The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 06, 1894, Image 8

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    You Can Wiggle, You Can Struggle,
But we’ve Got You in our Eye;
And You’ll Buy ’em, yes You’ll Buy ’em,
You’ll Buy Them bye and bye.
6fne RiMoii . .
♦ . Softool Sfioes.
“TSkett cRaoe 9 to $cjuaf.”
The corn is curling nicely.
The knowing ones are now pre
dicting that August will be a very
wet month.
T. E. Brown, formerly a resi
dent of Tyrone, died at Wilsonville,
Monday night.
Rev. O. T. Moore has returned
to the east after a very pleasant
visit with friends at Tyrone.
At the school meeting W. C.
McTaggart was elected moderator.
There will be seven months term
of school. The school site has
been moved nearer to the centre
of the district.
* _
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Piper of
Box Elder precinct, entertained a
host of their numerous friends,
last Friday evening. Refreshments
were served at the usual hour and
the occasion was thoroughly en
joyed by all.
Do you know that woven wire
fencing is the best aud cheapest
fencing on earth ? S. M. Cochran
<Sr Co. have a large stock of all
sizes. Don’t fail to see their line
before buying.
Knipple always leads in fruits
and vegetables. He carries the
freshest and largest assortment
the market affords.
Screen doors with trimmings
complete for $1.25 at W. C. Bul
lard & Co’s.
A brand new sewing machine
for sale cheap. Inquire at this
4 -
Buy your Screen Doors of The
Barnett Lumber Co.
McMillen Brothers
are headquarters for
Harness, Saddles, Fly
Nets, Dusters, etc.
Knipple is in receipt of another car
load of flour. He is selling it at the
following remarkably low figures:
Fancy Patent, per sack,.$ 1.10
Second Patent, per sack.90
Snowflake, per sack.85
These are all fine flours and guaran
teed to give satisfaction.
Well Digging.
If you want a well put down in fine
shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran
tees his work. Leave orders at S. M.
Cochran & Co.'s.
For harness warranted to. be first
class in material as well as in work
manship; also the most complete and
best stock of saddlery, see L. Penner.
second door south of A. 0. TJ. W.
Corked faced collars, light, cool and
elastic, warranted not to gall horse's
shoulders, for sale by L. Penner. Sec
ond door south of the A. O. U. VV.
temple building.
Ink. pens, pencils school tablets, etc.,
at The Tribune stationery department.
Dr. A. J. Thomas. Dentist, office in
Union block, over J. F. Ganschow's.
Seventy-five cents buys a scale book
of 500 tickets at this office.
Bananas only 25 only 25 cents a
dozen at Knipple’s.
Knipple is selling bananas at 25
cents a dozen.
Lettuce and radishes at Knipple’s
grocery store
The McCook Com
mission Co. has the
best grades of Flour
at bottom prices.
Cochran & Co. have on display
a large line of carriages, phaetons,
buggies, road carts, spring wag
ons, etc. Completest stock in Red
Willow county. Inspect them if
you want anything in that line.
Holdrege, Nebraska, July 4.
—TSpecial to Lincoln Journal. J —
From everything gathered to the
present time, the two men sus
pected of the murder of E. E.
Drummond are described as fol
lows: The larger is five feet eleven
inches tall and weighs 170 pounds,
has loug hair, light complexion
and long slim face, blue eyes and
no beard and it is hard to catch
his eye. The other is five feet
eight inches, solidly built, has dark
eyes and smooth, round face. Both
were cigarette smokers. McCaf
ferty’s circus was traveling along
the Union Pacific railroad about
a week before the murder was com
mitted, and these men were in its
The gentlemen who launched
the Colorado Sun about two years
ago have finally consolidated their
paper with the Times, It is al
leged that the net loss of the ven
ture is $160,000 to the publishers,
to say nothing of the cost of the
enterprise to their competitors and
to the advertisers of Denver who
could have reached their patrons
just as well in the older news
papers. One result of the change
is an advance in the subscription
price of the old hiorning papers
to $7.50 per year. This has been'
repeatedly demonstrated to be as
low a figure as a first-class news
paper can be furnished for outside
of the larger centres of popula
tion.—Lincoln Journal.
If the railroad managers would
only obey the laws enacted for the
protection of their patrons and
employes it would be much easier
to repress the spirit ot lawlessness
that pervades the railway strikers
and boycotters. Those who live
by the sword perish by tha sword
We liad a good rain, Monday
Phillip Gliein went to Beatrice,
Olive Ferguson came up from
Wilsonville, Monday.
Hilton and Street are back again,
having disposed of their horses.
A number of Danbury people
celebrated at Lebanon and near
Cedar Bluffs.
W. A. DeMay and family went
to Denver, Monday. They expect
to be absent about a week.
Miss Maggie Good who has beeu
working in Morgan’s millinery
store, returned home, last Monday.
Lebanon lost seven business
houses by fire, Sunday. Careless
bo vs and fire crackers was the
cause of it.
The M. E church was struck by
lightning during the storm, Mon
day night, and the steeple was
splintered from top to bottom.
Hebron Hour, best and cheapest,
for sale by the McCook Mercantile
We can sell screen doors with
hangings complete for §1.25.
Barnett Lumber Co.
We have both fancy and plain
screen doors in stock.
Barnett Lumber Co.
25 pounds cf new dried currants
for one dollar. We have bargains
in groceries, dry goods, boots and
shoes, etc. Call and see us.
McCook Mercantile Co.
Charles Leacli will
take your order for
a bicycle and you can
pay for it in monthly
hate jVoveJties
i-f JM
The Latest—Berry Forks. See them.
Can be used for a number of purposes.
Fine assortment of after-dinner cof
fee spoons. They will also make nice
ice cream spoons. Call and see them.
Cftas. 6i. Leacfi.
The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian
and other questions of the day do
not interest the people hereabout
as much as the question where can
I gret the most and best groceries
for the money. C. M. Noble can
answer the question to the satis
faction of all.
Flour and Feed of
all kinds at McCook
Commission Co.’s.
Land Or kick at McCook, Nsa.. i
J une 5, IS94. f
Notice is hereby given that tbe following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of bis claim.and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at McCook, Nebraska, on Friday,
July 13.1S94. viz: Matthew Stewart, homestead
entry 9572, tor the southwest quarter of sec
tion 2ti, township 5, north of range 29. west
6tb principal meridian. He names tbe follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Morley E. Piper. William D. Trinique.William
E. Ketch. Hans Hansen, all of Box Elder,
Nebraska. 3 6ts. J. P. Lindsat. Register.
! Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your
i Life **»>• 'S tbe truthful and startling title of
a litt.e book that tells a!! about No-to-bac
| the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco
habit cure. Tne cost is triHing and tbe man
woo wants to <juit and can't, runs no physical
or ananeia; risk in using No to-bac—Sold hv
all druggists. Hook at drug stores or by mail
tree. The sterling Remedy Co.. Indiana Min
era. springs. Iudiana. Aug. 25—1 yr.
State of Nebraska. Red Willow county as
, he “auer °} tbe estate of Virginia k'
Wilson, deceased. *
jn0,? aay of June. ism. there was Hied
in this office an instrument purporting to he
tne last will and testament of Virginia E
Wilson, deceased, which will nominate Howe
^ pC°ok, Nebraska, as executor, and
f f,°i,bee? fllfcd a Petition, praying
!»?u b.e admitted to probate and the
said Howe smith appointed as executor It
is ordered that Ju!f loth. 1894. at one o’clock
p. m. is assigned for hearing on said petition
when ai! persons interested in this matter
may appearand show cause, if such exists
"by Jb.? prayef of petitioners should not be
granted, and that notice of the pendency of
smd petitions and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested, by publishing
a copy of this order in the Tribcne a week*
‘y newspaper published in said county 6?or
three successive weeks prior to s&id date of
hearing. Charlbs W. Beck. County Judge
Dated June IS. 1894. 3 5-3ts.
Try Meadow Lily at McConnell’s.