The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 03, 1894, Image 8
CASH. No Favorites. — - - No Bad Debts. 30 Days Net to Reliable Parties. J Zl FTER a Very Thorough Test of the 1 -.. (Credit System, I have concluded t «©•- ---- | |L to change to CASH, or thirty days : net to reliable parties. By this means I shall increase trade and give YOU ALL THE BENEFIT of what heretofore had to be charged for imcollectabie accounts. This is no reflection on you, but a plain business statemement. I can easily afford to sell at lower prices in this way. L. LAYCOCK, I ( PROPRIETOR 'I Spot Cash Always Buys The Best. | A Change . . Of Plan. ^____ CASH. v.'iicii Bal)V wa. sick, we gave her Cas.oria. When the ua>a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, She clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Independent County Convention. The delegates of the Peoples’ Independent Party are hereby called to meet in convention at the court house in Indianoia. Nebraska, at to o’clock a. m., August It, 1894, at which time the following candidates will be nomi nated: one candidate for representative, one candidate for county treasurer to fill vacancy, one candidate for county attorney, one candi date for commissioner of second district, one candidate for coroner to fill vacancy, and' to elect eight delegates to attend the state con vention to be held at Grand Island, August 24th, eight delegates to attend the congres sional convention at Holdrege, August 14th, and eight delegates to attend the senatorial convention at Culbertson, August 16th, and for the purpose of transacting such other bus iness as may come before the convention. The basis of representation will be one dele gate for every ten votes or major fraction thereof cast for J. H. Berge for county judge, in 1893, and two delegates at large for every precinct in the county, which will give each precinct the following representation: Alliance - - - - 8 Beaver - - - - 7 Box Elder - - - 5 Bondville - - - 6 Coleman - - - 4 Danbury - - - 6 Driftwood - - - 4 East Valley - - - 9 Fritsch - - - - 8 Gerver - - - - 4 Grant - - - - - 3 Lebanon - ... 5 Missouri Ridge - b North Valley - - 5 Perry.3 Red Willow - - 6 Tyrone - - - - 5 Valley Grange - 4 Indianoia - - - 15 Willow Grove - 22 It is recommended that no proxies be al lowed in the convention. It is also recom mended that the primaries for electing dele gates be held at 2 p. m. on Tuesday, August 7th, and that at said primary, precinct officers and central committeemen be chosen. It is further recommended that delegates attend all the various conventions by means of teams, as many together as possible. By order of the County Central Committee. O. D Mosher, S. R. Smith, Secretary. Chairman. Republican Convention. FOE FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. The republican electors of the Fifth con gressional district of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their several counties in said district to meet in convention in the city of Holdrege, Thursday, August 9th, 1894, at 8:30 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate tor congress, for the election of a congres sional committee and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before said convention. The several counties in said district are en titled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. I. M. Raymond for presidential elector in 1892, giving one delegate at large to each county and one for each loo votes or major fraction thereof: Adams. 17 Harlan. 7 Chase. 5 Hayes. 4 Clay. 17 Hitchcok. 6 Dundy. 5 Kearney. 9 Franklin. 7 Nuckolls. II Frontier. 8 Phelps. 9 Furnas. 10 Perkins. 4 Gosper. 5 Red Willow. 9 Hall. 16 Webster. 11 Total.160 It is recommended that no proxies be ad mitted to the convention and that the dele gates present be authorized to cast the full vote of the delegation. ]. L. McPheely, D. M. McElhiney, Secy. President. The McCook Com mission Co. has the best grades of Flour at bottom prices. Well Digging. — If you want a well put down in fine shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran tees his work. Leave orders at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. For harness warranted to be first class in material as well as in work manship; also the most complete and best stock of saddlery, see L. Penner. second door south of A. 0. TJ. W. temple. Corked faced collars, light, cool and elastic, warranted not to gall horse’s shoulders, for sale by L. Penner. Sec ond door south of the A. O. U. W. temple building. Ink, pens, pencils school tablets, etc., at The Tribune stationery department. Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in Union block, over J. F. Ganschow’s. Seventy-five cents buys a scale book of 500 tickets at this office. Bananas only 25 only 25 cents a dozen at Knipple’s. Knipple is selling bananas at 25 cents a dozen. Lettuce and radishes at Knipple’s grocery store. County Attorney Dodge arrived home, Wednesday night, from a visit up in Grant county, with his sons, looking for feed. He reports hay plentiful up there, but that it is impossible to get the feed out of the country, so parties are taking their stock there to winter. He states that Matt. Droll, Henry T. Church, Irv. Spaulding and others have adopted this plan. The reporter wrote it August 7. The compositor set it August 17. The proof reader did not do his duty, although it was his own wed ding notice; and that is how it happened that last week’s Courier said that Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mitch ell would be at home to their friends after August 17.—Courier. Tomorrow’s county convention will be among the warmest ever held by Bed Willow Bepublicans. Senatorial Convention. The People’s Independent Party Conven tion is hereby called to meet at Culbertson, Nebraska, August 16th, 1894, at 10 o’clock a. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination one candidate for state senator for the 29th senatorial district, and transacting such other business as may come before the convention. The basis of representation will be one dele gate for every 100 votes or major fraction thereof cast for Hon. Silas A. Holcomb for judge of the supreme court, and one delegate at large for eacb county which gives the fol lowing representation by counties: Chase. 5 Frontier. 9 Dundy. 5 Gosper. 6 Hitchcock. 7 Hayes.3 Red Willow. 8 It is recommended that no proxies be al lowed and that the delegates present be em powered to cast full vote of the convention. J. W. Olmsted, Acting Chairman and Secretary. Senatorial Convention, District]29. The Republican electors of the 29th district are requested to elect delegates from their respective counties to meet in Cambridge, August 17th, 1894, at I o’clock, p. m„ for the Surpose of placing in nomination one candi ate for State Senator, and to transact such other business as may come before the con vention. The basis of representation will be one delegate at large from each county, or.e for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof cast in 1893 for H. D. Estabrook for regent, which will give the following number of delegates from each county: Chase. 4 Hayes. 5 Hitchcock. 7 Furnas.10 Red Willow. S Frontier. 8 Dundy.5 Gosper. 4 Done by order of the committee. J. P. Lindsay, Chairman. James John, Secretary. FOR QL0THE5. THE PROCTER E GAMBLE CO.. Cl MIL McMillen Brothers are headquarters for Harness, Saddles, Fly Nets, Dusters, etc. TYRONE. Frank Moore went to Danbury, first of the week. Samuel Ball interviewed some of the Republicans at this place, last Wednesday. Rev. Carmichael preached to a good sized congregation at this place, last Sunday. Quite a number of our people expect to attend the camp meeting at Cambridge, next week. •J. C. Moore, Isaac Horton, J. W. Pagitt and C. S. Blair are the delegates unanimously elected to the Republican County Conven tion and are pledged to Frank Moore for representative. General Pleasanton of “Blue Glass” fame is dead. There are plenty of young mothers, readers of The Tribune who have grown up since “blue glass” became a national craze and can tell their little ones of it only by hearsay. Yet at one time it created a great sensation in the country. Gen eral Pleasanton had a theory that the rays of the sun coming through blue glass had peculiar health giving properties. People put blue glass in their doors and windows and skylights; they put blue glass in their conservatories and in their stables. Invalids sat | under blue glass and experienced wonderful cures—and to-day the craze is as dead as idolatry in the land. Thus wags the world awar. « While Mr. Cruzen, in Frontier county, candidate for secretary of state, only secured his delegation to the state republican convention by the skin of his teeth, and the opposition has started a paper to fight him in his own county, J. A. Piper will not have to make any such canvass. He will go into the convention with the hearty support of the county and neighborhood where he lives.—Stamford Enter prise. The house promptly knocked out the senate’s million dollar ap propriation for the eradication of the Russian thistle. Now let the people knock out the thistle and that will end the war. DANBURY. Big rains over north of us * John Leisure had business at Indianola, this week. W. A. Minniear was a McCook visitor, first of the week. The building of our new school house is progressing finely. Powell Bros, shipped a carload of hogs, this week. The stock train was a day late, this week. T. E. McDonald is putting up his windmill. S. W. Stilgebouer will put his mill up, this week also. John LeLong and Will Stilge- j bouer and their families started on j Wednesday for the eastern part of this state. W. H. Harrison moved into his new' residence, this week. J. W. Leisure is moving into the Harri son home. Sanford Cass started for Ohio, last Saturday evening. Joseph Cass and family started Thursday for Ohio. Their father is not ex pected to live. The delegates to the Republican county convention from Beaver precinct are: S. R. Messner, J. F. j Boyer, Thomas Boyd, Wm. Hind man, F. P. Eno and Wm. Hierse-1 korn. The precinct ticket nomin ated is: J. W. Leisure for asses sor,William Riersekorn for justice of the peace, Charles Gentry for j constable, William Hiersekorn for road overseer of district 24, and J. i W. Ruby for road overseer of dis-! trict 42, John L. Leisure and A.B. ; Smith for clerks of election, J. W. j Ruby, Thomas Musgrave and S. R.! Messner for judges of election. ..—. — PEOPLES’ INDEPENDENT PRIMARY. Willow Grove Precinct—The Independent electors of Willow precinct are requested to meet at the city hall in McCook, Neb., on Thursday, August 7th, 1894, at 2 o’clock, p. m., for the purpose of electing 22 delegates to the county convention to be held at Indianola, Nebraska, August 11th, 1894, and to nominate precinct officers. W.T.Lindsay,Committeeman. The gold reserve is now down to 12 per cent of the government’s note obligations, or considerably below what is required of the smallest national bank. The gov ernment ought to see to it that its reserve is kept at least as substan tial as that which it exacts from others. The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. M. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. Cochran & Co. have on display a large line of carriages, phaetons, buggies, road carts, spring wag ons, etc. Completest stock in Red Willow county. Inspect them if you want anything in that line. Do you know that woven wire fencing is the best and cheapest fencing on earth ? S. M. Cochran & Co. have a large stock of all sizes. Don’t fail to see their line before buying. Knipple always leads in fruits and vegetables. He carries the freshest and largest assortment the market affords. Flour and Feed of all kinds at McCook Commission Co.’s. Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life away is tbe truthful and startling title of a little book that tells all about Nd-to-bac the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco habit cure. The cost is trifling and tbe man who wants to quit and can’t, runs no physical or financial risk in using No to-bac—Sol.? h, all druggists. Book at drug stores^ br man free Tbe Sterling Remedy Co.. fndTanl Mm eral Springs. Indiana. Aug. 25_t yr.