The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 29, 1894, Image 8

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Dr. Eskey was through here,
last Monday.
The white topped wagons still
move eastward.
Jesse Ashton is able to be about
on crutches now.
H. Y. Lord’s two children were
very sick, last week.
Will Sandon rode over to Ober
lin, Friday, on his wheel.
A. C. Furman’s little girl was
taken very sick, last Monday.
The dance at the hall, Moudav
night last, was enjoyed by all.
Frank Everist shipped four car
loads of stock to South Omaha on
last Wednesday.
The hardest rain of the season
fell here, last Saturday. There was
a little hail with it.
Our public school closed, last
Friday, and the event was celebra
ted with a picnic in Dolph’s grove.
Danbury’s Union Sunday school
is preparing to give a concert in
about four weeks for the benefit of
the school.
June 20th. C.A.X.
Do you know that woven wire
fencing is the best and cheapest
fenciug on earth ? S. M. Cochran
& Co. have a large stock of all
sizes. Don’t fail to see their line
before buying.
Knipple always leads in fruits
and vegetables. He carries the
freshest and largest assortment
the market affords.
Screen doors with trimmings
complete for $1.25 at W. C. Bul
lard & Co’s.
A brand new sewing machine
for sale cheap. Inquire at this
McMillen Brothers
are headquarters for
Harness, Saddles, Fly
Nets, Dusters, etc.
You Can Wiggle, You Can Struggle,
But we’ve Got You in our Eye;
And You’ll Buy ’em, yes You’ll Buy ’em,
You’ll Buy Them bye and bye.
£>luc Rifrfton . .
, . Softool Sftoes,
uWvctj cRaoe 9to ^uatV’
Wall Digging.
If you want a well put down in fine
shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran
tees his work. Leave orders at S. M.
Cochrau & Co.’s
Flour ancl Feed of
all kinds at McCook
Commission Co.’s.
For harness warranted to be first
class in material as well as in work
manship; also the most complete and
best stock of saddlery, see L. Penner.
second door south of A. 0. U. W.
Sewing machines on
the installment plan
at Fade & Son’s.
Corked faced collars, light, cool and
elastic, warranted not to gall horse's
shoulders, for sale by L. Penner. Sec
ond door south of the A. O. LT. W.
temple building.
Danbury will not Lave a saloon.
Who said Red Willow county
is a dry place'?
Lebanon is preparing for a
grand celebration.
The Lebanon nine is practicing
for the ball game here the Fourth
of July.
There was a party at Mr. Ral
sten’s Monday evening; a good
time was had.
Mrs. Russell, Miss Cora and
Master Arthur are visiting with
the family of J. L. Townley.
Mr. Warner, who lives on the
school section, had two fine horses
killed by lightning, last week.
There was ice cream in town,
Saturday; the Methodist people
were superintending the tables.
Corn is lookiug well and prom
ises to make a fine crop; while the
grass is coming out in fine shape.
Siuce the rain fewer four-legged
hogs pass this way.
Planted corn has made a rapid
growth in the past few days.
M. L. Brown talks of pulling up
stalks and locating somewhere in
We are ready at all times to ac
cept an “invite” to the next ice
cream supper.
The late showers have greatly
helped the pastures, and stock of
all sorts are doing well.
A great deal of corn is being re
planted and considerable millet
and cane sown siuce the rain.
A meeting was held on Monday
O al
evening afr Box Elder to perfect
arrangements for a celebration of
the Fourth.
It is said that a young man in
this vicinity wishes to trade a team
of horses for an ice cream freezer.
Late Novelties
The Latest—Berry Forks. See them.
Can be used for a number of purposes.
Fine assortment of after-dinner cof
fee spoons. They will also make nice
ice cream spoons. Call and see them.
Ofias. c). L-cudi.
The writer hereof has a good
show for a garden yet, as seeds
which have lain in the ground for
two mouths are now coming along
We understand that Eeece Har
rison, who lives up uear the Wil
low, is very low with an attack of
typhoid fever. He has been con
fined to the house several weeks.
The reception given at the home
of Ira Anderson on Wednesday
evening, June 20th, was a very
pleasant affair. About 50 of the
young folks from all parts of the
community were present. The
refreshments served during the
evening added greatly to the pleas
ure of the occasion, which was
nicely rounded off with the comical
little brown jug.
Perhaps the jolliest time it has
been our pleasure to participete in
for many moons was the closing
exercises of the North Divide
school, last Friday evening, which
was under the pleasant and capa
For pure lard go to
the B. & M. meat mar
ket. F. S. WILCOX.
Dr. A. J. Thomas. Dentist, office in
Union block, over J. F. Ganschow’s.
Bananas only 25 only 25 cents a
dozen at Knippie s.
When 3a’>7 sr-!:. 5vo gave her Cacoria,
When she nasa Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became 3Iiss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gavothem Castoria.
Knipple is selling bananas at 25
cents a dozen.
Seventy-five cents buys a scale book
of 500 tickets at this office.
Lettuce and radishes at Knipple’s
grocery store.
Ink. pens, pencils school tablets, etc.,
at The Tribune stationery department.
Charles Leacli will
take your order for
a bicycle and you can
pay for it in monthly
The Tariff, Financial. Hawaiian
and other questions of the day do
not interest the people hereabout
as much as the question where can
I get the most and best groceries
for the money. C. M. Noble can
answer the question to the satis
faction of all.
The McCook Com
mission Co. has the
best grades of Flour
at bottom prices.
Cochran & Co. have on display
a large line of carriages, phaetons,
buggies, road carts, spring wag
ons, etc. Completest stock in Red
Willow county. Inspect them if
you want anything in that line.
pie management of Miss Jennie
Goheen, who has been teacher of
this district for past three months.
There was a large outpouring of
patrons and friends of the school,
the majority of whom had provid
ed an elegant and generous spread
of toothsome, appetizing viands
for all who were there. The exer
cises during the day were of a va
ried and instructive nature.
Land Office at McCook, Ne3.. i
June 5. 1894. {
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at McCook, Nebraska, on Friday.
July 13.1894. viz: Matthew Stewart, homestead
entry 9572, tor tbs southwest quarter of sec
tion 28, township 5. north of range 29, west
8th principal meridian. He names the follow,
ing witnesses to prove his continuous res:
dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Morley E. Piper. William D. Trinique.Wjliiatu
E. Ketch. Hans Hansen, all of Box Elder.
Nebraska. 3«ts. J. P. Lindsat, Register.
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your
Life away :s the truthful and title of
a little hook that teUs ail about No-to-bae.
the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco
habit cure. The coat is triding and the man
woo wants to quit and can’t, runs no physical
or hnancia! risk in using No to-bac—Sold by
a.; druggists. Book at drug stores or by mail
free. The Sterling Remedy Co.. Indiana Min
era. Springs. Indiana. Aug. 25—1 yr.
State of Nebraska. Red Willow county as
In the matter of the estate of Virginia k’
Wilson, deceased.
On the lltn aay of June. l*t. there was Hied
in this office an instrument purporting to be
toe iast wiii and testament ot Virginia E
Wilson, deceased, which wiii nominate Howe
smith of McCook, Nebraska. a3 executor and
there has been filed a petition, praying
that said wiii be admitted to probate and the
said Howe Smith appointed as executor It
is ordered that July !0tb. 1S94, at one o’clock
p. m. is assigned for hearing on said petition
when all persons interested in this matter
may appear and show cause, if such exists
why the prayer of petitioners should not be
granted, ana that notice of the pendency of
said petitions and the hearing thereof be
given to aii persons interested, by publishing
a copy of this order in the Tribune, a week
!y newspaper published in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said date of
hearing. Charges w. Bbcsc. County Judge
Dated June IS, WH. 5_jt£
Try Meadow Lily at McConnell’s.