The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 20, 1894, Image 8

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    No Favorites. —
- - No Bad Debts.
30 Days Net to Reliable Parties, |
FTER a Very Thorough Test of the
y (Credit System, I have concluded
«# -
1 to change to CASH, or thirty days
* net to reliable parties. By this
means I shall increase trade ami give
of what heretofore had to be charged
for uncollectable accounts._This is no
reflection on you, but a plain busi11 ess
Ktatemement. I can easily afford to sell
at lower prices in this way.
I Spot Cash Always Buys The Best.
A Change
. . Of Plan.
- —— I
The Republicans of Danbury
precinct will hold their primary
convention at the Shiloh school
house on Friday, July 27th, at
4 o’clock p. in., for the purpose of
selecting four delegates to the
county convention to be held at
Indianola on Saturday, August
4th, 1894. Let all voters turn
out as this is an important caucus.
E. M. Woods, Committeeman.
Notice is hereby given that tbe
Grant Precinct Republican Prima
ry will be held at the Banksville
school house on July 27, 1894, at
1 o’clock p. m., central time, to
elect delegates to the county con
vention and such other business
as should come before the conven
tion. W. H. Benjamin,
The Republican primary for
Dritwood precinct will be held in
the new Frederick school house,
Friday evening, July 27th, at 7:30
o’clock, for the purpose of electing
four delegates to the county con
vention. H. M. Clute,
The Republican electors of
Coleman precinct will meet in the
Coleman school house at 5 o’clock,
p. m., July 27th, for the purpose
of electing five delegates to the
Republican county convention to
be held in Indianola, August 4th.
J. N. Smith, Committeeman.
The Tyrone precinct Republican
primary will be held in the Tyrone
school house in District 26 on
Friday, July 27th, at 1 o’clock
p. m. C. S. Blair,
The Gerver Precinct Republi
can primary will be held at the
regular voting place on Friday,
July 27th, at 2 o’clock p. m.
Samuel Ellis,
Screen doors with trimmings
complete for $1.25 at W. C. Bul
lard & Co’s.
The Republicans of Valley
Grange precint will hold their cau
cus on Friday evening, July 27th
at 2 o’clock, p. in.
L. W. Critser,
McMillen Brothers
are headquarters for
Harness, Saddles, Fly
Nets, Dusters, etc.
Well Digging.
If you want a well put down in fine
shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran
tees his work. Leave orders at S. M.
Cochran & Co.'s.
For harness warranted to be first
class in material as well as in work
manship: also the most complete and
best stock of saddlery, see L. Penner.
second door south of A. 0. TJ. W.
Corked faced collars, light, cool and
elastic, warranted not to gall horse’s
shoulders, for sale by L. Penner. Sec
ond door south of the A. O. U. W.
temple building.
Ink, pens, pencils school tablets, etc.,
at The Tribune stationery department.
Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in
Union block, over J. F. Ganschow's.
Seventy-five cents buys a scale book
of 500 tickets at this office.
Bananas only 25 only 25 cents a
dozen at Knipple's.
Knipple is selling bananas at 25
cents a dozen.
The McCook Com
mission Co. has the
best grades of Flour
at bottom prices.
Senatorial Convention, District 29.
The Republican electors ot the 20th district
are requested to elect delegates from their
respective counties to meet in Cambridge,
August 17th, 1894, at I o’clock, p. m., for the
purpose of placing in nomination one candi
date for State Senator, and to transact such
other business as may come before the con
The basis of representation will be one
delegate at large from each county, one for
each 100 votes or major fraction thereof cast
in 1893 for H. D. Kstabrook for regent, which
will give the following number of delegates
from each county:
Chase. 4 Hayes. 5
Hitchcock. 7 Furnas.10
Red Willow. 8 Frontier. 8
Dundy. 5 Gosper. 4
Done by order of the committee.
J. P. Lindsay, Chairman.
James John, Secretaiy.
The strike has not been declared
off; but it might as well be. It’s
An amendment to the general
appropriation bill, providing
SI,000,000 for the extermination
of the Russian thistle or cactus,
passed the senate, this week.
The statement that Senator Allen
was recently drunk and distinctly
on the warpath in Washington is
indignantly denied by the senator,
and the story cannot be verified,
as a Journal special admits.
' *3 PrOCTCa & CAM3LE CO . CINTl.
Lettuce and radishes at Knipple's
grocery store.
The tariff bill is tied up. The
upper and lower houses cannot
agree, aud there is a possibility
that the measure may not pass at
all. _“
The Times-Democrat still insists
that it wants a congressional can
didate with the customary verte
brae as well as with the usual gray
matter in his think tank. Well,
what’s the matter with Andrews.
Has the political editor of the
Times-Democrat the assurance to
claim that Andrews lacks brains
or courage?
The Red Cloud Chief says that
“there seems to be no reason why
Hon. James McNeny of this city
should not receive the nomination
next month at Holdrege for con
gress on the Republican ticket.”
There is nothing in the way,
Mr. Hosmer, but the deliberate
and thoughtful determination of
the people of the Fifth district to
renominate W. E. Andrews of
Hastings. That is all. He de
serves it too. However, the
future has great things in store
for the talented and manly Mc
Mrs. Chenery has gone to Cal
Elder Berry is feeling Indian
ola's political pulse, to-day.
R. P. High is over from Leba
non, to-day, looking over the po
litical situation.
Mrs. Sam Gildner is entertain
ing her mother Mrs. Janies Fow
ler of Beloit, Kansas.
An operation was performed on
J. E. Allen, Thursday, in Denver,
for appendicitis. A telegram states
that he stood the operation well.
Lawyers Moore <fc Benson went
down to Cambridge, this morning,
to try the Holland-Helm injunc
tion suit before Judge Welty in
Laura Dewier was very sick,last
Lots of sickness throughout the
A fine social (lance in the hall,
last Friday night.
Will Leisure is moving in the
back room of the bank.
John Leisure is moving in the
section house, this week.
John Ruby and family will start
east, in a week, on a visit.
Will Harrison has been very
sick, this w’eek, but is better now.
W. D. Gray and family started
for Hastings, on last Tuesday, in
search of work.
A magic lantern show in town,
Isst Monday. It was very’ good,
buc there was not a very big turn
Powell Bros, have bought 3,500
bushels of corn from Duff Grain
Co. and 500 bushels of Mitchell
George Harbor, James Wright
and Ira and Sam McClung started
for Oklahoma, on last Wednesday.
They expect to be gone about four
or five weeks.
Cochran & Co. have on display j
a large line of carriages, photons,1
buggies, road carts, spring wag
ons, etc. Completest stock in Red
Willow county. Inspect them if
you want anything in that line.
Do you know that woven wire
fencing is the best and cheapest
fencing on earth ? S. M. Cochran
& Co. have a large stock of all
sizes. Don’t fail to see their line
before buying.
25 pounds cf new dried currants
for one dollar. We have bargains
in groceries, dry goods, boots and
shoes, etc. Call and see us.
McCook Mercantile Co.
Hebron tlour, best and cheapest,
for sale by the McCook Mercantile
Company. '
A brand new sewing machine
for sale cheap. Inquire at this
Politics is warming up.
Frank Moore called, Tuesday,
aud R. P. High, Wednesday.
There was a league ice cream
and cake social at Mrs. S.
Moore’s, Thursday evening.
Eli Allen and Elmer Morgan
are harvesting wheat and rye for
Frank Moore, with a header.
N. Walton aud wife visited at
J. O Moore’s Friday. Mr. Wal
ton’s pension was suspended, re
cently, which is a great hardship
to him.
The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian
and other questions of the day do
not interest the people hereabout
as much as the question where can
I get the most and best groceries
for the money. C. M. Noble can
answer the question to the satis
faction of all.
Knipple always leads in fruits
and vegetables. He carries the
freshest and largest assortment
the market affords.
Flour and Feed of
all kinds at McCook
Commission Co.’s.
Land Office at McCook, Neb i
Junes. IS94. "f
Notice i» hereby given that the following
named settier has filed notice of bis intention
to make final proot in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made beSore Register
®n,i B|ceiver at McCook. Nebraska, on F?iday
July 13.1894, viz: Marthew Stewart, homestead
entry A,.2. tor the southwest quarter of sec
tion 2t,. township 5, north of range 29 weal
th principal meridian. He names the follow
:ng Witnesses to prove his continuous res-.
'^"^ “pon aiid cultivation of said land, viz:
Moriey E. Piper. Wipiam D. Trinioue William
E. Ketch. Hans Hansen, all of Box Eld*r
Nebraska. .!-tits. J. P. Lindsay-. Register '
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke You7
Life away is the truthful and startling title of ^
a little book that tells all about N'ito bao
the wonderful harmless guaranteed tobacco
nabit cure. The cost is trifling and the mao
who wants to quit and can't, runs no pbvsTa
or flnanciai risk in using No to-bac-Sold hv
all druggists. Book at drug stores or bv ma.l
free. The Sterling Remedy Co Indiana Si
eral Springs. Indiana. Aug 25-1 y“ “
Hot Springs. South Dakota, is a place that
everyone should visit pmce that
It's a health resort: the best in the west
i if, a charmim» Place Where pure fur and
healing waters put sickness to flight Sn,i
make anything but perfect health well-nteh
an impossibility. wejI ni£u
Invalids, no matter what their ailment
should give Hot Springs a trial ItT S
benefit them more than likely to cure.
How to *et there ? Why, by the RuHino+n
Route, of course. It's the line. Art the^oniu
ayent for full information or write to the un
deigned for a beautifully ihusj^a^
O. P. A T. A„ Omaha. Neb.