Blue Ribbon School Shoes Have No Equal. You Can Wiggle, You Can Struggle, But we’ve Got You in our Eye; And You’ll Buy ’em, yes You’ll Buy ’em, You'll Buy Them bye and bye. fSfue RiMou . . ♦ . School Slioss. /-— iiCShcu cRaoe 9to Blue Ribbon School Shoes Hava No Equal. -- . IN THE UNION BLOCK, McCOOK. NEB. LEBANON. J. W. Hupp was in town, last week, on business. Miss Sadie Jessup is quite low with the St. Vitus dance. E.P.Day is digging a ditch and preparing to turn the water from the creek into his hog lot. The ladies of the Baptist church sold ice cream here, Saturday, for the benefit of the preacher. Frank Whitehead, who has been staying in this locality for some time, left with his brother for Illi nois, W ednesday. S.W.Cunniugham is visiting at Prospect Park again. There is surely some attraction there more enchanting than the country. The people of Lebanon and vic inity gathered at the home of Rev. Huntzinger, Friday evening, and enjoyed eating some ice cream and had a fine time socially. An extra went up the road on Sunday to repair the washout caused by the rain Saturday night. We learn that the Beaver is out of its banks above here. It did not rain that much here. The remains of Wesley Shirey were buried at Wilsonville, Satur day, having been forwarded from Chicago, where he was accidentally killed recently by the cars. Both legs were severed from the body. Do you know that woven wire fencing is the best and cheapest fencing on earth? S. M. Cochran