The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 25, 1894, Image 5

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    World'* Columbian Exposition.
Will be of value t > the world by iilustrat
,iiiK the improvements in th ■ mechanical
'•ft* »nd eminent physicians will tell yon
that the progress in medicinal agents, has
been of equal importance, and as a
'sircngthening laxative that Syrup ol figs
is iar in advance of all others.
The colleges are full of young men
who will receive a $1,000 education to
take a $.0 job.
At Death’s Door
Blood Poisoned After Ty
phoid Fever
^ Marvelous Cure by Hood’s After All
I* lse Failed
“C. I. Hood »fe Co., Lowell, Mass.:
•‘Dear Sirs: Twenty-live years ago 1 had a
bilious fever, and later it turned into typhoid
fever, and for five weeks I lay like one dead,
but at last pulled through and got up around.
I soon discovered on my left leg just above the
knee a small brown spot about as big a three cent
piece, which puffed up but did not hurt me or
feel sore. 1 did not pay any attention to it
until two years after, when it commenced to
ipread and have the appearance of a ring
worm. 1 could not sleepni^it, and on account !
of the itching I scratched the spot until the
blood would run. Finally my hus and bought
a bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and I had not
taken more than half of it before I began to'
Change for the bette. I have had fom bottles
Now I Am All Well
but two little spots on my leg. I can now sleep,
and eat well and work all the time I am f>4
Hood’s!?> Cures
fears old, and the mothffr of eleven children
ind think I can do as much as anv one my age.
My son has also taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla for
iyspepsia, and h s been greatly benefited by it.
Mas. Phebe L. Hall, Galva, Kansas.
Ho <r» Pills act easily, yet promptly and
efficiently, on the liver and bowels. ,2"c.
HOW TO SAVE rro™r*°„tto 40
Of your fuel bills. Mow is the time to
consider it if you heat your house with
Stoves or Hot Air Furnace.
Send 10 cents to IRVIN PR1BBLK, York,
Neb., and he will inform you by return
An OWl-TImwr of Twenty-thrcw Tears' To
bacco Chewing: and Smoking: Cured, and
Gains Twenty Pounds In Thirty Days.
Lake Geneva, Wis, May 5.—Spe
cial. The ladies of our beautiful little
town are making an interesting and
exciting time for tobacco-using hus
bands. since the in uriotis effects of to
bacco and the ea o with which it can
be cured by a preparation called No
To-Ilac have been so plainly demon
strated by the cur • of Mr. K. C. Waite.
In a written statement he says: "I
smoked and chewed tobacco for twen
three yoars, and I am sure that my
case was one of the worst in this part
of tho country, riven after I went to
lied at night, if [ woke up 1 would
want to chow or smoke. It wa.
not only kilting me but my wife was
also ailing from the injurio 8 effects.
Tw > boxes of No-To-Bac cured me and
I , '.vc no more desire for t bacco than
I have to lump < : of tho window. I
have gained twenty pounds in thirty
days, my wife is well, and we are in
deed both happy to say that No-To
Bae is truly 1 worth its weight in gold ’
to us. ’’
i he cure and nnpr >vement in Mr.
Waite's case is looked upon as a
miracle—in fact, it is the talk of the
town and county, and it is estimated
that over a thousand tobaooo users
will be using No-To-Kao within a few
weeks. The peculiarity about No-To
Bac as a patent medi-dun it that the
makers, the Sterling Remedy Com
pany. No. -fo Randolph street. Chica
go, absolutely guarantee the use of
throe bo.vos to cure or refund the
monoy, and the cost, *2.50, is so trifling
as compared with the expensive ana
unnecessary use of tobacco that tobac
co-using husbands have no good
excuse to offer when their wives insist
upon their taking No-To-Rac and get
ting result in the way of pure, sweet
breath, wonderful improvement in
their mental and physical condition,
with a practical revitalization of their
nicotiz.ed nerves.
One Fare for Round Trip.
Tell your friends in the east that on May
29, the Burlington Route will sell round
tr p tickets at the one-way rate to points
in Nebraska, Kansas, eastern Colorado,
southwestern South Dakota and northern
Tickets are good for twenty days, allow
stop-overs and will be on sale at all stations
east of the Missouri River.
J. Fuancis, G. P. <%. T. A.,
Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb.
$200.00 per month easily made cleaning
carpets and wall paper. For $1.00 we will
send full instructions how to manufacture
and apply the linest process in use; worth
ten times the cost lor usejn your own home.
Particulars for stamp.
Chemical Co., 6810 Sangamon, St.
Englewood, Ills.
Many a roaring lion who has hunted
as hard as he could has starved to death.
From away up in British North America
comes the following greeting to Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Chief Consulting Physician to the
Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, at
Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Allen Bharrard, of
Hartney, Selkirk Co., Manitoba, whose
portrait, with that of her little boy,
heads this article, writes as follows:
“ I take great pleasure in recommending Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription for 4 falling of
the womb.’ I was troubled with bearing
down pains and pains in my back whenever
I would be on my feet any length of time. I
was recommended to try Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
Prescription, which I did with happy results.
I feel like a new person after taking three
bottles of it”
As we have just heard from the frigid
North, we will now introduce a letter
received from the Sunny South. The follow
ing is from Mrs. J. T. Smith, of Oakfuskee,
Cleburne Co., Ala. 8he writes: “I was
afflicted and suffered untold pains and
misery, such as no pen can describe, for six
years. I was confined to bed most of the
time. I expected the cold hand of death
every day. I was afflicted with leucorrhea—
with excessive flowing—falling of the womb
_bearing down sensation—pain in the small
of my back—my bowels costive—smarting,
itching and burning in the vagina, also pal
pitation of the heart. When I began taking
your medicine 1 could not sit up, only a few
minutes at a time, I was so weak. I took
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription three
times per day, I also took his' Golden Medical
Discovery ’ three times per day and one of
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets every night. I
have taken seven bottles of the ‘ Discovery,’
■even bottles of the ‘ Prescription ’ and five
bottles of the * Pellets.’ I took these medi
cines seven months, regularly, never missed
a day. These medicines cured me. I feel as
wall as I ever did in my life. Four of the
best doctors in the land treated my case four
years. They all gave me up as hopeless—
they I could not be cured, and could not
«Vo. Through the will of God, and your
medicines, Fnave been restored to the best
2be2Si> Yours truly,
Mrs. W. O. Gunokel, of No. 14fil South
Seventh Street, Terra Haute, Indiana, writes:
“ I had been suffering from womb trouble for
eight years having doctored with the most
skillful physicians, but finding only tempo
rary relief from medicines prescribed by
them. I was advised by a friend to take
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, which I
did, and found, in taking six bottles of the
‘Prescription’ and two of the ‘Golden
Medical Discovery,’ that it has effected a
positive cure, for which word* cannot ex
press my gratitude for the relief from the
great suffering that I so long endured.”
Yours truly,
As a powerful, invigorating, restorative
tonic “Favorite Prescription” improves
digestion and nutrition thereby building up
solid, wholesome flesh, and increasing the
strength of the whole system. As a soothing
and strengthening nervine “ Favorite Pre
scription ” is unequaled and is invaluable in
allaying and subduing nervous excitability,
irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous
prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms.
Chorea, or St Vitus’s Dance, and other dis
tressing, nervous symptoms commonly atten
dant upon functional and organic disease of
the womb. It induces refreshing sleep and
relieves mental anxiety and despondency.
Even insanity, when dependent upon womb
disease, is cured by it.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a
scientific medicine, carefully compounded by
an experienced »m skillful physician, and
adapted to woman’s delicate organisation. It
is purely vegetable in its composition and
perfectly haimless in its effects in any condi
tion of the system. For morning sickness, or
nausea, due to pregnancy^ weak stomach, in
digestion, dyspepsia and kindred symptoms,
its use will prove very beneficial.
Dr. Pierce’s Book (188 pages,illustrated)
on “Woman and Her Diseases,” giving suc
cessful "»«"■ of Homs Treatment, will be
mailed in plain envelope, eeeurety wealed
from obeervatian on receipt of ten oenti
Jikn, Karls, aud Commoner* of England
Who Are Well Provided J?or.
Tbe Ean of Derby draws from b i
tenant farmers upward of $S50,000 a
year. This is supplemented by bis
Liverpool property. This fortuna'e
family also owns nearly all tbe town
of Hury. The total Income of the
Earl of Derby is close on $1,750,000,
says the Louisville Courier-Journal.
The Earl of Sefton’s is another family
which has done well of Liverpool,
for, in addition to estates producing
$215,000 a year and ground rents
$350,000 more, they received $1,265,.
000 for 370 acres of land required by
the corporation for a public park.
Mr. Gladstone, in addition to $500,
000-left him by his father, has the
rent roll of the Hawarden estate,
which came into the posses
sion of his wife on the death of the
last male Glynr.e. Add to t'neestate,
which is worth $90,865 a year, an
other $10,000 for royalties and $25,
000 as Prime Minister, and you have
in round numbers an income of SJ 25,
000 a year. Earl Vane has s 500,000
a year in addition to his coal royal
ties, which extend over 12,000 acres.
Coal is worth to the Earl of P itz
william $500,000 a year, in addition
to another $680,000, the value of his
estates in Yorkshire and Ireland.
The Marquis of Londonderry, who
sells his coal wholesale and retail,
has with land a rent roll of $915,000
a year.
The Marquis of Salisbury’s London
nroj.erty in the neighborhood of St.
Martin’s lane and the Strand is said
to bring him $350,000 a year. The
marquis’ other estates produce $165,
OOo per annum. As the Duke of Pe
vonshire owns 193,315 a res of land,
producing a revenue of $865,000 a
year he is not likely to accept the
million which has been offered for
Devonshire house and grounds in
Pic adilly. The Puke of Hamilton’s
mining royalties amount to no less
than $570,000 a year. His other
estates bring in $365,000 per annum.
Lord liurton, of Bass fame, is worth
over $500,000 a year, and the family
of the fate Mr. Crawshay, the Welsh
iron master, has the handling of $10,.
000,000. When the iron trade was
brisk the Earl ot Dudley netted
yearly $150,000. The Duke of Nor
folk has an income of $1,845,000 a
yetir, the Puke of Northumberland
$880,000, to say nothing of $10,000,
000 his late wife brought him.
For Their Skins.
la these days when there has been
such an awakening of the minds of
go,id people to their duty of mercy
for birds and animals, it is strange
that no one has taken up the cause of
the fur bearing animals whose lives
must be sacrificed to man’s desire to
adorn and clothe themselves in their
beautiful skins, llarely is a word
saia against the indiscriminate
slaughter of myriads of animals
whose only crime is having a skin
which human beings covet. A recent
fur sale took place in London which
is recorded by the Spectator, from
which we copy a few figures.
One million five hundred and
twenty-eight thousand of the mus
quash were sold on one day between
the hours of ten and four. There
we e also disposed of more than six
thousand bears’ skins, black, brown,
and grizzly; twenty polar bears’; fif
teen hundred beavers’ skins; twemty
tlve hundred Russian sables of the
most costly kind; half a million Aus
tralian and a quarter as many Ameri
can opossum skins, and skunks’, rac
coons’, marten’s, minks’, wolves’, aud
foxes’ skins, by the tens, and some
times by the hundreds of thousands.
In fact, more than three million
skins were sold in this four days’ sale
at a single London store.
The Hudson’s Ray Company hold a
rival sale of equal importance, and
in March the winter cat h of greatei
quantity and finer quality, will be
gathered and dispersed in the city
with the same rapidity and with
more eager competition by the fur
loving Poles and Russians.
A Successful Wooer.
A youthful artist declares that a
newly-betrothed lover commissioned
him to paint a certain secluded nook
in the rocks on the shore, because
there he had declared his passion.
The picture was painted, but before
it was done the lover said to the art
ist: “Of course 1 will see you
through on that picture, but my en
gagement is off, and, of course, it
would be painfully suggestive to me
If you i an sell it to somebody else 1
will take another picture, and be ex
tremely obliged besides!” The pjintei
assented to the arrangement, but
within a week his patron again pre
sented himself. “It is all right,” he
announced joyously. “I’ll taae that
picture.” “Am I to congratulate
you on the renewal of your engage
ment':” the artist asked. The othei
seemed a little confused, but quickly
recovered his self-possession, and
grinned, as he said: “WeU, not ex
actly. It was the same place, but
the girl was ditferent ”
Wealth in Agriculture.
New Zealand presents a striking
example of the dependence of public
prosperity on agriculture. Not many
years ago New ✓ ealand appeared to
be crushed under a heavy debt, in
curred by an extravagant system of
borrowing and by the Maori war. In
stead of issuing more bonds the peo
ple and statesmen of the colony set
themselves to developing its agricul
tural resources. The dairy and frozen
meat industries have reached great
magnitude and nowhere is the farmer
more prosperous. In a single decade
the annual exports of frozen meat
have risen from less than *000,000 to
over *.',000,000, and the exports ot
butter and cheese have doubled in
half that period.
If you are slandered, never mind
it; it will all come off when it is dry.
Highest of all in leavening strength.—Latest D. S. Gor. Food Report.
Economy requires that in every receipt calling
for baking powder the Royal shall be used. It
will go further and make the food lighter, sweeter,
of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome.
Floral Love Letters
Wl;en the petals of the great aurel
magnolia are touched, however lightly,
the result is a brown spot, which devel
ops in a few hours. This fact is taken
advantage of by a lover, who pulls a
magnolia flower, and on one of its pure
white petals writes a motto or message
with a hard, sharp pointed pencil.
Then he sends the flower, the young
lady puts it in a vase of water and in
three or four hours the message written
on the leaf becomes visible and remains
An Explanation.
There are explanations that don’t ex
plain, as many people have discovered,
according to an exchange. A gentle
man talking with a young woman, ad
mitted that he had failed to keep abrest
of the scientific progress of the age.
“For instance,” said he, “I don’t under
stand how the incandescent light, now
so extensively used, is procured.” “Oh,
it is very simple,” said the lady, with
the air of one who knows it all. “You
just turn a button over the lamp, and
the lights appear at once.”—Philadel
phia Ledger
Electric Wires.
Some writer very aptly likens the
nerves to electric wires, and the general
working of their system to that of
electric cars. A man who “slips his
trolley” like Mr. Jeremiah Eney, 1812
W. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md., will
need something better than even a
galvanic battery to set him all right.
Mr. Eney found that something in the
following way. “1 suffered” he’ says, “a
long time with neuraligia in the head.
I gave St. Jacobs Oil a fair trial and
am entirely cured.” In this way the
great remedy acts as a motorman to re
store broken wires, and set the system
to perfect action.
When you get into difficulty, beware
of your friends.
M. L. TOMPSON & CO., Druggist, Cou
dersport, Pa., say Hall’s Catarrh Cure
is the best and only sure cure for catarrh
they ever sold. Druggists sell it, 75c.
Lord Roseberry at school was so girl
ish that he was nicknamed “Miss Prim
rose,” but former schoolmates do not
venture to address him now as they
then did, “Miss Prim.”
General Jubal Early was celebrated
for picturesque and prosuse profanity.
His accomplishment in this particular
earned for him the sobriquet of “Lee’s
Had Old Man.”
It is reported that two New York
congressmen—Cockran and I’ayne—
have the largest heads in the house of
representatives. They are both said to
wear a number 8 hat.
In 1650 “Brown's Bronchial Troches" were
introduced, and their success as a cure for
Colds, Coughs, Asthma, and Bronchitis lias
been unparalleled.
On judgment day, when we hear
every body’s record read, we will pre
tend to be shocked, but we won’t be.—
Atchison Globe.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure is sold on a guar
antee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is
the best Cough Cure. 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00.
Every man thinks he might become
famous if he had more time to write
Fee “Colchester’s” Spading Boot Ad. in
other column.
Few husbands and wives are so af
fectionate and trusting thatitbey say,
“Our money.” ;
“Almost as
Palatable asMilk”
This is a fact with! regard
to Scott’s Emulsions of Cod
Liver Oil. The difference
between the oil, in its plain
state, is very apparent. In
1 j Scott’s! Emulsion
iyou detect : no fish-oil taste.
As it is a help to diges
tion there is no after effect
i except good\ effect. Keep in
mind thatfScott’s^Emulsion
is the best ^promoter of flesh
:and strength known to
- Prepared by Scott A Bowne,',!*. Y. All drupelst*.
Are tell-tale symptoms that your blood ismot right—full of irn-i
purities, causing a sluggish and/unsightly$ complexion.. A few
bottles of S. S. S. will remove all foreign and impure (matter,
cleanse the blood thoroughly and. give atclear,tandjrosy com
plexion. It is most effectual, and1 entirely'harmless.
Chas. Heaton, 78 Laurel St., Phila., say®—“I have had for years a humor in ’
my blood which made me dread to shave, asjsmall boilstorpimples! wonld be cut
thus causing shaving to be a great annoyance. After {taking three bottles of
my face is all clear and smooth as it should ibe—appetite
splendid, sleep well and feel likefrunning a foot race, all
from the use of S. S. S.
W Sens for TrcitUc on Blood and Skin Dlseaie* Mailed free. SWIFT/SPECIFIC CO, jUtiSIltf, 63.-^
Especially for Farmers, Miners, R. R. Hands and others. Double sole ex-lg
tending down to the heel. EXTRA WEARINOQUALITY. f';
Thousands of Rubber Boot wearers'testify this is the best'they ever had.j?.'
ASK YOUR DEALER TOR THEM'and don’t be persuaded into" an inferior??
article. ®
_ *.. D „ d\ ' v‘JL; cal prescriptions, for ten cents. For fevers,
over *1.000 m 1893. P. O. Bo* 1371. New* ^ in brai„, heart, ,ubgs. Uver;
lor j stomaoh^bowels and other organs, with con
-: • | fidentiaiiadvice. Address
George T. Parker,
Warder Building,.Washington, D. C.
j;N. N. C. No. S8S-19. York. Neb.
” pleaae say you saw the.advertisement;
rtin thi* P>*P«r- .
I foofc*
. P* West’s Nerve and Brain Treatment
la sold under positive written guarantee, by author
ized agents only, to cure Weak Memory; Loss ot
Brain and Norve Power; Lott Manhood; Quickness
^•lght Loaaoa; Evil DreainH* Lack of Confidence:
Eervousneas; Lassitude; all Drains; Lose of Powe»
of the Generative Organa in either box, caused by
over-exertion; Youthful Errors, or Exoessivo Uho of
Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, which soon loud to
Miser/, Consumption. Insanity and Death. By mail,
fl Abux; oiorfo: with written guarantee to cure or
refund money. WEST'S COUGH HYKIJP. A certain
cure for Cough., Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup.
Whooping Cough Bore Throat, pleasant to tnko.
Small size discontinued; old, Rlc. size, now 25c.; old
»1 size, now 60c. GUARANTEES Issued only by
C. J. NOBKS A CO.. York. Nebraska.
’CIA Bays onr ? drawer walnut or oak hfr
▼ ■ ■ proved High Arm Biogersewlng machine
_flnsly finished, nickel pis led, adapted to light
and heavy work; guaranteed for 10 Tear*} with
Automatic Bobbin Minder, Self-Threading Cylin
der Shuttle, Half-Selling Needle and a complete
Set of Steel At taehmentai shipped any where oa
80 Day’s Trial. No moury required ia ad vanes.
15,000;_ft! use. World’nFnlr Medal awarded machine and attach
ments. Buy from factory and aave dealer's and agent’s profit*,
rnrr Cat This Out and send to-day for machine or large free
I nCC catalogue, testimonial* and Gllmnats of th* World’s Fair.
Lovely Complexion.
Pure, Soft, White Skin.
Have you freckles, moth, black-head*,
blotches, ugly or muddy skin, eczema,
tetter, or any other cutaneous blemish ?
Do you want a quick, permanent and ab
solutely infallible cure, FREE OF COST
to introduce it? Something new, pure,
mild and so harmless a child can use or
drink it with perfect safety. If so, send
your full Post-office address to
134 Fine Street, C’ineiitiiall. Ohio.
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
— OR —
Other Chemicals
are used in the
0 preparation of
which is absolutely
pure and soluble.
It has more than three times
the strength of Cocoa mixed
with Starch, Arrowroot or
Suirar, and is far more eco
nomical, costing less than one cent a cup.
It is delicious, nourishing, and easily
Sold by Grocers everywhefe.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
WANTED.—A position on a farm or n> ar a suburban re*,
fence aa an ornament, and to pump water, sprinkle lawns, carry
water up stairs, cut wood, cut feed, run a dynamo lor duo trio
have been a gal van- t r~) ry
iscd-aftor • completed JL/DO
Aermotor; previous to
that I was only Steel, Like this which de
Zmc and Aluminum, IfgTgy- jjgIlttboeyeju^a(1(j
ipa My JS&T£?1»3k innumerable comfort.
had very cheap, if taken nowJl| *°
during the slack season. Ap- 111 Ulshcd fit prxc©8 Within
ply to my parents, tho Aca- I ft reach of fclL Cypress.
kotos CoKTAinr, 12th, Rock- I ft Fin* or Galvanized
well and Fillmore streets. 111 Steel Tf.nk9, with graco
Chicago. N.B.—I am always III fu/ galvanized Steel
at homo and steady. Ours Erf-fl substructures a spec*
knd’ !n»;l w’d'r'.nj fbt •S&edUS3Ui&
;r".h“r«.“'on» |M SJaffu-tSwaSS
most* powerful family, Vl and make mud hole*
with marvelous endur- Ajf/k Vtt at less tll&U WOOdCQ
ance. We have iron eon- KifTWffll OOPS cost,
etitutiona (or rathor ii§g^ The Acrmotor Co.
Steel ones) but aro proposes to (llfltribut*
very sensitive, beln g via* iff: 'i*aBF> r r\ aao'
iblyaffectc-dby a breath Br^S^BffivbbUvJ V«/AO, I
of air. We atand high «
and have great in- ^ PRIZES, for
flue nee, being able to Wf* "IlfMB the best essay s
persuade water to rtm w ritten by the^j
uphill. In fact, we are H,Al IlWl wife, son or t
aupericr beings, hav- daughter
ing been placed by of afar
our creator between la\ I /AA mcror
the ear. h and heavens. Il\\|//ftl user
Our Steel has bern tried IH fl 0**L
in many a tilt and 111 AX Id wind"
towers above every- fits H 12111
thing everywhere. Wo iv//\ \\I1 answwringtheQuev
areindustrious beyond I y/ I vll tmn Wily bilO tLD
anything ever known, IA/ I \Bd *
since we work 24 i !■■■*« MOTOR! For eon
hours a day and more fjlX I yJL\ ditfona of compe
than 805 days in the |/|W| yyll titioa and amounts
year. Wo are untir- Ml Rl ^d numbers of
ing in our vigilance 1/1 111 prizes send for par
—we stand over you |A I 1,1 a ticulars to the
day and night. We III /A \X ft! A Aermotor Co.,.
are economical be- |V/r I Chicago, or to
yond anything on I A// I V8|Vits Denches,
the earth or in the AA/ I NJHfP at San Francis,
heavens, as we Co.kansasCity,
Inti our systems 1 z‘r - ' •
absolutely nothing Sioux C.:?, lews,
bit thin air. Mmneapolis.Buf.
; Write quick, we faio, or 65 Park
ere gblog fast. Place, N. Y. City*
I | TO
equals custom work, costing from
$4 to $6, best value for the money
world. Name and price
on the bottom.® Every
Take no substi
tute. See local papers for full
description of our complete
lines for ladies and gen
tlemen or send for //.
I lustrated Catalogue
giving^ in
how to or
Postage free. You can get the beet
1 dealers who push our shoee.