The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 04, 1894, Image 7

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    DON’T BE
Don't be misled by the statements of merchants
.... claiming that they can....
I am selling first-class groceries right along as low
as those who claim they can save you money it you
will trade with them. Below we give a few items.
Pickels, per bottle, • $ .10
Onions, per bottle, • - .10
Chow Chow, per bottle, .10
Catsup, per bottle, - .20
Raisins, per pound, - .05
Best Tea in McCook, lb, .50
Syrup, per pail. - ■ .65
Jell, per pail, - - .65
Mince Meat, per package. .10
Clothes Pins, per dozen, .02
Peas, per can, - - - .10
Corn, per can, ... .10
Alaska Salmon, per can, .12i
Everything else in proportion.
Always the Lowest and Best
Values Can be Found at
Mrs. P. F. McKenna is entertaining
her mother.
Mrs. M. Carmony is back from her
vitit to Amboy.
Conductor Coy was up from Holdrege,
Monday, on business at division head
Engine 36 with a broken driver is
down from the high line for an over
Mrs. Forbes is much better, and, the
baby is improving, it is a great pleasure
to note.
It is pretty hard to keep house prop
erly without The McCook Tribune.
Don’t try.
Mulhall says that the life of a locomo
tive is usually fifteen years, and its earn
ings $300,000.
Joseph Dick has gone to Red Cloud to
take the position of switchman in the
company’s yard there.
Quite a change in ticket punches has
taken place on the high line in the last
week.—Curtis Courier.
Will Archibald is confined to the bed
with an attack of malarial fever, and
has been quite ill for a few days.
Mesdames L. C. Wolff and Joseph
McMenigal went down to Lincoln, yes
terday, to visit a few days with relatives
and friends.
Roadmaster Haley is laying heavier
steel between here and Bartley. They
are putting down 76 pound steel in place
of the old 60 pound.
Night Foreman Henry Culbertson has
had a severe tussle with the measles; but
is now better. Harry Kingsbury acted
in that capacity during his illness.
Dispatcher lownsend expects to have
his electric circuit for power in operation
within a few weeks. A number of peo
ple have already applied for power.
Mrs. Catherine Earner was called to
McCook, Sunday, on account of the ill
ness of the child of her daughter, Mrs.
Harry Conover.—Red Cloud Argus.
Mrs. George Conner of McCook is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Roy. She will visit in Kansas City be
fore her return—Falls City Journal.
Business is looking up. Freight trains
63 and 80 have both been run through a
number of times lately. Steel from
Pueblo for the company’s northern ex
tension is one of the items *>f increase
in the volume of business.
John Phillips, a fireman of the Phila
delphia & Reading railroad at Tama
rend received his pay April nth, about
$80, says the Philadelphia Record. As
he mounted the engine with the money
in his hand the whole amount, which
was in paper, was pulled irom his grasp
into the fire box by the draught and
The contract to build the Stratton
school house has been awarded to Mc
Adams & Rooney, Messrs- O’Niel &
Kilpatrick having thrown up their inter
est in the matter on account of some
thing in the contract that they would
not sign. Mr. Rooney has been up
there, this week, arranging for the burn
ing of brick for the structure,
frank Quigley took his wife and her
mother out for a buggy ride Sunday.
The horse became frightened and Mrs.
Cummings was thrown out and suffered
a badly sprained elbow. Frank and his
wife “stuck to the engine” and the horse
was stopped without further mishap.
The item clipped from the McCook
paper some time since to the effect that
Frank Quigley had resigned his place
on the road, said Quigley by a mistake
of the McCook compositor. It should
have read Riglev.—Red Cloud Belt.
The completion of the Burlington’s
northwestern line to a connection with
the Northern Pacific at Billings is ex
pected to result in a marked increase in
the smelting business of the Black Hills.
Ores needed for mixing with the pro
ducts of the hill mines can then be
brought in from the far west to good
advantage, and in a few years the largest
smelting center in the northwest can be
built up in the Deadwood district. The
Black Hills region has a great future
before it, and the depression of the pres
ent will soon give way to a period of
unprecedented activity.-Lincoln Journal.
The Burlington railroad has announced
two special homeseekers’ excursions
from all points on their system east of
the Missouri to all stations west of that
river. A round trip rate of one fare has
been made, with liberal stop-over privil
eges and a limit of twenty days. These
tickets may be purchased on May 8th
and 28th. They will afford a fine oppor
tunity for people in the east to pay a
visit to Nebraska. The time, it will be ,
observed, could not be better for giving
the visitors a favorable impression of
the state. Nebraskans may find it de
sirable to bring these excursions to the
attention of their friends and relatives
east of the Missouri. A round trip for
one fare, and the privilege of remaining in
the state twenty days, ought to encour
age many visits from eastern people.
Notice from the Postoffice Depart,
The following notice to postmasters has
been 'published by the order of the post
master general concerning the trans
mitting of letters and circulars by per
sons operating what is generally called
“green goods or sawdust swindle.” Cau
tion cards, suitable for display in post
office lobbies will be furnished to all
postmasters in the course of the next
few weeks, with instructions to display
them conspicuously in those portions of
the postoffice frequented by the public:
“Postoffice Department, Wash
ington, D. C., March 21, 1894.—The
attention of persons is called to the fact
that the laws prescribing penalties for
using the United States mails for the
conveyance or transmittal of letters and
circulars concerning swindling and fraud
ulent schemes is being violated by per
sons operating what is called “the green
goods or sawdust swindle.”
“These swindlers pretend to sell coun
feit money and call their goods “cigars,”
“green articles,” “green goods,” “busi
ness that is not legitimate,” etc. One
set of these swindlers, located in Jersey
City, N. J., mailed their circulars at that
point, while others were sent to be post
ed at New York, Chicago, Toledo, O.,
Detroit, Mich., and different cities. To
avoid detection, they request that replies
be sent by telegraph to fictitious ad
“A contemplated robbery, pure and
simple, and in every possible instance
plunder their object. Therefore, all per
sons who receive circulars in which are
contained offers to sell counterfeit mon
ey, green goods, cigars, etc., will know
that there is an attempt being made to
deceive and plunder them.”
“To further the ends of justice, persons
receiving such circulars through the
mails are requested to hand the same to
the postmaster, who is directed to trans
mit them forthwith to the chief post
office inspector at Washington, D. C.”
“By order of the Postmaster General.”
A Great Big Cut.
Owing to the hard times nearly every
commodity has been lessened in price.
The Nebraska State Journal, which has
forged to the front as the best paper in
the state, realizes that the public is en
titled to cheaper state papers, and there
fore reduces its prices from fio.oo to $7.50
per year, including the Sunday issue, or
$6.00 per year for six days in the week.
There will be no reduction in quality but
the increased circulation even at the
lower price will permit of larger expend
itures for telegraphic news, etc. The
Journal is for Nebraska first, last, and
all the time, and every effort is put forth
to build up state industries. Published
at the state capital it is of particular in
terest to Nebraskans. Its Washington
bureau is in charge of W. A. Annin, who
is thoroughly acquainted with Nebraska
interests at the national capital. Dur
ing the approaching campaign, and dur
ing the coming legislature, the Journal
will be pre-eminently the newspaper of
Nebraska. Try it awhile: 65 cents per
month for seven days in the week; 50
cents per month except Sunday. Address
Nebraska State Journal
Lincoln, Neb.
Assistant Supt. Harman was down
from Holyoke, yesterday, on business of
his branch.
The remains of the wreck near
Schramm were taken to Havelock, first
of the week.
Frank Millikin of Stratton, one of the
B. & M. steel gang here, got his foot
badly mashed by letting a rail fall on
it, yesterday. He was taken to McCook
for treatment.—Indianola Courier.
Abstracts of title will be furnished
promptly and accurate by
C. T. Beggs.
Fine Printing.
We make a specialty of fine job print
ing. Our samples of fashionable and ele
gant stationery for invitations, programs
etc., is not excelled in Nebraska.
The Tribune is the only paper in
Red Willow county that publishes all
the county printing. We do it by author
ity—and it’s correct.
In Hayes county, Nebraska, according
to the American Newspaper Directory
for 1894, now in press, the Hayes Centre
Republican has a larger regular issue
than any other paper. Advertising rates
made known on application.
The Harper War Book is the greatest
work of the kind ever published. The
State Journal has arranged to supply its
patrons at 10 cents per part. You can
get part one by cutting out this item and
sending with 10 cents to the State Journ
al, Lincoln, Neb.
Advertisement for Bids.
Sealed bids will be received by the
city clerk up to noon on the 9th day of
May, 1894, for the services of one man
and good heavy team for city work the
coming year. Bids to specify the size
of team proposed to be used. Such bids
to be securely sealed and endorsed “bids
for man and team for city.” The coun
cil reserve the right to reject anv or all
Dated April 26th, 1894.
49-2ts. E. J. Wilcox, City Clerk.
>0 ’ ot Reduce!
It is a practice, unfortunately too fre
quent, for dealers to make fictitious and
fanciful prices on goods as a basis for reduc
tion and a text for advertising. Positive
Evidence confronts us in which the net re
sult of vaunted and much advertised bar
gains is simply a scale of prices the same as
ourselves and other dealers charge regular.
The remedy for this humbug is with
the retail business.
Dry Goods, Millinery
Everything the best qualities at the lowest
possible living prices.
L. Lowman & Son.
All Grades
And Prices.
Bicycle Supplies.
Wheel on Payments.
dius. c). IbeacL
I _
I Wall Paper, per roll - 3c.
) Gilts, per roll. - - - 6c.
} Mixed Paint. - - 90c.
White Lead. - - - S5.50
Linseed Oil, - - - - .65
Other Goods at Reduced Price.
S^^Painting and Papering at Especially Low Prices. Leave your orders with
the painters and paper hangers. Don't give middle men a profit.
« McCook Paint and Wall Paper House.
I still have a few good young Bulls that
I will sell very cheap, if taken soon. All
in want of anything of this kind w ill do
well to call and examine my stock.
Shadeland Stock Farm.