The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1894, Image 5
DON’T BE IMPOSED -UPON! # Don’t be misled by the statements of merchants .... claiming that they can.... Prf' «• first-class groceries right along-as low i claim they can save you money it you th them. Below we give a few items. Pickels, per bottle, • $ .10 Onions, per bottle, - - .10 Chow Chow, per bottle, .10 Catsup, per bottle, • .20 Raisins, per pound, - .05 Best Tea in McCook, lt>, .50 Syrup, per pail, - - .05 » Jell, per pail, - - .65 Mince Meat, per package, .10 Clothes Pins, per dozen. .02 Peas, per can, - - - , .10 Corn, per can, - - - .10 Alaska Salmon, per can, .12+ Everything else in proportion. I Always the Lowest and Best Values Can be Found at C. M. NOBLES. Hot M I 1° TjJh£E TJLELE. GOING EAST—CENTRAL TIME—LEAVEN. ( No. 2, through passenger. 5:40 A. M. ; No. 4. local passeuger.9:10 P. M. 1 No. 70, freight.0:45 A.M. I No. 04, freight.4:30 A. M. I No. Hi), lreight .30:00 A. M. No. 148, freight, made up here . 5:00 A. M. GOING WEST—MOUNTAIN TIME—LEAVES. No. 3. through passenger.11:35 P.M. No. 5, local passscnger.9:25 P.M. No. 03. lreigbt.5:00 P. M. No. 77, freight.4:20 P. M. No. 149, freight, made up here.8:00 A. M. IMPERIAL LINE.—MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 175, leaves at.;.8:00 A. M. No. 178. arrives at.5:40 P. M. PF"Note:—No. 83 carrr-iS passengers for Stratton, Ilenkelman and Haigler. All trains run daily excepting 148. 149 and 178. which run daily except Sunday. No. 3 stops at Benkelman and Wray. No. 2 stops at Indianola, Cambridge and Ar apahoe. No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola, Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4. 5.148, 149 aud 178carry passengers for all stations. You can purchase at this office tickets to all | principal points in the United States and Can ada and baggage checked through to destina tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates, etc. call on or address C. £ MAGNEK. Agent. One of R. A. Brown's children is down with the fever. Mrs. George Burns and daughter Bertha departed on Tuesday night for a visit in Ottumwa, Iowa. Mrs. Santford Stapp has been here past week or two settling up her deceased husband's estate matters. Fred Washburn, wife and child ar rived home, Tuesday night, from their visit in Bromfield, this state. Mrs. Frank Harris went down to Dav enport, Wednesday morning, returning the same night, accompanied by her daughter Alice. Mrs. J. W. Holliday left for Lincoln, Tuesday morning, to make a protracted visit. Frank Rockwell accompanied her home. Engineer James Ford of Red Cloud has been let out of the company's ser vice on account of "burning out” his engine. Harris is on his run now. We have it pretty straight that a prominent mail clerk on the B. & M. and one oi our handsome school mams will be married ere many more moons have passed.—Hastings Tribune. Engineer Ressler fell out of the cab of his engine at this place. Wednesday, and received injuries that will demand that his nose be court plastered until it Tains.Mrs. Anna Stansby and Della Herrington narrowly escaped being run down by fast freight No. 63. last Sunday p. m. They endeavored to cross the track ahead of the train and the horses balked on the crossing. But for the cool head of the former lady a horrible accident would surely resulted.L. H. Sheppard has resigned his position with the B. & M. at this place.—Holbrook Herald. A new ballast plow was sent from McCook to Sheridan, this week, to be used out on the front. . The boys say that the McCook engineers think it rather hard to have to go through an examination on train rules and train or ders before pulling trains on main line. The boarding house keepers are kicking on the boys for burning so much oil nights, but the boys must read up their little black-covered books..... A man whose name is supposed to be John Sailer of Culbertson, Nebraska, was killed, Sunday morning, the 10th, a mile west of Ardmore by train 4S, engine 295, Conductor C.outant, Engineer Nolan. The supposition is that he and two other men stole a hand car and were run into by the train. He had on his person a cheap gold-filled watch and chain, three door keys, five skeleton keys, one store door key, one pair hair clippers, one jacknife; one grip key, pocket book con taining 11 cents, and two razors. The remains were turned over to Constable Anderson of Fall River county, and buried at the expense of the county.— Alliance Grip. According to a recent article in the Railroad Gazette, the steam city rail roads of London earn only $73,000 a mile per annum. It appears the New York railroads carry a far larger number of passengers and run quicker and make more stops than the London roads. In New York it takes from 12 to 15 seconds ior the people to get into and out of the cars, but in London it takes about 30 seconds, although the cars in London have side doors, which are supposed to afford greater facilities for the ingress and outgo for passengers. The Gazette says that the superior speed on the New York roads is largely a matter of smarter working. An underground road ought to be able to make greater speed, for it can use heavy engines and so get up to the maximum speed quicker; but, on the other hand, it is questionable if what they gain in this way is not lost in the greater caution needed in working heavy trains and working them in tunnels. These elements necessitate absolute blocking; but, on the elevated railroads of New York, worked in what is almost always a clear atmosphere and with but few obstructions to a long sight ahead, the trains can be run safely at a consid erable speed without block signals. One train can run right up to the tail of an other and thus take advantage of every second. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria, Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report B&k'ig Powderi _ ABSOLUTELY PURE Mr. Benedict, the assistant hostler in the Oxford railway yards, went to Mc Cook, Thursday evening, to accept a position as fireman. Mr. Benedict has grown quite popular while here and his friends regret to learn of his departure. Charles Bloom has been promoted to the position he vacated.For the first time since the organization of the rail way postal service in 1858, congress has re-classified the salaries of postal clerks. The measure became a law last Saturday and is said to largely increase the com pensation of these faithful servants of Uncle Sam. The postal clerks of this city are felicitating themselves that they will hereafter draw from $15 to $20 more per month than formerly’. . Accom panied by Mrs. T. and children, W. S. Tomlinson left for McCook, Monday evening, to assume his new duties as passenger brakeman between Denver and Hastings. A residence of nearly five years here has gained for his family many friends who will deeply regret their departure and as earnestly wish for their subsequent return to our city-. Mr. Tomlinson still retains his propertv interests here.—Oxford Standard. The national convention of the railway yardmasters began at Peoria, 111., last Tuesday morning. Among the reports was one by D. A. Shaw of Indianapolis, on car couplers. Mr. Shaw was deputy’ third auditor during President Harrison's administration and was instrumental in securing the passage of a bill by congress requiring air brakes and automatic self couplers to be put on all freight cars. It now transpires that there is too great a variety of self couplers, there being twenty-eight kinds, and the next con gress will be asked to amend the bill so as to make them uniform. Sam Wilde’s little baby is very ill w-ith the pneumonia. Auditor Foreman was here, yesterday, on business. You will find all the fruits, berries and vegetables, in season, at Noble's. And they will be the freshest and best the market affords. Fifteen <151 cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office, con taining 24 sheets of paper ar.d 24 envel opes. _ For Rent—The J. Albert Wells resi dence of seven rooms. Inquire of P. A. Wells, over Citizens bank. Fine and complete line of calling cards at The Tribune. Also order taken for engraved cards. Abstracts of title will be furnished promptly and accurate by C. T. Beggs. Brewer actually sells corn fed beef 40 per cent, cheaper than anybody. Buy meat at Brewer's at hard times prices. He beats them all. Try Meadow Lily at McConnell’s. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. $10 Reward Will be paid to the subscriber who will send us the first correct list of the the three men who will be nominated for governor in this state by the three parties this year in the reg ular state conventions. Each guess to be ac companied by a campaign subscription to the Weekly Bee with 25 cents. This subscription will entitle you to the Weekly Bee from July I to December I. Any old subscriber can send in his guess and receive credit for it and have the paper sent to any address he may see fit. The award will be made immediately after the three state conventions have ad journed. In case no correct guess be sent in, the money will be awarded to the first guess that is nearest correct. Awards will be made only on the choice of each convention and not on the result of any action taken after the adjournment oi the convention. Send in your guess in the following shape: Guesser's Name.. P. 0 . State . . guess: Republican . Democratic. Populist. Unless otherwise directed, tne paper will he sent to the name and address of the guesser. Address ail orders and guesses to THE OMAHA BEE. Omaha. Nee. ^-No guess received after August loth. Awarded Highest Honors at the World’s Fair. D'PRICE'S Powder. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard, CABLE FROM QUEEN L1L. Dear Gresham:—One more boon I crave, 1 trust in your affection, Tis not to murder Dole, the Knave, Or put down insurrection; Tis tg>t my crown but me to save, 1 write in deep dejection. And so a package I must have Of Parks’ Tea for my complexion. GRESHAM’S ANSWER TO QUEEN LIE. When I received your cablegram 1 thought I sure would famt For though I often use Parks’ Tea ’Tis not for your complaint. I feared that Mrs. G. would think Wrong about our connection 'Til on her dresser there 1 saw Parks’ Tea for her complexion. —Sold by McMillen. ATTENTION FARMERS! If you have a horse that has poor appetite, is stuped, hair rough, run down in flesh, and out of fix generally, use Morris’ English Stable Powder and you will be surprised at the result. One package will add ten dollars to the value of a poor run-dowr. horse, colt or mule. Full pound package 25 cents.—5 for $1.00. Sold by McConnell A: Co. WELLS’ HOOSIER POULTRY POWDER A positive and speedy cure for Cholera, Gapes, Roop and all diseases of chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys. Is composed of the purest and best drugs obtainable and is the best egg producer known. The price of one fowl invested in this remedy will ward off disease from the whole flock. Price 25 cents. Sold by .McConnell A: Co. IMPORTANT TO HORSEMEN. Morris’ English Stable Liniment removes all hard or soft lumps, puffs, saddle or collar galls, scratches, rheumatism, barbed-wire cuts, bruises, sprains and deformities of every description, l'he most remarkable discovery of the nineteenth century, originated by a celebrated English veterinary surgeon; pene trates to the bone itself. Price 50 cts. and Si.00. Sold by McConnell A Co. DISTEMPER AND COUGHS In horses, sheep and dogs positively pre vented and quickly cured by using Craft's Distemper and Cough Cure. Safe to use under all conditions. One dose prevents, one bottle cures in three to six days. Send for ‘•Treatise" and testimonials from breeders who have used it for many years. Address the Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette, Ind. W. P. Bayes of 2405 Jones st., Omaha, Neb., says of Parks’ Sure Cure: “My wife has been constitutionally wrecked for years. Tried everything fruitlessly. My druggist's persua ston. backed by his guarantee, induced me to buy a bottle of Parks’ Sure Cure. The results are truly wonderful. Parks' Sure Cure for the Liver and Kidneys is a positive specific for the diseases of women.” Sold by McMillen. John C. Lutton of LeRoy, N. V.. a promi nent grocer and G. A. R. man says: “1 have been troubled with indigestion and biliousness for years. Tried Parks’ Tea and it has cured me. 1 recommend it to everybody.” Sold by McMillen. Mrs. W. J. Fahey of LeRoy, N. V., says: “Have tried fifty cough cures. Parks’ Cough Syrup is the only one that helped me. I know ; it is the best Cough Remedy." Sold by Me-! Millen. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. | WHEKE HEALING WATERS FLOW. Hot Springs, South Dakota, ie a place that j everyone should visit. It’s a health resort: the best :n the west. It's a charmimg place where pure a:r and j healing waters put sickness to flight and j make anything but perfect health well-nigh j an impossibility. Invalids, no matter what their ailment, I should give Hot Springs a trial. It’s sure to ! benefit them, more than likely to cure. How to get there Why, by the Burlington j Route, of course. It’s the line. Ask the local j agent for full information or write to the un- j dersigned for a beautifully illustrated pam-1 phlet. J. FRANCIS. , G. P. T. A., Omaha, Neb. | BEATRICE CHAUTAUQUA. On June 23d to July4tb, Burlington Route agents at stations wiibin 150 miles of Beatrice will sell tickets to that city at one fare for the round trip. June 21 and 22 the same low rate to Beatrice will apply from all stations in Nebraska. Tickets and full information upon application to local B. & M. agent. Annual Convention Nebraska Sunday School Association. Fairfield, Neb., June 26 to 28. Tickets on saie to Hastings. Neo., June 24 to 28, inclusive. For the above occasions parties paying full fare going will be returned at one-tb;rd fare on presentation of certificate signed by tbe proper officer, providing there are one hun dred or more paying full tare in attendance. Take receipt when purchasing tickets. National Educational Association. Asbury Park, N. J.. July 10-13, 1894. For tbe above oc casion we will sell round trip tickets for one first-class fare plus f2. Tickets on saie July 6 and 7. Annual meeting United Societies of Chris tian Endeavor. Cleveland. Ohio. July 11-15, 1894. Tickets on sale July 8 and 9 at one first class fare for the rouDd trip. Annual meeting Baptist Young People’6 Union. Toronto. Ontario, July 19-22, 1894. Tickets on sale jnly 16 and 17 at one first-class fare for the round trip. Annual encampment Grand Army of the Republic. Pittsburg, Pa., September 8-10,1894. Tickets on sale September 5 and 6 at one first class fare for tbe round trip. Crete Cbatauqua Assembly. July 3-14, 1894. One fare for round trip. Tickets on sale July 3 and 4. Annual convention National Republican League, Denver. Coio.. June 36. Annual meeting Imperial Council Mystic Shriners. July 21-2. Annual meetingLeague of American Wheel- ■ men, Denver. Coio.. August 10-1. For tbe above occasions we will sell round trip tickets to Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo at one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 12 and 13. 23 to 25. July 21 to 23 and August 9 to 12. inclusive. Transit limits continuous passage in each direction east of Colorado common points. Final limit in each case, thirty days from day of saie. Stop-overs will tie allowed after reaching the first Colorado common point, either on going or returning trip, within final limit. C. E. MAGNER. J. FRANCIS, Agent. G. P. A. OOOMMKKKKKKKMKKMHIMtOCHMKJOOOOOOOOOOOOO Clearance Sale. PRICES REDUCED ON EVERYTHING IN OUR HOUSE. [HOUSE r GOODS. - COME IN AND INSPECT OUR GOODS. li. LOwman & Sou.