The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 04, 1894, Image 5

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Sea sandn that lie
Lonely and bare beneath the wintry sky.
What mighty symphony, what vast emotion.
Sweeps o’er theo from the ocean?
Ne’er have I known,
Not when the blue eyed spring
By stillest mountain pools was wandering.
When palest lilies on the steeps were blown.
And the dim wood with madrigals resounded,
A rapture »o unbounded.
The rainolouds gather darkly in the west
Till all the world is rpbed in somber gray.
The swift gull wheels above her rocky nest;
The breakers moan alway.
But through the rising storm my heart re
Moved by the wild wind voices!
— Martha T. Tyler in Lippincott’s.
It is the la9t night of the year 1892, and
the town of W-in given over to mirth
and jollity. In the lower quarters the poor
are enjoying themselves in their own pecul
iar way, while the more fortunate denizens
of the local “higher world” are speeding
the old and welcoming the new year within
the conncil chamber of the town hall.
This ancient bnilding, usually the seat
of municipal government, has thrown aside
its sober, everyday appeurauce and now
masquerades as a gay and festive temple
of the light footed goddess.
The officers of the Eighty-fonrtb. depot
are giving their yeurly bail. The smug
faced colliery proprietor is there, the pros
perous cotton merchant is there, the only
representative possessed by the district of
the landed gentry class is there—in fact,
everybody of any importance wliatever in
the neighborhood has received an invita
tion, and it is his own fault if he is not
Among the gay throng within is one
couple floating along together, the beating
of their hearts appearing to heap time with
the pleasant strains of the “Eldorado
l ney arc scarcely conscious of anything
but tho bliss of the moment, fill the music
stops with a grand crash. The girl is
Hlight and fair; of about one and twenty
years of age, with soft, hazel eyes and
light brown hair. Her complexion is pale,
and her delicate features are sufficiently
regular to be called handsome. Her dress
is of pure white, her only ornament a small
gold chain and locket, but sho needs no
adventitious aid to enhance her charms.
Her partner is a tall, slight youth, about
two years her senior. His erect bearing
proclaims tho soldier and truly, for he is
Lieutenant Egremont of the Eighty-sev
enth dragoons.
They withdraw to a recess. It is five
years since they were last together. He
can hardly bring himself to identify this
beautiful woman by his side with the mer
ry little playmate of former days. Mutual
inquiries respecting the past few years are
made and answered. Truly language is
given to conceal thoughts, for the thoughts
of these two young people are far from be
ing expressed by the words they utter.
“You still wear that locket, Mabl It
gives me hope. ”
“Ithiuk I was foolish to wear it tonight,
Frank,” the girl replies, “for I feel sure
that time has not altered father’s determi
nation. When he discovered that letters
had passed between us, his anger was
dreadful, and he told me he had absolute
ly forbidden you to write to me. We must
wait and hope.”
“But it is dreary work, this waiting
and hoping, Mab.” And the young sol
dier would fain say more, but the sound
of the music warns them that the lancers
are forming, and they separate to seek
their respective partners.
The father in question presently emerges
from the cardroom and soon after departs
with his fair daughter before the two
young people can separate themselves from
the crowd in order to snatch a few min
utes’ further conversation.
***** * *
Mr. Stuart Brunton sat alone in his study
dy in the mansion on the hill. Rockleigh
Manor it had been called in the years gone
by, when the Norman and consequently
aristocratic Dynewelles lived within its
massive walls, and the present owner, the
colliery proprietor, did not deem it neces
sary to change its name when his gold
satisfied the creditors of the last of that
noble but impecunious race. It sounded
well, and he was a self made man of the
worst type. Besides being in the study
bounded by four walls, Mr. Brunton was
in a study of another kind, which knows
no material bounds and is generally styled
He had no sympathy with the poor. “No
man need remain poor unless he’s a fool,”
was his frequent remark. His great wish
was to marry his only daughter to aris
tocracy in the shape of the Hon. Cecil Dnn
ningt-on, eldest son of the titled brewer—
bine blooded—though the color had only
lately been changed. All had shaped well.
Mab, the young lady who was to ennoble
her house, had never been known to object
to her father’s commands, although she
had some dangerous ideas touching the
condition of the poor. Why, then, the “air
chagrin” of this prosperous and therefore
highly proper man? In a few words—he
wanted money bad tv. Why this was so we
cannot stop to explain. Suffice it to say
his troubles w'ere connected with South
American finance. Money he must have,
and that shortly.
He simply sat still for half an hour, at
the conclusion of which period he quietly
got up, walked to his escretoire and wrote
a letter to the directing genius of the Col
liery Proprietors’ association, whom he ad
dressed as “Dear Mr. Dangar.” The gist
of the letter was: “The time has now ar
rived when a reduction of the men’s wages
is imperative. The large amount of coal
on hand and the present low price—5s. lOd.
per ton at pit mouth—render it necessary.
1 should advise that the wages be lowered
25 per cent.”
He also wrote another letter to the same
individnal. whom he this time addressed
as “Dear Dangar,” atid which concluded
somewhat in this strain: “If yon fail to
work this reduction, you know I will not
scrapie to put the screw ou you in a way
yon can readily understand.”
A fortnight from this time a notice was
posted at the Boston Bridge pit and at ev
ery other pit in the district announcing
that in consequence of the great deprecia
tion in the value of coal a reduction of 25
per cent on the wages would be made, to
take effect from July S.
On Sunday afternoon, June 25. the Me
chanics’ hall, W——, was filled with dele
gates from every pit in the district. They
were met together to determine upon the
course of action they were to pursue with
regard to the reduction. The meeting was
sober and orderly—no trace of anarch
ism there. An old pitman, whose figure
was warped by the exacting nature of the
work by which he lived, controlled the as
sembly as president. He spoke but few
words in calling upon one who would tell
them much better ttoan he could the rights
and wrongs, of the case.
There were loud shouts of “Wrongs!"
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at this, and David Manson, the famous '
labor lender, sprang to his feet. What he
said was mainly this: They all knew why
they were assembled in that hall. They
were there to defend themselves from un
just treatment by their employers. They
were there to show that in future the
rights of labor must bo considered as well
as those of capital. They had no wish to
strike. They knew that strikes brought
misery in their train to the workers and
distress to the whole nation. But they
must live as honest, hardworking men de
served to live—as men, not brutes. Their
calling was hazardous and, it must be ad
mitted, ill paid. He would not persuade
them to strike. They must decide for
themselves at the ballot to be taken dur
ing the following week. The cheers which
greeted him as he sat down showed the
feeling of the meeting.
By June 80 all England knew that a
strike was Inevitable if the master stood
Mr. Brunton is again in his study and
alone. His plans huve succeeded beyond
expectation. The door opens, and his
daughter enters. Sho has come to plead
for the wives and children. With urgent
entreaty she begs her fa then to do what he
can to withdraw the reduction and vividly
describes the sufferings that will certainly
follow tbe exhaustion of the strike funds.
But it is of no avail. His purpose must
be served.
“Don’t bother, Mab,” is all the reply he
vouchsafes. “Women never can under
stand business. You should be thinking
about your trousseau and that sort of
thing. Young Dunnington would give his
ears to gaiu your love.”
“That he can uever have, father,” is the
firm rejoinder.
.are you suuimnKingoi rnar pennness
parson’s son, Egremont?” cries he angrily.
“Again I tell you, ho shall never rnarry
Mab dashes from the room at the men
tion of the namo she loves, and Mr. Brun
t-on is again alone, but his serenity is dis
turbed. His daughter seeks to forget her
own pain in trying to relieve that of a dis
abled collier, who had received severe in
jury in the mine a month previous.
Three months have the pits been closed,
and the violent are becoming desperate.
The depot at W- is now re-enforced by
troops from the south. By twos and threes
a number of men have gathered in a dis
used brickfield at Koston Bridge. The !
night is dark and wild, and so are the *
thoughts which of late have possessed their 1
minds. There is no fear of interruption
here as with terrible earnestness a leader
turns those thoughts into words. All is
agreed upon, and they disperse. But one
lingers behind unperceived. What is he
“Miss Mabel, bless ’er ’art! Hoo’ll noan
be brunt if Oi’ve owtdo wi’ it. Eaur Jem
’ud a deed ony fur ’er, when hegeet varry
near kilt i’ th’ axldent i’ th’ moine. Her
owd feyther desarves t’ be brunt deeuth.
But that ’ud pain th’ lass, so here’s off fur
t’ sojers. They’ll quoiteu ’um wi’ thur
***** * *
Again it is night—dark and stormy.
What figures are those crouching under
the wall which surrrounds the manor
park? What brings them abroad on such
a night? They are bent upon wrecking
Rockleigh Manor by that most horrible of
all agents of destruction—fire! The last
whispered instructions are given, the wall j
is scaled, and they advance on their terri
ble errand. Steadily, silently, stealthily j
they move on. On the south side of the ]
mansion is a large old fashioned conserva
tory, whose framework is of wood. They
force an entrance, and soon a light is ap- j
plied to the staging, and the flames spread. |
Alarmed by the glare, Mr. Brunton ap
pears at a window and steps out upon the
lawn. The incendiaries rush on him they
bate. But now the dull thud of advancing
horsemen is heard, and a half troop of dra
goons is seen in the open. Their arms
glitter in the lurid glare. The order is giv
en to dismount, and leaving their horses
in charge of the men told off for that pur- ■
pose they advance at the double, Lieuten
ant Egremont at their head. The rioters
will not be balked of their prey and scorn :
to run. Mr. Brunton is already hurt by |
a stone hurled at him by one of the rioters.
Surely that club swung by a powerful
arm ‘must fell him. With a desperate
bound Egremont seizes the would be mur
derer from behind, and they fall together.
In a few minutes all is over. The rioters
have fled, leaving some of their mates in
the hands of the soldiers.
Mab, who has reached the window left
open by her father just as her lover falls,
! springs to his side. In the fall his head
has struck against the sharp edge of the
pedestal of a statue, and he lies apparently
“Oh, Frank,” cries she, “speak to met
My love, my love, you are mine! You
must not leave me!”
Her father, stupefied by the attack,
seems incapable of further astonishment
and stands silently by. In the meanwhile
the fire has completely consumed the con
servatory, but the progress of the flames
has been so rapid that they have spent
; themselves too soon for the conflagration '
to reach the house, which practically re
mains untouched.
* * * * * * *
Some six weeks later the Manchester
Dispatch announced the cessation of the
strike and also contained the following
“A marriage has been arranged and will
shortly take place between Frank Egre
mont, Esq., of the Eighty-seventh dra
goons, and Mabel, only daughter of Stuart
Brunton, Esq., of Rockleigh Manor.”—
London Tit-Bits.
War and Education.
There is no better proof of the essential
barbarism of even the most civilized na
tions of the world than is afforded by a
comparison of the money they expend for
the maintenance of physical supremacy as
against the expenditure for mental im
provement. Though it be assumed that
brain is better than brawn, there is no ev
idence that statesmen so regard it. In
some tables recently compiled the amount
per capita expended by various govern
ments for military and educational pur
! poses is set down as follows:
Military. Education.
France.$4 00 $070
England. 3 72 62
Holland. 3 58 64
Sasony. 2 38 38
Wurtemberg.. 2 38 38
Bavaria.. 238 40
Prussia. 2 04 30
Russia. 2 04 3
Denmark. 1 76 94
Italy. 152 36;
Belgium. 1 38 46 j
Austria. 136 32;
Switzerland. 82 84 1
United States. 30 1 35
—Philadelphia Record.
A Dubious Recommendation.
A dealer, recommending a new spring
bed, assures his customer that if he once
sleeps on it he will never sleep on anything
else.—Newport Daily News.
Western Irrigation.
Amid the lost splendors of oriental na
tions of which scarcely more than the
name now remains to us was the science
of irrigation, and it was brought to a
perfection never since equaled. Here
and there are traces of vast ditches show
ing knowledge of mechanical engineer
ing that is unsurpassed in our age. It is
altogether probable that the nineteenth
century will open on irrigating enter
prises quite equaling those of ancient
Asia and inducing a fertility never ex
celled in the land of olives, spices and
California has already tracts of land
that demonstrate what can be done with
irrigation in what seemed a desert,
Other states are following rapidly in the
same line. In the middle portion of south
ern California is one farm that originally
comprised 400,000 acres. It was owned
partly by J. B. Haggin, although it was
too big for any one man to possess all
himself, The idea of the owners of this
vast body of land has been to divide it
up into, small fruit farms of from 20 to
40 acre3 each. The success in growing
temperate zone fruits warrants the state
ment that 20 acres will support a family
comfortably. Here will be one way of
preventing the overcrowding of cities.
The method of irrigating the 400,000
acre tract is the most interesting matter
connected with it at present. Prom
Mount Whitney, the highest peak of the
Sierra Nevada, flows the Kern river,
through Kern county. It is formed from
the melting of the snows on the moun
tain. This river has been tapped by
Canals—14 on one side, 13 on the other.
These are the main canals. From them
flow lateral canals to every farm, 1,100
miles of them. Leading from the largo
laterals are still smaller ones, lying along
the line of the farmer's fields. The wa
ter is introduced into the fields by fur
rows that lie at close intervals. For
ordinary field crops three irrigations a
season are necessary. One man can man
age one irrigation ditch, and eight men
and eight ditches can irrigate 1,000 acres
a day. For all the water yon need, the
cost is $1.50 to the acre a year.
i nis is tne real way or praying lor rain,
and it will probably be brought into
requisition more and more in the east as
well as west. The Almighty gave man
hands and brains to get all the water he
needs for himself.
In Government Service.
General O. O. Howard, the Christian
soldier, declares in a recent newspaper
letter that if he were young again he
would not go into government service.
He says, “I would seek the more fearless
freedom o£ civil pursuits rather than the
monotonous, stifling restraints of any
government service.”
General Howard has spoken out here
what every thoughtful person knows is
true. In a table accompanying his let
ter we find that there are altogether 217,
136 men in government service in all its
branches—civil, military and naval and
including congressmen, the United States
court judges and the president and his
cabinet. But the majority of this great
army are humble clerks who get no more
than §100 a month at the outside, few of
them so much. And of the number
151,995 are young men between the ages
of 21 and 35.
Of two young men equally well edu
cated and capable one seeks a govern
ment appointment, because it is a “sure
thing,” as General Howard expresses it.
He gets perhaps $75*a month to start.
The other goes into a business house
at §7 a week. In 15 years both men
have families. The government Clerk
follows his round like a harness horse
for a compensation of, say, $100 a month.
It is the most he will ever get. The
other has either a salary of $5,000 or is
a partner in a commercial or manufac
turing house and is a well to do man
still full of hope and ambition.
Professor Dolbear has been experi
menting as to the physiological effects of
magnetism. It appears that what is
commonly called a magnetic field—that
is, space through which magnetic sub
stances pass—does not affect the nerv
ous system in any way. On the other
hand, however, when a portion of the
human body is placed within the al
ternating magnetic field—that is, a field
in which the polarity is reversed many
times a second by alternating magnetic
currents—then complete insensibility of
the part of the body subjected to this ac
tion is produced, and surgical operations
may be performed on that spot without
any feeling on the part of the patient.
This is a great discovery. Patients need
now no longer upset their digestion by
chloroform and ether if Professor Dol
bear s conclusion is applied to active sur
gery. _
The New York Sun tells Utah how she
can get into the Union without further
delay. It is to annex herself to the state
of Nevada and give up her name and ter
ritorial rights. The Sun thinks Utah
has made the United States so much
trouble that she ought to be willing to do
this by way of compensation.
The following sentence from Buckle
contains a supreme truth: “There is no
instance on record of any class possess
ing power without abusing it.” Itis the
distribution of power among all classes
that holds things level.
One man to every eight of the popula
tion is available for military service in
the United States. In case of need we
could summon an army of 8,250,000 to
die field. That is more than any nation
O Europe could do.
An Indians Farmer Sets the Mark High and
Potzlei the PhyalelauB.
Since the case of George Woodruff,
the Rossville (Ind.) farmer, has been
made public through newspaper ac
counts of his strange affliction numer
ous inquiries are being received from
medical men in alt parts of thoconntry.
Mr. Woodruff is a substantial farmer,
well known in bis and adjoining conn
Some two months ago npon retiring
as usual at night he found himself un
able to sleep. Woo it as he would, sleep
wonld not come. The next nigat he
was also unable to sleep, bnt felt no
worse for his wakefulness. For two
months he has gone with less than an
hoar’s sleep. On the third night a phy
sician was called, but even under the
influence of opiates Woodruff refused to
close hm eyes. The only thing which
conquered his ailment was a quart of
whisky, taken in rapid doses, and that
only produced a half hour’s sleep. Then
his attending physician gave up the job,
confessing his inability to fathom the
mysterious ailment. He had heard of
people sleeping indefinitely, but here
was a case of a man who couldn’t sleep
at all, and who was apparently none
the worse off because of it. Several
other medical men took a hand at Wood
ruff, but each was in turn baffled.
Woodruff complains only of a slight
distress in his stomach, but hie appetite
is unimpaired, and he attends to his
duties as he did previous to breaking
the record as a man who defied ordi
nary rules of nature and to whom it
was all the same whether it was night
or day. About three years ago he had
a similar attack, but it lasted only a
Reports of his strange disease became
current several days ago, but thoy were
discredited. To satisfy all doubters
Woodruff has made a statement of the
truth of the reports. His physician and
family declare that ho has slept less
than an hour in two months, and that
all his faculties are unimpaired. His
physician will make extensive com
ments on the case for several medical
journals.—St. Loui3 Republic
Kiralfy’s Projected London Amusement
Park Will Cost a Million.
Imre Kiralfy is at the head of a com
pany of English capitalists which pro
poses to take a long lease of Earl’s
court, in the west end of London, and
baild one of the greatest amusement
parks in the world. The plan for the
enterprise is outlined by Charles B. At
wood, the Chicago architect who de
signed the Art building and other struc
tures of the fair. He has just returned
from London, where he has been as
sisting Mr. Kiralfy. It is proposed to
produce a replica of the Court of Honor
as it appeared at the World’s fair. The
reproduction is to he exact and on a
scale of one-third. The lagoon, the Mac
Monnies and electrical fountains, the
peristyle and the facades of all the
bnildings bounding the conrt will ap
Arrangments will be made to re
produce all the grand electric light ef
fects on fete nights. Other features of
the amusement park will be a Perris
wheel, 50 feet larger in diameter than
the one at Jackson park; a theater ca
pable of seating 10,000 people, in which
will be produced “America,” and a
large hippodrome, such as are conduct
ed in Paris. Over $1,000,000 will be
expended is the work of construction.
—Chicago Journal.
Grievance oi rue jrans waiters nmcn is
Considered Just Grounds For a Strike.
There is much dissatisfaction among
Parisian waiters, and a general strike
among them has been spoken of. It is
estimated by their trade society that
there are 40,000 of them out of work,
and the men contend that the masters
take advantage of this to cut down
their earnings. Practically, fixed wages
are unknown. The men pay so much to
the masters in proportion to the busi
ness they do. Thus in great cafes on
the boulevards they have to pay at the
cash desk the full selling price of what
ever they serve pins 5 per cent. In some
cases, it is said, the rate has been in
creased of late to 6% and even 7>£ per
cent Of course this percentage repre
sents a portion of their gratuities, which
they have to give up.
In Paris the general rule is for cus
tomers to give ‘tips” at the rate of a
halfpenny for every 10 pence expended.
This is at the rate of 5 per cent, which
would show a loss to the waiter of 2
per cent on the larger percentage. In
practice, however, the tips are higher,
as no one gives less than a penny, how
ever small the purchase, and some cus
tomers, of course, give more than the
recognized minimum.—London News.
Horrible Abase of Children.
A horrible disclosure has been made
in Biskipitz, Austria, by the arrest of a
gang of men who for some time have
been engaged in crippling children for
the begging trade. Several unfortunate
children were fonnd in the bonse with
their legs and arms broken and bonnd
in positions of deformity. One little
girl had both eyes gouged out. Instru
ments which had been used in produc
ing physical deformities were discov
ered in the cellar. After the children,
who had been stolen, were sufficiently
deformed they were sold to other persons
for begging purposes.—Vienna Letter.
An Aged American In Italy.
David Dudley Field, who is enjoying
his four in Italy with all the enthusi
asm of a young tiaveler, celebrated his
eighty-ninth birthday in Rome. He was
entertained at luncheon by Mr. Terry,
the veteran American artist. .’' ■. Pot
ter, the American minister, and his
wife and several others of his country
men congratulated the hale, hearty old
man. Mr. Field is now in Florence and
will remain six weeks more in Italy.—
Rome Letter.
Begin* ing Over Again.
From time to time in history a num
ber of people break out and try to in
augurate a new social order where all
shall be equal in respect to having plenty
to eat and wear, and where thero shall
bo no criminals nor paupers. Many colo
nies have been formed on this basis, all
more or less co-operative or socialistic.
All have failed thus far. but still the
dream of better things for the human
race persists. Best of all, it will be real
ized one of these days. Never a great
change for the better was made in a day.
Ideas that keep pegging away fix them
selves in the social order at last.
Two more schemes of the perfectionist
dreamers have lately been started. One
of them is in Paraguay and was inau
gurated by William Lane of Australia.
He got from the Paraguay government
a grant of 500,000 acres on condition
that he would settle 4,000 people on
it within four years. There will be
no lack of settlers to join Lane, and the
colony is already started. He chose
the wilderness because ho wished to sep
arate his colonists entirely from old sys
tems and ideas. The settlement will be
on the community plan. Colonists give
np all their private means to the general
fund, which is controlled by directors.
The community superintends all the
production and distribution. Surplus
gains are to be divided among the adult
colonists without regard to sex. The
equal rights of the sexes are fnlly recog
nized. No person is allowed to join the
colony who cannot bring at least §500 tc
the common fund.
In the heart of Africa another scheme
is brewing. Its founder is the famous
Dr. Theodor Hertzka, the Edward Bel
lamy of Berlin, who wrote a book called
“Freeland,” in which he sets forth his
notions of the ideal state of society. His
new state will be along the Tana river,
in east Africa. It is chartered, rather
oddly, under the auspices of the British
government, and the language used for
commercial purposes will be English. In
Hertzka’s scheme all the people of his
colony will be workers; all will be well
to do. Personal property can be acquired
and bequeathed to children, but real es
tate belongs always to the state.
If either Lane or Hertzka can help the
condition of the race, then Heaven speed
A French Lesson.
Why is it that financial panics are
scarcely ever heard of in France? The
copper syndicate failure and the Pan
ama canal swindle, both of which with
in the last five years robbed the poor of
France of millions of their savings,
would have convulsed, almost wrecked,
any other country. In France they
cause a commotion in financial centers,
a burst of rage and disappointment from
those whose savings have been swal
lowed up. Then in two months’ time ev
erything settles down again. Seasons of
long continued monetary stringency,
such as we are now undergoing in Amer
ica, are practically unknown in France.
The careful, industrious people go to
work earning and saving again when a
financial bubble bursts and wrecks their
hopes. In an almost incredibly short
time they have some more money saved,
some more investments made.
The French are the ablest economists
in the world, from the humblest peasant
woman to the minister of finance. It is
born and bred in the bone with the
whole nation that they are to put by
money. The French private citizen does
not run into debt as the American does.
Consequently as a nation France does
not have panics. When the individual
American learns to live within his means,
saving in any event a portion of his in
come and investing only the money he
has actually in his possession, then the
United States, too, will be spared finan
cial panics. If the present one shall
teach us as a people this lesson, it will
be worth all it has cost. The only way
to become permanently prosperous is to
come square down to hard pan and a
cash basis.
A law permitting divorce was passed ■
in France in 1884, chiefly through the
efforts of Senator Naquet, who himself
wanted a divorce in order that he might
marry again. Before this law was enact
ed there was only legal separation in
France. Under the divorce law the pe
titions for mere separation have fallen
off considerably, discontented married
couples evidently preferring divorce out
and out. In 1890 the proportion of di
vorces to marriages was 24 to 1,000.
Cruelty and desertion were the causes as
signed for divorce in a majority of cases,
the greater number of petitioners being
wives. The largest number of petitions
was lodged by the class of ordinary
working people.
Elihn Thompson, the mechanician, dis
courages the hope that we shall soon have
ships speeding over the ocean propelled by
electricity. He says it would necessitate
the carrying of such enormous storage
batteries that their weight would sink a
ship. But Mr. Thompson does not make
sufficient allowance for the power of in
ventive genius in the latter half of the
nineteenth century. It has wrestled
with and overcome difficulties apparent
ly greater than that. Mr. Thompson
does well to add to his negative predic
tion this: “It should, however, be borne
in mind that a new discovery might at
any time change the aspect of every
prophecy based on present knowledge
and conditions.”
When a license to sell liquor costa
$1,000 a year, the illicit trade in whisky
is vastly increased. That is a discovery
that has been made in Philadelphia.
A French Millionaire Who Rcgtcd In tho
fit roe is und I>led In Filth.
A miser «>f tho story book typo died
about two weeks ago in Auxerre.France.
Although he never hud wife or children,
be was known to all persons in tho city
as Papa Fleutelot. He had been a pub
lic figure for a genera t<in and could lie
seen daily in storm or sunshine totter
ing in his rags through tho streets to
gather odd bits of coal and wood and
cigar stumps. Papa Fleutelot died in
his eighty-fifth year and was buried in
the potter’s field. The French police,
who suspect everything, still suspectod
the old man’s pretenses of poverty, de
spite the recent shifting of public opin
ion, and they searched the hut in which
ho had lived and died. Filth was ankle
deep np Rtairs and knee deep in tho cel
lar. The first search was rewarded only
with the discovery of 400 bottles of
Bordeaux, vintage of 1790. The second
search, however, revealed a hole in the
cellar wall, bohind a pile of indescriba
ble dirt. From this hole the police
dragged a chest, and in the chest they
found the trer.sure. From top to bot
tom it was stuffed full with mortgages,
government bonds, shares instock com
panies and title deeds. All showed the
keenness of Papa Fleutelot in investing
his savings, for without exception the
securities were of tho highest class.
Their face value was 1,000,000 francs,
bo- as many of the bonds and stocks are
ah-.vo par they can be sold for a much
larger sum.
For more than 11 years tho old man
had neglected to clip his coupons. He
had let them accumulate until they rep
resented a market value of 140,000
Among tho many pieces ot real estate
whoso ownership was revealed by the
contents of the chest is a largo tract of
land near Villeneuve-sur-Yonne. On
this land there are 400 acres of fine for
est and several buildings of tho ancient
indestructible make. It had been more
than 40 years since anybody at Ville
nouve knew who owned the estate.
When Papa Fleutelot died in his hovel,
but 20 centimes, or less than 5 cents,
was his total cash capital. As was ex
pected, the usual number of heirs have
appeared since the old man’s body was
buried in tho potter’s field. They affect
to believe that still more treasure is
concealed in his hut, and they are tak
ing it down piece by piece in the hope
of enriching themselves.—Paris Ex
A Detective Followed a M^n Seven Thou
sand Miles For Stealing 85.
Seven thousand miles for a prisoner
was the rotord made by Postoffice In
spector G. li. Waterbury, and his story
told in United States Marshal Haskell’s
office rivaled in interest the tales of
some of the great French detectives.
The national government never forgives
a crime, no matter what tho circnm
stances, and cold blooded justice is al
ways demanded. In Haskell’s private
office was seated W. Y. Dressier, a
young man belonging toono of the best
and wealthiest families in Hanoverton,
O. Last summer Dressier was traveling
with T. li. Howard of Kansas City and
George Hartson m New Mexico, and
Howard confided to his friend that his
mother was to send him a money order
for $5. They wero in Albuquerque at
the time, and Dressier got tho letter,
opened it, forged Howard’s name and
stole the money.
The postoffice authorities were noti
fied, and on Oct. 13 Dressier fled from
Albuquerque with Waterbury, one of
the shrewdest detectives in the secret
service, on his trail.
“I chased him to Los Angeles,” said
Waterbury, “and there I lost him, but
I got trace of him in Santiago, where he
led a merry life. 1 reached San Fran
cisco nearly as soon as he did, but he
was away like a deer, and I entered
Yuma just as he was leaving. From
there I followed him to Tucson, but he
dodged me, and I next found his tracks
in El Paso, Tex. From there he jumped
to Texarkana and then disappeared to
ward Ohio. I communicated with Mar
shal Haskell. Ho detailed a man, and
together we journeyed to Dressler’s
home, arresting the young man in hia
father’s house.” Dressier will be taken
to Denver for trial.—Cleveland Leader.
Cariosity of faster Day This Year.
Easter day falls on Lady day this
year for the first time in the history of
the United States. The last time these
two days fell together was in 1742, and
they will not clash again until 1951.
Lady day has somewhat lost its signifi
cance and importance of late years, and
it has never been such a special day in
this country as in some others where the
leasing and renting system is more gen
It is still, however, the first quarter
day of the year, and although for con
venience rents and premiums are gen
erally made payable on March 31 the
law in some states still recognizes March
25 as quarter day. Easter has to fall
exceptionally early to come into contact
with Lady day, and the coincidence
will cause inconvenience in countries
where a legal holiday and a legal pay
day will be simultaneous.—St. Louis
Againtst the House of Lords.
The parliamentary committee of the
trade unions congress, which is the cab
inet of the British Liberal party, has
been holding several secret sittings in
London, making preliminary arrange
ments for the great demonstration in
Hyde park against the house of lords.
The announcement of the subject will
be publicly made as soon as the peers
have finally finished with the employ
ers’ liability bill, and the killing of
that labor measure will be made the pre
text for the promised display, the di
mensions of which will probably exceed
anything cf the kind in recent years.
The London trades council is prepared
to march 250,500 men into the park,
and there will be imposing delegations
from the provinces.—London Cable.