The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 07, 1894, Image 1

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    That Box Elder Incident.
Elder Campbell dropped into our den,
Tuesday, and stayed long enough to de
liver himself of the following regarding
Box Elder’s smallpox scare. He says
that while scores were exposed to their
supposed case that none have been taken
down, altho’ eighteen days have already
elapsed since the exposure. But he puts
the case in his own language thusly:
“The smallpox that old man Campbell
carries both ways is a good kind. It isn’t
catching and don’t make any one sick.
It gives them a little sore arm and a
little headache, but don’t keep them
from eating, talking, laughing or singing.
So we don’t mind them. It only lasts
about five days. The girl said to have
the smallpox was vaccinated on the 13th,
broke out on the 19th, and the scabs
fell off in a few days, without much, if
any fever. I have seen too many cases of
smallpox to be—you know what.”
A Disgusted Editor Quits.
A retiring newspaper man gives this
philosophical reason for quitting the'
business: A child is born, the doc
tor in attendance gets $10, the editor
notes it and gets o; it is christened, the
minister gets $4, the editor writes it up
and gets 00; it marries, the minister gets
another fee, the editor gets a piece of
cake or 000; in a course of time it dies,
the doctor gets from $5 to $10, the min
ister gets another $4, the undertaker gets
$25 to $50—the editor publishes it and
receives 0000—and the privilege of run
ning free of charge a card of thanks.
Out of Luck.
Our local team, though playing good
ball, has met with defeat so far except in
the game yesterday at Holdrege, when
the score was 12 to 10 in McCook’s favor.
Monday at Hastings the score stood 9 to
2. Tuesday at Minden 7 to 4. Wednes
day at Axtell, no game on account of the
rain. There will be another game at
Holdrege today. Tomorrow Arapahoe.
Prohibition Convention.
The Prohibitionists of Red Willow
county are hereby called to meet in mass
convention, at the city hall in McCook,
on Saturday, September 29th, 1S94, at 2
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nomi
nating a county ticket, and for the trans
action of such other business as may
properly come before the convention.
W. O. Norval, chairman.
To the People.
In order to get our high grade crayon
work before the people, we will for one
week, commencing Monday, September
3d, make one dozen cabinets and one
life-size (14x17) crayon for $5. Photos
and crayon first-class and warranted in
every respect. . Frames for crayons at
lowest prices. Now is your chance, for
one week only. Hall & Beinhart.
Will Resume September 16th.
We have been requested by the va
rious Protestant pastors to announce
that services, church and Sunday school,
will be resumed in the several churches
of the city on Sunday, September 16th,
unless some unforseen and unexpected
emergency shall arise to prevent.
Smallpox About Over.
There are now but three cases of small
pox under quarantine, and these cases
are about well, and ready to be removed
from quarantine at the expiration of the
usual time. There are no new cases and
the unpleasant incident is about closed.
These are also the exact facts.
At the regular meeting of the board
of education, Monday evening, W. T.
Coleman succeeded to the office of presi
dent, made vacant by the resignation of
James Ritchie. C. J. Ryan was elected
vice president and Z. L. Kay secretary.
The superintendent was instructed to
rigidly enforce the ordinance requiring
all pupils to present a certificate of vac
cination, signed by a physician. School
will commence September 17th.
W. F. Everist of Danbury accompanied
a car load of cattle shipped by him from
from this place, Thursday morning.
Dr. Z. L. Kay is the new secretary of
the board of education and C. J. Ryan
Beaf steak 7c. per pound.
F. S. Wilcox.
It succeeded in drizzling a little in this
vicinity, Wednesday afternoon.
Boiling meat 3c. per pound at the B.
& M. meat market.
Perfumes and toilet powders at L. W.
McConnell & Co’s.
A nice variety of ink and pencil tab
lets at this office.
See Cochran & Co. if you want a re
frigerator cheap.
Toilet soap, tooth brushes and sponges
at McConnell's.
Dr. L. J. Spickelmier has concluded
an arrangement with the supreme lodge,
Star of Jupiter, whereby he becomes
general manager of the order, and will,
until January, 1896, have complete and
absolute control of the business of the
order. He will devote his entire time
and attention to the furtherance of the
order, and with the aid of certain eastern
parties expects to make things go in sat
isfactory shape. He expects soon to go
east and complete plans for organizing
lodges in certain eastern states. He
himself will work in the western states.
The female of the demi-world who re
cently moved here from Hastings (to
gether with her “man” and children)
and took up her abode in South McCook,
indulged in a spree, Saturday night, in
company with a number of the opposite
sex. She reposed in the bosom of the
city bastile over night. Sunday morn
she sought the ear of justice, claiming
that she had been robbed of $100. Her
tale was not believed by the authorities
and she was advised to leave town in
stanter. It is claimed that the outfit
are successful workers of the “Beaver
Mr. Smythe s declaration that wind
mill and pump irrigation will make “A
new Nebraska” in a very few years is
undoubtedly well founded. Five or ten
acres watered from a reservoir fed by a
pump will keep a family from want.
When drouth comes there will be no
need of sacrificing stock or going back
east for the winter. The rest of the farm
may be devoted to pasture or the culti
vation of crops that need only a moder
ate supply of moisture. Under the new
conditions of agriculture the farmer will
make money in every part of the state,
not excepting the counties on the bor
ders of Colorado that are now in such
bad repute.—State Journal.
The supreme court of the state of New
York has decided that children must be
vaccinated, and upon refusal to comply,
may be denied admission to the public
schools. Judge Bartlett handed down
the decision in the case which was the
suit of Chester A. Walters for a writ of
mandamus to compel Principal L. B.
Hanaford, of school No. 22, to admit
Chester A. Walters and Ada Walters to
the privileges of the school. The prin
cipal had refused the children admission
on the ground that they were not vac
cinated. Judge Bartlett holds that the
principal of a public school has the right
to exclude children who did not conform
to the school regulations. Education is
a privilege and not a right, according to
the court, and therefore he denied the
Within the next twelve months the
taxpayers of McCook will have many oc
casions to regret that official salaries were
not cut in two some time ago as sug
gested by The Tribune. The eight or
ten hundred dollars which would thus
have been saved, would come in very
handy just now when the municipality
has been subjected to unusual and heavy
expense. There is not a shadow of doubt
but that McCook is paying too dearly
for her whistle. She is and has been put
ting on frills that she is not and not has
been able to afford, and it is about time
that our taxpayers were coming to their
senses about the matter. There are a
number of places where the expense ac
count can be cut down, and the present
city government should not, in justice to
the overburdened taxpayers of the city,
fail to give the relief before the end of
this municipal year. Let us be wise—as
we can anyhow.
An item is going the rounds of the
Iowa press that 25,000 homesteaders
have left their fields in western Nebraska
and are migrating eastward. A corres
pondent of the Chicago Tribune causes
that paper to say that something like
15,000 men have quit this state because
of the drouth. That these figures are
greatly exaggerated must be apparent to
the average reader. If it be true that
15,000 voters have left Nebraska, it then
means that fully fifty thousand people
have quit the state during the last sixty
days. Such a claim would be prepos
terous. It is true that many men who
have rented tarms in the western coun
ties have given up the struggle, having
suffered two seasons of drouth, but the
total number is not great. Few actual
land owners or bona-fide settlers have
vacated their holdings. This exodus is
not as injurious to the state as many
may be led to suppose. A favorable
season next year will witness an influx
of people who will relocate the land and
till it. Such changes have been going
on more or less for years and the late
comers have as a rule proved better cit
izens than those who have gone before.
—Omaha Bee.
Remember all school children must be
successfully vaccinated before the open
ing of school.
Toilet soap, tooth brashes and sponges
at McConnell’s.
Private Relief the Only Source.
The decision of Governor Crounse not
to call together the legislature in extra
session to consider the question of ex
tending public aid to the inhabitants of
the drouth stricken area of Nebraska
means that private relief is to be the
only resource of the destitute settlers.
As soon as the extent of the damage
done by the hot winds of July and
August was brought to light, The Bee
called the attention of the governor to
the actual facts and presented the case
for his consideration. The difficulties of
the problem, particularly the excess of
the present state debt over the constitu
tional limit, was alluded to, and the nec
essity of some constitutional amendment
to enable the legislature to meet the
emergency was pointed out. Such an
amendment or amendments would be of
no avail unless they were submitted for
the ratification of the voters at the com
ing election in November. It was for
the governor to take all these circum
stances into consideration. Governor
Crounse has done so and has come to
the conclusion that an extra session of
the legislature is not required.
Most recent inquiries give ground for
the belief that the probable destitute
will not be so great as was at first feared,
but some measure of relief will none the
less be necessary for a considerable por
tion of the remaining residents of the
western part of the state. The regular
session of the legislature which meets in
January next, will not be in a position
by reason of constitutional limitations
to do much in this direction, and even
if it were it would be too late after the
senatorial contest to be of immediate
value. Irrigation projects, undertaken
by the various counties and townships,
may be of some assistance, but only a
small part of the area has available wa
ter, and even here the work must await
the development of surveys and plans.
The only way then to secure timely re
lief is to do so through private initiative.
Some form of a relief association, whose
members will take upon themselves the
work and rely upon the people and the
legislature, as did the State Relief Asso
ciation immediately after the ravages of
the grasshopper plague in 1875, to see
that their contributions are later reim
bursed them and the burden spread over
the entire body of taxpayers in the state.
It is quite possibe that there are other
plans mose feasible but not yet sug
gested. If so, they should be proposed
without delay. It is incumbent upon
the state officials to see that some meas
ures of relief are soon gotten under way.
The people of the great state of Nebraska
will not allow any of their number who
are deserving to suffer from actual want
of the necessaries of existence.—Omaha
Joe O’Donnell, a well known bibulous
character, was up before Judge Berry,
Tuesday afternoon, for a little correction.
During the temporary absence of Mar
shal Bump after a witness, Joe under a
pretense of going down stairs after a
dnnk of water, disappeared and did not
return until sometime during the even
ing. Wednesday morning he was again
brought face to face with the dispenser
of justice and got seven days in the city
jail on a bread and water diet—and Joe
hates water worse than a rabid dog.
Joseph Menard is having the front
portion of the upstairs of his building
thoroughly overhauled. The carpenters
are putting some bay windows in the
front while the paper hangers and paint
ers are doing the rest. Upon completion
of the improvements now under way,
the family will occupy their oid quarters
which will have been made much more
comfortable and cosy.
Commander Sharp requests us to an
nounce that the next meeting of J. K.
Barnes Post G. A. R., will be held in H.
H. Berry’s office, on Thursday evening,
September 20th, and a full attendance
is urgently requested.
There will be a meeting of McCook
club in the club rooms, next Tuesday
evening, at 8 o’clock, to which all mem
bers are urged to be present.
Mayor Kelley came up from Hastings,
Wednesday night, going back on morn
ing following, as the death of his father
was momentarily expected.
The Citizens bank makes a very satis
factory and substantial showing in their
report that appears in another column
of this issue.
Don’t neglect your home newspapers
entirely. Give them the best support
yon possibly can.
Soon McCook’s smallpox scare will be
but an unpleasant reminiscence—a night
mare recollection as it were.
Note the change in the Cash Bargain
Store’s advertisement, this week.
H. T. Church took two cars of stock
to market Sunday.
Sheriff Banks spent a few hours in
the city, Wednesday evening.
Master Tom Gibbon has returned
from his visit with Orleans friends.
Mrs. D. C. Marsh left this morning
on a visit to a sister in Kenton, Ohio.
Emil Kroening, Wilcox’s cutter, ar
rived home, Tuesday night, from his
visit east.
Miss Stella Nodine, Chicago, is in
the city, guest of her friend Mrs. Fred
J. W. Dolan was up from Indianola,
last Saturday evening, on some private
A. E. Harvey, the Lincoln lawyer,
had business of the law in this city, last
W. W. McCollister of Akron, for
merly of Indianola, was a city visitor,
Mrs. E. R. Banks and sister were up
from Indianola, Wednesday, doing some
Miss Cory decided not to go to Chi
cago until after pay-day, on account of
Register Campbell was in Hastings
briefly, the first of the week, on a busi
ness mission.
James A. Cline, bank examiner, of
Minden, was a Commercial guest, Tues
day evening.
Mrs. Charles Eller and daughter
are visiting her mother, Mrs. Randall,
at Trumbull.
J. P. A. Black, the well known Bloom
ington lawyer, was a city visitor, Mon
day evening.
Rev. H. L. Preston arrived home,
last Friday night, from his visit with
his brother at Curtis.
J. S. LeHew left, Sunday evening,
for the San Luis valley, Colorado, which
country he is booming.
Olive Rittenhouse and Hannah
Strangeland will teach in the Ruggles
district, the coming term.
Joseph Dudek of Red Willow pre
cinct is entertaining his daughter Katie
and her baby from Colorado.
Charles Freelove was up from
Indianola, Sunday, the guest or Valley
Grange relatives and friends.
Miss Mitchell went down to Indian
ola, Wednesday morning, on a visit to
her sister Mrs. J. S. Kikendall.
J. A. Rice and family left, overland,
Tuesday, for Harrison, Sioux county,
where they expect to make their home.
Grant Thompson returned to the
city, close of last week, and at once re
sumed his old position in Anderson’s
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Rees arrived in
the city, Tuesday night, and are spend
ing a few days here meeting old-time
Miss Ellington Wilson commenced
school in district 8, Monday morning,
with perhaps the largest attendance the
school has ever had.
Receiver Gibbon departed for Wyo
ming, Saturday night, to be absent for a
week or ten days, looking after his rail
road work up in that country.
C. D. Fuller of Imperial, came in
from Lincoln, Tuesday night, from at
tending the state central committee
meeting, continuing his way home on
Wednesday morning.
A. M. Drew was in Omaha and Lin
coln, close of last week, on business.
Among his purchases was a mountain
lion that now stands guard at “The
Fair” in all its stuffed and terrifying
Dr. Gage of McCook, passed through
this city, Monday morning, on his wheel
enroute to Wichita, Kansas. The doctor
has a cyclometer on his wheel and says
he made the trip from McCook to this
place in two hours a distance of 23%
miles.—Danbury News.
C. E. Eldred, a rising young attorney
of McCook, who represents Lawyer
Morlan, was in the city, Tuesday, on le
gal business. Mr. Eldred enjoys the
distinction of having more cases in Dun
dy county district court under his super
vision than any other lawyer.—Benkel
man Bee.
Mr. and Mrs. George Pearce are
in the city the guests of Mrs. Pearce’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Balderston.
Mr. Pearce has given up his position in
McCook and will soon open up a general
merchandise store of his own out at
Henry, a new town in Colorado.—Ben
kelman News.
Consult Holmes Bros., the carpenters.
Buy your tablets, inks and box papers
of L. W. McConnell & Co.
The shipment of stock is pretty nearly
over, so the shippers report.
The churches will reopen on the 16th,
the public schools*on the 17th.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
U. J. Warren, last Friday night.
Remember the banks now close at
three o’clock in the afternoon instead of
“It is Reported” is the name of the
most flourishing Ananias club on two
The subject of deep plowing is being
earnestly discussed over Nebraska. Give
it a thorough trial.
C. T. Brewer will feed about 500 head
of hogs. He has contracted for a hun
dred tons of chopped wheat.
Monday was Labor day—a legal holi
day on the national calendar. The
banks as usual observed the day alone.
Business is becoming too quiet for the
sports even, and an immigration is con
templated to a more prosperous clime.
Janitor Viland was busy, first of the
week, unloading two cars of coal for the
school board at the different buildings.
The fact that the “banisterof life,’ has
its splinters does not deter a good many
people from taking a slide every now
and then.
The county central committee will
meet in the office of Secretary Bishop at
Indianola, September 15th, at 1 o’clock
in the afternoon.
On the whole mud-throwing, political
or otherwise, is reprehensible and can
not gracefully be encouraged. It's dirty,
too, besides being perilous.
Patents were received at the land office
in this city, September 4th, for Eunice
Clark, formerly Eunice Carpenter, and
Jacob Zimmerman Jr.
The Sunny Side dairy had a little run
away, last Saturday morning, and lost a
hind wheel off their yellow wagon when
the fleeing bronchos turned a corner too
C. T. Brewer is building a house and
doing some fencing at his feed lot, this
week, and otherwise preparing to do an
extensive hog feeding business this fall
and winter.
We understand that Messrs. Flitcraft
& Clark expect to move their dairy out
fit to Ft. Morgan, Colorado, soon, for
the purpose of wintering their stock
where feed is cheap. It is also rumored
that A. A. Phillippi will then engage in
the dairy business.
Messrs. Erb & Bush, the new lessees
of the Commercial house, gave a sort of
an opening dinner, Sunday, to a number
of invited guests, which marks the new
management as experts in the line of
entertainment, and their cuisine as ex
cellent indeed. Their little informal
affair Sunday was spoken of by all pres
ent in very complimentary terms. Here’s
success to the gentlemen.
Thursday morning, H. H. Berry took
charge of George M. Chenery’s stock of
goods as receiver for the benefit of Mr.
Chenery's creditors. The move became
necessary on account of Mr. Chenery
being unable to realize on his stock of
goods. Mr. Berry and A. M. Spaulding
are engaged in taking an inventory of
the stock, after which the same will be
disposed of in some manner. It is ex
pected that enough money will be real
ized to meet all demands of creditors, as
the assets largely exceed the liabilities.
Mr. Chenery is one of McCook’s earliest
settlers and has much sympathy in his
misfortune, out of which they hope he
will emerge in good shape eventually.
Book-keeping blank books for sale at
this office. Day, cash, journal, ledger,
each at ioc. apiece.
Tycoon teas are winners. Try them.
35c and 45c per pound at the C. 0. D.
grocery store._
Seven-room house to rent. Desirable
location. See J. M. Henderson.
Buy your tablets, inks and box papers
of L. W. McConnell & Co.
Patronize the McCook Commission
Co. for flour and feed.
Perfumes and toilet powders at L. W.
McConnell & Co’s.
Refrigerators very cheap at S. M.
Cochran & Co.’s.
Good writing paper ten cents a quire
at this office.
Judge Welty spent Tuesday night
in the city.
E. H. I)oan was down the valley,
Thursday, on mill business.
Dr. W. V. Gage arrived home, last
night, from his trip to Kansas.
Squire Ftsher has been down from
Wauneta a day or two on a visit.
J. E. Kelley was called to Hastings,
Monday, by the serious illness of his
Charles O'Brien retired from the
employ of L. Lowmati & Son, yesterday.
Miss Blanche Ti pper of the mayor's
office, went down to Auseltuo, Saturday,
on a visit home.
Mrs. A. S. Campbell went down to
Hastings, Tuesday morning, on a visit
to old-time friends.
Fred Olmstead, the robust Hastings
lawyer and statesman, wras a city visitor,
yesterday morning.
Mrs. C. B. Hoag of Indianola, has
been the guest of her daughter Mrs. C.
B. Gray for the past week.
R. L. Hileman and M. C. Maxwell
went up to Ft. Morgan, Colorado, last
evening. They may also take in the
irrigation convention in Denver.
William Kilgore Dead.
William Kilgore died of smallpox and
a complication of lung and heart dis
eases, Tuesday night. The deceased was
at a low ebb in vitality when taken
down, from nursing his wife, which with
his other physical infirmities, made his
recovery a matter of some solicitude
from the first.
He was 37 years of age and, with the
exception of an interval of two aud one
half years spent in California for his
health, lived in Red Willow county 21
years continuously.
The burial was attended to during
Tuesday night as is customary in such
Mrs.. Kilgore has the deep and heart
felt sympathy of the community in the
loss of her husband under the very sad
McCook Public Schools.
The fall term of the public schools
opens Monday, September 17th, at 9 a.
m. New pupils and former pupils not
provided with admission cards are re
quested to appear at the Superintend
ent’s office, Saturday, September 15th, at
9 a. m. Certificates of vaccination will
be required in all cases.
Wm. Valentine, Supt.
Money to Loan at 6 Per Cent.
We have money to loan at 6 per cent
on farm or city property in any section
of the country where property has a fixed
market value. Money ready for imme
diate loans where security and title is
good. No commission. We solicit ap
plications. Blanks furnished upon re
quest. Allen & Co.,
40 and 45 Broadway, New York.
Notice to the Public.
The Red Willow county fair has been
postponed till October 2, 3, 4, and 5.
This will enable a great many more
pump and windmill manufacturers to be
present with their irrigation pumps.
J. H. 3ERGE, Secretary.
Corn Stalk Pasture.
I have a good pasture for stock. Plenty
of good water. See me at once.
Elmer Rowell.
Buy your tablets, inks and box papers
of L. W. McConnell & Co.
Patronize the Sunny Side Dairy of
Carson & West.
. . .AT. . .
Hastings High Patent Flour. $r.oo
Fancy Bakers.80
Extra Family.70
4 lbs XXX Soda Crackers.25
3 cans Blue Valiev Sugar Com.25
3 lbs. Ginger Snaps.25
6 lbs. Rolled Oats.25
Sherman Bros. Best Mocha and Java
Coffee, 2 lbs. for.75
Sun dried Japan Tea that heretofore
sold at 45c, now.35
The 60-cent grade now.45
All other goods in proportion.
7. W. McKENNA,