The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 13, 1894, Image 6

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F. M. K1MMELL, Publisher.
Tecumseh is going to have a public
A commercial club has been organized
In Lincoln.
Auburn is considering the matter of
enlarged school facilities.
The Johnson county Teachers insti
tute will convene July 9th.
School census of Fremont, just com
pleted, shows a total of 2,571.
Hail at Holdrege broke fifty panes
of glass in one greenhouse the other
Nebraska City will spend consider
able money thisyear in public improve
The Saline County Teachers’ insti
tute will be held at DeVVitt beginning
August 20.
Two hundred and seventy-six arrests
were made during the month of June
in Lincoln.
Three horses belonging to A. D. Cole
of Valentine were killed by lightning
the other night.
A branch of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians has been organized at Alli
ance with thirty-five charter members
Nebraska City is taking steps for
enforcement of the Sunday law. To
this end a law and order league will
be organized.
There will be a base ball tournament
in Burwell July 10, 11 and 12. Eight
teams will contest for four prizes, from
#200 down to $40.
At an election iu Harvard, by a vote
of 2 to 1, bonds to the amount of $7,
000 carried for a system of water works
for fire protection.
Lincoln will have the Ancient Order
of Hibernians parade next March. Ex
State president J. A. Kilroy has with
drawn from the order.
The residence and barn of N. N.
Beater, three miles northeast of Wal
lace, burned with all its contents. Loss
#1,600, insurance $800. Origin of fire
The Columbus board of education has
ordered the payment and retirement of
810,000 bonded indebtedness. There is
J'et an indebtedness of $2,000 to be
r ourteen head of horses were killed
by a^stroke of lightning in Cheyenne
county last week. They were standing
together near a barb wire fence when
the bolt came.
Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, for twen
ty?five,years residents of the vicinity of
Milford, celebrated their golden wed
ding last week, .receiving many pres
ents.from abroad.
The .following is the mortgage state
ment. qf Otoe county for the month of
June: Farm mortgages filed, 855,882;
released, 535,175; filed on city property,
$1,707; .released, 83,200.
Hates Center Congregationalists will
only hear preaching twice a mouth this
summer, for their pastor, Rev. George
E. Taylor, has become field secretary
for Doane college.
The epeed contests .at .the Colfax
county fair bid fair to be among the
most attractive features of .the exhibi-'
tion, which will be held at Schuyler
September 19 to 22.
Because of lack of .proper medical
attendance Mrs. Anna Cocha.rek of
Dwight has been declared insane and
will be taken to an asylum. She is the
mother of five small children.
Mrs. Mary Conley, a well known
resident of Seward, and mother of Hon.
Hugh T. Conley, county attorney of
Sioux county, fell out of her chair
dead. She leaves considerable prop
C. W. Jackson, who has been mail
carrier at Valparaiso for the past year,
was arrested by officers from Lincoln
and taken to that city to answer to the
charge of using canceled postage
The 2-year-old daughter of Peter
Newman, five miles west of Tecumseh,
got her fingers in a mowing machine
sickle one day last week,and one finger
was so badly mangled that it had to be
Lightning struck the barn of John
Gustavson of Wayne, killed one horse,
paralyzed another and bored a lot of
holes in the side of a sow. Strange to
relate, the hog was apparently not
much injured.
Frank Hoffmann, a cigar manufac
turer of this city, attempted to commit
suicide this morning by shooting him
self through the head. The ball en
tered near the right temple. Hopes of
his recovery are entertained.
A barb wire fence in Thayer county
got in its work the other day on two
horses belonging to William T. Mosier.
One of the animals had his jugular vein
severed and the other was so terribly
cut on the legs that death resulted.
John Heabne and his 9-year-old son
Lewis, while out driving at Hubbell,
were thrown from the cart, dislocat
ing the former’s collar bone and other
wise injuring him. The boy escaped
uninjured by falling on liis father.
F. C. Coover, retail grocer, Hastings,
confessed judgment in favor of his wife
for 5940 and in favor of his son-in-law,
Gam McAtee, for 8325. Total liabili
ities, 81.850; assets, 81,000. The fail
ure is attributed to the pressure of cred
Money will never be very plenty in
Nebraska as long as people send all
their money outside the state for their
supplies. Factories are employing labor
«nd put money in circulation. Farrell
A Co* brand of syrups, jellies, pre
serves and mince mert; Morse-Coe
hoots and shoes for men. women and
shildren; American Biscuit <fc Manufac
turing Co., Omaha, crackers.
At Falls City John Shurtleff and John
Oasey went through the clothes of WiU
iam Torfey at the Missiouri Pacific de
pot and got 815. They were arrested
•nd taken before County Judge Wilhite
and bound over to the district court in
the sum of 8200, in default of which
they were taken to jaiL
Cabi, a young son of Dr. I. Bedell, of
Nebraska City, met with a painful ac
cident. In company ,with several other
boys he was diving from the end of a
•kiff. In some manner he slipped and
(all on the edge of the boat, cutting a
ragged gash in his stomach. It re
quired several stitches to close the
A SEW firm has purchased the plan
ing mill at Columbus and will carry on
the business of manufacturing building
material on an extensive scale.
The state board of transportation,
having been refused the filing of peti
tions in the supreme court against the
railroads for not obeying the board in
building connecting switches, will in
stitute proceedings in the Holt county
The “probable program-’of the State
Teachers’ association, which meets at
Lincoln December 26, 27 and 28, has
already been issued. Already a large
number of prominent educators have
agreed to be present and deliver ad
The report of State Examiner C. A,
McCloud, whose figures are generally
conceded to be accurate, shows that eX
County Treasurer Peter Farney of Ham
ilton county is about $15,000 behind in
his accounts. Mr. Farney was elected
in 1889.
While bathing in the mill race, at
Superior, George Phillips lost conscious
ness and sank and John Hopper, who
was standing by, noticed a few bub
bles. and divining the cause, he dived
for the drowning man and saved him
by prompt work.
The report made public that J. R.
Sutherland, of Tekamah, had been ap
pointed receiver of the Rank of Brain
ard, is a mistake. No receiver has been
needed for the Brainard bank, it being
all right and one of the best managed
financial institutions in the state.
Fike broke out in a barn in the rear
of the National hotel in Kearney and
adjoining C. H. Dogue & Co’s lumber
yard and warehouse. The fire spread
with wonderful rapidity and in an in
stant the hotel and warehouse were all
in flames. Both were partially burned.
Howard Perry, inspector of United
States prisons, arrived in Sidney last
week and completed arrangements for
guarding the commonwealers. He was
struck with the appearance of Fort
Sidney, and believed it would be an ad
mirable site on which to locate a gov
ernment prison. Excellent limestone
for the purpose can be obtained on the
The second annual picnic of the Mc
Donough county, Illinois, association,
took place at Seward last week in
Fletcher’s grove. The association is
composed of former residents of Mc
Donough county, Illinois, now residents
of Saline and Seward counties. For
mer residents of Hancock, Henderson,
Warren, Knox, Fulton and Schuyler
counties were invited to meet with
them. There was a large attendance.
A committee, consisting of Colonel
Will B, Dale of Columbus, Colonel
Frank W. Barclay of Beatrice, Captain
Z, P. Hedges of South Omaha, Colonel
Wr. H, Cowgill of South Omaha, Colonel
J. N. Killan of Columbus, and Major
Ceorge E. Wetherby of Oakdale, has
been appointed by Brigadier General
Hotchkiss to make arrangements for
the transportation of the Nebraska
brigade to encampment at Washington.
G W. Lindmark, a Swede, about 30
years of age and a farmer of Polk Coun
ty, met a horrible death at Clarks.
When crossing the Platte bridge in a
wagon his team became unmanageable
and threw him out over the front end
gate, and his body caught in the dou
bletree in such a way that he could not
get loose. He was dragged about three
miles before the team was stopped. He
was horribly mangled and died long
before help came.
Henry A. Salzer, manager of the John
A. Salzer Seed company, La Crosse,
Wis., is in Europe looking up rare nov
elties in vegetables and new things in
the farm seed line. He will visit the
celebrated farming districts of France,
Germany, England, Belgium, Russia
and Bohemia, and the customers of this
wide-awake firm can congratulate
themselves upon his bringing along the
cream of farm and vegetable seeds that
these foreign countries offer.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians held
their state convention in Tecumseh,
and as there was so much work that
demanded attention an evening session
was held, which lasted until midnight
The attendance was good, nearly every
lodge in the state being .represented.
Prominent among the workers were:
T. J. Mahoney, treasurer; John Man
gle, secretary; T. J. Floyd and John
Rush of Omaha; Dr. McCrann. medical
examiner, of South Omaha; James Kel
ley of Lincoln, and J. G. Kearns of Au
There will be a boom in the building
trade this season at Nebraska City.
The congregations of the Baptist and
Presbyterian churches are to erect new
houses of worship, bonds are to be
voted for a new high school and either
a new opera house will be built or the
old one remodeled. The Argo Starch
company, which was recently organ
ized from the Nebraska City Starch
company, will erect new buildings, lar
ger than at present occupied by the
company, more than doubling the ca
The residence of Charles J. Hager,
tinner for Barlen & Myers, located at
Twenty-fifth and Lincoln streets, was
destroyed by fire. The fire was caused
from a defective flue, and as the place
is beyond the limits of the water mains,
no alarm was sounded, though the
hooks went out and rendered all assis
tance possible. A small part of the
furniture on the lower floor only was
saved. The house was a two storv
building and valued at about S2,600.
The total loss is 83,500, with only par
tial insurance.
John Kroche and J. W. Bick and
their wives drove to a point on Cub
creek near the farm of Joseph Groff,
about five miles west of Beatrice, in
tending to spend the day fishing and
picnicking. The men began wading in
the creek with small nets catching
minnows for bait, They were walking
down stream where the water was only
a few inches deep. They both stepped
over a pile of brushwood, when Kroeehe
disappeared from sight in sixteen feet
of water. The body was recovered af
ter much difficulty.
Al Dierks, a Madison man. hung his
vest on the limb of 4 tree, and when he
came to look for it found it missing. A
search resulted in finding the vest near
by, but 820 in money and a gold watch
were missing. He suspected two boys
who had been with him, and swore out,
a warrant for their arrest. The arrest
created some excitement, and as noth
ing was found in the pockets of the
boys it was suggested that a search be
made near where the vest was picked
up. The search was made and the
money and watch found on the ground.
The verdict rendered was that a cow
had caught her horn in the vest and
scattered the contents promiscuously
All bat Five of-the World'* Fair Bond
Ins* Burned.
Chicago, July 7. — All the main
buildings of the world’s fair, except
the Horticultural building, the Wo
men's building, the Art palace, the
Machinery hall and the United States
government building, were almost
entirely burned last night. They
were the property of the Columbian
Exposition Salvage company and had
been purchased for about 890,000.
The fire was discovered by several
boys in the southwestern corner of
the first floor of the terminal station.
When first seen it was but an incip
ient blaze and the boys tried to stamp
it out for several minutes. They
were unsuccessful, however, as the
fierce gale which was then blowing
from the southwest fanned the fire.
Before an alarm could be turned in
the fire had reached the second story
of the building. Owing to the dis
tance which separated most of the en
gine companies from the scene of the
fire, there was considerable delay in
getting a stream of water upon the
blazing structure.
The first alarm was immediately
followed by a 3-11 call, and this by a
special call for ten engines. By the
time the first detachment of engines
was fully at work the terminal sta
tion was a mass of flames, and the
fire had leaped across to the Adminis
tration building. In twenty minutes
the dome of this beautiful structure
fell with a terrible roar and sparks
and blazing brands were carried by
the wind north and northeast to the
Mining, Electricity and Agricultural
buildings. The Electricity was the
first to take fire. In a few minutes it
was enveloped in flames and at 7:10
o’clock the glass roof collapsed and
the iron framework of the structure
fell in.
At 7:15 o'clock the east end of the
Mining building fell in and the flames
became so fieree that engine com
panies stationed between the Elec
tricity and Mining buildings had to
fly for their lives. Engine company
18 Was forced to abandon their engine
and bad scarcely time to eut the
horses from the traces. One of the
animals succeeded in getting away,
but the other was suffocated. Several
hundred feet of hose was also burned.
The fire was communicated almost
simultaneously to the Transportation,
the Manufactures and Agricultural
buildings. By hard work, however,
the firemen succeeded in saving the
greater part of the Transportation
building, but the other two buildings
were soon enveloped in flames and by
9 o’clock the last of the frame-work
of each had fallen in.
An unknown man was burned to
death. He, with a companion, was
standing upon one of the conduits
through which power is transmitted
from the Electrical building to Mac
Monnies fountain. The roof of the
conduit, which was burning inside,
caved in, letting both men into the
flames. One of them was burned to
death and the other so badly that he
may die. Both were bookkeepers for
Marshal Field, and were present as
Vigorous Proclamation Issued by the
Mayor of Chicago.
Chicago, July 7.—Mayor Hopkins
has issued the following proclamation:
The events of the last twenty-four hours
render It necessary extraordinary measures
be taken to preserve public peace and order.
The mayor of the city of Chicago has the
legal right to demand the services of every
able bodied man in the city, and call out the
militia, if suppress riots or other
disorderly conduct, and he will certainly ex
ercise every power vested in him by law for
the proteciion of property and the preserva
tion of the public peace.
He expects every citizen to do his duty in
preserving the avoiding ail places
where crowds are congregated, to attend
strictly to his own particular affairs and to
see that all women an 1 children are kept away
from thejmblic streets and railway tracks.
The mayor intends to enforce every law of
the state and ordinance of the city, and he
confidently relies upon the people of Chicago
to aid him in his efforts in that behalf.
If the well disposed comply with his re
quest as herein indicated, he will, no doubt,
find a means of preventing the evd disposed
from violating the laws
The police force is hereby directed to dis
perse every assemblage of persons in the
public streets and on or near railway tracks,
and to promptly arrest all persons who refuse
to disperse on demand
John P Hopkins, Mayor.
Blockade in Calfornia.
San Francisco, July 7.—The seventh
day of the great railroad strike closes
with the blockade more complete in
Northern California than it has been
at any time since Debs ordered the
A. R. U. men to tie up the Southern
A Pittsburg Road Tied Up.
Pittsburg, Pa., July 7.—The striko
on the Cleveland and Pittsburg road
has reached Conway, twenty-three
miles west of this city, where the
yards of th'e company are located. All
freight trains are tied up at that point
and nothing has come through to-day.
All passenger trains from the West
were delayed this morning, the only
trains arriving being those made up
at Fort Wayne and Columbus.
Buffalo May Next Be Affected.
Buffalo, N. Y., July 7.—A tele
gram has been received from Presi
dent Debs by a sympathizer in the
cause stating that the Buffalo mem
bers of the American Railway union
will be called out inside of twenty
four hours. The railroad managers
are growing a little nervous, though
they profess ability to cope with the
Troops on Guard at Springfield.
Springfield, 111., July 7.—The
presence of four companies of state
troops here has effectually awed the
strikers. The Wabash railroad com
pany to-day got out one passenger
train east and one west, both guarded
by troops. The troops were compelled
to charge the strikers at various
Armour’s Firemen Quit Work.
Chicago, July 7.—The firemen em
ployed at the Armour establishment
went out last night and the big plant
was left in total darkness, as the
electric tight machinery was obliged
to shut down.
Mrs. Burton Harrison's story, “A
Bachelor Maid,” which begins publica
tion in the J uly number of the Century,
takes up a new phase of the woman's
rights question, the revolt against mat
rimony and the more or less exacting
ties of family life, which are supposed
by those who have aspirations to ham
per the fullest development of ideal
Mayor Hopkins Calls on the Governor
for Another Regiment of Troops—
All Trades Unions to Strike
Wednesday Morning If Pull
man Refuses to Arbitrate
—Pullman's Position.
Chicago, JulylG.—Everything was
quiet here this morning anil the feel
ing was growing that there would be
no more serious rioting. The roads
are all moving their passenger trains
and a number are starting their
freights. It is quite clear that the
mobs of yesterday were composed
chiefly of idlers from the packing
houses and that very few railway men
were present. President Cleveland’s
proclamation seems to have been very
The postal authorities say there is
less interference with the mails to
day than on any day since the strike
Last night firemen were called to
extinguish many incipient blazes in
cars standing in isolated places.
There were no large gatherings of
rioters for the purpose of wholesale
destruction as on previous nights.
Early this morning at Forteith and
Emerald avenue a packing house firm
attempted to move some dressed beef.
The strikers discovered this and tried
to intimidate the teamsters. The po
liee were called and the crowds re
sisted efforts to disperse them. The
police then fired a volley over the
heads of the strikers which caused
them to disperse. Six of them were
arrested charged with riot.
Later some boys and idle men who
had gathered at the Forty-ninth street
crossing of the Grand Trunk road
threw stones at a squad of state mi
litia. The latter first made a charge
upon the mob and then, on a renewal
of the stone throwing, fired a volley
into the crowd. The crowd escaped
into adjoining houses and it was not
learned whether anybody was hurt.
Six freight cars were burned this
morning before daylight on the
Illinois Central tracks at Burnside.
John Hepner, Ed Hogan, John
Coloran, John Grady, Ben Lenand
and Robert Blair were found at the
fire and arrested on suspicion of being
firebugs. They were taken to Ken
sington police station and were fined
§20 each by Justice Robbins.
Little work was done in the stock
yards, to-day. John B. Sheiman an
nounced that no attempt would be
made for a few days to resume. Ar
mour & Co. sent out 100,000 pounds of
dressed beef before daylight this
morning to the city markets. It was
shipped in wagons guarded by yard
employes. The commission men of
the yards have organized for the de
fense of property inside the yards and
protection outside will be delegated
to special police officers.
The committee of seven appointed
by the labor leaders at Uhlrieh’s hall,
called upon Mayor Hopkins promptly
at 10 o’clock to-day and asked him to
arrange for a citizens’ committee
drawn from influential business men,
which should undertake to induce
Pullman to submit to arbitration.
Mayor Hopkins referred them to the
committee appointed for this purpose
bv the city council a week ago, and
they arranged to meet that committee
at 1 o'clock. They told the mayor
that they were under orders to report
early Wednesday morning.
The mayor has called on the gover
nor for another regiment of state
Leaders of Many of the Chicago Unions
Vote to Follow Debs.
Chicago, July 10 —At 4:15 o'clock this
morning, after an all-night secret ses
sion. the union leaders of Chicago de
cided on a general strike Wednesday
morning at 7 o'clock unless by noon to
morrow Pullman will agree to arbi
trate or come to some form of agree
ment with his striking employes.
That all was not harmonious, not
withstanding fiery speeches by Messrs.
Sovereign of the Knights of Labor,
Debs of the American railway union,
and other labor leaders, is evidenced
by the fact that it was 4 o'clock
this morning when the convention
finished balloting.
An idea of the widely diversified in
terests involved in this latest move
ment may be gained from the sub
joined list, representing but a portion,
however, of the industries affected,
representatives of these lodges being
aetually present: Trade and Labor
assembly, Central Labor union. Paint
ers’ District council, Clothing Trades’
council. Machinery Trades’ council,
Iron Moulders’ council, Building
Trades’ council, Stone Cutters’ coun
cil, Plasterers’ union, Junior
Plumbers’ union, Journeyman Plumb
ers’ union, Tiislayers' union.
Bricklayers’ union, Steam Fitters
Helpers’ union, Carpenters’ union,
No. 1. Knights of Labor assemblies,
American Musicians’ union 1893, Ship
Carpenters’ union. Stationary En
gineers’ union, Meat Butchers’ union.
8280, Harness Makers’ union,Bohemian
Central Labor union. Coat Pressers’
union. Crane Bros’, union No. 1. Hard
wood Finishers No. 1, Wire Workers’
union No. l.Horseshoers’union. Horse
Nail Workers’ union. Hostlers’ union,
Boiler Workers’ union,Waiters’ union,
Sprinkler Fitters’ union, Teamster's
union. Furniture and Carpet Sales
men's union. Dry Good’s Clerk's union.
Clothing Cutters' union. Capmakers’
union. Bakers’ union No. 2. Cloak
makers’ union. Nos. 3 and 4, Carriage
and Wagons Makers' union, Beer
I’ump Makers' union. Stationary En
gineers’ union No 3,United Engineers’
union No. 2, International Machinists’
union, Theatrical Stage Employes’
union, Cabinet Makers’ union. Allied
Iron Trades council, Metal Trades
council, Bakers’ council, Seamen’s
union. Typographical union, Architect
ural Iron Workers,Carpenters,.Joiners,
Masons, Plumbers, Gas titters. Gravel
Hoofers, Metal Cornice and Skylight
workers, Tin and Sheet Iron workers,
Steam Pipe and Boiler Fitters, Coal
Heavers, Painters, Journeymen Lath
ers, Electrical Workers, Cement Fin
ishers, Marble Cutters, Mosaic work
ers. Bridge and Structural Iron Work
ers, Hoisting Engineers. Marine En
gineers, Hod Carriers and Building
workers, Marble Polishers, Mosaic
Setters and Mosaic Helpers, Car
builders aud kindred organizations,
Brass Finishers, Brass Moulders, Re
tail Clothiers, Coopers, Brewers and
Malsters, Broom Makers, Iron Mould
ers, Machine Wood Workers, Press
Feeders, Trunk Makers, Tin and
Sheet Iron Job Workers anil Tile Lay
ers’ Helpers.
Besides all these an offort will be
made to get out the employes of all
surface and elevated transportation
lines in this city. Although these
men are poorly organized, the leaders
of the great strike movement believe
that the majority of them can he in
duced to strike.
A committee of seven was appointed
to wait on Mayor Hopkins to endeavor
to have him make a last effert to
bring about arbitration. The com
mittee is composed of J. W. Hastie,
T. J. Elderkin. E. J. Lindholm, J. J.
Ryan, James Currie, A Cattermull and
Thomas I. Kidd.
It is claimed that a number of the
unions, including the printers, the
marine engineers and the brick
makers, will refuse to be bound by
the order and a very large percentage
of the other men are already idle be
cause of the general shut down which
has resulted from the coal famine.
Among the resolutions adopted
were the following:
Resolved, Tim a committee of twenty-one
be appointed by tills meeting to wait on the
city council and request that It demand of the
president that he wlthuriw from the city the
United States troops now In our midst.
The following letter was ordered
sent to Governor Altgeld:
To Governor Altgeld: In view of the oc
cupation of the state of Illinois by armed
forces of the United States without proper
demand having been made by the constituted
authorities of the state and in dellance of the
Resolved. That a committee of two be ap
pointed by this meeting to wait upon the city
council and request of it that It demand of
President Cleveland the withdrawl of the
United States troops from the city. We In
sist that your excellency take legal steps to
compel the withdrawal of said army forces at
once and pled re your excellency the support
of the law-loving organized trades in Chicago
in the accomplishment or thi result.
Grand Master Workman Sovereign
of the Knights of Labor said this
morning that he had determined to
delay the order for a strike of his
order until Wednesday.
Two national; presidents have ar
rived in the city and had a conference
with President Debs and other
officers of the American Railway Un
ion. They are John McBride of the
Mine Worker’s association and W. 1).
Mahon of the National Association of
Street Car Men. These make five na
tional officers that are now in the city,
the others being General Master
Workman Sovereign of the Knights of
Labor, J. W. McKinney of the Broth
ernood of Painters and Decorators and
and O'Connell of the machinists.
The Pullman Company Positively Rejects
the Latest Proposition.
Chicago, July 10.—A committee of
seven representing the labor unions
of the city met the committee of four
from the city council at 1 o’clock and
after a full discussion as to the grav
ity of the case, the council committee
was informed by the labor committee
that unless the Pullman company
agreed to arbitration to-morrow night
all organized labor in Cook county
would quit work.
The chairman of the city council
committee suggested that a commit
tee of five prominent business men be
invited to visit the Pullman company,
not as arbitrators, but to determine
if the Pullman company had anything
to arbitrate. He also suggested that
the committe consist of two officials
of the Pullman company, two promi
nent citizens to be appointed by the
judges of Cook county and the fifth to
be chosen by the four.
A committee representing the labor
ing men appointed a subcommittee of
three and they, with the council com
mittee. went at 2 o’clock to confer
with Vice President Wickes of the
Pullman company to see whether he
would submit to the investigation of
the committee of five.
The joint committee met Vice
President Wickes at the office of the
Pullman company at 2 o’clock. The
chairman of the council commit
tee explained to him the nature
of the request, and after a brief
consultation with his attorney he re
fused emphatically to receive the
proposed committee of five. “The
Pullman company,”he said, “has noth
ng to arbitrate, and we must refuse
to receive the committee to which you
refer. Our company has not receded
. from the position taken at the incep
tion of the strike. This is final.”
The Fort Scott Yards Carefully protected
• by the Ki-employes.
Fort Scott, Kan., JuIylO.—The 700
railroad men now idle in this city on
account of the strike have delegated
from among- their members a sufficient
number of men to guard the property
and yards of the railroad companies.
It was believed that some attempt at
arson might he made by an element
whose interests were not at stake and
the strikers kept a strict watch. No
one except railroad people were al
lowed to enter the yards.
The firemen's brotherhood has voted
to strike after several days of agita
tion, and no fireman can be induced
to take an engine here. Firemen on
all trains in here are compelled to
travel on to Kansas City or Springfield,
making a 200 mile run. Passenger
trains are more regular, but no
freights are moving.
In the United States district 'lourt
to-day an injunction was issued re
straining all strikers and other per
sons from interfering with or obstruct
ing the running of freights and pas
senger trains and from compelling,
inducing or attempting to induce by
intimidation or persuading the regu
lar employes of the road to refuse
to do their duty. The American
Kailway union men on all the roads,
some 2.000 in numbor, are named in
the restraining order, and Debs’ name
heads the list.
Thoaxan.lx of c#r» Burned and Mnct
Merchandise Destroyed.
Chicago, July 9.—Six dead and an
Indefinite number of injured is the
record of casualties In the strike con
flicts in Chicago yesterday.
Incendiarism was rampant, alarm
after alarm followed in quick succes
sion all day and night and a-t 11 o’clock
the glare reflected from the heavens
sliowed that the dastardly pastime
continued unabated. From early
morning until midnight reports of
fresh fires followed each other with
startling rapidity, being confined,
however, principally to railroad roll
ing stock and buildings, against
which thus far the greater part of
the mob's fury has been directed.
Last night with flaming torch law
less hordes of fire-bugs were at work
at a score of points in the south half
of Chicago. Fires were raging in
every direction among the numerous
railroad yards, hundreds of cars and
tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of
merchandise have already gone up in
smoke or been carried off by the
frenzied mob of rioters.
Early yesterday morning a blazo
started among some overturned cars
at Kensington, quickly communi
cating to other tracks filled with long
lines of cars, many containing valua
ble merchandise, were soon blazing
furiously. Fanned by strong winds,
there were at this point a total of
eighty ears wiped out. At the stock
yards one blaze after another was re
ported, and from the outlying dis
tricts came urgent calls for engines
and police protection, increasing in
Hut with the falling shades of night
came the climax of the fiery festival.
The Panhandle yards from Fifty-fifth
to Sixty-third streets, eight blocks,
were a mass of fire. Ten tracks con
taining from 1,000 to 2,000 cars, half
of them loaded, were a total loss. No
water being at hand the fire had to
burn itself out.
The Panhandle station at Sixty
third street was also fired and de
stroyed. The Grand Trunk yards at
Elston was a sea of flame. Five hun
dred box cars arc supposed to have
been burned, and efforts to check tho
flames were futile.
At midnight all the cars in the yards
had been destroyed. The mob showed
much method iivits incendiarism and
hundreds of cars were rifled and their
contents carried away before the
torch was applied. The loss in this
yard is estimated at 81,200,000.
The flag shanties anti other railroad,
property were burned, and no water,
except from one plug at Fifty-first
street, could he obtained. While di
recting the movement of the Eleventh,
battallion at this point Fire Marshal
Fitzpatrick was seized by the thor
oughly frenzied mob of fire-hugs and
thrown into a pond, from which ho
was rescued by the police more dead
than alive. Everything at this point
will probably be a total loss.
The aggregate of the losses to the
railroads will be enormous. Miles of
their tracks have been ruined by the
fierce heat; hundreds of switch and
signal towers with their expensive
mechanism are utterly ruined.
Thousands of cars and untold quan
tities of merchandise of every imagin
able description have fed the flames
and goiged the larders of thieves;
valuable locomotives have been
wrecked and disabled; miles of
tangled wires and prostrate poles lit
ter the ground.
To illustrate the tactics resorted to
by the incendiaries to hamper the
work of the firemen, empty car
tridges were forced into the keyholes
of the fire alarm boxes, firemen were
knocked down with stones and bricks,
and while working at the fires the
horses of the department were stolen.
The trick of scaring a crew from a
train, cutting the engine up the track,
opening the throttle and letting it
run back full tilt on the standing
train was a new one, and of a charac
ter likely to be imitated. The ston
ing of incoming trains was a commoa
pastime with the mobs, and several
persons were more or less injured by
flying missiles.
The developments so far have led
to the firm conviction that nothing
short of an overwhelming armed
force with instructions to shoot to
kill can settle the trouble, or, as Colo
nel Crofton put it, “it has ceased to
be a mere movement of troops, and
has become a campaign.”
The local and state authorities have
awakened to the critical gravity of
the situation which is affecting the
nation generally and Chicago particu
larly, and are taking steps to apply
adequate measures. The city police
force has already been recruited up
to 3,000 men. and by request of Mayor
Hopkins and by order of Governor
Altgeld, two brigades of state militia
have been ordered to aid in quelling
the disturbances.
Quotations from New York, Chicago, St*
Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere.
Butter—Creamery -print. 18 to 18
Butter—Choice country. 12 to 14
Eggs—Eresh . 9 to 954
ltonev—1 er It.. 14 to 18
Poultry—Old hens per to. 5 to 554
Chickens Spring per B>. 9 to 10
Lemons. 3 ta to 4 00
Oranges—Florida. 3 50 to 3 75
Pineapples—Per doz. 1 75 -u* 2 00
Potatoes—New. 80 to 85
Beans—Navy. 2 10 to 2 15
l eas—Per hu. . — 1 51 © 1 60
Beans—W ax. per hu . . . 1 50 »< 1 B
unions—New Southern per l)u.. 1 40 to 1 50
Apples—Per 54 bu. box. 1(0 ■ 125
Hogs—Mixed packing. 4 70 to 4 75
Hogs—Heavy weights. 4 71 to 4 80
Beeves—Prime -leers. 4 25 to 4 70
Beeves—Stockers and Feeders 2 O' to 3 50
Steers—Fair to good. 4 01 to 4 30
Steers—Westerns. 2 80 to 3 90
Sheep—Lambs. 2 5b to 3 75
sheep—Choice natives.3 .5 to 4 00
W heat—No. 2, red winter. 61 to 62
Corn—No. 2. 46l4to 47
Oats—Mixed western. 59 © 5054
lork.12 59 ©13 01
Lard. 7 15 © 7 35
Wheat—No. 2 spring. 58 to 56*
Corn—Per bu. 41 © 41*
Oats—Per bu. 43 © 46
lork.1147 ©12 50
Lard. C 70 © 6 72*
Hogs—Packers and mixed. 4 9i © 5 09
Cattle—Com. steers to extra. . 3 40 © 4 00
Sheep—Lambs. 3 01 © 5 00
Wheat—No. 2 red. cash. 55 to S21L
Corn-Per bu. 41 © 42
Oats—Per bu. 41'4® 42
Hogs—Mixed packing. 4 75 © 5 05
Cattle—Native steers. 4 70 ©4 60
W heat—No. 2 red, cash. 49 to 4oti
Corn-No. 2. »*© Jo
Oats—No. 2. 30 © 311Z
Cattle—Stockers and feeders.. 2 80 2 3 50
bogs—Mixed packers. 4 70 2 t l&