The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 24, 1894, Image 1

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Regulations Concerning the Sani
tary Conditions of McCook.
Regulation i. Upon the first appear
ance of Small Pox, Scarlet Fever, Diph
theria, or any other contagious or infec
tious disease, the upholstered furniture,
carpets, rugs, mats, books, or any other
articles not admissible of thorough wash
ing or cleansing with boiling water,
should be removed from the rooms in
any way connected or used in connection
with the apartments occupied by the
person or persons thus affected. And no
articles of furniture, clothing or property
of any description whatever, except such
as are absolutely necessary for the prop
er care of the patient or patients, should
be allowed to remain in the apartments
thus occupied.
Reg. 2. The apartments of the sick
should be kept well ventilated. A cur
rent of fresh air should be allowed con
tinually to pass through the apartments
by means of open doors and windows.
Reg. 3. Too much attention cannot
be paid to cleanliness. The bed clothing'
should be of such material as will admit
of washing in boiling water, and should
be changed at least once daily, and the
floors of the apartments should be fre
quently washed with soap and water.
Reg. 4. All clothing or bedding, when
removed from the room of the sick,
should be immersed in a solution of cor
rosive sublimate of the strength of one
half ounce of corrosive sublimate to four
gallons of water, and kept so immersed
until removed to be thoroughly cleansed
and boiled.
REG. 5. All excrete from the sick room
should be thoroughly disinfected by a
solution of corrosive sublimate of the
strength of one-half ounce to four gal -
ions of water, and immediately buried.
REG. 6. Upon the complete recovery
of the sick, all articles used in the house
must be thoroughly disinfected o r
burned. All articles capable of being
washed in boiling water should be col
lected together and thoroughly washed
in boiling hot water, and placed on a
line to dry; after which they should not
be returned to the house until the same
has been thoroughly cleansed and dis
infected. Also all articles of clothing,
bedding, etc., not capable of being
washed, should be placed under a solu
tion of corrosive sublimate, of the stregth
of one-half ounce to four gallons of wa
ter, and kept so covered for at least one
hour, then removed without wringing,
and placed on a line to dry, and not
returned to the house until the building
is thoroughly cleaned.
Reg. 7. The walls and wood-work of
the apartments should be thoroughly
washed with corrosive sublimate solu
tion, and all paper should be removed
from the walls and burned, and the walls
washed, sized with glue and re-papered,
and all wood-work should be painted or
REG. 8. The carpets, rugs, mats, etc.,
should be well washed with a solution of
one pound of soap, one-half pound of
borax, eight ounces of aqua ammonia
and three gallons of water, after which
it should be thoroughly rubbed with the
corrosive sublimate solution, and the
carpets raised, the floors very thoroughly
cleansed with concentrated lye, and the
carpets replaced while damp and left on
the floor to dry.
REG. 9. An persons living in the house
at the time, and all persons in attend
ance on the sick, or engaged in cleansing
the apartments, together with the sick
(after recovery), should subject them
selves to daily baths in a carbolized so
lution of the strength of one-half ounce
of carbolic acid to one gallon of water,
for four consecutive days before being
allowed to mingle with the public.
REG. 10. All pupils before entering
the public schools of the city of McCook,
shall deposit with the superintendent or
principal thereof a certificate from a re
putable physician, legally qualified to
practice medicine in the state of Ne
braska, or from a physician appointed
by the board of health, of a satisfactory
vaccination. J. H. Yarger,
Pres, of Council and Acting Mayor.
Jacob Steinmetz, Clerk Protem.
Try Meadow Lily at McConnell’s.
Wall Paper 3 cents a roll at L. W.
The county fair will be held Septem
ber 4th to 7th.
Refrigerators very cheap at S. M.
Cochran & Co.’s.
Patronize the McCook Commission
Co. for flour and feed.
Go to McConnell for Toilet Soap, Per
fumes and Toilet Articles.
Seven-room house to rent. Desirable
location. Sqe J. M. Henderson.
Book-keeping blank books for sale at
this office. Day, cash, journal, ledger,
each at 10c. apiece.
“Whom the Lord loveth he chasten
eth.” What boundless love is ours!
A number of our boys attended the L.
A. W. meeting in Denver, last week.
When it becomes necessary to rob a
printing office times must be harder than
the heart of a Pharaoh.
Mrs. Alex. Weaver gave birth to a 9^
pound girl, Sunday afternoon. Mother
and child are getting along nicely.
The people of Red Willow county want
to do a deal of thinking before engaging
in any more bond voting enterprises.
The mercury has reached the 100 mark
so often this summer that the occurrence
no longer attracts a word of comment.
This section came in for some fine
showers, Sunday afternoon and evening,
for which small favors we are duly
Elder D. L. McBride will be the next
representative of Frontier and Gosper
counties. And he will make a thoroughly
excellent member, too.
The Knights of Pythias held a special
meeting, Saturday evening, and raised a
few of the boys in Pythianism for the
trip to Omaha and Lincoln.
The Tribune office was entered, Sat
urday night, by forcing the rear door,
and two or three dollars in change and
stamps were stolen. The thief was
evidently insane.
Traveling Engineer Dixon and Roy
arrived home, close of last week, from
the South Dakota Hot Springs. The
rest of the family will remain there a
while longer.
The practice of deep sub-soil plowing
is earnestly recommended by John Hat
field, one of Red Willow county’s most
practical, energetic and successful farm
ers and stockmen.
Lovell Clyde and Harry Gordon be
came involved in some difficulty, Monday
evening, which resulted in a disfigured
countenance for the latter and $3 and
trimmings for the former. '
Commencing with September first the
several banking houses of McCook will
close their doors at three o’clock in the
afternoon, one hour earlier than at pres
ent. Patrons should keep this fact in
Mrs. Etter and family feel most grate
ful for all the sympathy and assistance
rendered them in their recent sorrow
and bereavement, and take this means
ot expressing their profound thankful
ness therefor.
, $29.50 worth of subscribers left us, last
week, without leaving their cards. Of
course the whole caboodle of them aren’t
worth a penny to us or the community,
but there would have been $29.50 in our
cash box if they had been manly enough
to pay the printer before vamoosing.
E. T. Ellis and family of Red Willow
county, brother-in-law of R. C. Murdock,
was in town, last Saturday, re-route to
Arkansas, where he goes to seek a future
home. Mr. Ellis was formerly a resident
of Harlan county and visited old friends
a few days before continuing his journey.
—Oxford Standard.
The representative convention com
posed of the counties of Hitchcock,
• Dundy, Hayes and Chase, met at Wau
neta, last week, but failed to agree on a
nominee. After taking over 300 ballots
the convention adjourned to meet in
Culbertson on August 29th.
It seems to be the general opinion
among farmers we have met and talked
with that ten farmers will irrigate small
tracts of land next season through the
windmill-storage system to one who has
done so this year. This plan is particu
larly valuable in gardening—and what
is more desirable on a farm than a good
Dr. Eskey of Indianola, has turned
over his practice to Dr. Hoyt of Bartley,
and will attend a course of lectures in
Chicago during the ensuing year. His
family will live in Prophetstown, 111., in
the mean time. The doctor is rapidly
rising in his profession in which he thus
seeks to improve and advance himself.
Several loads of watermelons were on
the streets, Saturday. We are prepared
to exchange a limited number of “pufis”
for this necessary summer accompani
ment. These “puffs” are from one to
three inches in length, varying with the
size of melon. All we desire to know in
furnishing one for adult, male or female,
white or black, is whether the applicant
is married or single. When possessed
with this information we guarantee sat
isfaction. Otherwise at applicant’s risk.
Board of Education Meets.
A special meeting of the Board of Ed
ucation was held in the superintendent’s
office, Monday at 2 p. m. Present: Kay,
Noble, Campbell and Ritchie. Superin
tendent Valentine was appointed acting
secretary until Mr. Lindsay’s successor
shall be elected.
C.J. Ryan was elected to take J. P.
Lindsay’s place as a member of the
James Ritchie’s resignation as a mem
ber and president of the board was read
and on motion accepted. R. B. Archibald
was elected to fill the vacancy on the
board. W. T. Coleman, vice president,
succeeds Mr. Ritchie as president. The
election of a vice president and a perma
nent secretary was deferred until the
regular meeting, September 3d.
A resolution was adopted recommend
ing that the city council pass an ordi
nance requiring all pupils attending the
public schools to be vaccinated.
The time for commencing school was
set for September 17th.
The following resolutions were pre
sented and unanimously adopted:
Whereas, James Ritchie, president of
the Board of Education, has resigned the
office and membership on the board, and
Whereas, J. P. Lindsay, secretary of
the Board of Education, has resigned the
office and membership on the board,
Be it Resolved, That the Board of
Education does hereby convey to James
Ritchie this expression of appreciation
of the earnest, painstaking, wise and
efficient manner in which he has fulfilled
his duties as member and president of
the board, and,
Be it Resolved, That the board of
Education does hereby convey to J. P.
Lindsay this expression of appreciation
of his valuable services as member and
secretary of this board, recognizing the
able manner in which he has conducted
the affairs of his office, and,
Be it Resolved, That,
Whereas, James Ritchie and J. P.
Lindsay, in resigning from the Board of
Education, do also depart from the com
munity, that not only do the educational
interests suffer a loss in being deprived
of their concils and supervision, but the
city of McCook is the poorer by two hon
orable and worthy citizens whose labors
have been for the development and up
building of the city and for the best in
terests of the people.
Be it Resolved, That the secretary
cause these resolutions to be spread upon
the minutes, and a copy sent to each of
the city papers for publication.
Wm. Valentine, C. M. Noble,
Acting Secretary. Chairman.
No School Land Forfeitures.
The State Board of educational lands
and funds have considered the case of
the large number of citizens of the state
who are in arrears in their payments on
school lands. Commissioner Humphrey
reported that he had about 3,000 notices
to delinquents ready to send out, but on
account of the crop failure and the gen
eral emergency he believed that it would
be a wise thing for the state to waive the
right of forfeiture until the coming of
of another harvest. The board canvassed
the situation fully and reached the con
clusion that it would be well to cease
pressing worthy delinquents. This now
means that no forfeitures will be de
clared for at least a year. The farmers
will be given an opportunity to raise
another crop, and if they are then able
to pay, the money will be exacted to the
last penny.
Young man, one thing is certain. You
must pay for your whistle in this world.
Everything has its compensation. Ex
treme joy is followed by a season of
heartrending penance. Sorrow and pain
enable us to appreciate small blessings.
Life is made up of sunshine and cloud,
of calm and storm. Every pleasure has
a string at the bottom of it, and he who
makes a violent effort to rifle life of its
sweets will end in despair and suicide.
Pain follows in the wake of pleasure as a
shadow. Amid the roses fierce repent
ance rears her snaky crest. Therefore,
my son, go not in pursuit of phantoms
lest you be tom to pieces by the sirens
of passion. Seek not pleasure in the beer
mug, nor happiness in the tents of the
wicked. Be virtuous and saw wood.
It is unusually important that the peo
ple of Red Willow county make an extra
effort to have the best agricultural prod
ucts on exhibition at the county fair,
September 4th to 7. Especially is it to
be desired that the products of practical
irrigation be displayed. The fair this
year will be largely devoted to encour
agement of irrigation in every possible
way practicable in this portion of the
state. There will be a large and varied
display of the differrent pumps and pow
ers hoped to be utilized in irrigating
small tracts.
Tycoon teas are winners. Try them.
35c and 45c per pound at the C. O. D.
grocery store.
Good writing paper ten cents a quire
at this office.
"Celerade”—a celery nerve tonic at
F. S. Wilcox is home from his visit to
Receiver Gibbon was in Denver
over Sunday.
George Leach was a Denver visitor,
first of the week.
Mr. Hocknell spent Sunday with
the family in Denver.
Miss Sarah Lowman is in New York
buying goods for the fall and winter
Mesdames Reizenstein and Hack
man went in to Omaha, Tuesday morn
ing on a visit.
Phil Simons followed the band wagon
into Omaha, Tuesday morning, on a visit
of a few days.
C. W. Lindsay went up to Denver,
Saturday night, returning home on No.
2, Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Oyster and family did not start
for Kansas until Tuesday morning of
this week. They will visit her brother.
D. H. Wentworth came in from Has
tings, last Saturday night, on a visit to
friends, returning home on No. 2 Tuesday
Messrs. Campbell, Morlan and
Hocknell took in and figured in the
great state convention at Omaha, on
W. T. Coleman, hardware and imple
ment dealer of McCook, has been spend
ing a few days this week, looking over
the country along the new line of road.
—Alliance Grip.
J. S. LeHew returned home, close of
last week, from a trip to San Luis valley,
Colorado. He is quite enthusiastic over
that new land of promise, whose luxur
iant products he takes pleasure in exhib
iting at his office.
Sanford E. Ralsten of Lebanon,
made final proof, Saturday, before the
land officials. E. E. Redman and N.
J. Snyder were his witnesses. They re
port a fair prospect for feed in their
neighborhood, considerable wheat and a
little corn in prospect.
F. H. Spearman and family removed
to Omaha, this week, to reside in the
future, Mr. Spearman's business interests
there making the move desirable. The
Tribune regrets seeing such an excel
lent and cultured family remove from
our midst.
A. C. Modi arrived home, on Saturday
morning, from a week’s visit to the San
Luis valley, in southern Colorado. He
returns greatly delighted with that coun
try, of which he is now owner of 116
acres of land. He expects soon to make
that his home, and if the glowing ac
counts given pan out, it will be an earth
ly paradise.
The Brigade band of our city covered
itself all over with glory during its visit
to Omaha, Wednesday. Their music was
received with great enthusiasm and their
fine appearance was as well a source of
complimentary comment by people and
press. They went to Lincoln, Thursday
noon, and have no doubt today repeated
their splendid success. The boys have
no superiors, and few if any equals in the
state of Nebraska. Every McCookite in
Omaha, and there was more than a car
load of them, felt his bosom swell with
pride as the Brigade band, thirty pieces
strong, headed the great procession in
Omaha, Wednesday night.
While at Omaha, Thursday, we had
the pleasure of meeting Dr. and Mrs. B.
B. Davis and baby, on their way to Beat
rice from Berlin, Germany, where they
have been for the past year, the doctor
attending lectures and clinics at the great
German university during that time.
They were all well, having stood the trip
of twelve days from Bremen nicely, and
wished to be remembered kindly to all
their esteemed friends in McCook. The
doctor will make a visit here about next
Wednesday. He will likely locate either
in Omaha or Lincoln, and hopes to make
surgery and gynecology his specialty.
The Omaha Bee, of Wednesday morn
ing has the following to say of our band:
“The feature of the parade, however,
was the Pythian band of McCook, with
its twenty-four pieces, under the leader
ship of H. P. Sutton. This is considered
one of the best bands in the state, and
today the boys will furnish some of the
music at the convention hall. Last night
the members were resplendent in uni
forms consisting of snow white helmets,
surmounted by long, waving, red plumes,
blue coats and snow-white pants.”
The clever and cultured pen of Supt.
Valentine of our public schools may be
seen on the pages of the Times-Democrat
of this week;_
Wall Paper 3 cents a roll at L. W.
The Irrigation Problem.
The almost entire lack of rain during
this season in the most fertile portion of
Nebraska has again renewed the great
subject of irrigation, but the heavy ex
pense of water rights along the irriga
tion ditches has discouraged the people
of southwestern Nebraska to some ex
tent, and they are now anxiously waiting
for some one to construct a pump and
power, either wind, steam, hot air or
gas, that will elevate at a reasonable ex
pense enough water to the surface from
a good well to irrigate three, five, ten or
perhaps fifteen acres. There are pumps
by the score that will throw an ordinary
stream of water at a depth of from 20 to
30 feet, but a pump and power that will
elevate water in sufficient quantities from
a well 150 to 200 feet deep, to irrigate
say five acres, is what the farmers of
this section are looking for, because if
they can secure water in sufficient quanti
ties to irrigate only three acres they can
raise enough vegetables, small fruits,
etc., to keep an ordinary sized family.
The Red Willow' County Agricultural
Society is agitating this subject and will
have a large exhibit of pumps, windmills
and engines at their fair in Indianola,
September 4th to 7th. A large number
of the leading windmill and pump fac
tories have already signified their inten
tion to be on the ground and makes an
exhibit. The question of pump irriga
tion is becoming more prominent every
day, and the firm that can produce a
good pump and power will do a thriving
business. Ere long almost every farmer
in the west will have from three to fifteen
acres under irrigation and suffering for
want of rain will be a thing of the past.—
J. H. Berge in Lincoln Journal.
Many of our enterprising farmers are
seriously thinking of constructing ponds
in the canyons and draws. Such work
should be encouraged and the work re
ceive attention this fall when many have
little else to do. A word of caution may
not be out of place. It would be utterly
useless to throw a dam across a large
canyon, or a small one for that matter,
expecting to retain any water. The first
flood would sweep the dam out and good
bye pond, labor and fond hopes. Select
a pocket or side draw which drains as
little territory as possible, build a strong
dam, three times as thick as it is high,
across its mouth and run a ditch with a
very slight rise along the bank of the
large canyon to a point where the ditch
can be cut across the deep canyon. This
ditch will turn the running water into
the pond, but when the pond is full the
water will back up and the surplus will
harmlessly pass down the main canyon.
This ditch will also act as an over-flow
for the small surplus that may drain into
the pond. To make ponds hold water
plow thoroughly before building dam
and use it for a feed yard, or pump in
water and tramp the bottom into lob
lolly with horses.—Oxford Standard.
The Exact Facts.
So much wild rumor and measureless
misrepresentation has been spread
abroad that The Tribune thinks it ad
visable to give the exact facts respecting
the smallpox, now mildly epidemic in
our city.
There are at present six cases in the
city. Of these three patients are well
along on the convalescent list. Three
patients are quite, but not dangerously,
sick. There has been but one death and
one patient has entirely recovered.
Two other persons are quarantined
temporarily as suspects; but neither of
these cases are expected to result in
All cases and suspects are being care
fully quarantined, and all precautions
are being taken against a further spread
of the disease.
These are the facts.
John Shaffer and Albert Rice broke
jail at Indianola, Tuesday night. Shaffer
was caught at the depot, shortly after as
was trying to board passenger train No.
4. Rice is still at large. Some outside
parties gave the prisoners a screwdriver,
with which they removed the lock from
the door to the corridor of the jail.
The Indianola Independent admits
apropos of our little smallpox epidemic
that our esteemed friends down there are
more scared than hurt. But McCook
emphatically objects to that scare hurt
ing our business. See!
The newsboys’ cry, “all about Rose
water’s suicide,” that could be heard in
Omaha, Wednesday noon, is the result
of Sheriff Bennett's cleverness and a
quarter placed where it would do the
most good.
Mrs. E. T. Maddux and the family ar
rived home, last night, from their Iowa
visit. _
School will open on Monday, Septem
ber 17th, no preventing providence.
Joseph Jones died on last Friday, aged
13 years, with lock jaw.
Death of Babv Pennell.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pennell were be
reft of their infant daughter at an early
hour, Saturday morning, by the fatal
termination of a prolonged attack of
cholera infantum. The dear little thing
had a brief life pretty much all pain and
sickness, and is now at rest where sick
ness and pain are no more.
Private services were conducted in an
impressive and tender style, Saturday
afternoon at four o’clock, by Rev. Frank
Durant, at the residence, which were
attended by intimate friends of the sor
rowing parents.
The remains were tenderly consigned
to mother earth at Longview cemetery
after the services.
The Tribune expresses a general sen
timent in extending the parents the pro
found sympathy of this community in
the loss of their dear one.
Alfalfa, may its name be spoken with
reverence, is the only crop in western
Nebraska and Kansas that has bid defi
ance to the hot winds and will yield
fairly well. It is a great pity that so
little of it has been planted, but the way
it has flourished in the face of broiling
weather and no rain commends it to the
farmer as the surest crop of all, and
more profitable even in favorable sea
sons than timothy, millet or clover.—
State Journal.
Remember the dates of the county fair
—September 4th to 7th—and do all you
can to make it as successful as possible
under the existing circumstances. If
you have anything of merit be sure that
it reaches the fair. If your neighbor
has anything that would make a credil
ble showing, prevail on him to have it
on exhibition. It will be a good adver
tisement for farm land in your vicinity.
The Webster County Agricultural So
ciety is making the bicycle races a spe
cial feature at the fair to be held at Red
Cloud, September 5-7. O11 these dates
about $l,ooo in premiums will be dis
tributed among the wheelmen of the
southwest. For particulars address
D. J. Myers, Sec’y,
Red Cloud, Neb.
At a special meeting of the board of
education, hetd on Monday evening, C.
J. Ryan was elected a member of the
board, on which he has served a number
of years in the past with much credit
and efficiency. The probable removal
of James Ritchie from our city in the
near future will make another vacancy
in the board.
Local sports report stubble ducks and
wall-eyed snipe extremely scarce, this
season, due, in all probability, to the
extremely dry weather. The blasted
rattlers, however, are unusually numer
ous, necessitating higher boots and in
most instances deeper flasks.
Says an exchange: “Now is the time
dams should be built across the canyons
and save the surface water, thus making
lakes that would cause moisture next
year. All practical irrigationists favor
this plan of reservoirs, and agree that it
is beneficial to any country.”
A number of people in and around
McCook expect soon to view, and possi
bly invest in, that land of promise—the
San Luis valley, Colorado.
There are Russian thistles galore just
west and south of the old Cliff place west
of the city.
Register Campbell’s little boy is a suf
ferer from an attack of erysipelas in his
“Celerade"—a celery nerve tonic at
Try Meadow Lily at McConnell’s.
. . AT . . .
THE C. 0. I). STORE.
Hastings High Patent
Fancy Bakers .80
Extra Family.70
4 lbs XXX Soda Crackers.25
3 cans Blue Valley Sugar Corn.25
3 lbs. Ginger Snaps.25
6 lbs. Rolled Oats.25
Sherman Bros. Best Mocha and Java
Coffee, 2 lbs. for.75
Sun dried Japan Tea that heretofore
sold at 45c, now.35
The 60-cent grade now.45
All other goods in proportion.