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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1894)
DON’T BE IMPOSED -UPON! Don’t be misled by the statements of merchants .... claiming that they can.... SAVE YOU MONEY! I am selling first-class groceries right along as low as those who claim they can save you money it you will trade with them. Below we give a few items. Pickels, per bottle, • $ .10 Onions, per bottle, • - .10 Chow Chow, per bottle, .10 Catsup, per bottle, - .20 Raisins, per pound, • .05 Best Tea in McCook, lb, .50 Syrup, per pail, - - .65 Jell, per pail, - - .65 Mince Meat, per package, .10 Clothes Pins, per dozen, .02 Peas, per can, - - - .10 Com, per can, - - - .10 Alaska Salmon, per can, .12£ Everything else in proportion. Always the Lowest and Best Values Can be Found at C. M. NOBLE’S. A Brave Engineer. Engineer P. Sweeney of the Burling ton west • bound passenger train saved the lives of two children, last night, by possessing strong nerves and a quick eye. The train was running at the rate of thirty-five miles an hour, and when it rounded the curve at twenty-seventh street Engineer Sweeney saw two small children playing on the track. He in stantly slapped on the airbrakes and re versed the engine and succeeded in stopping the train when the pilot of the locomotive just touched the little ones. The children looked up from their play and laughed at the big engine, while the engineer climbed down and taking them in his arms carried them to their mother, who came running down from a nearby house.—Omaha Cor. Journal. Holdrege, Neb., May 15.—[Special.] —As freight train No. 77 came into the yards at this place, yesterday, the en gineer applied the brakes and came to a sudden stop. A. D. McNeer of Hast ings, who travels for the Lininer & Metcalf company of Omaha, and who was in the caboose, was thrown to the floor. In his fall he struck on a large spittoon on his side and back. He was taken to the Hampton house, where he is receiving attention. While the injury is not serious, he will be laid up for some time.—Lincoln Journal. The state board of equalization raised the valuation of the St. Francis branch of the B. & M. $500 per mile over last year.A short time ago, for an inter val of a few hours, there was not a B. & M. train moving in one direction or the other between McCook and Denver. It is said the like conditions had never existed before, and are not likely to again.—Beaver City Tribune. Station Agent Conover hung up the red lights at the depot, the other day, and announced that it was dangerous to fool with “dad.” Upon investigation it was learned that the cause of his strange conduct emanated from the fact that his heart was filled to “statiety” on account of a little girl that his wife pre sented to him this week.—Red Cloud Chief. The Burlington is preparing to run its Omaha-Chicago trains with oil for fuel. These engines are' now being fitted up in the Aurora shops with apparatus. The engines will be completed in a few weeks and an experiment will be made with oil for fuel. The officials are en thusiastic and are confident that the ex periment will be a success. Monday the new time card goes into effect. The effect on the branch is, or will be “great.” We are to have a passenger, a “flyer,” to connect with the main line at Republican City and Hastings. Our train will be a through train to Hastings. Good for the B. & M.—Oberlin Opinion. The Rock Island railroad officials will send Jewell, the rainmaker, into western Kansas again, this year, to experiment with his rain-producing apparatus and materials. They are satisfied that he was measurably successful, last season, and he will be better equipped this year. The state board of equalization have finished their work. They report an increase of mileage of only seven and a half miles over 1892. The valuation of Nebraska roads is decreased $121.54 per mile. But the average reduction on the Burlington was $250.00 per mile. Mrs. Thomas Crabtree was severely bitten on the right arm, about ten days ago, by a big dog, and has suffered much pain from the wound. The animal should be kept tied up or be killed. E. Hanson, the company’s genial claim agent, left on 2, Sunday morning, for Illinois. He will return about the 22d, accompanied by his wife and young son. Mrs. J. E. Sanborn arrived home from Lincoln, Sunday. The Tribune has it unofficially that our new three-sixteenths postmaster has already been a su bject of complaint at the general post office at Washington. When a man arrays himself against a whole community he may reasonably expect some breakers ahead. . These are hard times, but in future reduce your expenses by trading at the new store in the A. O. U. W. building on Dennison street. The meeting of the Red Willow Coun ty Teacher’s Association announced to be held in Danbury, May 19th, has been called off. Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morion, has presented the schools with a picture of himself framed in birch. Wanted—Lady clerk, dry goods de partment, McCook Mercantile Co. Ap ply to W. H. Davis. Abstracts of title will be furnished promptly and accurate by C. T. Beggs. For Rent—Three rooms over Mc Millen’s drug store. SPARKS FROM THE RAILS. The pay checks were distributed on Monday. E. O. Brandt was at headquarters, Wednesday. J. W. McDonald was here from Lin coln, Tuesday. Thomas Hart was up from Plattsmouth, this week, guest of Mac Hughes. L. B. Stiles has been laid up for a week or ten days with an attack of the mumps. J. E. Sanborn and Miss Grace are back in McCook again from a brief stay in Red Cloud. The annual meeting of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers will be held in Denver, commencing May 21st. No. 77 was in two sections, Sunday evening, an unusual occurrence for these times of traffic and industrial depression. Engineer Johnson visited the home folks at Curtis, last week; also taking in the shooting tournament at the same time. The company lost two freight cars in the Hastings yard, last week. A pass ing locomotive is given as the cause of the fire. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system paid a net dividend of 5 per cent, last year, in spite of the business de pression. Count Pullman’s employes are out on a strike, and four thousand and odd more persons are added to the grand army of the unemployed. The Oberlin papers announce that passenger service will again be resumed on that branch of the B. & M. It will be our turn next.—Beaver City Tribune. Willow Grove Addition Is the only part of McCook in which you can be independent and control your own water. If you find a nuisance like Meeker prowling about the back yard you can “abate” him by turning hot or cold water on him, and he can’t hide behind Cap. Phillips or the city ordinance. You have to pay about the same for water from the Lincoln Land Company in McCook that you do for rent of your house. In Willow Grove Addition you can dig a well, put up a windmill and tank for about what it costs you to pay water tax in other parts of McCook for one year. C. F. Babcock will sell you lots at from f 50 to f 200 in this addition that are just as good,, nearer the high school and as near the business center of Mc Cook as lots for which the Lincoln Land Company will charge yon from $200 to $500. _ The Home Market. Oats.35 Wheat . .35 to .45 Com.28 to 30 Potat’s.90 to $1.25 Hogs.$4.25 to $4.50 Hay.$6 to $8 Steers. . . $3to$ Cows,$1.75to$2.00 Butter.15 Eggs.8 Flour_80 to $1,50 Feed... 80 to $1.25 Wyandotte Eggs for Sale. Eggs of the celebrated S. L. Wyan dotte chickens for sale—$1 for sitting of fifteen. Six sittings for $5. Leave orders at C. M. Noble’s or The Tri bune office. Benj. Baker. House Cleaning. Anything in the line of second hand goods you have for sale or trade, go to Ludwick’s second hand store. Repair ing in tinware done promptly. Cast off clothing bought and traded for. Fine Printing. We make a specialty of fine job print ing. Our samples of fashionable and ele gant stationery for invitations, programs etc., is not excelled in Nebraska. For Sale. Full blooded registered cow and calf. For particulars enquire at my place five miles north of McCook. tf. George Haneein. For Rent. Two front rooms over drug store. L. W. McConneee & Co. Jnst now when armies of unemployed men are congregated in and aronnd Washington, and when hundreds are making their way thither, the article of Harry E. Kelley entitled “A Precursor of Anarchy,” which appears in the Chicago Magazine for May, will receive more than passing attention. The writer ably sets forth the weakness ol our present government, showing that they inhere not in our constitution or in our system of government, but in the repre sentatives that are sent to Washington and to our state capitals to legislate in the interests of the people, but who with few exceptions devote ther energies to schemes of self-aggrandizement, politi cal intrigue and the advancement of the interests of private enterprises. The arraignment is a severe but wholly just one. 15 cents per copy; $1.50 per year. Mrs. Rebecca E. Dewey has applied for a divorce from her husband Anthony on the grounds of failure to support. The The publication appears in an Indianola paper. If you are contemplating buying either light or heavy harness you should not fail to call on McMilleu Bros., who carry the most complete and best line of pure oak tanned hand-made harness in Southwest ern Nebraska, at hard times prices. East Dennison stieet, first door east of Colvin’s office. The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most, and best groceries for the money. C. M. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. Cochran & Co. have on display a large line of carriages, phaetons, buggies, road carts, spring wag ons, etc. Completest stock in Red Willow county. Inspect them if you want anything in that line. Do you know that woven wire fencing is the best and cheapest fencing on earth? S. M. Cochran & Co. have a large stock of all sizes. Don’t fail to see their line before buying. Machinery repairs of all kinds kept in stock by S. M. Cochran & Co. Also the best brands of oils. Kemember that S. M. Cochran & Co. have a complete line of shelf and heavy hardware. BY THE CARLOAD. Knipple is in receipt of another car load of flour. He is selling it at the following remarkably low figures: Fancy Patent, per sack,.$ 1.10 Second Patent, per sack.90 Snowflake, per sack.85 These are all fine flours and guaran teed to give satisfaction. SEED POTATOES. Early Ohio seed potatoes. Clark No. 1 seed potatoes. Early Rose seed potatoes. Also garden seeds of all kinds in bulk and in packages for sale by Knip ple. Well Digging. Tf you want a well put down in fine shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran tees his work. Leave orders at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. Knipple has a splendid stock of seed potatoes. For harness warranted to be first class in material as well as in work manship; also the most complete and best stock of saddlery, see L. Penner. second door south of A. O. II. W. temple. Bananas only 25 only 25 cents a dozen at Knipple’s. Corked faced collars, light, cool and elastic, warranted not to gall horse’s shoulders, for sale by L. Penner. Sec ond door south of the A. 0. U. W. temple building. 1.000 bushels of seed potatoes for sale by Knipple. They have a full line of both Siberia and North Star Refrigerators at S. M. Cochran & Co’s. See them before buy ing. They are the best the market af fords. Lettuce and radishes at Knipple’s grocery store. HARR TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. Rr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in Union block, over J. F. Ganschow’s. Mixed Paint $1.00 a gallon. L. W. McConnell & Co. Ink, pens, pencils school tablets, etc., at The Tribune stationery department. Mixed Paint $1.00 a gallon. L. W. McConnell & Co. Seventy-five cents buys a scale bools of 500 tickets at this office. White Lead $5.50 per hundred. L. W. McConnell & Co. THIS WEEK. We must close them out and are willing to sell them .... At Cost And Less. ♦ ♦♦ No House in The City Can Compete With Us on. Low Prices. Her; At Prices Lover Than ever before offered. Ladies’ Trimmed Sailors only Fifty Cents Each. ♦♦♦ Excellent Order. Every garment is Guaranteed. Agents for the Standard. .Patterns. ♦ ♦♦