The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 25, 1894, Image 10

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You Can Wiggle, You Can Struggle,
But we’ve Got You in our Eye;
And You’ll Buy ’em, yes You’ll Buy ’em,
You'll Buy Them bye and bye.
©file Rif>C>ott . .
. V
♦ . Softool Slices.
Mixed Paints 90c a
gallon at McMillen’s
drug store.
Leave your orders with us for paint
ing and paper-hanging.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
German Millet Seed
80c per bushel at the
McCook Commission
Wall Paper—3 cents a roll.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
Sewing machines on
the installment plan
at Pade & Son’s.
Wall Paper—3 cents a roll.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
For choice meat go
to the B. & M. meat
Leave your orders with us for paint
ing and paper-hanging.
L. VV. McConnell & Co.
Kuipple is selling bananas at 5J5
cents a dozen.
Wall Paper, 3c per
roll at A. McMillen’s
drug store.
Wall Paper—3 cents a roll.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
D. E. Dtuseriberry will take notice tbat on
tbe 26th day of April 189*. H. H. Berry, a Jus
tice of the peace or Willow Grove precinct,
Ked Willow county, Nebraska, issued an at
tachment and carniahee for tbe sum of $26.70
in an action pending before bim.wbereln G.L.
Deuesenberry is plaintiff and D. E. Deusen
berry is defendant, thaethe property of the
defendant consisting of tbe snm of $62.00cash
which has been in tbe hands of 8. H. Colvin
has been attached under the said order of at
tachment. Said cause waa continued to tbe
.Sunday of June. gc.ock g.m.^
Charles Leach will
take your order for
a bicycle and you can
pay for it in monthly
No rain yet.
Memorial services at the M. E.
church nest Sunday.
Rev. Swarthwort preached a very in
teresting sermon here last Sunday.
Powell Bros, shipped two car load
of hogs last Wednesday morning.
Hilton and Street took their horses
to the Sappy, last Wednesday morning.
A very heavy frost visited this part
of the country and did much damage
to the fruit.
The Banbury school went to the pic
nic at SbUoh, last Friday, being the
last day of school there.
Take your fat hogs
to F. S. Wilcox.
While strictly a western Nebraska
man, having resided at Lexington since
the days of the buffalo, Indian and cow
boy, Jack MaeColl is not a sectional can
didate. His friends are confined to no
section—the east, west,north and south
demand his candidacy, and will secure
his nomination. ‘-We are all for Jack
iMaoColl.’—Lexington Pioneer.
White Lead $5.50 per hundred.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
“These irrigating ditches along the
Republican valley are pretty sure to
cause a vast amount of litigation
soaner or later," said a prominent ir
rigationist to the Bee the other day.
“While the law quite clearly defines
the conditions that guarantee a man
a legal right to water for irrigation
purposes, there are always men who
are not willing to comply with the law
in the management of their irrigation
enterprises.”—Benkelman Bee.
For pure lard go to
the B. & M. meat mar
ket. . F. S. WILCOX.
The Rev. Mather has a new
John Sly had a valuable horse
badly cut on wire last week.
James Dolan has tuilt a large
addition to his already commo
dious dwelling.
Quite a number of farmers on
the Republican are using water
from the Holland ditch.
Mrs, Noah Sawyer and four
children are just recovering from
a severe attack of measles.
Most of the corn in this vicinity
is planted and will have to have a
good rain before it will come up
William Crockford and Mrs.
Canaga have news of the serious
illness of their aged mother living
east of here.
The heavy freeze of Friday
night killed all fruit, wild and
tame, and also played sad havoc
with our fearly garden truck.
Small grain is looking badly
and must have rain or the harvest
will be small. Under favorable
circumstances it will make a fair
We saw C. D. Cramer and Mr.
Black, of the firm of Cramer and
Black, showing land buyers
through our town last week.
hether they made any sales or
not we have not learned.' It takes
a man of nerve to try to boom a
county such days as last Tuesday
and Wednesday.
The cemetery association of In
dianola donated two lots to In
dianola Post G. A. K. for the use
of any comrade wishing to be bur
ied there. The comrades met on
Saturday last and enclosed them
with a neat fence, put up a flag
staff and monument and painted
the monument and flagstaff white
and the fence black. It is a very
neat job.
The case of G. W. Arbogast
and Zane Teeter, the two persons
who were taken to Omaha from
here last week, charged with mak
ing whisky, came np before Judge
Dundy, Monday. They were
bound over to the present term of
the federal court in the sum of
$1,000 each, failing to furnish
which they were committed to
jail. The still, which was taken
to Omaha, to be used as evidence,
is said to one of the best ever
found in the west.
General Daniel H. Hastings,
“the hero of Johnstown,” has been
nominated by the Republicans of
Pennsylvania for governor. He
will receive a hundred thousand
Mrs. M. E. Barger will sell or
close out her stock of millinery
regardless of cost on account of
the hard times. Or will sell out
to any one wishing to buy. Now,
if the ladies want bargains in mil
linery just call and see her goods
and prices and be convinced.
The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian
and other questions of the day do
not interest the people hereabout
as much as the question where can
I get the most and best groceries
for the money. C. M. Noble cau
answer the question to the satis
faction of all.
Cochran & Co. have on display
a large line of carriages, phsetons,
buggies, road carts, spring wag
ons, etc. Conipletest stock in Red
Willow county. Inspect them if
yon want anything in' that line.
Do you know that woven wire
fencing is the best and cheapest
fencing on earth'? S. M. Cochran
& Co. have a large stock of all
sizes. Don’t fail to see their line
before buying.
A fine line of Bicycles kept in stock, j
Wheels Sold on Easy Payments. A j
Special Discount for Cash. Bicycle j
Repairing and Bicycle Supplies.j
o(ius. (J. Lccidi.
Wall Paper, per roll - 3c. White Lead, - - - §5.50 ^
Gilts, per roll, - - - 6c. Linseed Oil, - - - - .65 1
Mixed Paint, - - - 00c. Other Goods at Reduced Price. I
-o- I
*S“Painting and Papering at Especially Low Prices. Leave your .rders with |
the painters and paper hangers. Don't give middle men a prod:. |
McCook Paint and Wall Paper House. !