1TC00K TRIBUNE. F. M. KIMMKLL, Publisher. McCOOK, NEBRASKA. ■OVER THE STATE. Falls City has opened a new busi ness college. People of Wallace prayed for rain and they got it. Ex-Gov. Nance will build a 810,000 residence in Lincoln. Thp.ee divorces were granted at Eastings last week. The assessed valuation of Dodge county is 83,097,712. Several stone buildings are being erected at Lodge Pole. New hay has appeared in Fremont and is selling at 85 a ton. Kearney is preparing for a fltting celebration on the Fourth. Turners of Nebraska City will ha7e a great celebration in August The assessed valuation of Pierce county for the current year is $1,521, 490. Lou Carroll of Hastings, for rob bery, was given two years in the state pen. It is estimated that 75,000 sheep will be fattened on Dodge county corn thi6 fall. The costs of the jury during the late term of court in Buffalo county, were #2,001. Warm as is the weather, Ashland is having a series of religious revival meetings. The Lancaster county teachers’ in stitute is now in session and will last two weeks. New potatoes are on the market at Pawnee City. They are selling for $1.50 per bushel. A Sarpy county farmer has some alfalfa that has grown fifteen inches in seven weeks. Genoa has an Indian base ball club They will probably play at Nebraska City on the Fourth. All reports to the contrary, there will be a fair yield of wheat and oats in Johnson county. There was quite a hail storm in and around Exeter, some of the stones being as large as hen's eggs. Two bp.ick blocks will be added to the thrifty village of Laurel before corn husking begins. . onathan Martin and James Colgan were committed to the asylum at Nor folk from Cheyenne county. The first teachers' institute in Ne braska this year was held in Madison County, beginning June 11th. The Hastings gas company has re cently changed hands, and cheaper gas is promised in the near future. Boys at Kearney brought in 2,500 go pher scalps on circus day, and the lat ter reaped a bountiful harvest. ihe Amelia creamery is turning out about 603 pounds of butter a day and the product is daily increasing. The Union Pacific officials have closed the Willow Island station and trans ferred Agent Pangborn to Gibbon. J. Snider of Furnas county shelled 1,700 bushels of corn last week and sold all but about 400 bushels at 35 cents. Coi. Edgar, editor of the Beatrice Express, occasionally occupies the mil pit, being preacher as well as editor. The new Christian church at Elm wood was dedicated last Sunday. AU of the indebtedness has been provided for. Farmers in Pawnee county report the corn crop farther advanced thia year than usual owing.to the early spring. Three little Indian boys who skipped from tile Indian school at Lawrence, Kan., were detected at Nebraska City and will be returned. A pig having seven legs and eight feet was born on the farm of W. K. Hard man, near Sprague, the other day. It lived only a short time. Honore Jaxox, who is credited with being the head of the conspiracy to blow up the public buildings at Wash ington. is known in Omaha. In the district court of Richardson county last week Judge Babcock gave five men one year each in the peniten tiary for burglarizing houses. The Santee Indian band will furnish the Fourth-of July music at Randolph. As an extra, attraction 200 members of the tribe will accompany them. .Editor Albin of the McCool Junction Record came, near losing his only child. The child had got into a package of ,parts _green.a.nd had put some in its mouth. Deputy United States Marshal Coble .arrived in Omaha from Boyd county,.having in charge F. J. Lopatch, who is charged with selling liquor to Indians. F. Cool of Custer county was found lying dead in his doorway last week, having.been killed by lightning. His body lay three days before being dis covered. Ezra ;Beeman pleaded guilty to the chargeof-selling liquor without a gov ernment license in the federal court at Omaha.and.Judge Dundy fined him $25 and costs. John P. Kelly, formerly a private in the regular army, -stationed at Sidney, was found dead on a railroad track in .New Jersey. He became dissolute ■while at Sidney and was court-martial ed and dishonorably .discharged. Good soaking rains have brought ■•miles to our farmers' faces. Now pat ronize home industry and keep money In the state. You should always buy Farrell &Ga.«,brand of syrups, jellies, preserves and mince meat; Morse-Coe boats and shoes for man. women and children; American Biscuit & Manu facturing Ca. Omaha. The 15 cents an hour to seventy men bow working on the canal at Kearney means over $500 a week turned over to the families of the laboring men. The BushviUe hose team has offered . B purse of between $50 and $75 to be contested for by such teams as may care to go there and race on the Fourth. The $9,000 water bonds voted by Ce dar Rapids last spring have been sold after considerable delay. In two or three days the board will be ready to receiye bids for the construction of the work, which will be pushed to comple tion. The power w ill be furnished by Abe Cedar Rapida Improvement and Killing company. Chadron is working to secure a beet sugar mill and starch factory. A fire in South (>*uaha destroyed Mosher's livery barn, together with a number of horses, harness, buggies, etc. The loss is 54,000, with only 81,500 insurance. Lightning struck the house occupied by H. Wardell at Heemer, setting it on fire. Mr and Mrs. Wardell were ren dered insensible, but in a short time fully recovered. Seven head of cattle belonging to Mr. Bollus, living.near Courtland, were killed by lightning during a thunder storm. The cattle were bunched along side a wire fence. There are butfew towns in Nebraska that will not let the eagle soar on the glorious Fourth. All along the line preparations are going forward for due observance of the day. Mrs Eldora Johnson, who was struck by a switch engine while walking on the track in South Omaha, died of her injuries. She was a widow and leaves several small children. Investigation shows that the dyke *t the head of the Island in Otoe coun ty, which was mentioned as giving way before high water, was cut by a farmer named Thaman. He will be prosecuted. Ex-Sheriff D. S. Conelyan, alleged ■embezzler of Phelps county funds, who escaped jail at Holdrege a few weeks ago, was arrested in Champagne, 111. He was brought back to Nebraska. Private Frank McKenzie, troop G, Ninth cavalry, stationed at Fort Kobin son, had an altercation with Miss Mary Walker during which he was blashed with a razor, necessitating several stitches. The citizens of Bancroft decided to build a creamery at that point, and operations will be begun as soon as the stock can be subscribed. Several new dwellings are being built and business is booming. Daniel Schell, living near Cortland, Gage county, died from the effects of being overheated. He was one of the first settlers of Highland township and was well known and esteemed through out Gage eounty. John Price of Nebraska City, a col ored boy aged 14, was sent to the re form scnool last week. He has 1’obbed nearly fifty houses of small articles, en tering by means of skeleton keys which he made himself. The residence of J. S. McCoy of Fair bury was struck by lightning during a severe thunder storm. The building was badly damaged and Mrs. McCoy and a young child were stunned, but have recovered from the shock. The average daily killing at the Ne braska City packing house for the past week has been 1,740. This is almost the full capacity of the plant, and in all probability the largest average for any week since the house began run ning. John Dutcher’s barn in Boyd county burned last week, destroying five head of horses, seven sets of harness, one hack, hay, grain and many other arti cles. Loss, 51,200; no insurance. It is thought the lire was the work of some enemy. Mary E. Smith Hayward, the bead of the largest dry goods house in Chad ron, was last week taken to a private asylum by her friends, tshe has bee® failing mentally for some time. It is thought the affliction is only a tempor ary one. A woman claiming to be from Tecuro seh complained to the police of Ne braska City that she had been robbed of horse, wagon, household goods and her two children by one John Coma way, with whom she states she was on her way to Oklahoma Julian Wood, the 18-year-old son of J. P. Wood of Louisville, was drowned in an old unused sandpit. He, in com pany with another boy, was in bathing when he took a cramp, and the water being about thirty feet deep the other boy was unable to rescue him. Fremont parties have organized the Fremont Canal and power company and filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. The object of the concern is to build and maintain canals for irrigating ana power purposes, and the capital stock authorized is $,'>00,000. Principals in Lincoln eity schools will work next term for smaller sal aries than they have heretofore re ceived. The school board has reduced the salaries of all principals of schools of from Dine to twelve rooms to 5S5. those of five to eight rooms was fixed at $80 and to those having two to four rooms $75 will be paid. The sheriff of a western county pre sented a bill of expenses at the gover nor's office recently, in which he claim ed that he was entitled to pay for the amount expended by him in recaptur ing an escaped prisoner. The claim was not allowed, and the inference drawn is that the state will not hold itself responsible for such escapes and will not pay for recaptures. Edgar was treated to a sensation the other day. in which a woman, a man from Fairfield and a gun took promi nent parts. The woman oecupiesrooms over a saloon and the man, whose name is Enwald, went to her room and at tempted to force an entrance The woman shot him in the left breast with a 32-caliber revolver. The bullet ranged across his chest and was extricated near his right shoulder He will re cover. There was a disastrous wind at Chadron last week Much damage was done. The buildings of the Excelsior Lumber company were torn to pieces and the manager, John F. Tenzer. who attempted to escape when the crash came, was caught by the wind and blown across the street and thrown violently against a blacksmith shop, head first, crushing his skull and fatal ly injuring him. He died in a few minutes Mr Tenzer was a prominent man of Chadron and an old resident. He has relatives living at Toledo O Charles Harman and John Hoiker of Hopkins. Mo., were id Nebraska City looking for three men. who. Hoiker alleges, relieved him cf 85.000 eas,Li the day before on the bogus farm sale racket Harman was looking for a team which he thinks were stolen by the same men. Three men answering the description given by Harman and Hoiker had been in Nebraska City. Florin Geiger, a well-to-do German farmer living six miles southeast of Utica, was instantly killed while re turning home from Utica with a load of lumber by bis team running away and throwing him under the wheels of the wagon, which crushed bis breast. PRESIDENT CARNOT MURDER- | ED BY AN ANARCHIST. STABBED TO DEATH IK HIS CARRIAGE. Giovanni Santo, an Italian, the Slayer— The Wretch Almost Beaten to Death by the Populace — The Whole World Shocked — President Cleveland Issues a Mes sage to Congress* . Lyons, France, June 26.—President Carnot of France was stabbed through the left side by Cesare Giovanni Santo, a young Italian Anarchist, last night while on iiis way to attend a fete at the theater, and three hours later was dead. The knife of the murderer had pierced through the upper liver and from the first there was no hope. The wretched assassin was terribly beaten by the infuriate'd people who witnessed the terrible crime, but was saved for the guillotine by gendarmes and soldiers. The international silk exhibition in this city was opened yesterday, and President Carnot and most of the ministers were honored guests. The distinguished party spent some time at the exhibition and were then ten THE 'MURDERED®*RESIDENT, SADI CARNOT, dered a banquet at the chamber of commerce. A gala performance had been arranged at the principal theater for the evening, and the president and his party started for the struc ture at 9:25 o'clock, the president’s carriage in front. The streets were lined with enthusiastic people who cheered repeatedly for their popular chief magistrate. All seemed per fectly bright and only one of all the hosts on the streets was aware of any cloud to mar the happiness of the people of France. THE CRIME DONE IN A MOMENT. The president’s carriage, which was in the lead, had beeD driven slowly down the Hue de la Republique when, just as he was waving his right hand and saluting with liis hat in his left, a man pushed his way through the cheering masses and leaped upon the step. A long knife was in his hand. A moment it flashed in the electric light beams as it was raised aloft. Then before even one ery of warning could be uttered, it descended with terrible force. The president fell back on The seat of the carriage while one hand pressed his left side. M. Rivand, prefect of Lyons, whose guest President Carnot was, leaped up like a flash and and struck the cow ardly assassin a blow full in the faee, hurling him from the step just as he was preparing to raise the bloody poinard for a second blow. The tragedy occupied but an in stant. but that instant plunged all France into mourning. THE PEOPLE BATTLE FOB REVENGE. The people, who a moment before had been cheering enthusiastically for their chief magistrate, instantly cried: “The president is assassinated. Death to the assassin!” and pressed closely around the wretch. Dozens seized him and tried to tear him limb from limb, while each moment the angry cries gathered fresh force. Gendarmes stationed along the street to preserve order gathered about the now trembling assassin and partially checked the infuriated peo ple. Blows were rained on hint from all sides over the shoulders of the officers, who received accessions .each moment and soon were strong enough to hold the incensed hosts in check. LAST HOURS FULL OF PAIN. While the people were battling for revenge, the president was driven to the prefecture and placed upon a low iron bed between two windows. His clothes were deeply stained with blood. The best surgeons of the city were summoned and, headed by Dr. Gailleton, mayor of the city, mide a hasty examination of the wound. Because of the weakness of the president, chloroform was not admin istered. During the probing of the wound by Dr. Cellier, M. Carnot, who had been unconscious, rallied and ex claimed: “How you are hurting me!” The president was reassured by the physicians and the examination was continued as gently as possible. Dur ing this he cried several times: “My God, will this never end?” "My God, how I am suffering.” As soon as the examination was completed, the physicians agreed that there was no hope and sent for the Archbishop of Lyons to administer the last rites of the church. The president remained conscious to the last. EXCITEMENT JN THE THEATER. In the theater, toward which the president and his party were driving, was the must brilliant audience of the season. All were impatiently awaiting the arrival of the guests of honor when Prefect Ilivaud and Depu ty Cliaudey appeared in the front of the president's box. Tiie whole audience arose as if to greet the president. The prefect cried out in a voice broken with sobs: “The president has just been assassinated.” The women screamed and several fainted while the men uttered excla mations of fury and ran from the the ater with cries of vengeance. When silence was in a measure re stored, M. Rivaud continued: “In the Rue de la Republique a miscre ant, under the pretext of presenting a petition stabbed M. Carnot with a dagger.” M. Rivaud was again inter rupted with shouts of “Death to the murderer, revenge, revenge.” Waving his hands for silence, M. Rivaud again spoke, saying: “Do not make my mission more painful. We left M. Carnot in the hands of the doctors. You understand that under these conditions our hearts are filled with sorrow, and that the proposed performance in the president’s honor cannot take place.” The audience then left the building, many of them proceeding at once to the prefecture, when they stood in the streets waiting for any report that might be vouchsafed to them from the building, and discussing the crime they considered liad cast disgrace upon the fair fame of their city. VENGEANCE ON ALL ITALIANS. A« soon as it became known that the assassin was an Italian, mobs wrecked Italian cafes, and then bear ing French flags and crying “Down with the foreigners!” “out with them!” hundreds of people marched to the Rue de la Barre, in which street the Italian consulate is situ ated. There is no doubt the consulate would have been sacked had it not been for the prompt action of the police, who stopped the crowd and compelled its members to disperse. After the attacks upon the Italian cafes the disorderly element among the crowds devoted their attention to the Italians whom they found upon the street. Several of them were pur sued by the mob and barely escaped with their lives. The police, who were extraordinarily vigilant, had great difficulty in rescuingthe hunted men. The Rue de la Barre is now barricaded at both ends and guarded by troops. . MME. CARNOT WITH HER DEAD. Mme. Carnot, accompanied by her two sons, arrived at Lyons at ” o’clock this morning. The widow was most respectfully greeted by a large crowd of people assembled about the rail road depot. She proceeded immedi ately to the prefecture, where the body of the late president now re poses in state. When Mme. Carnot reached the pre fecture the death chamber was cleared of all but the family and the widow, who had been joined by her third son, was left alone with her dead. The late president’s family remained for a long time in prayer before the bier, and then the widow was led away by her three sons, all four weeping bit terly. Later a consultation between the sons of the late president and the authorities in charge of the body took place. The exact nature of their de liberations has not been made public, but it was stated that Mme. Carnot did not desire the body of her late husband to be embalmed and wished it removed immediately from Lyons to Paris in order that it might lie in state in the chapel of the Elysee palace. THE BODY LYING IN STATE. The apartment at the prefecture in which the body of the late president lies in state presents a most interest ing appearance. The body of the mur dered man is clad in a dress suit and across his breast is the grand cordon of the Legion of Honor, of which, as chief of the state he was grand mas ter. Around the bier are stationed a number of the high officers of the president's military household, who, with several Sisters of Charity have watched the remains throughout the night. The prefecture itself is surrounded with troops, and a strong detachment of infantry is guarding the building in vvhieh Santo, the assassin, is con fined. THE ASSASSIN S PAST RECORD The inquiries of the police this afternoon resulted in showing that Santo was born in Motta Visconti, northwest of Pavia, in December, 1873. The prisoner is a baker by trade and was tried in Milan in 1892 for breach of the peace, but he was acquitted, owing to lack of sufficient evidence against him. Santo was known as a dangerons anarchist and delivered anarchists lectures of the wildest character before going to Switzerland last year. The police are keeping a s' -.ct watch over Anarchists in all the cities of France, and it is expected that sev eral important arrests will be made. There no longer seems to be much doubt that the president’s assassina tion was the result of an Anarchistic conspiracy to avenge the deaths of Vaillant add Emil Henri, the two re cently executed Anarchists. Twenty detectives have gone to Cette, depart ment of Herfault, where Santo was recently domiciled, in order to track down his supposed accomplices. SYMPATHY UNIVERSAL. The Senate Shows Its Respect—Tributes of Public Men—Europe's Regret. Washington, June 2G.—The death of President Carnot was the sole theme about the senate to-day. A prayer marked by deep feeling was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Milburn, the blind chaplain. Then Mr. Morgan, chairman of the committee on foreign relations, offered the following reso lution: Resolved, That the senate of the United State-* unites with the American people in ex pressing to the people of France their sorrow and sympathy in the national bereavement they arc suffering from the cruel blow of an assassin which was aimed at the peace of France and fell upon the heart of President Carnot And as a m irk of respect due to the ! memory of the wise, virtuous and patriotic j president of the republic of France the senate ; will, at the close of this proceeding. stand ad- • journed until to-morrow at 1J o'clock. ScA-ond, that the president of the United ! States is requested to communicate this ex pression of national sorrow to the govern ment of France and to Mme. Carnot Senator Morgan made a brief speech in which* he referred to the patriotism of the people of the French republic and tho cordiality of the relations be tween the two republics and at 10:30 the senate adjourned. The following official action was taken by the state department on re ceipt of Embassador Eustis’ official notification. Executive Mansion. Warhinoton, June 25.—EiiitlR. Ambassador. Paris, l-'ranee: Ex pruts to minister of foreign affairs the pro found sorrow wiih which the president anil America have heard of:the atrocious crime which has robbed the sister republic of Its wise, humane and patriotic chief magistrate Ukksham. The president took notice of the tragedy in the following message to congress: To the Senate and the House of Representa tives: The shocking intelU.ence is received that the president of the French republic met his death yesterday at the hands of an nsHas sin. This terrible event which has overtaken a sister republic cannot fail to deeply arouse th sympathies of the American nation, while the violent termination of a career promising so much in aid of liberty and In advancing civ ilisation should bo mourned at an affliction of mankind. GnoVEIl Ci.eveuanu Execuu ,’e Mansion, June 25. lRltl , The news of the assassination cre ated a profound sensation here last night, and members of both houses, diplomatists and other public men discussed it as a great calamity to the world. There were many expressions of misgiving, but more of the neces sity of united action by the civilized world to stamp out anarchy and deal with Anarchists as they deserve. When the house met to-day it was generally understood it would adjourn early out of respect to the memory of President Carnot. Chaplain Hagby referred in his prayer to the calamity. A message from the president was an nounced and tlie executive clerk, l’rudden, appeared at the main door bearing a largo envelop bearing the presidents announcement. Mr. Mc Crary, chairman of the committee on foreign affairs thereupon arose and offered the following resolutions: Resolved. That the house of representatives of the United States of America has heard with profound sorrow of the assassination of President Carnot and tenders tho people of France sincere sympathy in their national be reavement. That the President of the United States be requested to communicate this ex pression of sorrow to the (government of the republic of Prance and to Madame Carnot and that as a further mark of respect to the peo ple of the French republic the house ot repre sentatives do now adjourn. Mr. McCrary and Mr. Ilitt spoke on the resolutions and they were adopted unanimously and the house at once adjourned. EUROPE’S REGRETS. The Capital? of The Old World Greatlj Shocked Over the Assassination. London, June 20. — Following the precedent adopted at the time of the late President James A. Garfield’s assassination, the British court will go into mourning for a week out of respect to the memory of the late President Carnot. l The house of commons to-day adopted on Sir William Vernon Ilar court’s motion, an address to the crown expressing sorrow, indignation and abhorrence of the murder of Pres ident Carnot and sympathy with France in her bereavement. Berlin, June 25.—The assassination of President Carnot caused a profound sensation in Berlin. All classes of people are indignant and much sym pathy is expressed for France. Emperor William, upon receiving the news at Kiel, immediately tele graphed to Mrae. Carnot, expressing his condolence in warmly sympathetic terms. Rome, June 23.—All the Italian bourses have been closed out of sympathy for the great loss France has sustained by the assassination of President Carnot. FOR AGED VETERANS. Increase? of Feusiong of Indian and Mei ican War Survivors Upheld. Washington, June 2G. —The bill agreed upon by the house committee on pensions to increase the pensions of survivors of Indian and Mexican wars from SS to 512 a month has been reported favorably by Representative Stallings of Alabama. The statement of the commissioner of pensions shows that there are on the rolls 13,035 pensioners of the Mex ican war and 7,01] widows, 3,199 sur vivors of the Indian wars and 3,001 widows, while applications are pend ing for 2,570 Mexican pensions and 2.132 Indian war pensions. The num ber of Mexican war pensions increased under the act of 1893 was 3,421. The commissioner estimates that 1,979 ad- [ ditional Mexican pensions and 1.320 | Indian war pensions will be granted, i and he makes an estimate that the I cost to the government of increases j made by the bill will be $1,309,022 per j annum. NEARLY COT AWAY. 3Iurderer Clark Almost Succeed*? 1 In Getting Out of the Kansas City Jail. Kansas City, Mo., June 26.—Wil liam C. Ricksher, alias John Clark, made desperate by the thought of death on the scaffold next Friday for the murder of Madame Jane Wright, made an almost successful attempt to break from the county jail a few min utes before 3 o'clock this morning. He broke through the triple steel bars of his cell with hammer and saws, and five minutes of work on the bars of the outer windows would have given him his liberty. He was at work on the bars with a saw when discovered by the night jailer, P. J. Kennedy, who shot at him. and, though missing’ him, caused him to surrender. PULLMAN EMPLOYES OUT. The Shop? at St. Louis and Ludlow, Ky., Closed by Strikes. St. Louis, Mo., June 26.—The em ployes of the Pullman sleeping car company's works in this city struck to-day in accordance with a plan which is understood to embrace tHe Pullman shops all over the country-. The strikers number 336 men and twenty women. Cincinnati. Ohio. June 26.—The 200 employes of the Pullman company at Ludlow, Ky.. went on a strike to-day in pursuance of orders from Chicago ; and will remain out until the compa ny consents to arbitrate the diffieul- i ties in dispute. Kickapoo Allotments Completed. Guthrif., Ok., June 26.—Major Moses Neal has completed the Kick apoo Indian allotments and has sent his report to Washington. This will result in the opening of some good lands. A KENTUCKY MIRACLE. JUDGE JOHN M. RICE TELLS HOW HE WAS CURED OE RHEUMA TISM. Crippled for Six Year* With Sciatica Id Ita Worst Form—He Expected to Die, But Was Saved in a Marvelous Manner. From the Covington, Ky.. Po-t. The Hon. John M. Rice, of Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky, has for the past two years retired from active life as Criminal and Circuit Judge of the Sixteenth Judicial district of Ken tucky. He has for many years served his na tive county and state in the legislature at Frankfort and at Washington, and, until his retirement, was a noted figure in political and judicial circles. The Judge is well known throughout the state and possesses the best qualities which go to make a Kentucky gentle man honored wherever he is known. About six years ago the bodily troubles which finally caused hisretire ment at a time when his mental facul ties were in the zenith of their strength, began their encroachment upon his naturally strong constitution. A few days ago a Kentucky Post reporter called upon Judge Rice, who in the fol lowing words related the history of the causes that led to his retirement. “It is just about six years since I bad an attack of rheumatism, slight at first, but soon developing into .Sciatic rheu matism, which began first with acute shooting pains in the hips, gradually extending downward to my feet. "My condition became so uao mat i eventually lost all power of my legs, and then the liver, kidneys and bladder and in fact, my whole system became de ranged. 1 tried the treatment of many physicians, but receiving no lasting benefit from them, I had recourse to patent remedies, trying.one kind after another until I believe there were none 1 had not sampled. "In 1888, attended by my son John, I went to Hot Springs, Ark. I was not much benefitted by some months stay there when I returned home. My liver was actually dead, and a dull persistent pain in its region kept me on the rack all the time. In 1890 I was reappointed Circuit Judge, but it was impossible for me to give attention to my duties. In 1891, I went to the Silurian Springs, Wakeshaw, Wis. I stayed there soma time, but without improvement. “Again I returned home, this time feeling no hopes of recovery. The mus cles of my limbs were now reduced by atrophy to mere strings. Sciatic pains tortured me terribly, but it was the dis ordered condition of my liver that was, 1 felt, gradually wearing my life away. Doctors gave me up, all kinds of rem edies had been tried without avail, and there was nothing more for me to do but resign myself to fate. “I lingered on in this condition sus tained almost entirely by stimulants until April, 1893. One day John saw an account of Dr. Williams’ I’ink Pills for Pale People in the Kentucky Post. This was something new, and as one more drug after so many others could not do so much harm. John prevailed upon me to try the Pink Pills. It was, I think, in the first week in May the pills arrived. I remember I was not expected to live for more than three or four days at the time. The effect of the Pills, however, was marvelous, and I could soon eat heartily, a thing I had not done for years The liver began almost instantaneously to perform its functions, and has done so ever since. Without doubt the pills saved my life and while I do not crave notoriety I cannot refuse to testify to their worth. The reporter called upon Mr. Hughes, the Louisa druggist, who informed him that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have been very popular since Judge Ilice used them with such benefit. He mentioned several who have found relief in their use. An analysis of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People shows that they contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shat tered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paraljsis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all fcrms of weakness, either in male or female, and all diseases resulting from vitiated hu mors in the blood. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price, (50 cents a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50—they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. He Was Safe. “My boy,” said a very practical old gentleman, “let politics alone. Never allow yourself to be put in office.” “Yes, father, but know that the office sometimes seeks the man.” ■ “Very true. But you are safe. There isn’t one chance in sixty of its finding him if he is a resident of the District of Columbia.” Her Confidence Shaken. “It is a dreadful thing not to have confidence in one’s husband,” said Mrs. Svvifkins. "Yes,” replied the visitor. “But you surely have no trouble with yours. ” “That is all that you couid be ex pected to know about it. I was play ing poker with him the other even ing and he raised the limit on two deuces, and then got scared and called me. Now, what is to become of a woman who has trusted her fu ture to such a man?” An Kcho from the World'* Fair. The Lake Shore Route has recently gotten out a very handsome litho water color of the “Exposition Flyer,” the famous twenty hour train in ser vice between New York and Chicago during the fair. Among the many wonderful achievements of the Colum bian year this train—which was the fastest long distance train ever run_ holds a prominent place, and to any. ODe interested in the subject the pict ure is well worth framing. Ten cents in stamps or silver sent to C. K. Wil ber. Wesh Bass. Agt., Chicago, will secure one.