** Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “The use of ‘Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.” Carlos Martyn, D. D., New York City. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. “ For several years I have recommend? «I your ‘Castoria,’ and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced benefici;. 1 results.” Edwik F. Pardee, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City, The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York. City. DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? pAjQNhKILLE Will Cure Cramps, Colic, Cholera Morbus and all Bowel Complaints. PRICE, 25c., 502,, and $1.00 A BOTTLE. W. C. BULLARD & CO. • LIME, CEMENT, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS. • LUMBER. I • HARD AMD EOFT COAL. RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. mru. J. WARREN. Manager. B. & M. Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT ^ MEATS. BACON, BOLOGNA, CHICKENS, TURKEYS, 4C., 40. F. S. WILCOX, Prop. — ^ F\ D. BURGESS, PLUMBERS STEAM FITTER NORTH MAIN AVE.. McCOOK NEB. Stock of Iron, Lead and Sewer Pipe, Brass Goods, Pumps, and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday, Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. —i i ■ i CABLED FIELD and HOG FENCING, 24. inches to 58 inches high; the best all-purpose fence made. Also STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE for yards and lawns, and STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD and ORNAMENTAL STRIP for horses and cattle. The most complete line of wire fencing of any factory in the country. VVrite for circulars. DE KALB FENCE CO., De Kalb, III. MANHOOD RESTORED! This wonderful remedy I guaranteed to cure all nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power. Headache. Wakefulness, Lost Manhood, Nightly Emissions, Nervous ness, all drains and loss of power in Generative Organs of either sexcansed by over exertion, youthful error*, excessive use of tobacco, upturn or stim ulants. which lead to Infirmity. Consumption or Insanity. Can be carried in .vest pocket. SI per box, 0 for 8*5, by mail prepaid. With a S3 order we aflve a written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold by all ^druggists. Ask for it. ia»:e no other Write for free Medical Book sent sealed mtOBK and ArTfitt ISl.iU. In plain wrapper. Address X CUTE SUED CO., Masonic Temple, CHICAGO. For sale in Me Cook, Neb., bv L. W. Me CoNKKLL A CO., Oru^ists. 3&2S5«fii*i.7r.ain., ^ ~v~ * .-• - - s. • ••• • _ .. . >1 '•-i'-.ss . .. • •- -■> THE FOREIGN POOL. FRANCE JOINS ENGLAND IN A TARIFF LOBBY AT WASHINGTON. A French Manufacturers* Committee For the Repeal of the McKinley BUI—Wilson Hopes That “Our Labors** Will “Benefit Both of Them.** The influence of the C'obden clnb of London has for many years been a po tent factor in American national legis lation, materially aiding the Democratic party in its free trade campaign. Backed by the wealth of English manufactur ers, it has endeavored to secure tariff legislation more favorable to Great Brit ain. But since the meeting of this con gress last August a new organization has come into being across the Atlantic. This new Democratic ally bids fair to outstrip at least in boldness the efforts of the Cobden clnb to influence and con trol tariff legislation in the United States. Members of congress have received at the postoffice of the house a pamphlet containing 37 pages of printed matter. On the fly leaf is printed in large type these words: France aiul the United States French Committee For the repeal of the McKinley bill. 15 Document published by the French Committee, Paris. Comite Francais, 6 Rue D’Uzes, 1894. On page 35 of this document there is printed a letter from M. Henry Petit, the president of this French committee for the repeal of the McKinley bill. This letter is addressed to the chamber of commerce and syndical chambers of France. In it M. Petit said: I Lave the honor to inform you that the French committee for furthering the abolition of the McKinley bill was completed Nov. 18 in the sitting held at the Grand hotel. This committee, organized to aid the Democratic party to abolish the McKin ley bill, is intended to be a permanent organization, and as appears from M. Petit’s letter is constituted as follows: President, M. Henry Petit, manufacturer in the firm of Gros, Roman & Co. Vice president, M. Louis Tabourier, manu facturer. Delegate in France and in the United States, M. Leon Cbotteau, barrister, publicist, mem ber of the Cobden club, London. Treasurers, Messrs. Gros, Roman