The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1894, Image 1

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The Russian Thistle.
Evidence accumulates that the so-call
ed Russian thistle has obtained a strong
foothold in Nebraska, While Red Wil
low county is not mentioned by the state
authorities as being one of the infected
counties, yet there is no doubt but that
the weed has become dangerously com
mon almost, if not all, over the county,
and it behooves our farmers to be wide
awake to the fact that a highly damag
ing weed has come into our midst, and
that an organized, concerted and persis
tent effort should be instituted a*, once
for its eradication.
Perhaps all are not familiar with the
appearance of this noxious tumble-weed.
From illustrations and samples at this
office an adequate and clear knowledge
may, however, be easily gained.
The extent of the spread of the Rus
sian thistle is now felt,and its dangerous
character clearly known, so that the
question arises
Co-operation is absolutely essential.
Little good can result if one farmer clears'
his land completely, if his neighbor lets
these weeds mature on his farm. The
highways, railway embankments, vacant
lots and streets etc., must be looked to—
especially vacant lands and the roadsides
—everybody’s land.
To eradicate the Russian thistle every
neighborhood must band itself together
against the common enemy. All weeds
should, if possible, be destroyed before
September loth at the very latest.
The matter should have prompt atten
tion, such as the necessity of the case
The municipal authorities may well do
their share of this work, as the thistle
may be found all over the corporation.
Railway yards and right-of-way seem
to be a favorite location for the weed.
An Adjourned Session.
The city fathers were in adjourned
session on Monday evening. Present—
Mayor Kelley,Counciimen Yarger, Pope,
Sutton and Steinmetz.and Clerk Wilcox.
Bills as follows were allowed:
F. D. Burgess.f 60.70
John Wentz. 3.25
A. Probst. 2.00
Barnett Lumber Co. 44-37
McCook Electric Light Co. 132*50
S. L. Green. 3.80
McBrayer & Osborn. 4.00
Joseph Menard. 5.00
Frank P. Allen. 5.00
J. A. Wilcox & Son. 1.55
F. M. Kimmell. 6.75
Joseph Spotts. 50.00
E. C. McKay. 2.00
Charles Weintz. 2.00
C. K. Putnam. 2.00
W. C. Lambert. 2.00
James Rice. 3.00
J. E. Kelley. 37.50
C. B. Gray. 37.50
J. H. Yarger. 25.00
H. P. Sutton. 25.00
Jacob Steinmetz. 25.00
Charles E. Pope. 25.00
E. J. Wilcox . 75.00
Finance committee reported favorably
on reports of Ex-Treasurer Laycock and
Treasurer Gray.
Appointment of J. S. LeHew as city
attorney was confirmed.
A sum not to exceed $100 was appro
priated to assist in defraying the expense
of piping city water to the cemeteries.
Ordinance 56, levying a tax upon the
taxable property of McCook to defray
the expenses of said city for the ensuing
year was passed.
Clerk was instructed to endorse war
rants, “to apply on occupation tax,”—if
any due.
Services of street commissioner were
dispensed with from date. Adjourned.
The Concert Tonight.
The concert in the Congregational
church tonight by the public school or
chestra and artistic friends will be such
a rare musical and literary treat that no
one should fail to hear it. The church
should be crowded.
For President—Jupiter Pluvius.
Try Meadow Lily at McConnell’s.
$4.50 buys a $5.00 coupon at Brewer’s.
Wall Paper 3 cents a roll at L. W.
Refrigerators very cheap at S. M.
Cochran & Co.'s.
George J. Burgess visited Arapahoe
friends last Saturday.
One of Michael O’Leary's sons has
erysipelas of the leg.
For cash Brewer sells meat 3c. cheaper
than any market in town.
Go to McConnell for Toilet Soap, Per
fumes and Toilet Articles.
George LeHew is an applicant for the
clerkship under Register Campbell.
Carson & West save you 33 cents on
the dollar. Buy your milk of them.
Judge Henry Baxter of Indianola is
•dangerously ill with hemorrhage of the
The burial of James McAdams' little
son took place in St. Patrick’s, Saturday
A farmer brought twenty spring chick
ens to market, last Friday morning.
They smothered to death en route.
Remember, the dime social by the
ladies of the Congregational church,
next Tuesday evening, in the church.
The supreme lodge A. O. U. W. hon
ored Grand Master Tate of Nebraska
with the office of overseer. He will re
turn the compliment with faithful and
efficient service as usual.
The Strasser store room, first door
south of the B. & M. meat market, has
been rented by a Philadelphia party for
18 months. A dry goods stock will be
placed therein some time about Septem
ber first.
The Republican river was running
bank full, Monday. It has been for
weeks but a thread of sand. The Drift
wood was also well heeled with running
water, raising over two feet on Sunday
night, it is said.
Russian thistles may be .found all over
the city. They should be destroyed
wherever they appear. A brief season
and this entire country will be seeded
with the noxious tumble weed—if an
effort is not made to eradicate them.
Agents Wanted 1*- the Singer
Manufacturing Company at McCook,
112 Dodge street. Needles, oil and parts
for Singer sewing machines. Repair
work a specialty. Call and see me.
J. R. Gerhardt, Supervising Agent.
F. E. Alexander has sold his photo
graph gallery to a Mr. Hall of Independ
ence, Iowa, who assumed charge of the
gallery, Tuesday morning. Mr. and
Mrs. Alexander will return to Iowa.
They will take with them the best wishes
of many McCook friends.
Requisition papers from Missouri for
E. O. Carter were honored Saturday by
Governor Crounse. Carter is under ar
rest at Indianola, Neb., and is wanted
at Huntsville, Mo., for stealing a watch
worth $175, the property of James H.
Furguson.—Lincoln Journal.
The Tribune understands that John
Petersen and Newton Biggs have “pulled
their freight,” or words to that effect, for
Portland, Oregon, where they will en
gage in fishing in partnership. Which
is an amusing finale to what promised to
be a domestic tragedy of some startling
sanguinary particulars.
Mrs. Marguerite Altshuler obtained
judgment in district court, last Wednes
day, against the Life Insurance Clearing
Co. of St. Paul for $2,600. She sued for
$5,000. A policy for that amount was
issued by the company to the plaintiff’s
husband, who died after making two or
three payments, and the company
sought to evade payment on a technical
ity.—Hastings Tribune.
Col. Mitchell of the Indianola Courier
and Col. Rogers of the Wallace Star are
the only newspaper colonels in Nebraska
who never copy a word from Webster’s
dictionary without giving proper credit,
yet we notice they occasionally get an
item from the Republican in their col
umns without credit. To this we do not
object, but people who live in glass
houses should have them covered with
corrugated iron.—Hayes Centre Repub
Dr. Parkhurst thinks a religious man
makes the best husband. Palmer Cox
thinks that one is who plays with the
children and makes wife his confidante.
Bill Nye pins his faith to the one who is
devoted first to his wife and children,
second to his work and everything else.
Anthony Comstock thinks that only the
clean and sober man makes the best
husband. George Francis Train puts it
that those who give and take make the
best hubbies. See Demorest for July.
Secretary of State Allen returned, Sat
urday, after attending to business affairs
at McCook. He relates an interesting
story of the exceedingly long faces seen
everywhere in that city and vicinity,
but a transformation took place in a
single night when three inches of rain
moistened the earth. It was the hardest
rainfall in that vicinity during the past
twelve months. Secretary Allen drove
out through the country and saw some
practical results of irrigation. Along
the Meeker ditch crops of corn, alfalfa,
potatoes and garden stuff are in splendid
condition as the result of judicious flood
ing with water from the irrigating
canal. At McCook Secretary Allen saw
a train of twentv-seven cars of fat cat
tle consigned to Omaha. He took pains
to inquire and found that a prominent
McCook dealer had looked over the cat
tle in the field and after scratching his
head offered the owner $11,000 for the
immense herd. The offer was accepted
on the spot and the dealer cleared a neat
profit of several hundred dollars. That
is one way cattle are bought at Mc
Cook.—Lincoln Journal.
The Ordination of Rev. Preston.
At the request of the McCook Congre
gational church a council was held in
our city, Tuesday, for the purpose of
examining and ordaining Rev. H. L.
Preston. The council consisted of Rev.
Clark of Holdrege, moderator; Rev.
Ricker of Alma, scribe; Revs. Taylor and
Gerhart and Delegate Hill of Indianola;
Rev. Knowles of Culbertson; Rev. Pres
ton and Delegate Moore of Curtis; Dele
gateTallmadge of Cambridge.
The morning and afternoon sessions
were taken up in the examination, which
was most 'gratifyingly satisfactory and
complimentary to the candidate. These
sessions completed the preliminary work
of the council.
In the evening Rev. Ricker of Alma
preached the ordination sermon, taking
“The Book” as the basis of his eloquent,
earnest and able discourse. Rev. Taylor
spoke very feelingly his charge to the
pastor. Rev. Knowles delivered the
charge to the church.
The ordination prayer fell from the
lips of Rev. Preston of Curtis.
The evening service was altogether a
solemn and impressive one, and the
services throughout very satisfactory
and inspiring.
Struck it Rich.
Word from the Wind River mountain
country, Wyoming, is to the effect that
the boys have struck it rich in that sec
tion in the two gold mines owned there
by Messrs. R. B. Archibald, Arthur Sny
der, F. W. Boswortli and L. C. Wolff of
our city and Mr. Bedell of Culbertson.
Mr. Snyder and others who have been
up there for the past few weeks are now
on their way here with 500 pounds of
ore which they claim will yield $1.50
worth of free gold to the pound. The
owners are most enthusiastic over their
prospects, and expect to place enough
stock on the market, with which to put
in a stamp mill at the mines. A neigh
boring mine has already yielded largely
for its owners, and a number of million
dollars have been taken out of placers
below the mine. Here’s hoping they
may be strictly in it.
Popular and Peerless.
The Nebraska state band has quite a
reputation as a musical organization of
more than common merit. A number
of our citizens had the pleasure, last
week during the league convention, of
hearing them. It was quite the unani
mous opinion of the aforesaid citizens
• that the Brigade band of our city is a
superior organization. At any rate, next
month, when Professor Sutton marches
down Pennsylvania avenue of the nation
al capital, during the great Pythian con
clave, it will be at the head of the finest
band that has ever gone out of Nebraska.
One that will open the eyes of those
down-easters wideopen. No Nebraska
band has a license to make better music
than the Brigade band.
Fine Printing.
We make a specialty of fine job print
ing. Our samples of fashionable and ele
gant stationery for invitations, programs
etc., is not excelled in Nebraska.
Canductor Chapin, Mamie and Harry
will soon go to Ashtabula, Ohio, on
quite an extended visit.
McCook will celebrate. The particu
lars will be made known next week. The
celebration will be all right.
L. Morse and J. W. James of Benkel
man were city visitors on the evenings
of Wednesday and Thursday of this
week. _
Madrid parties shipped in six horses,
last Friday, for the June races—not hav
ing received notice of the postponement.
The fact is regretted, but was unavoida
ble. _
Secretary Matber informs us that
there is now about thirty horses on the
grounds and in sight, preparing for the
July meeting of the Indianola Trotting
Association. The track is in splendid
condition and it is confidently expected
that the meeting will be the most suc
cessful ever held in western Nebraska.—
Indianola Independent.
George Ball will work for C. T. Brewer.
Wall Paper 3 cents a roll at L. W.
“Celerade”—a celery nerve tonic at
Brewer sells hams at I2ji'c. Best
brands in America.
See Cochran & Co. if yon want a re
frigerator cheap.
Patronize the Sunny Side Dairy of
Carson & West.
The Sunny Side is the place to buy
the best and the purest milk.
Hear the entertainment in the Congre
gational church, tonight.
Farm Loans.—Call and see Elmer
Rowell if you want a farm loan.
Mrs. C. T. Brewer went in to Oma
ha, Tuesday night, on a visit.
Mr. Hocknell arrived home, last
night, from his California trip.
J. A. Cordbal is able to be about
again after a severe seize of sickness.
Mrs. S. B. Strasser has been visit
ing her sister at Holdrege, this week.
Mrs. George Hocknell has been
visiting her sister at Norton, Kansas.
A. J. Rittenhouse attended the sil
ver convention at Omaha, this week.
Judge Beck was up from Indianola.
Friday afternoon, on official business.
F. H. Spearman is entertaining his
sister, Mrs. Lewis from Wheaton, Il
J. H. Christner was down from
Hayes Centre, last Saturday, on land
Mr. Hocknell went to California,
last week, on business. He will be
home on first of next week.
Miss Clara Hanlein closed a very
successful term of school, this week, in
district loo, Frontier county.
Dr. W. A. DeMay of Danbury was a
guest of the valley’s finest, Monday.
Mrs. DeMay accompanied him.
Mrs. E. T. Maddux and the children
left on Tuesday morning for Iowa, where
they will visit until September.
John Hauser left, this morning, for
Minnesota, we are informed, together
with a car load of his belongings.
Rev. A. \V. Coffman and familv left
on Wednesday for the mountains where
they will remain during his thirty day
E. E. Lowman went in to Omaha,
Wednesday morning, to attend the grand
lodge meeting of the Nebraska A. F.
and A. M.
U. G. Moser expects shortly to make
his home in Lincoln on account of the
falling away of trade in this portion of
his territory.
John Ekstedt, who has been visiting
in Wexio, Dadesjo, Eke, Sweden, for
a number of months past, arrived home,
Tuesday night.
E. W. Patridge was here from Oma
ha, Monday, preparing McCook matter
for the Nebraska Gazetteer, which goes
to press this fall.
Receiver Gibbons was up from Or
leans, early days of the week. He will
handle Uncle Sam's money from and
after the first of July.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Alexander de
parted for Albia, Iowa, this morning.
Miss Nellie Simpson will leave on the
morning passenger, tomorrow.
C. F. Babcock of our city will repre
sent this state senatorial district as del
egate in the national republican league
meeting on the 26th in Denver.
Mrs. Frank Brown left on Tuesday
morning of last week for Ulster, Brad
ford county, Pennsylvania, where she
will spend the summer vacation.
Mrs. A. C. Marsh is entertaining her
sister, Mrs. Anna Keever, and a friend
Mrs. George Leidv, both ot Nebraska
City, who are en route to Denver on a
Register Campbell and Postmaster
Wahlquist come up from Hastings, Sun
day evening, returning home on No., 2,
Tuesday morning. Mr. Campbell will
assume charge of his office here July 1st.
H. W. Cole is a member of the com
mittee on rituals of the supreme lodge
of the A. O. LT. W. meeting now in ses
sion at’Frisco. Hugh’s whiskers were
also neatly illustrated iu one of the San
Francisco dailies the other day. In fact
Hugh seems to be in it all over.
Mrs. Utter, a musical instructor,
from Pueblo, Colorado, arrived in the
city, close of last week, and will follow
her profession in our midst. Mrs. Utter
lived on a claim northeast of here in the
early 80s, but has been absent for years
following her chosen work in Lincoln,
Pueblo, and elsewhere. She comes to
stay, and brings many valuable recom
mendations as to her efficiency as an
instrumental and vocal instructor. The
Tribune hopes she may be able to se
cure a large class. She makes vocal
culture a specialty, and in this depart
ment she will have a new field and a
large one. May ample success attend
her efforts, and a revival in music ensue.
B. V. Haley took in the great silver
convention at Omaha, this week.
A nice variety of ink and pencil tab
lets at this office.
Brewer sells boiling beef at 3c. a
pound. _
Buy beefsteak at Brewer’s at 7c. cash.
Fourth of July.
McCook has decided to celebrate this
year, and as McCook never does things
by halves, a good time is assured. The
programme will appear next week.
The next regular meeting of the East
ern Star will be on the evening of July
The seventeen year locusts have made
their appearance in Pennsylvania and
New York.
Brewer is selling meat cheaper than it
has ever been offered at in the history
of McCook.
The high water, Monday, took out
the bank of the creek at Pat Walsh's dam
on the Driftwood.
Every business man in McCook should
give the local press some support, no
matter how small.
Mrs. R. A. Campbell, of Buffalo, N.Y.,
came in from Denver, last night, and
will be here briefly on her way east.
An infant child of Shorty Hosier died
on last Saturday, and was buried on
Sunday afternoon at three o’clock.
The summer school now in session
will continue six weeks. New pupils
may enter at any time.
2-ts. James H. Fowler.
H. H. Mitchell has 150 acres of corn
as high as your knee. Says he never
hail a finer prospect for corn, this time
of the year.
N. V. Harlan and family, of York, ar
rived in the city, on Tuesday, on their
way up to Frontier county on a visit to
his brother, Dr. Harlan.
The attention of our readers is called
to the very liberal campaign offer made i
by the Omaha Weekly Bee in the adver
tisement on another page.
Duncan Ciark’s company is billed to
appear at the Menard opera house on
the evening of June 29th. Reserved
seats on sale at the usual place.
Mrs. John Smith accompanied her
parents, Mr and Mrs. John McMurry, as
far as McCook where she will visit a
short time.—Benkelman Pioneer.
A fifteen-months-old child of Mr.
Eckbart, a South McCook Russian, was
buried in Longview, Saturday morning.
It is said to have died with measles.
There is talk of the Meeker ditch be
ingextended on the south side as far
east as Orleans. Also of building im
mence headgates and tapping the under
Red Willow county has received her
state school apportionment of $3,058.53.
To which about $60 in county fines may
be added for distribution among our
various school districts.
Oscar Russell and William Lewis of
McCook have been in this vicinity, the
past week, buying cattle. They shipped
two cars Monday and two cars Tuesday
morning.—Wellfleet Argus.
We understand that the McCook In
dependent Enterprise has turned up its
pretty pink toes to the daisies, and that
the late publisher intends going to Okla
homa and engaging in the land practice.
Colonel Mitchell of the Indianola
Courier, which the Colonel claims is
“the leading newspaper in Southwestern
Nebraska”—and it must be so or the
Colonel would not say so—was with us
briefly, Monday night.
McCook lodge 135, A. F. and A. M.,
held an election for officers, Tuesday
night, with the following result: Wor
shipful Master, H. H. Easterday; Senior
Warden, G. R. Johnson; Junior Warden,
William Smith; Tyler, J. R. Roxby; Sec
retary, J. D. Robb; Treasurer, S. L.
Green. These same will be duly in
stalled tonight.
Buy fine beef roasts at Brewer's at 7c.
Purest milk for the least money. Car
son & West.
“Celerade”—a celery nerve tonic at
Picnicing is more popular than church
going, Sundays.
Buy meat of Brewer and save 40 per
cent, of your money.
Patronize the McCook Commission
Co. for flour and feed.
DrGroff & Co. sport a fine new deliv
ery wagon, this week.
Postmaster Meeker has added a crema
tory to his office conveniences.
Lincoln county papers are making a
long and loud howl for free range.
C. F. Babcock is now officing with
H. H. Berry over the Citizens bank.
There is a prevalent sentiment that
we will have lots of corn and feed yet.
There is a small brown, pincked-edge
shoulder cape at this office for the owner.
A Cenuine Humorist.
A really-righty funny man made his
debut in last week’s Times-Democrat in
an article with an imposing "scare head”
entitled "The Congressional Nominee,”
or “Slide, Kelly, Slide!"
The depth of humor is foreshadowed
in the opening paragraph, which de
mands a “man of excellence—not a man
of ability.” The writer then reluctautly
admits that there are a “few men in our
congressional delegation whose intellec
tual endowments compel recognition.”
“But a congressman,” says this new
fledged Nye Bill, requires a spine as well
as a brain.” A startling proposition.
The writer does not demand that the
nominee shall stamp his character in
delibly on a dozen or two generations,
but will not be happy, nor will he sleep
well, if the nominee does not have in
corruptibility to throw at the birds, and
a personality of six figure potentiality.
After warning the convention against
the subtle wiles of the happy-facultied
wire-puller end spoils-divider, he soars
aloft and with a voice chock full and
running over with a Fourth of July foren
sic fervor calls for a man who will carry
aloft the banner marked exhibit “P,”
which stands for pi ogress.
The writer modestly keeps his favorite
candidate in the background, not caring
a tinker’s sample of profanity who may
be chosen to plant that banner of Pro
gress on the sublime heights of Ameri
can (Ncrth American) civilization. His
Richard with a sword as long as an elec
tric light pole is some pumpkins, more or
less, but lie still remains incog. Which
is continuously funny.
The convention, however, is warned
to do its duty,—to nominate a man who
can be elected. But fails to give an ink
ling of the one who can “sweep all op
position before him like an irrisistible
avalance, ” who can secure that “aggre
gate influence which will be an over
whelming dynamic power for good,"
ami will smite the populists and free
silver democrats hip and thigh, which
is unpatriotic.
Bat the humorist is preparing to slide,
evidently. The man whom the Times
Democrat has claimed it would be un
wise to nominate—a statement which has
been feebly cuckooed—will doubtless be
chosen to carry the Republican banner,
by acclaim.
And we are not backward about fur
nishing hiu initials.
V/. E. Andrews of Hastings, the bril
liant, able, excellent, incorruptible,
zealous, intellectual, strong-back-boned,
brainy, diligent, honest, faithful little
parson, is the man.
He has excellence and ability and
merit. Is intellectually, morally ami
oratorically endowed. Has a rigid back
bone, a clear head aud a clean heart.
Can hold aloft the banner of Progess as
high as any man in the district, and do
it worthily. And when it comes to ex
erting irrisistible dynamic forces why
the Professor is accustomed to such
playful pranks since childhood.
Closely Contested.
The ball game, last Saturday, between
the first and second home nines, was
one that delighted the “fans" hugely,
resulting in a score of 5 to 3 in favor of
the second nine.
The Cedar Bluffs club and a local team
will cross bats here, tomorrow, and a
good game is expected.
D. Gurnsey came in from Salt Lake
City, Utah, last evening, to look after
his cattle interests up the Frenchman.
Postmaster Meeker is entertaining his
brother the Greenwood banker, and
family, this week.
Remember Duncan Clark's company
at the Menard, June 29th, next Friday
The Arapahoe band has been elected
“Third Regiment U. R. K. of P. Band."
C. W. Higgins, Sunday school mis
sionary, wishes every Christian worker
in the county to establish schools where
they are needed, and would be glad to
hear from any who desire to organize
j schools but who have no supplies and
no money to buy them.
C. W. Higgins, Oxford, Neb.
Topics at the Congregational church
next Sueday. Morning—“Fulfiliug
Christ's Law." Evening—“The Motive
Force in Christianity."
There will be no preaching at the
M. E. church next Sunday. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Epworth league at
,7 p. m.
Elder McBride has been granted a
half-holiday from now until September
first by the Baptist congregation.
Morning services in the Lutheran
church by Elder McBride, next Sunday.
No eveniag services.