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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1894)
V “ ' ... THE PHEBE BIRD IN SPRING, The water driiw from the mossy eaves ( In jewel drops on last year’s leaves; V The earth is wrapped in a vale of mist. And through thin gauze of amethyst Comes the phehe's note, so clear, so sweet. The call of the phebe bird: Phebe! Phebe! Phebel The sun is shedding its rosy glow On tufts of crocuses white as snow That bloom by the old stone wall. And from live woods by the waterfall “We faintly hear, so clear, so sweet. The call of the phebe bird: Phebe! Phebe! Phebe! The breath of violets most rare Is wafted on the gentle air. While from each mead and ferny dell Comes a plaintive note like a silver bel!. Ho piercing fine, so clear, so sweet. The call of the phebe bird: Phebe! Phebe! Phebe! ; —Alice H. Waite in New York Sun. A DECEPTION. The bombardment had come to an end. Every fort aloug tho line had been silenced, and in common with the other men-of-war lying in tho harbor we were sending landing parties ashore. As chief surgeon on board I was busy below with tho poor fellows who lay suffering unspeakable agonies with com pressed lips and white, haggard faces. Bending down with my assistants over tho prostrate body of a young mid dy, I did not hear footsteps approaching and started when some one laid bis hand on my shoulder. It was Lieutenant Harold Patterson. “Carter, old man, ” he said as I stood up and wiped my hands, “this rough work has niggered me a bit. I’ve got a nasty knock here, see?” He lifted up his left arm painfully with his right hand, and I then saw that tho dark blue cloth was tom and stained and stiff with con gealed blood. “Bit of a small shell,” he continued, with easy carelessness. “I want you to doctor it up a bit, for I’ve got to go ashore with Teaser. ” Teaser was his gun. It was a light machine gun, a capital weapon for square or retreat work. Patterson was a perfect child with his gun. Ho treated it as if it were one of his greatest friends oa earth. “There’s going to bo somo sport on the other side of those batteries, I can assure yon,” he said, i>ointing with his thumb through the porthole toward the land. “Old Teaser’s going to make things bum round there a bit, or she’s going for old iron when we get back. Candidly, Carter, did yon ever see a gun like her? Did yon ever see a piece of metal pump bullets like she docs? Lord, I’d stick against a dead wall and buck up 500 howling niggers with her single hand ed.” When I hud fixed him up, we went on deck. The hot air between the bulk heads made mo feel sick and dizzy, and I wondered at. a government like ours taking it into their heads to send out women as nurses among the wounded. Out in tho offing I could see tho trans port that was bringing the soldiers and the women. The advent ot the women was a con ? founded nuisance. I told Harold so. I “Fie, doctor,” he said. “I should never have thought it of you! Shame on you for speaking of the ladies in that disrespectful way. Why, the little dears, they’ll be the means of bringing round the fellows a lot more quickly than you and your crew could ever hope to. Three cheers for the ladies, I say. ’ ’ And as he raised his cap and waved it round his curly head I felt that there was a soft place in his heart for women in general by reason of the fact that one of them far back in England was sigh ing for her bronzed and handsome lover, who was just uow so enthusiastically championing their cause. But although I had been iu his com pany for at least three weeks he had never once mentioned to me the name of the girl I was now convinced was respon sible for this outburst of vehemence His wound did not prevent his taking his place in the pinnace. Teaser was there in the bow, carefully wrapped in yellow tarpaulin. I watched them take her ashore and saw through my glasses how carefully and tenderly he superinteded her ma nipulation until at length the whole bat tery disappeared from sight through a breach in the fortifications. A couple of hours later the big trans port arrived. She brought out two regi ments and half a dozen voluntary nurses. One of them came to our ship. I fear the reception I gave her wasn’t a very cordial one, but I didn’t want her there at all and expressed my annoyance in my actions. The expression of the face, tanned by exposure during the voyage, was firm and intellectual, aud there was a look of businesslike suavity about her man ner that we doctors always admire in any one. But time alone would show her worth. t In the cool of the evening I had the sick brought up on deck. There were few serious cases, and for these I could do no more than I had already done. Nurse sat reading by one of them. She had a remarkably clear and well bal anced voice, and I could see the poor fel lows on either side straining their ears to catch the sweet sounds that had been foreigu to them for so long. I leaned over the bulwarks and watched lauding parties returning to their respective ships. I could see a cou ple of the men of our boat impatiently walking np and down the beach, while the others stood with boathooks keeping the pinnace a few yards out and off the bottom. Then through the breach 20 yards above them came the remainder of our party. They were walking slowly and carrying some of their number. I coqld not see the gun. When they came alongside, the two wounded were handed np. One was a seaman. He was taken below. The other came up. His face aud part of his body was cov ered with a blood stained cloth, but I saw the legs and the sturdy arms, and a big lamp cams up in my throat. As I turn ed to follow them down below one of the men said to mo in a hoarse whisper: j “Gun burst, sir. for God’s sake don’t say he's going!” They loved him, all these men did. He had been like a brother to them. | I knelt'by the f ide of the boy—ho was ! only a boy. He still breathed, though , slightly, bn\\ cruel sight! ho was blind, j and his onci handsome face was horri | bly disfigured. He raised Ins hand slowly and felt 1 my ann and carried the fingers up to j my face. I bent down to catch the words which fell from his moving lips. [ “Ah, Carter, old fellow, I’m back, j you—you see. Low—trick of—Teaser, j wasn’t it? Thought she might have had : —a little—more—respect for mo, eh, | Carter?” His lips moved again, and as 1 bout down 1 heard a “g.;t footstep behind me. It was nur o. She came over and knelt on the oppo site side of the mattress and took his hand in hers. He gave a little start and then removed the hand which ho was holding on my breast and smoothed the one that hold his. nuHi), aumniM rou re—lace to night—never do to be late. Naughty— little—girl. I’ve been—wanting you a lot—dear. I’ve missed you—dreadfully. Have you—missed me, Minnie?” Out of pure delicacy I arose quietly and withdrew. When I came back at the end of a quarter of an hour, he was smoothing her cheeks. Then the poor hand passed down over the collar of her dross, down to the bib of her apron. This, I saw, was wet with his life’s blood. “Been gardening, Minnie?” he mur mured as his hand came into contact with the moisture. “Yon’vo got your self wet. You’ll catch cold, deary. Be careful. ” Then another short silence, while the hand traveled up to the bonny head of hair that crowned her form. Slowly and painfully he drow out the hairpins, one by one, and the tresses fell down over her shoulders onto the blood stained coverlet. “You—haven’t had it—all cut off. You told me you would. But that—was long—ago. I thought you—didn’t mean it” She was a brave woman, that nurse. Few could have gone tlirough the or deal as she did. I do not know her now. I do not even know her name, and I have never seen her since she left the ship for the transport a few weeks later at the termination of the war. The heat of the cockpit, combined with the motion of the vessel, made me feel a bit giddy, and I went up for a breath of fresh air. I tried to look cheerful and to speak a word to the purser as I passed him. But, confound it all, the word wouldn’t come, and the dry, tickling sensation in my throat made me cough until my eyes watered. But I never could leave the dying boy down there without me, so down I went again. “And—now—you'll kiss me, Minnie —won’t you?” I looked at the eyeless and blackened countenance as he turned his poor head toward her. I looked at the pale, quiv ering lips of the noble girl who had thus lightened the end of one for whom she had nothing more than pity. He placed both arms about her neck, and she kissed him.—Pearson’s Weekly. His Rebuke. Mr. Abner Jennings was never known to say a harsh tiling to or about any one. His form of speech was invariably mild, and exaggerated statements were viewed by him as almost as reprehensi ble as lies. Once, in the spring of the year, when the Blueville roads were in a fearful condition of mud and mire, the team of a “traveling merchant” was ■ stalled a short distance from Mr. Jen nings’ house. The old man at once brought out his oxen and went to the peddler’s assistance. The team could not be instantly re leased even with the aid of the yoke of oxen, and the peddler, who was a man of high temper and little self control, proceeded to vent his rage in language which first amazed and 'then disgusted the equable Mr. Jennings. He bore it as long as he thought was necessary and proper and then unhitched his oxen and went calmly home. “I went to try to help him,” he ex plained to his wife as he walked into the kitchen on his return, ‘ ‘but he talked so poorly that I came off and left him. ’ ’ One day he caught some boys robbing his black cherry tree and surveyed them for some moments in speechless disap probation. “Boys, ” he said at last, giv ing the culprits the sternest glance of which he was capable, “boys, I think you’ve been doing very poorly! ’ ’ After administering that stinging re buke he turned on his heels and walk ed slowly away to the bam and never referred to the matter again.—Youth’s Companion. A Laugh on the Girls. A good joke was played on the girls of Marion by the young men of that town. The boys had been rather remiss in their attentions to the young ladies and had been ‘ ‘stagging’ ’ it to the thea ter, parties, etc., until the girls got tired of beiug left in the cold and decided to show their independence. Consequently 15 of the girls hired a box at the theater and made a very charming theater party. The play was “Wanted, a Husband,” and the girls sat serene through it all, never dreaming that the wicked boys had taken one of the largest flaring post ers, “Wanted, A Husb-"d,” and fas tened it around the box that all the audience might rea Indianapolis Sentinel. Rods In Pickle. One of the most useful institutions of Alexandria, Va., is the parental rod, which is always held in pickle at the station house for the use of such parents as desire to escape fines levied for the offenses of their unruly children. They nre allowed to whip the bad boys at the station house, and in that case the fine is remitted. —Philadelphia Ledger. jocwr-»MTfWi»i'.%»»»g7m»a«r-»j<fHgirwwr<u>i wim n; i xr.iaian A WOUNDED AMAZON. | Standing apart in dumb, deep agony. With none of nil her warring sisters near, 1 With nono l ) beii> her or console her hero, j She pays the* price of those who would be free. | Hast thou, wl «# in thy proud virginity, A inaid to cc t e with heroes didst not fear. Found that such glory might bo bought ton dear When one, who should have shielded, wounded thee? Yet, gazing on thee where thou standest now. He whom n« amazouian arms could queil Before thine unarmed womanhood would bow. Until your lifted eyes should re-engage The strife of which our latest stories tell That ho and thou forevermore must wage. - Alfred W. Bonn in Academy. WAS HE A COWAHD? “Oh, Coubu George,”said Mrs. Flit ters as they walked iuto the houso from the garden, '1 do wish Harry were uot such n coward. ’ ’ "Are yon quite sure that your hus band is one?’ ’ “Well, last night I thought I heard burglars in the houso, and do you know I positively lielieve he was afraid to go down stairs. ” “Didn’t he go?’’ “No; ho insisted that it was only the cat and refused to get up. ” “And did it happen to be thieves, after all?” “Oh, no. As a matter of fact, it was the cat, as ho suggested. But I think it would have been more manly if he had gone, don’t you?’’ “Perhaps as lie was convinced that it was the cat it was not necessary. ’’ “Still I admire pluck in a man, and I shan’t have nearly so much'coufideneo in Harry’s bravery as I once had. Now, I want you to do me a great favor. Will you promise?” “Anything in reason, my dear Kate. ” “Well, I want you to play the bur glar tonight I will give you the key to the back door, and you must como in between 1 and 2 o’clock and put T;he lower part of the house in disorder, just as if thieves had broken iu and ran sacked the place. ’ ’ “But suppose Harry hears me?” “I shall, of course, see that he does. But I am sure we shall find that he will be afraid to stir out of his room.” “Yet, if you should be mistaken, it would be rather awkward for me. He is a powerful man. ” “I assure you it is perfectly safe, George. If Harry shows any disposition to go down stairs, I have only to insist on his staying to protect me, and he is certain to allow himself to be persuad ed.” JJlignt he cot nw at mo out of the window?’ ’ “There isn’t such a thing as a revolv er or a gun in the house. ” “Very well, Kate, I will do as you wish, but you must not blame me if anything goes wrong. ” “Oh, it’s so good of you, George. We shall just see what Harry is made of. It will bo such fun too. By the way, Harry ought to be home before now. Let us stroll down the road to meet him. ’ ’ As they passed out of the house Harry Flitters rose from the high back ed chair at the other end of the room, where he wasdoziug when they first en tered and from which place of conceal ment he had heard, with great amuse ment—for ho was a very good natured man—the whole conversation. “A pretty little plot, Mrs. Flitters!” he said to himself, with a laugh. “It will, as you say, be ‘such fun!’ ” ****** “Harry! Harry!” “Ye-yes, dear. What is it?” “lam sure there’s a burglar in the house. ’ ’ “Listen! Yes, by Jove, you’re right this time. Keep quiet while I put some thing on. I’ll make it hot for him. ” “Harry, I believe there are at least three of them!” “As long as they don’t exceed that number I don’t mind. ” “But, Harry, they are sure to be well armed!” “I must take my ohance about that. ” Mr. Flitters was now moving toward the door, and his wife realized that he ‘ ‘meant business. ’ ’ “You mustn’t endanger your life, Harry! Harry, I insist on your not go ing. Yon will not desert your wife in the hour of Sanger! Come back, Harry! ’ ’ But he had slipped out of the room and closed the bedroom door, turning the key on the outside, where he had placed it a few hours before. Mrs. Flitters rattled the handle of the door and shrieked to her husband to come back. But there was determination in his eye, and he went boldly forward to meet the enemy. »oon tnere was the most temble up roar in the kitchen, and the night air was made hideous with the sound of the smashing of china and glass, of the shouting of men’s voices and of the breaking of chairs and tables. Mrs. Flitters stood in her room terri fied and horror stricken. They would kill one another! Why had she been so foolish? “It’s all over, Kate. Strike a light. Let me wash off some of the stains of the battle. ’ ’ “Oh, Harry, what has happened!” “A good deal, lam afraid, during the last 10 minutes. ” “Good heavens, there’s blood on your hands!" “Yes, it has been distributed pretty j freely down stairs. The painters and paper hangers had better come in tomor- ! row. We shall be prosecuted for keep- j ing unlicensed shambles. ” “It was only one man?” “That is all, but he got the share of j three. ” “Could you see what he was like, Harry?” “No, bnt I can imagine what he re sembles at the present moment ’ ’ “But, Harry, dear, is he badly hurt? f am so frightened. ” “Well, I think they’ll pull him rhrough when he gets to the hospital. ” “I hope fou haven’t permanently in jured him. ' “I think, not, but I have permanently instructed him in tho wisdom of keep ing his hands off other peoplo’s property I sprang on him like a tiger, and before he could utter a word he hid been all over the kitchen—under the ruble, into the grato, among the pots and kettles beneath the dresser-—everywhere! He ought to know his way around next time. As fur the crockery, 1 don’t be lieve there is a whole piece left. Wo ad journed to the scullery, where 1 cleaned tho sink with him and kicked him out jf the door through the glass window of tho conservatory. ” “Oh, Harry! How could you be so cruel? I think you are a brute!" “Weil, if that isn't rich! The other day you called me a coward for not go ing down stairs in the middle of the night to kick the cat. Now 1 am a brute for attacking a burglar empty handed!“ “I certainly think you ought to have asked him who he was and what he was doing there and to have given him an opportunity of explaining. ” “FiddlesticksI While I was waiting for his visiting card he might have brained me. Ono really cannot waste courtesy on a burglar. ” “1 wish now that 1 had not awaken ed you. ’ ’ “So probably does he!’’ Dear Kate—You say in your letter that you are sorry I tod not see you before I came away. I must say lint 1 do not think tin* interview would have bjen pleasant to eitl.. r of us. I consider you have, for some reason best known to yourself, piayed me a mean and comempl ibletrick. I do not accuse you of plotting the wholo affair with that murderous husband of yours, but! cannot help thinking that you must, have known what a dangerous man he is. No doubt you got some fuu or satisfaction out 01 the business, though v, ha: i cannot for the life of me think. I am certainly quite ignorant of having dono anything to earn this revenge of yours. That man behaved like a perfect fiend. He did with me just as be liked, and in what he liked he was not very particular. I was in bed tor a week, hardly able to see out of my eyes or move a limb. I am also covered with sears. I may not return to England for some years, and when I do I aiu not likely, if in my present mood, to renew my acquaintance with my cousin Kate Flitters and her amiable hus band. If you lake my advice, you will not en lighten Mi-. Flitters as to the lacts of tiiat dis creditable affair. Yours faithfully, George Chai.kont. Kate took her cousin’s advice and be lieves to this day that her husband is absolutely ignorant of the disastrous burglary plot. She thinks he is the bravest man in the world, while he laughs up his sleeve and is happy.—Lon don Tit-Bits. Liutiler’s Wife. Believing that “a good wife is of the Lord, ’ ’ Martin Luther chose a good wom an—Catherine de Bora—a lady of noble birth, a nun, and, if we may credit Hol bein’s portrait, a very pretty woman, i Better still, she was a faithful and af fectionate wife, though her temper was not the sweetest and her tongue at times could scold. Luther loved her dearly. With him indeed reverence for woman was at once a natural instinct and a point of doctrine. He observed that when the first woman was brought to ! the first man to receive her name ] he called her not wife, but mother— ; “Eve, the mother of all living”—a word, he says, “more eloquent than ever fell from the lips of Demosthenes. ” So when Catherine frowned ho smiled, when she scolded he bantered. With the gen tlest soothing he chided her anxieties, and with the most self denying devotioii he sought to make her life happy. And a happier home, it is said, than the home of Luther was not in that land of domestic tenderness. In one of his let ters to his wife he says: “The greatest favor of God is to have a good and pious husband, to whom yen can intrust your all—your person and even your life— whose children and yours are the same, j Catherine, you have a pious husband, j who loves yon. You are an empress. ] Thank God for it. ’ ’ And more playfully he says another time: “If I were going to make love again, I would carve an obedient woman out of marble in de spair of finding one in any other way. ’ ’ He addresses her sometimes as “My Love Catherine,” “Catherine the Queen,” the “Empress,” the “Doc tress,” or as “Catherine, the rich and I noble lady of Zeilsdorf, ’ ’ where they I had a cottage and a few roods of ground, i —Quiver. The Cost of Firing: the Thirteen Inch Gun. The cast of each pound of projectile is 18 cents, which makes each one fired represent $207. The powder costs 33 cents a pound, or $181.50 for the charge. Bags in which it is incased, fuses, etc., bring the cost of each shot up to $400. The expenso of each shot makes it ex ceedingly desirable that each one hits the target it is sent at. There are other remarkable features about this leviathan besides the projec tile. Powder such as no one ever dreamed of 10 years ago is used.. It is technically known as brown prismatic and takes the latter term from the pecu liar shape of the grain. Each grain is probably 2 > inches high and 2 in width and is prismatic in form, with a small hole through the center. Eleven of these grains make one pound. Each grain would make several rounds for an ordi nary fowling piece. The extent of the ; charge necessitates its being placed in four parts, each part also prismatic. These parts are forced in the gun, and when in place hng one another closely. Thin muslin hags hold the powder in j place.—Baltimore Sun. -<_ Wales Rejected For Insurance. The Prince of Wales was very heavi- ( ly insured at one time, his motive in 1 securing the insurance being, it was j stated, to protect the money lender Far quhar, with whom he was implicated | before the Dnke of Fife cleared up the j prince’s obligations by marrying into S the royal family. Just how much insur- ; ance the prince carried at that time is : not known, but it is certain that he got j as much as fhe British companies would give him and then applied to one of the companies in this city. Being a person of high estate, he refused, however, to permit the company’s medical exam in- ; er to inspect his royal person, proffering i instead a certificate from his personal physician, which certificate the compa ay refused to accept, and so the insu - mee was never effected.—Exchange. I : ML HATHAWAY & 00., ^-SPECIALISTS-^. (Beculur Graduate*.) *re the loading and most successful specialists end | 'vill give you help* Remarkable re nulla have follow ed our treatment. Many y«ur* of varied an.I success tui experience In the urn* of cura tive method* that w u alone own and control lor nil dis orders ol men who knave weak, unde* a veloped or die* reused organa, or iwlio are suffering Si rum erior* of ■youth and excess ■for who are nervous wand impotent, Elbe scorn of their Sfellows and tho * contempt of their friends and com panions, leads us 0 !*naranico to At: u rney can puamoiy >•* restored, om* u».vst excIn^Sve trcatmcut vl!3 afioi'ii acar;*. WOW EX! Don't want t*> get cored of that .YvaliiieM with a firafmjnt that you cmi use at home without instnmien?**'/ Our wonderful treat ment has cured other*. ’-Vby not you e Try It. TVVTARRH, and diseases of the Skin, Blood, .1 ui't, Liver ai:d Kidney*. * v'PUT7.1.4--The tt.- rapid. Rofe and effective rmedy. A complete Cairo Quaruateed. :4*CIX DS^EASFK of ail kinds cored wher: n- .^/Others have failed. V’^f ATrRAL M Mfifff % ROE# promptly cured In a few day a. Quick, sure and safe. Tina Include* Gleet and Gcnorhce*. TRUTH AND FACTS. We h.rre cured cases of Chronic Disease* that have failed to get cured at the hands of other special ists and used leal institute*. — *T " ** 1 1*1*1-fT that there Is hope for You. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable time. Obtain our treatment at once. Be ware of free and cheap treatments. We give the best and most scientific treatment at moderate prices—os low as can be done for safe ai.d skillful treatment. FREE consultation at the office or by mail. Thorough cv.-nninatlon and careful dlag nosls. A home treatment can be given In a majority of cases. Send for Symptom blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women; No. 3 for Skin Diseases. All corre spondence answered promptly. Business strictly con Sciential. Entire treatment sent free from observa tion. Refer to our patients, banka aud business men. Address or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO., S. E. Corner Sixth and Felix St«., Rooms 1 anti (Up Stairs.! »T. ilOMEPH. MO. \ ii-pans Tabules! ^ 1 : : Ripans Tabules are coni- - : pounded from a prescription \ j widely used by the best medi- j ; cal authorities and are pre- • l sented in a form that is be- : l coming the fashion every- j | where. ! ♦ h'rparss Tabules act gently j • .1 promptly upon the liver, { : i.riUich and intestines; cure j : lyspepsia, habitual constipa- * : t;on, offensive breath and head- ♦ • ache. One tabule taken at the : 1 first symptom of indigestion. • : biliousness, dizziness, distress : : after eating, or depression oi : i spirits, will surely and quickly | l remove the whole difficulty. : I _ * i ; Ripans Tabules may be ob- | ( lained of nearest druggist. ; ! : Ripans Tabules • ">re easy to take, ; : to act, and many a doc-' mil. : The County Fair affords an excellent opportunity for the pick-pocket to get your watch. If you would be proof against his skill, be sure that tiie bow (or ring) is a This wonderful bow is now fitted to the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, which are made of two plates or gold soldered to a plate of composition metal. i.'Kik equally as well as solid gold cast-s, arid cost about half as much. Guaranteed to wear 20 years. Always look for this trade mark, sk None genuine without it. Sold only through watch dealers. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send to the manufacturers. Key stone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. | You (The Best. TKJ THIS. EXPERIMENTS ARE DANGEROUS. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. TRY NO EXPERIMENTS. MAKE NO DELAYS. M5E OREGON K> D N EY JEA, ' IT WILL. CURE YOU Of Back-ache. Inflammation of the Bladder or Kidnevs. Diabetes. Loss of Flesh. Drops*- | cal Swellings, Constipation and all complaint* arising from a morbid condition of Inc I’r - 1 nary Organs. Mh*iv.i;r »»■»« » i »»-.U I'MUW 4< 1SDRROCND iii MYSTERY! i — A Great Mistake. A recent discovery Is that headache, I dizziness, dullness, confusion of the mind, ! etc., are duo to derangement of the nerve : centers which supply the brain with nerve I forces that indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia. ; wind In stomach, etc., arise from the derange I uient of the nerve centers supplying these or j guns with nerve flu id or force. This is likewise i true of many diseases of the heurl imd lungs. The nerve system is like a telegraph system, I ns will bo seen by the accompanying • in. i ue iiiuu white lines are the nerves which co lvey the nerve r v *e from the nOi ve centers to every part of the body. Just as the elec trie current is conveyed along t li e telegraph wires to every station, largo or small. Ordinary physicians fail to regard tills fact; Instead of treat ing the nerve cen ters for thecause o f the disorders arising therefrom they treat, the j part affected. Franklin Miles, ! M. D.. LL.B., the j higlily celebrated specialist and i miuuuiu/ in mu vuiiH uiWitNin, u-iiu auinur of many noted treatises on the I a tier subject, long since realized tlie truth of the lirst statement, and his Restorative Nervine is prepared on that principle. Its success in curing all diseases arising from derange ment of the nervous system is wonder ful. as tne thousands of unsolicited testimo nials in possession of the company manufac turing the remedy amply prove. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is a reliable remedy for all nervous diseases, such as headache, nervous debility, prostration, sleeplessness, dizziness hysteria, sexual de bility, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It ic sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee, or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Oo., Elkhart, Ind„ on receipt of price, $1 per bot tle, six bottler for 15, express prepaid. Restorative Nervine positively contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO Hone* branded on left blp or left •bnnlOea r. anarenn, imperial. [Chase County, and Buat rloe. Neb Bunge, Stmt* In* Water and French' man creeks. Chuae Co., Nebraska. Brand as out on side off some animals, on hipaa4 » sides of some, or wmnre on me animal. j Subjects need fear no longer from thia Kim* oc Terror*, for by a most wonderful tliarovery in ! medicine, cancer on any part of the WJy can bo : itfi’nannUljr cured without the umo ok’ U't: bnilc. ! MRS li. I>. Cor.RV, 2307 Tnniana Are.. fHilrvigo, ; i'ty - ** Was cured of cancer of t he br :a*L in dix j w~o!,** by your method of treatment." r-orui i*.r \ l* o<u.i:vj, if**. 11. €• Dude* \Wn . (.’lucago. I i i i i M. NOBLE, LEADING GROCER, McCOOK, - NEB. SOLE AGENT. J. S. McBkayku. Mii.tox Osborn ^ceRfXER & OS80% Proprietors ot the McCook Transfer Line Bus, Baggage and Express. OXLV FURNITI RE VAN ....In the City.... Lea*, e orders for Bus Calls at Commercial Hotel or our office opposite depot. J. S. McBrajer also has a first class house-moving outfit. When Baby was .-del:, w; ire h«*r Cctf- oria. 9 Wh-n she was a Child, ah-* cn -d for Castoria. When she became Mias, she clun;; to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. SPEEDY and LASTING RESULTS. “ FATPEOPLE/^X No inconTcsknce. Simnlc.-g 1 . W sore. ABaoium? rsill'*’ *“*1 from any injurious substance. \ tbtb M uioi issonns motors. X^e Ne GUARANTEE a CURE or refund roof mm Price *8.00 per bottle. Send dcfoeSSfiau TBEMOST MEDICAL CO.. BoMoaTWUsau.