The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1894, Image 7

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They Listen to an Eloquent AddroffS From
Congressman Grosv6no~ of Ohio and
Wind l'p tli© Day with a Housing
Pally—A K illing I’.at form
Adopted I y tli« Delegates
The nepa lfcan Hosts.
Lincoi.n, June 13.—Although tho
program 6aid 10 o'clock, it was not
until nearly 11 o'clock when President
Lansing of the Nebraska State League
of Republican clubs called tho 1,500
delegates to the state convention to
order Tuesday morning. The Lansing
theatre was packed, even the stage be
ing crowded with several hundred del
egates. Rev. Byron Beall of the Third
Presbyterian church of Lincoln asked
divine blessing for the deliberations of
the convention, and then the big
gathering set up a cheer as I’resideut
Lansing stepped forward and delivered
an address of welcome. It was full of
enthusiasm, sprinkled with spice and
frequently interrupted by cheers and
There was no mistaking the quality
of tho enthusiasm which greeted the
appearance of Hon. John M. Thurston,
who was to respond to the address of
welcome. Mr. Thurston’s address was
frequently interrupted with cheers,
but the culminating Ipoint in the in
terest in his remarks was not reached
until he neared the point where he
took up tiie iinancial discussion. He
declared that he was in favor of an
honest, candid, courageous expression
of tiie sentiments of tiie convention on
the silver question.
A committee to which ail resolutions
should be referred was appointed and
the convention then took a recess until
3 o'clock in order to give the delega
tions from each congressional district
time to meet and select their repre
sentatives to tlie national convention.
The recess was not entirely unevent
ful. Nebraska is entitled to but thirty
delegates to the big national conven
tion at Denver, but something like 3UJ
men are willing to sacrifice their time
and go. Probably the most exciting
session was held by the delegates from
the First congressional district. The
caucus chamber was packed with hot
and excited delegates and for nearly
two hours the contest waged with
wavering energy.
The convention reassembled shortly
niter 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Vice
President Kobinson, who had been
called upon to preside in the absence
of President Isaac Lansing, an
nounced the following committee:
John M. Thurston, of Omaha, C. A.
Atkinson of Lincoln. L. \V. Osborne of
Blair, K. D. Schneider of Fremont, W.
H. Edgar of Beatrice, W. J. Dolan of
Red Willow, and A. E. Cady.
Congressman Grosvenor of Ohio was
then introduced and for nearly two
hours he discussed the issues of the
campaign in the clear, concise and elo
quent manner for which he has long
been reputed. The general theme of
his address was the prevailing indus
trial distress, llis strictures upon the
administration were especially severe
and they excited the most enthusiastic
applause of his hearers.
The election of officers proved a
pleasant diversion to the tired dele
gates. The names of Frank M. Collins
of Lincoln and 11. H. Robinson of Oma
ha were placed in competition for pres
ident, and the roll call commenced.
When Stanton county was reached
Collins had 1.317 votes, while his com
petitor had 5S3. At this juncture Mr.
Kobinson withdrew, and Collins was
elected by acclamation. He respond
ed to calls in a five-minute speech,
which was cheered to the echo. The
convention then magnanimously of
fered to make Robiuson secretary,
but he declined, and nominated Major
Wheeler of Omaha. The major was
not ambitious, and in turn nominated
H. M. Warring, who was elected by
acclamation. C. C. McNish of Wisner
and R. G. Brown of Beatrice, were se
lected as first and second vice presi
dents respectively.
Chairman Thurston of the commit
tee on resolutions then presented the
following platform, which was unan
imously and enthusiastically adopted:
The Repub'ican league of the state of Ne
braska. in annual convention assembled reo
igaize the right of the forthcoming republican
Piute convention to frame and adopt a platform
for the republicans of Nebraska, hereby dis
claims any purpose to usurp the powers or
functions of that convention or to forestall its
legitimate party a< ;ion.
As a representative assemblage of Nebraska
republicans we declare our allegiance to the
platform of principles adopted by the republi
can national convention of 18U2.
We believe the republican party of the U S.
possesses the true genius of American states
manship. and can be depended uj on at ail
times and in every emergency to formulate and
enact such legislation as will lest promote the
interests and secure the prosperity of the
American people.
We believe intbe American do trine of pro
tection and favor such tariH legislation as will
foster and encourage American industries, pro
tect American producers, maintain the dignity
of American manhood, provide employment
for the unemployed and bring comfort and
happiness to the AmerL an homes.
We insist that the tariu laws of the United
States shall protect the American farm, the
American mine and the American factory from
the unjustihable and degrading competition of
foreign pauper labor.
We favor the maintenance of the broad doct
rine of reciprocity left us a heritage by that
best beloved American statesman. James G.
We believe that the hope of labor lies in the
success of the republican party and the predom
inance of the republican principles and, be
lieving this, we extend an earnest invitation to
all artisans, mechanics, skilled and unskilled
laborers, to .oin our republican league and
more closely imlentify themselves with the
party whose greatest mission is their protec
tion and elevation.
We believe in the protection and purity of
the American ballot t ox and demand the fullest
recognition of equal rignts in the exercise of
the privileges of American citizenship.
We favor a pension policy generous and just
to the surviving union veterans and the widows
and orphans of their dead comrades
We welcome to our shores all God fearing,
liberty-loving, law-abiding, labor-seeking men,
hut we insist upon the enactment of such leg
islation as will prevent the Immigration of the
vicious and criminal classes of laborers under
contract or paupers p>nd anarchists
We arraign the democratic party of the
United States for its ireasoa to American in.
[ terests: for Its disgraceful Hawaiian policy;
for the repeal of the federal election law. con
summating the conspiracy to defraud the col
ored man of the south of the protection ufford
cd in the exercise of his constitutional rights;
for tae Insult and lnjusllco of Its pension bu
U’tiU to union soldiers and sailors: for Its pro
nosed free trade legislation, the fear of which
has already paralyzed American industries;
lessened the opportunities of American later:
destroyed the market for tho producers of
American factories and sot thousands of men,
hopeless and helpless to wander up and down
t ue land, and for its inability to successfully
solve any of the problems of progressive, pop
ular government.
We adopt the last declaration of the last na
tional convention that "the American people
favor bimetallism and the republican party de
mands the use of both gold and silver as stand
ard money.” And we submit that further or
more specific declaration on this subject should
be left to the elected representatives of the re
publican party In convention assembled.
We appeal to tho loyalty and patriotism of
every true American to assist us in returning
tnat party to power which will stand in the fu
ture us it lias always stood in the pnst—for the
welfare and honor of our common country and
the glory of its uncomjuered flag.
The convention then adjourned sine
At 8 o'clock a parade was formed,
and the line of march to the M street
park taken up. The procession was
helped along its route by military bands
from lleatrice, York and Lincoln, and
was witnessed by several thousand
people. An immense crowd gathered
at the park and listened to addresses
by Congressmen Meiklejohn, llainer
and others.
The convention was a great success.
Over 2,000 accredited delegates were
present, and it is generally agreed that
republican organization in Nebraska
was never so thorough as at the pres
ent time.
Wheu Arrayed In Hobos of St at 3 Ills
Glory Is Like Solomon’s.
The foundation of municipal honor
in England undoubtedly springs from
the Guildhall, London, which justly
claims to be accounted the most an
cient of our municipal halls, seeing
that the lord mayor of the last eigh
teen centuries are with justice as
sumed to have their prototypes in tho
Homan prefect and the Saxon Fort
rcye or Portgrave.
Lor a considerable number of years
the robes of tho lord mayor, the
court of aldermen, and the common
councillors have been settled with a
precision that none, save the most
reckless of inventors, would pre
sume to disturb. The lord mayor
himself has his “gold” robe for the
occasion of the aunual Guildhall
banquet and the times when he pro
ceeds in state either to the new law
courts or to the houses of parlia
ment. Tho aldermen have their
scarlet gowns, the sheriffs their dis
tinctive and very handsome robes
and chains, while the common coun
cillors rejoice in gowns called “maz
arines,” it being generally under
stood that mazarine is a term for a
particular dark-blue color, although
according to sjme lexicographers,
mazarine also means a drinking ves
sel and an old way of dressing fowls.
Then, again, wj^gu the sovereign
comes into the city the lord mayor
is bound to don a robe of crimson or
purple velvet, trimmed with ermine.
At the time of his investiture, he
wears a massive gold chain; but
when he is honored by re-election at
the expiration of his term of office he
wears two chains. The mace of sil
ver-gilt, surmounted by a royal
erowu and the imperial arms, is car
ried befo-e the mayor by the author
ity of the charter of Edward HI.;
| while the city possesses no less than
four swords, one called the “Pearl,”
presented by Queen Bess when she
opened the first royal exchange, and
so-called from its being richly set
; with pearls. This sword precedes
the chief magistrate on all occasions
; of rejoicing and festivity. The sword
of state is carried before the lord
’ mayor as an emblem of his sovereign
ty within the city proper: the “black”
i is used on fast days in lent and at
i the death of any member of theToyal
! family; while the fourth sword is
: that placed close to the lord mayor’s
chair at the central criminal court.
The Monkey as a Pottery Maker.
According to the North Chinn
Herald, which is probably published
by some imaginative American, there
is a tribe of monkeys in China, in
habiting the country adjacent to the
great wall, which is well along in the
arts, making their own wine and re
ceptacles for holding it. Dr. Mae
Gowan, an English resident of Le
Cheun, quotes from an old Chinese
writer in evidence of the above: *•* * *
On a certain day the people pre
pared a feast for the monkeys, plac
ing the viands near their eaves.
Upon discovering it they all retired
to their dens and each returned with
a queer-shaped earthen jug. The vil
las' ers seeing this, scared the mon
keys away aDd ca-itui-ed their jugs,
each of which was of monkey manu
facture. as was also the wine which
they contained.
Pneumatic Tired Wheel;.
Pneumatic tired wheels of ordin
ary size are now made for use on
various kinds of vehicles. The first
! vehicles so equipped appeared in
! Dublin in the fall of 1893—a brough
am and a jaunting car. The tires of
the brougham were three inches in
diameter. A jaunting car with
pneumatic tires made in New York
has tires three and a half inches in
diameter, which do not look at all
out of place on a vehicle of that
weight and description. These tires
are inflated at a pressure of 100
pounds to the square inch. —N. Y.
Qve?r I ffect of an Earthquake.
The correspondent at Atlanti 01
the London Times has visited dial
cis. the capital of the northern part
of the island of Euboea, which islaud
was greatly affected by the recent
earthquakes. A most peculiar inci
dent noticed by him was the action
of the lofty Venetian tower in the
center of the town. It swung to and
fro so violently that it knocked
down an adjoining wall, though it
remained standing itself and sus
tained no damage.
The Imperial library at Paris has
"2,000 works treating of the French
Both Holler* of the Boat Exploded And
Seventeen Human Being* Were Blown
Into Eternity—The Bride Who Rover
Finlsfeed Her Wedding Trip.
The fastest boat on the Ohio river
in 1852 was tho steamer Redstone, a
packet that plied the waters between
Cincinnati and Madison. It was
principally owned by parties in
i.awrenceburg, Ind., tho largest
shareholder being Colonel Ezra G.
Hayes, who still resides in that city.
The people of I.awrenceburg were
very proud of the Redstone, for they
regarded it as the only representa
tive of their town coursing the waters
of tho Ohio. And every time it
landed at tljcir wharf, whether go
ing up or down the river, crowds of
persons would assemble on the shore
to cheer it on its way. On the 3rd
day of April, 1852, a bridal party
went on board at Madison en route
to Cincinnati. The day was a bright
and beautiful one, and with over
fifty merry passengers on board the
boat moved up the river as gayly as
a gondola of joy ous Venetians. When
a short distance beyond Carrollton,
Ky., a number of persons were stand
ing on tho Kentucky shore, and sig
naled the boat to land for more
passengers. The captain gave the
command, the engineer obeyed and
the pilot rounded the vessel in the
swollen stream and it glided to the
shore. Rev. Perry Scott, whose
handsome home overlooked the
waters, with a party of friends,
stepped aboard. The captain called
out to “pull in the plank” and gave
orders to “move out.” The signal
bell clanged the starting notes. The
huge side wheels began to turn.
The band struck up its liveliest tune.
The partners for a dance was form
ing. Kev. Scott stood upon the deck
of tho moving steamer waving his
handkerchief in adieu to friends on
the shore and shouting his farewell
to a fond mother who was watching
him from the door of the not far dis
tant home, when a mighty roar rent
the air, and the bursting steamer
was hid from view by the clouds of
debris that darkened the sight, as a
terrific explosion shook the earth and
splashed the water from shore to
shore. The echo of suddenly sus
pended music was overwhelmed by
the shrieks of the wounded and
dying. For both the boilers of the
boat had burst and in their collapse
carried death and destruction to
everything within the circle of
their power. Rev. Scott was
never seen again nor was a
vestige of his corpse ever found.
The fatal handkerchief with which
ho waved his last farewel was
discovered in the branches of a
tree far beyond the bank of the dis
turbed river, and the military cape,
that hung from his shoulders, when
death, in dynamite fury, stripped
dim of his life, was found on the op
posite shore, but the brave and lov
ing form that stood beneath its som
ber folds, when swift destruction
seized him, was never' again beheld
by human eye. Captain Thomas
Pate and Jackson, the pilot, of Ris
ing Sun, were both blown from the
boat, but escaped without fatal in
juries. The two engineers were
brothers, named George and Joseph
Barry, of Beaver, Penn., and both
were blown to death. A portion of
the dismembered body of one of the
unfortunate brothers was found
lodged in an apple tree, far away on
the Indiana side of the river. The
mutilated body of oue of the cabin
boys was tound several hundred
yards distant, on the roof of an
old stable. The arm and hand
of the young bride was all
that was ever found of her
body, and that was identified by the
initials on the wedding ring that en
circled her clammy finger, and from
which cruel death had failed to sep- |
arate it. An orphan girl, she had !
married a young lover from Louis
ville named Weston, and was going
oil a bridal trip to visit an only sis
ter, residing near Covington, Ky.,
when overtaken by death. The body
was never found, and the bloody !
fragment of the fair young wife was
laid away in a little grave by itself.
Seventeen human beings were blown
into eternity almost in the twinkling
of an eye, and the bodies of six of
that number were never found. The
river was full, and high from recent
rains, and the rushing current car
ried everything within its reach far
from the scene of disaster. The boat
was torn asunder by the force of the !
explosion, and then caught fire, its ■
shattered bulk dancing on the agi- 1
tated waters like a ball of flame, un- j
til its burnt and charred ruins sunk !
from sight beneath the turbid j
waves that swirled around it. James ■
E. Goble. Eli Grisman and Edmond ;
Durbin, all young newspaper men of
Lawrenceburg, Ind., had accepted an
invitation from the owners of the j
boat to make a pleasure trip upon it.
says the Cincinnati Enquirer, and ;
the three friends were standing on
the deck of the steamer when the
explosion occurred, and each met a
horrible death. Their bodies were j
afterward recovered, and lie side by i
side in the old cemetery' at Law
renceburg, while above them stands
a towering monument reared by sym
pathizing friends, with the follow
ing inscription, to mark their last '
resting place: 'directed to the mem
ory of three noble-hearted young !
men who were killed by the explo- 1
sion of the steamer Redstone, near ■
Carrollton, Ky., on the 3d day of ;
April, 185 2."
Goble had gone through the perils \
of the Mexican war under the com- j
mand of Colonel James H. Lane, and j
escaped the dangers of battle to re
turn home, and, in ttjp peaceful pur- j
suit of innocent pleasure, bo de
prived of his life in an instant of
time, without the slightest warning.
Hut Fountl Out That He Wai Not Oulte
an Yount? sih He U*c<l to He.
Ho had been something of an
athlete in his youthful days, but
after ho was married ho stopped
turning handsprings and confined
his athletics to an occasional soiree
with the sawbuck. lie suddenly dis
covered the other day that his boys
were outgrowing their short clothes.
Following this discovery came the
thought that they were nearing the
fighting age of boyhood and if there
was any inherited taste for athletics
latent within them it was high time
it was developed.
\\ ithout delay ho rigged up a
temporary gymnasium in the barn.
The apparatus consisted entirely of
a ladder suspended horizontally
several feet above the floor. Tho
bovs watched the process of rigging
it with a deal of unsuppressod ex
citement. When everything was
ready he, of course, thought he
would “show oil” a bit before the
So he got out on tho ladder by
way of the loft and soon was swing
ing from it, holding on to a round
with bath hands. The children
laughed in glee, and, emboldened by
the success, ho attempted to go
further, and lie tried hanging head
down from the ladder by his toes.
Therein he made a fatal mistake,
and soon discovered that the supple
ness of youth had gone with the
years. He got down all right, but
he couldn’t get back. Ho tried two
or three times, but it was of no use.
Then he got excited. His head was
several feet from tho floor, and he
felt that if he fell he would surely
break his neck. Meanwhile the
blood was rushing to his head till he
thought it would break open.
Ho shouted to the now terrified
children to run for hay and pile it
up below him, and then ho felt that
he was going to fall. The children
brought great armfuls of hay and
piled it on the floor, and just as his
wife came running through the barn
door, attracted by the screaming, he
The dull, sickening thud was some
what deadened by the bay, but the
athlete was beyond the reach of
sound. lie was almost black in tho
face, and it took several minutes of
active work by his weeping wife to
bring him back to consciousness.
He was stiff and sore the next day,
and. though not sufficiently recov
ered to be able to go to the citv, he
managed to take down the horizon
tal ladker and place it in its former
upright position in tho corner of the
barn. The boys will pick up their
athletic knowledge without assist
ance from their father.
Some of Jerrold’s Witty He marks.
On the first night of the represen
tation of one of Jerrold’s pieces.a suc
cessful adapter from the French ral
lied him on his nervousness. “I”
said the adapter, “never feel ner
vous on the first night of my pieces.”
“Ah, my boy,” Jerrold replied, “you
are always certain of success. Your
pieces have all been tried before.”
-He was seriously disappointed
with a certain book written by one
of his friends. This friend heard
that Jerrold had expressed his dis
appointment, and questioned him: “I
hear you said-was the worst
book I ever wrote.” “No, I didn’t,”
came the answer; “I said it was the
worst book anybody ever wrote.”
-Of a mistaken philanthropist,
Jerrold said he was “so benevolent,
so merciful a man—he would have
held an umbrella over a duck in a
shower of rain.”—Argonaut.
Toleration Not Necessary.
Jane—Mamma, I wish you would
not ask me to receive Mr. Sledge’s
attentions. Why, I can’t tolerate
Jane’s Mother—I’m not particular
about that, daughter. I merely want
you to marry him. —Chicago Herald.
Weary Waggles — Why don’t you
sit down? Dreary Draggles—So I
won't have to get up.
He—Have you ever noticed what
simple tastes Mrs. Allcash has? She—
Goodness, yes! I met her husband to
Barry—I'm going to have a great
joke at old Skinflint's expense in a
day or so. “You'd better not. He
won't pay it."
Kitty—She says they’re engaged,
and he says they are not. Now, what
do you think of that? Tom—I think
it will take a jury to decide.
“You ought to be ashamed Arthur;
you annoyed your aunt so much that
she has left us." “I don’t care: I only
like distant relatives anyhow."
“I don't believe Buncombe's maga
zine pays.” Scratcher—I know it does
not. I sent in a poem four months
ago. and I've never had a cent yet.
Husband—Does that man keep up
that outlandish racket on the cornet
all night? Wife—Dear me, no: I onlv
wish he did, but sometimes lie goes to
sleep and snores.
Mistress—Babetta. when I was driv
ing in the park the other day I saw a
nurse allow a policeman to kiss a
child. I hope you never allow such a
thing. Babetta—Non. madame; no
polizeman would think of kissing ze
child ven I vas zere.
Scene I.—School room—Small Bov,
as the rattan falls gently on his hands
-r-Wow, wow, c-o-ugh! I'm killed.
Boo-hoo! Me hands are tender,
teacher! Boo-oo-ooh. Scene II.—A
field—Same Small Boy,same day—Soak
der hall in harder. Chimmv! Why
doncher put some speed inter it? Let
'er go! It don't hurt me hands a bit’
Slug 'er in."
The Royal Baking Powder is in
dispensable to progress in cookery
and to the comfort and conve
nience of modern housekeeping.
Royal Baking; Powder makes hot
bread wholesome. Perfectly leav
ens without fermentation. Oual
ities that arc peculiar to it alone.
| There's a joy without canker or cark,
^ there's a pleasure eternally new -
’Tis to gaze on the glaze and the mark
Of china that's olu, and that’s blue;
Wlio’d have thought they would come to us, who
That e'er loot of an empire would hang
A veil of Morrisian hue.
In the reign of the Emperor Hwang?
These dragons—their tails, you remark,
Into bunches of lotus-flower grew—
Win n Noah came out of the ark,
L>,d tame he in w ait for his crew?
1 hey snorted, they snapped, and they flew;
Tney were mighty ot tin and of fang,
And their portr&i'R Celestials drew.
In the reign of the Emperor liwang.
Here’s a pot with a house in a park,
i In a p«rl; where the peach-blossoms blew.
Where tl e* lovers eloped in the dark.
Lived, died, and were turned into two
Bright birds that eternally flew
To rough the boughs oi the May as they sang;
’Tis a tale was undoubtedly true
In the reign of the Emperor Hwang.
Conr*. snarl at my ecstasies, do,
Lind ciitic. your tongue has a tang,
But u sage never heeded a shrew
In the reign of the Emperor Hwang.
—Andrew Lung, in Scribner.
Those Little Sieves,
The kidneys, separate from the blood, as it
passes thro ugh them, impurities for which
the final medium of liberation from the sys
tem is the bladder. When their function is
; suspended direful results ensue. Among
these are dropsy, Bright’s disease, diabetes
jnd maladies which terminate in some one of
these. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters stirau
i bates the kidneys, not as an unmedicated
alcoholic stimulant would by exciting them,
by by gently impelling them .to renewed
| action and perpetuating their activity and
vigor. Thus the blood is once more insured
purification andtheorgans themselves saved
I Iron; o'estruction. Malaria, constipation,
I liver complaint, nervousness dyspepsia and
rheumatism are all thoroughly remedied by
the hitters, widen is moreover, a niostthor
! on-:: appetizer, general tonic and sleep pro
; motei*. Use it regularly, not seiui-occasion
i thy- _
If© Liked It.
At a recent dinner given by a very
well-known Bostonian, where cham
| pagne and other wines were freely dis
! pensed. a member of the clergy was
round isolating himself in an obscure
corner of the supper room and tenderly
hugging one quart of champagne to
his bosom.
Ilis young friend of the laity, who
discovered him, remarked on the ex
cellence of the spread.
“Ah, yes,” said the clergyman, with
embarrassment, “and there is nothing
| so well suited to my digestion after
! such a dinner as a good bottle of apoli
! naris such as this.”—Boston Budget,
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally. Price, 75c.
Ice Water Is Unwholesome.
The ice water drinker is just as much
of a ••fiend” as the morphine eater. In
many cases the habit of the former is
just as strong as that of the latter, and
just as hard to break. It has been fre
i quently demonstrated that the driult
! ing of ice water is an acquired habit,
! and not one that comes naturally,
(live an infant ice water and you will
notice by its action that the drink is
very distasteful. It usually has .the
same effect upon an Indian or upon any
person not accustomed to it. besides,
it is very unhealthful, and any person
who can avoid drinking ice water
should do so.
The Ladies.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may use the Califor
nia liquid laxative. Syrup of Figs,
under all conditions, makes it their
favorite remedy. To get the true and
genuine article, look for the name of
the California Fig Syrup Co., printed
near the bottom of the package.
The whole prospective product from
a peach orchard of 1,000 trees near
Ingleside, on the eastern shore of
Maryland, has been sold for 815. Such
an orchard in what is called a “good
| peach year'' should produce 1,000 bas
: 'Sts of marketable peaches, worth
j .bout 81*50 in the New York market.
Cam p!ior Ice with Olyrerlne.
T :i.‘original and oo'.y genuine. Cures Chapped Ham is
and tace, Cult! Sores, 6cc. C. G. Clark Co.,N.Havcn,Ct
The bet, hanging upside down, laughs at
.he topsy-turvy world.
Pihiard Table, second-hand. For sale
heap. Apply tc or address, K. C. Akis,
511 S. i'-ith St.. Omaha. Nea.
Ee'ore trying to ride horseback one
should iearn to ride on oxen.
IN \ ESTIGATE the irrigated lands of
Idaho and you will
find them the cheap
est, the best and the
most accessible to
EMIGRATE to Idaho and you will
be happy. Its a new
country, its for the
poor man and the
smaller farmer and
fruit grower.
IRRIGATE the lands of Idaho
and you have a
surety of crops and
fruit in abundance.
COGITATE? Of course you will,
then send for our
Idaho advertising
matter. Address E. L.
G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
A Generous Husband.
The miller's wife was just breathing
her last, the family and neighbors wero
praying, while above the soughing of
the wind could bo heard the husband's
fervent “Amen” each time a neighbor
ing widow repeated “0, Lord, thy will
be done.”
The wife turned to the sorrowful
members there and said: “I'm dying,
but before I go, Keuben, remember I
want you to promise me you will put a
little flower on my grave. Will you,
The miller looked at the handsome
young widow and replied, “My dear,
don't worry or let that detain you, for
you slia-shall have a-a bu-barrel of
the best brand in my mill every sum
mer;” She recovered.—Arkansas Trav
A Measure of Economy.
“It’s taking that painter out there in
the kitchen the whole day to paint the
woodwork.” snapped Mrs. Chugwater,
“and he could do it easily in two hours.
That's what comes of having a hand
some young chit of a girl for a cook!”
“I believe you are right, my dear,”
said Mr. Chugwater, soothingly. “Per
haps it would hurry him up a little if
you would—h’m—go out there a while.
—Chicago Tribune.
Shiloh’s Consumption Cure
I« sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient t onsumpL
Hon. It ib the best Cough Cure. 25 cu»., SUcts. &. Si.uQk
* Jt is more easy to evade the trouble
which heaven sends us than that which we
bring upon ourselves.
The ignorant are never defeated in any
“ HanHiin'ii Mbjjic t orn Salve.”
Warranted to cure or u.-mev refunded. Ask you*
druggist for it. Price 13 « t
A woman with a three-inch tongue can
slay a gianh_
Uncle John's Harmless Stomach Powders
cure stomach and bowel complaints. Send
i cent stamp for free sample to U. J. H. S.
P. Co., bl4 Paxton block, Omaha.
Patience is the robe of advancement in
all lines of life.
I enables the more advanced
and Conservative Snr
geonfl of to-day to cure
many diseases without cut
ting, which were formerly
regarded as incurable with
out resort to the knife.
RUPTURE or Breach, is
now radically cured with
out the knife and without
pain. Clumsy Trusses can
bo thrown away!
TUMORS, Ovarian, Fi
broid (Uterine) and many
Qthera, fire now removed
without thQ perils of cut
ting operations.
ever large. Fistula and
other diseases of the lower
bowel, are permanently
cured without pain or re
sort to the knire.
STONE in the Bladder, no
matter how large, is crush
ed, pulverized, washed out
and perfectly removed
without cutting.
For pamphlet, references
and all particulars, send IQ
cents (in 6tamps) to World’s
Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation. No. 663 Main Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
a fine Panel Picture, entitled
In exchange for IS Large Lion
Heads, cut from Lion Coffee
wrappers, and a 2-cent stamp to
pa’y postage. Write for list of
other fine premiums. Jaded*
books, a knife, game, etc.
Woolson Spice Co.,
430 Huron St., Toledo, Ohio.
§ [A Bars our 2 drawer waled cr oak Tm
proved High Arm Slngerse* lag machine
finely finished, nickel plated,adapted to iit-hl
J. . ——-j and heavy work; guaranteed for lQk'esrs; wi:h
Automatic Bobbin Winder, Self-Threading ( jlla
! der bhatfle, Self.Settiag Needle and a complete
"*- 4*et cf Steel Attachment*; shipped any whereon
• 80 Day’fc Trial. No monev required la advAncs.
73.<Y-0now fnuse. World’s Fair Medal awarded machine nr.a attach
ments. 15nv from factory and save dealer’s and agent’s profits.
. rnrr Tot ThiaOut and eeni to-day for machine cr i&rze f-.»
r Is CL citalocne, testimonials and Gjimr'sea of the World’s F~:r.
TV.ll set in early this year, ar.d tfce Cre^t Rock
Island Route has already ample undpt rf*c! ai
;-trigements to trcneport the mazy who will take :n
tiie lovely cool of Colorado's
The Track la perfect, and double over important
Pivi'uons. Train L'euJpment the ' ery hear, and a - i
'•'ertibuied Train called the BIG FIVE leav»> 0.1'wo
diii v at it) p. m. and art ive* second morning at iX-nw-r
or Colorado Springs for breakfast.
Any Coupon Ticket Airent can give yon rates, and
further iniormsticn will be cheerfully and on., s :j re
sponded to by addressing JSO SEBASTl* •
Gene: a! Passenger Agent, Chicago.
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Principal Examiner U S. Pension p jreau.
3yrsiula>: war. II adjudicating claim.-, arty smee.
^fijConitu mpfUresfaiHiraiople
Sy ^bo have weak lungs or Astii
■R should use fMso'sCure for
B Consumption. It has enr-eo
|n tliouiaadt. ft has not injur
B ed one. It Is not bad to la-e.
sat Itlsrhe best cough «yrup.
gw BoTa everywhere UTc.
II. 6 .. <hR!;iliu-Vo i»*rs|.
i ViiiCii Axtsneiiag iiu^em>eu.euM ..u.uly
.beutiou ua i'hihj -