity, this week, from Iowa and Illinois. Did you see the eclipse of the moon, last Friday night? No? Well, you have much company. Harry Fry, member of the Brigade band, succeeded Jack Dwyer, Saturday, as the night policeman. List any lands you may have to sell at a bargain with J. E. Kelley. Office in rear of First National Bank, McCook, Nebraska. H. T. Church went up to the San Luis valley, Colorado, Sunday night, for the purpose of buying 1,200 head of steers for feeding purposes. Word from H. F. Kealiherat Anaheim, California, reports wages low and work scarce there for carpenters. That he has not had any work to do since his arrival there. It is claimed that ever thirty thousand dollars worth of Alfalfa hay and seed have been produced in a twelve mile strip on the Beaver. Of this amount it is stated that the Ashton Bros, produced between seven and nine thousand dollars worth of the commodities. Manager Johnson went up to Stratton, first of the week, and arranged with the boys there for two games of ball at this place, this week, between them and the boys here. The games will be played this and tomorrow afternoon, and splen did games may be expected. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pade died, last Saturday after noon, of cholera infantum. Burial took place in Longview cemetery, Monday morning. The child was about twenty months old. The parents have much sympathy in their sad and sudden be reavement. > The late cool mornings, evenings and nights, and the consequent decrease in evaporation, are causing the water to appear in the Republican river again in spots. And the flow for irrigation pur poses is also stronger. During the ex treme heat evaporation is a very large element in the loss of water. The Fourth car of Hebron flour just received by the McCook Mercantile Co. This is the best and cheapest flour in town; a trial will convince you of its merits. We also sell the best 25-cent tea in town. We carry an excellent line of fish and cured meats; also fruits, vege tables, etc. If you want bargains in woolen underwear, now is the time to get them; nothing in town to meet the prices on these. Call on the McCook Mercantile Co. if you want the best price for butter and eggs. It is to be sincerely regretted that so valuable a church property as the Luth eran church should be allowed to fall into dilapidation. The leaky roof has caused large sections of plaster to fall. The destructive small boy has destroyed a number of beautiful stained glass win dows. The severe winds have racked the structure somewhat, and altogether the edifice is in a rather sorry plight. It is one of the costliest church buildings in the Republican valley, and should be rescued from further damage before it is eternally too late. Former practices of the pension bureau are reversed by a ruling of Assistant Secretary Reynolds, announced at the Interior Department several days ago. Judge Reynolds holds that the terms of Section 4,703, Revised Statutes, apply to pensioners under the Act of June 27th, 1890. Accordingly the $2 a month for each child of a deceased soldier under 16 years of age by a former wife, will be paid to the widow where the step-child ren are being educated in whole or in part at the expense of a state, or of the public in any educational institution, or in any institution organized for the care of soldiers’ orphans. A large num ber of claims will be affected by the new practice. Sub-Soil Plowing. Calvert, Neb., August 29th. Editor Breeze. Dear Sir:—I herewith submit a short report concerning “sub-soil plowing" in this country. About the 13th of this month I visited Geneva, Fillmore county, Nebraska, for the purpose of personally investigating what had been done there by the nursery firm of Younger Bros & Co., who have been sub-soil plowing for two years past. I was shown the rye that had been raised on sub-soil plowed ground, which made 35 bushels per acre, and oats that yielded 40 bushels and upwards per acre, also corn, which at the time I was there, did not show the drouth at all, and was at least a foot higher than the corn planted nearby on ordinary plowing. To be brief I will state that I was so “taken” with the idea that I bought a sub-soil plow as soon as I got to Council Bluffs and shipped it home for use on my farm as soon as it rains. I will say further that I am satisfied that if we farmers would sub-soil our ground, and only farm one-half as much land, the results would be much more satisfactory in every way, particularly for the reason that if our land is stirred to a depth of from 14 to 18 inches, we would seldom feel the effects of a drouth after the ground has once been wet down to the bottom of the furrow—as our soil will hold the moisture like a sponge and we always get rain enough to finish a crop under such conditions. From the following it will be noticed that the difference in the yield of various crops harvested from ground that was sub-soil plowed last fall was from 3 to 3)4 times as great as was the yield from land adjoining and from land cultivated in the ordinary way. Extract from the report made on July 14th, by Messrs. Younger Bros. & Co., of Geneva, Nebraska, to the Hon. J. Sterling Morton, Secretary of Agricul ture, and I heartily endorse every word in their report, and I believe that if all the farmers, especially those who occupy the high table lands of western Nebras ka, would practice sub-soil cultivation, it would revolutionize farming in this part of the state, as it has done in Fill more county,- so far as tried: “After preparing the ground by sub soil plowing in the fall of 1892, the crop of 1893 consisted of corn and potatoes. Corn that year being only a moderate crop in this vicinity, (maximum 40 bush els per acre, and the average not to ex ceed 20 bushels per acre) we harvested a crop of 75 bushels per acre from a strip of ground that had been sub-soiled. The potatoe crop was practically a failure in this vicinity; the result of our experi ment was a very good crop, about 125 bushels per acre. “This season (1894) the crop consists of rye, oats, corn and potatoes. Rye harvested indicates a yield of 35 bushels per acre, while rye in an adjoining field, the same seed, planted and harvested, will yield 10 bushels per acre. Oats on land sub-soil plowed in the fall of 1893 will yield 40 to 45 bushels per acre; oats on land sub-soil plowed in the fall of i8q2 will yield 30 to 35 bushels per acre (the average crop under the adverse con ditions that prevailed.) In each instance the seed, soil and planting was identic ally the same.”—M.W. Nesmith in Wau neta Breeze. OBITUARY. William Kelley was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, August 6th, 1826, and died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Melissa Norris, in Hastings, Nebraska, Septem ber 6th, 1894, with softening of the brain. Deceased located in Van Buren county on the Enlow farm, in 1849, and resided in this county until 1875, when he moved to Fairfield, going from there to Win field. He went to Hastings, Nebraska, in 1878, and the same year went from there to Kirwin, Kansas, where he lived until 1889, when he returned so Hastings and resided there until his death. He has been in failing health for about two years, but was not considered dan gerously sick until about two weeks be fore death relieved him of his suffering. His remains were brought to this place Friday night, and the funeral occurred from the home of his sister, Mrs. Eccles. Saturday afternoon. He was married to Martha Davis, in Indiana, in 1849. She died in Birming ham, April 15th, 1872, and her remains were buried in the new cemetery. Six children were the result of this union, two dying in infancy, two, Mrs. John W. Bean and Miss Hattie dying in maturer years, and two, Mrs. H. W. B. Norris of Hastings, Nebraska, and J. E. Kelley of McCook, Nebraska, survive him. He united with the M. E. church at an early day, but after the organization of the Free Methodists his belief was in that doctrine, though it is not known that he ever united with them. He was a man of kind and generous nature, and had a host of friends at his old home in Birmingham.—Birmingham Enterprise. Book-keeping blank books for sale at this office. Day, cash, journal, ledger, each at ioc. apiece. Tycoon teas are winners. Try them. 35c and 45c per pound at the C. O. D. grocery store. Buy your tablets, inks and bos papers of L. W. McConnell & Co. Patronize the McCook Commission Co. for flour and feed. Perfumes and toilet powders at L. W. McConnell & Co’s. Refrigerators very cheap at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Ed. Roulf left, Wednesday morning, for his home in Iowa. Miss Costenborder has been visiting friends at Traer, Kansas. Banker Vknnum of Palisade, was a business visitor, Tuesday. W. B. Wolfe of the Bank of Benkel man, was a city visitor Sunday. Prank Carruth is spending the week in Denver with the family. Messrs. John Furr and Goodro left, this week, for Meeker, Colorado. George Williams of Cambridge, was city visitor on business, Monday. George Pearce, now in business in Colorado, was a city visitor, yesterday. W. T. Coleman and family arrived home, latter part of last week, from their prolonged Iowa visit. E. P\ Harmon and family arrived home, Saturday night, from their visit at Cedar Creek, Nebraska. Register Campbell spent the early days of the week in Hastings on business of a more or less political character. Mrs. H. H. Troth, Miss Lillian and Master Harry are expected home from their New Jersey visit, Saturday night. Lawyer .Rittenhouse was in Lin coln, Tuesday, on county seat removal business, returning home the same night. Mrs. A. \V. Campbell of Box Elder precinct, took the morning passenger, Monday, for Tennessee on a visit to relatives: John J. Lamborn, our next represent ative, was up from Indianola, Monday, putting in a few stakes where they would do the most good. Miss Maggie Smith who has been visiting her many friends here returned to her home near McCook, last Tuesday evening.—Trenton Register. Cash Fuller, Judge Burke and Jacob Bigler, the big three of Imperial, went east on 4, Monday evening, coming down the branch on the afternoon train. Mrs. A. Barnett, who has been de tained east by a severe illness, arrived home, Monday night. They will occupy the Hocknell residence this winter. Cashier and Mrs. W. F. Lawson went down to Riverton, this morning, to see Mr. Lawson’s father and sister who shortly leave for California to spend the winter. C. H. Eubank and E. L. Gandy of Hayes Center, Perry Shellenberger, W. A. Burke and Miss Cora Rogers of Im perial, were Commercial guests, Monday evening. Mrs. Frank Brown who has been in Pennsylvania spending the summer va cation, arrived home, close of last week, and resumed her place int he city schools Monday. Miss May Watson is suffering from poisoning by poison ivy. The size of her face is decidedly abnormal on account of coming in contact in some way with the poison ivy. Henry Walker arrived home, Tues day night, from a visit to relatives in Chattsworth, Illinois. He brought with him a cane made out of the great “Tip Up” wreckage. Mrs. J. A. Gunn and the children ar rived home, Saturday hight, from their extended visit in Iowa. The family are now comfortably settled in the Dr. Davis residence, corner of Marshal and Dolan streets. Mr. Searl of Omaha, has been the guest of M. Y. Starbuck, this week. Mr. Searl’s father was largely interested in the Mallalieu university property down at Bartley, and the son has been out looking after the father’s interests. George D. Long of Napoleon, Ohio, spent the close of last week here looking over his farm interests in this vicinity. He owns a half section in Valley Grange precinct, about two miles south of the city, and a considerable portion of it is under the Meeker ditch. Andy Modi of Coleman precinct ieft, this week, for his new home in Missouri. Eli Popejoy also left for the San Luis valley, Colorada. Both are from Cole man precinct. Popejoy takes the land in the valley contracted for by Mr. Modi while he was in Colorado, several weeks ago._ Our semi-annual millinery opening will take place on Wednesday, Septem ber 26th, 1894, afternoon and evening. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Our stock is cheaper and handsomer than ever before. Yours truly, L. Lowman & Son. John McClellan, a prominent citizen of Wauneta, died of Bright’s disease, Mon day night. Ponds In Nebraska. Every furrow turned, every tree plant ed, every blade of grass made to grow where none grew before, says the Repub lican City Independent, are factors in this great problem, more moisture. Just so with your ponds, they are factors that go to make up the whole. Try an ex periment; put a pan of water in your garden and keep it full and see how much better the vegetation is in the immediate vicinity. These are scientific facts. When the air is moist there are no hot winds. The past year has been the driest in the memory of the white man in Nebraska, and only one day of hot winds. Why? The grass was not burned last spring, and therefore the air contained some moisture all the time, therefore no hot winds. When the writer was a little boy in old Indiana there were plenty of lakes and ponds everywhere, and oh! how it rained. In visiting the old hcine in 1892 and 1893 I found all or nearly all these ponds had been drained and the forests around them cut down, and what is the consequence, the worst drouth ever known there. And again, in Iowa,where there were plenty of ponds and sloughs twenty years ago, as the writer well knows, all have been drained. What is the result? Drouth and hot winds equal to Nebraska. The same is true of Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin; they have cut down their forests and drained their ponds until the country is suffering for rain, and this is the case everywhere an extensive system of drainage has been followed. Then I say, everyone who owns 150 acres of land, make a pond. Moisture draws moisture. Put in a small dam this fall, throw in some willows and cottonwood brush. It will sprout and grow and make a living network of roots that won’t wash out. Next fall build it a little higher and so on until you have a nice pond on your farm for your stock. You can stock them with fish at a small expense and thus have another good food at your door. You can also put up ice for summer use to keep your milk and butter cold, and enjoy all the luxuries of an editor, and maybe, after you have eaten plenty of fish, you will be able to write an article like this for the paper. Red Willow County Fair. At Indianola, Nebraska, October 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, 1S94. There will be a large exhibit of windmills and pumps for irrigation, at this fair; among which will be The Dempster Mill Manufactur ing Co., of Beatrice, with a large pump and mill that they claim will throw suf ficient water to irrigate sixty acres; The Aermoter Co. with a pump and mill that will raise enough water to irrigate 80 acres; The National Pump Co. of Kansas City, with their No. 4 “Wonder” pump which is to throw water enough to irri gate from 40 to 60 acres; The Menge pump, of New Orleans, is here already, and the company claim that it will throw 100,000 gallons per hour. Others will be here but we have not received a full de scription of their exhibit. All the departments of the fair will be filled. Plenty of good races; also base ball games. The best foot races ever seen in southwestern Nebraska. One and one-third rates on railroads. Thursday will be children’s day and on that day all children under 12 years of age will be admitted free. Friday will be old soldier’s day, and they will be admitted free. J. H. Berge, Secretary. The Congregational Y. P. S. C. E. The young people of the Congrega tional church met, on Sunday afternoon last, in the church, for the purpose of or ganizing a Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor for that church. Such an organization was effected with a charter membership of 28. The following officers and committees were selected: T. B. Campbell, president; Lydia Brin ton, vice president; Norma Noble, re cording secretary and treasurer; Edna Meserve, corresponding secretary; Pearl Brewer, organist. Prayer meeting committee—Hart L. Preston, Maud McMillen, Ethel Oyster, Ona Simons and Stella Norval. Look out committee—Mrs.W. F. Law son, Jas. F. Forbes, Maud Doan, Edith Oyster and John Stevens. Social committee—Laura McMillen, Edna Meserve, Edna Dixon. Myrtle Meyers and Grace Brinton. The society starts out under very favor able and encouraging auspices and will doubtless acquire a large membership and relative influence in due time, and will be a potential factor for good among the young, and old as well, of our city and surrounding country. Consult Holmes Bros., the carpenters. Buy your tablets, inks and box papers of L. W. McConnell 8c. Co. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. Perfumes and toilet powders at I,. W. McConnell & Co’s. Final proofs were made by Lacy A. Peirce and Orian G. Phillips, Monday. Ed Caffery renewed his subscription to The Tkibune, from Stamford, this week. Thanks. The ball game, on Saturday afternoon, between the railroad boys and the high school boys resulted in a victory for the latter. Score 17 to it. The Republican campaign for the Fifth district will open on October 1st, and a rattling fight will be kept up all along the line until November 6th. Marshal ISump has added a comforta ble and cosy improvement to his Man Chester street residence in the form of a porch extending along the entire east front. Our dressmaking department is now open and ready for your work. We quarantee every garment made. We so licit your patronage. L. Lowman & Son. The Dorcas society will hold a social in the Congregational church on the evening of Tuesday, October 2d, at which refreshment will be served. Come and see Farmer Coxie’s “Brownies” out in full force. Messrs. Flitcraft & Clark of the River side dairy, left this week, for Ft. Morgan, Colorado, where they will continue the business. Here’s success to them in their new home. The boys are rustlers and of the tribe of Plli. The Independents of Frontier and Gosper counties have nominated our friend D. L. McBride for representative, and we are constrained to say that they have made no mistake. Mr. McBride is a conservative gentleman, of good native ability, and withal a gentleman who scorns the methods of a demagogue. He is a “middle of the road’’kind of man, who will always be found battling for what he believes to be right, and we hope he will be elected.—Hayes Center Republican. Killing frosts will occur in many north - ern sections from September 27th to 30th. This frost may penetrate south ward as far as Oklahoma, Little Rock. Memphis, Nashville and Raleigh. Along and north of the 40th parallel all tender plants should be protected at that time. In the Ohio valley, tobacco planters should be ready to cut their crops as this frost will probably injure it. While some cold weather may be expected iD October and November, winter will come late and the fall season average warmer than usual. This, of course, does not apply to every section but is the esti mate of the general average for the whole United States.—W. T. Foster. Money to Loan at 6 Per Cent. We have money to loan at 6 per cent on farm or city property in any section of the country where property has a fixed market value. Money ready for imme diate loans where security and title is good. No commission. We solicit ap plications. Blanks furnished upon re quest. Allen & Co., 40 and 45 Broadway, New York. Notice to the Public. The Red Willow county fair has been postponed till October 2, 3, 4, and 5. This will enable a great many more pump and windmill manufacturers to be present with their irrigation pumps. J. H. BERGE, Secretary. Buy j'our tablets, inks and box papers of L. W. McConnell & Co. Patronize the Sunny Side Dairy of Carson & West. WE WANT CASH . . .AT. . . THE C. 0. I). STORE. 2 packages Javanese Coffee,(the best package coffee on the market i.. . £ .45 6 bars White Russian soap.25 I good broom—a bargain. .15 1 package (12 boxes) parlor matches . 15 6 lbs. rolled oats. .25 4 lbs. XXX Soda or oyster crackers .25 Oil sardines, per can. .05 Mustard sardines, per can. .10 3 cans Blue Valley Sugar Con: .25 Hastings High Patent Flour. 1.00 The best uncolored Japan tea, that cannot be equaled in McCook at any price, per pound.45 Another grade, the same as you pay 50c for at other stores, only.. .35 2 lbs. evaporated apricots.25 2 lbs. evaporated peaches.25 J. W. McKENNA, Proprietor.