The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 01, 1894, Image 1
THIRTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK, RED WILLOW COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 1, 1894. NUMBER 2. Our Graduates. The exercises of the graduating class of the McCook, public schools held in the Congregational church, last evening, were witnessed by a large and brilliant gathering of our people. The deep, in tense and lively feeling entertained by our citizens in our matchless public schools was again exhibited by their presence and inter** at the graduating exercises of the cla.».» of ’94—the largest class ever sent out—13. On account of the size of the class, it was thought ex pedient to divide the exercises between two evenings. The following is the pro gramme as rendered, last evening: PROGRAMME. Overture “The Iron Cross”.Isenman M. P. S. Orchestra. Invocation.Rev. D. L. McBride Chorus.School A Lost Colony.Winona Peterson Two Reformers.Clara LeHew There Are No Alps, Hannah Strangeland Piano Duet. (Gertie Bomgardner “From Martha.” (Norma Noble The Origin of Language.,. .Ross Stroud The Ladder of Success, Olive Rittenhouse Opportunity.Minnie Whittaker Waltz “Dream of Home”.Bcettger M. P. S. Orchestra. A Modern Vesuvius .Bertha Boyle Music and Its Influence... .Stella Norval Natural Wonders.Mary Marsh Piano Solo.Pearl Brewer Vanishing Types. May Stuby Views of Life.Lillian Troth Chorus, “On We Are Floating,” School Benediction.Rev. D. L. McBride Miss Winona Peterson's “Lost Col ony” was an interesting, clean cut pro duction. Miss Clara LeHew handled her sub ject—Two Reformers—with gratifying ease and good effect. The possibilities of an indomitable will were set forth in a clear, forceful manner by Miss Hannah Strangeland in ‘ ‘There are no Alps,” “The Origin of Language” by Mr. Ross Stroud was a very interesting paper -ad*" ~ -. Mis., Rittenbouse’s “Ladder to Success” created a perfect buzz of ap proval all over the house. It was a splendid production. “Opportunity” was the topic of Miss Minnie Whittaker’s essay—which was a carefully prepared and excellent paper. Miss Bertha Boyle’s essay on “A Mod ern Vesuvius” was a strong, original and characteristic effort of marked ability. "Music and Its Influence” was very neatly and comprehensively set forth by Miss Stella Norval. Miss Mary Marsh described a number of America’s “Natural Wonders” in an interesting style. “Vanishing Types” formed the basis ot a very fine paper by Miss May Stuby. It was an unexpected subject and clev erly handled. Miss Lillian Troth's essay on “Views of.Life” was perhaps the most polished effort of the evening. The orchestra under Professor Reizen stein gained a firmer hold on our affec tions by their sweet music. The piano solo by Miss Gertie Brewer ■was artistic and pretty. Misses Gertie Bomgardner and Norma Noble played a piano duet for the most part with good effect. The music of the evening was rein forced by livey chorus singing by the school. The church was very prettily decorated with flowers and vines. The class motto, “Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free,” was woven in the arch which spanned the platform. There were flowers in the greatest profusion, beauty and fragrance. The class exercises will conclude to night, when Mrs. A. K. Goudy, deputy state superintendent, will address the class. Saturday evening the eleventh grade will entertain the graduates and some invited friends at the East ward building. In conclusion The Tribune wishes to add its heartiest congratulations to all parties concerned. In the matter of window gardening the beginner’s most common cause of failure is due to ignorance as to the use of water on plants and seeds. Seeds should be watered sparingly, and only at night, increasing the quantity of water with growth. Potted plants in a window box should have, say, a goblet of water to the pot daily, in the evening, unless already drenched with rain. The soil in the box should never be allowed to become muddy; the top of it should be broken frequently tp the depth of an inch, for baking usually follows water ing during sunny weather. Any plant that seems sickly should be removed and replaced. F. S. Wilcox and C. T. Brewer each shipped a car of hogs to Omaha, Sunday. Bert Brewer accompanied the consign ment. _ The Hastings Democrat is authority for the statement that the new land officers will take charge at McCook on July ist. Shall McCook Celebrate? It has been suggested that inasmuch as McCook has not indulged in a Fourth of July celebration for some time we ought to make an effort to do so this year. We refer to this matter at this time in order to give plenty of time in which to make the necessary arrange ments—should our people decide to cel ebrate. Perhaps it would do no harm to talk the matter over. F. M. Kennedy is rebuilding his barn into a dwelling house. Mrs Oscar Teel of Red Cloud is visit ing her mother at Indianola. Forty years ago. May 30th, Nebraska was organized into a territory. As an editor Mr. Meeker is not a suc cess. Candidly 3-16 is too small a calibre. One day of prayer don’t make up for six days of doing your neighbors and friends. __ Lloyd Hileman is representing Blan chard, Shelley and Rogers in this sec tion of state. A business that is not profitable to advertise,—well it might as well be ad vertised for sale. The Tribune entered upon its thir teenth year, last week. Really, we are beginning to feel old. Bonds to the amount of $350 of school district 46 have been offered the state auditor for registration. Said the governor of Colorado to the governors of Nebraska and Kansas, its a long time between rains. Supt. Meeker has a gang of men at work, this week, grading up around the new standpipe and otherwise improving the park. After all, perhaps it is just as well that love’s eyes are not so bright. Else they would ofttimes be dim with tears; or afire with wrath. Street Commissioner Spotts is doing extensive work on the north approach to the middle river bridge—cutting down the hill, grading etc. C. T. Brewer went down to Beatrice, Monday morning, to see to the shipment of some cattle purchased by him in that section of the country. The two-year-old child of Mrs. Clara Russer died on last Saturday, and was on Sunday laid away in St. Patrick’s parish cemetery of our city. Not an instrument was filed in the county clerk’s office, last Friday, some thing that has not occurred within the past three years, we hear it stated. Mr. Hocknell has traded the old Frees and Hocknell lumber yard property, comer of Main and Railroad streets, for some California property. The McCook Commission Co. bought 50,000 pounds of flour, this week, at one clatter. They stored the same in the vacant A. O. U. W. building on Denni son street. The Chicago Tribune drops the two last letters in spelling cigarette. It is to be hoped that the time will come, and that speedily, when the whole thing will be wiped out. P. A. Wells, manager of the Nebraska Loan and Banking Co., is an enthusiastic irrigationist, and believes that the wind mill, pump and reservoir system may be successfully carried out. We understand that the people of Frontier county are thinking some of voting bonds for roads in order to enable the settlers to have work to tide them over the present dry season. Joseph Wheeler of Jasper county, Iowa, has been in the city since Tues day. He says he has lived in Iowa since 1856 and has never seen the crops in such bad shape as they are new. Little or no small grain and the hay crop ruined by drouth beyond any possibility of recovery. If rain comes soon there will be fall pasture but no hay. Some pastures about dried up. It is a serious question as to what will become of stock next winter. THE SCHOOLS. The school orchestra contemplates giving a concert about June 15th. During the school year over 850 names have been enrolled on the register of the McCook public schools. The picnic near the old Buck place on the Willow, Saturday, was a delightful affair—as all agree. There was a large attendance of the pupils and of their in vited guests. The teachers will disperse as follows: Mrs. Snow* to Lincoln, Saturday morn ing, Miss Morton to Falls City, Saturday morning, Miss Allison to Almena, Kan sas, Monday morning, Miss Stroud for various eastern points, tonight. Mrs. Duffy to Grafton Sunday morning. PEOPLEJTOU KNOW. C. T. Brewer was a Lincoln visitor, Tuesday. H. W. Cole was in Lincoln, close of last week. • Master Tom Majors will leave for Peru, today. Mrs. M. Altshuler is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. B. Strasser. Register Campbell and family will occupy the J. C. Allen residence. Jos. Parkinson and wife of Hayes Centre were city visitors, Sunday. Lawyers Morlan and Kelley at tended court up in Trenton, Thursday. Mrs. Albert McMillEN left on Sun day night for Denver on a visit to her sister. M. Stern, a large property owner here, was up from Hastings, fore part of the week. Col. J. D. Gage of Franklin came up, Tuesday night, on his way up the Frenchman line. Mrs. J. E. Allen, who has been visit ing in Tarkio, Mo., for a few weeks past, will arrive home to-night. Mrs. F. E. Alexander is expecting a sister to arrive, this evening, from the east, to make her a visit. J. M. Sewell, the Hastings grain man, and Percy Hughes of Imperial, were business visitors, last Saturday. A. A. Weller arrived from Syracuse, this state, Wednesday night, and is the guest of his partner* C. L. DeGroff. Mrs. C. B. RowELL arrived home, Wednesday night, from Hastings. One of her grandsons accompanied her. Miss Lora LeHew arrived home, Monday night, from visiting her sister Mrs. Will Krauter at Aurora, Illinois. Masters Judd Kay and Roy Stan ley took in the state’s metropolis, fore part of the week, with E. C. Ballew. Patrick Gibbons was up from Or leans, first of the week, looking for a dwelling house in which to instal his family. J. T. Budlard was in the city over night, Monday, on his way home to Palisade from visiting in eastern part of the state. Lawyers Hartigan and Tibbetts and Hon. A. S. Campbell of Hastings dropped into the metropolis, Sunday night, on business. D. F. Hupp, A. C. Bartholomew, A. P. Bodwell and son, William Marquis and wife, all of Lebanon, were over on bus iness, Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Starr of the county-seat were guests of the metropo lis, Tuesday, driving up on business and to do a little shopping. Howard Voicand, who has been as sisting in Alexander’s photograph gal lery, departed on Monday night for Chariton, Iowa, to remain. Miss Eva Eastman of Kirwin, Kan sas, arrived in the city on Monday night with her aunt Mrs. J. E. Kelley, whose guest she will be for a few weeks. Mrs. A. K. Goudy, deputy st^te superintendent, arrived from Lincoln, last night. She will deliver an address to the graduating cluss, this evening, in the Congregational church. Mrs. Fee, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. L. DeGrofiT, for past few months, left for her home in Phila delphia, Wednesday evening. She will visit briefly in Tekamah, this state, and Milo, Iowa, on her way. Miss Minnie Boyle came down from Pueblo, Colorado, Wednesday night, to witness the commencement exercises of the city schools,—her sister Bertha be ing one of the graduates. She will re turn to her position on Saturday night. S. H. Colvin has disposed of his bus iness and considerable of his property here and expects in a few weeks to de part for Santa Ana, Cala., to make his future home there, on account of his wife’s health. The Tribune most sin cerely regrets to lose such people from our midst, but nevertheless wishes them a large and satisfactory measure of suc cess and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cole will leave on Monday evening for San Francisco, via Portland, Oregon, to attend the supreme lodge meetingof the A.O.U.W., to which Mr. Cole is. supreme repre sentative. Grand Master and Mrs. J. G Tate will join them at Denver or Chey enne. A special train of New England representatives will go through here on June 7th about io o’clock a. m. Remember the races June 20, 21, 22. Here’s your hot tamale—The McCook Tribune. The Water Question. Superintendent Meeker of the water company rushed into print last week through the columns of our well-mean ing but misguided contemporary, the Times-Democrat, and labors through a column length of silly twaddle in a futile endeavor to prove that the people of Mc Cook are a pretty tough lot of water thieves, and that the superintendent is a martyr to duty. He admits that the rates are too high and does not excuse the fact; that the fact that the company has collected taxes and not delivered the goods is a constitutional excuse for the people of McCook to get a trifle warm under the collar; that trivial and burdensome re strictions have been entailed on water patrons. He admits everything that is or has been urged against the company for years, but claims the fault is not his; that the rates, rules and regulations are not of his making. And just right here we take issue with him. The ordinance, as is well known, was prepared by the company, “and we were not asleep,” the superintendent has stated when his choler had gained the mastery over his judgment and caution, “when we were fixing this thing up on you.” And while they were “fixing this up,” it has been universally stated, they took deep interest in the late city election in antic ipation of the storm of indignation that they naturally expected to come down upon them when the people came to feel how they had been duped on this 3-16 inch nozzle cinch. This ordinance of their own making is generally and properly regarded as a “dead mortal cinch.” The impression is just about as unanimous that the superintendent has not the judgment to work a cinch, and that this is a poor time to operate such a machine. The people properly feel that generous treatment was due them this year, at least, in view of last year’s failure to provide water paid for. There is little or no excuse for the condition of affairs now existing in Mc Cook. The people of McCook are willing to pay a big price for water, and they are paying a big price, but they do object to being hog-tied, thrown into the ditch and then kicked for grunting their disapproval even. Art Snyder is visiting in Colorado Really, Charley Barnes is too well meaning a fellow to be engaged in haul ing Mr. Meeker’s chestnuts out of the fire. Seriously, he ought to know better. The assault on gambling that appeared in one of our esteemed contemporaries, last week, must cause a broad smile to suffuse itself over the entire community. It was a jewel of the purest ray serene. The door and north window in rear portion of postoffice building have been transposed, this week, adding largely to the convenience of the office in the ar rangement for handling and working the mail. The Commercial State Bank at Cham pion closed its doors, last Saturday even ing, not to open again. It is said that it will be unable to pay some of its bills, and that it had some of Chase county’s money which it cannot now produce.— Benkelman News. Some scamps pillaged Mrs. Justin Wil cox’s flower beds of their fragrant, beau teous contents, Sunday night, and Justin wtll give a perpetual water right on the Meeker ditch to know who did it; as the flowers were being treasured es pecially for use on Memorial day. There are those who envy men the legitimate' reward of industry and in tegrity. When a man has achieved fame and fortune by the exercise of these virtues, they speak and act as though he deserved nothing more than the corner loafer or the common trick ster. Elmer Rowell has purchased the well established business of S. H. Colvin, and assumed charge June 1st. Elmer is a steady, reliable and energetic young man and we wish him much success in his business venture, for the conduct of which he is well equipped and ex perienced. _ 1 he police should have arrested those two women of the town who were out on parade, Tuesday evening, with the ancient gray horse and delapidated gig and har ness. Such disgraceful scenes should not be tolerated, even in this city. Such a flaunting of vice in the face of decency should be peremptorily stopped. “Any color only so it’s red.” The ladies are now wearing red in all de partments. A pair of red hose with open work over the instep is considered very stunning, and when over the red hose is built up a superstructure of red dress, red hat and all the other acces sories, things will be red enough to make “the multitudinous seas incarna dine.” An Evening With the Old Familiar Hymns. There is no power to touch the hearts of people like listening to the old familiar songs which they used to hear in their younger days. The Christian Endeavor society has arranged a programme made up of these songs, “Nearer My God to Thee,” “Rock of Ages,” “Sweet Bye and Bye,” and others equally familiar and loved. The programme is too complicated to insert here, but is the most elaborate ever gotten up by the society. The music will of course be the prominent feature and will be worth hearing. The words of the songs will be recited by young ladies in appropriate dress and the songs sung afterwards either as a solo, duet or by the whole choir. It will be held in the Congregational church commencing promptly at 8 p.m., and as the lights, except those around the pulpit, are to be turned off at 8 it is desired that the people come early so as not to disturb the opening violin solo by Mr. B. F. Sutton, “Jesus Lover of My Soul.” Extra chairs will be provided and a large corps of ushers will be on hand. Let the house be filled to listen to the old familiar hymns. There will.also be no services in the Baptist church in the evening. The Councilmanic Body. Regular meeting of the city council was held on Monday evening, the May or, Clerk, and Councilmen Yarger, Pope and Sutton being present. Bills were allowed as follows F. S. Wilcox. $ i.oo Dr. S. L. Green. 2.05 State Journal Co. 5.50 Tower & Lyon. 3.45 C. P. Viland. 48.50 J. H. Dwyer. 59.17 A. G. Bump. 75-05 Lincoln Land Co.425.00 S. M. Cochran & Co. 3.10 Bid of F. D. Burgess for standpipe for sprinkling purposes, corner of Dennison and McDowell streets, was accepted and work ordered done as per estimate of $55-°0 Report of ex-City Treasurer Laycock was reported to finance committee. As was also the report of Treasurer Gray. Clerk was instructed to notify treas urer to pay H. C. Rider’s warrant on general fund for balance due on ceme tery, out of cemetery fund. The sum of $25.00 was appropriated toward bearing the expenses of Decor ation day. The chief of police was instructed to notify property owners to keep their premises clean in accordance with ordi nance. Adjourned. — Poor McCook. The Hastings Democrat kicks and re fuses to be comforted because it costs $5 a lot down there for water for lawn sprinkling purposes. God bless your poor soul, Wahlquist, move up to Mc Cook if they are robbing you so out rageously. It only costs the writer of this article a fraction over $16 for his lot up here, and he makes it a part of his daily devotions to open his window to ward the nice new red standpipe, and with tears in his eyes and his heart un speakably full, thank God and the gen erous superintendent that the burden is so light. But some people are hard to please.— McCook Tribunb. Never a complaint have we made. We have the best water system in the world, and operated the cheapest to individual users. McCook, unfortunately, has the vice-like grip of the water company on its throat. We doubt if it can ever shake it off. But until it does people will go on to the next station. The ar rogance of these corporations is dis gusting.—Hastings Democrat. Time to Call a Halt. It is a very easy thing to carry this cruel persecution too far. So The Tri bune calls a halt on the slanderous re port gaining credence throughout the city that the postmaster fears the gen eral delivery is “giving down too freely,” and that he proposes to cut off the wasteful excess by making the delivery conform to the regulation 3-16 inch. This is an unmerited slap at a genial and generous impulsed citizen whose only weakness is the possession of a big heart, too philanthropic by half, and an unpatriotic reflection against the fat fisherman of the Potomac. This thing must stop. Charles Cooper wants to run a saloon in Danbury. The commissioners will settle the matter at their next meeting, June 12. McCook won the ball game from Cambridge Wednesday by a score of 10 to 5. A game will be played here soon. Roadmasters McFarland and Josselyn were both at headquarters the first of the week Our Dead Heroes. Among the days and occasions that never fail of causing u general outpour - ing of the people of McCook and vicinity is Memorial day. The enthusiasm with which the occasiou is annually commem orated seems to grow and strengthen with each recnrring 30th day of May. May this patriotic duty of the living to the dead never become irksome. Long before the hour set for the com mencement of the exercises the opera house was crowded, and hundreds failed to gain admittance, so numerous was the attendance. At the appointed time Post Commander Sharp called the peo ple to order and the following pro gramme of exercises was rendered : 1. Reading of Order.Adjt. Dodge 2. Music.High School Orchestra 3. Prayer.Rev. D. L. McBride 4. Song, “Sleep, Soldier Sleep,” School 5. Patrio'ic Recitation.School 6. Song, “Boys in Blue”.School 7. Recitation, “The Soldier’s Grave” .Minnie Rowell 8. Music.High School Orchestra 9. Song, “Faded Flowers”. .Hannah Stangelaud 10. Address.Rev. D. L. McBride 11. Closing Song, “America”.. . .School 12. Form line of march on Main ave nue and march to cemetery. 13. Recitation, “The Honored Dead” . School 14. Decoration of Graves. 15. Marching back to the city. The exercises, it will be observed, were largely provided by the pupils of the public schools, who although bur dened with the extra work incident to commencement week, acquitted them selves very creditably as usual. The school orchestra comes in for its meed of praise. Rev. D. L. McBride delivered the Memorial address. It was up to the measure of his usual excellence and in - terest—a very eloquent and patriotic effort. The procession to Longview cemetery was of remarkable length—a pretty feature being a squad of wheelmen on their decorated bicycles. The services at the cemetery were of touching beauty and solemnity. The graves were decorated with the ritualistic exercises of the G. A. R. The floral offer ings were fine and profuse—a large cou signmentof fragrant beauty coming from Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hamilton of Pass Christian Miss. The music by the Nebraska Brigade Baud U. R. K. of P. of our city was another splendid feature which never fails of appreciation by our people. The members of J. K. Barnes Post No. 207 may feel well pleased with the tribute paid to the veterans that repose in the quiet of Longview. Their names are: C. L. Nettleton, Chester Ward, Charles E. Fox, D. L. Clement, Elias H. Conrad. Thomus B. Walker, Smith Gordon, R. S. Cooley, J. D. Gerver, J. B. McCabe The decoration of business and private houses was rather meager, this year. RELIGIOUS MATTERS. Regular morning services in the Luth eran church, next Sunday. No evening services. Regular services in the Methodist church next Sunday morning and even ing. Rev. J. W. Kimmel of Tekamah has been called to the English Lutheran church at Leavenworth, Kansas. Rev. Prank Durant went up to Im perial, Thursday morning, tj conduct services. He will leave for Grand Is land, Saturday. No Episcopal services Sunday morn ing or evening. Rev. Durant goes to Grand Island, Saturday morning, to at tend the ordination of a school friend. It is probable that the Congregational church will be formally dedicated to the use of the Lord, about June ioth. If so. Children’s day may be celebrated later. There will be no services in the Con gregational church, next Sunday morn ing, the pastor being absent from the city. In the evening there will be union Christian Endeavor exercises. The Congregational church was well filled, Sunday morning, to hear the Memorial sermon delivered by Rev. John T. Roberts of Curtis, Nebraska. The sermon was an excellent production and has been very generally commended for its earnest thoughtfulness. Splendid and appropriate music was provided by the Methodist church choir. The in terior of the church was artistically dec orated with flags, flowers etc. The let ters “G. A. R.” appeared in Yuccas on a banner stretched across the pulpil plat form. All in all the services, which by the way were union in character, were very pleasing and satisfactory through out. The members of J. K. Barnes Post of this city were present in a body, to gether with many other old soldiers.