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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1894)
Cash. No Favorites. — - - No Bad Debts. FTER a Very Thorough Test of tlie 4 Credit System, I have concluded j 1' to change to CASH, or thirty days jj * net to reliable parties. By this ]| % means I shall increase trade and give YOU ALL THE BENEFIT __ of what heretofore had to be charged for nncollectable accounts. This is no reflection on you, but a plain business statemement. I can easily afford to sell at lower prices in this way. Spot Cash Always Buys The Best. A Change . . Of Plan. i —mT!““ CASH. . McMillen Brothers are headquarters for Harness, Saddles, Fly Nets, Dusters, etc. Well Digging. If you want a well put down in fine shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran tees his work. Leave orders at 8. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Ink, pens, pencils school tablets, etc., at The Tribune stationery department. Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office iD Union block, over J. F. Ganschow's. Seventy-five cents buys a scale book of 500 tickets at this office. Bananas only 25 only 25 cents a dozen at Knipple’s. Knipple is selling bananas at 25 cents a dozen. Lettuce and radishes at Knipple's grocery store Mixed Paints 90c a gallon at McMillen’s drug- store. W. L. Douclas C •) CUAr IS THE BEST. □ NO SQUEAKING. $5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH&. ENAMELLED CALF L^.5PFlNECAlf&KAN6AR0a r *3.5P POLICE,3 Soles. «"2iKKS«* *2ASB(H$SCH00l5H0E£ . -LADIES SEND FOR CATALOGUE PTW'L* DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, A1A3S. You can save money by purchasing w. L* Douglas Shoes* Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name ana price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by DEALER whose name will shortly ap pear here. Agents wanted. Apply at once. s L --■—""-cuREm ianwililiiTinliwMdlilgtVBTOHia Sold by Drnnristaor sect by mail. and $1.00 per pao****. Bamplea free. VA lIA.Thg Favorite non fQW» EU flEwfortheToatb and rtf III.Mil, LEBANON. Farmers have begun to sow fall wheat and rye. J. E. Boyd began his school on the Willow, Monday. There was some frost along the valley, Monday night. The heaviest rain of the season fell last Friday evening. Our second nine played the Sherman nine, Saturday, and de feated them. William Hiersekorn will begin work on his new house, some time next week. Chas. Thompson has rented 100 acres of J. L. Townley’s pasture and is building a sod house on it. Mr. Cresse’s daughters who have been visiting with him the past two weeks, departed for their homes in Iowa, Thursday. Each day brings its train of prairie schooners, all going east to winter, some, perhaps, never to return. Many of them will be glad to return before another year rolls around. The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. 0. M. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. You can buy 100 pounds of good Hour for $1.40, in 1,000 pound lots, from the McCook Commission Co. They have a fine high patent flour far sale at $2.00 per 100 pounds, in 1,000 pound lots as well. Cochran & Co. have on display a large line of carriages, phaetons, buggies, road carts, spring wag ons, etc. Completest stock in Red Wiilow county. Inspect them if you want anything in that line. The McCook Commission Co. has 50 tons of alfalfa—splendid fattening feed—for only 45 cents a bale. Also 150 tons of fine hay at 50 cents a bale. AGUE CAKE, — Enlargement of the Spleen Caused by Chronic Catarrh, People who have been much af flicted with malaria or fever and ague are very liable to have a full ness or enlargement of the left side just under the ribs. This is commonly called in malarial dis tricts ague cake. This fullness is due to enlargement of the spleen caused by the malaria. The en larged spleen presses against the heart above, causing palpitation of the heart and shortness of breath. It also presses against the stomach and bowels, causing disturbed di gesttou, bloating, constipation, gurgling in left side, and the for mation of great quantities of gas. As long as there is a particle of the malarial poison left in the sys tem, not only will the ague cake continue to disturb the function of the other organs, but the en larged organ tends to perpetuate the poison in the system. It seems to be a settled fact that Pe-ru-na is the most reliable, if not the only remedy that can be relied on to cleanse the system in cases of chronic malaria. It never fails to bring relief to those disagreeable symptoms, and if a regular course of Pe-ru-na is taken it does not fail to permanently cure. In or der to furnish the public a com plete knowledge of the effect of Pe-ru-na in old cases of chronic malaria, the Pe-ru-na Drug Manu facturing Company of Columbus, Ohio, have published an illustrated pamphlet on chronic malaria, which will be sent free to any address. When Baby was* sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. TYRONE. Very few settlers have removed from here yet. Miss Belle Taylor will teach in district 85. J. C. Moore expects to attend the annual M. E. conference at Orleans. It is reported that Isaac Horton will have 1,000 bushels of corn, this year. There will be meat and bread enough in this precinct, but fuel will be badly needed. Some fanners have given up the tobacco habit in order that they may better provide for their fami lies this hard year. J. E. Kelley arrived home on Wednesday night. His father died at Hastings, Thursday of last week, and the remains were taken east for burial. Messrs. Morlan, Rittenhouse, Kelley, Moore and Boyle were at Indianola,yesterday,on the Harris Casey case. Mrs. M. E. Piper of Box Elder is among the sick, this week. Pat McDonald and family left for Indianola, this week. Winter Feed. Winter feed for 350 head of stock. Same can be pastured in the spring in pasture of 3,000 acres. Plenty of water. Address C. W. Floyd, Sedan, Kansas, or W. V. Gage, McCook, Nebraska. Fine Printing. We make a specialty of fine job print ing. Our samples of fashionable and ele gant stationery for invitations, programs etc., is not excelled in Nebraska. You will find all the fruits, berries and. vegetables, in season, at Noble’s. And they will be the freshest and best the market affords. Fifteen (15) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office, con taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel opes. _ We are selling meats cheaper than any one in the city. And we do as we advertise. F. S. Wilcox. The Sunny Side is the place to buy the best and the purest milk. DANBURY. Married—Last Sunday, Fred Furman and Miss Still. Charles Oman and Philip Gliem went down to St. Joseph, Mo., last Thursday. . The Danbury nine played the Coon creek nine at Indianola on Thursday. Orval Woods went to South Omaha with a carload of cattle on Wednesday. The construction train crew is working on the bridges along this line, this week. Dolan and Hager of ludianola are shelling out their corn at this place, this week. The largest rainfall this season was that of last Friday night— about four inches. Mrs. Annis is now running the butcher shop that has been occu pied by D. Annis. Ben Street and wife and Pearl Hilton left for their home in Cali fornia, last Saturday. The printing office now occupies quarters in the north room of the barber shop building. John and Will Leisure, Mitch. Young and Ben Murphy started j today for the Platte river on a hunt; of a few weeks. The McCook Commission Co. is making very low prices on flour, feed and hay; and these prices will be good for the next thirty days. i Go to them when you need any-; thing in their line. The Harris-Casey case was given another shake at Indianola yester day. With what result we do not know. The people of Red Willow j county pay the freight. Remember you can get the high -I est market price for stock hogs of from 50 pounds weight up at the B. M. meat market. It is rumored that the Independ ent Enterprise will shortly be re vived for the purpose of knifing a portion of the populist ticket. Knipple always leads in fruits and vegetables. He carries the freshest and largest assortment the market affords. The McCook Commission Co. keeps a large stock of all kinds of chop feed, corn and oats, at lowest market prices. Austin j. kittenhocse, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. McCOOK. NEiMASKA. i3^~0fficfe over the Famous Clothing store. Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect insurance against theft, or accident is the now famous -BOW. the only bow ring) which cannot be pulled or wrenched from the case. Can only be had on cases containing this trade mark. —MADE BY — Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia. the oldest, largest, and most complete Watch Case factory in the world—1500 employees; 2000 Watch Cases daily. One of its products is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which are just as good as solid cases, and cost about one half >'s. Sold by all jewelers, without extra charge for Non-pal boat bow. Ask for pamphlet, or •end to the manufacturers.