The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 11, 1894, Image 7

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Chamberlain’s Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain curefor Chronic Sore Eye*. Tetter,
8*lt Kheum. Soald Head. Old Chronic Horen,
Fever Boro*. Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches,
oore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling srid
eoothlnp. Hundreds of cases huveheen cured
try It after all other treatment had failed. If
** put up In 25 and 50 cent boxes. For sale try
Oeorge M. Chenery. Nov.20-lyear.
Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your
Life away is the truthful and startling title of
a little hook that tells all about No-to-bac,
the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco
habit cure. The cost Is trill I ng and the man
who wants to quit and can’t, runs no physical
or financial risk in using No to hac—Sold by
all druggists, (look al drug stores or by mail
free. The Sterling Hemedy Co.. Indiana Min
eral Springs, Indiana. Aug. 85—1 yr.
1 have been :roubled with chronic
sore eyes for forty-five years, and dur
ing that time have used many differ
ent remedies, but have never found any
that seemed to do me any good, uutil 1
procured a box of Chamberlain’s Eye
and Skin Ointment. I have used only
about one-third of the box. and can
truthf ully say 1 have never had my eyes
feel as well, or look as well as they do
now. I expect to cure them entirely
with the ointment. Ben Heath, Dow
City, Iowa. 25 cent boxes for sale by
McConnell & Co.
Rail Road Rotes.
J. Hailey of Batavia, N. Y., conduct
or on N. Y. C. railway, and one of the
best known men on the road, says of
Parks’ Tea: For ten years 1 have suf
fered from constipation. Tritd every
thing and found nothing of lasting val
ue. Hearing so many talking of Parks’
Tea I tried it without much hope. The
first dose moved my bowels easily and
now l am cured. It works like magic.
l>old by MeMillen.
During an epidemic of whooping
cough at DeVVitt, Iowa, a prominent
family there bought a fifty-ceut bottle
of Chatnberlaiu’s Cough Remedy for
their children. It pioved so satisfactory
that they recommended it to their neigh
bors; and they in turn to others. In
less than a week's time the druggist,
Mr. C. V. Baxter, was having an im
mense run on it. The medicine is still
the maiu reliance in that vicinity for
coaghs, colds, croup and whooping
cough. Mr. Baxter says: “It sells
on its merits."' For sale bv McConnell
& Co.
When a man pounds his thumb, be
puts it in his mouth and says * * * *
get me Haller’s Pain Paralyzer, quick
now. For sale by McConnell & Co.
W'e authorize our advertised drug
gists to sell Dr. King’s New Discovery
tor Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
upon this condition: If you are afflict
ed with a cough, cold or any lung,
throat or chest trouble, and will use
this remedy as directed, giving it a fair
trial, and experience no benefit, you
may return the bottle and have your
money refunded. We could not make
this offer did we not know that Dr.
King’s New Discovery could be relied
on. It never disappoints. Trial bot
tle free at McMilleu's drug store.
Large size 50e. and $1.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, acd all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box, at McMilled’s.
We are printing the date to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to The Tribune along with the
address. Watch the date and you will
know if you are in arrears. If you are
please come and see us.
North Pole, Dec. 25, 1892.
Haller Proprietary Co:—Be sure and
send me a lot of Haller’s Sure Cure
Cough Syrup. I get lots of letters
from the children asknig for it. For
sale by McConnell & Co.
The great elephant, got a sore foot they
used Haller's Barb Wire Liniment and
cured it up in four days. For sale by
McConnell & Co.
Mr. Will. Westlake, u prominent
farmer and breeder of thorough bred
horseg, living near Avoca. Neb., was so
badly injured by being thrown troui bis
sulky, as to be unable to raise his band
to his head. After using numerous lin
iments and consulting several physi
cians without getting any relief, he
asked me if I knew of anythiug that
would help him. I recommended
Chamberlain’s Paiu Balm, which he
used, and within two weeks he had en
tirely recovered the use of his aria. 1
consider Chamberlain's Pain Balm the
greatest preparation ever produced for
sprains, bruises, deep-seated and mus
cular pains, burns and scalds.—.1. .1,
La Grange, Druggist, Avoca, Neb.
50 cent bottles for sale by McConnell
& Co
No ctiurch is ever made a bit stronger
by having an unrepentant sinner with
a pocket full of money walk up and
join it.
Distemper—Cause and Treatment
Is the title of our little book which
tells all about one of the most loath
some and dangerous diseaaec affecting
horses, sheep, and dogs, with unques
tionable proot of the merits of Cralt's
Distemper and Cough Curi in the treat
ment of the same. Sent free by ad
dressing The Wells Medicine Co.. La
Fayette Ind. The remedy is sold by
There is more power in the influence
of a hoy than there is in a'li the steam
in a locomotive boiler.
As a remedy for all forms of head
ache Electric Bitters has proved to be
the best. It effects a permanent cure
and the most dreaded habitual sick
headaches yield to its influence.
We urge all who are afflicted to procure
a bottle, and give this remedy a fair
trial. In cases of habitual constipation
Electric Bitters cures by giving the
needed tone to the bowels, and few
cases long resist the use of this medi
cine. Try it once. Large bottles only
50 cents at McMillen's drus store.
The man who votes to sustain a
wrong is helping the devil, whether he
knows it or not.
Morris’ English Worm Powder,
A specific remedy for worms: warrant
ed to cure the worst case of worms
known, or money refunded. Knocks
pin worms in horses every time. Also
good for all kinds of worms in horses,
sheep and dogs. Price 50 cents at all
drug stores, or postpaid by mail. The
Wells Medicine Co.. LaFayette. In
diana. Sept. 8—1 yr.
Some fellows get very low down in
getting up in the world.
A' chance to be strong and healthy,
feed them with good plain food and
keep their blood in good order with
Haller's Sarsaparilla and Burdock and
who knows but they will be president
or alderman. For sale by McConnell
& Co. _ .
Lessons learned in the school of ex
perience are remembered the longest.
Why Do You Cough?
Do you not know that Parks' Cough
Syrup will cure it? We guarantee every
bottle. There are many cough syrups
but we believe Barks' is the best and
most reliable. Sold by McMillen.
It is not the bird with the brightest
piumage that sings the sweetest.
It Does Mot Cost Anything
To try Parks’ Sure Cure. A specific
cure of all diseases peculiar to women.
Ask your druggist our guarantee plan.
Sold by McMillen.
The world pays more attention to
what a man does than to what he says.
Dr. Humphrey's new specific for the
Grippe is meeting with a phenominal
sale. A sure cure—almost infallible,
curing 99 cases out of 100. For sale
by all druggists.
Awarded Highest Honors World’s Fair.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
XTaed in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard.
Illustration* of Both th* Ikad ami the liv
ing I*aKt—Prewooitionu In Abundance of
Something Strange, to Come—In the Val
ley of l>e*oiatiou.
Nowhere ou the know n globe is there
another region of tho same extent repre
senting the weird and grewsome ns well
as the sublime and grand in nature as
in a long and wide strip lying a consid
erable distance inland from the western
coast of tho United States. Hi re cun be
found an abundance of rations of
both tho dead and living past—that
strange past of physical violence preced
ing the age of man, and that solemn
past when the forces had gone to rest
and tho imprint of chaos lay everywhere.
There are premonitions in abunjlanceof
something “traugo to come in the comi
ties of Snohomish, Okanogan, Douglas
and Yakima in Washington, but this is
not fully emphasized until tho Oregon
counties of Morrow', Gilliam, Grant and
Lake have been considered, and the mar
velous receives a wonderful accession in
the long line of eastern California coun
ties, southern Nevada, a considerable
region in Utah west of Great Salt lake,
southern New Moxico and a region of
no small dimensions in northern Texas.
Here, to th'e mental and the ocular sight,
are unsolved problems in geology, para
doxes in physical formation and number
less instances of what may be termed in
versions of established geographical or
In Oregon we are confronted with the
still and silent Sagebrush desert, hem
med in by a wildly picturesque yet as
dreary and inhospitable a region as can
be found anywhere. In the midst of this
desert, as if to reflect the surrounding
awfulness, is Fossil lake, and all the
surrounding region is one vast and wide
cemetery of the fauna of a precataclysmal
world. Here are massed together more
fossil specimens of a greater variety of
early animal life than can be found any
where on the earth, excepting the im
mense fossil islands northward of Si
beria—horses of rare form, different spe
cies of camels, llamas, mammoths, sloths
of huge proportions, wonderful birds, and
the evidence that primitive man at some
time was there is indicated by the pres
ence of arrowheads chipped from vol
canic glass. But what long ages have
been entombed since these tropical ani
mals in their untamed strength trod the
soil of Oregon and what mighty changes
have swept over the earth since then!
How came they there in such amazing
numbers, and what were the causes of
such universal and evidently such si
multaneous death? No conditions on
the earth as we know them now could
bring this about. Yet here nature chose
to locate one of her remarkable mortua
ry establishments and to enshroud it
with the gloom of unrelieved desola
tion. Commencing in this region and
extending down into California, the
mountains are freakish. They are not
constructed on the chain or continuous
system. The earth did not wrinkle her
crust, but she erupted into huge boils;
the peaks stand isolated, sometimes in
terrupting an otherwise comparatively
even plain.
And now the valleys, rivers and con
siderable lakes take on a habit of be
coming lost. The streams, after consid
erable underground meandering, find
themselves again on the surface, and
after a succession of reappearances and
disappearances either stay found or are
lost entirely.
Chasms, with almost a mile of depth
and faced with perpendicular walls of
solid rock, now begin to appal both
sight and sense, and in Mariposa coun
ty the tremendous canyon of the
Yosemite exceeds anything of the
kind on the earth. Before this hot
springs have become common, lakes of
soda water abound, and San Bernardino
has valleys where the soil is hot and
boiling geysers obtrude. Lava fields,
covering immense tracts, have exhibited
vitrified scorise from northern Oregon
down, and Nye county, Nev., has lava
beds in profusion. In Inyo county, and
taking in a portion of San Bernardino,
Death valley, grim, hot and repellent,
presents itself, it and the surrounding
region constituting, not in the mind
only, but in reality, a region bordering
more on the human conception of the
infernal than can be furnished by any
other locality on the globe.
In this valley of desolation the sum
mer temperature reaches 140 degrees,
rivaling that of the Sahara. It is some
hundreds of feet below sea level, en
tirely destitute of water, although the
Amagosa river discharges into one end
of it, and in the interior has an atmos
phere as of burning sulphur that neither
human nor animal lungs can long in
hale without great risk to life. Embrac
ing hundreds of square miles, it affords
not a sign of either animal or vegetable
life in its interior, while its fnmacelika
heat renders it one of the hottest spots
on the globe. In the same system is So
da lake, into which the troubled Mohave
river finally enters, discharging its
brackish waters as into a sieve. The
country abounds with sinks, streams
suddenly plunge into subterranean
depths farther south to fnmish hot wa
ter, hot mud and sulphur volcanoes,
dotted in miniature over an immense
area, hissing and spitting and loading
the air with most disagreeable fumes.
The Utah section duplicates many of
the remarkable features common to the
other localities mentioned and affords
indisputable evidence of having been in
volved in the throes of the mighty dis
turbance that once prevailed throughout
this singular region, and which must
have been still potent long after the
other surface that is now embraced in
the United States was quiescent.
Whatever the nature of the violence
may have been. Great Salt lake lower
ed its level 940 feet, and a vast region
partook of great and sudden topograph
ical changes.—Pittsburg Dispatch.
Incorporated Under State Laws.
Paid Up Capital $50,000. Surplus $10,000.
l3aitftttig - lousiness.
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn on
principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid
for non-residents.
Tickets for Sale to and from Europe.
Y. FRANKLIN, President. A. C. EBERT, Cashier.
The First National Bank, Lincoln, Nebraska.
The Chemical National Bank, New York City.
Tfte Hrsf JVattonal Idatil
GEORGE HOCKNELL, President. B. M. FREES. Free President. W F. LAWSON Cashier
$100 REWARD. $100.
The reader of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cuie in all its stages, and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the
medcial fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken interuaily, acting directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the
patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature iu do
ing its work. The proprietors have so
much faith in its curative powers, that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it fails to cure. Send
for list of testimonials. Address
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
B3F”Sold by druggists.
We Guarantee
That no horse will ever die of colic,
bots, or conjestion of the stomach if
Morris' English Stable Powder is used
regularly two or three times a week.
If fed to cows it will increase the quan
tity of the milk and cream one-third,
and wiil keep both in good healthy con
dition. 25 cedts. Sold Dy McConnell
& Co. _
Lire and Learn.
It is estimated that there are two
million chickens hatched in the United
States every year, but not more than
one-half of these reach the size for
market. Cholera, gapes, pip, etc., kill
millions every year. All these dis
eases are quickly cured by the use of
Wells' Hoosier Poultry Powder 25
cents. For sale by McConnell & Co.
Afraid of Pneumonia.
Mrs. Catherine Black, of LeRoy, N.
Y., took a severe cold. The physician
feared pneumonia. She took one bot
tle of Parks’ Cough Syrup and says:
“It acted like magic. Stopped my
cough and I am perfectly well now.
I recommend to everyone for throat
and lung trouble as I believe it saved
my life.” Sold by McMillen.
A Merciful Man
Is merciful to his horse, and every
horse-owner should have a bottle of i
Morris' English Stable Liniment as a
part of his ready and useful outfit. A
safe and speedy cure for barbed-wire cuts,
wounds, galls, scratches, sore shoulders
and back, sweeney, puffs, poll evil and
all blemishes. There is nothing else
like it. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. sold
by McConnell & Co.
Craft’s Distemper and Cough Cure.
A safe preventive and positive cure
for distemper, coughs, etc., in horses,
sheep and dogs. Has stood the test of
frequent use in every portion of the
country, and will do precisely what is
claimed for it, as those who have used
it will cheerfully testify. Price 50 cts.
and $1.00. For sale bv McConnell
& Co. "
S. B. Bashford of Carthage, S. D. ,
was taken sick in Sioux City. He
procured two bottles of Parks' Sure
Cure for the Liver and Kidneys. He
says: “I believe Parks’ Sure Cure ex
cells all other medicines for rheumatism
and urinary disorders.”
The Prettiest Girl in Town
Has been using Parks’ Tea and she
says: “My complexion is much im
?roved. That muddy look is all gone.
take a cup of Parks' Tea three nights
a week and feel just elegant.” Sold
by McMillen.
To W. C. Jenkins, Gerhard Radatnacher,
George Hockneil, McCook Loan and Trust
Company, Eugene S. Dutcher, A. E. Boynton,
J. E. Seeley, Nelson A. Duff, Joseph Oppen
maer, Mary E. Wick, Samuel S. Colt and to
all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to locate a
road commencing at a point 8 chains 50 links
north of center of section it, township 2,
range 27, in Missouri Ridge precinct. Red
Willow county, Nebraska, running thence
west 38 chains, thence north 42 degrees 30
minutes, west 89 chains 14 links, thence north
73 chains 29 links, thence north 17 degrees
20 minutes, west 33 chains, thence north 60
degrees 30 minutes, west 12 chains 50 links,
intersecting section line, thenc$ west on sec
tion line, terminating at northwest comer of
northeast M of section 32, township 3, range
27, has reported in favor of the location there
of, and all objections thereto or claims for
damages must be filed in the county clerk’s
office on or before noon of the 21st day of
July, A. D. 1894, or said road will be establish
ed without reference thereto.
5i-4ts. Geo. W. Roper, County Clerk.
List of Patents.
Patents received at the NcCook land office
May 7th, 1S94.
Allsop, William Axtell, Reuben Y.
Baker, William M. Bisste, William J.
Christlien, Mary Calkins, Horace R.
Collins, John Doyle, Elgy B.
Ferrel, Bethuel Gore, Clark P.
Harrison, James F. Hill, YVilliam
Killoran, Luke Lutjeharmes, Anna
Lair, John H. Minard, John E.
Mead, Frank P. Mead, Arzelia P.
McMurdy, Charles Moore. Miron
Morrisey, Michael Perry, Frank F.
Powers, Harmon Ritz, Solomon
Reneau, YVilliam D. Tennant, Martin 1..
West, Truman F. Y’oung, Eben P.
K. O. T. M.—Second and fourth Thursday
evenings of each month. J. H. Dwyer, Com.
J. H. Yarger, Record Keeper.
L. O. T. M.—First and third Thursday even
ings of each month. Mrs. J. F.Ganschow,
Mrs. Nellie Johnson. Com.
Record Keeper.
Albany, Oregon. May 23d, 1893. Lor the
above occasion we will sell round trip tickets
to Portland, Oregon, for $65.50. Tickets on
sale May 7th to 10th, inclusive, and May 14th
to 17th, inclusive. Limit going 10 days from
date of sale, with final limit July 15th. Stop
overswill be allowed in either direction within
above limits. C. E. Magner, Agent.
Words are the overcoats of ideas.
A man is not hated until successful.
The cheerful giver is the happiest
man on earth.
Cochran & Co. have the largest
and completest stock of standard
farm machinery to be found in
Red Willow county. Look them
over and get prices.
A godly life is a living prayer that
will never end.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorra,
In the Days of Our Grandmothers,
Sulphur and molasses reigned su
preme in the springtime. Nowadays
we take Humphrey’s Specific No. 10
for dyspepsia, and ail stomach troubles,
keeping the blood pure, so that no
spring dosing is necessary. For sale
by druggists.
The first lesson in deceit is often
taken by going into debt.
Children Cry for Pitcher's* Castoria.
i Office : In rear of First National Bank.
That the diseases of domestic ani
)maLs, Horses, Cattle. Sheep, Dock,
11003, and Poultry, are cured by
Humphreys* Veterinary Speci
fics, is as truo as that people ride on railroads,
send messages by telegraph, or sew with sewing
machines. It Ls as Irrational to bottle, ball and
bleed animals in order to cure them. tu> it is to
take passage in a sloop from New York to Albany.
Used in. the best stables and recommended by
the U. S. Army Cavalry Officers.
63P-500 PAGE BOOK on treatment and careof
Domestic Animals, and stable chart
mounted on rollers, sent free,
curbs j Fevers. Congestions, Inflammation,.
A.A. 1 Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever.
B. B.—Strains, Lameness, Uboumatisoi
C. C.—Distemper, Nasal Discharges.
D. D.—Bots or Grubs, Worms.
E. E.—Coughs, Heaves, Pnenutoniu.
F. F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyache.
G. G.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhages.
H.H.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases.
I. I. —Eruptive Diseases, Mange.
J. K.—Diseases of Digestion.
Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual,
Vet. Cure Ofi and Medicator, $7.00
Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), • ,60
Sold by Drugging: or Sent Prepaid anywhero
and in any quantity on Beceipt of Price.
Comer William and John Sts., New Yoru.
in use w years, me only successful remedy lor
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration, from over work or other causes.
$1 per vial, or 5 vials and large vial powder, for $5.
8#M by Druggist*, *r wni postpaid on recoipt of prior
Corner William and John Sts.. New York.
. patronize .
^ *TfV» 'v
Graying in all its Branches.
tSf^Sand Hauling. Safe Moving
a Specialty.
ISF"ueave orders at coal yards, and at res
idence. No. 206 Madison street, between
Dennison and Dodge streets, McCook.
Real Estate, Collections,
Loans and Insurance.
McCook. Nc«n«s«a
Has just received a r.ew stock of CLOTHS
and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fitting
suit made at the very lowest prices for good
work, call on him. Shop first door west of
Barnett’s Lumber Office, on Dennison street.
ISP”office—Fiont rooms over Lowman &
Son's store. Residence- 402, McFarland st..
two blocks north of McEntee hotel. Prompt
attention to all calls.
—"W. Y. GAGE,—
Physician & Surgeon*
IS^Ornc* Hours:,2to6and
7 to 9, p. m Boom? over First National bank.
tSfNight calls answered at office.
Children Cry. for Pitcher’s Castoria.