The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1894, Image 2

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V. M. KIMMELI., Publisher.
The Bank of Blue Ilill has gone into
voluntary liquidation.
Several Sunday schools from various
towns will celebrate the Fourth at Sur
A full blooded North American In
dian preached in South Omaha last
The Gazette is the name of Geneva's
new populist paper, and J. J. Burke is
its editor.
Three hundred and fifty men are
pulling weeds out of the beet fields
near Grand Island.
Schuyler has an organized base ball
nine that puts up a good game. They
are ready to meet all comers.
F. T. Pierson, assisted by Mrs. Pier
son and the Moody quartet, began a
series of meetings in Ashland.
At Hastings Mrs. Frederika Naultens
was granted a divorce from her hus
band on the grounds of extreme cruelty’.
The young men of Chapman have or
ganized a literary association for hold
ing debates and general improvement.
The Chappell Register advises the
farmers of Deuel county to put down
artesian wells for irrigating purposes.
In jumping from a wagon to the
ground, Charles Dangler of Dodge
county broke one of his legs below the
Four of the horses that started in the
100-mile cowboy race from Chadron.
died from the effects of the usage re
J. R. Sutherland of Tekamah has
been appointed receiver of the State
bank at Brainard and took possession
last week.
The boom in window’ glass at Ilold
rege is the result of a hailstorm that
spread desolation in the western part
of the city.
It is rumored that a move is on foot
to organize a stock company at Ponca
the object of which will be to build a
steam grist mill.
The Fullerton Driving association
announces an extended program for
the 3rd and 4th of July’, with purses
amounting to $900.
Charles W. Mead, who at one time
was general superintendent of the
Union Pacific railroad, died last week
in Los Angeles, Cal.
The Salem Chautauqua, which was
to have been held July’ 22 to 29, has
been postponed and will probably be
held August 5 to 12.
Harry Lefler of Cozard is the latest
Dawson county victim of the strin
gency, having made an assignment for
the benefit of his creditors.
Nellie Coddington, an attractive
young lady of Lincoln, suicided last
week by taking morphine- . She had
been jilted in a love affair.
Young people of the Lutheran church
of Wayne propose to feed the crowd
that shall assemble in that place to
celebrate the glorious Fourth.
Rev. F. M. Sisson and family from
Illinois arrived in Fremont last week.
He succeeds Rev. George M. Brown as
pastor of the First M. E. church in that
The office of superintendent of
bridges and traveling freight agent
of the Elkhorn railroad have been
transferred from Missouri Valley to
A South Omaha young man went
against a shell game at the circus
ground, leaving S15 and his watch and
chain as a reminder of what a great
chump he is.
The barb wire factory building which
is being erected in West Point is nearly
completed, and in a few weeks that
city will be able to boast of having a
good factory.
The late rains have given wheat in
Johnson county a new start and pros
pects now are that the crop .will be al
most, if not entirely, equal to that har
vested last year.
During a practice game of ball at
Elmwood C. 15. Lee, who was catching,
had one of the bones of his left fore
arm fractured by a batter swinging the
bat behind him.
The ministerial profession of Red
Willow county will petition the coming
legislature to pass a law fixing for per
forming the solemn ceremony that
unites two hearts.
Lorenz Skibowsky of West Point, who
was stricken with paralysis, died from
the effects thereof. He" was buried bv
the (irand Army of the Republic of
which he was a member.
Tlie delegates of the Modern Wood
men of America of the Fourth congres
sional district met at MeCool and se
lected Fairmont as the place to hold
the annual picnic this year.
An attempt was made to get into the
Douglas county jail to lynch Sam
Payne, the negro who murdered Maud
Rubel. Payne, however, had been
taken to the penitentiarv for safe keep
Milliam Spies, son of a farmer living
near Abbott, was found dead in the
loft of the barn with a rope twisted I
about his neck. From the condition oi j
things it is thought the death was ac- j
George Griffith, a tramp, entered the I
store of C. M. llall at Plainv.ew and ]
6tole live pairs ot pants. He was ar
rested, convicted and sentenced to pay
costs and serve twenty days in the
county jail.
On account of repeated attacks made
upon County Treasurer Franz of Gage
county- placed before the board of
supervisors a communication asking
that a committee be appointed to in
vestigate the affairs of his office and
make a report as to whether or not the
charges made are correct.
Mr. A. !■>. Campbell, who has been
steward at the institution for incurable
insane at Hastings for the last two
years, iias resigned the position to ac
cept that of register ot the McCook
land office. Previous to departure for
his netv position, employes of the in
stitution gave h.m a tarew.all ball and
The Odd Fellows talk of organizing
a new lodge at Panama.
Fire broke out in the residence of A.
lleald at Talmage and it was entirely
consumed, although all the contents
were saved. The house was owned by
parties living in Chicago, and was in
sured for $700, enough to fully cover
all loss.
Five boys at Rising the other day
made a cannon of a gas pipe, and, after
four successful shoots, on the fifth ven
ture with the ‘'machine," it exploded,
and four cf the boys tasted powder, one
lieing so disabled that he will remain
in bed a while.
No tuition will be charged at the
Wesleyan university, Lincoln, hereaf
ter. At the commencement Dr. Max
field announced on behalf of the trus
tees that instruction would hereafter
be free. Degrees were conferred upon
eight graduates.
Paul Lyon of Nebraska City, charged
with embezzling goods belonging to
his employer. Capt. S. H. Morrison,
the jeweler, was arraigned before
Judge Chapman. lie pleaded guilty
and was sentenced to three years in
the penitentiary.
Florin Geiger, a well-to-do German
farmer living six miles southeast of
Utica, was instantly killed, while re
turning home with a load of lumber,
by his team running away and throw
ing him under the wheels of the wagon,
which crushed in his breast.
Ihe prohibitionists of Madison coun
ty will meet in mass convention at
Norfolk Saturday, June 30, at 1 p. m.,
for the purpose of selecting delegates
to the state congressional and senator
ial conventions, aud to place in nomi
nation candidates for county offices.
A Crawford belle, Miss Mamie Grimes,
through her presence of mind, pre
vented a serious fire one day last week.
Children had overturned a lamp and
rushed out crying “fire,” when Miss
Grimes ran into the house and with a
bucket of water extinguished the
There is a yearling colt at Seward,
owned by D. B. Palmer, that is a world
wonder. Jle has shown a 2:16 pacing
gait for one-eighth of a mile. The
Seward driving park club has made ar
rangements with Mr. Palmer to exhibit
the speed of his colt at the meeting
July 4.
Mr. C. W. Wilson, who has a system
of irrigation in operation upon some
forty acres of his farm near Ayr, pro
nounces his proposition a success, and
is jubilant over the prospects opened up
for him by artificial means of supply
ing the necessary moisture to the crops
upon his land.
Seward has concluded to celebrate
the Fourth of July as becomes a great
people. The principal feature of the
day will be a race meeting given by
the Seward driving club, and though
the purses offered are not large they
are sufficient to insure good races and
a day of fine sport.
Governor Crounse has issued a re
quisition on the Iowa authorities for
one Ashley W. Thrasher, who is now
in jail at Creston and is wanted in Cass
county to answer the charge of grand
larceny. James E. Eikenburv is au
thorized as agent of the state to con
duct the fugitive to this side of the
A Boston dispatch says the statement
of the Union Pacific railroad for April,
entire system, shows: Gross earnings,
82,395.513.80; decrease, 8758,249.95. Ex
penses, minus taxes, $1,960,950.45; de
crease, 8368,841.47. Surplus, 8428,
554.41; decrease, 8389,408.51. The same
four months to April 30: Gross earn
ings, $9,246,766.37; decrease, $33,142,
The 10-year-old son of Frank Cail,
living about twelve miles east of Pen
der, left home and has not been heard
of since, notwithstanding the fact that
the entire neighborhood for miles
around has been thoroughly searched
for the runaway. Cail was about to
chastise the boy-, and he ran out of the
gate, saying as he went: “Goodbye,
mother. You will never see me again.”
The Madison Reporter says: Seven
families of Russians live iu tents on
Union creek and cultivate beets. They
gather brush for fuel and drink from
the creek or draw water from a tem
porary well a few feet from the creek.
They got 814 per acre for attending
beets, and it takes the labor of one man
from the middle of May to the middle
of November to attend five acres.
At Beatrice Antoine \\ eily, a chrome i
drunk, made an attempt to commit sui
cide in an outhouse in the rear of a sa
loon. He was rescued in an uncon
scious condition and was resuscitated.
Next morning he obtained a pistol and
went into a meat shop and declared his
determination to blow his brains out.
The pistol was taken away from him
and he was locked up in jail to sober up.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Fleek, at Brainard, was severely i
scalded with boiling water. Mrs.
Fleek placed a disbpan full of hot 1
water on the table, near which her 10
months-old child sat in a high chair,
and as she turned to get some cold
water the baby caught hold of the pan
and pulled it into her lap. The child’s
hands and parts of its body were burned
to a crisp.
W. H. Williams, a Schuyler police
man, recently received the official no
tice from headquarters at Washington
that a medal is now being engraved
suitably and will be forwarded soon.
The award is to William H. Williams,
private, company C, Eighty-second
Ohio volunteers, for most distinguished
gallantry at the battle of Peach Tree
creek, Georgia, July 20, 18(30, when he
volunteered to go to the front of the
line as sentinel and thus took his life
bis hands.
Thomas J, Fort, president of the
State Irrigation company of North
Platte, visited tiie state house for the
purpose of presenting to Governor
C'rounse a petition signed by about
seventy-live larmers of Lincoln county,
asking that an official investigation be
ordered into the crop conditions of the
middle west of Nebraska. President
Fort reported to the governor that the ;
farmers were leaving that part of the !
state by scores on account of the
drouth, and that unless something was j
speedily done the state would not only ,
lose a great many of the citizens, but
those who remained would be reduced
to the utmost extremity.
Only Eighty-Five 1’ubllc and Eighteen
Private Mil* So Far l’aaited.
Washington, June 13.—Up to to-day
only eighty-five public measures have
been enacted into law and the private
laws are limited to the unprecedented- i
ly small number of eighteen.
The whole number of bills intro
duced in the house is 7,433—furbelow
the average. Of these 1,030 have been
reported—also far below the usual
number at this date. The falling off
of bills, reports, etc., has been so
great that it has been one of the main
causes of the recent wholesale reduc
tion of force in the government print
ing office. It is said that the former
public printer, Mr. Palmer, estab
lished his force with the expectation
that the amount of work to be done
by this congress would keep pace
with that of former congresses, and
that this in part accounts for the
large surplus of help Public Printer
Benedict found when he recently as
sumed charge.
The large falling off in general
legislation is attributed to the cen
tering of interest in the tariff and to
the depleted condition of the treasury.
Senators and members have known
that it was useless to press bills for
public buildings and other appropria
tions in view of the stringency at the
treasury aud have refrained from
urging private measures. Owing to
delays and objections of various kinds
only two private pension bills have
got through the house and become
laws. As a rule the private pension
acts are so numerous that the total of
private bills is very large.
The house calendar up to date is
clear of all appropriation bills except
the deficiency, but there are 130 im
portant general bills awaiting a hear
ing and eighty-six bills of a general
character not carrying an appropria
tion. Among these arc bills to admit
New Mexico and Oklahoma to state
hood, to send a congressional commis
sion to examine the Nicaragua
canal route, to finally adjudicate
swamp land grants, to permit pen
sions to non-r&sidents, to establish
consular inspection of immigrants, to
investigate the effect of machinery
on labor, to investigate the wages of
women and children, to construct
canals from Lake Superior to the
Mississippi river and from Lake Erie
to the Ohio river, to prohibit dealings
in options, to promote the efficiency of
the naval militia, to establish a uniform
bankruptcy system and to aid the
Southern Cotton exposition. Quite a
number of these will get a hearing,
but the number to be interrupted by
adjournmeut will ba exceptionally
They Must Hereafter Attend Home
WASHINGTON, June 18.—A provision
of the Indian appropriation bill, which
was adopted in committee of the
whole, prohibits all Indian children
from attending any school more than
forty miles from their reservation
until they have gone to the school
provided for them at home at least
four years. This provision of the
bill, if it is enacted into a law, will
have the effect of reducing the num
ber of Indians sent away to eastern
schools and very materially increas
ing their home education. Several
of. the western representatives are
confident that the Carlisle school will
suffer from the provision.
There is a growing sentiment in
favor of educating the Indians at home
as far as possible, and no legislation
of recent years has been so pronounced
in this direction as that which was in
corporated into the Indian bill.
Representative Curtis of Kansas
made a hard fight to have the section
of the bill approved which secures to
the Indians the principal and interest
due them from Southern states for
the sale of their old reservations. It
amounts now to more than §3,000,000,
and the states have shown a disposi
tion to defer payment indefinitely.
The proposition was however, defeat
ed on a point of order.
Delegate Flynn of Oklahoma, will
again attempt to have incorporated in
the bill his commutation plan for
Oklahoma, permitting settlers to
prove up their claims in fourteen
months. Failing to secure this in the
house, an effort will be made to have
the senate make the provision.
Two Brooklyn Pugilists Hattie in Thomas
A. Edison's laboratory.
New York, June 18.—In the labora
tory of Thomas A. Edison, the in
ventor, near Orange, N. J., last night,
Mike Leonard and Jack Cushing, both
of Brooklyn fought in the interest of
seience before Edison and a part}- of
six intimate friends. Six rounds were
fought and then Leonard put his man
out with a clever right hand punch.
The preliminaries were all arranged
several days ago by Mr. Edison's
representatives and a purse of §300
subscribed, all of which was to go to
the winner. The fighters weighed in
at 130 pounds when they entered the
twelve foot ring, which had been
pitched within the focus of Mr. Edi
son’s last invention, the kinetograph,
which was to catch and preserve
every movement of the pugilists for
the purpose of reproducing them
later on.
Editor Brown in a Mother Hibbard.
Wichita, Kan., June 18.—At King
man last night when Editor Brown
returned from the Populist conven
tion, where he bitterly fought
woman's suffrage, was met at the
depot, taken from the side of his wife,
clothed in a mother hubbard dress
and sun-bonnet and compelled to
march through the streets before a
brass band. The friends of woman's j
suffrage did it.
To March to the l’aciflc Coast.
Washington, June 18.—Galvin's
army of industrials which reached
this city some time after Coxey's con
tingent, and have been nearly"all the
time at Hyattsville, have become
weary of waiting for something to
turn up. and now contemplate a
march from here to the Pacific coast
Coxey’s Bill lutroduced.
Washington, June 18.—The Coxey
bill for good roads and non-interest
bearing bonds which Senator Peffer
introduced in the senate, has been in
troduced in the house by Representa
tive Geary of California. I
HE lllflld II
lie Says That the Hill Has Deceived the
Approval of Kvcry Hoard of Trade in
the Country—Mr. Warner of Now
York, Delivers a Vigorous
Speech Against the Measure
— Bryan Speaks for It.
Washington, June 20.—A letter
from tlie speaker was read in tlie
house, announcing that on account of
sickness lie would be unable to attend
the session of tlie house yesterday
and appointed Mr. Hailey of Texas,
speaker pro tem. The deficiency bill
wras reported by Mr. Hrcclsinridge of
Kentucky. Mr. Sayers of Texas will
have control of the bill on’the floor of
the house. The deficiency bill carries
an appropriation of §1,8110,593.
Senate bill granting a right-of-way
to the Eastern Nebraska and (!ulf
railway through the Omaha and Win
nebago Indian reservations in tlie
state of Nebraska was passed.
The anti-option bill was then
launched upon its congressional voy
age. Mr. Hatch opened tlie debate
with a speech in favor of tlie bill. He
said there was not a single provision
in the hill which had not received tlie
approval of every body of trade in tlie
country, its charter or rules and regu
lations which required the actual de
livery of articles purchased for future
delivery. This bill would compel this
delivery honestly and in good faith
and would oblige the boards of trade
to enforce their own regulations,
which they had built up on elaborate
systems for avoiding.
When Mr. Hatch’s time had ex
pired, Mr. Warner, Democrat of New
York, delivered a vigorous speech
against the bill, in which he main
tained that while it was ostensibly
drawn in tlie interest of the farmer, a
careful reading showed that it “had
been monkeyed with by some one who
was a thousand times more a miller
than the gentleman from Missouri
was a farmer.” He maintained that
the passage of the bill would injure
the export trade of the country.which
was largely carried on by a system of
dealing in options.
Mr. Bryan of Nebraska considered
this a bill to prevent gambling in farm
products and it was unjust to his con
stituents (who were mainly farmers)
that other men should have the right
to affect the price of their product
after they had taken the risk of rain,
drought, grasshoppers and chinch
bugs. There was no difference be
tween the action of the burglar who
went to a man’s house and robbed him
of his goods, and the action of the
man who on stock exchange drove
down the price of another man's pro
duct and tints deprived him of so
much to which he was justly entitled.
At 5:08 o’clock Mr. Bryan concluded
his speech, and the house adjourned.
J. C. Thompson, the Absconding Cashier,
Is in Charge of a Railroad.
Sedalia, Mo., Jane 20.—By the ac
tion of the supreme court yesterday,
according to a telegram received here
from Jefferson City, J. C. Thompson,
the absconding cashier of the defunct
First National bank, is the receiver of
the Sedalia, Warsaw and Southwest
ern railroad.
Several months ago. on the petition
of Carlos S. Greely of St. Louis, and
other stockholders, Judge Richard
Field appointed Mr. Thompson re
ceiver of the road. The Missouri Pa
cific appealed to the supreme court
and yesterday the appeal was dis
missed, leaving the appointment
stand. Mr. Thompson is now sojourn
ing in Mexico, with no prospect of re
turning unless accompanied by a
United States officer. Judge Field, it
is expected, will at once appoint some
one else to the receivership.
Supreme Lodge Completes Its Work anti
San Francisco, June 20.—The su
preme lodge, A. O. U. W.. held a short
session yesterday morning and then
finally adjourned.
During the morning session it was
decided that a member’s stand
ing in the order should not be
considered to be imperilled by his
failure to pay assessments levied for
the benefit of any funds other than
the beneficiary, relief and general
funds. It was decided that no sus
pended or expelled member can be
taken back into the order unless he be
under 45 years of age. The newly
elected supreme officers were duly in
stalled by Past Supreme Master Work
men Baxter and W'ilson.
An Ohio River Steamer Sunk.
Madison, Ind., June 20.—The
steamer City of Madison, while re
turning from Evansville en route to
Cincinnati, with a big crowd of bi
cycle excursionists on board, struck a
dike in front of this city at 4 o'clock
yesterday morning and sank. The
dike knocked a hole in her seventy
five feet long about midships. For
tunately no lives were lost,
Krakpumn's Terrible Fate.
Xeodesiia, Kan., June 20.—John
Thompson, a ’Frisco brakeman. was
killed at Beaumont last night while
switching. His body was cut in two,
both bands cut off, and one leg
.Tolin Walters, one of the early set- ;
tiers of Illinois county, died at Prince- !
ton at the age of He was a noted !
abolitionist and a co-worker of Owen i
G. Lovejoy in the underground rail- \
road work.
Attorney General Olney says there
is no truth in the published statement
that he had decided to enter suit for
8171,000,000 against the Pacitic bonded
railroads, but had employed Attorney !
ltussell for the purpose of handling
the suits.
ti:e elks in convention.
Seventy Members wf the Grand Lodge
Withdraw and Go to Atlaitle City.
Jamestown, N. Y.. June 23. — At 3:20
o'clock yesterday afternoon the Elks'
grain! lodge special session began.
Exalted Ruler Apperly made a brief
speech in which no reference was
made to the dissensions in the order.
The roll call at the opening of the
session showed lil'.l members of the
grand lodge present. A large num
ber of lodges were not reported.
There was an animated discussion
concerning points of order, and finally
at 5 o’clock seventy members of the
grand lodge withdrew and proceeded
to take the train for Atlantic City,
the withdrawing delegation including
members from Portland. Ore.; Buffalo,
Meadville, Denver, Brooklyn, Chicago,
Lancaster, Pa.; Danbury, Conn., and
others. By a vote of 7ii to 10 the
grand lodge approved the report of
the committee on laws and appeals
sustaining the action of the exalted
ruler in suspending Grand Trustees
Vandelier, Campbell and Laab and in
appointing Midaugh, Robes and Rake
in their places.
By a vote of 81 to 2, it approved the
action of the grand trustees in ap
pointing Jamestown :js the meeting
place of the grand lodge. Fifteen
lodges were read out of the order of
the grand lodge until they make
proper returns to the officers. They
were: Philadelphia, San Francisco,
Baltimore, Meriden, Albany, New
Bedford, Lowell, Newport, R. I.;
Wilkesbarre. llrocton, Haverhill, Bos
ton, Richmond, Worcester and Indian
The Lanky Australian Almost Knocked
Out l>y Joe Choynski in Boston.
Boston, June ~0.—At the Boston
theater last night Bob Fitzsimmons,
champion middleweight of the world
and challenger of Jim Corbett, turned
an almost certain defeat into victory,
llad not the police interfered it was
ten to one that lie would have finished
Joe Choynski in a punch. As it was
the match was declared a draw, but
no one present will ever claim that
Choynski was a foeman worthy to
combat the, lanky Australian. No
less than ii.OOIl cheering, howling men
enjoyed the battle, the like of which
Boston has never seen before.
In the third round Choynski landed
on Fitz’s jaw full and square, felling
the Australian. He was on his back
nine seconds and got up just in time to
save himself, and was quite groggy,
but Choynski had lost iiis head with
wild leads which Fitz cleverly dodged.
Fitz rapidly recovered himself and
had Choynski at liis mercy and would
.have knocked him out in the liftli
round but for the police.
It Swoops Down oil Sioux County With
Terrible Severity.
Harrisonburg, Neb., June 20.—The
northern part of Sioux county was
visited yesterday by a tornado which
was terrible in its severity, but com
paratively small in its territory. It
was about twenty rods wide and five
miles in length. Everything in its
path was swept from the earth. The
barns, sheds, wagons and implements
of D. W. Woody were completely de
molished and ten rods of wire fence
was swept clear. Rufus Woody and
his horse in a shed were picked up
and carried through the open roof
and landed again about 200 feet
awav. Neither received any serious j
damage. No other reports of damage j
have yet come in.
A Mother and Two Children Thrown i
Down an Embankment in a Runaway.
Leadville, Col., June 20.—Mrs. J.
R. Miller, wife of a leading merchant,
and her two children were thrown
down an embankment by a runaway,
when driving to Evergreen lakes.
Mrs. Miller was very seriously cut
and bruised about the head and it is
feared fatally injured internally. Her
little boy had his skull fractured in
two places and was cut and bruised
all over the body. Her little girl,
Ollie, aged 5 years, was caught be
tween the wheel and bed of the car
riage and her throat horribly torn.
She cannot recover.
McKinley May Not Come West.
Topeka, Kan., June 20.—Owing to !
the exciting mining troubles in Ohio,
Governor McKinley has canceled his
engagement to speak at the Ottawa,
Kan., assembly June 21—Grand Army
day. Should his duties permit, he
lias promised to speak at Ottawa on
Friday, June 2'J.
Killed 15y Lightning.
•Topi.ix, Mo., June 20.—Yesterday
afternoon, during a heavy rain-storm, |
the wife of J. Allen, a farmer living
southeast of Joplin, was struck bv |
lightning and killed. Her 10-months’ i
baby, which she was holding in her !
arms, was shocked and slightly in
Kansas City Grain.
Kansas City. Mo., June 20.—Quotations for i
ca** lots by sample on track at Kansas city 1
were nominally as follows: No 2 hard. 53c
No 3 hard. 51.7^3.c No 4 hard. 467/,49c re
jected. 445|4<5c No 2 red, 5Jc No. 3 red 43<r,
51c: No 4 red. 44 /48c. Corn—No. 2. 347^.,ec: ;
No. 3, 35c No 2 white corn, 3g@.S9c: No 3 ;
white. 38^/>“9c Outs, No 2, 4054$s&41c: No 3, j
40c: No. 2 white oat.s, 41«^,12c No. 3 white,
Live Stock.
Cattle—Dressed beef anl export steers. I
$3.85"4.75: cows and heifers, 81 85^,{.75: Texas
and Indian steers *2 60.1/4. stockers and
feeders. 53(/>3 5o: mixed, $175^6
Hogs— Keccipts 13.0.JJ: shipped yesterday, j
16i The market was 10c higher for choice
heavy hogs and 5c to lJc higher on others.c os- I
ing with the gam lost The top was 54 87 - '
and bulk of sales 51 70 to id 80 arainst -54 77 2
for top and $4 70 for bulk yesterday.
Sheep—Keceipts, l 085 shipped yesterday. !
3.7>:5. The market was active for good and
dull for common sheep at about steady prices j
The following are representative sales:
No. VVt Price No. Wt Price- j
21. 97 3 75 ' 49 . 90 3 59 •
9. 150 2o0 j
Horses — Receipts. 4*5
The market was unchanged The range of !
prices for good are. well broke and sound j
horses is about as follows Extra draft. 1.593 [
pounds. :7y /.l0» good draft. 1.10J pounds. $C0
(£t,99 extra drivers. 575-4,125. good drivers
$.>0{j;7>; saddle good to extra. 560467) South
ern mares and geldings, $25$65 Western
range, unbroken, 423^0 Western ponies,
Senator Hill Object* to tile Fropo»C(l<
Washington. June 19.—Tn the sen
ate chamber this tnorni ng, the tem
perature was sweltering, the mercury
standing at 81. While the senate was
discussing a bill which ha I been in
troduced bv Mr. IVlT -r. and favorably
reported by the committee on agri
culture, to pay 82,509 for an invention
that would ' utilize electricity or
gaseous vapor as a motor for agri
cultural machinery, the tariff bill
came up. At the request of Mr.
Platt the two paragraphs, 293 and 299
of tlic sillc schedule passed over
Saturday were again passed over.
Schedule M—“pulp papers and
books’’—was taken up and Mr. Fryo
offered :■ protest against the tirst par
agraph of the schedule, placing a
duty of 10 per cent on mechanically
ground wood pulp and chemical wood
pulp, bleached and unbleached. The
production of wood pulp, he said, was
an enormous industry, employing 70,
000 men, turning out a product valued
at $35,000,000 and paying an annual
wage of 823,000,000. ‘Under the oper
ation of the present duty the cost of
paper had greatly decreased. Wood
pulp had decreased in price from
four and one-half cents per pound to
one and one-fourth in tiie last ten
years. It was produced in twenty
nine states, but principally in Maine
and New York. He appealed to the
other side to make the duty specific
instead of ad valorem and proposed
an amendment to substitute equiva
lent specific rates, say 82.50 per ton
on wood pulp mechanically ground,
chemical wood pulp unbleached 85 per
ton and bleached $G 50 per ton. The
Democratic members of the finance
committee refused to accept the
amendment and it was rejected—20
to 23.
The committee figures on the va
rious other articles in the pulp and.
paper paragraphs were adopted and
the senate took up schedule N—
sundries. The following rates were
fixed without debate: Hair, pencils
and feather dusters 30 per cent;
brooms 20 per cent; button forms 10j
per cent; agate buttons 20 per cent;
pearl and shell buttons one cent per
line and 15 percent; ivory, glass, bone
and horn buttons 35 per cent; -shoo
buttons 25 per cent.
The house hill placed coal on the
free list. The finance committee
amendment placed a duty of forty
cents per ton on bituminous coal and
shale, fifteen cents on slack and culm
and fifteen per cent advalorem on.
Coke. As soon as the clerk hail read
this paragraph Mr. Hill and Mr. I’ef
fer jumped to their feet. The New
York senator was recognized and sent,
to tlic clerk’s desk an amendment to
relegate bituminous coal and shale to
the free list. He made a speech in
support of free coal and the redemp
tion of Democratic pledges.
Mr. Hill said that lie reserved the
right to vote for or against the tariff
bill when he should see what it is as a
finality, passionately exclaiming:
“God knows what the bill will be liko
when it passes the senate and comes
out of conference. God knows how
many more extortions and conclusions
will be wrung from tlic unwilling
hands of the committee.”
The vote on Mr. Hill’s motion was
yeas 7, nays 51. Messrs. Allen, llans
brough. Hill, Irby, Kyle, J’cffer and
Washburn voted vea.
Another Detachment Capture* a Boat
and Goes Down the .IliaaoarL
Kansas City, Mo., June ID.—The
Coxey army encamped in the East
bottoms is fast going to pieces. About
fifty of them stole the fiat boat last
night which was g-iven to the army
Saturday. Before leaving- they
loaded the boat with nearly all the
provisions in camp and this morning
were many miles down the river.
The desertions of Saturday and Sun
day leave only seventy-five men in
camp, and it is almost certain that all
of these will be gone by to-night.
General Artz procured another flat
boat this morning- from a fisherman
which will hold fifty men. A rental
of 82 a day and all the fish the men
can catch is to be paid for the use of
the boat
Quotations from New York, Chicago, St,
Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere.
Butter—Creamery print. 17 % in
Butter—Choice country. ]:j '■*, 14
Eggs—Fresh . 0 D'i
Honey—I er . 1« lo
Poultry—Old hens per . 5»V'£ o
Chickens Spring per doz. 2 5; •• 300
Lemons. 3 75 (f>* 4 00
Oranges—Florida. 3 50 (5, 3 75
Pineapples Per do/. I 75 2 <0
Potatoes—New. 1 ID (q, 1 20
Beaus—Navy. 2 00 US, 2 ll
Peas—Per bu. . 15. i 00
Beans -Wax. per bu 1 .‘0 ' 1 D >
Unions—New Southern per bbl. 3 <0 Ci 3 5o
Hogs—Mixed packing. 4 t;» (<i. 4 05
Hogs—Heavy weights. 4 65 (;£ 4 :o
Beeves— Prime .-teers . 4 25 <q, 4 70
Beeves—Stockers a; d Feeders 2 -o Or, 3 40
fcteers—Fair to good. 4 <0 (q, 4 30
fcteers—Westerns. .i <>/, 4
fcheep—Lambs. 4 0j (<s 4 50
fcheep—Choice native •-. 3 00 a, 4 15
Wheat—No. 2, red winter. 6i 63%
Corn—No. 2. 46 <& 40-*
Oats—Mixed western. 4^ 4^ a
Pork.13 50 ('/J5 75
Laru... < 15 7 20
Wheat—No. 2 spring. 58 <?& 591^
Corn—Per bu. 40 40J4
Oats—Per bu. 40 <& 41
Pork.1’ 10 (fel2 12
L:ird.... G e. (’£ i) tiT 14
Hogs—Packets and mixed. 4 65 Uj, ^ 75
(.attie—■Com. steers to extra... 4 SO v, 4
fcheep—Lambs. 3 *J0 US, 4 60
Wheat—No. 2 red. cash. 55 (fo 5~u
Corn Per bu. 3s <&
oats—Per bu. 3* ^ 30 4
Hogs—Mixed packing. 4 SO US, 4 05
< at tie—Native steers. 4 00 <6 4 50
fcheep Natives. 3 0j fa 4 40
>\ heat—No. 2 red, cash. 54 ^ 5414
Cattle—Mockers and feeders.. 2 75 (& 3 SO
Bogs—Mixed packers. 4 50 Ui, 4 C3
The collapse of the Chamberlin In
vestment company of Denver proves
to be one of the worst failures result
ing from an inilation of real estate
values in recent years.
The attorney generat of the United
States is about to bring suit for the
vast sum of 8171.000.000,the aggregate
of the Central Pacific. Union°Pacific
and Kansas Pacific railroads’ indebt
edness to the United States.
Xorsman Clark and a woman named
Jennie Siley took refuge under a
tree in a thunder storm near Lyons,
Iowa. The woman was killed" and
the man fatally injured by a bolt of