The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 27, 1894, Image 1
THIRTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK., RED WILLOW COUNTY. NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 27, 1894. NUMBER lO. A Memorable Time. The social at the residence of J. A. Goheen, a few miles northeast of the city, last Friday evening, was one of the most pleasant and profitable affairs ever held in that neighborhood. There was a large attendance from the surrounding country and a goodly delegation was present from the city. The long pro gramme given below was rendered, and Altogether it was a memorable affair: PROGRAMME. Song by all. Quotations from the Bible. Instrumental piece. Declamation, “The Remorse of a Rum seller”.Elmer Gockley Select Reading, "First Sin” Belle Spry. Declamation, “Mother’s Girl”. .Dora Darlington Duet, “Gipsy Countess”. .Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Goheen Declamation, “Trust in God”...Dell Fate Quotation, by Scott.Sadie Mitchell Duet.Myrtle Pate and Belle Spry Declamation, “Help Each Other”_ .Willie Shaffer Declamation.Roy Goheen Declamation, “The Little Fairy”. . .Allie Darlington Declamation, “What Willie Learned , Me”.Myrtle Show M ISCELLANEOUS. Instrumental selection. Dialogue, “Hospitality”. Misses Johnson and Goheen, Messrs. Cassian, Modrell and a little girl Declamation, “Bridge-keepers Story” .Miss Hattie Brown Duet.Sadie and May Mitchell Declamation.Frankie P'rancis Declamation, “Fisherman’s Girl”_ .May Mitchell Declamation, “The Savior Calls You” .Myrtle Pate Talk. Mr. S. G. Goheen Song by all. March. ice c^eatn and cake, lemonade. Tapped His Register. Last Friday night, the cigar store of Jos. Reizenstein was broken into and the cash register and contents stolen. The register was badly damaged and the contents—about Jio—stolen. The regis ter was taken to a box car in the railroad yards and rifled; and here the clue for the discovery of the supposed perpetrator was obtained. A switchman heard some noise in the car and looked in to see the cause. He promptly reported the mat ter to night policeman Dwyer, and to gether they returned to the car, which was empty, however, except the dam aged cash register. Saturday, Albert Rice was arrested charged with the offense. In the prelimi nary hearing before Squire Kelley he was positively identified by the switch man as the person he had seen in the car with the register, the previous night. The evidence was considered sufficient to bind young Rice over to the next term of district court, which assembles in December. In default of the required bonds he was at once taken to the county jail at Indianola to await trial. Aunt Sally’s Say. Valley Grange, July 24,1894. The readers of The Tribune, es pecially the ladies, will remember an article published two weeks ago, * ‘Did you ever see a women in a breeze, ’’etc. Certainly sir, and did you ever notice how quickly she will pass to the other side of the street to avoid the staring faces and insinuating smiles of those lovely beings called men sitting on the railing in front of the Citizens bank? “She bows her head." She’s been thinking “How men’s minds, without a doubt, can be quickly igured out.” Have they mothers, sis ters or wives? We only wish we could •ay no, and make them immovable >tatues, what a lovely sight without any breeze. Now we think it would be advisable to save the expense of printer’s ink in pub lishing such a ridicule and donate it to the city to help defray the expense of putting several strings of barb wire to ornament that railing. Aunt Sally. Swiped His Saddle. Last Friday night, some person or persons stole the saddle from Ed. Flit craft’s horse which was tied in the va cant space south of Jones’ barn. Sus picion was directed toward a young man named J. Hedrick, and the premises of J. H. Evans, where the young man lives, were searched; but the missing saddle was not found, so the matter was drop ped. Try Meadow Lily at McConnell’s. I4.50 buys a $5.00 coupon at Brewer’s. Wall Paper 3 cents a roll at L. W. McConnell’s. Refrigerators very cheap at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. For cash Brewer sells meat 3c. cheaper than any market in town. Go to McConnell for Toilet Soap, Per fumes and Toilet Articles. Whole hams I2j£c. Sliced hams 15c. at the B. & M. meat market. We are selling meats cheaper than any one in the city. And we do as we advertise. F. S. Wilcox. From the Diamond. The directors of the organization ef fected, close of last week, are V. Walsh, A. M. Drew, J. H. Bennett, C. B. Gray. The manager is George R. Johnson. Manager Johnson and Director Drew were around, first of the week, seeking financial assistance from the business men of the city, for the furtherance of base ball. Drew of "The Fair” has offered to make the new club a present of a set of new shirts. The McCook-Arapahoe game resulted in favor of Arapahoe in a score of 19 to 9. Tuesday afternoon July 30, 4:30, p. m. Admission 10 cents. Proceeds to go to the grand stand stand. WEST SIDE. EAST SIDE. Geo. LeHew, c Chas. O’Brien, c C. W. Lindsay, p Elmer Kay, p Herbert Stone, ib Orla LeHew, ib Fred Pennell, 2b A. W. Clarke, 2b E. C. Burkett, 3b O. D. Keith, 3b C .E. McManigal, ss Chas. Heber, ss John Stevens, If Scott Doan, if L. W. Cox, cf Otto Pate, cf Carl Berry, rf Ray McCarl, rf Institute Items. I’rof. Valentine delivered an interest ing and instructive lecture before the institute on both Tuesday and Wednes day evenings of this week. Dean McBrien of the Wesleyan college of Orleans will lecture to the teachers tonight. It will be well worth hearing. The Russian thistle was a topic of discussion and explanation before the institute, Wednesday. And the topic was pretty generally covered. Prof. C. A. Yont has been up from Lincoln, this week, meeting his many friends, and transacting a little business personal to himself, besides loitering about the institute. Try Meadow Lily at McConnell's. Look well to the health of the little ones, these torrid days. For Rent—A new 5-room residence desirably located. See P. A. Wells over the Citizens bank. Book-keeping blank books for sale at this office. Day, cash, journal, ledger, each at 10c. apiece. There will be very little soft or frost bitten corn in Red Willow county, this fall. This is official. “See Venice and die.” Or, hear Maxwell and Ball on the finance ques tion and be filled with awe. “Tell your troubles to the policeman, I have troubles of my own,” is the latest from the boulevard. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hartman, Saturday, but the little one was too frail for this earth, and passed away within a few hours. If you contemplate leaving the coun try place yourself on the Lord’s side before you go by squaring yourself on the publisher's books. An unpaid sub scription is a bar sinister to prosperity. The fire plugs all over the city have been tested within the past week and were found to be in good working order, we are informed. Quite a quantity of dirty water was allowed to flow from each plug, so that the test was doubly beneficial. The seasons of ’90, ’93 and ’94 will be memorable for the spread of irrigation ideas. These years will eventually prove a blessing to the trans-Missouri country by forcing the people to a realization of the true climatic condition of the great west. Hay, grain and potatoes will con tinue to be produced largely by dry farming, but the time is coming when no person will try to raise vegetables or fruit without irrigation. Homes in the valleys, by the aid of windmill irrigation, will be surrounded by groves, orchards, lawns and gardens. Even the uplands, when not too deep to water, will enjoy the same advantages. And the absolute certainty of an abundant supply of vegetables and fruit when produced by irrigation will make this country more desirable for residences than the east with its extemes of wet and dry. There seems to prevail very erroneous ideas as to the possibilities of irrigation and to the capacity of windmills, but irrigation agitation will educate the people, and when they learn how easy it is to have fruit and vegetables in quantities to feed the pigs and enough left for the family, the wide-awake fellows will make the most of their opportunities. If yon expect to live in Nebraska, surround your home and supply yonr table with comforts—even luxuries—and cease to camp on the prairie and board on hard tack and eggs. If you think the above picture overdrawn, give us a call and we will show yon a practical example of what can be done—even this season, the worst ever known.—Oxford Standard. The City Patriarchs. There was a regular meeting of the city council, Monday evening, present Councilmen Yarger, Sutton and Stein metz and Clerk Wilcox, Yarger in the chair. A communication from F. S. Wilcox relative to the Russian thistle was read. And on motion the street commissioner was instructed to hire 8 or io men to ex terminate the thistle* within the city limits. Clerk was instructed to notify the mayor to issue a proclamation calling upon the citizens to exterminate the Russian thistle about their premises. F. A. Pennell made complaint against C. H. Meeker for burning paper on the lot in the rear of the postoffice. Same was referred to the streets and alleys committee, with instructions to act. Adjourned to meet on Thursday even ing. At the adjourned session on Thursday evening were present Mayor Kelley, Councilmen Yarger. Sutton, Steinmetz, Clerk Wilcox. Bills were allowed as follows: Lincoln Land Co. $425.00 C. G. Coglizer. 50.50 A. G. Bump. 65.00 J. H. Dwyer. 50.00 A G. Bump. 2.05 Mrs. M. Henderson.. 12 s7 F. P. Allen. 30.S0 Richardson & Roberts. . r 75 F. M. Kimmell. 9'.oo Joseph Spotts. 16.66 Mayor and city attorney were instruct ed to investigate the furnishing of sewer pipe to the city by former city clerk. Ordinances to define and prohibit gam bling and nuisances were read second time. Adjourned. SOMETHING VERY INTERESTING, To the Head of the Family from the McCook Mercantile Co. The McCook Merchantile Co. has just received a full line of Hats and Caps,and an excellent asssortment of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing on which prices will be made to suit the times. Also another car load of that White Bread Hebron Flour, which is as good as any 90 cent flour sold in this locality, which they will sell for 75 cents: they guarantee this flour; try it and be convinced of its good qualities, and save 50 cents a hundred on your flour. Their prices on all goods are as low as ever, and they still continue to defy competition on prices. The advice of all who know is, to do your trading with McCook Mercantile Co., it you wish to reduce your living expenses these hard times. The dime social given by the gentle men of the Congregational church, in the church parlor, Tuesday evening, was a somewhat overwhelming success. The gentlemen were accorded a very liberal patronage, and discharged their duties as caterers and entertainers ef ficiently and gracefully. The literary and musical programme arranged for the occasion was somewhat rudely shattered by the intervention of sickness and by absence from the city. The lords of creation are highly elated over their success. A force of men are now at work on the grand stand at the base ball grounds, which will also be enclosed. It is also proposed to change the position of the diamond somewhat, putting the catch er’s position more to the southwest where the stand is going up and will answer the purpose of a back-stop as well. The grounds will in due time be materially improved as to smoothness, and they will be among the best in the valley. See how Aunt Sally “roasts” the loaf ers and incidentally some doggerel that recently appeared in The Tribune. Aunt Sally thinks those “roosters” ought to be petrified and that The Tribune ought never to print such poetry. And she’s “dead right” in the language of the boulevard. All true sportsmen will refrain from killing game until the time specified by law. No man worthy of the name will at this season of the year engage in the promiscuous killing of grouse or prairie chickens. The Hayes Centre Republican is authority for the slanderous statement that one of McCook's early postmasters used to spell that town “Hais Sentr." Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaffer mourn the death of their child which occurred on Friday last. The funeral was held on the day following. The Tribune was misinformed. Miss Marie Hickey and Miss Kate Driscoll did not go to Boston, as stated in last week’s paper. Brewer is selling meat cheaper than it has ever been offered in the history of McCook. Brewer sells hams at 12}£c. Best brands in America. “Celerade”—a celery nerve tonic at McConnell’s. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Sheriff Banks was with us in the flesh, Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Fennell has been in Denver, this week. Bert Sprague left, this week, for the Arkansas country. William SRPAGUEaud family depart ed, Monday, for Arkansas. Mrs. L, Dav went up to Denver, ! Monday evening, on a visit. Mrs. M. Stern of Hastings is visit ing her sister Mrs. Strasser. A. C. NETTLKTON, Jr., with his fam ily, has gone to Stockbridge, Mass. Mayor Kelley spent Sunday in Den ver, returning home Wednesday night. Mrs. George E. Johnston and Mrs. F. M. Kimmell are visiting in Indianola, today. Receiver Gibbons is moving his household effects into the Wells dwell ing, this week, J. W. Hupp and wife and C. W. Knights arrived home from Denver, Wednesday night. H. M. Clute and family started, yes terday, to drive to Beatrice, where they will live for the present. Judge Beck was up from the county seat, Tuesday, on business connected with the Harris-Casey case. LEE Taylor and Sam Johns left on Monday for Iowa, the former for Avcca, the latter for Guthrie county. W. WT. Gerver left, this week, for Indiana, to spend the winter, and per haps to remain permanently. A. B. Taylor, C. D. Fuller and Jacob Bigler, all of Imperial, were guests of the valley’s finest, Monday evening. Masters Clyde and Burr Rowell of Hastings are visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rowell. A. A. WELLER came up from Syra cuse, close of last week, and was the guest of his partner, C. L. DeGroff, this week. A. Campbell, Frank Carruth, C. W. Knights, M. Y. Starbuck aud others joined the procession to Denver, Tues day night. M. J. Abbott was down from Hayes Centre, Tuesday evening, looking after his chances for securing the nomination for land commisioner. Miss Carrie Ashmore was down from Palisade over Sunday, guest of Bernice Hunter. Miss Carrie is book keeper in the bank there. S. R. Razee. M. D., of the Curtis Courier, was in the city, Tuesday even ing, in the interest of A. R. Cruzen, candidate for secretary of state. Rev. Alfred Dbletzke and bride arrived from Wisconsin, Saturday night, and have gone to housekeeking in the Kealiher residence in West McCook. John Lonergan is here from Chica go, the guest of his sister, Mrs. F. H. Spearman, for a few days. He expects to leave for Denver and Manitou in a day or two. H. H. Eastkrday is entertaining his mother from Tecumseh, who after a two weeks sojourn here will continue her journey on to the state of Washington, where she will visit the other boys. County Treasurer Meserve was in the metropolis, Monday morning, looking after the taxes of insurance companies and other back taxes, which burden the books of the county in large sums. J. R. Gerhardt, supervising agent for the Singer sewing machine company, who has been making this his headquar ters, left this week for eastern Nekraska somewhere, the business not warrant ing his remaining in this section. Messrs. Ed. Andrews of Syracuse and Irving Andrews from near Indian ola were in the city, first of the week. The former in company with A. A. Weller visited Imperial and Akron from here, two of Mr. Andrews sons having a large horse ranch near Akron. Father Cullen, formerly priest in charge of St. Patrick’s parish, has been in the city, this week, visiting his broth er Dennis and renewing the friendship that so long and pleasantly existed be tween him and his old parishioners. He is now located in York, and in a fine parish, we learn. George E. Johnston arrived home from Denver, Sunday morning. He re ports his son-in-law’s ailment not ap pendicitis, but an intestinal ulcer, and that Mr. Allen is doing well. Miss Della went to Denver, Sunday night,, to be with and aid her sister. Mr. Allen will be held in Denver a few weeks longer at best. The Herd Law. This talk has brought out an idea from Attorney General Hastings. He says that if there are counties in the western part of the state where irrigation alone will insure agricultural success, and taking this assertion to be true, a remedy might be had in the repeal of the state herd law insofar as it applies to that part of the state west of the iooth meridian, the idea beimg to allow the country to become a grazing country, a purpose for which it was first used and to which it is well adapted. It is not the plan of the attorney general to give the country wholly over to cattlemen, as those who are now successfully irrigat ing land and are raising good crops could continue to do so and even in crease their holdings by simply fencing in the land to be used for agricultural purposes. In support of this plan is the state ment of old settlers of certain counties in the west who say that the first set tlers depended solely upon the raising of sheep, horses and cattle for a living. They used the water of streams and every season was the same to them whether there was rain or not. Later settlers came in and commenced to farm and in many places they have not found what they expected. More recently irrigation ditches have been constructed in many counties along the western border and good results are reported. Those who favor the repeal of the herd law for the section west of the iooth meridian and the fencing of agricultural lands under irrigation believe that it will not inter fere with the development of irrigation, but will permit that industry and also the cattle industry to grow according to the merits of each. There is a possibil ity that this will be one of the problems for the next legislature to solve.—Lin coln Journal. The Little Folk. Last Friday evening Mrs.C. B. Rowell gave a delightful party to a large company of little folks, in honor of Master Clyde and Burr Rowell, her two little nephews from Hastings. The little people had a very happy time on the pretty lawn about the Rowell home, and luxuriated in the toothsome refreshments spread thereon. The guests were: Lettie Knip ple, Roxy Cullen, Aggie, Nellie and Rosie Elbert, Bessie Henderson, Waune ta Burnett, Ethel and Jessie Pope, Ida Sircoloumb, Bessie and Grace Rowell, Robbie Knipple, Willie and Arthur Cul len, Guy Burnett, Carl Noble and John Taylor. Church Announcements. Services in the Lutheran church, Sun day morning by Elder McBride. Morning subject at the Congregational chureh, “The Message of Jesus." Even ing, “Stealing.” Episcopal services by Rev. Durant, Sunday, in McConnell’s hall. Morning topic, “The Average Man " Evening, selected. At the M. E. church, Sunday, July 29. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Suuday school at 10 a. m. Bp worth league 7 p. m. A. W. Coffman, Pastor. The county commissioners of Perkins county submitted, July 12th, a proposi tion to vote $90,000 in bonds to the Per kins County Equitable Irrigation and Power Company to aid in the construc tion of an irrigation canal to run from Julesburg, Colo., through to Perkins county. It will be about 65 miles in length. It is generally believed that the bonds will carry and it is expected that work on the ditch will be in full blast by September 1. One of the unjust burdens laid upon this city has been imposed by the insur ance companies in their recent re-rating of risks here. That rates should be in creased in McCook on the heels of the fact that our fire fighting facilities have been greatly improved, because of heavy losses, last winter, in Lincoln and Oma ha, is a gross injustice. We are officially authorized to an nounce that the efforts of the young men who were out serenading the young ladies, Monday night, with the aid of old Bob’s free lunch voice, are not appre ciated. This should be enough to discoun tenance such questionable serenading. Fowler Wilcox and other South Side farmers are making strenuous efforts to eradicate the thistle nuisance. All the farmers in Red Willow county should make it their duty to destroy the pest. And its extermination should be a mat ter of legislation in the next legislature. The city authorities have a force of 8 or io men at work this week exterminating the Russian thistles on the streets and alleys within the corporate limits. This is a work in which every citizen should should lend a helping hand. Fine brood mare to trade for a driving horse. Call at this office. Lower Rates Asked. The present dry weather has again called attention to the extreme wastern counties in the state which are said to be classed in with the semi-arid region where irrigation is needed to make crops a certainly. Not long since the governor was called upon by a gentle man living in the western part of the state and the visitor mentioned the probable need of relief for a certain por tion of the state in case agricultural products failed this year as a crop. Now it is reported that a resident of an other part of the extreme west has con sulted the state hoard of transportation with a view to inducing the members to give some of the extreme western coun ties a very low rate on grain shipped into those counties in order that those having stock may be able to hold it through the winter. This brings out the fact that the roads did do this once when there was a crop failure and feed for stock was difficult to get without great expense, and no sooner did the low i;ate go into effect than there was a wail from persons living in counties ad joining on the east, discrimination be ing the burden of the cry. The report conies to the state house that a petition will soon be filed with the hoard of transportation asking the members to use whatever influence they may posess in the interests of a low rate on grain for a certain number of counties in the west. The secretaries of the board do not understand that they have any author ity in the premises. If the roads desire to enforce a low rate the only question which can come up before the board will be the matter of unjust discrimination. —Lincoln Journal. A Special MeetinK and Banquet. A special meeting of McCook lodge No. 135, A. F. and A. M., was held last Friday evening, for the purpose of mak ing a master Mason of J. K. Kelley. Together with the visiting brethren there were about sixty Masons present. A banquet followed the business ses sion, and the prompt way the boys “lined up" to the tables and “stayed with” the feast is evidence that they enjoyed the spread immensely. It was one of the most enjoyable occasions held by No. 135 in many moons. Among the visitors were G. S. Bishop, S. R. Smith, A. J. Rand, F. W. Eskey and White of Indianola, and J. T. Bullard of Palisade. Pythian Cards. Sir Knight, are you going to the en campment at Washington, next month? If so, you will need some cards. We have a superb lot of samples on hand. Call and make your selection early. We will print them neatly and cheaply, too. WANTED A good second haud top buggy or road wagon. W. C. LaTourkttb. A female beaver weighing 40 pounds was killed over on the Meeker irrigation ditch, Thursday mornirg. The animal was minus one front leg, perhaps the result of getting into a trap. It will be mounted and presented to the public school. It is claimed that the specimen is an unusually large one. —:-; Arthur Strine, who lives southwest of the city, died on Wednesday of this week, from blood poisoning. The funer al services were conducted at the home on Thursday morning by Rev. A. J. j Clifton of Culbertson, burial taking place on the same afternoon in Longview cem etery of our city. Ladies wishing first-class dressmaking done at their homes, French and seam less waists, dresses remodeled, should at once address Mrs S. C. Reed, Mc Cook, Neb. We understand that the Brigade baud expect to give a concert in Omaha on August 22 and in Lincoln on the 23. The boys are all right, if anybody asks you. If you are a patriot and love your country, swipe every Russian thistle on your premises a death blow. Buy fine beef roasts at Brewer’s at 7c. cash. Purest milk for the ’east money. Car son & West. Wall Paper 3 cents a roll at L. W. McConnell’s. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. “Celerade”—a celery nerve tonic at McConnell’s. Buy meat of Brewer and save 40 per cent, of your money. Patronize the McCook Commission Co. for flour and feed. The Sunny Side is the place to buy the best and the purest milk. Carson & West save you 33 cents on the dollar. Buy your milk of them. Beaf steak 7c. per pound. F. S. Wttcox,