The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 31, 1894, Image 4

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    JV pitaft.
For Governor,
T. J. Majors, of Nemaha.
For Lieutenant Governor,
R. E. Moore, of Lancaster.
For Secretary of State,
J. A. Piper, of Harlan.
For Auditor of Public Accounts,
Eugene Moore, of Madison.
For Treasurer,
J. S. Hartley, oi Holt.
For Commissioner,
H. C. Russell, oi Colfa*.
For Attorney General,
A. S. Churchill, of Douglas.
For Superintendent of Public Instruction,
H. R. Corbett, of York.
For Congressman—Fifth District,
W. E. Andrews, of Adams County.
For Senator, 2Qth District,
F\ M. RATHBUN of Frontier county.
For Representative,
John J. Lamborn, ot Indianola.
For Treasurer,
Henry H. Berry, of McCook.
For Attorney,
Harrow W. Keyes, of Indianola.
For Coroner,
Dr. A. W. Hoyt, of Bartley.
For Surveyor,
Edgar S. Hill, of Indianola
Majors’ stock is a good deal
higher than Ilosewater’s now.
Here’s to you, Squire Razee, M.
I)., fiddle d’ dee, et cet. el cet.
Colonel Cruzen doubtless now
appreciates our announcement that
he wasn’t in it at any stage of the
One cannot run the gauntlet of
the Burlington’s reconstruced din
ing car service without having an
enlarged respect tor the highway
Who stole Bill Taylor and who
smote Bill Patterson are compan
ion pieces and will perhaps remain
unanswered, satisfactorily, till Col.
Gabriel blows his horn in the
morning—and then nobody will
care a sou.
There are a very few genuine,
blown-in-the-bottle democrats left
in Dundy county, but they expect
to nominate a county ticket just
the same. It is thought that there
will be a democrat apiece for each
of the few county offices to be
filled, this fall.
Such startling alliterative com
binations as corporation cormor
ants, venal vampires, servile strik
ers, conscienceless cappers, ad inf.,
ad naus., will be familiar terms at
least in the coming campaign. Any
of the above will be taken at this
office on subscription, at the usual
discount to the trade.
The potentiality of Colonel Ed.
* Rosewater’s pull will not be fully
known until after the fall election,
and we will be in suspense till then
as to whether we will miss him or
not. We have some slight misgiv
ing—the demonstration at the state
convention would never have been
given an inconsiderable factor.
Atter the republicans have
“blown in” a cool hundred thous
and or two in attempting to estab
lish an anti-Rose water republican
paper in Omaha they will better
appreciate the cost of maintaining
a great daily newspaper. Wind
and resolutions will not do the
business of dollars in the newspa
per business, else every smart aleck
would have a newspaper of his own.
There is no doubt but that the
Hon. W. E. Andrews will be elected
congressman in November. Mr.
Andrews is a brilliant orator, and
a man who will represent the peo
ple better in congress than the
present incumbent. What the
people want is a live, energetic
young man who will use all his
energy in laboring for his constit
uency and his party. Andrews is
the man.—Red Cloud Chief.
We hear it rumored that Deacon
Morlau will shortly have Tom
Majors up on the carpet for Tom’s
amusing theological break in
thanking God after receiving the
nomination for governor,last week.
The Deacon, we know, is a little
particular about his theology, and
Tom’s doubtless inadvertent heter
odoxy must be burning large and
ragged holes in the Deacon’s very
sensitive soul. In the meantime
Tom should “bone up” on the
subject of synonyms.
Rtrang«i Noise* Which Have A routed Mr.
Freece of England and Our Own Edison.
Wonderful Developments Are Expected
Within the Next Few Years.
Can we open up electric c-ommunica
tion with the inhabitants of Mars? That
is a question recently considered at a
meeting of the Society of Arts in Lon
don, where Mr. W. H. Proece, engineer
to tho telegraphs department of the
British postoffice,read a paper on “Elec
tric Signaling Without Wires.” Mr.
Precco explained how he had recently
demonstrated that wires were not at all
necessary to establish telephonic com
unuer tne supervision of a royal com
mission appointed to inquire into elec
tric communication between the shores
and lighthouses, he had conducted a
Beries of experiments which amply dem
onstrated this fa*. There was no diffi
culty in speaking between the shore and
Flat Holm, three miles distance from
the place of experiment. Mr. Preece
then went on to say that “strange, mys
terious sounds” are heard on all long
telephone lines when the earth is used
as a return, especially in the calm still
ness of the night. “Earth currents,”
said he, “are found in telegraph cir
cuits, and the aurora borealis lights up
onr northern sky when the sun’s photo
sphere is disturbed by spots. The sun’s
surface must at such times be violently
disturbed by electrical storms, and if
oscillations are set up and radiated
through space in sympathy with those
required to affect telephones it is not a
wild dream to say that we may hear on
this earth a thunderstorm in the sun. ”
After further describing the mysteri
ous sounds which had attracted his at
tention in tho still watches of the night
Mr. Preece said: “If any of these
planets be populated with beings like
ourselves, having the gift of language
and the knowledge to adapt the great
forces of nature to their wants, then if
they could oscillate immense stores of
electrical energy to and fro in tele
graphic order, it would be possible for
ns to hold commune by telephone with
the people of Mars. ”
These mysterious sounds which so
puzzle Mr. Preece seem to correspond
with those noticed by Thomas A. Edi
son, who has turned .Ogden mountain in
New Jersey into a great magnet and
coiled miles of wire about it. At the
time of the last opposition of Mars he
noticed an increase of the seismic mut
terings, which have recently been so
violent Mr. Edison and Mr. Preece are
only two of the scientists who are now
experimenting along these lines, and
the whole scientific world is watching
the progress being made. Neither Mr.
Edison nor Mr. Preece has been so bold
as to say that the strange sounds referred
to are messages sent by the inhabitants
of Mars to those of earth, but they have
not otherwise explained them.
On the other hand, there are many
scientists firm in the belief that the next
few years will witness the opening up
of communication between the people
of the two planets. This conviction has
been enormously strenghtened by tho
strange lights seen at the Lick observa
I tery when Mars was under observation
during its opposition over a year ago.
The three lights were arranged in a tri
angle. Nightly as the great red orb rose
from her ocean bed to the vault of heav
en the lights flashed out as soon as dark
ness had set in, and in the immense lens
of the Lick telescope they glowed with
steady and continued effulgence. Was
this an effort of the inhabitants of Mars
to attract the attention of ’hose on
Such had been the opinion of Flam
marion, who had argued in favor of
earth signaling back with a triangle of
lights 30 miles across. It was shown
that the conditions of Mars were more
nearly those of earth than of any other
planet Both of the snow caps could be
plainly seen and may be seen now in
any first class telescope, for Mars is now
to be observed in the morning about 30
degrees west and 14 degrees south from
Venus in the constellation Capricorn.
The well defined atmosphere of Mars is
also plainly visible, and astronomers
can tell by the increase or decrease of
its snow caps and its position in regard
to the sun the progress of its seasons
and whether or not the Marsians are
having a cold winter. The canal theory
of Schiaparelli has likewise many be
lievers, who assert that the strange
straight lines on Mars are canals bnilt
by its highly civilized inhabitants.
Mr. Preece says he has kept a record
of the strange, mysterious sounds which
have attracted his attention while Edi
son has done likewise. These will re
quire much study to decipher if they
are messages from Mars. The Preece
discovery, on the other hand, puts it in
the power of the people of earth to send
direct, electrical currents to Mars, whose
inhabitants are so much in advance of
ourselves that they may be able to help
ns out in the work of opening np con
verse A pantomimic electrical inter
change will be necessary for some time,
but what will be the emotions of the
scientific world when the message is
sent out that communication has been
There are those who firmly assert that
this is an experience of the immediate
future, that electricity is the universal
force and the one whereby the planets
will come into communication with
each other, if they ever do. The mys
tery of electricity is the strange fluctua
tions is undergoes. If it were an earth
property solely, it would be steady, as
it would be were it common to all the
universe and not interfered with. But
its strange goings and comings, its ap
parent relations to the sun, and yet its
known sympathy with other heavenly
bodies, seem to show that somebody
somewhere is fooling with the dynamo
and cutting off and turning on the cur
rent.—New York World.
tome Curious Things That Amnse and As
tonish Men of Science.
Nature’s freaks of fancy afford a
strange study. People are constantly
Bending to the National museum sup
posed fossil animals and other oddities
which are in reality mere accidental
forms carved by water. A pebble in a
stream gathers about itself grains of
sand until an odd shaped lump is
made. A favorite shape for such lumps
is that of a turtle with four legs, a head
and tail, even the lines of the shell be
ing sometimes distinct. Similar concre
tions of carbonate of iron and clay as
sume the appearance of petrified pea
nuts. Break one, and you will always
find inside a small spiral winkle shell,
which has served as the nucleus. A
queer counterfeit of this kind, forward
ed to Washington not long ago, was an
alleged fossil foot of a child, with a lit
tle stocking on, the latter showing signs
of wear on the ball of the foot and on
the heel. It was only a concretion, as
was likewise what appeared to be a pet
rified oyster on the sheik
One eminent scientist has been amus
ing himself of late by making imitation
spider webs out of quartz fibers. It is
well known that copper wire can be
drawn to a fineness much less than the
thickness of a hair—in fact, to the di
ameter of the one-thousandth part of an
inch. But glass may be spun finer than
copper, while even the finest spun glass
is not so fine as silk fiber. The latter,
however, is coarse compared with the
threads that can be obtained by melting
quartz under a blowpipe and pulling it
out. Such threads may be reduced to a
thinness of one-millionth of an inch.
Drawn to such tenuity, they are invisi
ble under a microscope of the highest
power. Yet they are stronger in propor
! tion to their thickness than the best
j quality of bar steel. Enough thread like
this could be made from a single cubic
inch of quartz to go around the world
058 times. A grain of sand barely large
enough to be visible to the naked eye
would yield 1,000 miles of thread.
Obviously no practical' use can be
made of threads so extremely fine.
Comparatively coarse onas were woven
into cobwebs by the scientist aforesaid.
They wonld not catch flies because the.,
were too slippery, having no gluten on
them, like real cobwebs. This difficulty
was got over by moistening a straw in
castor oil and gently stroking the threads
with it; then the webs captured flies
fairly well. But a cobweb is incomplete
! without a spider, so it occurred to the
experimenter to attract an arachnid to
his web by the buzzing of a fly. It was
difficult to make a fly buzz to order, but
| a satisfactory imitation was produced
by permitting a tuning fork to vibrate
against the quartz fibers. This fetched
the spider right away. The scientist also
amused himself with blowing bubbles
of quartz, which looked exactly like
the most beautiful soap bubbles.—
| Washington Star.
Sponge Fishing.
The Greeks are considered the prin
| cipal sponge fishers, and it takes much
! experience, skill and hardihood to quali
fy a man for a first class place among
sponge divers. Many of the most valu
able specimens are found at a depth
| varying from 10 to 35 fathoms. To aid
in the descent, the divers make use of a
triangular stone, with a hole in one cor
ner, through which a rope is spliced.
On reaching the deep sea gardens, where
the rock ledges are clothed with marine
growths, the diver, retaining a hold on
his rope, dexterously breaks away the
holdfast of the sponges and places them
under his arm until a sufficient load has
been gleaned, when a pull on the rope
; signals his companions above that he is
! ready to ascend, and he is then hauled
; to the surface, bearing his ocean treas
! ures.—Exchange.
! -
Manuscript of “The School For Scandal.”
No printed version of “The School
For Scandal” was prepared for publica
tion by Sheridan. He always alleged
that he could not supply one with which
he was perfectly satisfied. Yet he made
the attempt, and Mr. Fraser Rae has
discovered the copy containing his final
corrections of passages in many scenes,
which Moore must have overlooked, the
documents at his disposal having recent
ly been put into Mr. Fraser Rae’s hands
by Sheridan’s descendants for the pur
pose of writing a complete biography of
the great dramatist and orator. The
manuscript is imperfect, yet enough is
extant to show how effectually Sheridan
could add a fresh charm to his polished
phrases.—London Athenaeum.
Rulers of Horses and Men.
It is instructive to compare the vis
age of the ruler of horses with that of
the ruler of men. The horseman’s face
shows command in the mouth; the drill
sergeant’s in the mouth and the eye.
The last is undoubtedly the most effect
ive instrument in exacting obedience
from our own species. Here we get a
hint of the cause of that want of dig
nity, that element of coarseness, which
is discemable in the countenances of
some men and women who have much
to do with horses. The higher and no
bler method of expressing authority is
outweighed by the lower and more ani
mal one.—Blackwood’s Magazine.
Are Men Getting More Vain?
A local philosopher, who makes a
practice of observing other people’s
manners and commenting upon their
habits, states that nearly every man now
carries a pocket mirror. According to
him, this habit has grown immensely
of late, and nearly every man can be
observed at frequent intervals pulling a
glass out of his pocket and looking at
the set of his necktie or the appearance
of his whiskers.—Philadelphia Call.
Out of Order.
Little Girl—We has a new baby.
Neighbor—You have?
Little Girl—Yes’m, an its eyes open
an shut, too, but I guess there's somefing
zee matter wif its works, ’cause zee eyes
don’t always shut when you lay it
down.—Good News.
Just watch the Republican
smoke, this year!
There are already some prom
ising indications that the campaign
will be hot enough for anybody.
There is one distinctive and
beautiful characteristic of “our5'
conventions: they are always very
Frank Melbourne, the rain
maker, committed suicide recently
in a Denver hotel. His secret
was probably more than he could
W. J. Bryan will inject some
brains and free silver into the
Omaha World-Herald after Sep
tember 1st, when he assumes con
trol of that paper as the editor-in
The Republican state conven
tion was too large by half, and the
representation next year should lie
cut in two at least. There is ab
solutely no excuse for having such
an uncontrollable and disorderly
mob of delegates like the late
state convention, which was simply
unmanageable and disgustingly
turbulent. Reduce the represen
tation by r.ll means.
No. 2, through passenger. 5:40 A.M.
No. 4, local passenger.9:10 P. M.
No. 70, freight.0:45 A. M.
No. 04,freight... 4:30 A. M.
No. so, freight. .10:00 A. M.
No. 148, freight, made up here. 5:00 A. M.
| No. 3, through passenger.. ..11:35 P. M.
I No. 5, local paBSsengei*. . 0:25 P. M.
| No. 63, freight. 5:00 P. M.
I No. 77, freight. 4:2* P. M.
j No. 140, freight, made up here . 6:00 A. M.
I No. 175, leaves at.«:00 A. M.
[ No. 170. arrives at...5:40 P. M.
£5£f“NoTE:—No. 03 carrns passengers for
Stratton, Henkelman and Haigler.
All trains run daily excepting 148,149 and
170. which run daily except Sunday.
No. 3 stops at Henkelman and Wray.
No. 2 stops at Indianola, Cambridge and Ar
! apaboe.
! No. HO will carry passengers for Indiano.a,
I Cambridge and Arapahoe.
I N/)S. 4, 5,148,149 and 170 carry passengers for
j all stations.
I You can purchase at this office tickets to ati
I principal points in the United States and Can
ada and baggage checked through to destina
tion without extra charge of transfer. For
information regarding rates, etc. call on or
address C. E. MAGNER, Agent.
i Every Friday during July and August the
' Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets
; to Hot. Springs, S. D., at ibe one-way rate,
. Tickets good for 15 days.
This substantial reduction from tariff rates
i brings a trip to this greatest of western health
resorts within everyone’s reach. Consump
tives. rheumatics, sufferers from every ill
that flesh is heir to. will make no mistake it
they take ad; antage of this opportunity.
Full information upon application to local
B. & M. R. R. agent, or to J. Francis, G. P. A
T. A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb.
Annual encampment Grand Army of the
Republic, Pittsburg. Pa., September K—i»i. lsi»4.
'I’iekets on sale September 5 and 0 at one first
class fare for the round trip.
J. FRANCIS,G. P. A. Agent.
Hot Springs, South Dakota, is a place that
everyone should visit.
It’s a health resort: the best in the west.
It’s a charmimg place where pure air and
healing waters put sickness to flight and i
! make anything but perfect health well-nigh
| an impossibility.
Invalids, no matter what their ailment,
i should give Hot Springs a trial. Jt’s 6ure to
j benefit them, more than likely to cure.
How to get there ? Why, by the Burlington
i Route, of course. It’s the line. Ask the local
agent for full information or write to the un- j
, dersigned for a beautifully illustrated pam
phlet. J. FRANCIS.
[ G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
September 6th to 14th round trip tickets will
be on sale at Burlington Route stations at the ,
one-way rate plus 50 cents admission to the
fairgrounds. Tickets and full information;
upon application to the local agent.
Rates lower than ever before. Tickets to
Pittsburg and return at less than half rates
will be on sale at Burlington Route stations, I
September 7th and 8th. 'lionets and further
informatiou upon application to local agent.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me j
from the district court of Red Willow county,
Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before
Hon. D. T. Welty, judge of the district court
of Red Willow county, Nebraska, on the 18th
day of September, 1893. in favor of J. Coolidge
Hills as plaintiff, and against Alonzo Jay et
al. as defendants, for the sum of six hundred
fifty nine ($659) dollars and forty-six (46)cents
j and costs taxed at $23.08, and accruing costs,
and co-defendants Burton & Harvey on their
cross petition obtained a decree for the sum
of $22.80,1 have levied upon the following
real estate taken ns the property of said de
fendants to satisfy said judgments, to-wit:
the east, half of the south-east quarter of sec
tion six, and the north-west quarter of the
south-west quarter of section 5, in township
4. north, range 28, west of the 6th P. >!.. in
Red Willow county, Nebraska. And will offer
the same for sale to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand, on the 20th day of August, A. D.
lo94, in front of the south door of the court
bouse, in Tndianola, Nebraska, that being the
building wherein the last term court was
held, at the hour of one o’clock d. ni., of said
day, when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated July 16th, 1894. E. R. Banks,
W. S. Moklan, Sneriff of said county.
9-5t. Attorney.
£F~Tbe above sale was continued thirty
days for want of bidders E. R. Banks.
Land Office at McCook, Nebrask a,
August 2d, 1894.
Notice i6 hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of bis intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register or Receiver at McCook. Nebras
ka, on Monday. September 17th. 1894. viz:
Lacy A. Peirce, one of the heirs of Clarkson
Peirce, homestead entry No. 8.052. for the east
half of the northwest quarter and lots one
and two, section 30. township 5. north, range
30, west of the 6th principal meridian. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Thomas Whitmer of McCook,
Nebraska; George Brown of McCook. Ne
braska: Paul Wood, of McCook. Nebraska;
Heury Miller of McCook. Nebraska.
A. S. Campbell, Register.
Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your
Life away is the truthful and startling title of
a little book that tells all about No-to-bac,
the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco
habit cure. The cost is trifling and the man
who wants to quit and can’t, runs no physical
or financial risk in using No to-bac—Sold by
all druggists. Book at drug stores or by mail
free. The Sterling Remedy Co.. Indiana Min
eral Springe, Indiana. Aug. 25—1 yr.
» |*==^=th;e
5 THEx-.
? Latest
Fait Stifles
. • • • or • • •
Men and Boys Hats
I f Just
: Received.
5 McCook, Nebraska. JONAS ENGEL,
<cHtcn f ion!
I still have a few good young Bulls that
1 will sell very cheap, if taken soon. All
in want of anything- of this kind will do
well to call and examine my stock.
Shadeland Stock Farm.
It Will
Pay You!
]VIhs. e. e. utter,
Piano, Organ, Guitar and Banjo, j
McCook. Nehrftska.
Austin j. rittenhouse,
ES^Office over the Famous Clothing *-?ore.
Elmer row ell.
Real Estate, Collections,
McCook. - Nebraska.
■ a « H ■■ ^ M
It is sold on a suaxunteo by all dras;
gists. It cures Incipient Consumption
and is the beat Cough and Crons Cnre. -
Mixed Paints 90c a
gallon at McMillen’s
drug- store.
W. L. Douclas
9 3.5P police. 3 Soles.
*2.*I2? Boys’SchoolShoes.
You can save money by purchasing W. L.
Douglas Shoes,
Because, we are the largest manufacturers of
advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name ana price on
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have them sold every
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
DEALER whose name will shortly ap
pear here. Agents wanted.
Apply at once.
is stamped in the best watch
cases made. It is the trade
mark of the Keystone Watch
Case Company, of Philadelphia,
the oldest, largest and best
known factory in the world—
1500 employees,capacity2000
cases daily. Its products are
sold by all jewelers, lr makes
the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled
Watch Cases, now fitted with
the only bow (ring) which can
not be pulled off the case—the
Ask your jewelerfor pamphlet.