The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 29, 1894, Image 4

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    Established 1886. Strictly One Price.
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The average annual gold yield
of the world for the last ten years
has been $32,000,000.
The question with the Nebraska
democracy is “what shall we do
with this young man Bryan ? ”
And the echo answers, “what can
you do ? ”
Hon.Edward Rosewater thinks
that Hon. John Thurston’s silver
views are absurd. It might be of
interest now to hear John’s opin
ion of Edward’s silver view’s.
The McCook Times-Democrat
is bellowing for a congressional
candidate “with a spine as well as
brains.” Well? What’s the mat
ter with Andrews? He has the
brains and Col. Deitrich the spine.
—Hastings Tribune.
Jack MacColl seems to have a
pretty good following in the west
ern part of the* state. It looks
like a neck and neck race for the
gubernatorial nomination between
Tom Majors and the man from
Lexington.-—Hastings Tribune.
The experience of those eastern
coal barons and others with their
foreign laborers cannot draw out
one tear of western sympathy.
Men who import that sort of labor
ers for the purpose of forcing down
American wages are not entitled
to much consideration.
The assassination of President
Carnot of the French Republic
will cause sorrow and indignation
throughout the civilized world.
Anarchist Santo's dagger did the
cowardly deed, Sunday night, as
the president was on his way to
the opera house in Lyons.
Church Howe dropped in on
Norman Musselman of the Falls
City Journal, the other day. una
wares. This was Musselman’s in
troduction to this popular cormo
rant, and he was quite taken with
the clever, genial Church’s fetch
ing smile, though disappointed
because he had left his horns, and
cloven feet and spear-headed tail
at home.
The McCook Tribune says that
“four more years for Grover and
then it will be all over.” We don’t
grasp the meaning exactly. Will
Grover be all over or will the four
years be all over Grover; perhaps
in four years it will be Grover all
over with the same unanimity that
it was in 1892?—Hastings Demo
Politically it will be all over
with Grover. Commercially and
financially the country will be in
it all over—in the soup.
The annul cry is now going up
that our assessment laws need a
general and thorough reformation.
To be sure they do need the jag
cure, and everybody knows it, but
our law makers seem to be very
shy about tackling this outrageous
ly rotten system. Why, the ques
tion naturally arises? There
should be a state law absolutely
requiring under the severest pen
alty a full value assessment. This
would increase Nebraska’s valua
tion by millions, though the
amount of taxes to be raised would
remain the same. The per cent,
would of course be much lower,
and the basis more just and equit
able. Will the next legislature
do its duty in the premises ?
The investigation of New York
city’s police has uncoveied a depth
of infamy absolutely unimaginable.
It has shown that the police of
the metropolis annually receive
from houses of ill-fame, unlicensed
saloons and other institutions con
ducted in violation of law $20.
000,000 for so-called protection.
It has developed the fact that the
police appointments cost the ap
pointees $500,000. Such bound
less corruption and unfathomable
infamy do not seem possible in
this Christian age, and shows more
than ought else to what immeas
urable extremes men will go to
satisfy their selfish greed for gold.
This condition of affairs is not of
course confined to Gotham, but
prevails measurably in all our
cities. The system needs chang
ing radically.
McCook Mercantile Co.
Has opened dp a General Merchandise
Store on Dennison St. in the A. 0. U. III.
Temple Block. They Sell . . .
Dry Goods . . .
. . . And Groceries,
And they sell them cheap. Spend your
Dollars where they will go the farthest
and buy the most these hard times. Go
and get their prices and look at their
goods before buying elsewhere and you
will always save money by so doing.
Taken in Exchange.
W. H. DAVIS, P. A. Wells,
Manager. Proprietor.
M. Casimir-Perier is the new
president of the French republic.
Yive la France!
It is stated on the authority of
J. P. A. Black that Franklin
county’s delegation will be solid
for the blue shirt.
— ■ —
The U.P. engineers are the hrst
| brotherhood engineers to apply for
admission into the federation of
railway employes of that system.
J. J. Burke of Fillmore county,
who is well known in Red Willow
county as an educator and county
superintendent, is now editor of a
Populist newspaper printed in
Geneva. v
This talk of Cruzen going into
the next state convention with the
solid vote of the Fifth congres
sional district for him for secre
tary of state is veriest bosh.
Wind! It can't be did.
Too Late for Classification.
Buy beefsteak at Erewer's at 7c. cash.
Brewer sells boiling beef at 3c. a
pound. _
The season for snake bites is about
red ripe.
Patronize the Sunny Side Dairy of
Carson & West.
A nice variety of ink and pencil tab
lets at this office.
Roadmaster Josselyn was a headquar
ters visititor, Thursday.
Get your “likeness” taken at Hall &
Reinhart’s photograph gallery.
James McAdams is in Stratton push
ing the work on the new school house.
Miss Holland of Lowman's dress
making debartment has been visiting
her mother at Seward
E. R. Curtis and wife have a daughter
a bran new one, this week. Also a baby
at F. C. Stuby’s, this morning.
W. F.West was throwing cigars around
rather profusely, this morning, all on
account of the arrival of a fine io-pound
lad at his house, yesterday afternoon.
Colonel Cowgill of the Third reginient
U. R. K. P. and Captain McLaughlin of
the Kearney division were in the city on
Tuesday evening, consulting with H. P.
Sutton of the Brigade band and other
Knights concerning the August encamp
ment at Washington.
We warrant all our work as good as
can be produced in McCook.
Hall & Beinhart.
The national republican league
meeting at Denver, this week,
adopted the following regarding
the silver question: We believe
in the use of gold and silver as
money metals, maintained on a
perfect parity and incontrovertibil
ity. We do not believe that there
will be a permanent return of pros
perity to our country until the full
use and highest position of silver
shall be restored, and we favor
such legislation as will bring about
such result.
In a few days we will be brought
face to face with the glorious
Fourth of July. And theD, dear
people, you will realize what a
ruthless curtailer of blessed priv
ileges is the present administra
tion. We fear firecrackers, red
lemonade and imported orators
will be sadly missed by many
communities, but local talent may
get in its work by mounting a dry
goods box and telling how it hap
pened. Let the spew of the buz
zard be substituted for the scream
of the eagle; let every man do his
dirtiest to appear patriotic.—Ex.
$10 Reward
Will be paid to the subscriber who will send
us the first correct list of the the three men
who will be nominated for governor in this
state by the three parties this year in the reg
ular state conventions. Each guess to be ac
companied by a campaign subscription to the
Weekly Bee with 25 cents. This subscription
will entitle you to the Weekly Bee from July
I to December I. Any old subscriber can
send in his guess and receive credit for it and
have the paper sent to any address he may
see fit. The award will be made immediately
after the three state conventions have ad
journed. In case no correct guess be sent in,
the money will be awarded to the first guess
that is nearest correct. Awards will be made
only on the choice of each convention and
not on the result of any action taken after the
adjournment of the convention.
Send in your guess in the following shape:
? Guesser's Name.—. 2
l p. o... S
» State. |
I Gl’ESS: 5
C *
5 5
J Republican . J
1 Democratic. »
; s
i Populist.2
Unless otherwise directed, the paper will be
sent to the name and address of the guesser.
Address all orders and guesses to
Omaha, Nee.
£g“No guess received after August loth.
Protestants and Catholics in
Chicago have united in a petition
to the board of education asking
that a reading book of selections
from the scriptures be prepared
for use in the public schools. The
petition recites that the whole re
ligious world unites without ob
jection in the universal prayer,
“Our Father, which art in Heaven,”
and that right-minded Americans
will agree on the daily reading of
suitable selections from the script
tures in the public schools, fixing
in the minds of the children the
“vital, spiritual principles on
which good citizenship and the
future welfare of the country so
largely depend.” Here is a move
ment that is destined to spread
over the whole nation. It is dif
ficult to find a single objection to
the 00,000 Chicago petitoners.
Considered as literture alone there
is nothing more perfect than por
tions of the sacred scriptures. It
is impossible to gather more in
spiring matter for the daily reading
of pupils than selected passages
from the old and new testaments.
Books containing these selections
properly classified for school use
are already in existence. Their
general adoption cannot be too
strongly recommended.—Journal.
bow (ring),will never have oc
casion to use this time-honored
crv. It is the only bow that
cannot be twisted off the case,
and is found only on Jas.
Boss Filled and other watch
cases stamped with sr
this trade mark. Iff
Ask your jeweler for a pamphlet, cr
send to the manufacturers.
Keystone Watch Case Co.,
Famous Clothing Co.
Mr. Kocknell went down to Be
atrice, Wednesday night, on some busi
W. O. Bond, clerk of the district
court, was up from Indianola, last even
ing, on business.
Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria.
Elmer kowell.
Real Estate. Collections,
McCook, - - - Nebraska.
Mrs. e. e. utter.
Piano, Organ, Guitar and Banjo.
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
S. H. Clifford. New Cassel, Wis.,
was troubled with neuralgia and rheum
atism, his stomach was disordered, his
liver was aff ected to an alarming degree,
appetite fell away, and he was terribly
reduced in flesh and strength. Three
of Electric Bitters bottles cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg. III.,
had a running sore on his leg of eight
years’ standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
sound and well. John Speaker, Cataw
ba. 0.. had five large fever sores on bis
leg, doctors said he was incurable.
One bottle of Electric Bitters and
one box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve
cured him entirely. Sold by Mc.Milen.
Baled Hay. McCook
Commission Co.
To J. A. WILCOX & SON’s!
Where They
Are Offering Goods
At Unheard-of
Below is a Partial List
-S- -Jf -f -h -k -x
Of the Many . . .
Seven Spools Coates’ Thread, only..$0.25
One Hundred Yard Spool Silk, only.07
Fifty Yard Spool Silk, only.04
Twist, per spool.02
Dress Cambric, all colors, per yard.05
Indigo Blue Prints.00
German Blue Prints.10
<luting Shirts, worth 50 cents each, reduced to.25
White Carpet Warp, per pound.20
Colored Carpet Warp, per pound.20
Large Boxes Anchor Matches.10
Export Matches.0*
Twenty-five boxes Mule Matches.25
Tooth Picks, per bunch.03
Twenty pounds of ltice. 1.00
Six Cans California Peaches . 1.00
Two 3-pound cans of heavy Syrup Peaches.30
Pie peaches, per can.1234
Corn, 10c. Pumpkin, 10c. Oyster and Soda Crackers, .07
I^~Ask for prices on all-wool Henriettas
and Cashmeres. Doing a strictly cash business
and needing money has reduced the price on all
our goods. Come and see us.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y..
says that he always keeps Dr. Kings
New Discovery in the house and his
family has always found the very best
results follow its use; that he would
not be without it if procurable. G. A.
Dykewan, druggist, Catskili, N. Y.,
says that Dr. King's New Discovery is
undoubtedly the best cough remedy:
that he has used it in his family for
eight years, and it has never failed to
do all that is claimed for it. Why not
try a remedy so long tried and tested?
Trial bottles free at McMillen’s drug
store. Regular size 50c. and $1.
For choice meat go
to the B. & M. meat
Morris' English Worm Powder,
A specific remedy for worms: warrant
ed to cure the worst case of worms
known, or money refunded. Knocks
pin worms in horses every time. Also
good for all kinds of worms in horses,
sheep and dogs. Price 50 cents at all
drug stores, or postpaid by mail. The
Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette. In
diana.. Sept. —1 yr.
Take your tat hogs
to F. S. Wilcox.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box, at McMilled's.
Mixed Paints 90c a
gallon at McMillen’s
drug store.
I still have a few good young Hulls that
1 will sell very cheap, if taken soon. All
in want of anything* of this kind aaIII do
well to call and examine my stock.
Shadeland Stock Farm.
Wishes to call the attention of
the people of McCook and vicinity
to the fact that he is fully prepared
with material and workmen to pro
duce the most stylish and sat
isfactory results in Spring and
Summer Clothing.
Call and Inspect His Stock. Main Avenue.