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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1894)
THIRTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK. RED WILLOW COUNTY. NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST 81, 1894. NUMBER IS. The Pythian Outing At Lincoln, last Friday, was one of the most memorable events in the history of Nebraska Pythianism, and in quite a satisfactory manner made up to the boys for their disappointment at not being able to attend the grand encampment at Washington, a disappointment chargea ble to the fact that the Nebraska brigade was unable to secure satisfactory railroad rates to the national capital. The at tendance was quite large from various parts of the state, and the outing in Lincoln park was marked with every indication of pleasure. The music pro vided for the occasion by the Brigade Band of our city was one of the leading and gratifying features. The boys in deed plumed themselves handsomely. The Lincoln Daily Call has the follow ing to say concerning the Brigade Band and the music furnished by the boys at the Pythian outing at Lincoln, Friday: “Today is the occasion of the outing of the Knights of Pythias and there are many of the Knights in the city from various points. The K. P. Band cf Me-. Cook, arrived in the city last evening, twenty-six strong, under the leadership ofH.P. Sutton. At ten o’clock they paraded the streets and gave a number oi cnoice selections. a iiumoer 01 .Lin-1 coin Knights were in the procession and j they finally brought up at the B. & M. depot where they went to receive the visiting delegations. By the noon hour nearly all had arrived, many of them by special excursion trains, and at 1:45 p. m. a long procession headed by the Bri gade Band passed through the principal streets and then proceeded to Lincoln park where they spent the remainder of the day and evening. The Brigade Band, U. R. K. P. of McCook, is one of the fin est bands west of the Missouri river and wherever they have played have never failed to elicit great praise. The per sonnel of the band and their positions are as follows: H. P. Sutton, conductor; \V. S. Beattie, Alden Ely, M. A. Spaulding, cornet; Jos. Reizenstein, E. W. Clarke, J. N. Waite, Harry Fry, Snyder, Beards ley, clarionet; C. W. Barnes, Charles P\ Heber, James Rogers, J. A. Munson, El mer Rowell, alto; Emil Kroening, O. G. LeHew, tenor; C. R. McConnell, R. A. Brown, trombone; F. A. Pennell, bari tone; E. J. Wilcox, Jos. Schoebel, tuba, A. A. Hackman, snare drum; B. J. Sut ton, base drum; E. L. Laycock, drum major; George Chinn, porter. “Sir Knight-Herald E. N. Allen, Di vision No. 42, Arapahoe, R. A. Brown cornet; W. S. Beattie, cornet, and Mr. Snyder, clarionet, of Lincoln, were with the band. The boys are stopping at the Grand hotel. “Before starting out to Lincoln Park the boys drew up in front of The Call office and played several selections in a highly artistic manner, atter which the musicians adjourned to the Capital hotel steps where they listended to a few re marks of appreciation and thanks by L. L. H. Austin.” The Lincoln State Journal also briefly but in complimentary terms refers to the presence of the band in the capital city: “At half past three o’clock the Brigade Band of McCook gave another concert, composed of the following selections: Polonaise—“OnMountain Heights". .Kiessler Overture—“Semiramide”.Rossini Valse—“Aus der Schone Zeit".Rixner Selection—“Musical Jokes”.Hamm Baritone Solo--“Le Ideal”.Minker F. A. Penneli.. ()verture-“Die\'erlassene Dido" Mercandante Introduction and Tarrantelle.Rollinson Clarinet Solo—“Intro, and Polacca”. .Schmidt E. W. Clarke. (tveiture—“Zampa”.Herold March—“Col. Philbrook”.Hall The concert was really fine and sub stantiated the claim that the band is one of the best musical organizations in the state.” __ To the People. In order to get our high grade crayon work before the people, we will for one week, commencing Monday, September 3d, make one dozen cabinets and one life-size (14x17) crayon for $5. Photos and crayon first-class and warranted in every respect. Frames for crayons at lowest prices. Now is your chance, for one week only. .Hall & Beinhart. Beaf steak 7c. per pound. F. s. Wilcox. Everybody is cleaning up. McCook in the main is as clean as a pin. Boiling meat 3c. per pound at the B. & M. meat market. Perfumer, and toilet powders at L. W. McConnell & Co’s. A nice variety of ink and pencil tab lets at this office. See Cochran & Co. if you want a re frigerator cheap. Toilet soap, tooth brushes and sponges at McConnell’s. Patronize the Sonny Side Dairy of Carson & West. Perfumes and toilet powders at L. W. McConnell & Co’s. There is considerable speculation and much theorizing as to the origin and cause of the smoky atmosphere of the past week or more. The Tribune is of the opinion that the possibilities of distress in Red Willow county, this winter, are not by any means fully appreciated and understood. The situation is certainly much more serious than it was in 1890. Let us be awake to the situation. It is grave and as such demands careful attention. Sub-soiling is dividing with irrigation the public attention and interest. Both are of vast importance to Southwestern Nebraska, and should be religiously ob served and carried out wherever possi ble. Thus an element of recognized cer tainty will be injected into our agricul tural affairs. Sub-soiling should be given a thorough, practical experiment during the coming season. On account of the removal and of the contemplated removal of so many peo ple from that school district there is a possibility that no school will be taught in district 16, this fall and winter. We understand that the present outlook is that there will not be more than 4 or 5 pupils left in the district. The immigra tion from the country southwest of the city promises to be large between now and winter we are sorry to say. The governor has issued his proclama tion calling attention to the fact that the first Monday in September is designated as labor day, and that date this year is Monday, September 3d. He recom mends that all places of business be closed, in order that opportunity be giv en those who toil by hand or brain to celebrate the day in such a manner as is calculated to recognize and teach the worth of honest effort, to elevate and dignify labor and improve the condition of wage earners in our midst. We hope, so tar as possible, that our subscribers will come in and pay up all arrearages. The times are very hard and we must have the money now. We have been easy with you and now we need it to run our business oh. Those of you who live outside of Red Willow' county particularly will be expected to remit promptly all past due subscription. We hope that we shall not be compelled to ask for what is due us again, but that you wHl respond as far as possible aud as promptly as possible. Persons under the ditch are much an noyed by thieves at night, so that some of them at least have watchmen patrol their fields all night. One farmer re cently peppered two thieves with No. S shot, and this farmer has had as mam as five double-barreled shot guns on his farm in a single night. One farmer re ports the loss of $20 worth of produce in one night. Another that the robbers have stolen at least $50 worth from him already. This midnight marauding has become so general that the irrigation men are now all up in arms. C. P. Viland and family who have been visiting up in Frontier county for a a week or ten days, returned to the city, first of the week. Mr. Viland. reports the smallpox scare in that section as rapidly disappearing. That the rigid quarantine established by the McCook authorities of even suspected cases has had a most reassuring effect among the people up there, some of the farmers go ing so far as to state that they would feel safer in McCook now, where quaran tine is being carefully maintained, than they do in the country where such regu lations cannot well be enforced. Mr. Viland states that confidence has been restored and that trade will soon return to its accustomed channels. This is to be devoutly wished for, as our merchants have already been large losers on ac count of the unnecessary scare cansed by senseless and outrageous misrepresenta tions of the smallpox epidemic in out city. One of the easiest ways to make people go abroad to trade is to neglect adver tising at home. Merchants who don’t believe that advertising pays should be the last to complain if the people, being attracted by liberal advertisements of merchants in other cities, go abroad to do their trading. As a general thing most of the people who send abroad for goods do so because of the bargains that are offered in the city papers, or be cause they see things advertised that they think the local merchants do not keep. ' If the local merchants would make a business of thoroughly advertis ing the goods they handle and their prices, much of this trade would be kept at home. The merchant who keeps not the people informed that he will sell at reasonable prices has no cause to com plain of his customers sending to the cities for their goods. Staple goods may sell without advertising, but specialties must be thoroughly advertised. Relief for the Drouth-Stricken. Senator Manderson received some days ago a petition signed by Nebraska state officials and bearing tlie names of many citizens of the state on behalf of a large number of soldiers residing in the drouth-stricken district who have claims pending in the pension office, and who on account of the great distress in which they are now in by the loss of their crops ask that immediate action be taken upon their claims. Senator Manderson at once took the matter up with the commissioner of pensions and has re ceived the following official reply: “I have your favor of the 20th inst., enclosing petition signed by the state officials and a large number of citizens of Nebraska, stating that there are many soldiers residing in the drouth-stricken district of that state who are in distress on account of the loss of their crops and asking that immediate action be taken upon their claims. It will be very diffi cult to assort and select such claims with the help of any data that can be obtained in this bureau without very great expen diture of time, but any particular cases of the character indicated to which you may cal! my attention will be expedited so tar as I can cause it to be done." It will be necessary for all old veterans in this condition and claiming special consideration on account of their dis tress to produce full evidence that special action by the department is necessary, to evidence this by affidavit of at least two reputable persons in their vicinity that they are in indigent circumstances and on this account special action by the department is called for. All such old soldiers should at once send affida vits of their condition to the department and Senator Manderson is assured that, with the full proof presented, their cases will at once be taken up and acted upon. Senator Manderson and Representative Meikeljohn, who have interested them felves in these cases, have made arrange ments by which, when such evidence is presented directly to the pension depart ment action will follow it.—\Y. E. A. in Lincoln Journal. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. Dressmaking Department Will Re Open on Monday. Miss Corv and Miss Colling have formed a partnership and the goods of the former will, on the first of next week, be removed to the apartments of the latter up stairs in the A. O. U. W. temple building. Miss Coliing will re operi the dressmaking department on next Monday morning and will be pre pared to execute everything in that line in her usual artistic and satisfactory manner and at prices corresponding with the times. Miss Cory will depart for Chicago on Tuesday morning, and will there lay in a stock of millinery and fancy goods of the latest and most approved styles, which will be placed on the market here at the most reasonable prices consistent with the high grade and fashionable ex cellence of the goods. They respectfully solicit a continuance of past favors and patronage. A Challenge. McCook, Neb., Aug. 30th. T. E. or C. L. McCarl, managers train men’s base ball club, gentlemen: You are hereby challenged to play a game of base ball at the west McCook grounds, on Monday, September 3d, 1894, the game to be called promptly at 3 o’clock p. m., central time, and to continue 7 innings. Provided, however, if good and sufficient reasons can be given for a less number of innings, the two clubs may then determine the number of in nings to be played. The said nines are to be composed exclusively of railroad men in the first instance, and clerks in the second instance. All first nine play ers are barred from either club. C. W. Likdsay, Geo. D. LeHew, Representing the clerks. Declared Off. Palisade, Neb., Aug. 27th. Owing to the prevalence of smallpox at McCook and the fear that the seeds of the disease may have been scattered in other places, it is considered best that the gathering of large crowds of people be avoided, and for this reason the Hitchcock County Soldiers’ Reunion to be held at Palisade, September 5th and 6th, has been declared off. By Order of Committee. The Prohibitionists of Red Willow county are hereby called to meet in mass convention, at the city hall in McCook, on Saturday, September 29th, 1894, at 2 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of nomi nating a county ticket, and for the trans action of such other business as may properly come before the convention. W. O. Norval, chairman. Toilet soap, tooth brushes and sponges at McConnell’s. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Mabel Wilcox is clerking in Wilcox &. Son’s store. R. O. Phillips of Lincoln, was a city visitor. Tuesday. J. T. Bullard was dow n from Pali sade, Monday evening. . Mrs. W. S. Morlan is visiting Lin coln friends this week. I)R. S. L. Green was in Hastings, yesterday, on business. Miss Effie M. Crane departed, this week, for Lynnville, Iowa. George W. Colvin was up from Ar apahoe on business, Tuesday. • Miss Pearl Brewer returned home from her visit, first of the week. S. P. Hart shipped some hogs to the San Luis valley country, close of last week. Miss Edna Meserve came up from Indianola last night and is the guest of her sister. Mrs. J. E. Kelley and the family arrived home, first of the week, from Colorado. Ed Harmon left on Tuesday evening for Iowa and will be absent about a month on a visit. Rev. Frank Durant left, this week, for Minnesota, expecting to be in St. Paul by Sunday. Dr. Charles Bunce of Hastings, is looking after the smallpox cases, vice Dr. Rice resigned. J. H. BaysTON, county superintend ent, was a visitor in this part of the county, Thursday. B. F. Troxel, Elmer Trumbarr and Judge Benson are up on the Burlington's Wyoming line looking up locations. Mrs. S. E. Taylor and sou John left; for Iowa, Saturday evening last, to be absent till January, if not permanently. F. M. RaThbun, of Frontier county, our next state senator, circulated in this vicinity, Tuesday evening and Wednes morning. Ed Bredwell is the new deputy post master. He is a cousin of postmaster Meeker, and arrived from Illinois, close of last week. George Ball of the Willow will leave for Cherry county in a few days to put up a large amount of hay on which to winter cattle. Mrs. Etter, Miss Maggie and Ste phen departed, this week, for Neosho, Mo., where they will live with John Etter, son and brother. Dr. W. V. Gage had business in Se dan, Kansas, this week, and made the journey on his wheel, covering a number of hundred miles altogether. Ike Sheridan was up from Indianola, Tuesday night, in consultation with his political compatriots of the metropolis. And you know “Our Ike” is foxy. U. G. Moser was in the city, first of the week, arranging for the removal of his effects to Hastings, where he will make his headquarters for the present. George Pearce retired from the em ploy of Wilcox & Son, Monday. His wife will stay with her parents at Ben kelman for a while and George will go east in search of work. John Hatfield returned to Decatur, Illinois, Sunday morning. He completed arrangement while here to irrigate 260 acres this fall and next spring of his cel ebrated alfalfa ranch southeast of the city. S. P. Hart arrived home, Wednesday morning, from his trip to the San Luis valley, Colorado, and he is quite enthu siastic over the possibilities of that valley in the production of alfalfa and small grain. Smallpox Disappearing. There are no new cases of smallpox in McCook, and all of the six cases are now convalescing. Under the rigid quaran tine and by the most thorough cleansing and fumigation of infected places no fur ther spread of the disease is expected. The Indianola Independent of this week states the situation quite compre hensively and truthfully in the following language: “The smallpox scare has practically subsided at McCook, there being no new cases and neatly all of the old ones are convalescent. Wild rumors have been iM circulation as to the disease having spread to other towns, but there seems to be no truth to them. The city authorities of McCook are entitled to great credit for the efficient manner in which they have handled this much-dreaded scourge, and it is earnestly hoped that their efforts will prove effectual. Dr. B. B. Davis is in the city today on1 business and is greeting his host of friends in McCook after a year’s absence in Germany. Buy your tablets, inks and box papers of L. W. McConnell & Co. The San Luis valley, Colorado, is the landseekers’ niecca temporarily The county commissioners will meet in adjourned session next Monday morn ing, September 3d. The Red Willow county fair has been postponed until October 2-5. Remember the change of dates. Uncle Billie Coleman spent part o_f last week down in the southwestern part of the county haying. He put up 28 wagon loads of good hay. The Fifth congressional central com mittee will meet in the Bostwick hotel, Hastings, Tuesday evening at 7 o’clock, September 4tli. Ex-Receiver Bomgardner of McCook, was shaking hands with old friends in this city, last Saturday. Mr. Bomgard ner is talking some of moving back to Orleans, and we hope he will.—Orleans Progress. The new school house in district 4b is ready for the furniture. Miss Minnie Whittaker, a last year’s graduate of the McCook high school, will teach the ses sion which will likely commence on the first Monday in September. A new school house is in course of con struction ill district 5, near Lebanon. It is expected to be ready to open school therein about October first. E. E. Hayes, one of Red Willow county’s reliable teachers, will be in charge. Don’t make fun of the young man who affects the “monkey stoop/’while he is riding his bicycle. The physicians say that he is sure to be afflicted with “kyphosis bicyclistarum” sooner or la ter, and that will certainly be all that the unforttiuate fellow can bear John J. Lamborn, real estate dealer and general rustler, of Indianola, was in the city, Monday. Mr. Lamborn has been honored by the Republicans of Red Willow county with the nomination for representative. He is a gentleman in every particular, and we have no doubt that the voters of his bailiwick will see him through to a seat in the house this winter.—Orleans Progress. ;; It will require quite an exhibition of Nebraska nerve to hold down the barren and desolate claims in western Nebraska this year, but the fellow who gives the exhibition will have a colossal three-ring circus of contentment to exhibit when the seasons smile again. There are but few favored localities on the face of the earth in this year of our Lord, and if the people all turn their faces toward them, even they will be transformed to plutonic homes. Stay where you are and “He who guides the sparrow’s fall” will see that you don't miss a meal.-Waco World. Do you owe the country merchant? Pay him. Pay him as a matter of justice. Pay him as an object of charity, if you would rather, but pay him in any event, if possible. Don’t let a dollar sleep in your pocket. Start it out on the road to liquidation. The merchant has carried you because he didn’t want to offend by refusing credit. You can’t pay, or you refuse to pay, and he can’t collect be cause the law grants you exemptions. With him it is different. The wholesale merchant swoops down upon him and closes him up, and because you. don't liquidate he sees all he has sunk m vor tex of legal processes. Your lot is a hard one, and you are entitled to sympathy, but bad as it is it is preferable to that of the country merchant with large bills to pay and a book full of uncollected ac counts. Be manly. Go in and see him and try' and arrange some method by which you can pay him a part of your bill at least.—Harlan County Democrat. Book-keeping blank books for sale at this office. Day, cash, journal ledger, each at ioc. apiece. Tycoon teas are winners. Try them. 35c and 45c per pound at the C O. D. grocery store._ Seven-room house to rent. Desirable location. See J. M. Henderson Whole hams I2}4c. Sliced hams 15c. at the B. & M. meat market. Buy your tablets, inks and box papers of L. W. McConnell & Co. Patronize the McCook Commission Co. for flour and feed. Perfumes and toilet powders at D. W. McConnell & Co’s. Refrigerators very cheap at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office._ “And he wore a worried look.” Just One Instance. First ol tile week a Tribune repre sentative liad the pleasure of visiting H. Stone's irrigated farm a few miles south of the river. Mr. Stone is farming 30 acres of land rented from Mr. Myers, purchaser of the Eaton ranch, and is perhaps one of the most successful farm ers under the ditch. He has in a variety of crops. One acre of onions which he states will yield between 400 and 500 bushels. They are looking well, and at $1 per bushel will give him a handsome return for his labor on them. He has in between 7,000 and 8,ouo cabbage plants They are heading out finely and he ex pects that this crop will yield hint be tween $500 and $600. There are two acres of musk and water melons. The melons are doing very well and promise a fine crop. These he has already sold to M. E. Knipple and will realize be tween $400 and $500 on this crop. But his principal crop is potatoes. He has in 28 acres of them, and while the crop will not be large on account of the short ’ age of water, Mr. Stone confidently ex pects to dig 3.000 bushels out of the patch this fall, and at ft per bushel this item will be $3,000, and makes the gross total from the thirty acres between 54,3°° ana 54,600 Mr. Stone liad in quite a number of acres of corn, but as he was only able to water this field but once, the crop is a failure. Mr. Myers furnished the land and the water for one-third the crop. The water cost $120, so that the amount of rental he will receive will amount to between $35 and $40 per acre net. While these figures must be very grat ifying, Mr. Stone thinks his potatoe crop alone could have been improved by more water at least Jr,000 worth. And while there is lots of hard work and con siderable expense for labor, the results attained, this year, on this thirty-acre patch show quite conclusively that irri gation can be made very profitable in this section Has Changed Hands. Wednesday morning the lease of the Commercial hotel was transferred from H. H. Miller to Messrs. T. A. Erb and C. E. Brush, both late of Trenton, and after breakfast the new management assumed charge These gentlemen are both men of experience and means, and the Commercial house w ill no doubt be maintained up to the high standard which has made it one of the most popu lar hotels in southwestern Nebraska. The Tribune wishes them unlimited prosperity Money to Loan at 6 Per Cent. We have money to loan at 6 per cent on farm or city property in any section of the country where property has a fixed market value. Money ready for imme diate loans where security and title if. good. No commission. We solicit ap plications Blanks furnished upon re quest Aeeen&Co., 40 and 45 Broadway, New York A Base Balt Tournament. Oa No. 2, next Monday morning, the McCook base ball club will leave for Hastings to play the opening game of a series of six games arranged for by the management. From Hastings the club will go to Minden, Axteil, Holdrege— two games, Arapahoe. Here’s success to their prowess May they win even' game Notice to the Pubiic. The Red Willow county fair has been postponed till October 2. 3, 4, and 5 This will enable a great many more pump and windmill manufacturers to be present with their irrigation pumps. J. IT. BERGE, Secretary. Buy your tablets, inks and box paper. of L. W McConnell & Co. HERE ARE BARGAINS AT THE C. 0. i). STORE. Hastings High Patent Flour . . ,$r.o> Fancy Bakers .. ..80 [ Extra Family ..70 4 lbs XXX Soda Crackers.25 3 cans Blue Valley Sugar Corn. . 2'j 3 lbs. Ginger Snaps.25 6 lbs. Rolled Oats. .25 j Sherman Bros. Best Mocha and Java j Coffee, 2 lbs. for.75 Sun dried Japan Tea that heretofore sold at 45c, now.35 The 60-cent grade now.45 All other goods in proportion, I. W. McKENNA, Proprietor.