The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 15, 1894, Image 8

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You Can Wiggle, You Can Struggle,
But we’ve Got You in our Eye;
And You’ll Buy ’em, yes You’ll Buy ’em,
You’ll Buy Them bye and bye.
Riftftoit . .
.... ." v
. ♦ Softool Sftoes.
“‘d&ey cfCaoe 9to
Plenty of wind this week.
J. C. Asbtou is improving very
Lis Leasure drove to Wilson
ville, Tuesday.
W. H. Harrison and family went
to Bartley, last Wednesday.
William Thiessen and B. Leis
ure drove to Traer, last Thurs
Frank Duval and William Stut
zell started east, this week, in a
H. C. Rittenour has sold out
his barber shop to A. C.Thurman,
and has left for Indiana.
Metcalf <k Fish shipped a car
load of hogs, and Powell Bros, al
so shipped one car load of hogs.
Street & Hilton started east, last
Wednesday mornnig, with part of
their horses; they expect to go
down in the eastern part of the
The question for debate at the
league, next Friday evening: ‘Ts
there a living Devil.” C. A. X.
Knipple always leads in fruits
and vegetables. He carries the
freshest and largest assortment
the market affords.
A brand new sewing machine
for sale cheap. Inquire at this
List of Patents
Received at the United States Land Office
at McCook, Nebraska, April 14th, 1894:
Aldridge. Isaac R.
liixler. Hiram K.
Corlett, James
Dacsdill. William M.
Fleiscbmann. Barbara
Oosney. John W.
Heath. Emery
Johnson, Millard S.
Laugblin. Elliott J.
Mad son. Hans 0.
Mitchell. George R.
Patzelt. Wenzel
Phillips. Daniel D.
Stack, Thomas R.
Stock. St. Clair
Spaulding. Irving W.
Benedict, Isaac
Cooper, Levi
Cummings, Tbomas J.
Frltsche, Charles
Horky, John
Harrison. William
.lones. Charles B.
Lindstrom, Charles G.
McPherson. William A.
Malloy, John
Patten. Dm id
Springer. Joseph L.
Shirley. Ulysses G.
Scbermerhorn. John C.
Teei. Stephen A.
Charles Leach will
take your order for
a bicycle and you can
pay for it in monthly
Wall Digging.
If you want a well put down in fine
shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran
tees his work. Leave orders at S. M.
Cochran & Co.’s.
For harness warranted to be first
class in material as well as in work
manship; also the most complete and
best stock of saddlery, see L. Penner.
second door south of A. 0. TJ. W.
Sewing machines on
the installment plan
at Fade & Son’s.
Corked faced collars, light, cool and
elastic, warranted not to gall horse’s
shoulders, for sale by L. Penner. Sec
ond door south of the A. O. L'. \V.
temple building.
For pure lard go to
the B. & M. meat mar
ket. F. S. WILCOX.
l)r. A. J. Thomas, Dentist;, office in
Union block, over J. F. Ganschow's.
Banauas only 25 only 25 cents a
dozen at Knipple's.
Flour and Feed of
all kinds at McCook
Commission Co.’s.
When Baby waa dick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them. Castoria.
Ink, pens, pencils school tablets, etc.,
at The Tribune stationery department.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated on the 29th day of
November, 1893, and Hied for record in Fron
tier and Red Willow counties. Nebraska, and
executed by Joseph Atkinson to the
Sandwich Manufacturing Company and S. M.
Cochran & Company, given to secure the sum
of $425.00, and upon which there is now due
the sum of $435.90 and interest. Default has
been made in the payment of said sum.
Therefore I will sell the following described
property, to-wit: One tour-hole Sandwich
corn sheller and one eight horse mounted
Sampson power, all complete, at public auc
tion at the implement yard of S. M. Cochran
& Company, in McCook, Red Willow county,
Nebraska, on the 30th day of June, 1894. at
1 o'clock p. m. of said day.
Dated this 7th day of June. 1834.
3-3ts. P. A. Wells, Attorney.
Land Office at McCook, Neb., i
Junes, 1894. (
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Sled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at McCook, Nebraska, on Friday.
July 13.1894, viz: Matthew Stewart, homestead
entry 9573, for the southwest quarter of sec
tion 26, township 54 north of range 29, west
8th principal meridian. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Morley E. Piper, William D.Trinique.William
E. Ketch, Hans Hansen, all of liox Eider.
Nebraska. 3-6ts. J. P. Lindsat. Register.
The McCook Com
mission Co. has the
best grades of Flour
at bottom prices.
Knipple is in receipt of another car
load of flour. He is selling it at the
following remarkably low figures:
Fancy Patent, per sack.$ 1.11)
Second Patent, per sack.90
Snowflake, per sack.S5
These are all tine flours and guaran
teed to give satisfaction.
McMillen Brothers
are headquarters for
Harness, Saddles, Fly
Nets, Dusters, etc.
Lettuce and radishes at Knipple's
grocery store.
Farm Loans by
Elmer Rowell.
Knipple is selling bananas at 25
cents a dozen.
Seventy-five cents buys a scale book
of 500 tickets mt this office.
Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook and Mr.
and Mrs. R. M. Wade visited at
R. T. Allam’s on the Driftwood,
J. M. Records and wife visited
their daughter, Mrs. Harry Wade,
Sunday. Mr. R. intends to start
for Missouri soon.
Clif Dunham and Harry Wade
took a trip to Cedar Bluffs, Kan
sas, Thursday of last week, in
search of corn.
C. G. Boatman closed a nine
month’s term of school over on
the Willow, Friday, June 8th, and
is once more a resident of Pros
pect Park.
Miss Woodsworth from over on
the Willow visited the Park a few
days, fore part of the week, the
guest of her uncle and aunt Mr.
and Mrs. Whitney.
Mr. Mitchell and family expect
to leave about the 15th for the
eastern part of the state. We are
sorry to lose them as they are the
kind of people that we like to have
in the neighborhood.
Quite a number ot our boys be
long to the Driftwood base ball I
team, of which Joseph Eller is j
captain. They anticipate great
things this season. They are as i
civil a lot of boys as can be found j
and we wish them success.
Children’s day was observed by |
the Sabbath school at this place. A ;
splendid programme was rendered j
by the children and young people 1
of the school, each one performing j
their parts perfectly. The ladies !
who had charge deserve much j
credit for the efforts put forth, j
The exercises were closed by a few
timely remarks by the superin- j
tendent, and a short and well j
worded address by the pastor, Rev. |
J. E. Tirrill, Altogether it \> as
a delightful affair and one long to
be remembered by all who were
present Sonny.
%'%/%^%/%/V'V tLV*. V%. ’VV V"V /%%'%'% %. V'J
I hate jVovelties \
The Latest—Berry Forks. See them. $
Can be used for a number of purposes. £
Fine assortment of after-dinner cof- $
fee spoons. They will also make nice J
ice cream spoons. Call and see them. }
f <♦•••♦► f
| Gftas. (3. l—cuoli. j
We Do Tie Fine Joi Prion.
_ t
Wall Paper, per roll - 3c.
Gilts, per roll, - - - Oc.
Mixed Paint, - - - 90c.
White Lead, - - . §3.50
Linseed Oil, .... .65
Other Goods at Reduced Price.
jyPainting and Papering at Especially Low Prices. Leave your orders with 1
the painters and paper hangers. Don't give middle men a profit.
McCook Paint and Wall Paper House. <
Conner or main and oouGlass (