The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 01, 1894, Image 8

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You Can Wiggle, You Can Struggle,
But we’ve Got You in our Eye;
And You’ll Buy ’em, yes You’ll Buy ’em,
You’ll Buy Them bye and bye.
©fue Rifcfcott . .
♦ ♦ Scliool Sftoss,
cltaw 9lo $cjuaf.”
Mixed Paints 90c a
gallon at McMillen’s
drug store.
Leave your orders with us for paint
ing and paper-hanging.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
German Millet Seed
80c per bushel at the
McCook Commission
Wall Paper—3 cents a roll.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
Sewing machines on
the installment plan
at Pade & Son’s.
Wall Paper—3 cents a roll.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
For choice meat go
to the B. & M. meat
Leave your orders with us for paint
ing and paper-hanging.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
Knipple is selling bananas at 2o
cents a dozen.
Wall Paper, 3e per
roll at A. McMillen’s
drug store.
Wall Paper—3 cents a roll.
L. VV. McConnell & Co.
legal notice.
D. E. Deusenberry will take notice that on
tbeSfitb day of April 1894. H. H. Berry, a jus
tice of the peace of Willow Grove precinct,
Ked Willow county, Nebraska, issued an at
tachment and garnishee for the sum of $26.70
in an action pending before him,wherein G.L.
Deuesenberry is plaintiff and D. E. Deusen
berry is defendant, that the property of the
defendant consisting of the sum of $62.00cash
which has been in the hands of S. H. Colvin
has been attached under the said order of at
tachment. Said cause was continued to the
,5thd.y of dune. im.«l
Charles Leach will
take your order for
a bicycle and you can
pay for it in monthly
Look out for thunder showers,
this summer.
Fred Lyons went to Hastings,
last Wednesday.
Editor Smith spent Decoration
Day at Wilsonville.
Ashton Bros, shipped three car
loads of stock this week.
We had a very large crowd in
attendance upon the the Decora
tion ceremonies.
Powell Bros, shipped fire car
loads of cattle and one of hogs,
this week.
Hilton and Street returned from
Beaver City, last Tuesday. They
disposed of some of their horses
during their absence.
The Order of the Eastern Star I
of our city will soon be out of dis
pensation. A banquet is then
proposed. It will take place early
this month.
The Free Methodists continue
bombarding the citidel of Satan in
our midst. But the walls have not
yet fallen down before their vo
ciferous assaults. The old fellow
is a pietty tough customer.
Take your fat hogs
to F. S. Wilcox.
For pure lard go to
the B. & M. meat mar
ket. F. S. WILCOX.
N. W. Eough went to Colorado,
this w'eek.
C. A. Noble of Valparaiso, Neb
raska, called on J. C. Moore,
Ed. Allen and John Farr dug
out and caught six young wolves,
one day this week.
J 0. Moore is having a fine lot
of rock quarried to be used in a
foundation for a house.
John Morgan and others quit
work, Saturday, and went fishing
on Medicine creek near Cambridge.
Florence Moore and Frances
Kimpton were out, Monday, solic
iting money to pay what is owed
on the new organ.
Mrs- M. E. Barger will sell or
close out he*- stock of millinery
regardless of cost on account of
the hard times. Or will sell out
to any one wishing to buy. Now,
if the ladies want bargains in mil
linery just call and see her goods
and prices and be convinced.
The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian
and other questions of the day do
not interest the people hereabout
as much as the question where can
I get the most and best groceries
for the money. C. M. Noble can
answer the question to the satis
faction of all.
Cochran & Co. have on display
a large line of carriages, phaetons,
buggies, road carts, spring wag
ons, etc. Completest stock in Bed
Willow county. Inspect them if
you want anything in that line.
Do you know that woven wire
fencing is the best and cheapest
fencing on earth ? S. M. Cochran
& Co. have a large stock of all
sizes. Don’t fail to see their line
before buying.
We are sorry Arthur Strine is
still on the sick, list.
The measles have left us, for
which we may be thankful.
C. S. Ferris finished planting
seventy-five acres of sod Tuesday
Pretty chilly about the 20th,
and most too dry in this locality
for growing crops to flourish.
Quite a number of our people
attended the baptismal services at
the sod church, five miles west.
W. T. Coleman and wife, of
McCook, viewed the Driftwood in
the vicinity of Yailton Thursday.
Mr. Barr, of the South Side,
was arranging to take in a carload
of cattle to the Omaha market last
Neighbor Record, now of Mc
Cook, called on his many friends
a few days ago. Mr. R. looks
even more hearty than when on
the farm.
Owing to continued dry weather I
corn planting will extend into the !
first part of June, although some .
of the first planting is ready for
Samuel Reed was on our streets
the other day. We understand
he is making a specialty of gar-1
dening under the favorable condi
tions of the irrigation ditch.
Elder McBride preaches to our
people on alternate Sabbaths at
the school house in what is known
as the George Frederick district
and he preaches to a well filled
house. Truly the Lord’s day is
more appropriately observed here
I than in many other localities where
our lot has been cast.
White Lead $5.50 per hundred.
L. W. McConmill & Co.
A fine line of Bicycles kept in stock.
Wheels Sold on Easy Payme »ts. A
Special Discount forj Cash. Bicycle
Repairing and Bieycle’Supplies.
olejs. cl. UeacL
Ie Do ft Fine Job Priitii.
i - i -■■■■■ . - -..
Wall Paper, per roll - 3c.
Gilts, per roll, - - - Cc. j
Mixed Paiut, - - - 90c.
White Lead, - - - $5.50 J
Linseed Oil, - - - . .65 I
Other Goods at Reduced Price. 1
grPainting and Papering at K>pecialljr Low Price.-. Leave your order- with {
the painter- and paper hange-,. Don't give middle men a profit. I
McCook Paint and Wall Paper House, i
_ i