The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 08, 1894, Image 7

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“Wha’s yo’ r«co’d, tremblln slnnabf
Wha’s do titheH yo* bringio in?
Do yo’ wpect t’ be a winnah
Fo* yo’ Christyun wuk begin?
Hussle up! 8ecuah yo* lodgin
Wha’ do golden lante’ns glow,
Fob dey won’ be any dodgin
W’en de ho’n begiris t’ blow.
“Tend ter wuk an bea-Kavin.
Yo’ no ’Lijuh-beah niy song?—
Des a-wait in twell a raven
Cums a-totln grub alongl
Yo’ may hab a peaceful lodgin
Wl»a* de streams o* inarcy flow.
But rtey won’ be any dodgin
W’eu de ho’n begins t’ blow.
“Put away de idle dreamin!
Llf’ Emanyul’s bannah bight
Don’ yo’ see de lamps a-gleamin
On de buzsum o* de sky?
Ali. yo can’t deadbeat yo’ lodgin
Wha’ de hebenly roses blow,
An dey won* be any dodgin
W’en ole Gabe begins t* blow.”
—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
In mountain girt Salzburg, noted it
only for being the birthplace of Mozart,
there dwelt once a shoemaker of the
name of Siebold Veit. Notwithstanding
the lowliness of his station, this disciple
of St Crispin burned incense assiduous
ly before the muses. Like the village
Milton immortalized by Gray, Herr
Veit had been debarred in youth by
“chill penury” from the acquisition of
knowledge, but inaturer days brought
him many a recompensing opportunity
for a glance at the pages of wisdom.
All was grist that gravitated to our
shoemaker’s mental millstones, and the
stores acquired thus promiscuously from
reading and hearsay were never lost or
suffered to molder for want of expres
sion. Indeed his application of what
he gleaned was frequently so inoppor
tune as to excite the hearty laughter of
his honest but critical neighbors. Yet
he paid little heed to their merriment,
and today was as ready to excuse the
shortness of their boots with “brevity
is the soul of wit” as to assure them
tomorrow that their old shoes were
brought “never too late to mend.”
Siebold was a bachelor from choice,
but often let parts of the house, a quaint
red tiled, low ridged, many gabled
dwelling at the end of one of the serpen
tine streets characteristic or Salzburg.
At the time we peep into his life we
find him landlord of Gabriel Stoss, a
student. Herr Veit’s proximity to so
animated a cyclopedia proved such a
stimulant to his love for learning as to
be well nigh inebriating. The mere
creak of the stair, as the scholar went
to and fro, was sufficient to make the
shoemaker’s imagination reel in visions
of the feast of reason that the very steps
groaned to support.
Occasionally in the evenings the stu
dent would drop into his host’s cozy
workroom and read him versions of the
Greek and Roman writers, and, carried
along by his listener’s whole souled at
tention and undisguised rapture, would
not infrequently continue the inspiriting
myths away into the night. At such
times the simple toiler’s delight culmi
nated in nothing short of ecstasy. Once
when the student had retired with his
little red margined volume of legends
his admiring auditor actually stole into
the vacated chair to satisfy himself that
an exchange of seats did not entail, a
priori, a transfer of knowledge, and
hastened to bed, where before long he
lost sight of sordid and hampering real
ity in the blissfulness of a dream that
brought in its sequence the attainments
of the professor of ancient languages in
the very college attended by his lodger.
One summer evening, having finished
his work early, the shoemaker sauntered
out upon his porch to smoke and medi
tate the while on a recent narration of
the student’s The story took his fancy
so much as to incite him to action. Dur
ing Herr Veit’s musings the sun set
The retired street grew still and dark.
Lights appeared here and there behind
small diamond shaped panes and em
phasized the descent of night. Suddenly
knocking the ashes from his meerschaum,
the shoemaker entered his domicile, and,
acting npon his cogitations, took down
his time worn fiddle and drew from it a
few strains—a return to his former mis
tress, music. Away back in his youth
he could recall the days when he han
dled the bow with no mean skill, hut
for many a year he had neglected music
to delve in the more alluring field of let
ters. Now again he applied himself to
his instrument with a fervor which
made use of every spare moment until
his old art returned so ravishingly that
the wondering neighbors strayed in to
hear him at his new caprice. But they
withdrew ever with jocund faces, for
try as they would to refrain from smiles
Herr Veit was sure to elicit merriment
in the end by some such observation as,
“We’re never too old to learn?”
It was on a morning after he had been
practicing five months that the shoe
maker closed his shop, locked np his
rooms, and mounting the steep, bare
steps that led to his lodger’s quarters
left the key with Gabriel, adding that
he was not to be looked for until his re
turn. Leaving the youth at the head of
the stairway, key in hand, gazing won
deringly after him, our itinerant musi
cian covered carefully his violin with
his long gray cloak, drew his broad
topped woolen cap over his eyes and
passed into the street, free at that early
hour of pedestrians. He made his way
over a bridge across the Salzach to the
brown meadows beyond the town. It
was a most exhilarating morning. The
Salzach, as it foamed between the peaks
sentineling its banks, tree clad Kapuz
inerberg to the right, gloomy, rugged
Monchsberg on the left, seemed to brawl
more jubilantly than ever of its descent
from the distant Tyrolese Alps. The sun
had not yet risen above the misty
mountain tops, so the city lay in shad
ow, but the color suffusing the sky, and
the glistening of the frost on the fallow
meadows, and an occasional strain from
■ some stirring songster betokened day’s
advent The fresh air seemed to impart
unwonted buoyancy to Herr Veit He
strode lustily on and soon passed the
open country adjacent to the city. Up
lands and lowlands he traversed forsev
eral day*, pausing often to break the
j stillness of dell and glade with the dul
j cet voice of his violin.
At last he came upon a hamlet nes
tling, like his own picturesque town, in
a stream threaded valley at the foot of
a range of hills. The dampness of the
day veiled the hilltops heavily in mist,
a circumstance which seemed to disturb
the simplo villagers very much. They
wero gathered in a knot in front of the
mountains regarding wistfully the sum
mits of the nearest range. The wander
ing musician, following the path that
skirted the base of the hills, loomed
suddenly in sight, and with one impulse
the peasants hailed him as a being sent
from other realms—to aid them per
haps. They coujured him to disperse
the clouds that for several days had
hung about the mountains and prevent
ed their getting to their flocks grazing
on the heights.
The traveler replied serenely in an
unintelligible dialect that the clouds
certainly were fine evidences of a
dull day, but that the herdsmen were
not to be further alarmed, as he wa3
provided with the sovereign remedy for
snch exigencies. Seating himself on a
stump near by, Herr Veit began confi
dently to woo the sun god with sweet
music. The anxious rustics concluded
that this procedure was the magical way
to dissipate the mists and went by twos
and threes contentedly about their vari
ous callings.
As the hours wore away, however,
with no marked lightening of the at
mosphere, the people began to doubt the
stranger’s power and to exhibit signs of
impatience, some manifestations being
so stormy as to affect the musician—and
his measures—tremulously. Phcebns,
too, apparently was angry, for though
Herr Veit, with his liveliest notes, be
sought an audience, the day closed un
blessed with a glimpse of the sun god’s
radiance. As the night became darker
and darker, the mnsic grow more and
more faint, but it was only when the
weariest villagers had sunk to rest that
the melody ceased. In order to give their
would be deliverer sufficient time, the
inhabitants had resolved to leave him to
his methods until the following day.
Bright and early next morning the sun
appeared, but long before its rays gilded
the mountain tops Herr Veit, fearful
of another trial, had stolen from the
scene of his exertions—sighting after
many hardships the familiar roofs of
One evening soon after Herr Veit’s re
turn the student was asked to sup with
him, and over the coffee the adventure
was recounted. The legend which had
turned the shoemaker’s head must have
been of Amphion, under whose magic
music the ramparts of Thebes are re
puted to have arisen, for when the epi
sode had been rehearsed mine host, pre
facing by way of momentum, “A little
learning is a dangerous thing, ” reflected
that in the olden time it must have been
no small matter to build up a wall by
the power of music, seeing that nowa
days it was most difficult to move even
a cloud by the same.
JLrue, (jrabnel acquiesced, such
feats seem practicable enough on paper;
but, success granted, I warrant that the
achievements one comes across in chron
icles were not the crust breaking per
formances that the old bards report.
Times, moreover, have changed. We
live in another age; different conditions
environ us. Waiving enigmas abroad or
in remote periods, there are problems
at our very doors clamoring for solution.
Reviewing it all and recalling a trench
ant observation touching the happiness
of home keeping wits, I am more than
ever impressed with the force of our
“Schuster, bleib’ bei deinen leis
ten!’ ” (Shoemaker, stick to your last)
anticipated Herr Veit gleefully, and for
once at least aptly.—I. I. Summerseales
in Kansas City Times.
There were many queer characters in
Ballantyne’s printing house in Edin
burgh, and one of them declared that
he knew who wrote the Waverley novels,
“almost as soon as the master, ” Mr.
James Ballantyne.
“I had just begun a new sheet of
‘Guy Mannering, ’ ” he would say, “one
night awhile after 12, and all the com
positors had left, when in comes Mr.
Ballantyne himself, with a letter in his
hand and a lot o’ types.
“ ‘I am going to make a small alter
ation, Sandy,’ said he. ‘Unlock the
form, will you? I’ll not keep you many
minutes. ’
“Well, I did as I was bidden, and
Mr. Ballantyne looked at the letter and
altered three lines on one page and one
line on another.
“ ‘That will do now, Sandy, I think, ’
were his words, and off he went, never
thinking he had left the letter lying on
my bank. I had barely time to get a
glimpse at it when he came back, but I
kent the hand weel and the signature,
and it was ‘Walter Scott. ’' I had a great
lang ballant (ballad) in Sir Walter’s ain
hand o’ write at hame, so that I was
nae stranger to it So, you see, gentle
men, I kent the grand secret when it
was a secret. ”—Youth’s Companion.
She Didn't Go.
He (after a tiff)—Going home to your
mother, eh?
She—Yes, I am.
He—Hah! What do you suppose
she’ll say to you?
. “She’ll say, ‘I told you so.’” He
made up.—New York Weekly.
Mr. Slimmy—I don’t like that Miss
Biter. She said I was a perfect idiot,
don’t you know.
Mr. Bumme—She didn't mean it, of
course, Slimmy. Anybody knows that
nothing human is perfect. — Detroit
Free Press.
The Conne of True tow.
She—There is one serious obstacle be
fore us.
He—Your parents?
She—No; but my little brother is un
alterably opposed to our attachment—
Baltimore Life.
Wlio cares for love if one may love?
In that the rapture lies,
WliUl recks a heart that it be won
If it may win the prize?
There is no heart which stays at home.
Contented to be sought.
But, ever restless, seeks to win
The heart where love is fought.
Yet hearts are not all conquerors.
Sometimes a doubting one
Is overcome, and as a slave
Its aftercourse is run.
The heart thus conquered may submit
And seldom will rebel.
But dreams of triumph come to it
Contentment to dispel.
How oft in story and in song
We read of those who die
For those they love! They take no thought
Of other reason why.
But is there in the crown of love
Great sacrifice, this gem
Of martyrdom—that any die
For those who most love them?
—Detroit Free Press.
A Pass Prom Almost a Stranger.
The man about town who is always
nodding to people and making himself
agreeable even to comparative strangers
had a little experience the other day
which goes to prove that politeness and
civility sometimes pay in a financial
as well as a social sense. Ho was stand
ing in the railroad station in Baltimore,
waiting for the train to New York,
when he noticed a man who kept glanc
ing at him. Every time he looked in
the direction of the stranger he noticed
that his eyes were turned toward him.
Strolling over that w — he bowed to
the stranger.
“I beg your pardon, ” he said, “but I
thought yon recognized me. ”
“I beg yours, ” said the stranger. “I
thought I recognized you, but I am not
sure now. ”
“My name,” said the man about
town, “is L-. ”
“Oh, then, I was right!” said the
other. “My name is H-. We met
only once, about 15 years ago. Are you
going through to New York?” added
“Right through on this train,” an
swered the man about town. “I hope
you are too. ”
“Yes, ” said the other; “I am sorry
to see that you bought your ticket I
have a pass for myself and one. ”
“Oh, I haven’t bought my ticket,”
answered L-, with a chuckle, “and
I am just your man. ”
So his nodding was his passport—
New York Tribune.
Human Labor at Great Altitudes.
Investigation among the workmen on
the Peruvian Central railroad has
brought some curious facts to light con
cerning the capabilities of men to labor
in rarefied atmosphere. The line starts
at Lima, in latitude 12 degrees, and the
highest point reached by the road is at
the tunnel of Galeria, which is 15,645
feet above sea level. From deductions
made by the investigators, it appears
that the men were able to perform a
fair “sea level” day’s work at any place
along the route where the altitude was
not greater than 8,000 or 10,000 feet,
providing they had gradually worked up
to that height from lower levels. At
altitudes above 10,000 feet and under
12,000 the amount of work performed
by each man showed a sudden falling
off of from one-fourth to one-third, and
at from 13,000 to 15,000 feet 100 men
could do no more work than 50 would
at sea level.—St. Louis Republic.
The World on a Side Wall.
On the wall of one of the big down
town steamship companies’ offices is a
huge map representing the earth. On
this are miniature ships about two
inches long, representing in the aggre
gate the company’s fleet. From day to
day, according to the average rate of
speed of the vessel, the dummy is moved
in her course so that any one looking up
at the wall can tell exactly where every
vessel is, or rather ought to be, at the
moment. Of course storms or accidents
may vary the actual and supposed posi
tion, but when things go right with the
vessel the owners are apt to get a cable
announcing the arrival of the ship at
her port on the same day that, accord
ing to the dummy, she ought to have
reached it.—New York Mail and Ex
A Conversational Failure.
“Don’t you like Professor Thinkins?”
asked one girl.
“Oh, dear, no!” replied the other
girl. ‘ ‘He’s so fatiguing. ’ ’
“He has the reputation of being very
brainy. ”
“That’s just the trouble. When he
talks, yon have to listen to what he is
saying, or you can’t reply to his re
marks. ”—New York Recorder.
Sir George—Dreadfully annoying, is
it not, my lady? They have scratched
my horse at the last moment.
My Lady—Nails, I suppose? How
careless of the grooms! Why, if I’d
valuable horses like you, Sir George, I’d
have the stables padded like first class
railway carriages.—Toronto Truth
The British museum has books writ
ten on bricks, tiles, oyster shells, bones
and flat stones, together with manu
scripts on bark, on leaves, on ivory,
leather, parchment, papyrus, lead, iron,
copper and wood. It has three copies of
the Bible written on the leaves of the
fan palm.
Professor Schweninger, Prince Bis
marck’s physician, recommends soda
water, fruit and lemon sirup, white
wines, water and cider as drinks per
missible in the treatment of his antifat
“cure” in connection with daily mas
sage and bathing.
The insignia of the Colonial Dames
consists of a round disk of light blue
enamel, with the figure of a Colonial
dame in gold. On the reverse side is
the motto, “Virtutes Majorum, Filial
Conservant. ”
Over 100 instances are on record
where human bodies after burial re
mained uncorrupted for many years.
I ®
Incorporated Under State Laws.
Paid Up Capital $50,000. Surplus $10,000.
13uniting - business.
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn <>u
principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid
for non residents.
Tickets for Sale to and from Europe.
V. FRANKLIN, President. A. C. EBERT, Cashier.
The First National Bank, Lincoln, Nebraska.
The Chemical National Bank, New York City.
Tfte Hrst National Bati^.
GEORGE HOCKNELL, President. B. M. FREES, Vice President. IN. F. LAWSON, Cashier.
No. 2, through passenger. 5:40 A. M.
No. 4. local passenger.9:10 P.M.
No. 76, freight.6:45 A.M.
No. 64,freight. 4:30 A.M.
No. 80, freight.10:00 A. M.
No. 148. freight, made up here. 5:00 A. M.
No. 3. through passenger.11:35 P.M.
No. 5, local passsenger.9:25 P.M.
No. 63. freight.. 5:00 P. M.
No. 77, freight. 4:21 P.M.
No. 149, freight, made up here. 6:00 A.M.
No. 175, leaves at. 8:00 A. M.
No. 176, arrives at. 5:40 P. M.
FW-Note:—No. 63 carries passengers for
Stratton, Benkelman and Haigler.
All trains run daily excepting 14S, 149 and
176. which run daily except Sunday.
No. 3 stops at Benkelman and Wray.
No. 2 stops at Indianola, Cambridge and Ar
No. 80wiil carry passengers for Indianola,
Cambridge and Arapahoe.
Nos. 4,5.148,149 and 176 carry passengers for
all stations.
Tou can purchase at this office tickets to all
principal points in the United States and Can
ada and baggage checked through to destina
tion without extra charge of transfer. For
information regarding rates, etc. call on or
address C. E. MAGNER, Agent.
Hot Springs. South Dakota, is a place that
everyone should visit.
It’s a health resort: the best in the west.
It's a charmimg place where pure air and
healing waters put sickness to Bight and
make anything but perfect health well-nigh
an impossibility.
Invalids, no matter what their aiiment,
should give Hot Springs a trial. It's sure to
benefit them, more than likely to cure.
How to get there ? Why, by the Burlington
Route, of course. It's the line. Ask the local
agent for full information or write to the un
dersigned for a beautifully illustrated pam
phlet. J. FRANCIS.
G. P. 6c T. A., Omaha, Neb.
Republican State League meeting. Lincoln.
Neb., June 12. Tickets on sale June 10 to 12.
Nebraska State Funeral Directors Associa
tion, Omaha, June 12 to 15. Tickets on sale
June 8 to 15, inclusive.
Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M-. Omaha, June
18. Tickets On sale June 16 to 18, inclusive.
Annual Convention Nebraska Sunday
school Association, Fairfield, Neb., June 26 to
28. Tickets on 6ale to Hastings. Neb., June 24
to 28, inclusive.
Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting Congregation
al Home Missionary Society, Omaha, June 5
to 10, inclusive.
Congress Scotch-Irish Association of Amer
ica. DesMoines, Iowa, June 7 to 10. Tickets
on sale Junes to 10, inclusive.
For the above occasions parties paying full
fare going will be returned at one-third fare
on presentation of certificate 6igned by the
proper officer, providing there are one hun
dred or more paying full fare in attendance.
Take receipt when purchasing tickets.
Annual meeting American Institute of
Homeopathy. Denver, Colo., June 14 to 28.
Annual convention National Republican
League, Denver. Colo., June 26.
Annual meeting Imperial Council Mystic
Shriners, July 24 to 27.
Annual meeting League of American Wheel
men, Denver, Colo., August 13 to 18.
For the above occasions we will sell round
trip tickets to Denver. Colorado Springs and
Pueblo at one fare for the round trip.
Tickets on sale June 12 and 13, 23 to 25, July
21 to 23 and August 9 to 12. inclusive.
Lransit limits continuous passage in each
direction east of Colorado common points.
Final limit in each case, thirty days from day
of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed after
reaching the first Colorado common point,
either on going or returning trip, within final
limit. C. E. MAGNGR.
J. FRANCIS, Agent.
G. P. A.
County Fair
affords an excellent opportunity for the
pick-pocket to get your watch. If you
would be proof against his skill, be sure
that the bow (or ring) >s a
This wonderful bow is now fitted to the
Jas. Boss
Filled Watch Cases,
which are made of two plates of gold
soldered to a plate of composition metal.
Look equally as well as solid gold cases,
and cost about half as much.
Guaranteed to wear 20 years.
Always look for this trade mark. ==
None genuine without it. W(jjW
Sold only through watch dealers.
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send
to the manufacturers.
Keystone Watch Case Co.,
When Baby was sick, we gave her Oasvoria.
When she w as a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them. Castoria.
■mm branded ea left hip or left shouldea
rtire on tko ulail
P.O.addreaa, Imperial
Chaae County, and Beat
rloe. Neb. Range, Stink.
Ing Water and Prenob
man oreeka, Chaae Co,
Brand aa out on aide e{
■ora* anlmala, on hip and
■Idea of eome, or any
J. S. McBrayer. Milton Osbof.n.
^SRt'VER & 0SBOff^.
Proprietors of tbe
McCook Transfer Line.
r~5 i
Bus, Baggage and Express.
....In the City....
Lea* e orders for Bus Calls at Commercial
Hotel or our office opposite depot.
J. S. McBrayer also has a first
class house-moving outfit.
k No Inconvenience. Simple,r
sore. ABS3L0TBL? »ll
from any injurious substance.
We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your mosey.
Price *3.00 per bottle. Send 4c. for treatise.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.1
(Regular Graduates.)
jxre the leading and moat successful specialists an I
will glre you help.
Young and mid
dle aged men.
Remarkable re
sults have follow
e<l our treatment. §
Many year* of
varied and succes*
fui experience
lathe use of cura
tlve methods that
we alone own and
control for all dU
orders (if men who
Miave weak, unde
Enveloped or d 1 s
leased organa, or
rho are suffering
rom errors of
outh and excesa
rwho arenervou-»
nd Impotent,
fie scorn of their
ellows and the
contempt of their
friends and com
panions, leads us
to guarantee to all patients. If they can possibly
be restored, our own exclusive treatment
will afford a cure.
WOMEN! Don’t yon want to get cured of that
weakness with a treatment that you can use at
home without Instruments? Our wonderful treat
ment has cured others. Why not you? Try It.
CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin, Blood,
Heart, Liver and Kidneys.
SYPHILIS-'The most rapid, safe and effective
remedy. A complete Cure Guaranteed.
8KIN DISEASES of all kinds cured where
many others have failed.
cured in a few days. Quick, sure and safe. Thtu
Includes Gleet and Gonorhoea.
We have cured cases of Chronic Diseases that
have failed to get cnred at the hand9 of other special
lata and medical institutes.
___^^k.REMEMBEB that there Is hope
for You. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable
time. Obtain our treatment at once.
Beware of free and cheap treatments. We give
the best and most scientific treatment at moderate
prices—as low as can be done for safe and skillful
treatment. FREE consultation at the office or
by mail. Thorough examination and careful dlag
nosis. A home treatment can be given In a majority
ofcases. Rend for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men.
No. 2 for Women; No. 3 for Skin Diseases. All corre
spondence answered promptly. Business strictly con
flflential. Entire treatment sent free from observa
tion. Refer to oar patients, baak3 and business men.
Address or call on
N. E. Comer Sixth and Felix St*., Rooms 1 and.
(Ud Stairs.; ST. JOSEPH. MO.
* rm* >.
Draying in all its Branches
JS|f“Sand Hauling. Safe Moving
a Specialty.
SWneave orders at coal yards, and at res
idence. No. 306 Madison street, between
Dennison and Dodge streets, McCook.
Has just received a new stock of CLOTHS
and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fitting
suit made at the very lowest prices for good
work, call on him. Shop first door west of
Barnett’s Lumber Office, on Dennison stseet.
ES^Offick—Fiont rooms over bowman A
Son's store. Residence- 402, McFarland sc.,
two blocks north of MeEniee hotel. Prompt
attention to ail calls.
—W. V. GAGE,—
Physician & Surgeon,
0F"Ornc« Hours: 8 to 11, a. m.. 2 to 5 and
7 to 9, p. m Rooms over First National bank
^"Nprht calls answered at office.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.